/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Very often, my girlfriend makes jokes about me cheating on her. But the jokes have a connotation of victimization.

For example, angrily: "What did you do there? Did you cheat on me?"

Is she a cuckquean or what?
Replies: >>2239
>>2238 (OP) 
Probably not.
Need more examples.
Yesterday she pretend be another woman and we roleplay with that.
She liked it.

We ofter "pretend" that i'm cheating on her.
That's kinky but not healthy
Replies: >>2268
OP you need to have an honest talk with her if you really want to know what the jokes are about, if she's really jealous, or if they're meant to be teasing and she's not getting that across well, or if she has a kink, or something else or a combination. And if you can't have honest talks with her then you have bigger problems.

However it does sound like she might have fantasies. But that doesn't necessarily mean she wants to bring them into reality.

Kinda seems like jumping to conclusions anon.
Replies: >>2295
>inb4 op makes assumptions instead of talking and cheats on her and loses her
Replies: >>2270 >>2287
The guys who “suspect” (read: hope) that their girl’s secretly a ‘quean always seem too eager to believe she is.
Replies: >>2277 >>2288
Why wouldn't you be eager? You got girlfriend, assume that's it, you won the 'have a relationship' game and suddenly there's rumblings of the bonus pussy, a man's gotta try.
Replies: >>2278 >>2290 >>2293
This attitude is, by the way, why cuckqueans don’t tend to emerge until after they’re well into a relationship.
Replies: >>2279
What are you expecting exactly? Guys aren't just going to come up to women and go 'hey I want you but I also want to fuck other girls later, can you be my girlfriend but also just be down with the idea that eventually I'm going to cheat on you? Oh, and I might rub it in your face that I did this, it sexually arouses me to bully or mock you'. Most girls don't want to be cuckqueans from what I've gathered. It'd be great if they were, you could just cuck your girl and assume she doesn't mind and laugh when she does because 'lol it's just a vixen why are you mad' but it won't happen.
Replies: >>2284 >>2286 >>2293
>'hey I want you but I also want to fuck other girls later, can you be my girlfriend but also just be down with the idea that eventually I'm going to cheat on you? Oh, and I might rub it in your face that I did this, it sexually arouses me to bully or mock you'.
>Most girls don't want to be cuckqueans from what I've gathered. It'd be great if they were, you could just cuck your girl and assume she doesn't mind and laugh when she does because 'lol it's just a vixen why are you mad' but it won't happen.
This makes my skin crawl. Some real nasty types out there.
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I have had the opportunity 3 different times and have never done it
Replies: >>2297
Maybe she is. It is unlikely, okay.

Regardless, I would like her to be a cuckquean.

I think that few men dislike the idea.
Replies: >>2297
She is totally okay when we roleplay that i'm cheating on her.

She wants to play that.

In the "game" we play, she sometimes acts like the cuckcake (and we fuck, roleplaying), and sometimes she acts like the girl whe has been cheated on her.

( sorry for my english, anons )
Replies: >>2297
It would be very nice, really.

I am dominant in sex, and we enjoy that.

I'm also a cuckold, but i've never told her.

She does not enjoy serious talks, she is very mentally immature.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST /cuckquean/ is not for male cuckoldry content. Do not post male cuckoldry content on /cuckquean/.

Replies: >>2297
I meant: I would like to be a cuckold too. I would like a threesome too. I would like many things. I am very open, but she is conservative. She is also submissive.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST /cuckquean/ is not for male cuckoldry content. Do not post male cuckoldry content on /cuckquean/.

Replies: >>2297
She loves to play. She loves role play. And her favorite game is when I cheat, but in all games, my "real girlfriend" doesn't know.
Replies: >>2294 >>2297

I couldn't properly understand these comments. Sorry :I
Replies: >>2297
> but in all games, my "real girlfriend" doesn't know.

This is the main reason because i discard the idea of she is a cuckquean. But maybe some girl from here comes up and say: Oh, i played like that.

I don't know anons. Sorry for my stupid questions.
Replies: >>2297
I'm going to do that in a few days, i want this game to continue because i like it.
In a few days i'm going to bring here with the response of her.

I'm going to have a serious talk.
Replies: >>2297
You can reply to more than one post per post, y'know. How'd you find /cuckquean/ anyway?
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