/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

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why isn't sharing your man with men allowed here or a common thing among cuckqueens in general? women view gay porn almost as much as actual gay men so it's not like women who like to see men fuck each other are anywhere close to a tiny minority among straight/bi women. additionally, isn't the whole point to get off on your man fucking people unlike yourself? people who please him more and provide things you can't? isn't him fucking someone totally unlike yourself who can provide experiences unlike what you possibly could a perfect fit for that bill? not trying to shit on the culture here but I find it strange how few other cuckqueens are into it and I'm curious as to the reasoning. lesbianism seems allowed here as long as a dude is still involved somewhere along the process (usually lesbians letting their partner fuck a dude or women who also want to have sexual contact with the vixen) .
Replies: >>3882 >>3884 >>3920
>>3879 (OP) 
Meta thread's over at >>2 - you should ask this kind of thing there.
Replies: >>3885
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>>3879 (OP) 
>women view gay porn almost as much as actual gay men
...we do? Shit, I must've lost the memo. Yaoi aside - which gay porn is very far from - how much gay porn aimed at gay men am I supposed to watch? I mean, I know it's the same amount as gay men do, but how much gay porn do they watch? It's got to be a fair bit, right? It's just that I'm kinda busy and I don't know if I've the time to be a proper gay-porn-watching woman, even if I'm only obligated to watch like... 85-90% of what gay men watch.

Fuck, I'm going to be way behind too. Do I have to, like, make up for all the gay porn I didn't watch? There isn't interest on the balance of gay porn minutes unwatched, is there? I don't want to go to sexual statistics debtors' prison or declare gender bankruptcy, the cuckqueaning's fucked my woman credit rating enough as is.
Replies: >>3886
Eh check the statistics if you want. I was suprised to find out I wasn't a weirdo for it. Second most viewed catagory by women after lesbian porn
Replies: >>3887
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Might you be able to smooth my way with a study DOI number or other link to the material? It's not a GSS review, is it?
Replies: >>3888
I'm a dumb little thing with too much weed in my system and too few braincells to drum up a proper academic source for it but several majors porn sites consistently show gay porn in the top 5 most viewed catagories for women. Usually at #2 or #3 with lesbian porn always being at least a little above it. Sorry that my sources include "dude trust me" as a primary. I figured the exacts weren't really important to the general question so I just pulled from memory. But yeah women watch a lot of gay porn. My theory as to why is that it's hot and cute and good but further study is pending on that. I just like seeing porn where the guy functions as more than a glorified dildo. Not really gay myself so seeing a woman there kind of kills it a bit for me as I don't self-insert into media really much less porn.
Replies: >>3889
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At least you got some nice eights. It's fine if you can't get into the weeds on the topic. Pornhub/Mindgeek et al aren't known for honest rigor and I don't recall seeing gay porn in the rankings when last I paid attention to the media pieces they put out, but that was years ago. In any case we can put the numbers aside into a vague haze. Man-on-man (or any 3D porn really) has never been my thing but it's fine if it's yours.

I don't know why women who're into sharing their men apparently aren't much into sharing their men with other men. I almost never saw it come up in any of the cuckquean scenes/hubs I've seen through the years. The only reasoning I can offer is my own, which goes something along the lines of a raised eyebrow and a slight pull back of the head. Doesn't press my cuck-button. Just not into it, simple as.

As for why it's not allowed here, only our BO can say for sure but I do know before the rule was enacted we got guys crashing in to drone on about the endless boypussy they were going to slay as well as hints of some grimy influence creeping in around the edges of that. I don't recall anyone before you mentioning it seriously.

Which imageboard or other Internet background do you come from, if you don't mind my asking?
Replies: >>3890 >>3900 >>3920

Makes sense. Perhaps a concern over gay men hijacking the topic. Anyway I'll look into it further another time but dear god is it common. Gay shipping and yaoi are more common than a direct focus on porn but if I recall pornhub claimed around 40%ish of all the users on pornhub gay were women. The reason the amount of women watching gay porn doesn't show up in their regular statistics is that those are for the main site which allows lesbian content but quarantines off gay content. Therefor it's not something that would be measured in those reports. Though these statistics lack rigor they're unlikely to be meaningfully inaccurate as there is not enough real incentive or reason to lie about gender on their account creation section for it to skew the numbers across tens of millions of users. I'm happy to see women employed in a cuckqueen setting (otherwise I wouldn't be here) just not in regular porn. I've heard my reasoning for liking it is the main one report alingside women saying it allows them to enjoy the idea of dom/sub relationships and BDSM without feeling the political implication of a woman being degraded/owned and they're already attracted to men so it fits. I've also figured the ShoeOnHead metaphor of why men like lesbians is applicable too 

>hey I like this thing
>hey here's another of that thing
>starts agressively smashing them together

As for my web background related to cuckqueening mostly 4chan, some Reddit, 8chan various inage hosting sites with captioned content I never memorized the names of, and chats on Omegle
Replies: >>3891
Yes, I figured the site separation might have something to do with it. I would point out that there'll be some subsampling effects if their gender statistics come from measuring those who've voluntarily created accounts and provided profile information, but the larger source of inaccuracy would be if they supplement it with what their analytics software profiles their unidentified users as. Without knowing exactly where and how they concluded that a woman is watching something, it's hard to know what kind of data you're looking at. Additionally, I'd point out that it's routine to fiddle with "X demographic is doing Y" breadcrumbs to influence that demographic and/or conduct tests on whether demographic X might like to do Y, but I can't imagine what that would resolve to in this situation.

>pornhub claimed around 40%ish of all the users on pornhub gay were women
That is... a lot, especially when you start from general porn use levels among women compared to men. It makes me wonder if Pornhub's gay section isn't that popular with its intended audience.

Also, thank you for satisfying my curiosity. I suppose I've been among 8chan diaspora so long that I've grown very used to its posting style and norms.
Replies: >>3893
>It makes me wonder if Pornhub's gay section isn't that popular with its intended audience

Could be. But you must remember that gay/bi men are a fairly small sect of the population while straight/bi women are a much, much larger sect who also frequently consume such content. Gay pairings/Yaoi are insanely popular in various forms among women (yaoi in particular always seemed weird and cringey to me personally but no hate) so it might be of similiar popularity to men's facination with lesbians. Anyway I guess I'll just be contented in my weird niche.
Replies: >>3894 >>3896
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>But you must remember that gay/bi men are a fairly small sect of the population while straight/bi women are a much, much larger sect
A good point, and well made.

>Gay pairings/Yaoi are insanely popular in various forms among women
I'd be cautious in assuming that an interest in yaoi carries over to an interest in watching real gay porn, especially gay porn produced for the interest of gay men, which at a glance seems very different from yaoi. This isn't to say that someone can't like both, but lumping it all under buttsex seems like a reductive temptation.

Actually, come to think of it, is there any gay porn filmed with a female audience in mind? If there's a strong female market, it would make sense for studios making gay porn to respond. This isn't to say that porn production is purely audience-driven; there are plenty of other factors that go into what material is produced, released, and marketed, but I'm still curious. What kind of gay porn do you watch Anon, if you don't mind telling us? What makes a gay video work for you as opposed to one that doesn't work for you?
Replies: >>3895 >>3896 >>3900

Gay porn is made more or less the same as straight porn from what I can tell. At the end of the day people like to watch hot people fuck. For all I know some irl gay porn could be made with women in mind but just marketed generally for mass appeal

Anyway as for the gay porn I consume it's mostly in the form of doujin, written works, porn comics, single images etc. Not a whole lot of rl stuff. As for the rl stuff I almost solely judge quality off of 3 factors:

>are both men cute and fuckable? (Especially love big bearish men)
>is there an apperent chemistry between them?
>do they make a proper experience out of it? (kissing, talking, cute noises, cuddle fucking/general closeness)

Generally I like the idea of how good men are at pleasuring each other, the idea of a male partner being dissatisfied with your female features (too weak, small, not having a cock, no muscle mass etc.), the idea of a thinking about a male partner being just a little too friendly with his male friends (works for female friends to a lesser extent), and it's just hot to see one guy just absolutely laying into another. And dear god gay porn is so so so much better about having men moan and tremble, make cute faces and pant. Straight porn ussually has them beint quiet, borderline expressionless, stoic, having stiff body langauge, staying stock still while cumming etc. Gay porn just has so much more male pleasure and that to me is one of the hallmarks of being a cuckqueen. Seeing your man cum his brains out and get all sleepy and happy with another person.
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But wait, if gay/bi men are a small segment of the population and they're 60% of the audience on pornhub gay (discounting whatever % of those are "straight" men), then that means the 40% on pornhub gay who are women are actually a small sliver of the much larger total female population.

To explain what I mean, Wikipedia says the gay + bisexual percentage of men seems to be around 8% according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_sexual_orientation so 8% of 50.4% of all people is 4% of all people. Let's be really generous and say that every gay and bisexual man watches pornhub gay, so based on the audience split let's say that 4% of all people are 60% of pornhub gay's audience. Working backwards, that means that 100% of the audience is 6.66% of all people, which means the 40% female audience is 2.66% of all people = 5.4% of women.

In reality not all gay and bisexual men are in pornhub gay's audience, so the total share of all people that represents will be a much smaller fraction, which works out to a much, much, smaller fraction of all women. You could get much better numbers if you started looking at porn use ratios between sexes etc. but I think I've already made my point.
Replies: >>3898 >>3900
Not just accounting for the population difference of porn consumption it's still pretty easily high than the 1-2% this would imply

The amount of closeted men is (even in the modern era, especially counting anti-gay cultures) is still pretty which skews gay pop statistics towards lower numbers so the "straight" ones lying isn't insignificant enough to write off. Pornhub is only one of many services and women into gay erotica/drawing is much, much higher than those into tradional gay porn, myself included. Additionally pornhub when compiling these statistics (I forget the exact viewer numbers) also included the amount of views from their specified groups with lesbian porn being #1 for women and gay porn being #2 for total viewership regardless of the site's seperation from the main one. Quite a few articles online go over this weird presence of women as consumers of gay porn in fact. Even 10% among straight women wpuld be high as fuck all things considered. Definitely not a majority but lots of women who watch video porn will be gay porn consumers to some degree or another and those who consume erotica and drawn are an even higher portion (thanks to yaoi making entire generations of MHA and Naruto female fans huge faghags). I dare you to go 5 mins in any female dominated writing space (see: any and all fanfiction sites) under any romance or erotica tag without encountering dozens of women writing about some anime twinks fucking each other especially anywhere with that omegaverse shit (ultra-zoomer shit)
Replies: >>3900
>women into gay erotica/drawing is much, much higher than those into tradional gay porn
Yes, that was one of the points >>3894 made against female interest in yaoi translating to interest in video gay porn.

>I dare you to go 5 mins in any female dominated writing space (see: any and all fanfiction sites) under any romance or erotica tag without encountering dozens of women writing about some anime twinks fucking each other especially anywhere with that omegaverse shit (ultra-zoomer shit)
Yes? Again, these are niche spaces representing a small percentage of total women, which agrees with the point I made in >>3896 that the % of all women viewing gay porn is small even if you assign incredibly generous numbers to it.

To lay it out in context of the OP question, you can't expect cuckqueans to automatically be interested in IRL man-man action because the chances that a given cuckquean will also be interested in gay porn are the same as her being a woman in general who views gay porn i.e. low. >>3889 mentions that she hasn't seen it in the wild either, so there's no suggestion that the two interests cluster together. If anything, they might repel.
Replies: >>3901
Oh yeah I'm just talking about the fantasy of liking gay men in general. I'm sure plenty from rl and yaoi camp can't stand the other but it's a lot less rare than people here seem to think and it's disproportionately rare in a place like this. I suppose my real question was why it seems outright rare when most other female dominated porn spaces have ot aplenty if it isn't a majority. Not trying to argue, I probably come across as more intense than I mean to
Some women like male-male action, but definitely not all. Some are disgusted by MSM. cuckqueanadmin-dono might be one of those.

I knew this bi guy who broke up with his girlfriend, and for years afterward if she so much as had allergies or a cold she would text him to say something like "you better not have given me anything you fucking faggot" and that was their only contact. She was his childhood friend too, sad stuff. Life sure isn't anime.
Replies: >>3954 >>3962
>>3879 (OP) 
Pretty much what >>3889 said. I noticed both here and in other places that undesirable elements were attracted when the topic of the other woman actually being the other man came up, and that putting in a rule against it hurt nothing, so that's why we have the rule.

This thread's broader than just the rule question so it's fine to have it, but in future if you have meta stuff please post it in the meta thread.
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>for years afterward if she so much as had allergies or a cold she would text him to say something like "you better not have given me anything you fucking faggot" and that was their only contact. She was his childhood friend too, sad stuff.
Wow. Nasty little tale, that.
>for years afterward if she so much as had allergies or a cold she would text him to say something like "you better not have given me anything you fucking faggot" 
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