I'm genuinely sorry to have pried. I asked because I thought that specific advice would be more helpful, but all I've done is put you in a corner.
>>7598 and >>7611 covered a lot of good ground already, especially substitute activities, social connections, and figuring out where different tastes are coming from.
In particular:
>stick to your own homegrown fantasies
is very good advice. A practical thing to do is to sever the connection between masturbation and the computer. Just as if you're not hungry enough to eat your veggies then you're not hungry enough to eat fast food, if you aren't horny enough to touch yourself on your bed with your eyes closed then you aren't horny enough to touch yourself in front of a porn-screen. This is, I hope, the only way in which schlicking is the same as broccoli (which I also like a lot).
I know that when I get bored or unsettled, my hands often wander south. It's easy stimulation, switches off my ravenous brain, and kills time. But the truth is that I'm not touching myself in that kind of situation because I'm horny, I'm touching myself because I'm bored or frustrated or stressed. And that isn't any better than soothing that boredom or frustration or stress with, say, food or weed would be.
(Though it's not useful for where you are right now, I'd go one further and say that even fantasies can get in the way. When was the last time we masturbated to how good it felt to touch ourselves? Fantasies focus us inside our heads and away from the moment instead of inside our bodies, which are really, really good at feeling pleasure right here right now in many more ways than we give them a chance to. Training oneself to disappear into one's imagination just as the juices start flowing so to speak can make for difficulties in partnered sex too. But that's all aside the immediate problem.)
>categorizing things
My own categories start at "would proudly announce to a room of nonjudgemental strangers" and end at "I CATEGORICALLY REFUSE TO LET YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY PARASITE-EGGS IN MY SEXUALITY YOU AWFUL SLITHERING THING DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T NOTICE" with ample light and shade in between. I know that compersive cuckqueaning, bondage, d/s, and some other things fit into the first category because I have announced them to a room of nonjudgemental strangers (one of whom became a longer-serving vixen, nice) with a smile and a clean conscience. >>7611 is absolutely correct that some
>degen fantasies need the constant visual and written stimulation from others to survive
and what that really amounts to, in my estimation at least, is a kind of seeping contamination that you're not really, truly, with your full heart and soul, consenting to. That's why you're here, asking us how to be rid of it.
If you've ever seen those food craving charts that say a craving for X unhealthy thing is really a craving for Y nutrient that X happens to contain, you'll understand the idea that you might be trying to filter something out of the degeneracy that you don't know how to get elsewhere. I had that same experience with cuckqueaning - I kept chasing the hints of it I glimpsed in degenerate media inb4 pot-kettle relations on a board about a fetish that's super-hard-no for most and flipping from fetish to fetish, getting worse and worse, until I finally realised what compersive cuckqueaning was and what it gave me and *click!*, suddenly it was as though I'd eaten a hearty home-cooked meal after surviving off nothing but Cheetos for years.
>I'm scared that the weird stuff is coming from inside me, though.
>I have the problem that even when I just imagine things I go straight to the really bad stuff. That's why I'm scared it will be so hard to quit, becuase even if I put the internet away it will still be in my head.
It's entirely possible. It's also possible that the parts of the weird stuff that are so scaring you have piggybacked in on the porn. That's why it's important to let yourself re-discover what's actually, truly coming from you and what's been stained by the material you've consumed. It can take a good long while, but it's worth it. Even if it turns out you do have a genuine, deep, true desire for whatever this is, you'll be able to approach and work with it on your terms rather than someone else's, and that really can make all the difference.
>(well, maybe swearing off 3D Porn, but that's a whole other conversation)
It is aside this conversation, but I do agree. Much of it has something... there's something invisible but deeply ugly in all but the rarest of it, something that makes me feel the sad kind of dirty.
BISCUM BISCUM DIE DIE DIE. Anyway, I also had a friend in highschool and a different one in college who seemed to want to do this with me. I didn't take either up on it - not least because by college I was already partnered - but I've sometimes found myself wondering in recent years if either would have been suitable to share my man with. Probably not, but maybe that energy would have helped?
>even doing 30 or 60 jumping jacks in your room once a day can help you feel better
It really can! Just don't fall into the all-too-common trap of thinking you have to overdo it with some training program all at once, overwork yourself, and then drop out because you're too sore (ask me how I know). Moving your body around can feel really, really good.
A Christian conversion/reawakening can also help a lot, yeah. You know that repulsive ugliness in 3D porn I mentioned above? Started feeling it after starting to slowly and sincerely say the Lord's Prayer every night. I can't explain it rationally, I know how nutty it sounds from the other side, but God is a real and powerful source of assistance we can all petition that knows us, loves us and is both willing and able to help us. God bless, Anon.
Now I know what tonight's after-dinner snack will be.