I like reading about your activities (13)

5 Name: Anonymous : 2022-07-28 17:16 ID: JtX2x2jq [Del]


>feeding my local pigeons

Pigeons are great! You should consider getting a pet pigeon/dove (same thing) if you ever wanted a pet. If you get them from birth, they are very friendly, easy to take care of, and mostly behaved. They are like the "cat" of the bird family. They make beautiful calls and are very soft too. Ideally you would get two, so they don't get too lonely, but they only care for one or two friends. They don't require a lot of active attention or maintenance to be happy.

>sharing personal sites and projects

One of my big goals getting into coding (besides working from home because im a hermit) was to make cool content and share it with others. Pony related stuff mostly though. I was also thinking of setting up a chatroom, like that mortis chat thing but expanded. I was born in '01 so I was never into IRC's or anything, it would be nice to make something like discord but personally hosted and invite only.
and im seconding this. I wanna make and host my own website to show employers im capable of it, and im bettering my understanding of css and html, can get some usable webpages for myself but would have no idea how to host it.

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