/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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/cuckquean/ lives, again!

This is the successor board to anon.cafe's /cuckquean/. /cuckquean/ is a board all about the fetish of cuckqueaning - an arrangement where a woman enjoys her partner having sex with other women. In real life it is open, consensual and encouraged by the woman - distinguishing it from cheating - but may be secret and/or non-consensual in fantasy. It can be done for joy (compersion) or with a flavour of humiliation; both types are considered cuckqueaning. It was once also known as "female cuckold" or "reverse cuckold", until the cuckquean term entered general use.

All combinations of compersive, humiliation/degradation, and other cuckqueaning are relevant on /cuckquean/, as are related topics such as harems or polygyny. Porn (2D & 3DCG), discussion, information, questions, stories and so forth are all very welcome!

The rules of /cuckquean/ are:
>/cuckquean/ is not for male homosexual content. Do not post male homosexual content on /cuckquean/.
>/cuckquean/ is not for male cuckoldry content. Do not post male cuckoldry content on /cuckquean/.
>/cuckquean/ is not for extreme fetish material including scat, beastiality, grievous torture, snuff, etc. Do not post such content on /cuckquean/.
>Any guro must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post.

All global rules apply. As of our migration to Junkuchan, this includes a board-wide ban on any and all real life pornography. Junkuchan's admin has assured me that 3DCG and 3D-Animated Content will still be fine to post and will not violate Global Rule 3a, provided that it's not anything that could get us in trouble legally or kicked off a host (e.g. realistic computer-generated pedophilia). You can review the global rules here: https://junkuchan.org/rules.html

/cuckquean/'s bunker is at https://endchan.net/cuckquean/ - please record this address and fall back to it if Junkuchan.org becomes inaccessible for a long period of time.

A catalog of all threads is available at https://junkuchan.org/cuckquean/catalog.html or by clicking "Catalog" just a little up and to the left of this post.

Welcome back to our new home. I'm the same board owner as always the anon from >>6262 that agreed to janny following our move to Junkuchan. Now, let's keep discussing the world's comfiest fetish!
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
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