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Would you rather have/be a domquean or subquean?

A subquean is what most of the content seems to be about, willingly subservient, a lot of emphasis on watching or just knowing your partner is plowing other fields, highest tier often ending with chastity and or you willfully serving them both

Domqueans meanwhile seem much more active with all participants, often working with their spouse to dominate submissive girls into fucktoys, some even selecting said subs unprompted to give as gifts
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>>104 (OP) 
Can't see that there's an useful distinction here. Many cuckqueans do things from both of those lists. The 'quean might have a dominant, submissive, or neutral posture relative to the vixen and the same for her man.
Replies: >>135
This - I would say the distinction to draw is between an active or passive cuckquean as opposed to a dominant or submissive one.
>>104 (OP) 
All my fantasies feature a subquean, but ultimately, it takes two to tango. 

The most important parts of cuckqueaning to me are the trust, manifested as submission towards me, and active participation in my promiscuity. The rest is flavor.
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>>104 (OP) 
Subquean for sure.

To an extent I see cuckqueaning almost as a form of a poly relationship but with an additional power dynamic. It would be my boyfriend at the top, the vixen serving him to a minor extent, and me at the bottom of the hierarchy.

It's a form of competition, almost. My vixen has a secure position, but I don't. My boyfriend would fuck her before me, and the only way I ever get to have sex is if they both agree that I've been exceptionally well-behaved. Otherwise, I watch, only.
Replies: >>847
>I see cuckqueaning almost as a form of a poly relationship but with an additional power dynamic
I’m also a subquean but I see it as the opposite: Cuckqueaning for me is about the exclusivity of my emotional and romantic relationship with my man combined with my being complicit in his sexual promiscuity while being utterly exclusive to him (last part very important, I’m-a-cuckquean-but-I-fuck-other-people-sometimes girls get out reeeeeeeee). He owns me and I serve him, so why wouldn’t I enjoy it when he has fun with other girls? It’s so dirty and he cums so hard with them but he always comes back to me. It’s thrilling to overwrite their scent with mine each time.
Replies: >>851
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Reading your post, it sounds to me that you are  both submissive and a quean, but not necessarily a subquean. In the context of cuckqueaning, you aren't really submissive; if anything it sounds like you're an equal or dominant partner.

Queaning for me is an act of submission. It's a fact that I'm not good enough to keep a man's attention on my own, so I have to accept that he fucks another woman. Preferably just one vixen that he begins getting intimate with, who slowly supplants me as his partner as I'm relegated to being a mere slave for them.
Replies: >>854
> In the context of cuckqueaning, you aren't really submissive; if anything it sounds like you're an equal or dominant partner.
Absolutely not. Cuckqueaning for me is deliciously submissive. I’m submissive to my man but have no desire to be submissive to the vixen. Most vixens have no interest in interacting with me on that level either. It’s fun when the vixen is also submissive and we get to bond over shared experiences as sister-subs but that’s not a sexual thing. Looking after the vixen by providing hospitality is for me a way of being submissive to my man because it helps put the vixen at ease and helps them focus on what really matters, which is his cock in her, plus it’s just polite and I enjoy doing it. Submitting to the vixen just feels weird and creepy to me. I say this not to degrade your enjoyment of it but to point out that one may be a submissive quean without submitting to the vixen.

I’m pretty confused here; it looks like you’re redefining subquean to mean “submissive to the vixen” and then describe the behaviour of what‘a already called a humiliation-driven cuckquean. Humiliation and submission aren’t the same thing eve though most humiliation-driven queans are also submissive.
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Allow me to present the Patrician's Choice. By which I mean, my choice. This is my choice.

See, the first woman, the longstanding partner, she's the subquean. Pretty (2nd)girl shows up, she insists "just do it, I'd rather know about it than worry you'll sleep with her behind my back" and it becomes a whole thing from there. Beautiful!
Then the third girl shows up. And this is where it gets hot, because girl 2 starts just running the harem at this point, my input is pretty much irrelevant outside of my tastes in women, girl 2 is running around setting up dates and stuff and I'm busy not complaining.
So girl 2 is the domquean and the one who's just like "fuck my boyfriend BETTER, I know I taught you he likes his balls sucked" and meanwhile girl 1 is the one I never forget about who is constantly turned on by the idea that I might forget about her, until after a threesome with two other women when I call her over from where she's masturbating by the door so that she can join the cuddlepuddle.

I like to imagine the dommy girl coming out of some middle management position and just taking that persona straight to the bedroom and kitchen where she attempts to dictate everything and then all resistance just melts the moment I interrupt her plans with one of my own. "Oh... Guess I'll just reschedule the whole week then because you wanted to do something else...".

Harem anime are my template for modern relationships. Fuck everyone else.
Replies: >>1013
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Always a pleasure, harem autist.
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>>104 (OP) 
Old files from Cafe.
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