I like reading about your activities (13)

10 Name: Friend : 2022-07-28 23:38 ID: D9WzE02A [Del]

Honestly I’d love to have a dog if I had time and the next couple years to train it if I wasn’t expecting my first here soon. I grew up with them but being around them recently has led me to absolutely despise them. Eating off the table constantly, eating wallets, constant barking, they fuckin smell. There’s nothing worse than an untrained dog with a shitty owner, and nothing better than a well trained well behaved dog. A family friend of hours has a ski SAR dog and it’s one of the coolest little dogs I’ve ever seen. Maybe when I’m older I’ll try, I’ll eventually need a buddy to hike with lol.

Where the hell would I get a pigeon? My fiancée has talked about getting one before but where do I find one besides downtown lol. Are there pigeon breeders?

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