čudan textboard (28)

1 Name: Friend : 2023-04-24 13:42 ID: J8KbZMEI [Del]

New comfy textboard for hackers and weirdos: https://textboard.lol

2 Name: Friend : 2023-04-24 14:27 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

Hacking is morally wrong.

3 Name: Friend : 2023-04-25 19:21 ID: 08Jm1f+m [Del]

cudan seems like neat software, neat about page too.

4 Name: Friend : 2023-04-27 11:43 ID: W/HKFo+f [Del]

The userbase seems to have some irrational hostility toward Otaku culture. Into the trash that website goes.

5 Name: Friend : 2023-04-27 12:24 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

Hopefully they can patch their irrational userbase soon.

6 Name: Friend : 2023-04-27 19:41 ID: 08Jm1f+m [Del]

I dunno, this seems like an interesting thread at least. Small quibble, but I don't really like their URL structure, PHP just makes me twitch.

7 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 10:07 ID: rMeO9XGl [Del]



How is this worse than



8 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 10:16 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

PHP is bad and hexadecimal is bad.

9 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 10:31 ID: vWU3ruk5 [Del]


>fonts could be larger and layout could be fancier

It's over...

10 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 10:41 ID: LN06F/Tm [Del]

What is good? Perl? JavaScript? Go? Plain C for web backend?

11 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 10:51 ID: 4Om0tAJB [Del]

Ignore trolls, PHP is a fine language. There's even a link to Kusaba X in the footer here, which was made with PHP.
Spending too much time on 4chan's /g/ melts your brain and makes you argue about languages lol

12 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 11:28 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

I hope I don't get hacked...

13 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 15:28 ID: Wg6hZgv4 [Del]

I dunno how to do fancier but tweaking the font size for Junkuchan.css made sense.

14 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 19:10 ID: I1pF3NDZ [Del]


>The userbase seems to have some irrational hostility toward Otaku culture

Admin has an anime avatar, tho.


15 Name: Friend : 2023-05-07 19:50 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

Self-hating weeaboo!
Self-hating weeaboo!

16 Name: Friend : 2023-05-08 21:10 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

I have enjoyed shitpoasting on čudan lately. /whitelist/ is too stuffy, it's clearly for old men!

17 Name: Friend : 2023-05-09 05:17 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

čudan was better before it got popular...

18 Name: Friend : 2023-05-16 17:35 ID: Wg6hZgv4 [Del]

čudan is a quality shitpost site, VIP quality. I highly encourage all lurkers to try out a shitpost or two.

19 Name: Friend : 2023-06-23 22:46 ID: CjoKLqkT [Del]

Is cudan okay? I'm getting a XML Parsing Error when I try to browse it.

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      '''''''''            `''ー---‐'''''"

20 Name: Friend : 2023-06-23 22:48 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

Cudan is resting...

          _...-'''´             ^゙''ー-....,,_
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     丿       ヾ    '´ ヽ                  `\
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   丨        │     .___,,ノ                ゙゙゙̄''ー 、     `''―‐‐ 、
   │        /                             `' 、       1
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   │                                        ム....-‐''"
    !                -''''''''―ー-.._                 `''ー-....__
    ヽ                       ヽ                     ^゙ヽ
     ' 、                      !                      ノ
      ゝ                    /                    _...‐'´
       `''-..__         ―一―‐''"            _,,..---宀‐'''' ̄"´
           ゙̄''''''―ー--....,,,,____     ______,,,,......-―'‐'''' ̄´
                      ̄~~~~~~ ̄^

21 Name: Friend : 2023-06-27 20:20 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

I don't like how the post quality for new čudan took a nosedive, take me back...

22 Name: Friend : 2023-07-02 23:57 ID: wnGszKu7 [Del]

Just visit /prog/.

23 Name: Friend : 2023-07-12 20:19 ID: 2RNYHN+z [Del]

Version 0.1.2 is released.

24 Name: Friend : 2023-07-12 22:27 ID: Whitelisted [Del]


25 Name: Friend : 2023-07-24 18:06 ID: Whitelisted [Del]

The [other] board looks like it got hit hard with the stupid stick.

26 Name: Friend : 2024-06-21 21:18 [Del]

Oh, look čudan is dead, the shitposting site killed by shite, Crap quality. I highly encourage all lurkers to try https://www.4ct.org the site that got Patch all jelly @ porkbuns $1 domain sale.

27 Name: Friend : 2024-06-21 23:56 [Del]

RIP čudan... how do I turn on dark mode on 4ct though?

28 Post deleted by moderator.

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