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Is there a better feeling than being locked away snug and secure in your belt while hubby rails some tight pretty thing? Not all underwear is made of steel, just the best kind.

This thread is for discussing female chastity play, chastity devices, chastity practices including orgasm denial, chastity life, and so on.

Do you own a belt? Two? More? Talk about them. How long do you wear them for? Who holds your key while you're locked away?

Do you want a belt of your own? Of course you do. Which are you thinking of picking? Why? How're you going to use it?

Just have chastity fantasies and aren't interested in doing it in real life yet? That's okay too! Post fantasies, porn, stories, hentai, whatever, as long as it involves female chastity play!
Replies: >>3411 >>6466
I remember reading a blog from a woman in chastity. Her bf and vixen had decided he'd be sexually exclusive to the vixen, with the compromise being he could still use the cuckquean's backdoor if he wanted. It was a wild read, wish I had saved it.
Replies: >>172 >>234
Chastity belts are for pussies.
Replies: >>6469
We need to find a way to develop a female chastity system that does away with the awkwardness of the back opening, while still providing quality protection from stimulation for the wearer.

There's the possibility for the back opening to be unhygienic, and more importantly, some of them look like it would cause discomfort for the man penetrating her. Like the one in the picture in >>167 is. Look at those metal sides on the inside of the back opening. Those look like they could scrape the sides of your man's cock real bad while he's fucking you. When he's fucking you, you want him to be free to think about how you haven't cum in three years, but he and his vixen do every night, not 'I better be careful to enter perfectly straight, or I might get a rash on my cock'.

There's the piercings, but they have a couple downsides. First, he may simply not want to put holes in your labia, which is perfectly reasonable. But also, they tend to not offer proper clit protection in the way a proper belt would, and even ones that do cover the clit will be vulnerable to vibrations. It's all well and good to close your pussy for business, but if you can still get off with a vibrator on your clit, then the chastity system is woefully incomplete.

Science must find a way.
Replies: >>958 >>2055 >>6471
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There is something of a dearth of content for female chastity belts. It's an underappreciated fetish, and sometimes I think even the people making porn for it don't understand it. Most of what you find are still images of girls just standing there, like the miracle of the chastity belt is enough on its own. Not interacting with anyone, or even looking horny or distressed. 2D does a little better, but not much. And there's this weird thing where the Japanese want to put vibrators on the inside of them, which I feel defeats the point entirely.

Also, there's something self defeating about putting a chastity belt on a girl covered in tattoos and piercings.
Replies: >>233
>images of girls just standing there, like the miracle of the chastity belt is enough on its own
I kek’d, Anon. This annoys me as well. The high-end chastity belts do have enough inherent aesthetic interest to survive this, but that’s a picture of a chastity belt rather than a chastity picture.

>there's this weird thing where the Japanese want to put vibrators on the inside of them, which I feel defeats the point entirely
That’s for edging. Chastity is about giving away control over one’s pussy or having it taken from you; to have a vibrator in there that’s under someone else’s control emphasises that not only can you not touch it, you can’t choose when it gets stimulated and when it doesn’t. There’s also the type where a slow vibe is inserted and left on the whole time, which serves to underline the frustration and make it un-ignorable.
Replies: >>322 >>323
I think I remember the blog you are talking about if the issue is you forgot the name , I don't know the etiquette of naming the blog though.
Replies: >>235 >>273
Why would naming the blog be a problem?
Replies: >>236
They've been inactive for a while, idk. Anyway I might be thinking of the wrong one.I have a post from years ago but it's more brief and less elegant than I remember either because i mixed it with cuckquette's posts about her bf and chastity or because I only have one post 
i dont know if its the same blog but a possible lead and a fun post, it's a reblog so account posting is not the op: 

Replies: >>273
Reposting it as plain text + images or as a screencap is way better in my opinion. Linking off-site is discouraged on 8chan unless it's something huge, doubly so for sites like Tumblr that lock away content behind accounts.
Replies: >>321
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Sorry about that, hopefully I found one of the posts they were thinking of or something others like
Replies: >>958
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>That’s for edging. Chastity is about giving away control over one’s pussy or having it taken from you; to have a vibrator in there that’s under someone else’s control emphasises that not only can you not touch it, you can’t choose when it gets stimulated and when it doesn’t. There’s also the type where a slow vibe is inserted and left on the whole time, which serves to underline the frustration and make it un-ignorable.
Plus in forced-orgasm play, the chastity belt prevents the recipient from removing the vibrator, placing them completely at its mercy.
Replies: >>323
It can be used that way, but a lot of these are single images, which give no context. I get that it's about lack of control, but a lot of images seem to be catering to a different fetish than what appeals to me as chastity.
Replies: >>324
What does appeal to you, Anon? Can you show us some of the images that qualify?
Replies: >>326
I guess I like the denial aspect, is the thing. There's nothing wrong with liking the idea of shoving a vibrator in her pussy and locking it in place, if that's your thing. But for me, whatever lights up the part of my brain that likes chastity belts, the locked in vibe doesn't do it.

Edging is fine, necessary even to keep those locked up pussies hungry for release, but it often doesn't portray very well in a single image.

I like images that focus on the girl's desperation, or that have her sexually serving others in ways that don't use her pussy. That pussy is locked up because you can't be trusted with it, young lady, but you're still expected to serve your betters who are free to cum whenever they like.

I'll see if I can find some more chastity images that are to my taste.
Replies: >>327
I also prefer the minimalist approach, which again, is just a matter of taste. I like the idea that just a couple little strips of leather and metal, and that pussy is out of reach.

There's some of these that have the full works, where they have the chain between the knees, and the hands cuffed to the waist, and they have those metal ball mitten things on the hands, and they have the boob plates and everything. Doesn't really do anything for me. If you lock her in a space suit, she can't touch her pussy either, that doesn't make it sexy.

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I scrolled past this image and mistook the heart censor marks for cute little chastity piercings. 《゚Д゚》
This is an absolutely wonderful post.
I love the idea that my pussy has simply been sealed away, never to be used. My man gets all his fun from our vixen's pussy. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I get anal.
An orgasm? God. I wish I could remember what that felt like.

Not even a dildo inside. Just the realization that my pussy has been fucked for the last time and all I have left is memories.
I found a short video about a coworker stealing a woman's fiance and chastizing her. There's no general videos thread so I guess I'll put it here.

Direct link (it's too big to upload): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/441505124037296128/441505573662359562/20_patreon.mp4
Replies: >>1437
That was pretty OK. Thanks Anon.
I found two videos of sex with a chastity belt on. It's hot but I also can't stop worrying about the edges of the rear opening scratching his dick. ;_;
Replies: >>1518 >>2055
>stop worrying about the edges of the rear opening scratching his dick
Get out of my head.
I don't really advocate using glue on your genitals, but the dedication is respectable.
For some reason the pictures didn't go through with it.
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Anyone has IRL experience being belted? I want to experiment with it but I've no idea where to start, belts seem either expensive or crap with no middle ground, and I don't want to put superglue on my pussy. How do I explore this?
Replies: >>1632
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I do not, but there was at least one girl on the old 8chan thread that was talking about being full time belted. It's buried somewhere in here: https://8kun.top/cuckquean/res/1871.html

The impression I got was that, yeah, they're either cheap flimsy toys not intended to be worn for any length of time, or something that's expensive and might need to be custom made. Unfortunately kind of a niche fetish that requires hardware, so you're in a difficult position.

I suppose it depends on what interests you about this. You could try doing orgasm denial without a belt if that figures into this.
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Some 2D chastity to bump this with.
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I understand how hot orgasm denial can be but people sewing themselves up makes me feel sick.

Kind of defeats the point
Replies: >>2070
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The sewing and supergluing stuff is pretty extreme. I don't like it myself. I think tape can be hot.

>anal defeats the point
Orgasm/pleasure denial isn't the only point of pussy+clitoral chastity. The feeling of having such a fundamental part of your body under someone else's unconditional control is a big part of it for many. Besides, getting fucked in the butt is quite different from getting fucked in the pussy. Don't knock getting assfucked in a belt until you've tried it!
Replies: >>2410 >>2492

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Superglue dissolves with sweat. It's pretty much a temporary arrangement.

As for piercings, I'm not a fan either, but whatever floats your boat.
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I will add to this that having to do it consistently is a big part of it. Belted anal really helps hammer home that you're a sex object.
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I just heard about this. I can't tell if it's an urban legend or not. But it sounds kind of hot. Frustrating in a chastity-adjacent way.
Replies: >>2927
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Almost as frustrating as being the jump humper.
Replies: >>2928
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Oh God
Anyone planning to try being anal-only for No Pussy November?
Replies: >>2951
I tried locktober using tape but got a uti like the dumb bitch I am, so now I just have to avoid touching without any external aid.
...how long did you leave a given piece of tape on for?
Replies: >>2953
Around 24 hours, I would put new tape on after showering. I was drinking less water too, because I didn't want to have to pee too much. Don't be dumb like me ladies. Hydrate and spring for an actual belt for long term denial. Unless, you know, you're looking to make yourself suffer.
Replies: >>2954
All the best lessons are obvious in retrospect.
Sounds like something I’d try without properly thinking it through lol, thank you for suffering as a warning to the rest of us
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Speaking of tape, I just found out about 3M's Microfoam surgical tape. It's apparently quite comfortable and looks really good when used for this sort of thing because it picks up outlines well, though like all tapes I imagine it shouldn't be worn over the pussy for a long time (as >>2951 's experience shows). Has anyone tried it before?
Replies: >>4232
Important question: who do you want to hold the key to the belt? The man or the vixen?
Replies: >>3009
The man, obviously.
>>161 (OP) 
>Do you want a belt of your own?
Yeah, kinda. The idea’s hot but I just can’t get over the idea of peeing and pooping with a belt locked on. Like, I already know how it works, I just… you know?
Replies: >>3420
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I think if you're careful it's okay. I've seen accounts from those who've gone sixty days or more continuously locked up. Know what you mean though; I'd be worried about stuff like UTIs. I do wonder if I'd want to go as long as 60 days. If I did I'd definitely want there to be some emergency protocols in place.

Regardless of how long I was in the belt for, I'd also want my man to wear my key around his neck. Maybe it would have a cute tag engraved with my name.
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Ok, so, I'm the anon from >>2951 and I can confirm that after switching to medical tape, staying good and hydrated, and swapping out tape every time I peed I have made it through basically all of locktober without getting a UTI. I've probably jinxed it now, but thanks for the rec anon!
Replies: >>4234
Wow, congrats Anon! Did you have a good time? I mean, not a good time good time, but a good bad time.
Replies: >>4240
Yea, it's been a fun month! I'm the kind of gal who usually masturbates around 3 times a day, so not being able to touch means most of the time I'm just simmering. It's been like an extended edging session. I have let myself get off from anal when I'm struggling to focus, like when I have to work, but I'm mostly just trying to endure because that's more fun! I went through a TON of tape though, feel a little bad for wasting so much.
Replies: >>4241
Kinda jealous of your sex drive Anon.
Replies: >>4242
I think I'm just young, I'll probably cool off as I get older. I also haven't been in a relationship in years now, so I don't have another sexual outlet. I think if I was getting dicked cucked, that would change things.
Replies: >>4243
Even a younger me would have been envious of your sex drive lol

Are you going to try following Locktober with No Pussy November or finish for now?
Replies: >>4244
I think I'm going to finish, pun absolutely intended. There will probably be some chastity play in there, but two months in a row would be a lot for me.
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>focus on the pleasure of her keyholder
>forces her sexuality to be a side-effect of that of her master
Fuck. I've been uhming and aahing over this for years now when I just need to have my key around his neck, fuck, I wish good hardware wasn't so expensive...
Replies: >>4550 >>4725
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>I just need to have my key around his neck
I can't stop thinking about how it would sway and bounce off his chest as he fucks, I'm fixated, do you know how difficult it is to find images that convey this feeling? I know I'll just chicken out again as soon as the horny passes, I should have spent the time I used looking for this one measly image begging to have my big dumb tits slapped around instead; been a while since I've found myself wanting bruises.
Replies: >>4551 >>4725
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One more before I go and get what I should have got all along: At this moment I want, need to be married with a chastity belt on under my dress. We'd adhere to wedding day rules because tradition is important and as I saw him for the first time that day, took my place next to him at the altar I'd catch a little hint of scent on him that nobody else would quite recognize as a melange of the different perfumes I had each of my bridesmaids wear. Bliss.
Maybe I'm weird but anyone like the uh. Sensitivity shifting aspect of it? Like getting trained to cum from giving oral or getting choked or having nipples played with. Maybe mix in some orientation play if both you and the vixen are kinda straight and she's far younger..
Replies: >>4617
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>Sensitivity shifting
If you're weird then so am I, because I like it a lot. I didn't do it as part of chastity play, but conditioning me to feel pleasure when I give head was one of the first things my man and I worked on when I first became his pet. There's something very dirty yet loving about having someone customize you like that.

These days I don't usually need or want any direct foreplay as long as I'm allowed to worship his cock for a bit before we have sex. I can't physically cum from giving oral the same way I cum from getting fucked or having my clit played with, but I do get a really strong, really pleasurable rush when he cums (whether in me, another girl, my mouth, whatever) that I find more satisfying in some ways than an actual orgasm.

What do you like about it Anon?

>Maybe mix in some orientation play if both you and the vixen are kinda straight and she's far younger..
Orientation play can take different forms, depending. What kind of activity or scenario with this younger vixen would you imagine?
Replies: >>4636
> Orientation play can take different forms, depending. What kind of activity or scenario with this younger vixen would you imagine
Punishment for stepping out of line leading to getting to sexually submit. Maybe a mind game where there's a choice between staying locked up and being made to cum by humping the Vixen's leg like a disgusting dyke bitch while she tells me to go faster. Might be punishment for something as simple as trying to kiss m— her man without asking for a nod of confirmation. 
Or maybe giving her one orgasm earns half a cuckie point that can be traded in for getting to sit at the table rather than beside it at dinner when I've got enough
> can't physically cum from giving oral the same way I cum from getting fucked or having my clit played with, but I do get a really strong, really pleasurable rush when he cums (whether in me, another girl, my mouth, whatever) that I find more satisfying in some ways than an actual orgasm.
Holy based!
Replies: >>4639 >>4725
>a choice between staying locked up and being made to cum by humping the Vixen's leg like a disgusting dyke bitch while she tells me to go faster
That's pretty hot. Love a bit of mind-gaming and humping, and although I don't go in for girl/girl stuff or humiliation myself, I find it very... cute? Like, imagining that situation makes me feel gooey and happy because everyone's getting what they need, especially if that's to be goaded to a shameful leg-humping dykegasm by a smug little vixxie before getting locked back up into being a belted lickpuppy (straight).

>Holy based!
Thank you Anon, but I don't think of it as anything special; just a fun little quirk, part of what I am.
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>I can't stop thinking about how it would sway and bounce off his chest as he fucks
and now i can't either! thanks anon...

orientation play is based as fuck.
>Maybe a mind game where there's a choice between staying locked up and being made to cum by humping the Vixen's leg like a disgusting dyke bitch while she tells me to go faster
high tier idea anon.
i would love the idea of having such a degrading choice where i am reminded how worthless my own orgasms are. i have to do the work to get off, i don't even get to get fucked its just basically masturbation. perhaps my arms would be shibari tied behind me to throw me off balance and force me to work at it harder.
and when i collapse from exhaustion at the end i get locked back in and my vixen and master fuck like real people.
Replies: >>4726
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>my vixen and master fuck like real people
>like real people
My simmering chastity kink has again popped its lid and boiled all over the cooktop of my libido, except this time instead of fixating on being belted I can’t stop thinking about having neat little chastity piercings that my man can use to lock and unlock as he pleases. Something about how sleek and neat the idea seems compared to a belt really excites the part of me that loves feeling owned and put away.

Problem is that a lot of pictures of female chastity piercings I can find online are pretty scary. They're heavy, permanent looking setups that seem to emphasise lots of thick rings, bolts, padlocks and other means of distortion/total closure. I suppose that's expected for something that probably attracts people who enjoy heavy piercings and other body mods as fetish/aesthetic in and of itself, but I feel attracted to the opposite, which is the smallest, neatest, most minimalistic possible "system" of piercings that'd allow my Master to conveniently lock and unlock me as he pleases without any elaborate untangling or adding/removing hardware from the piercing holes.

I guess what I'm asking here is whether anyone else here feels this way about chastity piercings, and whether anyone has pictures or descriptions of different existing "systems" (i.e. arrangements of how piercings and other hardware achieve their effects)?
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>>161 (OP) 
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Old files from Cafe.
Replies: >>6470
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She does seem like the right type for this.
Replies: >>6471
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Old files from Cafe.

Shhhh I was trying to be sneaky.
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