/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Can we have a thread about general not necessarily sexual or directly cuckquean related girl issues? Since fullchan, end full/fem/ died I've kinda missed casually talking about our lives. 

Pic not necessarily related.
Replies: >>4631 >>4634 >>7434
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>>4621 (OP) 
>first pic
inb4 "why not both"?

But sure, why not? I'm excited for Christmas because I finally have an excuse to let myself bake; I was mostly successful thank God in shedding a lot of  the unwelcome fat the pandemic years slapped onto me which totally wasn't my own fault, but that meant not baking anything except the occasional loaf of bread. Don't know if I'll go so far as to let myself experiment with the hellhound creampie biscuits again but—
>anon what
You heard me.

Christmas Day does mean lots of family stuff though, so that means taking down my sexy wolfgirl tapestry—
>anon what
I can have a sexy wolfgirl tapestry if I want! And I do want. But it's rude to force other people to see it, so it's getting moved to the bedroom with the rest of the sexy tapestries until Christmas is finished.

Aside from that, I'm mostly just fighting the year-end urge to be a lazy little shit instead of doing all the things that would set me up for next year.
>>4621 (OP) 
Around here we thankfully have no indians so we stuff the turkey for Christmas instead of thanksgiving, and my mother in law, that I've been taken care of since her surgery a month ago,  will be sharing dinner and teach me how to make her stuffing recipe. Was a rather stressful and tiresome month with the constant overseeing but at least I'm finally getting some praise.
Replies: >>4638
>my mother in law, that I've been taken care of since her surgery a month ago
>at least I'm finally getting some praise
Admirable, Anon. I hope she was as dutiful a patient as you were a carer. Mothers-in-law can be quite a handful.
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Reluctant bump rather shitty holidays and I kinda feel not like talking about it but it might be cathartic to shitpost about it with fellow anonymous online fetishists.
Replies: >>4700
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Go on then, Anon.
Not sure if this is really a girl issue or a human issue or what, but here goes. For the last few years I've been living in a three bedroom place with my best friend and a rando third. The third has changed a few times, and they were usually nice, but it very much felt like I was living with my bestie and also there was another person there. Last year, she finally moved in with her BF leaving me with the current rando, I decided to pick up her half of the rent because I didn't want to deal with two randos so it's just the two of us. What I have found over the last year is that without the pressure of having someone I care about observe me, my behavior has become ever more degenerate. I eat ice cream at 3 AM, I hardly ever work out, I order food for delivery far more than I should, I stay up until 5 or 6 in the morning, get an hour or two of sleep, then roll out of bed to go to work. After work, I just lie down on the couch and sleep for 3-4 hours, then get up and do it again. A few weeks ago, I just didn't sleep and drank 3 monsters over the course of the day to say going (I don't even drink coffee!). 

It used to be that when I did this degenerate shit my friend would give me crap for it, or at least check in on me. If I was up at 3 she would hear the TV on when she got up to pee and come check if I was ok, and You can bet she would hear me microwaving food during times I shouldn't be eating. Even without her encouraging me to care for myself, I found myself doing it because i didn't want her to worry. I'd brush my hair instead of throwing it into yet another messy bun, I would suggest we go for walks as an apartment, I would cook nutritious food for myself. Now it's like I'm just out of fucks to give. I wasn't like this in college, when I wanted my roommates to think I was a normal, functioning woman with cute throw pillows and scented candles. Now I'm like, "who cares what my roommate thinks? She doesn't matter to me, who is she going to tell? Neither of us leave the house anyway." It's like I had been living with my mother and I had outsourced all the emotional work related to taking care of myself to another person, except I have never done that before in my life as when I was living with my parents I pushed hard to be independent and wanted to be perceived by them as little as possible. I thought maybe I was just going through a phase or something, but it has been a whole year now and I'm worse than ever.

I don't really know what to do about this. I tried talking to a therapist, and she said it sounds like I might have an anxiety issue but before dealing with it she wanted to rule out some sort of cancer of the adrenal system and said I should go to my PCP yo get some tests done. That promptly did not get done, because I can't bring myself to care about my health for more than 3 seconds and have therefore not made an appointment. Has anyone experienced anything like this at all? How do I start caring about myself again? Ideally without having to fall back on relying on another person to get me to care again.
Replies: >>5498 >>5887 >>7539
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>she said it sounds like I might have an anxiety issue but before dealing with it she wanted to rule out some sort of cancer of the adrenal system
This sentence didn't so much give me whiplash as it attempted my explosive decapitation. Disordered sleep, onset of depressive behavior sprinkled with executive dysfunction? Yeah sure, here's a ticket clipped for an adrenal workup and if it comes back within the requisite number of standard deviations then let's say it's, uh, anxiety. Whatever - both we and her insurer will have to give her the benefit of the doubt since she's the one in the chair.

Alright so let's see: When you were motivated by shame, a need to escape, or some other extrinsic factor you were fine. Sounds like you've turned into a lump because you can't find any reason to care or the mechanism that permitted you to care has burned out.

There are two dimensions to this, one physical and the other of meaning. The obvious physical stuff aside, could be you've got some kind of executive disorder or other neurochemical issue that you were getting around by jamming outside shame where intrinsic motivation should be, not to mention the general guide-rail stimulus that comes with working your way through the regimented goals of a university course. (Sounds like it wasn't all the way smooth after that, especially since you mention that your friend would catch you burning midnight oil regularly enough that it was something she'd worry about on your behalf.) Brain glitches aren't something to immediately blame, but it can be helpful to remember that it takes way more work to look after yourself when there's a slab of malfunctioning meat fizzing betwixt your ears.

As for that side of things, the usual advice applies. Exercise, preferably progressive resistance training (no you won't get muscly like a guy would, you already know that very well) will absolutely help. Good nutrition will help. Sleep will especially, especially help, and even though getting away from a fucked sleep schedule when the caffeine cycle's got you in its grip is super hard, doing the other two things will help a lot.

But the main question that you're asking here is the most important one: "Why should I care?" It isn't enough to flop your meatsack around the world, you've gotta have a reason for keeping that thing running. You've probably already figured out that the usual Instagram bio shit is a scam, so where's that leave you in a world that's figured out it's way easier to just show JPEGs (WEBPs? That cancer kind of fits the metaphor better) of goods meant to temporarily substitute for satisfying things instead of ponying up the things themselves?

Physical factors aside, all the things you describe yourself doing might not seem to have much of a payoff - that's why you want to stop doing them - but in actual fact they produce that sweetest and most addictive of poisons: Incapability.

>oh fuck please no motivational speech
No speech. You're smart enough to know the thrust by now anyway. Find that thing that you need to do. Not immediate goals or self-care or whatever, but the thing that makes all that necessary as a means to an end. It'll probably scare the hell out of you, whatever it is, but you'll be constantly pulled toward it even as you try to run away.

>so what gives you the right to flap your fingers about this Anon
'cause it happened to me too. Miserable work, fucked/interrupted sleep, bad diet, no exercise, practically zero motivation to fix any of the above because I was really just sneakily running myself down any way I could find so that I had an excuse to not be capable of anything.

There was no sexy amazing autobiographical story to the turnaround, just me getting explosively angry and disgusted at myself. After that it was things anyone can learn: Seven Habits stuff, a diet overhaul, proper exercise that made me sore afterwards, and so on. I didn't like it very much but I liked the consequences of doing it even less. Take it a little at a time, but don't stop - it's the stopping that kills.

The more I do, the sneakier and more cunning those backsliding demons get. The only way to overcome them is to fight them methodically and sensibly each and every day.

There's something like that for you too, Anon, something more than "I can't let people I care about see me like this". Finding it is the most important thing you can do, at least next to the lifelong journey that finding it will put you on.

In the meantime, do what you can to get the physical side of life under control, however many tries it takes. Even if it seems pointless now. It'll all turn out to have helped a lot in retrospect, trust me.

Shotgun of a post that this is, I hope at least some of it helps.
Replies: >>5499 >>5500
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>but I liked the consequences of doing it even less
Of not doing it. Time to take my own advice and sleep more, I guess.
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Thank you for taking the time to write all this Anon, I really appreciate you taking my 4am fever dream post seriously.

>As for that side of things, the usual advice applies. 
All of this is good advice, I definitely need to be more physically active as I feel better in all ways when I am. If I can get over the hump it might make a positive feedback loop.

 >Find that thing that you need to do. Not immediate goals or self-care or whatever, but the thing that makes all that necessary as a means to an end. 
>There's something like that for you too, Anon, something more than "I can't let people I care about see me like this".
>Finding it is the most important thing you can do, at least next to the lifelong journey that finding it will put you on.
I guess this is my real problem. I don't have anything to live for? Don't get me wrong, I have no reason to die, but I already did all the things I wanted to with my life and i never had very lofty goals to begin with. I have lots of little goals, I want to get better at Splatoon but I'm not going to make my life about that. I want to clear more land for gardening so I can plant more food crops in my little space, but that's not a reason to push forward. I can hope that by taking better care of myself I can amend some of my messed up thinking and get to a place where I can find a purpose, but as is? I'm just living my life on cruise control, I want to maintain my standards of living and that's it really. I'm unsure if that's a moral failing on my part, but I'll definitely try to do more soul searching to see if anything is hiding under the mental rocks. Even if I find nothing, there's a part of me that is now embarrassed that I admitted to the internet that I'm living like a worthless blob and wants me to get my shit in order for that sake alone, so with luck I can at least plaster over the root problem for a little while longer.

Thanks again for reading all this. I wish you the best of luck in keeping your backsliding demons in check, as well as in your pursuit of whatever that thing is you found that gave you purpose.
Replies: >>5502 >>5521
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This beautiful post number, and I cant even put spaces in the right place. Truly, doubles are wasted on the foolish.
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>I'll definitely try to do more soul searching to see if anything is hiding under the mental rocks.
I found that the first part of the Seven Habits stuff provided a pretty decent method, which helps a lot. This sort of thing isn't something one can wholly think one's way out of, it's more a case of practice, and of having something to guide your practice.

I don't think what you described yourself doing is a moral failing so much as a form of self-medication. Something's wrong, but you can't tell quite what, or what you should do about it, and so you do whatever you can to try and relieve it, even if that just numbs it for a time. In the physical sense, this might take the form of someone abusing weak stimulants to salve an underlying executive dysfunction. In the spiritual sense, someone might become a workaholic to try and exhaust themselves mentally in order to avoid insomnia caused by a crisis of meaning elsewhere in their lives, or overeat to salve persistent emotional distress from dysfunctional relationships.

It's a fact that lots of people end up figuratively blowing themselves up to avoid what they should do. Some do it in a quick, sharp one-night bender, others take years. Some do it before they begin, others do it right on the threshold of their destination. Same result. I don't think this is wholly physical or mental, but something larger, and that's why it's important to recognize that you'll always meet this resistance even and especially if you're on the right track, and that the only way out is through it.

Anyway, imagine where you were in life before you blobbed out as a kind of exploratory base camp - somewhere you strike out from and can return to while you scout, but not somewhere you're going to permanently stay once you want to move. The camp metaphor works in other ways. For example, spending time and effort improving it can help you, but if you spend too much time just getting better at being where you are then you're by definition not going forth.

Seems to me that until now your friend was acting as a kind of beacon who helped you get back to camp. Think of her assistance, and of the structure and social guide-rails you had in university, as being a tutorial. But like anything with a tutorial, you eventually have to go and do it for real, and adapt to whatever twists and turns on the original material get thrown at you.

What's happening right now is that you got a little lost - which is expected when you're exploring, there are no maps - so your next task is to return and recover. It's not directly finding that meaningful thing, but it is something you need to do to eventually find it. Put like that, isn't it exciting to know that you're turning for home, that you can be back where you were, and that getting there will set you up to go forth again?
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> I eat ice cream at 3 AM, I hardly ever work out, I order food for delivery far more than I should, I stay up until 5 or 6 in the morning, get an hour or two of sleep, then roll out of bed to go to work. After work, I just lie down on the couch and sleep for 3-4 hours, then get up and do it again.
Sounds liek you're living the dream, girl! Is your company still hiring?

>I just didn't sleep and drank 3 monsters over the course of the day to say going (I don't even drink coffee!)
That's indeed degenerate, avoid all jewish literal koolaids!
Replies: >>5891 >>5893
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>Sounds liek you're living the dream, girl! Is your company still hiring?
I mean, it might sound like it on the surface, but I hate that I'm continually digging myself into a pit of worthlessness and hedonism, it isn't exactly the life I would dream for myself. I hate myself most of the time and I feel rudderless, I've had enough false starts at improvement now that I've pretty much given up on feeling better, what's the point of anything? Might as well just squeak by with minimal effort at work, log off, and then do fuck all until I have to work again.
Replies: >>5893 >>5897
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>living the dream
If done by wholehearted choice and somehow producing a healthy, fulfilling, genuinely happy life then yeah, sure; sounds pretty wretched otherwise.

Every false start is practice at getting started. The more you practice starting, the opportunities you get to practice keeping going. Even partial success followed by failure is better than the deeper failure of giving up. Don't give up. Never, never, never give up!

For whatever it's worth, I'm cheering for your eventual success.
Replies: >>5907
Just contain your hedonism into a monoandrous relationship, find a quasi-productive hobby (botany in my case) and literally touch grass, don't want to sound like a boomer crystal hippie but nature heals and hiking helps you keep your butt at acceptable  shape without the need of sweating and groaning between 4 walls. I am currently almost perfectly content with myself being a lazy fat slob that can barely finish house chores while hubee is slaving away his best years to bring the bacon for my pork belly transplant. You will be surprised how much validation men can offer you if you just offer the bare minimum with minimal nagging, rudimentary gratitude and loving and caring attitude.
Replies: >>5907
These are kind things of you to say, thank you

I wish this would work for me, but at this point I don't think I could trust another person enough to be in a relationship. I am happy that it's working for you though, and I hope it continues to do so.
Replies: >>5912 >>5926
Apologies, did not intend to humblebrag but not being with someone doesn't negate finding value to yourself and being content with who you are. Don't want to sound like a 2nd wave  feminist but you need no societal approval to be a happy outlier, don't feel obliged to live up to lifestyle and employment standards set by normalfags, as a matter of fact I would not be happily married if I did given the current sociopolitical state, just focus on your hobbies, find quasi-productive things you like to fill your time with, retain a healthy weight that does not make you feel uncomfortable  or repulsive. Tbh honest I  am kinda jealous you seem to have enough independence to consider future reemployment,  cause personally I feel so pampered that thinking of going back to wagecucking triggers PTSD (the tumblr version, not the real thing).
Replies: >>5940
>I don't think I could trust another person enough to be in a relationship
Did something happen, Anon?
Replies: >>5928 >>5940
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Nothing to apologize for! It did not come across as a humble brag, and I am actually happy to know that it's working for you. I am sorry if it sounded like I was making a swipe at you with my response, that definitely wasn't my intention. I'm the kind of person who sees a happy couple and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Maybe that's just because I'm a cuck, but any envy I once felt in such situations has long since evaporated. 
>Tbh honest I  am kinda jealous you seem to have enough independence to consider future reemployment
At the moment my job is one of the main things keeping me anchored. My boss is kind, I know what I'm doing, and I seem to be generally perceived as capable and in control. I was called "a magician" today after fulfilling a simple request. It keeps me focused on the task at hand so I'm not just sitting around all day, rotting. If the position didn't require an advanced degree it would probably meet the criteria for a lazy girl job, but for someone like me with those skills it definitely feels like one. I do wish the position was more fulfilling and that people let me say "no" to things, but I can live with those drawbacks. 

I don't think my experience is very different from the experience of other women, I just have a very defeatist and pessimistic attitude about it. Giving up is easy for me, I'm extremely jaded, and as I said I'm basically out of motivation for self improvement so I don't intend to challenge those things about myself. I don't know how you all manage to trust your partners to not hurt you emotionally and physically, considering how common it is to face abuse, but I am at least a little in awe of your ability to feel happy and safe in your relationships. Happy too, definitely happy, but it feels so beyond my ability to do that it's very impressive.
Replies: >>5941
>it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
 Also significantly wet in my caseI was a major relationship voyeur prior to finding my man and had I not I'd probably attempt becoming a career vixen due to it.
Replies: >>5975
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So she would have watched you fucking her man while you watched her loving him?
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I had a great thanksgiving this year. It was the first one I actually spent entirely alone. I made myself a pot roast, I roasted potatoes, had a big bowl of ice cream and just curled up on the couch to watch movies all day. It was a very relaxing and restorative day, and I've been missing days like that in my life. I hope everyone else in the US had a great holiday too.
Replies: >>6090
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are you a bad enough bitch to share your pornsick man with Neco Arc? do you even have a choice in the matter? sorry I got into the booze
Replies: >>6659 >>6667
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I can't compete
Replies: >>6659 >>6703
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>do you even have a choice in the matter?
My fault for marrying such a PRETTY BOY, innit.
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She's got those lips, she's got those hips
The life of every fuckin' party
Replies: >>6665
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He turkeyhandle her porkslope
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>I thought I'd never get the chance to post this silly gif in my cuckquean folder.
The stars have aligned.
Replies: >>6673 >>6679
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>Implying that Neco wouldn't just push Hisui off and make her watch while she claims what's rightfully hers.
Spoiler File
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Replies: >>6686
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I died
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Me neither, but if we're lucky she'll share with us after she's had her fill?
Replies: >>6704 >>6705
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of course this animation exists
of course this creature could effortlessly steal my man
Replies: >>6717
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>It's breeding.
>There's going to be more of them.
Replies: >>6711 >>6735
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I love you anons, never change
I mean, canonically there's already a whole village of them.
Replies: >>6712 >>6735
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>there's already a whole village of them.
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>allowing her to steal your man
>instead of stealing her for your man
Replies: >>6719
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>steal her for your man
>he cant go back to human pussy after tasting neko manko 
>you complain to her that she should let you have a turn every once in a while
>her reaction:
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>Don't look at your wife. Look at me. Wife is temporary, AI Waifu is eternal.
Replies: >>6733
>Tells Him To Leave His wife
Time to pack our bags, we aren't making out of this one.
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Is it Gensokyo?
Replies: >>6737 >>6738
Gensokyo has a village in it.  It's not a village in itself.
Replies: >>6738
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Unrelated, but apparently ZUN now uses Gensokyo as a setting for his kids’ bedtime stories. I think about that sometimes.
Replies: >>6742
Did he say anything about what the stories he tells them are like?
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I hope you haven't forgotten that you can't win
Replies: >>6801
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>>6800 (checked)
She has taken everything from me, including the last little bit of contents that were between these antlers. I can't compete or even be angry anymore. I can only obey funni cat.
Replies: >>6828 >>7194
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Replies: >>6829 >>6832 >>7194
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she is literally me
Replies: >>6832 >>7194
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I wanna watch Nokotan so bad.

It would've been worth watching just for generating cute antlergirl gifs but the chaotic up-to-eleven shitposting angle makes me want it more.

I need the visual stimuli of airheaded deer schoolgirl in my life.
Moved three posts over to our old terminology thread at >>1000
I don't really like how so much of the population of this board is men larping as women. It's kinda creepy.
Replies: >>6884
Spoiler File
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Replies: >>6886
A little nibble shouldn't hurt...
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She has arrived.
Replies: >>6920
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>"Bae come to class."
>i cant im deer
>"The vixen wants to flirt with me during lecture."
Replies: >>6925
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Replies: >>6938
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Me patiently feeding our feline sex fiend after she exhausted herself milking my man dry.
Replies: >>6932
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>caring for a vixen with barely-above-animal intelligence
I'm not sure what to think about this, I don't even know if I should bother thinking to begin with.
Replies: >>6935
>>barely-above-animal intelligence
finally, my intellectual equal
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Replies: >>6939
what did she mean by this
Replies: >>6943
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She has claimed your boyfriend and is now marking her territory
Replies: >>6944
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But by the law of antlers, Noko-tan would be the quean, not the vixen, no?

Perhaps she is doing a ritual dance to invite a woman to lay with her man inside. Perhaps she's vibing outside while Neco Arc is in bed with her man.
Replies: >>6947 >>6948
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That's not her house, so she's obviously taking a stroll while her man and vixen are busy. A cuckwalk, if you will.
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I like the headcannon of boyfriend cucking goofball with gooferball.
Replies: >>6950
If Shika is goofball, and Neco-arc is goofierball, what girl is goofiestball?
Replies: >>6953 >>6954 >>6987
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My gut says Haruko from FLCL but that's probably because it had too much impact on me as a fledgling. Maybe Kagura from Gintama? Sailor Moon? Yoshiko from Aho Girl?
Replies: >>6959
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I wanna say either Tomoko or /Cuckquean/-tan herself, and I want to imagine a scenario where Shika's the intermediary quean-vixen between the three -- i.e. deergirl started cucking the original cuckgf, and is now being cucked herself by Neco Arc.

Basically it's the tardwife meme, except the tardwife is holding onto the leash of another tardwife, and that tardwife is holding onto the leash of an eldritch cat-thing.

That being said it really depends on what your qualifications are for goofiestball. While Tomoko and our Board-tan don't have nearly the same amount of chaotic energy as the other two, they do have big "I don't know what to do with my hands during the foursome" goober energy.
Replies: >>6959
My humble suggestion is Gachami from the Bishi Bashi series.
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Here is something that I have been thinking about recently: am I really getting cucked if she is LITERALLY me???
Replies: >>6972 >>6984
You've become the vixen, congrats.
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Just as you can cuck yourself solo, you’d cuck yourself more so with a literally me to literally be, and I'm sure you agree that linking such kinky thinking to a slinky memecat vixen sinking slickly onto your boyfriend's prick to mix the drink you'll lick from her pink unlocks the brainrot that unknots the fraught thoughts that once fought her launching his monogamy all the way back to nought ‘twixt those taut, raunchy haunches and tight feline slot.
Replies: >>6985 >>6999
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Absolute poetry.
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If we are still taking candidates, I'd like to suggest Corona-chan. I never thought much of her beyond another instance of "They turned X into an anime girl. Hilarious!", but then I saw this video and wanted to watch her mount my man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBoojBTEPaI
The queen energy she exhales is crazy.
Replies: >>6988 >>6989 >>6999
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Our weeks-long threesome with Corona-chan was quite the experience.
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That video is a fever dream dredged up from my subconscious. I think my man still has yellow fever 😭
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not to drunkenly double-post, but deadly vixens are especially alluring to my broken brain.
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This post gave my cancer subcancer and now my life has been saved, thank you. Also middle pic is ridiculously cute.

>"Babe I'm horny, can you go to the store and pick me up a harem?"
>Tardwife brings home a deer, a demented cat, and a foreign plague.
>Upbeat 90's sitcom intro plays.
Replies: >>7001
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A foreign plague, a deer, and a demented cat walk into a bar.
The foreign plague says "Bartender! I'm gonna fuck this deer's husband later tonight and I want some beer to get in the right mood. A six-pack of Corona, please."
The deer says "And I like snacking on something while I watch her drain the living soul out of him. Give me 6 tonnes of deer crackers!"
The demented cat says "I just need directions to the nearest federal building. I have a lot of time to kill while I wait for my turn. People too."
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Me and my boyfriend after the vixen goes home.
Replies: >>7023 >>7098
Aww... I was curious to know more about the church girl. Did she know all that because she was into it, or was she just blackpilled as fuckkk?
Replies: >>7021
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>church girl
Did I miss something?
Replies: >>7022
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Logs say the poster deleted their own post; IIRC something about a shy church girl who knew a lot about the mistresses and other extramarital dalliances of various men famous and historical.
Replies: >>7023
Ah. That certainly sounds interesting, but that's their choice I suppose.

This is freakin' adorable to imagine. I also hate the fact that I can understand what's being said in the speech bubbles despite being an avocado toast boomer. Am I doomed to become one of those 'cool moms'...?
Replies: >>7024
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>Am I doomed to become one of those 'cool moms'...?
I wouldn't worry about that, Anon. On the bright side, there's no better inoculation against brainrot than your parents understanding or liking something that's supposed to exclude them.
Replies: >>7026
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>On the bright side, there's no better inoculation against brainrot than your parents understanding or liking something that's supposed to exclude them.
That's what I'm afraid of. Becoming one of those "I'm not like other moms, I'm a cool mom" that I knew growing up. I can still remember the dark days when teachers started printing out image macros and put them up on the whiteboard.

Let the zoom-zooms have their fun. I wanna be perceived as a glasses lady that likes bookclub and baking, dammit. And maybe, in secret, as the quean-translator who's consulting the dictionary while her husband rams into an early-twenties vixen.
Replies: >>7027
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Zoomrot will likely be a matter of archaeology by the time our children are old enough to meme.
Replies: >>7030
Speaking of, considering the direction that zoomspeak if going, I wonder if the next generation will manage to create set of internet slang so complete and so unintelligible to the average english speaker that it will technically qualify as a different language. Imagine the birth of a new brainrot language called skibidish that can be used to form full meaningful sentences, but only if you're in the know.
Replies: >>7031 >>7037
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Ya baited me into posting this, hope you're happy with yourself.
Replies: >>7038 >>7040
Oh God, I understand everything she's saying. Please make it stop.
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Brainrot and sister vixen? Which one of you made this comic?
Replies: >>7050
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I don't know what's worse, being cucked by a brainrotten girl, or having said brainrotten girl call you on the phone to taunt you in skibish.
Replies: >>7042
>quean'd by a younger, quirky girl
many such cases
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Turns out I have more in common with her than I thought.
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I believe we finally found the 3rd goofball.
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Replies: >>7056
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This isn't FAIR!!! How am I supposed to compete with THAT???
Is it bad that I want to learn this lingo just to vex my boyfriend like that?
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This is becoming suspicious.
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>Mordekaiser es numer uno!!!!
>Hue hue hue hue hue
>Steals my man
I love when the memes bleed together. I hope everyone is having a great start to spookyseason
Replies: >>7193
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Brazil's existence now has one (1) justification, and I have one more (+1) proof of being cooked.

>I hope everyone is having a great start to spookyseason
I have come awake. Luv me snappy breezes, luv me warm spices, luv me dyin leefs, simple as.
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>bicorned arguably straight/asexual girl constantly trying to loosen up her virgin tsundere gf while being retarded
Why is she not our mascot yet?
Replies: >>7198
Because you already have /cuckquean/-tan, who may be retarded in other as-of-yet unexplored ways.
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I never had my husband cuck me IRL yet I'm so deep into this shit that even though I was a pretty runoffthemill  insecure jealous gf, now I simply can't even relate or even mentally depict on how other women don't find the thought of their man sexing other pretty girls hot.

This has not only somewhat socially isolated me but sometimes I really struggle to not reveal my powerlevel in my social circle and become a pariah weirdo. 

Am I too far gone or just irrationally horny due to the sexual frustration of never have lived up to my fantasy?
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>Am I too far gone or just irrationally horny due to the sexual frustration of never have lived up to my fantasy?
Probably the latter. You just need a train.
Replies: >>7217 >>7221
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>that pic
we do truly live in a society
Replies: >>7218
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It's natural to want to talk with others about what you love. I remember a cuckquean of olde (pre-pornban Tumblr era) who was into chastity; she mentioned that she had to be careful how much she drank together with her friends lest she start excitedly showing them her metal undies and yapping about how her husband kept her safely locked up while he was dipping his nib in strange inks.

That's just how it is to be built different.

This image infringes upon my imagination's most cherished copyrights, and its creator shall be hearing from my fantasy lawyers soon.
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>This has not only somewhat socially isolated me but sometimes I really struggle to not reveal my powerlevel in my social circle and become a pariah weirdo
Speaking of which I nearly spilled my spaghetti about it at work today. Male coworker who has more of an issue of hiding his powerlevel as a weeb made a ref about harem anime during casual conversation and a joke in its defence when our female and few whiteknight coworkers jumped on him for it. I made the mistake to laugh with it and tried to defend him with platitudes of the "as long as everyone onvolved consents it's ok with me" kind. Hope his ass is not dragged to HR, especially since my conscience would not allow me to NOT get involved with it.
Replies: >>7244
I hope you are all enjoying fall (or spring for those in Upside-down Land)
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>our female and few whiteknight coworkers jumped on him for it.
That sounds miserable. Rats in an overcrowded cage.
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I feel for you Anon, but maybe it wouldn't be as bad as you imagined? Its still a good idea to protect yourself of course, but I was always so scared of outing myself for such a long time and then a friend of mine casually told me she's dating a married man and his wife crocheted a little genshin creature for her when she went to visit him. I never would have guessed she would be down with that kind of relationship but shes so happy and the three of them get along so well together, it gives the warm fuzzies every time I think of them. The group has absolutely not ostracized her, if anything i wonder if she might have converted some of the others through example. I guess what I'm saying is what we want might not be traditionally viewed as normal, but if you have good friends who care about you and your happiness they'll love and accept you regardless. 

There's also part of me that wonders if quckquean is secretly more popular than it seems to be, it reminds me of when I felt so much shame about having a rape fetish only to find out every one of my girlfriends also had a fantasy and felt guilty about it. I don't think its as popular as that, but i feel like there are dozens of queans or protoqueans lacking terminology to describe how they feel, but maybe I'm just coping too hard.
Replies: >>7264
>part of me that wonders if quckquean is secretly more popular than it seems to be, it reminds me of when I felt so much shame about having a rape fetish only to find out every one of my girlfriends also had a fantasy and felt guilty about it
As horrendous as it may sound both rape and especially polygyny have solid darwinically adaptive advantages. It's only natural for significant part of the population of both sexes to be instinctively inclined towards it. With rape it's like hybristophilia and being attracted to psychopaths, it just increases your chances that your descendants will be ruthless assholes and will be therefore more likely to survive and pass their genes, consensually or not. Polygyny on the other hand is based on preselection (and consequently hypergamy), which is a major drive for mate selection  in women, plus it kinda ensures not only easier access to high value males to recombine genes with but also increases the genetic value of the  ENTIRE DOMESTIC POPULATION by not only restricting reproductive access to "lesser value" males but also increasing the prevalence of top single digits percent of males' genes in it.
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Can't find the thread I originally posted but here's a summary and some progress:

>middle aged husband gets fat
>I start being attracted by [Ugly Bastard] tag by association
>tell him to go to the gym (so that I won't further develop any unhealthy fetishes)
>he goes and he likes it
>he gets serious about it
>couple of month later instead of losing he GAINS weight
>he's now full on Wario-mode strongfat
>his libido increases exponentially
>he utterly destroys me
>now I've pavlovianly associated sex with bulky dadbods
>can't keep up with his libido but out of principle not going to neglect spousal duties
>plot to find him a mistress to redirect some of the stampede away
>manipulate situations to bring him closer with a younger coworker of his
>successfully propose threesome
>keikaku (semi-)successful: he was now casual fuckbuddy relationship with coworker under my consent
>his libido LAUNCHES UP
>he starts having sex with me even more frequently in addition to his flickups with his girl
>vid related
Have I WillECoyoted myself, /quean/?
Replies: >>7277
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RIP Anon, who independently rediscovered a variation of the Coolidge Effect.
Replies: >>7278 >>7280
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I've been lurking this board for years! Why am I learning about this just now?!

Have any of you lovely ladies been on Crystal Cafe before? I know it's out there but I've never really been to the board before. Is it any good?
Replies: >>7308 >>7311 >>7314
Enough to pick up on things like the Raccoon Moidverse but no more; fem/r9k/ doesn't really hold my attention.
Replies: >>7312 >>7315
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Dare I ask?
Guilty of lurking there in the past. Don't anymore because it's absolutely horrible for my mental state for much the same reasons that cuckchan is. It's just a mirrored version of /r9k/.

If reveling in misanthropy of both the targeted and general varieties is your thing, I recommend it. Personally, I hate people well enough on my own and don't need any legbeards in my headspace telling me to hate them even more.
Replies: >>7315 >>7317
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Thanks for responding. It sounds like I should probably stay away. I'm enough of a dysfunctional failure to be /r9k/ material but I don't think I'm hateful enough to want to be there and it would probs be bad for me to be exposed.
Replies: >>7316 >>7317
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Touch grass, let your husband fuck your neighbor, don't let extremely online people define your life.
Replies: >>7333
>absolutely horrible for my mental state
It's kind of amazing to feel it work. After just ten minutes of looking I noticed I was suddenly grumpy and miserable in that sticky way that only sloughs off with time.

Good choice. If it had redeeming qualities as some imageboards used to then it might be worth the squeeze, but it'll just rot your brain as much as Twitter and give even less in return.
Replies: >>7333
It's good to know that if you're ever feeling down, there are anonymous fetishists on the internet that can encourage you and give you sensible life advice. God bless you ladies.
I just know I'm going to come back to this post later when I'm not so horny and think it's totally deranged, but I really believe that if God loved us he would have made all boys shoot several liters of cum whenever they ejaculate. I need it so bad, it's not fair I can't have it......
Replies: >>7351 >>7352 >>7373
Spoiler File
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Several liters may be impossible; but I've heard good things about feeding your man a diet with walnuts, pineapple, and lots of zinc.

There are also certain medications that are prescribed to guys for hormonal deficiencies, which happen to have the side effect of drastically increasing the quantity beyond what's naturally possible. Wouldn't recommend them unless he happens to have a legitimate medical reason, though.
Replies: >>7352
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Based and ostracodpilled.

Lecithin (sunflower over soy, natch) will also help him really fill those condoms you secretly wish he didn’t have to wear with his vixens. Its bonus effects on milk supply mean it’ll be good for the goose as well as the gander should his increased volume and quality do the job nature intends on you.
Replies: >>7357
I thought lecitihin was supposed to be pretty bad for you. The soy kind is a gross emulsifier; I don't know what the sunflower kind is used for. I wouldn't want to feed him something unhealthy just for fetish fuel.
Replies: >>7358
You might be thinking of lectins (one i instead of two), which have some pretty harmful variants among them. The grade of soy lecithin shoved into processed American food as filler/emulsifier is also of concern because it assists many other sins (as would any emulsifier in its place) in addition to possible phytoestrogenic concerns. The grade one supplements with is okay, though.

That said, the various cum-increasing supplementation regimes one finds floating about on the Internet often do contain some highly questionable choices in highly questionable doses (pygeum and friends come to mind), so it’s wise to treat such things with caution.
Replies: >>7362
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It sounds like I should just go back to praying.
Replies: >>7363
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Zinc supplements could be a safe starting point, as would be adequate hydration and exercise. If you have rizz, you could also use your desire for more cum as foreplay. 
>Babe, don't forget your cum pill so you can give me a big load later. 
>Dinner time! Be sure to eat enough, you need the energy to make all that cum for me.
>Hey there cutie, I know you're gaming right now but I hope your balls are hard at work making me a tasty treat for later. Have fun! I'll be having even more fun tonight

Clearly I do not have rizz, but hopefully you get the idea. The power of telling him how much you want him to glaze every inch of you could empower him to get closer to doing so. Or maybe he'll just cream his pants, who really knows?
Replies: >>7364 >>7366
Cringed completely inside-out and turned into a cool B-movie monster, thanks.
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>The 18 Int academic knowledge concerning dietary and biological optimization of guy coom production, combined with the 3 Cha lack of seduction skills.
Why are we like this
Replies: >>7367
I specifically am like this because i was tailor made to provide peer reviewed sex tips to the cutie having sex with my crush. I can't speak for you all, though. You probably have better stat spreads than I do.
Replies: >>7368
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>You probably have better stat spreads than I do.
Nooooope. 3 Int, 3 Cha, 3 Str here. I'd need pictures and small words to understand your peer reviews.

My brain and body are compact enough to fit on the nearby coat rack or clothes hanger when my BF and his GF want to get away for a while, though. So that's cozy at least.
Replies: >>7409
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>I need it so bad
Pretty much all men do, too.
Replies: >>7409
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>tfw the vixens laugh at your pussy
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You must be my long lost twin or something, because this could just as easily have been a description of me minus the part about actually having a boyfriend.
Panty status: soaked.
Replies: >>7410 >>7413 >>7415
Managed to do the spoiler wrong lmao. 3 Int for sure.
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>minus the part about actually having a boyfriend.
Just find one that already has a cute GF. That way you know you're getting a quality BF that's already been vetted by the experts.

Then, find their bedroom window for an eyeful of vicarious inspiration (don't ask if you can join in, that's too scary). Assuming preferred deity's given you some Dex points to compensate for your other stats, you should be fine. Besides, if you've been invisible to men your entire life like I have, then it's not like they are going to notice you now.
Replies: >>7418
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>minus the part about actually having a boyfriend.

My strategy so far has been to disorient them with science facts before endearing myself to them. It's a foolproof strategy I tell ya
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I may have to wait until spring to try this strategy, it's very cold outside at the moment. Maybe if they would be nice enough to offer me a warm closet to watch from...
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>>4621 (OP) 
The world has fallen. Billions must get cucked.

I am starting to unironically think that we should keep all zoomer girls chained up into vixen dungeons for their own protection.
Replies: >>7440 >>7471
>ywn be chained to the radiator next to your bestie waiting for your shared husband to come home
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BO, please get these signs printed and hang them around the board. Thank you.
Replies: >>7472 >>7473 >>7482
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>chained up into vixen dungeons for their own protection.
Where do I sign up?
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I only found out this was a thing recently, it feels hotter than it should be.
Replies: >>7473 >>7475 >>7482
I love the third one, so cozy.

>feels hotter than it should be
It's very strange, isn't it? Didn't know I even had that button.
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>All 4 of them are already pregnant yet they won't let her have a piece of him.
<DANGER: Wet Floor Ahead!
hottest dynamics I've seen yet. I need a continuation asap..
Been thinking about you the last couple of days, Anon. Hope you're doing well.
Replies: >>7543 >>7558
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Thank you for thinking of me. In the time since this post the third roommate has moved out. Having no one to observe me has been slightly better than a random person, my place is at least cleaner since its easier to clean when all the mess is my fault. I still struggle to sleep, I still struggle to care. Even things that once were very fulfilling like taking care of my bread starter and gardening have long felt like chores and I avoid them like such. But i have my small victory to cling to at least. maybe in a few years things will get better.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. Coming here is one of the things that makes me smile still.
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>"Yeah, it stores enough to keep four adults awake and hydrated for 72 hours straight. I've nicknamed it the three-night threesome fridge."
>"...four people? Don't you mean three?"
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Glad to hear you're still at it, Anon. Never give up.
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>I still struggle to care.
>maybe in a few years things will get better.
Will it? I don't know...
I am in a similar situation and I think the problem is that interacting with people, building connections is a colossal pain in the ass and most attempts have little to no reward. I don't like talking to others on a good day, and on bad ones I want to melt down anyone who enters my field of awareness. Now compare that to solitude. Being alone is extremely peaceful. To an intoxicating degree. I think once you get used to it, it becomes very hard to find the will to deal with people and their shit again. You only have yourself to deal with.
Nevertheless I can't help but feel some regret in idly watching so much time just passing by, time I'm never getting back. Some years ago I lost my patience in waiting for things to get better on their own, so I actually went out of my way to do it myself. It worked for a good while. It is over now. Having friends that I enjoy spending time with, going out and doing stuff, having things to strive for... All of that was great while it lasted, but it's also so so tiresome. I don't think I have it in me to do it all over again. I tried, but I just can't. I feel like last time exhausted and extinguished what little fire was still burning in my heart.
It's not that bad, though. I feel fine for the most part. My computer broke down recently (after malfunction for the past month) with nothing I could do to help it, and I spent some time looking for a replacement among old discarded computers my family keeps. It is a real thrill to clean them up to check what still works among what's hopelessly broken. I found a suitable substitute in apparently good condition, only for it to die after a couple of days. Before despair completely set in, however (God forbid I have to go through the annoying process of actually buying a new one), I found that the reason one of the other motherboards wasn't working is because it had a bent CPU pin that was preventing it from booting up. Those pins are as short and thin as the tip of a needle, and any damage on them is normally considered irreparable - but hey, my damage can probably be considered irreparable as well and I still manage to get out of bed everyday, so certainly there's still hope for that one too. I can fix him. And who needs high-tech equipment to repair delicate electronics anyway? Especially when you have a sewing needle, a steady hand and a heart full of love. I just poked that little fucker back into its proper position and boom, it lives again. This entire process is a real roller-coaster of "it's over" and "we're back". I spent a few days getting a new system up and running. I honestly could have restored from a backup in one afternoon, if I really wanted to. On the other hand, since I was already moving, I decided to start from scratch and make it easier to leave behind a lot of the stuff I don't need anymore. Call it an early spring cleaning. Then I decided to plug my original computer in again, as a last check before committing to a new one, only to find that it is fine again. So yeah, we aren't just back, we never even left.
Anyway, this whole time without a proper computer made me kinda want to leave the house again, and since it's the end of the year already I decided to visit some old friends. It was... not as bad as I assumed, but also not as good as I hoped. I want to have a social life again, and I don't mean in that quirky uwu "j-just a few close friends would be fine..." kinda of way, no. I want to get to know a whole bunch of people and all the drama they create just by existing. Yet I don't want to exert myself again. I know it's bullshit and I can't expect the perfect life to just fall on my lap out of the blue. I know I shouldn't be surrounding myself with machines like this. I know I should stop pretending that crystallized sand ducts are my friends. But what else can I do? Getting out there requires more energy than I can give right now. Besides, I love computers. Even when they break down on me for no discernible reason and resist every attempt to resolve the situation, only to suddenly go back to normal as if nothing happened. They are more similar to humans than people give them credit for.
Well, okay, maybe I don't really struggle to care, I guess I just struggle to care for normal things.
>Coming here is one of the things that makes me smile still.
Thankfully there is no "few" in that sentence, it was just my dyslexia making stuff up again.
Replies: >>7577 >>7578
Y'all niggas be gay!
Replies: >>7577
I did somehow pull my friend when i was in college and she was in her bicurrious phase, so maybe I am. 

>I am in a similar situation
I am sorry for your struggles anon. It sounds like your brainspace is healthier than mine at least, I think there are some good tendencies in there wprth nurturing. Im sure if you can muster the energy for it you can make things better for yourself.

>Thankfully there is no "few" in that sentence
Do not worry, I think about killing myself often but there are still good things to be had in life. Theyre small things, but theyre precious things, like little coals you tend on your journey to warm your hands with. And maybe some day I will be able to light a proper fire with them, only time will tell.
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Please don't kill yourself, Anon. The part of your brain that suggests solutions to problems, no matter how wild, counterproductive or inappropriate, is simply cycling through that because that's its job. In a way it's similar to those who, pushed to the brink by postpartum sleep deprivation, are shocked to hear that part of their brains suggesting they harm or abandon their babies. Don't run yourself ragged trying to silence it, but don't listen to it either.

There was a time when I was in a long, very stressful situation where part of me would cheerfully say "well, it's fine - after all, I can always kill myself". It didn't make any sense because my life outside the situation was fine and I had lots to live for. I think it's just something that happens, and that you have to nod politely at while trying to get on with things.

>I just poked that little fucker back into its proper position and boom, it lives again.
I am genuinely very impressed.

>interacting with people, building connections is a colossal pain in the ass and most attempts have little to no reward
And then there's the realization that you're doing most of the watering on existing connections, and most of those who you did build something with don't much care to maintain it.

>maybe I don't really struggle to care, I guess I just struggle to care for normal things.
This, I think, is the crux. I find that when I feed on the strange things I love - good art (film, games, animation, doujinshi) especially - I find the rest of life far easier. Not just in the sense that I have things to look forward to, but that things that are otherwise horrible draining drags suddenly cost less energy if my soul's got a full belly. It's a fine line between a balanced life and self-medication, though, and God knows I've crossed that line a few times.

But then, I can't really talk. I'm functional, even if I don't always feel that way, and things in my life are ticking over. I've never truly slid down into the hole where everything stops.

There is one thing I'll say, though:
>I can't help but feel some regret in idly watching so much time just passing by, time I'm never getting back.
Take it from me: It goes fast, real fast, and if you're not careful it will be too late. Do something, anything, anything but rotmaxx.
Replies: >>7580
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>It sounds like your brainspace is healthier than mine at least
It comes and goes. One day I'm chilling eating homemade pizza, the other I'm studying botany to figure out which local plants can be used to produce deadly but painless poison. Currently, "it" is gone because the computer died again. I already have like 3 functional replacements and I could even buy a new one with better specs, but I feel hollow. I don't want another computer, I want my computer. I feel like my wife died.
>I think there are some good tendencies in there wprth nurturing.
Uuuuuuuuuuuugh... I wish I could just find it in me to give up for real. I keep telling myself it is over and making plans to rot away forever in peace, without worrying whether I'm wasting my life or not, but then the next day I wake up and think "hmm today i will try again (<- clueless)" and the cycle repeats.
>Im sure if you can muster the energy for it you can make things better for yourself.
I was sure of that too, in 2022. That was my socialite arc. I even had a crush at the time, that shit's p fire ngl, i totes get why ppl get addicted to it.
But look at me now... All of that didn't amount to much other than piling more regrets on my conscience.

It didn't help that I decided to go out during new year to watch the fireworks, only to bear witness to several couples walking around in pairs, some even kissing right out there in public, while a few cars here and there blast songs about love - having to be reminded that I'm in my mid 20s, single, never kissed, will probably die alone and not amounting to much. With explosions in the background.
You know, I gotta give some credit to the part of my brain that keeps inventing creative suicide methods, I can see where it is coming from. If I stay inside, I get grilled by boredom and the regret of wasting my life. If I go outside, I get painfully reminded of all my inadequacies and how far beneath I am compared to everybody else. It really doesn't take a degree in logic to figure out that maybe oblivion is the only place where I can hope to get peace of mind at this point.

>The part of your brain that suggests solutions to problems, no matter how wild, counterproductive or inappropriate, is simply cycling through that because that's its job.
That is also how I started looking at it after playing Disco Elysium and Slay the Princess. One mind, multiple facets. In fact, I think that the worst emotional anguish happens when you have your different aspects constantly infighting, pulling you into opposite directions to the point of tearing apart. It would be really sweet if I could just decide whether I'm hopeful or hopeless about my situation, because getting ping-ponged between these two mind states is a real dog's life.
>part of me would cheerfully say "well, it's fine - after all, I can always kill myself". It didn't make any sense because my life outside the situation was fine and I had lots to live for.
No, it does make sense, that was the main part of my mindset in 2022. See, it adds a lot of levity to anything you do that you're afraid of going bad. If you can just kill yourself if it gets too awful, then you don't really have anything to worry about, it's like a get out of jail free card.
>I am genuinely very impressed.
Now imagine my face watching it turn on after that medieval brain surgery. It was something like this: watch?v=NnW1AUKT2eQ
>And then there's the realization that you're doing most of the watering on existing connections, and most of those who you did build something with don't much care to maintain it.
The worst part is that I can't even complain, because I am guilty of doing the exact same thing to my highschool sweetheart who tried to stay in touch with me, and it has been weighting on my mind very heavily lately. I don't think it's even because I didn't care, I'm pretty sure I was just born too retarded for this sort of thing.
>I've never truly slid down into the hole where everything stops.
God help that you never do. It's so comfy in here that you'll never want to crawl out again.
>It goes fast, real fast, and if you're not careful it will be too late. Do something, anything, anything but rotmaxx.
Everything since 2020 already feels like a blur. I don't know if that's just how adults perceive time, if it was due to the quarantine, or if I really am going insane. Sometimes I do feel like it is already too late and I'm just pointlessly struggling against the creeping rot.
Replies: >>7582 >>7586
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>Hitsuji Goods
Ah ha - knew I recognized that style!
Replies: >>7583
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Feeling good again.
I think I should try learning something new, time always seems to slow down when I do that. Like that time I learned Latin in 1 month by studying for 12 hours everyday, though I'm pretty sure that was an extended mania episode more than anything. It has been a while since I wanted to get good at drawing, but I never got more serious than doing some scribbles. I also wanted to learn chemistry to make explosives, my deepnet contact tried to teach me, but the best I could do was a really shitty electrolysis station and I couldn't even purify the oxidizers I made with that. I'm not sure if the problem there was having a bad teacher, poor grasp at chemistry, or if I just suck at DIY in general. At least I understand the theory behind bombmaking, like primary/secondary/tertiary explosives, triggers, sensitivity, containment, shrapnel, phlegmatizing, the difference between oxidizer-reducer mixtures and unstable compounds, etc.
And you didn't need to know any of that. The real thing I need to learn is how to curb this nasty habit of oversharing my deranged thoughts with complete strangers online.

>I think there are some good tendencies in there wprth nurturing. Im sure if you can muster the energy for it you can make things better for yourself.
You are right, I'm sorry for replying to this with a doompost. I could definitely become a wanted domestic terrorist if I put my mind into it. Or make a living drawing furry commissions for degenerates online.

Yes, good artist. I wish I knew more about this one.
Replies: >>7586 >>7588
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Happy new year, ladies! I hope you all hang in there and make 2025 a good one. I love you all.
>the motive for a rash of recent bombings has been revealed as the perpetrator demands the government provide her with a boyfriend and "several women for him to fuck."
>If I go outside, I get painfully reminded of all my inadequacies and how far beneath I am compared to everybody else.
This, in spades. You can't really ever make your brain stop comparing yourself to others, and it probably wouldn't be healthy if you could, but don't let it get to you. You can build a good life.
>I did somehow pull my friend when i was in college and she was in her bicurrious phase
Hawt. Would like to hear more if you're ok talking about it.
>I think about killing myself often but there are still good things to be had in life.
Hang in there, anon; we're all cheering for you. Tend your fires, it'll all work out in the end.
Replies: >>7588 >>7601
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>my deepnet contact

Happy new year! 2025's already shaping up interesting - still got time to make that the good kind.
How do I fix my attraction to really extreme/degenerate stuff? I feel like I've completely broken my brain with exposure to nasty stuff and I want to make it stop but I just don't know how.
Inb4 >asking this on the weird fetish board
I'm asking here because I think that anons here may have had similar struggles before, and also because the only other board I know of with women on it is Crystal Cafe and I don't think I'll get goods answers from there.
Replies: >>7592 >>7593 >>7611
Depends. Are you talking about a specific pattern/genre of stuff or being on the hedonistic treadmill wherein you find yourself seeking out all kinds of nastier and nastier things, even things that bear no resemblance to what you actually like?
Replies: >>7594 >>7627
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clean your room, go outside, keep your filthy mitts out of your pants
Replies: >>7594 >>7596
More like the second except that I actually do like it and keep going back to it and I want to stop.
>clean your room
Doable I guess.
>go outside
Pls no, outside is scary.
>keep your filthy mitts out of your pants
I've been trying but i can't.
Replies: >>7597 >>7598
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thank u benzo goblin
Specifically what kind of stuff do you find yourself wanting to stop being attracted to/using?
Replies: >>7613
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>I actually do like it and keep going back to it and I want to stop
This is the struggle. the more you go back to it the more you reinforce that pathway. In theory you could eventually get bored of it through overexposure but i wouldn't walk that road. Now its easy to say "don't consume that content" but its much harder to actually do it as it seems like you know. I lived through it myself, and while it is still hard and takes willpower to not go back to consuming that content, its way easier than it was when i started. Like when quitting cigarettes or alcohol, it helps if you have something to substitute, even if that thing is a little unhealthy you wont need the crutch forever its for the early part which is hardest. Try picking up a hobby, or watching a show,  or dedicate time to learning a video game. Connecting with friends can help, if your friends are the type to hang out in either a physical or online space you can spend time with them and focus on the tangible connections in your life. You could tell them youve been feeling down lately and could use some time with the girls, you dont have to tell them why exactly or you can come up with a cover story if thats your speed.

In the medium/long term avoiding porn in general can help reset your brain, stick to your own homegrown fantasies and you'll be less likely to continue to walk further into degeneracy. Ill admit i let myself sink into a degenerate fantasy from time to time, im not perfect, but im not out there feeding the gremlin every night and digging myself further into a hole. I've been focusing on healthier and more wholesome fantasies, and my affinity for them has grown as ive done so which is just making it easier with time.

Something that I feel like would work would be getting dicked down. Find a nice man and get fulfilled, your horny brain will be less prone to wandering if youre getting filled regularly. That might not be on the table for you which is why I'm listing it last, but the healing power of dick is well attested. Outside of the sexual realm having someone who you can lean on and connect with emotionally also has a powerful grounding effect, it can make you emotionally stronger and more prepared to face your inner demons.

No matter what, don't forget that any setbacks are temporary and the only real way to fail is to give up. We're rooting for you anon, you got this!
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Don't know why this put me in stitches but I needed that laugh, thank you Anon.
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>Hawt. Would like to hear more if you're ok talking about it.
It's not a very hot story really. We were both in the same program, we bonded after I helped her edit her PhD application letters as I had worked in a writing center and helped with a bunch before. We started hanging out, went for walks and watched shows together and stuff. We were watching something and it was getting cold out so we were both under a blanket, she snuggled up closer to me, i looked down at her, she did that thing you see in movies where she looked at my lips then back to my eyes so i just kinda kissed her. We talked after that and she wasnt interested in a relationship but she hadnt done anything with a girl before and she was attracted to me for some reason so we decided to just roll with it. We carried on a kind of romantic friendship for about a year til she went away to pursue her PhD and started trying to date again. We're still friends, though not as close obviously, and at this point it has been like 8 years since then? We never talk about it anymore, I have far more memories of her as a friend than as a lover. Sometimes I wonder how much of it all she even remembers, but it was a good time while it lasted and it helped me process some things about myself and how I relate to others so I think it was good that it happened and good that it ended and that we are still friends.
Replies: >>7612 >>7633
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If you want my personal experience, I just had to start categorizing things into "I'm comfortable touching myself to this and then going outside to face the world afterwards" and "this is awful and I'll feel terrible and sluggish afterwards if I let this into my brain". I put stuff like girlkissing, cuckqueaning, and the occasional d/s urge into the former category. Things like little, snuff, and furfag shit I shut out and try to avoid all incidental contact with. And with fantasies about rape and incest, I try to put in the category of "okay, this is bad if I let it predominate my headspace, but it's coming from a natural place and I'll let it into drip into my brain from time to time".

The general rule of thumb is that if it's something I feel I have the preexisting spark for inside my brain, then it's fine to explore and delve into. If it's something I feel is coming from the outside, trying worm its way in and convince me it was always there--it's bad.

I can second what >>7598 said about homegrown fantasies. I committed to turning off the Internet for a few weeks when I was trying to drag myself out of my mush-brained tumblrina years, and just relied on my imagination. And it gave me a lot of amazing insight to how many switches I actually have in my brain, and how many degen fantasies need the constant visual and written stimulation from others to survive.

If you're a horny goober that likes touching yourself to horny things, I don't think it's healthy to swear off all erotic content for all eternity (well, maybe swearing off 3D Porn, but that's a whole other conversation). I go to church enough times a year to know that born again hoes relapse all the time, in between their bouts of pointing fingers at others for their own guilty conscience. But setting boundaries while acknowledging I have a different set of needs and desires than normies has worked wonders for me.

>Something that I feel like would work would be getting dicked down. Find a nice man and get fulfilled, your horny brain will be less prone to wandering if youre getting filled regularly.
I can also attest to the healing power of dick when it's attached to the right person. But obviously you have to make sure you're ready and are using it as part of the greater equation. I kept myself from any sort of relationship in my bad years precisely because I knew my head was messed up, and that my judge of character and mate selection skills would be absolutely terrible. Not to mention it's unfair to tie down a good guy with the expectation that he's going to fix all of your problems.
Replies: >>7613 >>7617
>romantic friendship
>good that it happened and good that it ended and that we are still friends.
Based. I had a friend I really wanted to do this with in high school, but we both ended up getting BFs before it could happen.

Lesbian schoolgirl energy between hetero women is such a real thing and horribly underappreciated. I really wish it was normal to talk about it, without the rainbow people chiming in and insisting I'm a repressed (label) or some numerical value on the Kinsey Scale.
Replies: >>7617 >>7633
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It's really embarrassing to admit which is why I tried to not say in the first post but it's bad, like /d/ material.
>Try picking up a hobby, or watching a show,  or dedicate time to learning a video game.
I have noticed that I do it less when I have something else that keeps my attention but lately I just find I don't enjoy a lot of things any more. I haven't wanted to play a video game in weeks. I think that touching myself all the time is probably making this worse by messing my brain all up. It's hard to keep myself occupied all the time because I am NEET or as I like to say, stay-at-home daughter. I'm going to try to find something, though.
>Connecting with friends can help
I don't really have a lot of friends other than a couple online; last night I actually left a conversation with one and said I was to go to bed but I went to watch more porn. I feel that it would be better in person because I would have to behave normally but I don't know anyone IRL.
>In the medium/long term avoiding porn in general can help reset your brain
This is really the main piece, isn't it? I just don't have to willpower to start to work on reshape my brain
>Something that I feel like would work would be getting dicked down.
I believe it would work 100% but as you say, it is not on the table for me.
>the healing power of dick is well attested
This made me smile.
Thank you so much for writing a kind response to me whining about my problems.
I think this compartments you have is a good idea. Maybe I'll see if I can make this work.
>I have the preexisting spark for inside my brain, then it's fine to explore
I'm scared that the weird stuff is coming from inside me, though.
>homegrown fantasies
I have the problem that even when I just imagine things I go straight to the really bad stuff. That's why I'm scared it will be so hard to quit, becuase even if I put the internet away it will still be in my head.
>I don't think it's healthy to swear off all erotic content for all eternity
I feel you are probably right but I do need to get under control first.
I don't know how much that helps, since a lot of the freakiest stuff isn't even possible in 3d.
>I kept myself from any sort of relationship in my bad years precisely because I knew my head was messed up, and that my judge of character and mate selection skills would be absolutely terrible.
I feel the same way, like I would be very easy to exploit because I am very very desperate.
>Not to mention it's unfair to tie down a good guy with the expectation that he's going to fix all of your problems.
Yes, for sure. I don't want to just put all my problems to someone else.
Thank you also for responding.
Replies: >>7615 >>7617
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>Thank you so much for writing a kind response to me whining about my problems.
We are here for you, and you definitely aren't whining, you're reaching out for help. Your concerns are valid and you want to better yourself, thats admirable and i'm proud of you for coming as far as you have, even if it doesnt seem like much to you.

>I have noticed that I do it less when I have something else that keeps my attention
>I just don't have to willpower to start to work on reshape my brain
Im no psychologist but this sounds like depression to me. Sometimes this kind of thing is transitory, but it sounds like you're spending a lot of time isolated and without something to do which is generally not good for humans, and it seems like youre compensating by hitting the easy feel good chemical button. Some people do quite well when alone, hermits have been a thing forever after all, but for most of us isolation is corrosive. I know its hard right now, the apathy can really sting, but even doing 30 or 60 jumping jacks in your room once a day can help you feel better. Dont know if you're religious, but I am and making myself presentable to go to church and interact with people was very helpful for me. Even though half the time the sermons didnt do anything for me the routine and pantomime of being a normal person made me feel better (at least some of the time). i know the outside is scary, but even something like showing up for raid night or an online book club could probably fill a similar function.

You might not have the emotional energy to work on this problem right now, and that is also ok. We take up challenges as we can handle them. Just please do be careful to not wallow forever, I really do believe you can do this.
Replies: >>7616 >>7617 >>7625
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...I saw that doughnut
Replies: >>7617 >>7618
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I'm genuinely sorry to have pried. I asked because I thought that specific advice would be more helpful, but all I've done is put you in a corner.

>>7598 and >>7611 covered a lot of good ground already, especially substitute activities, social connections, and figuring out where different tastes are coming from.

In particular:
>stick to your own homegrown fantasies
is very good advice. A practical thing to do is to sever the connection between masturbation and the computer. Just as if you're not hungry enough to eat your veggies then you're not hungry enough to eat fast food, if you aren't horny enough to touch yourself on your bed with your eyes closed then you aren't horny enough to touch yourself in front of a porn-screen. This is, I hope, the only way in which schlicking is the same as broccoli (which I also like a lot).

I know that when I get bored or unsettled, my hands often wander south. It's easy stimulation, switches off my ravenous brain, and kills time. But the truth is that I'm not touching myself in that kind of situation because I'm horny, I'm touching myself because I'm bored or frustrated or stressed. And that isn't any better than soothing that boredom or frustration or stress with, say, food or weed would be.

(Though it's not useful for where you are right now, I'd go one further and say that even fantasies can get in the way. When was the last time we masturbated to how good it felt to touch ourselves? Fantasies focus us inside our heads and away from the moment instead of inside our bodies, which are really, really good at feeling pleasure right here right now in many more ways than we give them a chance to. Training oneself to disappear into one's imagination just as the juices start flowing so to speak can make for difficulties in partnered sex too. But that's all aside the immediate problem.)

>categorizing things
My own categories start at "would proudly announce to a room of nonjudgemental strangers" and end at "I CATEGORICALLY REFUSE TO LET YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY PARASITE-EGGS IN MY SEXUALITY YOU AWFUL SLITHERING THING DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T NOTICE" with ample light and shade in between. I know that compersive cuckqueaning, bondage, d/s, and some other things fit into the first category because I have announced them to a room of nonjudgemental strangers (one of whom became a longer-serving vixen, nice) with a smile and a clean conscience. >>7611 is absolutely correct that some
>degen fantasies need the constant visual and written stimulation from others to survive
and what that really amounts to, in my estimation at least, is a kind of seeping contamination that you're not really, truly, with your full heart and soul, consenting to. That's why you're here, asking us how to be rid of it.

If you've ever seen those food craving charts that say a craving for X unhealthy thing is really a craving for Y nutrient that X happens to contain, you'll understand the idea that you might be trying to filter something out of the degeneracy that you don't know how to get elsewhere. I had that same experience with cuckqueaning - I kept chasing the hints of it I glimpsed in degenerate media inb4 pot-kettle relations on a board about a fetish that's super-hard-no for most and flipping from fetish to fetish, getting worse and worse, until I finally realised what compersive cuckqueaning was and what it gave me and *click!*, suddenly it was as though I'd eaten a hearty home-cooked meal after surviving off nothing but Cheetos for years.

>I'm scared that the weird stuff is coming from inside me, though.
>I have the problem that even when I just imagine things I go straight to the really bad stuff. That's why I'm scared it will be so hard to quit, becuase even if I put the internet away it will still be in my head.
It's entirely possible. It's also possible that the parts of the weird stuff that are so scaring you have piggybacked in on the porn. That's why it's important to let yourself re-discover what's actually, truly coming from you and what's been stained by the material you've consumed. It can take a good long while, but it's worth it. Even if it turns out you do have a genuine, deep, true desire for whatever this is, you'll be able to approach and work with it on your terms rather than someone else's, and that really can make all the difference.

>(well, maybe swearing off 3D Porn, but that's a whole other conversation)
It is aside this conversation, but I do agree. Much of it has something... there's something invisible but deeply ugly in all but the rarest of it, something that makes me feel the sad kind of dirty.

BISCUM BISCUM DIE DIE DIE. Anyway, I also had a friend in highschool and a different one in college who seemed to want to do this with me. I didn't take either up on it - not least because by college I was already partnered - but I've sometimes found myself wondering in recent years if either would have been suitable to share my man with. Probably not, but maybe that energy would have helped?

>even doing 30 or 60 jumping jacks in your room once a day can help you feel better
It really can! Just don't fall into the all-too-common trap of thinking you have to overdo it with some training program all at once, overwork yourself, and then drop out because you're too sore (ask me how I know). Moving your body around can feel really, really good.

A Christian conversion/reawakening can also help a lot, yeah. You know that repulsive ugliness in 3D porn I mentioned above? Started feeling it after starting to slowly and sincerely say the Lord's Prayer every night. I can't explain it rationally, I know how nutty it sounds from the other side, but God is a real and powerful source of assistance we can all petition that knows us, loves us and is both willing and able to help us. God bless, Anon.

Now I know what tonight's after-dinner snack will be.
Replies: >>7618 >>7620 >>7625
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I immediately remembered rules about IRL stuff after posting it, getting used to a new home can be hard.

>A Christian conversion/reawakening can also help a lot, yeah.
I think when people hear this kind of thing they think of the creepy kind of religious where it takes over your life and becomes your new personality, like the christian girl from the dub of ghost stories. But I think even engaging in the ritual when your heart isnt in it can help. It provides structure which can often be very helpful when youre feeling depressed and rudderless.

I also feel hypocritical, im >>7543 and Im just drifting through life at this point and barely scraping by. Who am i to give anyone advice? So take everything I say with a grain of salt anons, follow your hearts, I could just be full of shit.
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Replies: >>7621
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Replies: >>7623
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I have been listening to this on repeat for the last 30 minutes, thank you anon.
Yes I've seen a psychiatrist before and that was basically what he said. I don't really know what to do about it because a lot of my life circumstances are basically outside of my control. 
>isolation is corrosive
It is, absolutely it is. I think that's the hardest thing for me,is that I have no IRL female friends. I have autism like the real diagnosis kind, not just the meme kind and social interactions with other women are really hard, I can't ever figure out what I'm doing wrong. It's part of why I like this place so much, it's one of the few places I can actually talk to other girls.
>doing 30 or 60 jumping jacks in your room once a day
I definitely need to exercise more. Maybe I can start doing that instead of playing with myself all the tiem.
The way religion tends to be in my country is kind of weird and I'm don't think that would work for me. I'm glad it's good for you though, that's a good thing.
>Just please do be careful to not wallow forever, I really do believe you can do this.
Thank you for your encouragement.
>I'm genuinely sorry to have pried.
No, please don't be! It was a good question, I'm just being neurotic.
>This is, I hope, the only way in which schlicking is the same as broccoli
Had a very big laugh for this.
>even fantasies can get in the way
I think you maybe are right. Might have to think about this next time the urge comes on me.
>I have announced them to a room of nonjudgemental strangers + spoiler
I am very curious how this happened, if you are ok to share.
>seeping contamination that you're not really, truly, with your full heart and soul, consenting to.
This is very much what it feels like, like i am maybe not fully in control.
>It's entirely possible. It's also possible that the parts of the weird stuff that are so scaring you have piggybacked in on the porn. That's why it's important to let yourself re-discover what's actually, truly coming from you and what's been stained by the material you've consumed. It can take a good long while, but it's worth it. Even if it turns out you do have a genuine, deep, true desire for whatever this is, you'll be able to approach and work with it on your terms rather than someone else's, and that really can make all the difference.
I'm going to try to do this and see where it takes me. Thank you for your advice.
Replies: >>7630 >>7635
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A bit late to give my two cents on this, but here goes anyway.

I have struggled with the same problems of only getting off to degenerate shit that leaves me embarrassed afterwards, and I'm sorry to say that I couldn't find any solution other than a drastic change in routine. A change in lifestyle would be good too, since it causes a change in routine as well, but this is not a hard requirement. My problem was that it was already a habit to masturbate whenever I got bored, and well, since I was on the computer all day, that was a very quick and easy to do so. And then of course I'd get bored of seeing the same kink and so I'd look for different kinks, each a bit kinkier than the last, before getting bored again and so on and so forth. Hedonistic treadmill, I believe it's called.

The one thing that helped me the most and that would probably be an easy fix for you (in theory) is getting the hell away from your computer and going outside as soon as you feel the urges coming at least I believe you're not so far gone as to try rubbing one off outside. Well, I say in theory because "change routine; get away from computer" is more easily said than done because seriously, fuck going outside - that never worked for me until I actually found something to do outside. Leaving the house just for the sake of leaving the house is a pain in the ass, especially when staying inside and frying my brain is much more convenient and interesting. Despite my improvements, I still spend an unhealthy amount of time in front of the screen, but I can't abandon my computer forever, that's where all my friends live!

You already said you're a NEET, and it seems like you're a shut-in too, and I know finding the will to go outside is a problem almost as big as finding to will not to touch yourself. And you already received plenty of advice on that department, so I won't bother you with that. Instead, I'll advice you based on a spark of inspiration that hit me this week and I still have no idea how helpful it will be long-term: I have started writing erotic literature. Lately I'm also trying to masturbate less so imagine my struggle when I start to get haunted by fantasies while trying to sleep. My reaction was to write it down for later and, well, I can only say it is a special kind of feeling. It still makes me horny, but it feels different somehow. It's a warm fuzzy feeling that makes me feel my heart pounding and I don't really feel compelled to touch myself. Probably because it is a more involved process than just letting my brain wander semi-freely while thinking about lewd stuff - it needs to have structure, I have to find the words to describe what I'm thinking, and at some point I must make the call of whether the story should go on one route or the other. It's like playing with dolls, except the story has to (kinda) make sense and the dolls are fucking my boyfriend.

My point is: use art as a sexual outlet. Everybody is talking about homegrown fantasies, so go ahead and also write them down. Also post them here, that's also a very important step. Mm-hmm. Let us read everything. Yup, that's what's gonna fix you. 100%.
What? No, I not saying that because- haha how can you even suggest this? This is purely clinical advice, I would never- Okay, how about this: I show you mine, you show me yours. You know, compare notes. For science and stuff.
It will also be a good chance to find out if the weird stuff is coming from inside you or not.

>I have noticed that I do it less when I have something else that keeps my attention but lately I just find I don't enjoy a lot of things any more. I haven't wanted to play a video game in weeks.
Yea, that sounds like the time I decided I had to start to look for something to do outside the house.
>last night I actually left a conversation with one and said I was to go to bed but I went to watch more porn.
Haa... I wish I could say I have never done that.
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>hedonistic treadmill
Hedonic treadmill, ahlshuahalllaly, but I think “hedonistic treadmill” kind of also works as a sexual specialisation of the more general term.
Replies: >>7629
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Wtf happened to this thread?
Replies: >>7629
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Sounds too academic, let's call it the gooner pipeline.
Nothing? We are just chit-chatting.
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>I'm going to try to do this and see where it takes me.
You can do it Anon! We'll be rooting for you all the way.
Replies: >>7635 >>7641
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>and the dolls are fucking my boyfriend.
That's super cute. I'm happy for you and your friend.
>I really wish it was normal to talk about it, without the rainbow people chiming in and insisting I'm a repressed (label) or some numerical value on the Kinsey Scale.
So much this. I just think pretty girls are pretty, ok? I don't want to upend all of society to cater to some sexual derangement of mine.
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>I am very curious how this happened
It's nothing special - my man and I attended an informal kink meetup, and when it was my turn during the opening self-introductions I got up and said something like "Hi, I'm Anon from Place, here with my master AnonsMan. I'm a submissive and also a cuckquean, the latter of which means one of my kinks is being exclusive to him while he's not exclusive to me. I'm looking forward to meeting you all." Medium-length story short: I clicked with a nice single sub girl, she clicked with my man, and they later fucked a lot.

>use art as a sexual outlet
>Also post them here, that's also a very important step. Mm-hmm. Let us read everything.
I full-throatedly support the first, but since Anon here doesn't want to disclose her interests I don't know if she'd want to show us the results of her writing about them. Some people find that art provides a way to examine a subject from a distance, but others produce art by climbing inside and inhabiting it. If she's the former it'd be useful, but if the latter perhaps not so much, especially given she's come to us concerned about standing too close to the fire.

That said, good on you for getting words down! I'm sure we'd all still like to see yours even if she doesn't show hers.

You tell 'em, Haruhi's yelling armpit!
Replies: >>7636 >>7641 >>7643
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> I'm sure we'd all still like to see yours even if she doesn't show hers.
A fetish sharing thread sounds fun honestly, as long as we can keep it on topic with the spirit of cuckqueaning and avoid the stuff thats against board rules.
>write stuff down
I am... not sure about this. Maybe when I feel that I am more in control of myself, but I'm scare this could reinforce the bad stuff I want out of my head also. And if I would put that sort of thing that I want to quit in writing maybe it would get deleted even if I posted it, it's very bad...
>kink meetup
I guess that makes sense. I was confused how you found people where it made sense to mention these sort of things lol.
Arigatou gozaimasu!
Replies: >>7643
>informal kink meetup
What- Why- How... How do you even...?
I'm super curious to know how this sort of thing goes or even gets started, but I think I'd die the moment I'm called to introduce myself, just instantly drop dead.
>I'm sure we'd all still like to see yours even if she doesn't show hers.
...Wait, did I really agree to that?
I'm more embarrassed about my garbage writing skills than my fetishes. Maybe I should start reading cuckquean erotic for the unironic scientific purpose of analyzing the narrative structure.
Post links to stories you consider kino?

>I am... not sure about this.
It's alright, sorry if I sounded too pushy.
As a matter of fact, we have a thread for stories on the catalog right now: /thread/110.html
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Can't believe it's 2025 and I still haven't been bridenapped.
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>I'm super curious to know how this sort of thing goes or even gets started
It's known as a "munch" because it usually happens with food and/or drink present, typically held during the day or early evening. There's no fetish dress code or one that specifies no heavy wear (as opposed to some formal kink events where it's required) and the idea is to mingle and meet your local scene for a few hours. Different scenes differ in their specifics, and this was pre-pandemic so things might be different now.

The one I went to happened in a back room of a reputable drinking establishment, light fetishwear permitted as long as you didn't flash it around outside, and a strict no-tits-no-bits policy imposed (quite reasonably) by the venue. I cleaned and buffed up my collar for the occasion, which I wore in under my scarf, for example (pic not related but too nice not to post). A nominal door charge paid for a steady supply of drink pitchers distributed throughout.

After the organizer welcomed everyone and re-iterated that tits and bits were to stay covered throughout, everyone got up and briefly introduced themselves before things moved to mingling. My man and I mostly mixed separately, as one is supposed to, and this is how I discovered that although the majority were friendly, civil kinky people, a portion of the guys in the room apparently thought that "exclusive" meant "please hit on and touch me while my Master's back is turned", fucking creeps. Oh, you were looking forward to talking to me after seeing my Fetlife profile? That's amazing, considering I don't have one.

As the evening went on and things got a little more lubricated, a bit of equipment demonstration and policy-compliant light play broke out in the room's dimmer corners, and then the event ended with smaller groups spintering off to go drinking or to swinger's clubs or home or whereever else their hearts desired. We had a few more drinks with a few cool people we'd met and then we went home.

Overall it was fun and we got a vixen out of it but I never went back because being pawed at by strange men after I'd specifically and publicly declared myself taken made me feel the need-a-shower kind of sad dirty. My man attended a few times alone and got some more vixen tail (not the fluffy kind, sadly - fuck this gay dimension), who were also very nice girls.
Replies: >>7647 >>7667
>a portion of the guys in the room apparently thought that "exclusive" meant "please hit on and touch me while my Master's back is turned"
Aaaand there goes my desire to ever meet up with the local freaks. You'd think people who use safe words would get the hint.

To be fair I'd be a terrible fit for the nonjudgmental crowd anyway. I'd start judging the moment I saw malecucks or malesubs. My double-standards are strong in that way.
Replies: >>7648 >>7651
>You'd think people who use safe words would get the hint.
The vibe I kind of got was that every kink or preference was cool except monogamy, which was assumed to be a fun little performance one put up as spice before getting on with the debauchery. I won't go into detail, but even the cool people had the air of not quite getting it. It was so, so strange. I guess some of the stereotypes people throw around about BDSM folk are grounded in truth.

>My double-standards are strong in that way.
Mine too - I was surprised I found the male subs as tolerable as I did, though it probably helped that neither of us had anything to get from each other. They mostly just came off as ordinary guys, one of whom I later spotted getting delightedly tied to a chair.
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>I was surprised I found the male subs as tolerable as I did
may they are trained to behave properly around women
Replies: >>7650
I think it's because they turned out to be ordinary, sociable people, just like most of the people in that room, with particular sexual interests that didn't intersect mine.
>You'd think people who use safe words would get the hint.
Maybe not respecting other people's boundaries is their fetish.
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Maybe they're just dumb and stupid.
>I'm more embarrassed about my garbage writing skills than my fetishes.
Honestly your posts show enough writer's fist that you should just go for it. Most erotica's trash you'll learn the wrong things from anyway. The way to get better at writing is to write and I'll take stickily-written schlickfic with real guts over carefully (over)wrought wannabe-literary spasms any day of the year.
>My man and I mostly mixed separately, as one is supposed to
Why are you supposed to separate? Not that I would likely go to an event like this anyway but if I did I feel like I'd be glued to my bf the whole time.
Replies: >>7669
It wasn't an event rule or anything but it's considered good etiquette for couples to socialize separately at parties, mixers, and so on because it makes conversation easier and doesn't inadvertently leave others out of their 'society of two'. You might have come across it in the old rule that a host isn't to seat a married couple next to each other at a dinner party.

We didn't follow it the whole evening, of course.
Replies: >>7670
>it makes conversation easier and doesn't inadvertently leave others out of their 'society of two'.
I guess that makes sense.
>the old rule that a host isn't to seat a married couple next to each other at a dinner party.
I've never heard of this. Just about every dinner I've been to, the hosts made a point to put couples next to each other. Maybe I'm an uncultured peasant after all?
>I'm more embarrassed about my garbage writing skills than my fetishes.
You have to practice to get better! I don't think you should be too embarrassed about posting, this is probably a good board to get feedback from without too much bullying.
>It's alright, sorry if I sounded too pushy.
Not at all!

Sorry, had to let it out of my system.
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No 3DPD's allowed on Junkuchan, Anon - better to self-delete this post before the globals wake up.
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The Rick and Morty shirt adds a certain special levity to the oil drilling, no denying it.

Junku captcha's into nigresses, pass it on.
No 3DPD pls, link it offsite if you must.
Replies: >>7687 >>7689
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>## Admin
Look at that subtle scarlet coloring, the tasteful bold face. My God, it even has an animation.
Replies: >>7688
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Miku a cute, she can have a turn.
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wtf, we can say the nigger word and post nazi vixens?
Replies: >>7690 >>7701
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We should exercise our power to do so responsibly, lest we attract those who poison and uglify such simple, wholesome joys.
Replies: >>7691
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6 million khazar milkers?

Dunno, mate, sounds too much even for my husband's rizz...
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I think my parents are going to force me to get A Job...
Replies: >>7696 >>7697 >>7698
It's your DUTY to stand your ground and not give in their unreasonable demands! Would your husband appreciate getting cucked by Schlomo Silverstein for copper shekels?
Replies: >>7702
You should get a job as a barista so you can watch your boyfriend woo some trashy girl over drinks you made for them.

But yeah, seriously, financial independence is pretty important. Get employment if you can.
Replies: >>7698 >>7702
If you're the NEET girl from earlier ITT, then being forced to go outside might help you out a bit. But I don't recommend full-time work even for sociable people, plus the shock might be enough to kill a poor hikki dead on the spot. Try to look for something part-time if there's really no escape, the advantages of living with your parent is that you don't need exorbitant amounts of money.
>financial independence is pretty important
My position as my family's de facto house pet might invalidate my opinion, but I think that's overrated. It is very rare for me to want to buy anything, so as it is, depending on my family for money isn't really that bad, they actually offer to buy me more stuff than I care to accept. It can even be a bit overwhelming when they give me stuff when I really don't want anything. First-world problems.
Of course it will depend on your situation, I think it's pretty clear that we are well-off, but it might be a different matter if your family is struggling with money.
Replies: >>7702 >>7704
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Mood. Sometimes I get the vibe of watching my man bleach other races too.
Based website TBH.
In a just world I would give all of my labor to my husband and sister-wives.
Ok but what if she was a pretty and classy girl instead? I can flirt with him while they order, if she sees that other girls like him it will increase his mate value for her eyes.
>financial independence is pretty important. Get employment if you can.
I don't know if I actually will be financially independent, I have some problems I think I mentioned in another post I have tism and I will probably still need to rely on my parents alot. But I think they want me to 'pull my weight' a little bit and maybe go outside and interact with other people (∩๏﹏๏∩) scary.
Yes it will probably be part-time. And I think/hope it will be something where I don't have to talk with the public. (There is a chance I will be a maid, actually).
>my family's de facto house pet
This is the ideal life. Maybe one little bit better if you have a husband so you can be his pet instead.
It sounds like my financial situation is pretty similar, my parents both earn pretty high, so I don't have to worry very much about the money I will earn. But they don't want to let me do nothing and talk to no one so I have to go work.
Replies: >>7704
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that's such a funny way to put it that i had to make this meme
Replies: >>7704
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I think the biggest unironic tension we had in our entire relationship was when he quasi-forced me to get a job for half a year by founding one for me.  I know his motives were rational and for my best interest, since I needed 6 more months of social security contributions, in order to qualify for socialized healthcare but it subconsciously triggered past traumatic conditioning of my family calling me lazy and useless and forcing me to get jobs that I hated, drained me of self-respect and ruined my health (and not talking only about tumblr tier MUH MENTAL HEALTH but objective physical impairments that my family routinely brushed off as an excuse to avoid working). Thankfully the job was mostly easy and the social environment was good (as a matter of fact the 2nd best social environment out of all my not-from-home jobs, and that was only because my best commuting job was glorified pamphlet handling in the middle of nowhere with a personal toilet and no meaningful human interaction). Still I felt like a beat up puppy during.
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Cuckquean in the news getting cucked on demand by her AI boyfriend. 

I've fooled around with AI occasionally but I couldn't see myself getting this deep with it.
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