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Junkuchan has been upgraded to **jschan v1.6.2**. ...

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Junkuchan has been updated to jschan v1.4.1 Thank...

Upgrade to v1.3.1

Junkuchan has upgraded to ''jschan v1.3.1'' I sti...

Blocked IP Ranges

A few IP ranges have been blocked due to abuse. If...

Upgrade to v1.2.1

Junkuchan has upgraded to jschan 1.2.1. Word to th...

/origin/ - originfringe community — core services0646243
/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men."Please sleep with my boyfriend!"0116965
/shelter/ - Community ShelterDisaster Mustering Point0005929
/whitelist/ - Whitelistyou are among friends.0000
Local Stats
There are currently 4 public boards, 6 in total. Sitewide, 7 posts have been made in the last day, 0 in the last hour, 35824 in total.
15016 files are being served, totaling 16.3GB.
Webring Stats
There are currently 8 sites and 91 boards in the known webring. Across all webring boards, 24 posts have been made in the last hour, 3337313 in total.
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