india (12)

1 Name: Friend : 2023-04-16 20:26 ID: u9MtBu5c [Del]


2 Name: Friend : 2023-04-16 20:39 ID: o8WCwuuW [Del]

Best country.

3 Name: Friend : 2023-04-16 20:42 ID: o8WCwuuW [Del]

🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳🇮🇳 🇮🇳🇮🇳 🇮🇳🇮🇳

4 Name: Friend : 2023-04-24 04:57 ID: 4ojh7F8c [Del]

It is a country.

5 Name: Friend : 2023-04-24 05:17 ID: Whitelisted [Del]


6 Name: Friend : 2023-04-24 11:31 ID: moYDd/E5 [Del]

Is it fun living in India?

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: Friend : 2023-04-27 19:45 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

No one replied, I don't think any posters on /whitelist/ are from India.

9 Name: Friend : 2023-04-29 06:52 ID: XbRgjd4h [Del]

Where are friends from?

10 Name: Friend : 2023-04-29 16:56 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

my friends are from the internet

11 Name: Friend : 2023-05-01 08:14 ID: Ie/U4QW5 [Del]

The India internet?

12 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 10:34 ID: NNveDTKk [Del]

I have never been to India.

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