Whitelist (21)

11 Name: Anonymous : 2022-07-24 17:58 ID: TaVPiunn [Del]

It really isn't friend. Most people aren't that smart/good at problem solving in reality, but they don't really need to be. If you put in time and effort into understanding something, you will get better at it. Genetic intelligence and IQ exist, but they are trainable, and a lot of things that seem complex don't actually require a lot of dynamic thinking or problem solving, its more pattern recognition, which humans are great at! I bet you are also underselling yourself. Once you live the dull cycle of waging or just getting up browse sleep, on repeat, its very easy to forget what you are capable of because you don't push yourself to do things or try. For me, at least, its almost like a downward spiral. The worse you feel the harder it is to get better. But it works the other way around too. Programming may or may not be for you, but I bet there is something out there you can dedicate some time too instead of ingesting more meaningless media every now and then.

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