What is an imageboard?

An imageboard is a type of discussion board where users share images and text about various topics.

The primary difference between imageboards and traditional forums is that anybody can make a post without registering an account or providing any personal information. This lowers the barrier to entry, protects user identities and focuses on what is said, rather than who says it.


Valid takedown notices -> Contact information.

How can I contact the administration?

There are two points of contact:

  • Email: webmasterhotmail.comjunkuchan.org
  • Session, ID: 05478c3062efbd6572758ce763fad77ad7853e16a4dd0fc5c0866e1b6b3f3ed94a
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- xsFNBGPIU0MBEADZNkBdn5SGNbfIWGFqePJOH0yuoekYdQsXVBzPvfI4PTtpwofL IXlU9ogmlZst9hQHUOTLMlusYaAiXSWY/eQ7qFiKKcoLqH1bu8yFT9iPUkTpBSLT PDSnWV+TAMawPzAY3+q3RNexUfZskZgvwVDg78N7h51VLMRldxcrxs/8dfdbyU5p X89r1VwTHFskOMlHonbSBPXTr6zUJBIBrsW7H5/Ak9TUFbYEEK3d0OOWA5tUoh01 8TVzXSn9SFXXC2g/MNI6waw+V/x7Z7yEoBBZa/P2nYqj0CXb/BnJQ96fGqgA5jNC zY45mygPi7joV7+zGEq65Xq2yYeAAyuRDG31uaiVLs1nmn5cHPCCm4LnXl+qeR/Y jrxvUhsadTdtsSwJlDtdSOAonO4XcfAjfuCEpqVv/ziVLzm++jAqH7pfQf8oU7sM 3BeMy8Vrj4RXcoCmY69BiuDfDPd4IhnKeFgOQIRqTrX3LqkMA934c6WUMD7z1Pov i4Q/Q3afIigSbey6MHzf38a7XUbKLe1qZCh5DKQxktQ0wZMeMOjaDCe0lY8JF3DS B7ahgS39B0ymSGUXfcudXIlz4mFI8A12uz85rhu77VBGC4DxorTzkYK8nQPJ/u54 CLGJzeaBx1RxJVGj2dkwMGMLVJRwHMlRIZmNB0oaJV4OkERuXjwSfweuLQARAQAB zTF3ZWJtYXN0ZXJAanVua3VjaGFuLm9yZyA8d2VibWFzdGVyQGp1bmt1Y2hhbi5v cmc+wsGNBBMBCAA3FiEE7QLw185lH5DZHRZL2y3Q1ede4wYFAmPIU0QFCQWjmoAC GwMECwkIBwUVCAkKCwUWAgMBAAAKCRDbLdDV517jBv3LD/4wGX3lwbE3a9FtoPdw Sjjz8KX1wZmcsCpealNPGu8/aMKVrLjJkwoCFIGUsKz2MyCRno7bLRu275RkSyGB PZKOJTLmbbxQC9nrray/3WTbQFIrPwHpbnXz3AOszJ7SME7FyrJf25BQ0z77ARAg n3L4n/glJdAMQ6g0plTpmqP3RJ5W7f9uvB7vSg1sFtNtaCiUnHqTx2AuvIn5hEFr peF5TGcJ+eS0mPiJQudFYY9jVnR55YOSTA+GYy+Xw5gw2tH1Fu55klu/UC92uzHl Vsvyq5BpiusIQvxO6TCGwHqC92CZzwU7KK1GO0wjgDJU8Uti5m5bSE2Ds4ZP9AqP AAo4NOn0x+XME2nZw26jlTBjAkgVqHtwLTrGIVQCebHbzpokpZi4W/DXnkuzB3Du 8SyNSj9YxfTECo/uuFsagtSvo5XPuU0KD2Ut9/e+ZwKkhFBN3DoCvtMbqKBxu9xL dwDsh1evUbgffN72LymGrn38MqdutWwS28b0VgCZfT8cD1sD+6/YyUMlX0ski4wE PeNgQ78c0eO9qQyxxxycQygeRk+HFf/CAcUI/R5TVKWeX2mNyX/z0Q2I2LYAeOUn ccrVC8+zGr1H1iiLYDLSltMXqYb38BtCrMUmm2RiwHWUlv37hO0tyMtBCuxfCJRQ qADBwV7TvwrjytwqDyDR3n8q7s7BTQRjyFNEARAA04eGWCEtL/mfVEYV6OHeDI25 Ou5s5oWpUCbZiEva70YUpSuA3CkKhIl+x5BEPV5nLDBGQX8kxa7+pgWM7m7rP6qb Ht+RCzjUoy8iL7Z1ogoTud8Zqg8gHbf1J7OkSFO7fpErKRlohW7IDjCUjrqlsnIr HacJjoUv8VUbvBURcPV1G1r1n2UBxlSJyks5MFLgwTXErxUV2x6ViEziLVprtOJB rdkQk0FDhz17GPd1H1b+51qboDtPHdXK7XAcXxQrgRZGDNiPu9pNnNw5RG4XfWeT 0y+FhN06tgr7DvBV3tzkHxsUClnbzJhBRmgg5s4cPH/Llcy+TTgYfSBGf21g4cSu Z1s9VqoorDilKTixbSTMlK0jDYRwxamq1afCruIXDm3k9rm/5pcdOAAvo+fI+ZAv w5RN/8Av6YczaB1ClrHEzLXCZU2pHeSQS165RnZyN6HwFfXhdKcyWhop177u8W1T pGFfJM16FLxEkvjIN0K/hR5oh3IdjwAIIgmnpKpKeJr5cOcx1QKs2irWYcSZHsVt bAj4P2kY90wCfZ4WF2Wn/p3kX597uT0lmKgd7hqeyFZMl8h/E0oviEtYEXGbj8a4 RMosR0bVLQtNlF6zexXtJaJYZzY8Hv9VCkN3YwAneMvZ97e6eG1S8hfrGdTFtrKX R1sgx+EenmcVgNYGe3sAEQEAAcLBfAQYAQgAJhYhBO0C8NfOZR+Q2R0WS9st0NXn XuMGBQJjyFNGBQkFo5qAAhsMAAoJENst0NXnXuMGgbIP/A51vE9+3N5h/Gpr/Met PCJXBvvIilrOfsufcL98Bv4JoXd3AvQHQAbIu/wuzNYDJ6EBMBSGWwL+xItgLZCB GqYXbIoILgXzvuU8/aEE7fqyD9wqgrA43UOi9kL7wSdIle2lzADY9p9uh4NisG0s THUmvu1vIrhjk3XE952fX+V7YtRMXVWf9+UptoXPzI6e+/t6XGrcgq3kEXZo/7Js jm6snRKVY6Yap/UPw9OBrVqF5RYmYfwy/a+wCm8Stn2LdKE/2FITn+0iGmao3J14 o/DBBu4LA2lcFoa0XmZq3Awwdwmx6hU5DHQLtCysyc4tKB9SYgi+62LLt7srWKWM GVRuKX+rS9QOox8LLK0t4wp3lCEDdMGAxw6ZoLDXi/QoME91KQmBtebzlQYJJLBx FuoyzrMxeAo4U1BLy7nUXSZRjq4QQEeA5V5+Cqkfp7wSD9gOnWpzmtoEb19exAy1 7lF62P5Zzl/M+IzkFpXOcoNLHBabN9BhZcbWf9Z4Yp/1V6Fg/Rtq9MEXni4cCNA0 GWSg+6dp+2nvVCw3fTcJaXNstf10d4v4xuu8Y6KuAjdRxzFAnocs/duNP8I3ZuFd y2qQ37fUzYjZk6lcshTpQm6PNfMryg/BWZqVrpuCXR7q5fUkhepUXDyRbjDrSq0q v6y8owPw1puW4u0PxFKRcjOu =RwF5 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
How can I help support the site?

The cost of running Junkuchan is currently minimal, so external financial support isn't necessary.

Name formatting

When posting, you can format the name field to include a name, tripcode, capcode, any combination of the three including leaving the field completely blank. Instead of a blank name, "Anonymous" is used, however this depends on board-specific configuration. The optional components are explained below.


Names should be input like: . Tripcode and capcode are optional components. Please note the whitespace before capcodes is significant.

Valid examples:

  1. name
  2. #tripcode
  3. ##tripcode
  4. ## capcode
  5. name#tripcode
  6. name##tripcode
  7. name## capcode
  8. name#tripcode## capcode
  9. name##tripcode## capcode
  10. #tripcode## capcode
  11. ##tripcode## capcode
  12. ##

The last example is considered a blank capcode and can be used as a shortcut to display your role. Additionally, if a user has multiple applicable roles (e.g., a board owner, but the user is also global staff) capcodes will default to their lowest role. To show the higher role, you must be explicit and precede any capcode with the role name e.g., ## Global Staff or ## Global Staff capcode

Each component can be used in combination or independently. In a post number 9 would look like:

Hello, world!

The name appears bold in the top left, followed by the tripcode in regular weight with a !! prefix, then the capcode in a different color, bold and with a ## prefix. The colours may vary between themes but are generally distinct from each other.


The name is simply what name you want to be shown alongside your post. Other users can post with the same name so there is nothing preventing impersonation. This is not related to your username (for registered users).


A tripcode is a password of sorts, which users can provide in the tripcode component of their name. This tripcode is used in conjunction with a server-known secret to generate a unique* tripcode portion of the name. Long, unique tripcodes can be used as a form of identity. It is important that you keep tripcodes secret if you use them for some form of identity. A compromised tripcode can be used for impersonation and cannot be revoked in any way. Single # before tripcodes will use the traditional (what is now sometimes known as "insecure") tripcode algorithm shared by many imageboard software and websites. Double # before tripcodes will use a sha256 hash with server-side secret for a more secure, non-portable tripcode.


A capcode is a component of the name field only available to authenticated users. This includes admins, global staff, board owners and board staff. If there is no text after the ##, the role will be displayed alone. Leaving a space and putting custom text will be prefixed by the role name. This way, the role is always shown to prevent role impersonation.

Post styling
**bold**boldCtrl + b
++italic++italicCtrl + i
__underline__underlineCtrl + u
||spoiler text||spoiler textCtrl + s
(((detected)))((( detected )))
@@glow@@glowCtrl + g
%%rainbow%%rainbowCtrl + o
$$shake$$shakeCtrl + h
##2%9+3(##2%9+3) = 10
[Global Rules](https://junkuchan.org/rules.html)

requires permission + staff only

Global Rules
![Alt text](/file/example.jpg)

requires permission

Alt text
`inline monospace`inline monospace
int main() {...}
int main() {...}
( ・ω・) Let's try that again.
( ・ω・) Let's try that again.
Supported languages for code block syntax highlighting: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/blob/master/SUPPORTED_LANGUAGES.md. If you do not specify a language, a subset of languages is supported for auto-detection: javascript, typescript, perl, js, c++, c, java, kotlin, php, h, csharp, bash, sh, zsh, python, ruby, css, html, json, golang, rust, aa. If the language is "plain", an unsupported value, or the auto-detect confidence is too low, highlighting is disabled for the code block. If the language is "aa", the font will be adjusted for Japanese Shift JIS art.
What is the file size limit?

Max size of form data per-post is 32MB. Because other fields e.g., name, message, etc contribute to this, the maximum size of file uploads will be very slightly smaller than this.

How does moderation work?
Local vs. Global reports

There exists the concept of "local" and "global" reports. Reporting a post locally will show the post along with reports on the report page for that particular board, and the reports may be actioned upon by the board staff. Reporting a post globally will show the post along with reports on the global manage page available only to global staff and may be actioned upon by global staff. Global reports should be used to flag posts that violate global rules such as illegal content or spam, in contrast to local reports which are for posts that abide by global rules but break board-specific rules (which may be made arbitrarily by board staff). It is also possible to be banned from a board or globally for abuse of the report system.

Batch processing of posts

Each post has a checkbox in the top left to select it for moderation actions. Multiple posts may be selected to allow batch processing e.g., reporting multiple offending posts in one request. The same is present in moderation interfaces. Some actions for example bans (which are based on IP) may also be handled in batches. Selecting multiple posts and using the ban action will apply a single ban for each unique IP of the selected posts.

Time format in moderation interfaces

Some moderation interfaces, for example the ban duration when moderating posts, or the ban duration for post filtering use a shorthand for times/length. This format supports years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. An input of "3mo" would mean 3 months and "1y2mo3w4d5h6m7s" would mean 1 year, 2 months, 3 weeks, 4 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes, and 7 seconds. Units of time should be in descending order, so "2w1mo" is invalid. However, you may use "6w" for example to input 6 weeks, and are not required to use "1mo2w".

How do I make my own board?

Register an account, then create a board. Please avoid making excessive amounts of boards, duplicate boards, or boards similar to an existing one unless you expect that many users will migrate to the new board for whatever reason e.g., tyrannical moderation.

What do the board settings for antispam do?

Lock Mode: Choose to lock posting new threads or all posts.

Captcha Mode: Choose to enforce captchas for posting threads or all posts.

PPH Trigger Threshold: Trigger an action after a certain amount of PPH.

PPH Trigger Action: The action to trigger.

TPH Trigger Threshold: Trigger an action after a certain amount of TPH.

TPH Trigger Action: The action to trigger.

Trigger Reset Lock Mode: If a trigger threshold was reached, reset the lock mode to this at the end of the hour.

Trigger Reset Captcha Mode: If a trigger threshold was reached, reset the captcha mode to this at the end of the hour.

Early 404: When a new thread is posted, delete any existing threads with less than 5 replies beyond the first 1/3 of threads.

Disable anonymizer file posting: Prevent users posting images through anonymizers such as Tor hidden services, lokinet SNApps or i2p eepsites.

Blocked Countries: Block country codes (based on geo IP data) from posting.

What do the filter options do?

Filters: Newline separated list of words or phrases to match in posts. Checks name, message, email, subject, and filenames.

Strict Filtering: More aggressively match filters, by normalising the input compared against the filters.

Filter Mode: What to do when a post matches a filter.

Block/Ban Message: The message returned if a post is blocked, or the ban reason if a poster is banned.

Filter Auto Ban Duration: How long to automatically ban for when filter mode is set to ban. Input the duration in time format described in the moderation section.

Filter Bans Appealable: Whether or not a ban given by this filter can be appealed. This can be useful if the ban hits an innocent user by mistake.

Replace Text: Text to substitute in for a replace filter. This is how word filters are added.

What is the archive/reverse image search link URL format?

Put a link with %s where the URL of the page/file should go for reverse image search or archive links. For example https://tineye.com/search?url=%s.

How does 2FA enforcement work?

There are two options included in global management settings that allow admins to increase security by enforcing the use of 2FA for all accounts and/or actions.

Force Account 2FA: Forces all accounts to have 2FA, or else the user is redirected to the 2FA setup page.

Force Action 2FA: If an account has 2FA enabled, the 2FA code must be input for: changing global settings, changing board settings, resigning from a staff position, deleting accounts, deleting your own account, or deleting a board.

The granularity of what actions require 2FA will be expanded and customisable in a future release.

- news + rules + faq -
- jschan 1.7.0 + Junkuchan + Kiramoji 3.3.2 -