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New thread.
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Got more tea.
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Having tea.
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I woke up. Having a cup of tea.
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Having tea alongside toast and fries.
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Got tea.

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good morning
its foot oclock
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god i wish that was me
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my fellow elfeet lovers, i have been enlightened
i just finished watching frieren and i must say: her feet are fucking nothing compared to serie's
frieren's feet caught my fascination the first time i saw her swinging them around in her bed, but it was due to my ignorance of the existence of superior elfeet
the moment i saw serie sitting on her throne i knew i wanted- no, i NEEDED those soles on my face
i can only imagine how the interview would go if i was one of the mage test finalists
i wouldnt be petrified by her massive mana pool bc id be too mesmerized by her feet on the water pool to notice
so id immediately start to mindlessly walk towards her, stopping just close enough to pretend to admire the flowers
she would then smugly smirk at me and ask me what i thought when i saw her and id suddenly realize id have to make up some bullshit answer to that question, which is when id finally notice the overwhelming amount of mana she has, and that is what i would say was the first thing i noticed
her face would get even more smug and she'd call me out: 'we both know thats not the truth', while she pulls her feet out of the water into clear view
she already knows what the real answer is, but she would still make me say it
and as a reward for my honesty shed let kneel to the floor to worship her mythical soles while going on and on about my short comings as a mage and as a man
hell, id worship her whole legs
i mean, have you seen those ultra erotic calves she has? hot
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Replies: >>6019
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I think you might be a freak. Serie does have pretty cute feet for an elf hag though, wish more artists drew them right.
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>I think you might be a freak.
im not a freak, those feet are freak
freaking delicious
>Serie does have pretty cute feet for an elf hag
>for an elf hag
<implying the young ones are better
you fool
young elves have nothing to offer, its the ancient ones that got it going on

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newfrens just dropped on junku, time for another jeffthread
why wait until tomorrow if i can do it today?
im having an episode of insomnia anyway
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Spoiler File
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>cant make my own clothes 
They added crafting to phathos and god is it broken 
>can build a base
Whats so bad about building bases? I constantly stockpile my shit and live off moloch prayers and canned dragons 
>cant put a rock in a sock
Socks suck 
>cdda got good after only like 4
Look how good it got after 4 years of active development 
>but actually putting both my feet over my thighs? i can barely manage one
I heard you were flexible, something is wrong there.  
>im p sure sucking yourself off is both easier and more pleasurable
I think my spine would snap if i did something like that 
Is it really pleasurable though? I heard cocks taste bad, i honestly don't want to find out 
>im sure im just one bad trip away from carving my own heart out
I think the most insane part isn't chopping off your body parts, that's pretty loony but not as fucked up as filming all that on a camera. 
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>Whats so bad about building bases?
obviously i meant cant
>Look how good it got after 4 years of active development
wait, i thought it had already peaked and now theyre just destroying it
>I heard you were flexible
only my arms tbh
i can do that over the shoulder self handshake in the back
>I think my spine would snap if i did something like that
if youre as skinny as you claim it probably wont
>Is it really pleasurable though?
is all honesty i fucking doubt it
any pleasure will be more than negated by the back pain
>I heard cocks taste bad, i honestly don't want to find out
wtf i thought you had 1st gay experience
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>obviously i meant cant
You can build walls and doors and pathos even added beds 
And every second bullshit strat requires you to altar camp and i usually arrange some living quarters when doing so 
>i thought it had already peaked and now theyre just destroying it
It did 
You should try 0.D if you haven't 
>only my arms tbh
Couldn't you touch your toes with your hands without bending your knees? I am sure you aren't stretching your arms when doing that 
>if youre as skinny as you claim it probably wont
Hey, i gained some weight, now i am bmi 18.003 so i am not skinny anymore 
tbh i don't know how being skinny helps with bending yourself into a pretzel 
>i thought you had 1st gay experience
That one time my cock was getting sucked 
Wasn't worth it 
>even more reason to be unable to fall down even more
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Damn wrong pic on my previous post 
I meant to post that:
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>why are they sexualizing neko arc

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Post maids and maids with large breasts.
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Where can maids be found?
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Replies: >>5793
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what a lewd maid
where is her dress?
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bug maid
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A post spotted on /g/. Not looking forward to interacting with GPT-3 for now and forever on random imageboards and textboards. I'd understand the desire to have an instant community as a site admin but conversing with a chatbot living on localhost is way too bleak. Don't do it lonely admin!
371 replies and 190 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>5982 + 3 earlier
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>if you enable JS
Replies: >>5905
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You need to enable JS right now.
Replies: >>5985
>>457 (OP) 
dont worry dude threech.top just won and saved imageboards once and for all
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i really like this pic
i want her to boop my nose
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Based AI spambot giving out useful advice

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This is the meta thread. Post your suggestions and complaints here.

IPs are now pruned from posts on /origin/ after 7 days.
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Some Tor users may have been affected by an IP range being improperly blocked. Our maids have rectified the issue. Please pardon the interruption. Tor users are still encouraged to use the onion address when they can.
Replies: >>5909
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thank you for tor-inclusive
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HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode and HiddenServiceSingleHopMode have been enabled. Tor posters should experience a substantially faster browsing and posting experience without their anonymity being affected. These settings are documented here:
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thank you for the diligent work admommy
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another ib engine falls victim to my dithered images
<original image sizes: 16KB and 22KB
<thumbnail sizes: 48KB and 64KB

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This board is too sterile, post some fat anime tits. >>1156 demanded a new thread so I had to oblige. Don't post flat chest, no one likes that.
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sometimes I wonder if there's a such thing as too much
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thinking about muff
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thinking about muffy
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Wow! Blue Archive!
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Tomoko on the front page!!
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that's all I have
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hope I get a good one

Your fortune: ポポポ~
Replies: >>5908

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You will die in your lifetime.
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feeling a bit isolated today
Replies: >>5885
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feeling lazy today
when i feel like that i go online to pick a random stranger so i get a little bit of attention for a while
its not quality attention, but its better than nothing
Replies: >>5896
>pick a rando
pick a fight with a rando
Replies: >>5896
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Today was alright, I should go for a night drive.
I enjoy getting along with people more, though.
>I enjoy getting along with people more, though.
same tbh
but it needs the other person to actually care
hard prospect in current year
fighting is a lot simpler
you just need to get someone angry enough and they will stick around for a while

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