/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Let's talk tits! Breast envy is best envy. What is your preference for your man to fuck in an ideal world? Bigger than you or smaller? Completely flat chested?
Replies: >>2023 >>3158 >>6472
>>2022 (OP) 
Evidence for consideration.
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I found a bunch of Kim Possible breast envy edits, so I'll just dump those here.
Replies: >>2169
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Replies: >>2170
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Found a thing:
Replies: >>2199 >>4695
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Geez. That's... very harsh treatment of those poor flatties. I mean, of course the chestlets both desire and deserve it - as they must - but I personally feel that our less bountifully gifted cousins deserve not to be berated, but to be cherished as the sex toys they were meant to be. If a masochistic flattie asked really nicely, I suppose I could bring myself to make fun of her (more than I do by simply existing, of course) but I prefer to lay flat girls' heads on my ample chest, hold them still, and whisper dirty things in their ear while my man uses them in their proper role - living sexual amusements.

See, well-endowed girls naturally monopolise high-quality men, but this is a problem. Just because flat-chested girls cannot and will never measure up to busty wide-hipped goddesses does not mean that they should be denied access to men. It would be unjust for a skinny girl to have her man taken by, say, a leggy D-cupped brunette and then be unable to stay around.

Nature is nature. Flatties know this, deep down. Their genes must survive. They must secure a good mate. Every time they feel that gnawing in their gut while staring enviously at a better girl's rack, they step closer to their natural vixenhood, and thus closer to survival. Sneaking behind their more fortunate sisters' backs to offer themselves to husbands and boyfriends is simply the way things have always been.

Large-breasted girls must understand that this process has been happening for hundreds, thousands of generations. It cannot be stopped. It is part of human heritage. They should work carefully to select a pretty, demure, and suitably desperate flat girl that they will give their husband or boyfriend access to. They can even pretend to be inferior sometimes, if they are masochists and that little fantasy is what they enjoy. Or they can enjoy pressing their flat counterpart's face into their generous chest as their man's virile cock spurts between her… we'll call them her petite hips, because we want to be nice. If they have bisexual or bicurious tendencies, they might even enjoy having their flat-chested guest service them in exchange for access to their man. Flat-chested girls sometimes protest (weakly) at first but we must remember that they are naturally bisexual under duress - they have to have been in order for their phenotype to survive!
Replies: >>2201 >>2202
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Posts like this are why I visit this board.
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Oh my! Aren't you a devilish one?
I specially adore nerdy flatties, they look so cute when trying to put an adult image with their undeveloped bodies.  It's like seeing a toddler trying makeup for the first time.  You can't help but smile and encourage them.
Bonus points if they stuff their bra and it ends up unbalanced.  The little ones trying too hard, so adorable!
Replies: >>2203
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You shouldn't make fun of disabled people. How would you feel if you grew up without a chest?

No, it isn't right to rub flatties' faces in it. They know very well what the score is, so what's at issue isn't whether they've lost the evolutionary race, but what should be done with them; I advocate kind and proper management of their modest assets through cherished vixenhood.

However, we haven't yet considered the problem of flat girls who improperly form relationships with men in absence of a better-breasted girl. Pride comes before a fall, but I personally don't think they necessarily deserve to have a random tittymonster invade their relationship without warning. All kinds of friction might result. (You can insert your own breast-themed friction quips here.) But it'll happen, so it's sensible to help the breastless properly accept the inevitable.

Therefore: Flatties, make good friends with a girl who has normal, adult-sized tits. When a real woman inevitably starts fucking your man, you don't want it to be some bitch who'll completely monopolise his time and energy. You want it to to be a close friend, who cares about you, and who will consider your relationship with him. After all, the last thing you want is to be eating creampies out of some girl you hate. Plus, it's so much easier on your man when his girls get along. Think about it for a while, really properly imagine it in detail, and you'll come to realise that this is the best thing.
Replies: >>2205
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>How would you feel if you grew up without a chest?
I can't conceive that.  I grew up with a pair of good puppies, E cups now that I'm older. Sure they were a problem during PE, but now they're the key to the world of male attention and desire.

You do raise some good points, though.  Indeed I don't want to eat a creampie from a nasty bitch, hell no!  I once managed to convince a japanese chick to have her way with my honey.  She then asked for some money to buy clothes for the occasion 'cause she was short on cash.  I was so excited to have an asian vixen that I gave her money without thinking twice and then, she vanished afterwards.  Such a rookie mistake, I was so ashamed, fuck this world!
Excuse me, I'm getting sidetracked...
Have you actually spent some time with titlets? If you give them an inch they'll take a mile, they will think you're crap just because you showed sympathy.  And, oh God! Is there anything more annoying than a confident flattie?
One advantage they have is to be young looking and I have to give them that.  I'm a cake now and I can see how sometimes youth can give the best orgasms to a man.
Well, to finish this up.  Sure, be friends with flatties.  Let them know your man well, but always be on your toes.  They can fuck you up if you're too lenient with them.
Replies: >>2208 >>2212
This is probably the only place I can read someone said something good about having big boobs. Women usually complaints about having big boobs...And flat chests would wish they can relate.
Replies: >>2207 >>2212
If women complaint so much about big boobs, why there are so many fucking breast augmentation surgeries being made? At least until covaids happened, today things are different.
I'll let you in a secret: WOMEN LIE... like... a lot.
Surveys? They lie.
Favortie traits in men? They lie.
Sex drive? They lie.
Women lie because we they don't want to give the impression of being shallow whores.
For instance, rape is the most prevalent fetish among women, but very few would admit that.
Replies: >>2210 >>3105
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I'm sorry to hear about that asian girl taking advantage of your kindness. That's the unfortunate reality of dealing with the flat chested, so many are used to having to do whatever they can to get by, since their body didn't provide. But they're not all like that. There's traits to look for that can make it a more certain thing that you've found a quality vixen. It's best to look for slender women with a small chest, of course, but also for reliability, grace, kinships with nature, sharp features, and even pointed ears.

Which it just occurs to me, describes elves to a T. Now that I think about it, most of my vixens have been elves. As a large breasted human woman, I get tired lugging around these absurd mammaries all day. It's always nice to have a lithe, gamine pixie in my home to have excessive amounts of sex with my husband, so I don't have to worry about pleasing him. It takes a load off my mind, not to mention my back! Sometimes he seems to actively prefer fucking a tight elven pussy to mine, and I think that's just fine. After all, that's what they're there for.
Replies: >>2211

Doesnt that means women want to get raped? It cant be your fetish if you dont want it.
Replies: >>2211 >>2212 >>3105
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Be careful with elfs, my dear.
They may look fragile, petite and cute, but once your man gets hooked on them, there's no way back.  He will not want your body again.
I go to this book reading club and one of the girls shared her story about how she lost her husband to the housekeeping elf. I'll keep this short, since we're talking breasts in this thread.
One day she caught the elf flirting with her husband, at first she thought the elf was just harmlessly playing around with him and allowed them to lay down together on her own bed while she watched. Since the elf was so slim and had small chest, she couldn't compete with her, the wife. She was the women in control.
This went on for a while and as in your case, she had more free time to herself and could do other things, like going to the book reading club, while her husband was sharing the sheets with the elf.
Now her husband don't want to comfort her anymore, he always comes up with an excuse when she asks to sleep together.  When she threatened to fire the elf, her husband became furious and made her, his own wife, wear a chastity belt as a punishment.
Have you ever heard that? The female human wearing the belt?! What's going on in this world?!

It's kinda hard to explain.  They want to be "raped" in a controlled way, that's one way I can describe.  It's contradictory, I know.  In short they want a young looking, rich man that is not shy to use force to have his way with them.
I have to be honest and say that I could be projecting, but that's how I feel when I hear my friends talking openly about their desires and I relate to them.
Replies: >>2217 >>2218
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>anon's thirst to be cucked by exotic sideways vagina got her grifted
Ouch. Was she Japanese-Japanese, Western-Raised-Japanese, or Not-Actually-Japanese-But-Pretending? I'm sorry to hear it went like that, in any case.

>Have you actually spent some time with titlets? If you give them an inch they'll take a mile, they will think you're crap just because you showed sympathy.  And, oh God! Is there anything more annoying than a confident flattie?
It's an unfortunate fact that some of the mammarially challenged have succumbed to the yellow stain of breast ressentiment. It can be a very ugly thing. One mustn't pretend to know what they're going through (how could we?) nor give false sympathy. That just risks feeding the complex. I think the key - apart from the normal precautions we must all take against crazies of all stripes - is to give them a chance to flourish without letting them delude themselves into thinking they're in charge, or chaos will erupt.

The flourishing of a flattie is different in kind to the flourishing of a real woman, and I think it's up to everyone to recognise and encourage this,

>Women usually complaints about having big boobs
Ah, yes. Muh back pain muh breast reductions muh male gaze. Often this is simply exaggerated chestlet cope, or the result of women being made ashamed of having something that not everyone can have. It's true that problems occur when large breasts appear on a frame unable to support them, but this is the exception rather than the rule that it's falsely made out to be.

Complaints about depictions of breast size are likewise often leveled by those who've no hope of having a proper set themselves and who burn with titless rage they're unable to openly admit. Very sad.

What you coom to is not necessarily what you want to have happen in real life. Most "rape fantasies" are more like "ravishment fantasies".
Replies: >>2214
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Oh! I loved the pictures you posted! First time I fantasized about being a flattie helping a titmonster vixen, better not get used to it, though.

>Was she Japanese-Japanese
She was the real deal, even showed me her passport.  That's why I got air headed, I was thinking about all the possibilities so much that she easily managed to swindle me.
Just imagining my honey being meekly served by a yukata wearing vixen, oh my!

Another little thing. In that post I said I was a cake, what I meant to say is that I'm a "Christmas cake" now, I'm over 25 (actually in my 30's) and that's why I'm so interested in younger vixen and the japanese girl I mentioned, she was 22 years old.

>letting them delude themselves into thinking they're in charge
Yeah, good idea. They're like chihuahua dogs, barking a lot, but incapable of doing much. Let them believe.
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>Have you ever heard that? The female human wearing the belt?! What's going on in this world?!
That's pretty crazy. As a human woman, I find that quite unacceptable, the idea that I, a human, would be denied while the elf is allowed free reign.

At the same time though, maybe it is for the best. Clearly the husband is enjoying the elf a lot, and that's what it's really about. So if he's got to sacrifice his wife's sexual satisfaction so that he can enjoy pounding that elf pussy while she cums all over his cock, maybe it's not so bad. Not that the elf cumming is the important part, but I have to think that she would gush all over him, again and again.
Replies: >>2220
>They want to be "raped" in a controlled way, that's one way I can describe.
This here is important. Fantasy has the fantasizer in complete control at all time, even if the fantasy is of the loss of control.
Replies: >>3105
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So sad when friends have a falling out
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>As a human woman
Sure thing, knife ears.  Go back to cleaning and being a cum rug, your kind disgust me.  You and your petite body, always tight pussy and cute moans.  Damn all of you!
I'm better than you, I've got some knockers, you're all flat as board.  That's why you will aways be just the cock warmer, a side dish to our husbands.
Replies: >>2224
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That's harsh slander against both myself, a human, and our precious elves. Maybe if your brain developed instead of your tits, you wouldn't be such an obscene bodied oaf! I bet you're a dwarf!
Replies: >>2225
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How dare you! Ample bosom is a sign of femininity, maturity and fertility.  It's no wonder why some kind of... peculiar men obsesses over the features (or the lack thereof) of elfs.
It's always easier for a man to have his way with an elf than with a female human because elfs are always in heat for human shaft.  Which makes them the consolation prize or just a sex relief tool for men with high sex drive and that's the case of my husband.
After he is done with our elf, my husband's attention is all towards me.  I'm the mother and queen of our home, in control, specially over the money.  In other words, I pay for the elf, she's actually mine.
Read that again and think about it, my dear!  Just because you can be seen as a mistress, in reality you're the lowest form of life living among humans.
Honestly, I pity you.  Your "male" elfs make our soyboys look like masculinity incarnated.
By the way, dwarfs don't have elf servants. Not that I'm aware of.  Rest assured, I'm human.
Replies: >>2227
Peculiar men, like those who wish their women to resemble the female form, not farm animals.

And I was mistaken, it must be your husband who is the dwarf. They're the only ones who like exploring such cavernous holes.
Replies: >>2228
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Peculiar men like those who want to embrace immature younglings, taking away their innocence while not producing any offspring.
Maybe I was too harsh, that's why you're offended, to the point of calling my husband a dwarf.
No harm done, I'm fine because you'll never be able to enjoy motherhood since you're a tool to vent lust. After having kids, indeed you won't be as tight as you were when young and that's when elfs are useful.  My job as female is done in keeping my species moving forward, my man can sleep with as many elfs he likes because by the end the day I'm the one he's in love with.
So, keep crying chestlet!
Will the same size work?
Replies: >>3091
Symmetry can be nice.

>They want to be "raped" in a controlled way, that's one way I can describe.  It's contradictory, I know.  In short they want a young looking, rich man that is not shy to use force to have his way with them.
Hitting the nail on the head here. There's a difference between rape and ravishment. You want to be attracted to the guy, but you also want him to not care about what you want since it's all about what he wants. He has no control of his urges, you're just so desirable that he has to have you and he isn't going to take no for an answer. It just so happens that you want him too, so your interests are aligned here and that resolves the contradiction for me. I wouldn't say I have a rape fetish, I have a ravishment fetish, and I think the popularity of bodice rippers is evidence I'm not alone.

But what the fuck do I know, I'm a worthless cuck anyway.
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A fantasy just came upon me out of nowhere, and I would like to share it. I'm not thinking nor typing so straight right now - apologies for any clumsiness.

I was blessed with enough boob that envy is never a problem (at least, on my side of things), and I'll admit that cuckqueaning's emphasis on breast envy has given me a little bit of a taste for boobmogging. So how do I square the circle of——

Fuck it, I can't string a coherent argument together right now so I'll go straight to the idea. I want to be used as a bondage rack. I want to lie face-up on the bed and have my bf lash a squirming flattie to me. She would be face up too, and her arms and legs would be tied to mine. Ideally she'd be shorter than me, so her head nestled just below my chin, cushioned by my breasts. (Reality problem: Gravity means said breasts would kind of fall away to either side, so she'd actually rest on my sternum instead. Maybe a shelf bra to keep everything in place? Anyway.)

He'd tease the poor girl into a squirming puddle first. I'd be a little stronger than her, so I'd be able to use myself to position her arms and legs where they need to be, occasionally giving her a little kiss on the head and helping out by whispering a dirty morsel or two. I'd be able to feel every pull and twitch of her body, and she'd be absolutely exposed and helpless—but very comfortable.

When he finally slides into her I'd push my hips up to help give the best angle. He's nice and tall so I'd also have no problem watching his face close up and even stealing a cheeky little kiss or two while he gives the flattie more than she bargained for. Of course IRL all contact with vixens is done using protection but in the fantasy she begs for his raw cock; we tease her about it before I join in the request for him to slip off the condom. I help push her back against him as he thrusts and when he's close I suddenly wrap my legs around his waist and buck, locking them into a nice deep creampie.

The only weakness of this setup is that I wouldn't be able to clean up straight afterwards, but I'm sure I'd be able to convince my bf to let me have a little post-coital cleanup facefucking at least while the well-fucked flattie lies in her bound daze.

Come, Anon, for we have such boobmogging to show you...
>>2022 (OP) 

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Broke rule: Any guro must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post.

Replies: >>3160
Everyone on this board is dudes. This thread is proof.
Replies: >>3160
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Let me guess. You posted your dick at >>3158 and the BO deleted it as guro so now /cuckquean/ is definitely all men because a board of women would have flocked to praise your uninvited member?
Replies: >>3161 >>3162 >>3163
It's all men because all you ever post is stuff men would post. In this instance, lewds exclusively of naked women. Why should I believe anyone here is not just a dude getting his rocks off?
It's all men because all you ever post is stuff men would post. In this instance, lewds exclusively of naked women. Why should I believe anyone here is not just a dude getting his rocks off?
Replies: >>3170
♂ Ace ♂ Detective ♂ here does seem like the dick-posting type, yeah.
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any girls into this would be pretty bi no? besides, satisfying the man is priority #1 no? the posted content makes total sense.
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>I'm telling you! /cuckquean/ is all men, I can prove it!
>behold: They've posted breasts! In the breast thread!
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You were expecting dicks being posted everywhere, didn't you?
Well, I'll break the news for you.  Only gay men (well, mostly) are interested in dicks.
Males are mostly visual, that's why traditional porn is consumed by dudes. I'm not saying chicks don't rub to photos/videos, just saying men are the target.
The setting, foreplay, mind-games with humiliation, that's what I like.  For me, sex is the bonus and it comes only at the end.

But I digress, better start posting dicks and buffed dudes, I guess.
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Replies: >>3585

the actual study: https://academic.oup.com/mend/article/18/9/2208/2747620
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Replies: >>3668
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New contribution to the discourse.
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Replies: >>3678
Both are ridiculously small.
Replies: >>3683
Stop trying to present Biden in a positive manner!
Asian bodies are beautiful!
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Absolute cope and seethe LMAO. Go back to crystal cafe/dilate/whatever. YWNBAW.
Replies: >>3777
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>ultimate cope seethe dilate.png
>no dilate
>whole web of oh-sweetie-no Twitter language
Replies: >>3778 >>3783 >>3795
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>>3777 (checked)
They're not sending their best.
Replies: >>3783
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I've seen fags unironically use "pickme girls", in freaking /jp/ of all places. I got banned for "racism outside /b/" for semi facetiously posting spoiled pic related.

Add the fact they "memed" 4chan gold accounts to reality with their shitty captchas they are openly reddit 2.0 at this point only with shitty captcha only shittier because they can't even play any video format other than soundless webms.

Seen pics from this artist a lot. Who is the artist?
Replies: >>3796
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She's 上官绯樱, @jokanihyou on Twitter.
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Remember ladies, always inspect potential vixens to ensure they're busty enough for your man. Don't want any shirt stuffers to slip through, he already has you, after all!
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>Be you
>Monster's DOTR happens: monstergirls of all stripes are popping out of portals and coming for your hubby
>Cute monster girl after monstergirl ride your man's rod and you couldn't be happier
>Husband keeps getting healthier and fitter with each one he brings home
>It makes you want to lick the sweat off his abs when he gets done fucking his girls
>But for all that you're enjoying yourself, you can't help noticing a theme with all these new lovely qts
>They all to a one, are massively taller than you and have great stonking tits
>Seriously, the only ones that don't have massive melons at your eye level are the ones with gigantic milk tanks that can rest ontop of your head
>And the rest of their figures are to die for to say the least- theres so much lovely Cake you can't help but want to take a nibble
>Makes you feel like a flat midget- and might end up one if you monsterize
>You can feel yourself starting to change day by day, its to early to tell what you're turning in to, but you can tell its on its way.
Wat do?

You could turn into a titcow monstergirl like the rest, end up a legal loli monster, or end up something else. 
You got a preference in what you turn into and why?
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small tits are perfect, why humiliate them?
Replies: >>4697
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Because some of them like and want it! There are also large-breasted girls who like to be humiliated for the size of their chests sometimes, too, but they're probably not as common.
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Would you want to rest your head on soft boobs after the vixen has her fun or watch your bf rest his head on her tits after he is finished?
Why should they envy? They should enjoy their friends' bountiful chests alongside the man's(doesn't matter whose man he is) dick. Women need not be enemies but be sisters.
Everybody likes having their heads sandwiched between boobs right? Whether it's when your dick getting squeezed out or when getting your womb filled up, you will be wrapped in a cozy feeling. What about you ladies with beautiful bosoms? Won't you feel surrounded with that same cozy feeling when two people share the comfiest pillow as you lay sandwiched between them?
Replies: >>5675 >>6474
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Is it hypocritical to love huge boobs, massive flotation devices, absolute titcows, but you wouldn't want to lug those jugs yourself? At least not everyday.
Replies: >>5659
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Of course not. How else would beautiful jug-lugger/naizurist symbiosis form? Loving something on others doesn't mean you must want it for yourself, and it's tranny logic to insist otherwise.
Replies: >>5666
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Thats a fair point. To have big boobs, jiggly jugs, cuddly calcium cannons, you also need there to be small boobs. If everyone has big boobs, then no one does.
Although I wouldn't mind if the average cup size around the world was a little bigger. Okay, a lot bigger. I want my cozy cleavage cuddles.
But it does feel like a guilty pleasure enjoying the though of jolly jug luggers bursting buttons and struggling to squeeze into bras I could use as a parachute,
Replies: >>5667
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>>5666 (hello, Satan)
Feeling a touch guilty over being such a bazonglemonger is part of the fun, naturally. I personally feel that a flatter girl's desire to have her face pressed against mountainous milkers is neither strange nor wrong, just a little naughty.
>Why should they envy? 
Benis haver here. I am dangerously deep into flat is justice territory, what I enjoy the most in big boobs is how unwarrantedly jealous and insecure they make my gf, she is all adorably pouty and cute when that happens.
Replies: >>5676 >>5682
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You know the drill.
Replies: >>5677
I hope you don't mind one with 2 heads.
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>what I enjoy the most in big boobs is how unwarrantedly jealous and insecure they make my gf, she is all adorably pouty and cute when that happens.
It can definitely be cute but I'd rather they eventually come to enjoy what is a gift to humanity.
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Ever since I read all that stuff about bags and backpacks in the other thread I can't stop fantasizing about my husband and I keeping a convenient little flattie around for his sexual relief. I'm very subby myself but the idea of taking our pet pettan for a walk on a leash or casually bullying her by pressing her head against my cleavage like it's normal (because in my fantasy it is) or putting out a bag for her to obediently climb into like a trained animal is just too good. Not even in a mean way, just like it's natural for things to be that way. Feels like small-breasted girls being pets is gonna be my new autistic pervert fantasy world conceit for a while.
Replies: >>5699 >>5701
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I know Tohru is far from a flattie but a dragon maid sounds great regardless of the bust size.
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>like it's normal
I-is it not?
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>>2022 (OP) 
Old files from Cafe.
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Old files from Cafe.
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So my friend got into the beta for the new hoyo gacha and she streamed it last night. Very early on there was a side by side of the fem MC Belle and the titty monster vixen bait character, Nicole. Naturally, she notices the disparity between the two and mentions it, which kicks off a 30 minute discussion about the boob size of all the girls in hoyo games and how they measure up against each other while I'm just sitting there, holding my boobs in my hands and imagining a harem of gacha waifus playfully teasing me while they take turns with my man. The group chat is still sharing boob size comparison stuff this morning. Please send help, I can hardly focus at work.
Nice. Boob variety would keep him stimulated, there is nothing to worry about. Don't get too distracted though!
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>Please send help
Here you go!
Replies: >>6685
>discussion about the boob size of all the girls
>30 minutes
Your friend belongs in here.
Replies: >>6685
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Replies: >>6685
I've thought about that, honestly. She actually may already be here, she knows what the word compersion is, her and her husband had a threesome with one of his exes before, it would fit with her personality. For the time being I don't think I want to invite her here and make it weird, but if she ever stumbles across the board she will be in good company.

Don't worry anon, I made it a point to drink extra water, this isn't the first time I've been stunlocked by lewdness.

This will make a fine addition to my collection, thank you for your contribution!
Replies: >>6688 >>6690
>threesome with one of his exes
I sometimes wonder what this'd be like - it's been such a while that his exes are probably quite different people now. Still, there's one in particular I'd be curious to meet; she sounds like the kind of girl I'd happily lend him to.
Replies: >>6690
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>She actually may already be here
>she knows what the word compersion is
>her and her husband had a threesome with one of his exes before
Sounds like she really is unless he tricked or pressured her into it.
>threesome with one of his exes
>it's been such a while that his exes are probably quite different people now
It's still dangerous I think.
Unless you want to be left out or left behind.
>she sounds like the kind of girl I'd happily lend him to.
Tell us more. Because she is cute/nice?
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>You Are (Not) Enough
Replies: >>6708
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Maybe he just can't find them or misses every time he tries to touch them and is embarrassed say his aim isn't good enough.
Also, why does he suddenly start talking about the importance of  due diligence upon seeing women with massive breasts?
Replies: >>6709 >>6710
I didn't need to see that.
cool it with the ryonautism
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What if you wanted to have a frisky night but his big-titty coworker said
> https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118502277
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So true definitely not cope
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Replies: >>7039 >>7127
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>I find inspiration in every smile and every tear.
Vixen Sona absolutely confirmed.
Replies: >>7079
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>Day the Raep happens and monstergirls fill the world
>You didn't get monsterized and hubby is fine, but you suddenly have a new foxy sister wife
>Shes damn tol, looks like shes twice as broad in the beam as you, and has tits for years
>Seriously, she has tits that put anime to shame
>No, you're not jelly, not at all
>She even has a fluffy tail that is absurdly soft
>All thoughts disappear the moment you touch it and she isn't shy about letting you or hubby play with it.
<That sweet voice of hers... its enough to give even you chills
>She really is a sweetheart and considerate, cleaning up the house and making dinner once she figured out the Range
>So effortlessly perfect that it makes you feel like a little kid standing next to her, but she never holds it over you and doesn't act too superior
>Or at least you're not sure if she does
>When it comes to pleasing hubby, shes taken over almost every chance to give hubby oral, handjobs, or titjobs
>Every time you try, she somehow manages to talk her way into taking over
>You'll be taking with her one moment and then the next, hubby is fucking her fat tits while you're watching and playing with her fluffy tail
>There is a sense of..... enjoyment watching her take charge of pleasing him, but you do have to press the issue when you feel the need to do it yourself
>When it came to the main event, she doesn't take over sex with hubby but occasionally your sister wife 'helps out'
>If Hes taking you from behind, you'll find yourself face first in her bosom while she supports you
>When you're riding on top, you'll feel her her arms around you and her fat tits agasnt the back of your head as she aids you
>Some days shes practically pumping you up and down on hubby's dick like you're an onahole
>You start to wonder if she secretly sees you less as a fellow wife and more like a little sister or daughter
Would you prefer she smile smugly at you and not answer, or try to allay your fears?
Replies: >>7047
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>Come to the breast thread expecting to get chestmogged.
>Get tailmogged.
>Get chestmogged and tailmogged.
y u do dis, tail sniffer anon?

>Would you prefer she smile smugly at you and not answer, or try to allay your fears?
Can I have both? She can alternate depending on whether I need headpats or not.
Replies: >>7053 >>7054
>y u do dis, tail sniffer anon?
Because I know you like this.

>Can I have both? She can alternate depending on whether I need headpats or not.
Of course. She can dote on you while letting you rest your head on her chest. And smugly admit she loves spoiling you and hubby in her way.

I'll write up something tomorrow if you like..
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Earmogged, too!
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I got ta know. What anime is that clip from?
Replies: >>7082
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid
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This was a rollercoaster.
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Replies: >>7102
boob envy is downright wholesome, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling
Replies: >>7105 >>7125
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Me too.
For form, it's not just the boob envy. It's also the faces touching and then kissing because the flattie needs to get super close to pretend to be doing something, and then in the end she's the one getting the creampie. That's the sort of thing that actives all the synapses in my brain.
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Sona's smug is actually stronger amd Seraphine admits defeat.
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Mochipettan reporting in. My boyfriend got me to do naizuri one time, I didn't even know that word before he told me it. It was the most embarrassing thing I've ever done lol, my face got really red. He kept telling me it was cute but I felt super awkward the whole time. It was really just like I was rubbing him against my sternum, my boobs are too small to surround him at all.
I haven't really told him about the whole cuckquean thing, but if we ever do it I want a vixen with big honkin tiddies so he can fuck them properly. I want to see him enveloped in soft, supple flesh, and then I want to lick his cum off them.
Replies: >>7261 >>7283
>It was the most embarrassing thing I've ever done lol
I'm pretty sure there a ton of sites that have naizuri as a tag for people to search for it. Nothing to be embarrassed about.
>He kept telling me it was cute
He sounds like a man of culture.
Replies: >>7271
>Nothing to be embarrassed about.
Thanks for the encouragement. I just get flustered really easy, especially when I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing (blame the autism). He tries to do it to me on purpose a lot.
>He sounds like a man of culture.
For sure. Love him to death.
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I think guys who find naizuri cute do so because it emphasizes the chest's smallness that they so appreciate. Some also like it because of the embarrassment, and perseverance in spite of that embarrassment. (Aww, look at this lil' flattie trying her best!) Plus it's something new, and if there's one thing this board knows it's that men like variety.

The embarrassment part isn't at all mandatory, in my opinion - confidently-done naizuri would probably be pretty sexy. I've never been able to bring myself to suggest our svelter vixens do it (or that my husband suggest they do it), though, for fear they'd've felt I was trying to get a swipe in at them.
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Breast envy is fun, but let’s be real: You don’t really want her tits. They’re better on her, and she on him.
Replies: >>7506 >>7537
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Replies: >>7500 >>7503
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>the rapist
Did somebody cum on the rapist's legs?
If I don’t want her tits then why am I grabbing them? Checkmate.
So true bestie. All boobs are good boobs, especially when theyre rubbing against him

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>Even slimes will be mocked for having dignified and modest breasts.
Why are cow-boobed women so mean?
Replies: >>7554
She's failed to collect adequate resources for the season and now her status with her mate is threatened. Rules of nature!
Replies: >>7561
>Don't get big.
>Forfeit status with mate.
Nature is brutal.
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Replies: >>7952
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Replies: >>7953 >>7955
A modest mage with much to be modest about.
PoV: Your home is about to get wrecked.
Replies: >>7956 >>7962
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she can't keep getting away with it
Replies: >>7960
What are you doing to stop her?
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I see what you did there.
Replies: >>7966
It wasn't on purpose.
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