I saw a critical error and../ (2)

1 Name: Denny Anderson : 2022-10-06 23:10 ID: MT7KHmPB [Del]


There are seo errors on your website, I suggest you scan it with screaming frog.

Thank you for your website.

It brought me luck.

While trying to find your Youtube page, I accidentally discovered a wonderful event.

Thanks to this, I made a good profit,

It's been a snowy day thanks to the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8JtxVGvyOY

I definitely recommend you to try it.

I wish you lots of luck.

2 Name: Friend : 2022-10-07 08:50 ID: VtTm1FYx [Del]

Dennis, my country does not allow me to visit YouTube, it is blocked. I do not care about SEO or revenue. Please explain the critical errors here in this thread.

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