/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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I thought I'd try making a general to concentrate discussion of actual cuckqueaning in one cozy thread. Talk about real life cuckqueaning here! Things like
>When was the last time you were cucked?
>Have you had a favourite vixen? Has your man had a favourite vixen?
>Does cuckqueaning mean Compersion or Humiliation for you?
>How close do you like to be when they're in the act?
>Have any of your girlfriends slept with your man? Do you think it's a good idea for them to do it?
>Do you have any post-cucking rituals once you're alone with your man again?

(If you're a man not participating in the IRL cuckqueaning lifestyle, please refrain from posting in here.)
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Nobody? Yeah, thought so. 2020's been one big dry spell for us, fuck this year.
Replies: >>1492 >>1500
I didn't wanna be the one to bring the negativity in but I haven't been allowed to travel far enough to visit my bf since lockdown. I wish we had moved in together before this year started. Or that some other girl had so I could hear about it!
Replies: >>1496
That’s awful! At least my bf and I live together so that’s a blessing to count. I hope you’re allowed to see your man in person soon, Anon. Were you actively doing cuckqueaning before the pandemic?

>Or that some other girl had so I could hear about it!
Cuckqueaning by telepresence! Or, if you’re in a different timezone, cuckqueaning by video drop! Can’t sniff him or clean him up afterwards though. Aside: There are probably some good stories to be had with the long-distance restriction as a conceit.
Replies: >>1512
Truly, we've all been cucked by Corona-chan.
Replies: >>1512
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I dunno. This year's been pretty stressful. I get cuckiest when I'm horny, happy, and relaxed, and I haven't been able to be any of those things recently. Sorry to bring things down.

>When was the last time you were cucked?
Last year! Hubby chatted up a nice girl he met by chance and then had a one-night stand with her a few days later.

>Have you had a favourite vixen? Has your man had a favourite vixen?
I think one of our first few was my favourite. She was a sweet, considerate, petite girl but drifted off after a while in search of a bf of her own.

>Does cuckqueaning mean Compersion or Humiliation for you?
100% compersion for me! Humiliation turns me off but I think if you're into it then you should enjoy it.

>How close do you like to be when they're in the act?
Same room. I like being able to watch the show and dote on them. If I'm not there then I like it when I get messages with little updates. I love knowing when he's about to commence, and when he's coming home. It keeps me involved, as a cuckquean rather than a bystander.

>Have any of your girlfriends slept with your man? Do you think it's a good idea for them to do it?
Yes! But no, the girlfriend in question got all weird after that and we're no longer friends. I guess she couldn't handle it. So it's something you should only do if you're able to and they're able to.

>Do you have any post-cucking rituals once you're alone with your man again?
Apart from fucking? I like to slowly clean him with my mouth while I remember what I saw, or while he tells me about the fun he had.
Replies: >>1725
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Before the lockdowns happened I had just managed to convince him to do it once, with an ex he was friends-with-benefits with after they had broken up. I only got to listen because she wasn't comfortable with being watched, which was disappointing because I had made myself a cozy closet space to creep on them from! But I got him to give me a rundown about how different her body was. (I'm pretty slender in all respects, which he likes, but she's curvy and jiggly, which he also likes. Can't have both in the same woman, so therefore gotta have two women, right? It's logic!)

I did smell him after and I didn't really get her scent, because she wears some earthy rose perfume, so that's what I smelled on him. It was nice. I can't decide if asking her for the name of it would be weird.

As for cleanup, I don't really like the taste of the condoms. It's not as bad as latex but it's not palatable either.

To further answer the OP's questions, I'm mostly compersive but sometimes I have subby moods where some humiliation is nice. I also just like him taking another women because it shows that my man is desirable to other women, but he's mine, which I guess is a dominant mood if anything? idk lol, I just like thinking of him as my stud that women want.


Corona-chan is cute. I wish she wasn't such a bitch to me. I'm not submissive enough for this treatment. :c
Replies: >>1515 >>1725
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>I only got to listen because she wasn't comfortable with being watched
A lot of other girls really aren't comfortable with this sort of thing. Fair enough! Gotta be considerate of our vixens. Some have apparently freaked all the way out at the concept of my endorsing my man's cock in them even though they're happy to take a piece of him if they think I don't know about it. Silly!

What was it like to only be able to listen? I've never done it that way. I've only been able to watch a few times, which was amazing, but I've come to find that I'm quite comfortable with it happening somewhere else as long as I get regular updates. How did olde-time cuckqueans cope without modern messaging? Were sealed letters dispatched from the tryst-chamber to the lady of the house's bedroom on a silver tray, paper scented with a light dusting of illicit love sweat?

>I had made myself a cozy closet space to creep on them from!
That's such a good idea. How did you set it up? In my deep dark moments I have a fantasy of being put away into a cozy little hollowed-out space under the bed with a comfy beanbag to curl up on and some other creature comforts while I happily listen to everything going on above. You know those clips when cats and dogs interfere with people having sex? In my fantasy they have to put me away because I'd be like that if I was allowed to roam free, just clambering all over the place and sticking my nose in and licking all over like a goddamn nuisance.

>I also just like him taking another women because it shows that my man is desirable to other women, but he's mine, which I guess is a dominant mood if anything? idk lol, I just like thinking of him as my stud that women want.
Yes! Thank you! This is exactly it. Many people don't seem to understand that being a cuckquean can be all about big smug. Not only is my man (MY man) having a great time dicking another woman into a puddle but then he comes back to me and dicks me into a happy puddle every time, and then we go about our lives together. For me it's less about the other women wanting him and more that I just love it when he fucks. Doesn't have to be me he's fucking, gets me off just the same!

I wonder if flavoured condoms are flavoured on the inside too? Someone should make condoms designed to not leave bad-tasting residue, or lube that counteracts it.
Replies: >>1519

>Some have apparently freaked all the way out at the concept of my endorsing my man's cock in them even though they're happy to take a piece of him if they think I don't know about it. Silly!

Something my man and I agree on is that we don't want/trust anyone who is ok with plain old infidelity. Our cuckqueaning is not infidelity to my mind, despite the name - it is still a consensual agreement between us. I might fantasize about being cheated on for real, when I get in a really submissive mood, but it's only a fantasy. I usually don't even like it as kink talk.

>What was it like to only be able to listen? I've never done it that way. I've only been able to watch a few times, which was amazing, but I've come to find that I'm quite comfortable with it happening somewhere else as long as I get regular updates.

I've never been as stimulated by sound as by sight or scent - like historically after a couple months with a new bf I stop caring for phone sex for example - so my imagination was doing a significant amount of work. It was still hot, I still came a bunch, but I don't know how sustainable this is. On the other hand, my man told me whatever I wanted to know afterward and proved pretty good at pushing my buttons for a first time, so maybe that will be enough. Maybe I'm worrying too much about sustainability for something that might not happen that often even after Corona-chan is put to bed.

>That's such a good idea. How did you set it up? In my deep dark moments I have a fantasy of being put away into a cozy little hollowed-out space under the bed with a comfy beanbag to curl up on and some other creature comforts while I happily listen to everything going on above. You know those clips when cats and dogs interfere with people having sex? In my fantasy they have to put me away because I'd be like that if I was allowed to roam free, just clambering all over the place and sticking my nose in and licking all over like a goddamn nuisance.

That is a mental image. Thanks for the giggles.

Honestly figured this was just a common idea. He has solid opaque sliding doors on his closet so I just had an old body pillow against the wall to lean my upper body against. It's not the most comfortable turning my head almost 90 degrees to see out the crack but I thought it'd be worth it to get a closer view. bf gives good neck rubs anyway. But plan B was reclining against the corner of the closet. If I just face the closet door I end up having to open it too much and I might as well just be in the room with them at that point.

Also had a floor blanket that I don't mind washing body fluids off of. And my little vibey egg toy. And some bottled water. Hydration is important! The water is the only part of this setup that ended up being used lol.
Replies: >>1522
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>Something my man and I agree on is that we don't want/trust anyone who is ok with plain old infidelity.
That's very wise. Now that I think about it, all of our vixens were either fully aware of me from the start or wholly unaware of me. I think the ones who think they can get my man to cheat on me squick him out. Only the ones who were fully aware of me ended up becoming regular lays; the ones wholly unaware of me were but one night stands. I much prefer the ones who are aware of and comfortable with me since I like being friendly with them, going out for breakfast the morning after, that sort of thing.

>Our cuckqueaning is not infidelity to my mind, despite the name - it is still a consensual agreement between us. I might fantasize about being cheated on for real, when I get in a really submissive mood, but it's only a fantasy. I usually don't even like it as kink talk.
It's so nice to see someone else who feels this way about it! The thought of being cheated on is still a very unhappy and distressing one for me. I think the closest I get in fantasy is my man preparing a new girl in secret so he can fuck her as a surprise gift for me.

You hit the nail when you referred to it as "our" cuckqueaning, because that's really what it is. My man's not going off to sow wild oats because he'd cheat on me anyway - he wouldn't - but rather because I want him to. (Lots of early cuckqueaning comprised women who seemed to be post-fact rationalising being cheated on and abused; they lay claim to the title as a hardcore humiliation thing and excluded compersive cuckqueans as not-real-cuckqueans.) I remember a time our first vixen was spread-eagled face down on the bed making choked moan-whimpers with her fists full of sheet while my man pounded her, and he looked up and into my eyes before giving the happiest "isn't this awesome?" grin, and in that moment I just felt so connected and intimate with him. That's cuckqueaning!

>Maybe I'm worrying too much about sustainability for something that might not happen that often even after Corona-chan is put to bed.
Lots of outsiders misunderstand this sort of thing as a hedonic treadmill (though I've met enough burned-out degenerate BDSM high-chasers and porn addicts to know where the general image comes from), but in my experience it hasn't been a problem. You should expect that the raw punch of novelty will fade over time into happy familiarity. Listening to it or hearing about it afterwards isn't the same as watching it directly, but have their own flavours to be learned and appreciated. But if you find that you need their sex to be within eyeshot to properly enjoy it then that's something you should insist upon! No point to this if you don't enjoy it.

Those who approach cuckqueaning as novel high-chasing are going to be disappointed in the long run. After a while you come to know how it all goes, like a favourite amusement park ride or special recipe, but in some ways that makes it more enjoyable. Not every cucking will make your insides molten and turn you on so hard you think your soul's going to fall out of your body. There are bumps and scrapes and pitfalls along the way, too, so the usual tired old advice about sensible self-awareness and communication applies quadruply, but for me it's turned out very well.

>Honestly figured this was just a common idea.
It's a time-honoured cliché for a reason! I've never done it, personally, but that's only because vixens who've been comfortable being watched have also been comfortable doing it with me right there in the room. I think if I retired to the closet they'd have freaked out a little.
Replies: >>5002
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Vixen leaving lipstick, bites, sex-scratches or other marks on your man: Yes or no?
Replies: >>1592 >>1685
I think it's appropriate that marks him as her sexual territory.
Replies: >>1685
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YES! I love finding evidence. Sex-scratches is a no though, I don't like it when my bf gets hurt because then I fuss, lol

If lipstick marks him as her territory then why's he coming home to hilt in me right afterward? Checkmate! Seriously though, don't really like the whole "he belongs to the vixen now" play.
Replies: >>5002
The takeaway from this thread is that Corona-chan has cucked all of us.
Replies: >>1706
>How did olde-time cuckqueans cope without modern messaging? Were sealed letters dispatched from the tryst-chamber to the lady of the house's bedroom on a silver tray, paper scented with a light dusting of illicit love sweat?
morse code. 
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>"Oh NO! I can't believe I'm being META-CUCKED by the plague egregore CORONA-CHAN!"
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Before we were in a pandemic, how the fuck did you all used to find vixens? Did you involve your thirsty friends like >>1511 did or tap his exes like >>1512 or go on OkCupid or what?

I'm not good at social stuff normally and sometimes I hate people but I still want to be involved in the "hunt".
Replies: >>1870
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We went out to BDSM munches and socialised. I found him a couple of girls that way once by striking up conversations with other female subs and warming them up for him. Be aware that even in the supposedly famously open-minded kink community you're unlikely to find anyone who actually gets cuckqueaning, and there is a chance that creepy dudes will treat "I already have a boyfriend and Master" as more of a suggestion/challenge. Ugh. Corona-chan has killed munches dead in most places but they might start up one day.

If you aren't good at it but still want to feel involved or like you're cheering him on, then try training yourself to be aware of other girls, check them out on his behalf, and point out to him ones that you think he'd like. Two sets of eyes are better than one. This assumes you can go out with him, which in some places still isn't possible.

One time when we were still experimenting with the idea I paid for my man to see a higher-end escort and helped him research it. It doesn't give you the full "punch" but it was okay as training wheels. Only applies if you live in a place where the sex trade doesn't consist entirely of those who are trafficked, STI-ridden, worn-out, or all three.

Never tried dating sites. He had some success with Tindr, so if you're okay with an Israeli company capturing rich analytics on you/your bf's attraction analytics and preferentially trying to match him with races different to him, I guess you could try. You can help figure out what photos of him to use or take new ones. You could even swipe on his behalf if you want to be more directly involved. We found that being upfront about his girlfriend wanting him to fuck other girls had a strongly negative effect on Tindr matches.

I advise against thirsty friends unless you're one hundred thousand percent sure it won't get weird and/or leak out wrong into your social circles (not fair for him to get a rep as a cheater because you told him to cheat), and I advise against exes for the same reason. I hear hatefucking exes is a thing though so who knows, maybe it'll work. If you do contact one of his exes on his behalf and ask them to fuck him then absolutely come back here and tell us how it went, I could use a chuckle.
Replies: >>2155 >>2176
Does anyone else kinda miss the cuckqueaning blogs on pre-purge Tumblr? It was nice to see the fetish getting written about honestly. Post-purge it all kind of died, with only the porn spamming left.
>Tinder is Israeli
>Developed in LA California
>Owned by a Dallas Texas company

you guys really just say Israeli over everything don't you
Replies: >>2156 >>2161
Strange, I could have sworn I read articles about how Tinder's parent company's parent company was incorporated in Israel. Perhaps it was that one of the co-founders was Jewish? In any case, they are on record as saying that they consider "sexual racism" (i.e. white woman having a preference for white men and vice-versa) a problem on the platform and promote inter-racial pairings to try and "fix" it.
Replies: >>2159 >>2161
Given how the "Israeli" claim went, I think a source for the "sexual racism" quote is in order?
Replies: >>2160
Got anything to do with actual cuckqueaning?
Maybe you’re thinking of this? https://jewishjournal.com/mobile_20111212/132669/
>Meet the Jewish founders of Tinder

Given the murky chains of ownership one often finds in large VC and holding companies I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the Match group chains back to Israel or otherwise Jewish ownership, but whether this is exceptional is a different story. As for the sexual racism thing, Tinder vehemently denies that they account for race but they also invested heavily in machine learning for photo analysis a few years ago amid a general atmosphere in which many articles decrying sexual racism appeared. I also vaguely recall something about that. Grindr (owned by the same group) put out a press release after the George Floyd unrest saying they were disabling their ethnicity filter: https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/grindr-remove-ethnicity-filter-support-black-lives-matter-n1221936

I also vaguely recall information on Tinder encouraging cross-racial matching such as https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/tinder-users-are-most-open-to-interracial (yeah yeah Buzzfeed sue me, it cites its sources)
>Tinder Says It Is Really Into Interracial Love
>Tinder says it helps users date outside their race
>part of a campaign by the company petitioning the Unicode Consortium to include interracial couple emojis. "Love is universal, and it’s time for interracial couples to be represented in our universal language," Tinder said on the campaign page.
>A 2017 study by Cornell University showed that dating apps like Tinder increase interracial marriage rates

Can’t find anything on them actually taking action in terms of their algorithm but they campaigned pretty hard for that interracial emoji thing, so that might be where the impression comes from.

But far more alarming is this dysgenic nightmare I just stumbled on: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/katienotopoulos/finally-theres-a-dating-app-just-for-verified-twitter-users
>Finally, There's A Dating App Just For Verified Twitter Users
>Loveflutter is a swiping dating app that links up to your Twitter and shows your tweets in your profile (egads). Now the company is launching a new feature called "Blue" that allows verified Twitter users to browse and match with only other users with blue check marks.
>The premium verified-only feature will be free for the first 1,000 people to sign up in each city, but after that you'll need a monthly subscription to access it.
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Found on the @EGirlsPostingLs twitter account (although to us it would be a W).
Replies: >>2164 >>2166
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Oh... oh my...
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Found this one there, also.
seeing as this is the general thread, what are your thoughts of using paid girls? acceptable or does it only get you off if you/your man is able to get them into bed with only your charm and wit?
Replies: >>2175 >>2176
I should think it doesn't even get to the point of whether it appeals to the fetish or not. Going to a hooker is kind of gross and risks him catching something.
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My opinion is in >>1870
>One time when we were still experimenting with the idea I paid for my man to see a higher-end escort and helped him research it. It doesn't give you the full "punch" but it was okay as training wheels. Only applies if you live in a place where the sex trade doesn't consist entirely of those who are trafficked, STI-ridden, worn-out, or all three.

It was okay as a "am I okay with him having sex with other girls" trial but I wouldn't get off to my man seeing hookers, no way. Nothing sexy about it and the majority of the sex trade in most places is pretty damn sketchy. He doesn't particularly enjoy it either.

I dunno, maybe if there was a kind of escort who specialized in having sex that was fun to watch we might consider being customers. Maybe humiliation-type queans might enjoy using professional dommes who specialize in humiliating them? I can't see it working, personally.

Side note: I bet Corona-chan's savaged the sex industry pretty bad, what with Onlyfans and camsites reducing online sex work to a power law distribution worldwide-competition hell.
Replies: >>2177
Are those images trying to claim that Onlyfans is somehow at fault becuase some of its posters are more popular than others? Of course a small portion of content creators are going to be wildly popular, that's the case with everything ever. They throw around words like "unequal" as if there's some reason every e-whore should make the same amount of money. Should Onlyfans disallow users the choice of who to support and instead forcibly assign fans to each girl so that they all get the same number?  These creators are essentialy selling a product, some will always sell better than others.
Don't get me wrong, Onlyfans is a blight on humanity, but they're not doing anything wrong in that specific way.
Replies: >>2178 >>2179
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The images point out that sales made through OnlyFans follow a classic "winner takes all"/power law distribution like any most online "creator" economies and that the "I just bought (and didn't totally rent for an hour) this suspiciously AirBnB-like home with OnlyFans money, you should sign up to sell pics of your butthole through my referral link so I collect a cut of your paltry sales" posts that flood Twitter etc. are unlikely to be genuine projections of earning power.

>They throw around words like "unequal" as if there's some reason every e-whore should make the same amount of money. Should Onlyfans disallow users the choice of who to support and instead forcibly assign fans to each girl so that they all get the same number?
Jesus, Anon, calm down. They're using the word "unequal" in a factual sense, not a pejorative one.
From what I understand OnlyFans started out trying to be a competitor to Patreon, it's the thots that chose OnlyFans not really a conscious effort by OnlyFans

My bet is it probably started when Patreon banned porn creators because of a US law that made websites liable for sex work organised on their platforms, OnlyFans is UK based so would be safe from it,
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So, anyone having more luck with this year than the last?
Replies: >>2699
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Nah... but it's not like we've been trying to hunt vixens. The world's a different place now.
Replies: >>2803
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>The world's a different place now.
Replies: >>2806

is that you? Does that mean your or the girl on the pic's husband/boyfriend are cucks too for wearing masks? how does that work.
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In the short term it might be harder for your unvaxed bf to score, but in the long term, fertile purebloods will be the new harem masters.
Replies: >>2868
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>third pic
>actual article at https://www.local10.com/news/local/2020/12/20/study-investigates-effects-of-covid-19-vaccine-on-male-fertility/ is about how the study was at the time being performed by the University of Miami and had not yet been released
The study in question has since finished and the results were reported: https://physician-news.umiamihealth.org/miller-school-study-in-jama-shows-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-do-not-impact-male-fertility/
>“This is the full life cycle of sperm and 70 days is sufficient time to see if the vaccine impacts semen parameters,” said Daniel C. Gonzalez, a medical student at the Miller School and the study’s first author. “We measured semen volume, sperm concentration, and the total amount of moving sperm and found there were no declines in any of the parameters as compared to the baseline analysis.”

>University Of Miami Study: Male Reproduction Not Affected By Pfizer, Moderna COVID Vaccines
>The results are that the vaccines had no impact on sperm levels after individuals were evaluated three months after receiving the vaccine.
>Forty-five men, ages 18 to 50 years old, took part in the study which took place from January until the end of April.

The study's publication is here: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2781360 as "Sperm Parameters Before and After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination". The DOI is doi:10.1001/jama.2021.9976 if you want to pull from SciHub or something.

I wouldn't mind my husband gathering a repopulation harem but alas, the unvaxxed sperm meme is shaping up to be pretty retarded. Back to working on the catgirl serum!
Replies: >>2882
It takes a minimum of five years of study to establish fertility issues, and if some of the theory plays out it'll likely be 2023 before people really begin to notice a problem.

>One study showed an a drastic, abnormal increase in sperm count
>Study then purposefully omits quality of the swimmers and other pertinent info
>This is usually a sign of the body giving one last try to reproduce before becoming sterile due to some kind of toxin
>Pfizer has paid legal fines in the past for paying off researchers and ignoring dangerous situations

Pure blood studs aren't off the menu *yet*
Two inchoate posts were deleted. Please keep vaccine-related topic drift under control; whatever your opinion on that situation, we can all agree it's barely related to cuckqueaning.
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What would your ideal IRL cucking be like, /cuckquean/? If you could have any place, time, vixen(s), and details you wanted, how would you want it to go? Make it stuff that you feel is somehow achievable; this is about your ideal actual cuckqueaning rather than complete fantasy - something you could one day actually have happen if the stars go your way.

Mine would be something like:
>Really nice high up hotel room with big windows looking out onto the city, a huge bed, and a few other pieces of comfy furniture
>Two of my single friends as vixens, one who has slept with my guy before and one who has not
>Vixens are friendly and comfortable towards me, each other, and my guy
>I am locked in a high-quality chastity belt under a classy black-and-white maid outfit with head frill
>Room stocked with cheese and meat as well as plenty of drink for everyone to enjoy between rounds if we please
>Long, languid session of sex that lasts all afternoon and evening
>Every piece of furniture in the room used for sex, no holes barred
>When I'm not watching from any angle I please, I putter around in my cute maid outfit making sure everyone is hydrated, fed, lubricated, and generally in peak condition to fuck as much as they can
>I also occasionally sidle in for a kiss and an affectionate breast/butt groping
>I have plenty of oral and hand contact including fluffing, cleaning up, holding the vixens open, and guiding my guy’s dick to where it needs to be
>Happy chatting and laughing in between bouts of sex; whole thing has a relaxed, happy, yet lewd atmosphere
>We break for dinner and I change out of my maid outfit while all four of us dine somewhere nice together
>We return to the room and my guy watches as the vixens help me back into my maid outfit, as I insert my tail plug through the belt’s ass-ring, then finally as I teasingly strip each of the vixens for him, making sure to make little adjustments to their lingerie as I go
>We open the curtains, turn off all the lights in the room, and the vixens present doggy-style with their arms resting on the broad, low windowsill so they’re facing outwards to the beautiful view of the lit-up city; my guy alternates between them and I help guide his dick each time he swaps. (Feels really exhibitionist, but the truth is that any viewer outside would never see us in the wash of the city, not really.)
>I suck his healthy load out of both vixens’ pussies and clean their mixed juices off his dick with my mouth before I strip and we all wash each other clean under the nice big shower head and collapse happily into bed
>I fall asleep cuddled up against my guy, with one vixen cuddled against his other side and the other vixen cuddled against my other side
>Briefy wake in the night to a vixen’s head bobbing in his crotch as she extracts herself a midnight snack

Even thinking about it leaves me feeling really satisfied.
Replies: >>2971
Sounds really nice and romantic. Did you mean to post this here or make a new thread? This could be a good thread idea on its own I think
>bf’s lost all his pandemic fat and is training his way back to his ♂NICE♂BODY♂
>the sexier he looks the more I find myself imagining him with other girls
If I didn’t know I was a cuckquean I’d be really confused right now. Starting to feel the stirrings again, but now that we’re in our thirties and both out of practice I’m worried that it won’t be as easy to find vixens. I’ve got some single friends who could really use some dick, but I dunno… feels like I should keep those worlds apart.

Anyone else eyeing off getting back into things?
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Anon, you might have taken a wrong turn somewhere. This is /cuckquean/, not your shitty blog.
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helo am boi. where find wife? need be chubby and loving. promise to lift for her until her heart snuff out.
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Nice to see this thread back at the top of the catalogue, even if it looks like it wasn't by good means. How we all doing? Been dwelling a lot on fantasy lately so I thought it'd be nice to ground things by relating one of my favorite IRL moments.

One of my recently-single girlfriends had been failing to conceal her admiration for my man, and since we're such a caring and considerate couple we took her out to one of our favorite lounge bars to unwind. He's a natural flirt, very physical, so it didn't take more than a drink and a bit before she was giggling and practically wriggling in place—did I mention she'd already been eyeing him off? yeah?—and I could turn the conversation a little dirty. She bit and after a few lighter topics and another drink porn came up. We all liked 2D, so it was natural that that meant doujinshi/eromanga—doujins, as the kids say. I already knew she was into yaoi but she had no idea of my tastes, so when I offhandedly (ha!) complained that it was hard to find threesomes where one of the girls was mainly watching the other girl get fucked instead of playing with her, her jaw nearly hit the floor.

"Is that... is that really a threesome, though?" she asked. Her blush was so deep I could see it creeping down her neck, even in the low light.

"Who cares? A threesome can be anything you want," said my guy, all but rolling his eyes at me. "Wanna try?"

So we went back to our place. She was trying to play it cool but I could tell she was nearly jumping out of her skin with nerves and anticipation both. She'd come straight out with us from her work, so she asked to quickly borrow our shower to freshen up.

After she'd gone in, Boyfriend pushed me against the wall, quietly called me a cheeky little bitch, and gave me what I refer to as his gonna-cuck-you kiss, which is a quick, furious affair wherein he holds my neck with one hand and never quite lets me latch to his lips so I have to struggle and steal whatever I can.

"She seems jumpy," I murmured, after he'd finished.

"Mmmm," he mmmmed, then pulled off his shirt (he does this thing where he grabs one corner with his opposite arm and then peels it off in one motion, I love it) and unbuckled his belt. "I'll take care of it. You get things ready."

I don't know what he did in there with her but it was no more than a couple of minutes until the water stopped and she suddenly burst grinning out of the bathroom door, dragging him by the hand, both hastily toweled-off and hot to trot. I felt like I was guiding landing aircraft, so quickly did they end up on the bed together.

He pulled her into a sitting straddle so they could make out. She's of partially Chinese descent, so she has just enough ass that his strong fingers looked absolutely delicious digging into it, spreading her open just enough for her to feel (and me to see!) that delicious little tug around both her openings, and after he'd warmed her up to a healthy body blush and glistening pussy she gave a hot little gasp and twitched back against him when he grazed an experimental finger across her butthole. (Yes!) 

But then she sighed and half-whispered, "n-no, not today..." which was totally understandable; anal's a very intimate thing, not something you do the first time you sleep with someone else's boyfriend in front of them, no matter how much that someone would enjoy seeing their boyfriend's balls slap against your empty pussy. My guy only touches new girls there as a quick check anyway, to see if it's a total no-go zone or whether he's clear to use it to enhance things during, say, doggy style.

Anyway, I'm getting side-tracked. Favorite moments, right. He'd just finished with her in missionary, which he uses to make sure a new girl's accustomed to him and his size before switching to anything more adventurous, and they were going to switch to a bit of doggy style. So he pulls out and steps off the bed, ready for her to get into position, when she sits up, shifts into a low kneel on the bed, and uses her mouth to clean his cock.

You, dear readers, are well aware that cleanup blowjobs are not a matter of course, no matter what hentai would have us believe. I can't do them because I taste terrible to myself (bf likes my taste though, so that's all good) even though other girls' juices usually taste OK. But my friend, this petite half-Chinese vixen, was kneeling there on our bed with her eyes closed in rapture, submissively sucking herself off my boyfriend's dick (he, uh... didn't have a condom on at that stage, which was deeply irresponsible of all involved, including me—only time that's ever happened) and it nearly melted me into a steaming puddle on the spot. Pic not a precise representation of what I saw, but you get the idea.

That was a really fun evening.
Replies: >>4535 >>4540 >>5002
Re-reading this I just noticed
>He'd just finished with her in missionary
might be taken to mean that he came in her condomless, which he absolutely did not do. He's got very good control over when he comes, and he put on a condom soon after this. (Yes, I know he should have been wrapped from the start; we were being very naughty.) "Finished" here means "finished with missionary" as in they were switching positions in the middle of things and she just went in for a suck, it wasn't the classic cum-and-juice cleanup blowjob.

Okay? Okay!
Replies: >>4540
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Meanwhile, inside Anon's brain...
Replies: >>4542
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Lol, that's really good, but what was going on inside mine at the time was closer to pic related. I wasn't as experienced a quean as I am today, see, and I might have had a recurring fantasy involving my friend... and, well... I have no excuse, just that you should do as I say, not as I did.
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>I remember a time our first vixen was spread-eagled face down on the bed making choked moan-whimpers with her fists full of sheet while my man pounded her, and he looked up and into my eyes before giving the happiest "isn't this awesome?" grin
>If lipstick marks him as her territory then why's he coming home to hilt in me right afterward? Checkmate! 
>this whoel fucking thing
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End of the relationship or the beginning of husband sharing?
Replies: >>5425 >>5426 >>5429
Isn't that reddit? It's more likely the beginning of the threadditor realising he's gay.
Replies: >>5435
>wife does wrong
>be the one to sleep on the couch
fuggin redditors man
Replies: >>5435
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>I was hanging out with some bodies for the day
Replies: >>5435
That doesn't sound very unlikely.
Chivalry isn't dead.
Probably meant buddies.
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>He is gonna fuck his work wife while watching the sunrise.
>His wife will be masturbating while watching them.
What a visionary trio.
Replies: >>5459
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>having a double household income to feed your fat NEET tard wife ass
She is living the dream!
Replies: >>5645
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Not trying to bring up the "can cuckqueaning involve trannies and femboys" discussion again, just saw this posted somewhere and found it interesting. She seems to have expected, consciously or not, some kind of validation from the idea of her husband pursuing women who are essentially her, but younger. Now that it isn't happened, she's kind of flipped out. I kind of wonder if she'd have a similar reaction if they were exclusively women of a different body type or race. Maybe and she'd find something wrong with any women he slept with and this whole thing is cope about something she thought she was emotionally prepared for, but wasn't. Or maybe she does find trannies gross; wouldn't be the first time cringey reddit virtue signaling apologies have been ingenuine. I don't really have a point to make, just wanted to share.
Replies: >>5529 >>5540
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>Our children are also unsure how to feel about the entire ordeal.
Replies: >>5532
Yeah. Reddit. What is there to say.
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>how it would allow us to explore our sexual fantasies safely
Wait a minute, just which sexual fantasies apart from the ones that specifically involve fucking people other than your spouse (or your spouse fucking other people) require opening the marriage to "safely" "explore"? Is it not safe for them to explore their fantasies with each other? (Also: This is the kind of therapeutic-sexology language that's evolved to signal openness and honesty while actually serving to conceal and misdirect, but in her defense the culture pushes it so hard that many people don't know how to talk or think about sex and relationships without it, which leads to all sorts of trouble that there's no time to go into here.)

Anyway, if we put aside the simmering patches of red haze woven through that post and take her at the first-level version of her word (especially given the offhand mention that she's a) still having sex with him and b) not had sex with anyone else yet) then we can surmise what she wants us to: her husband wouldn't explore the kinky shit she wanted (there being a conspicuous gap as to exactly what that means - not what the kinky shit is, but what it means in the context of the relationship's other vitals) and she hoped that the simultaneous jolt of being able to dip his nib in other ink and the idea that she might explore her ♀deep♀dark♀desires♀ with other men instead would alchemize him into someone more sexually available, confident, and exciting.

Instead, he went straight for maleman man ass. Whoops! Turns out her reserved romantic of a middle-aged husband took less than a week to jump dickfirst into a bountiful supply of maximally supple enhormoned butthole, the many and diverse owner-operators of which are all willing to fuck him in his marital bedroom, possibly with his wife and kids(!) in the house. Huh. She doesn't wonder in that post how many of them were prostitutes, but I do.

Now she's telling Reddit that "doesn't know how to feel", which means she knows what she feels but not how to explain it to herself in terms that'll pass inspection, those I suppose being something other than the fear she's been turned into a beard (or was one for the past 20 years) and that the gold she was expecting to pop out of the other end of this open relationship alchemy attempt has turned out to be not even lead, but tar.

Which is not to say I'm scorning her, claw-sharpening tone aside. She says she's "SO CONFUSED" now, but I think she had to have been pretty confused before she got sold on the idea of an open marriage as the solution. I think she felt, at some level, that her husband had other needs that he did not want to reveal to her, and she turned out to have been right. She saw what the present culture allowed her to, framed those facts in the way the present culture allowed, applied a solution based on principles the present culture pushed, then got results the present culture insists she's bad and wrong to be upset about. Poor thing.
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Is this you?
I was cucked for the first time last weekend. The previous time was more of a 3-way to make them both more comfortable, but this time I managed to get them alone and it just took a little while (and 2 glasses of wine) for them to get over some jitters. I waited in the lounge and could hear her moaning through the walls, with the bed gently knocking the floorboards. I knew the second he was leading up to coming inside her because he starts to thrust deeper and bottoms out, so suddenly her moans turned to breathless gasps and prayers. We're trying to get her pregnant, so I coached him to make sure she just lies still for 10 minutes or so, but after maybe 5 minutes I heard the shower running and eventually she comes down looking embarrassed. We talked about it while he was showering and she was feeling ashamed about enjoying him so much, but I reminded her that I'm really into that. After he came down, looking downright pleased, rather than ashamed like the first time, we had something to eat and I drove her home to set a date for our next pregnancy checkup.
Replies: >>5669 >>5946
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Congratulations! Was the choice for you to jump straight to waiting in the lounge rather than watching in person this time yours or theirs?

>could hear her moaning through the walls, with the bed gently knocking the floorboards. I knew the second he was leading up to coming inside her because he starts to thrust deeper and bottoms out, so suddenly her moans turned to breathless gasps and prayers

>she was feeling ashamed about enjoying him so much, but I reminded her that I'm really into that
Very good; vixens sometimes need looking-after too.

>looking downright pleased, rather than ashamed like the first time
Oho, it begins! That laid-back, almost smug glow a man settles into after he finishes bedding a vixen is irresistible.

So, how did you enjoy finally becoming one of us?
Replies: >>5672
I really wanted to watch when he pinned her down to fill her up, but he told me he didn't think he could perform with me just watching from the corner of the room. Personally, I think he wanted to really enjoy himself and couldn't help feeling a little guilt if I was in the room but not participating. I enjoyed it a lot more than being on the sideline, and it's kind of a delayed gratification thing. Once she was gone, he was all over me and I had his full, undivided attention.
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>Wife says she is still in love with him.
>He gets to take part in threesomes.
>His response is divorce.
Really? Some people are really ungrateful.

This would still be cuckqueaning right? If they remained married he would be her man. She just wouldn't get the dick(or would she? some punishment game or something), which is something some of you are into.
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How does getting outdone by a normal relationship sub feel?
Replies: >>5770
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Also, not cuckqueaning.
Replies: >>5785
She lets her husband "cheat" but I guess because she hates it(does she really?) it doesn't count.
Replies: >>5790
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Answer's in the sticky at the top of this board:
>the fetish of cuckqueaning - an arrangement where a woman enjoys her partner having sex with other women. In real life it is open, consensual and encouraged by the woman - distinguishing it from cheating
what do you cuckqueans do to mitigate fear complex when: not only is the man not prepared to spend the majority of best share resources on you, but that he might decide to give you zeero and drop you like a rock?

Does the idea that you're sharing but best in the pack need to be maintained? Or do those that want the worth -less dynamic over them prevail in the community you've got going here?
Replies: >>5807 >>7172
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>not only is the man not prepared to spend the majority of best share resources on you
>best in the pack
I'm not a cuckquean because I'm entangled in fevered evopsych stories of what the grownups are thinking about in the other room, I'm a cuckquean because it is one of my sexual fetishes and watching my man slake his thirsts with another woman is fucking HOT.

If you're asking about the fear that one's man might leave one for a vixen, the answer, at least for me, is that I don't have that fear in the first place because of how intimately I know and trust my man. (Some vixens aren't on the same page; we've had one or two who perhaps thought I'd put him up as table stakes they could play for, which was really just more tedious than anything else.) I'd imagine many other cuckqueans are the same.

As to the idea of ranking, you'll find that among those who care for it, it depends on the type of cuckqueaning they do - compersive queans often enjoy the top or co-equal spot, some humiliation queans want to be on the bottom of the pile, yet others of both types find themselves preferring some particular combination separately relative to man and vixen.
>We're trying to get her pregnant,
Our current vixen has brought this up because her partner is a girl, but honestly I'm a bit worried that once she's pregnant she'll be off, which would be a shame because she's really good at it.
Replies: >>5956
To be fair, if she falls pregnant she'll have a little more on her plate than just fucking your man - the first trimester especially can be pretty rough.
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>I want you to fuck women that look like my bullies.
Is this the biggest cuck ever?
Replies: >>6034 >>6042
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More from the same thread of cc.
Replies: >>6036 >>6042
if you avoid their /b/ most of their threads are quite good. Most of them are in relationship too
White worship’s a hellava drug.
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What if she is trying to pimp him out?
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Does anyone here have experience with expat/passport queaning? I'm seriously sick of the lack of attractive, viable vixens where I live. It feels like every woman my age is either taken or has aged terribly, and all of the girls younger than me seem like fat slobs. Hubby and I both have an ironclad rule that he shouldn't fuck any overweight/obese women and he's also really particular about potential vixens not having a shitty attitude. I'm also not really a fan of piercings/tattoos (I can make an exception if they're attached to a girl with a sweet demeanor but it feels like that's becoming rarer). Prostitution's also kind of icky and we're not comfortable trying that route either.

We went to Japan on our first overseas trip last year and I was completely flabbergasted by how much better the average woman looks over there compared to here. Which is a massive MASSIVE turn on for me because my cuckquean fantasies are really rooted in the vixen being better-looking than me in some way. Even the everyday 40+ housewives that have had kids look like they're in great shape, and nip girls are really sweet and polite. We didn't have any success on the cuckqueaning side there due to a number of reasons, but ever since we've gotten back the idea of being a conquistador wife has kind of become the predominant form that this fetish has taken for me.

We have always wanted to travel and visit a bunch of countries (for more reasons than just sex tourism obviously) and are just now getting the economic means to do so. We've been talking about visiting the Philippines next winter, and naturally if we end up going I want to try my hand at vixen-nabbing some flip women for him. Does anyone else here have any kind of relatable experience in overseas cuckqueaning? Do you think our odds are good at me being cucked by an attractive, non-trafficked Filipina that doesn't mind me sitting in the corner? Is the horny making me overlook some sort of ethical or safety concern that I should be having in all of this?
Replies: >>6905
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Reading this reminded me of a girl from university. She said her sister dated a guy(or maybe multiple guys. can't remember). she knew she had a crush on. And apparently pretty much everybody in our class knew about her sister because she came with her when we had a proficiency exam before school started and she chatted with most people. I saw her when she came to visit and she was definitely hotter. In this case though the intruding sister was the petite and younger one.
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We've queaned with some very sweet vixens in Japan, which was a lot of fun (word to the wise: stay clear of infested shitholes like Roppongi and Shinjuku unless you've an introduction into one of the latter's better establishments). I don't know much about the Philippines despite having holidayed there, but on general principles you're probably not going to be able to find anything sincere or non-skin-crawling anywhere in the third world. I understand Thailand's the usual country-sized brothel for those willing to play the condom-dodging STI roulette alongside the tens of thousands of other Viagra-popping punters, but I personally wouldn't.
My fiance and I are hard into this. I can't fathom why I'd leave her for a vixen. Any girl I'd want to be with, would be okay with a long term relationship with her and I anyway; and why would I give up being with a woman who wants me to be happy more than she wants to control me?
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I had a vixen come over this weekend, and it was great. I had had my belt on all week leading up to it so I was really pent up. My husband and I took her out to dinner first, then brought her back to our house. We had a couple more glasses of wine apiece (we had already been drinking a little bit at dinner), then I told them I was going to change into some more comfortable clothes. While I was out of the room, they started getting frisky. When I came back in my comfy pajamas, they were making out and she had her dress about half off. They kept going a while before she realized I was back and watching, and then she got all flustered. I love this vixen so much, she's simultaneously enough of a freak to bang my hubby while I watch, but she gets all embarrassed if either of us start talking dirty around her, it's adorable. Anyway, after a minute we all decided to move to the bedroom, and I got to watch them take each other's clothes off, which is always super fucking hot. He told her to lie on the bed for a second, and then he got me to come suck on him to get him ready. I love giving oral, so of course I was happy to oblige. After a minute he stopped me and climbed over her, and then they started fucking in missionary (side note - I really like missionary, it gives me a really good view of all his muscles working). This vixen usually takes a while to really get warmed up so he always has to start really slow and gentle with her. So I slide up onto the bed to get into position to watch, and they're kissing really romantically and he's got one arm around her to pull her tight into him but with the other one he's rubbing her nipple. And the whole time I'm just laying there squirming because I'm dripping wet and really horny and yet I can't get off at all because I still have the chastity belt on, so the only thing I can do is play with my nipples. After a while he started to speed up and then they really went at it. I usually try not to be all over them while they're having sex, both cause I don't want to get in their way and also because this vixen is really uncomfortable with me touching her sexually (so sad - I don't get to kiss her or lick her clean when they're done or anything, breaks my heart) but at this point I had my hand on his back because I really really wanted to feel his muscles move when he was thrusting. I made sure not to touch her or anything, but it's not like she was paying any attention to me, she was too busy getting the best sex of her life. I think she came twice, once pretty early on and then again near the end, because after the first time he didn't let up at all. When he finally got close he started thrusting really really fast and then pulled out so he could cum on her (I know some of you will say it was a really bad idea not to use a condom, but she wanted to try it and she said since she's on birth control it would be ok, but we also had him pull out just in case.) After he was done he stayed on top of her to cuddle like that for a little bit, and we all talked about how good it was. Eventually she wanted to get up to take a shower, so he let her up and then I went down on him to clean him up. Tasting that mix of his cum and her juices was so fucking good, I love it. He could definitely tell what I was thinking at that point, because while I was sucking him he told me I couldn't take the belt off just yet. He did finger my butt for a bit through the ring in the belt, but obviously that's nowhere near enough to cum. I know better than to ask him to take it off though, he'll just make me wear it even longer.
He got in the shower after her so I talked to her for a bit to make sure she enjoyed everything and was still comfortable with all of it. And then pretty soon we all went to sleep because as you can imagine we were exhausted! The two of them slept cuddled together (super cute!) and I slept on his other side. The next day he FINALLY let me out of chastity and totally fucked my brains out. Best sex we've had in a long time, for sure.
Anyway sorry for wall of text but I was just so excited I had to write it all out.
Replies: >>7227 >>7265
>I had had my belt on all week leading up to it so I was really pent up.
Don't tell me she made you wear it.
>this vixen is really uncomfortable with me touching her sexually  (so sad - I don't get to kiss her or lick her clean when they're done or anything, breaks my heart)
Thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, someday you will be able to corrupt her.
>I know some of you will say it was a really bad idea not to use a condom, but she wanted to try it and she said since she's on birth control it would be ok
She may actually want to be cummed inside.
Replies: >>7228
>Don't tell me she made you wear it.
Nope, that's all my husband (well, and me, I like it). She and I are very friendly but we don't really have any direct interaction involving sex stuff like that. Honestly I wouldn't want her to try to tell me whether I have to be locked up or not. She's not the boss of me! Only he is.
>Hopefully, someday you will be able to corrupt her.
I wish! I try not to say too much about it because I don't want to be pushy or make her uncomfortable, but maybe hubby can talk her into kissing me or something to put on a little show for him.
>She may actually want to be cummed inside.
I'm about 90% sure she does. She definitely liked it more fucking him raw this time. I'd love for him to do it, too, but we all want to be kinda careful. I'd hate for her to end up in a really tough situation because of us fooling around.
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>I know some of you will say it was a really bad idea not to use a condom
Do as I say, not as I've done.
Replies: >>7301
It's so unfair he can't just have a second wife and then cum in her all he wants.
Unrelatedly, have any of you ever gotten multiple vixens together at once? I've dreamed of getting 3 or 4 girls for him all together but I don't think I'll ever make it happen.
Replies: >>7304 >>7310
>It's so unfair he can't just have a second wife and then cum in her all he wants.
We had one vixen who was down for that kind of thing, but never more than one at once who was. On the contrary, quite a few of our vixens have seemed quite shy at the idea they might not only be sharing him with me, but also with others like them. Which, you know... fair enough.
Replies: >>7318
>sharing this woman's husband/boyfriend with her
>don't want to share with other vixens
That's kinda cute actually. Guess we can't expect every girl to be a quean.
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