/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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How much physical contact do you like to have with the vixen while they fuck? Direct sexual contact like touching her pussy, ass, or tits directly? Close but indirect sexual contact like spreading her? Close but nonsexual contact like hugging, having her rest on you like a bed, holding her arms/legs? Close to the action but no contact like being under them or behind them? A little way away like on a chair or couch? Distant but within eye/earshot? In a different place altogether?

Do you prefer a different level before or after they fuck?
Replies: >>350 >>7504
Seems like something that's completely up to the vixen, really. She's the one having sex, and it's really up to her if you're allowed to be there at all. That being said, I think maximum cuckquean involvement is best, if the vixen allows it. You should be doing everything in your power to make the experience as pleasurable and comfortable for them both as you can. Acting as a pillow or backrest for her, licking her clit while she's getting penetrated, whatever works. That fourth image in OP, that's something that should only happen if the vixen says it's okay. If you've got time to rub your clit, you have time to rub hers, instead. Sort of like "If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean", but sexier.
Replies: >>350 >>1188
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>>340 (OP) 
I like to be close by so I can watch everything or help spread/hold her from time to time but I'm repulsed by the idea of any direct sexual touch between us. The things >>346 says perhaps work for humiliation cuckqueans but I just find them silly. Of course I'm going to touch myself a little while I take it in. It's hot. Unless my boyfriend tells me not to, of course.

>that's something that should only happen if the vixen says it's okay
>the vixen says it's okay
Yeah, no.
Replies: >>1188
the duality of women
Replies: >>3785
I think there should be a natural progression from one picture to the next one, until full-on sexual contact. That´s how we did it with my wife.
There is also the fact not every cuckquean is a submissive, and not every vixen is dominant. Contrary to the popular belief, there are very dominant cuckqueans, and the other way around, just like this picture shows. In that case, the cuckquean herself will take charge and probably decide for a fair amount of skin-on-skin contact, if not outright lesbian sex.
Replies: >>3785
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I think these two anons just have different ideas of their ideal relationship dynamic, and that's okay! But they shouldn't phrase it like it's a prescription for everyone else.

I'm not sure there is a "popular belief" for a kink as niche as ours.

By the way, you don't have to fill out every field when replying, unless you just want to.
Replies: >>3788
I like that picture. It's very cute.

>I'm not sure there is a "popular belief" for a kink as niche as ours.
Niche as it is, it does get discussed, and I've seen enough belief in certain cuckqueaning role stereotypes that I'd call them "popular belief" even if those discussions aren't populous enough to be "popular" in a strictly literal sense.
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Physical contact doesn't have to be about submissiveness or dominance. You could get physical for a lot of reasons.
You can try to get her to make lewd faces or noises maybe you are not into it yourself but your husband could be. If he is he is gonna start moving faster and hitting harder. You could watch his face as he does it.
Or maybe she is struggling to stand because the pleasure is too much. As a bonus, you will feel it every time he trusts.
Or maybe she is a shy friend(of yours or his) and you are just messing with her.
Replies: >>7505
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Touching her would make instructing easier. Don't be shy.
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Bumping because this pic put me in a vixen-touching mood, plain and simple. If she feels good, he'll feel good, which makes me feel good. God damn but I miss being this close to the action, I need to taste another woman on him so bad, it's been too long...
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>>340 (OP) 
>How much physical contact do you like to have with the vixen while they fuck? 
Depends on her race.
>Physical contact doesn't have to be about submissiveness or dominance.
This. This! This this this this this, I hate how everything sexual is turned into a matter of winning or losing these days. Not that dom/sub stuff isn’t fun, but there’s a lot more in the bag than just that.
As a dominant cuckquean, I have to say I always touch the vixen to some extent, despite not being into women myself. If she isn't into women, noo, it serves to mess with her head and push her boundaries. If she is into women, it serves to tease her and make her beg for my touch. The more I feel threatened by her beauty, the more touchy-feely I get.
Replies: >>7515
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>The more I feel threatened by her beauty, the more touchy-feely I get.
Makes sense.
Did any of you find that how you felt about touching the vixen changed when you actually were in the moment? Like maybe you thought you would be ok touching or kissing her but when she was in front of you it actually grossed you out? Or maybe the other way around, where the idea kind of repulsed you but in the moment it actually felt good?
I have never actually been cucked in real life so I wonder if this would happen to me. The idea of going down on another girl sounds honestly feels really disgusting to me but maybe if I was in the queany headspace it would just seem right in the moment.
Replies: >>7672 >>7676 >>7769
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Sure, even happens with other stuff too. For example, one time we picked a busty vixen because I was curious to try out that breast envy spice, but in the moment I was eyeing her like:
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Kinda-sorta. I never felt any change on types of vixen touching that I always knew I definitely don't like or want, such as eating her out, kissing, or other direct sexual contact. Most touching I thought I'd probably like but wasn't 100% on, like directly touching her pussy to hold her open instead of just pulling the skin next to it, supporting her body, holding her ankles/wrists, and so on, turned out to be fun. Though it's not touching per se, I was surprised by how much I enjoy the eyeful of pussy I get while I'm slowly guiding him into her from close up. Other things I wasn't sure about, like incidentally kissing her around his cock during a double blowjob, turned out to be something I've wanted to avoid in the moment even though I think nothing of sharing spit with it.

>The idea of going down on another girl sounds honestly feels really disgusting to me
Don't worry, you're not the only one. Cuckquean =/= rugmuncher, no matter how pretty you think girls are.
There is a documented thing where people, and women especially, are more willing to do things they'd normally find gross or objectionable if they're aroused enough. And if it's an enjoyable enough experience, it may seem less objectionable in the future. Probably good to set an understanding beforehand about where you stand and where you're flexible and where you're not.
Replies: >>7823
The same happens to me. I always say to myself I'll only watch, but then I end up running my hands all over her body, liplocking and even outright fucking her in front of my husband.
Replies: >>7805
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>and even outright fucking her in front of my husband
b-but what if she gets you pregnant with his baby?
Replies: >>7809

>>7769 (nice)
>There is a documented thing where people, and women especially, are more willing to do things they'd normally find gross or objectionable if they're aroused enough.
This is definitely true or otherwise I wouldn't have tried sticking things up my ass. Because I kinda liked it while I was doing it but afterward I just felt gross and my tummy hurt (didn't stop me from doing it again a different time though)
Replies: >>7824
>and my tummy hurt
That after-ache is part of the appeal to some, but it’s not mandatory. Were you using toys or improvising on the spur of the horny moment? The bum needs care and patience - properly-made toys, too much lube, and starting small.
Replies: >>7825
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I was using pic related, because I have no way to get real toys. I had tried my fingers before. But I made sure to try to do it right, like I got clean and then used a bunch of lube well Vaseline which maybe isn't a real lube. But after I did it I felt kinda sick all day, it was probably not a good idea.
I think it was one of those things that I saw in porn and then thought "Oh, this would be hot" but you don't realize from watching that it can actually mess you up.
Replies: >>7826
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Anal can be pretty socks-rockingly hot IRL too, but mostly for reasons that don't come across in porn and only if you both get good at it. If not, then there's a good chance it'll end up as a bad time and risky to boot.

>Vaseline which maybe isn't a real lube
It's not. Vaseline's a pretty bad sex lube all around because it's mineral oil based and not slippery in the right way. It irritates your internal membranes (sometimes to the point of rashes) instead of helping them and can increase the risk of infection because it's designed to stick around for a long time instead of washing out. Like other oil-based substances, it also attacks and breaks down latex, meaning condoms and many sex toys won't survive contact with it. All these things make it particularly bad for anal.

If you can't get access to proper water-based or (high-quality) silicone-based sex lube then even coconut or olive oil's miles better than petroleum jelly, as long as you keep in mind it'll attack latex and latex rubbers just the same.

>pic related
You gotta be careful what you stick back there Anon. Never put anything up your butt, even part-way, that doesn't have a wide, flared base. Without a base to save you, a badly-timed spasm, trip, or slip can suddenly turn part-way into all-the-way, your involuntary muscles will panic, close over it, suck it further in, then lock up... and you'll have no choice but the emergency room.

Also be careful with size. When you're horny everything looks smaller than it is. Start small, start slow, start shallow!

Anyway, if you can't help but try it out again without proper equipment, my teenage self can vouch for the value of a sturdy, well-sanded, well-lacquered, round-handled, broad-headed hairbrush with a condom over the handle (don't use oil with the condom! compatible lube only!) as long as you're super, super careful to only use it where you can't slip over or otherwise hit the rest while it's inserted - internal tears are another thing you don't want to have to take to the emergency room.
Replies: >>7867
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, anon. Sounds like I should probably just not do this, though. Lots of ways it can go wrong. If I ever try it again I will probably just use fingers is it ok to wear those vinyl gloves that doctors use for that? That was what I did cuz it seemed kinda gross to just put my bare fingers in there.
Anyway, sorry for derailing the thread, let's talk about touching vixens. Now, I've never had any vixens, but if I did, I think I'd be ok with touching them nonsexually, like hugs and maybe kisses and stuff. I feel like it would be really nice to have her lying back against me while they fuck in missionary and that way I can hug her from behind and also touch him too.
Not sure if I'd be into doing anything really sexual like going down on her or something, but as we've seen horny me is pretty... uh... "flexible" so who knows?
Replies: >>7930
You never know. Last Saturday, I had hubby fuck a friend of mine who is in her 60s, overweight and quite ugly. Not only he fucked her as if there were no tomorrow, but I fucked her after he was done with her. She is straight and had never been with a woman before. Her smelling like hubby and envy looks to my body made me way more aroused than I could have ever thought.
Replies: >>7929
You know that you don’t have to fill out the name field, right?
>fat ugly grannies
I'm starting to suspect your husband puts up with this for your benefit instead of actually wanting to do it.
Assuming the story is actually true at all which it probably isn't. "Everything posted here is a work of autistic fiction" and all that.
Replies: >>7931
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>nothing ever happens
Yes, hubby is happy to please me. Anything wrong with that?
Replies: >>7934 >>7935
Sounds like you might've picked up a demon (the unsexy, non-fictional kind) somewhere along the line. Might want to consider getting yourself checked out.
Replies: >>7935
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You shouldn't listen to >>7934 because there's absolutely, definitely no such thing.
I don´t touch the vixen because it´s my mother
Replies: >>7940 >>7941
Touching your mom would be pretty gay.
Replies: >>7941
It really depends. Is masturbation gay? Obviously it's not since you're just touching yourself. But then you remember that you are 50% your mom, so it's 50% less gay than touching other vixens.

How often does your man wins arguments by accurately saying "i fucked your mom"?
Replies: >>7942
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>saying "i fucked your mom"
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