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11 Name: Anonymous : 2022-07-29 00:18 ID: JtX2x2jq [Del]

A pet store might have one near by, if you have any. You can order birds online, I don't know if a hatchling is too delicate to survive shipping though. You need to get them young if you want them to like you, mistreatment on a bird sticks with them forever, and they never forgive, unlike some other animals that will love a new owner. There are dove breeders, though you probably aren't near one. You can google "pigeons for sale/doves for sale" online and there are a few big sites, never ordered from them. You can check classifieds for any local, which would probably be better. I wouldn't wanna buy from a breeder that mistreats their birds, otherwise your bird is gonna be an asshole.

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