/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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For those who enjoy incest, do you prefer the vixen to be a relative inserting herself into a normal relationship or to be an unrelated girl who intrudes on your family and takes what has always been yours?
Replies: >>5238 >>5593 >>6560
>>5236 (OP) 
My preference is for the daughter to cuck her mother, the idea of the cuck mom being supplanted by a younger, hotter version of herself is super hot for me. I rather enjoy the flavor where mom encourages daughter to seduce her father, but its also nice when mom and daughter are willing to share, creating a harem for dad.

I never thought too much about the scenario where an outside girl enters the picture, though. I've seen a case where dad gets a GF and the jealous daughter starts sleeping with him, but in that case the new GF was into it and she works together with the daughter to get other women into his bed. But to me, that case feels different from what you're describing. Maybe something like where a sister has a crush on her brother and when he gets a girlfriend cucky jealousy ensues? Maybe the two of them pledged to marry eachother in their youth, and while he saw such things as children's games she still maintains her crush? Or am I off the mark, here? Do you have any examples to share?
Replies: >>5253 >>5566
The topic is intentionally broad, but I do like the jealous sister setup.  There's one doujin series where the girlfriend can't compete sexually and the sister convinces her the only way for her to provide him with happiness is to step down to a secondary role and basically be their beard, marrying the brother in public before handing the ring over to the sister for a private ceremony,  I really like how that kind of scenario makes the two fetishes work together.

For the opposite, there are lots of stories where sisters have to accept their brother's girlfriend or where they start masturbating to the sound of sex behind the shared wall, but I don't think I've ever seen a story that takes it all the way.  I imagine a situation where she accepts that she can never be with him because of the taboo and gets toyed with by a vixen who notices the attraction and provides a pipeline for seeing his pleasured face.  Maybe that's too depressing to see through without turning it into a threeway relationship, though.

So apparently I've [33F] been cuckqueaned according to people online… looked into it and that's definitely how I feel. I have no idea how long my husband [37M] and daughter [18F] have been hooking up and I don't know if he'll tell me. I haven't been with anyone besides my husband, he was my high school sweetheart, and love him and have no desire to ruin him or my daughters lives. So for the time being, this is life.

My daughter walks all over me and humiliates me all she can. My husband treats her like a queen and then treats me like dirt. She's been making her drive her and/or her friends places recently and just demands I drive her rudely. I told her no the other night, he overheard us arguing, walked in and told me to shut the fuck up and go to the bedroom, take off my clothes, and lay down… I did as I was told and could hear him console her as I walked away and told her not to worry he would take care of it. I laid in the room for a few minutes alone before he came in with her… she was already naked. He had her get on top of me, with her pussy over my face. He pulled his dick out of his pants and shoved it in my mouth to get it wet and then gently put it in her. He started to slowly pound into her. He started to tell her how much he loves her and was telling her he would make mom do whatever she wanted for her. His dick and her vagina slamming into my face as I tried not to cry, but was admittedly wet as all hell. He cummed in her and then demanded I clean her up as he watched.

When I was done, she got off me and he told her to go get ready. When she left, he flipped me over and shoved his dick in my ass…. Which hurt like a bitch how he did it. He grabbed me around the neck from behind and told me he doesn't want to hear me talk to her that way ever again. That I'm her slave as much as his and he better hear I treat her like a princess. He took his dick out of my ass and got up and started grinding his dick, balls, and ass against my face… we heard our daughter yell I'm ready daddy. Then he slapped my ass, told me to get the fuck up, and take our daughter and that he would see me when I got back.

The ride was awkward with my daughter. Silent at first and then she ended up saying you know daddy's going to do whatever I want, he loves me more than you now. I didn't say anything. I dropped her off and she told me she would call me when she's ready for me to pick her up.

I went home in the meantime, I came home and my husband was obviously still horny… he was jacking off in our room. When he saw me, he told me to come in and suck his balls. I did. He was watching what I thought was porn and once I started sucking he turned up the sound and I could tell he was watching videos of my daughter having sex, I could hear her moaning and saying daddy and other things… I continued sucking while he jacked off. When he was about to cum he pulled his balls out of my mouth and shoved his dick down my throat. I choked as he cummed down my throat. He left the room and went to our spare room/office until I picked up our daughter later that night. Then he invited her to sleep with him in our room and told me to sleep in the spare. She was so fucking happy that he was kicking me out again… the sex was hot, but fuck the disrespect…. I don't know what I'm doing.
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>I rather enjoy the flavor where mom encourages daughter to seduce her father, but its also nice when mom and daughter are willing to share, creating a harem for dad.
I have something close to that.
Harem time episode 2 - https://hentaibar.com/videos/1545/harem-time-the-animation-episode-2-english-subbed/
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>>5236 (OP) 
You shouldn't deny your man to your family.
And no, it's not socialism when you call him "our man".
Replies: >>5594 >>5615
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The third image should say "husband of us sisters".
Replies: >>5596
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Came across this and my queanbrain immediately latched onto it.

Imagine being a daughter of a total boobmonster, waiting for yours to grow in but they never do. Fed up with the chestlet life your mother has condemned you to, you decide that if she wont give you what should rightfully be yours, you will take what should rightfully be hers; you decide to seduce her husband. The whole endeavor turns out to be rather easy, after just a few weeks of hidden flirtation and stolen kisses you have him eating out of your hand. You guess that you must be a master seductress, or your mom isn't giving him enough attention in bed. You decide that it's time to really seal the deal, so after managing to get mom out of the house, you jump his bones. You're riding him raw, having a great fucking time, riding extra high off the fact that you're stealing him from her. He grabs both your hands and says "Honey, I'm getting close." Huh, that's kinda weird, why would he grab both your hands, and he always calls your mom honey... Suddenly, you feel feel hands on your hips holding you down as a massive pair of tits push into your back. "Silly girl. Did you think I didn't see what you were doing? If you wanted to get pregnant so your tits will finally sprout, you only needed to ask." You hear your dad moan, then feel his dick start to twitch as he shoots his load into you, all the while your mom is holding you down and making sure every drop lands inside you, voicing her encouragement to him the whole time. When he's done she removes her hands from your hips, then swats your butt lightly. "If that round didn't take, we can try again next week. Now move it, I'm going to clean your father up and our vixens don't get to be here for that part. Be sure to close the door on your way out, and don't forget that dinner is at 6." In a well-fucked stupor you meekly pad out of your parents' room, the sound of your mother sucking your juices off your dad's dick ringing in your ears.
Replies: >>5709
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Now with audio and an alt version.
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>Suddenly, you feel feel hands on your hips holding you down as a massive pair of tits push into your back.
I don't how I got caught off guard by this but I'm glad I did. It made it way hotter.
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Replies: >>5721 >>6798
I need sauce.
Replies: >>5725 >>6798
Replies: >>6798
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Demons fear incest..
Replies: >>5730 >>5732
>to marry their sisters, daughters, granddaughters and their own mothers
Has any of them married them all?
Replies: >>5732
The Zoroastrians sat at a crossroads between paganist and dualism so they worshipped Zoroaster through the supposed piety of things like the roaring flame or the golden bull, and also noticed that bulls will happily service anything that comes along as far as their overabundant fertility is concerned.

History lesson incoming btw

I'm sure the Magi were doing things that within most of regular society set off some disgust complexes, so they said it was really pious to overcome the boundary. If it did any good for them then it was not manifested as able warcraft with the islamists. They modernised and they fled to west of India. They're liked in money exchanging because mistruth like fiddling the books is a religious heresy.

There's an example of a Persian Satrap who had three children by his mother presumably helped along by bereavement of their father or something. There's no record of any of his other conduct and I assume he was lousy and just trying to follow the doctrine of paying pennance by shagging family. So I'd guess his demons didn't quite leave him as was suggested doctrinally.

Another example would be of a pony colt whose mother died laboring him, so when he grew older he was left in a herd with his maternal and paternal grandmothers and with equine not having follicle drop off like people do, they ended up with several foals each from them.

I wonder sometimes was I dropped on the head or some such for knowing all this stuff... Anyway, being insular in nature did not lead to what they wanted, which was for people to stop killing each other if they were all half-brothers and half-sisters. Once any special distinction is worn away they just fight while being siblings as in old Hawaii.
Replies: >>5734
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Sisters were made for their brothers. Their bodies just fit together perfectly and she gives him more pleasure than anyone else ever could.  It's an honor to be allowed to be a part of such a relationship, to support them and help raise the product of such a pure and holy love.
Replies: >>5734
>the doctrine of paying pennance by shagging family.
>when he grew older he was left in a herd with his maternal and paternal grandmothers and with equine not having follicle drop off like people do, they ended up with several foals each from them.
Looks like animals have all the fetishes humans do. We are not so different.
>I wonder sometimes was I dropped on the head or some such for knowing all this stuff...
Depends. Did you just come across this stuff on a "Did you know?" page or did you seek this knowledge?
Becoming one with the people closest to you should be celebrated.
Btw, sauce?
Replies: >>5801
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Replies: >>5736
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Replies: >>5737
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All for a single purpose.
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>Sisters share one soul.
>When one of them feels pleasure so does the other.
>Why did I start feeling pleasure suddenly? My sister didn't mention inviting a 4th person. So it must be just her and my boyfriend at home waiting for me.

Btw, wouldn't that lead to an infinite loop? Sister A feels pleasure because Sister B feels pleasure from dick but Sister B feels pleasure from the pleasure Sister A feels as well and so on.

Sauce is Youma Shoukan e Youkoso but there isn't anymore of this duo.
Replies: >>5780
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Not sure if if this is the order it's supposed to go.
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[Wakamatsu] Shimai Kyoudou no Heya Full story here: https://anon.cafe/cuckquean/res/6.html#5763
No, you'd just be feeling the same nerve stimulation as her.  They're synchronizing, not amplifying.  You could start playing with yourself to create new sensations that would get synced to her on top of what she's already feeling from getting fucked, though.
Replies: >>5784
>They're synchronizing, not amplifying.
That makes sense. Otherwise it would be too much to handle.
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Replies: >>7642
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>She shares a name and a fetish with his sister.
Love es M - https://hentaibar.com/videos/2483/love-es-m-the-animation-episode-1-english-subbed/
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You should feel happy when 2 princesses like your brother. They could have anybody but they chose him.
Himesama Gentei! - https://hentaibar.com/videos/1076/himesama-gentei-episode-1-english-subbed/
Keeping it within fantasy is alright, but the guy was forgotten politically/militarily and only his mother fucking antics made a Greek footnote

>Looks like animals have all the fetishes we humans do
Again, outside of the fantasy this was deliberate human action in bringing them together. It takes human imagination the fact that he also gave a seeing to a granddaughter of one of the two on top of it all, so you stretch it to the point where you're giving them internal monologue and making them say "take it all you slut, like the time I made your aunts and uncles". The reality was probably a lot more straightforward.

>Did you just come across this stuff
Nope. I'd looked with malice aforethought but I've affirmed my religion since and if you're looking to be in that round hole you shouldn't go squaring the peg off. Everything I've said is qualified, because I'm trying to get to where I want to.

>celebrate inbrooding
I want to be in the free love cult, but for the faithening I've had in JC it pushes back against it
Replies: >>5811
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>the guy was forgotten politically/militarily and only his mother fucking antics made a Greek footnote
I see no problem with that.
Replies: >>5837
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Replies: >>5816
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>I can feel both of your juices dripping on me.
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Somethings are better with family. Cuckqueaning, for example.
>H-he's spending ah shekel!
>Yup! That's how you know Jews win. Now you try.
>There, you Goy. Just shut it down and it'll schlep right in.
>I promise it'll be the best scheming ever!
>HOYY! :^)
>Now's no time for dodgy debts, shoah-bro!
>Pilfer that tush!
>Check it out!
>We've killed Jesus!
>Welcome to the family, Jew-ess!
>Eww! Gross!
>I do not want to be related to ((You)).
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What about sharing your husband with your daughter, except your husband is also your big brother?

Replies: >>5898
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>sharing husband with daughter
>husband is also brother
That activates lots of neurons.
A bit unrelated, but theres actually some cuckquean hentai Manga on Fakku. But they need to be paid ofc. Does anyone knows a site that shares Fakku hentai and still up? They bring down a lot of sites.
Replies: >>5906
Most of it gets uploaded to nyaa.  They took ksk.moe down a couple weeks ago, but there are torrents of the whole collection you can grab.  The only issue is that they don't come pre-tagged.
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Replies: >>5980 >>5981
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>It's not cheating.
Yeah, it's basically having sex with gf's/wife's future version.
Source: VR Eroge Yattetara Isekai ni Tensei shita node, Bishoujo Maou wo Dorei-ka suru: Crossout Saber
>it's not incest
Sounds like a pretty big downside if you ask me.
Replies: >>5984
Yeah. Shame most people are allergic to incest.
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I love these pet shaming signs, but sadly it seems hard to search for them so I just see them by chance. If I had any art talent, I'd make some of my own. "I nagged my husband so now I don't get to watch when he fucks our daughter" seems like a good one. Can you think up any other good cuckquean shaming signs anons?
Replies: >>6030 >>6560 >>6562
>I got so into lapping our vixen's creampie that I pushed her off the bed with my face.
>I made everyone late by insisting on "just one more round".
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>>5236 (OP) 
Who are you even gonna share with if not family? More importantly, why do you keep good stuff from family?
>I lie to my friends and family about being virgin to get them to teach me by having sex with my husband.
>I fucked my daughter's bf before she did.
>I tried to get my husband to cheat on me with my mom.
>I said I didn't want to deal with paperwork for sperm donation just so I could have sex with my sister's husband.
>All my cousins know how my husband's dick feels.
>I had sex with my son in front of her wife and called it sex-ed.
>I made my shy, little sister have sex with my bf and called it coaching.
How about shaming signs for men?
>I get a boner when my girlfriend's mom hugs me.
>I sometimes turn my wife down because her sister drains all my energy.
>I can't disobey my mom even if she wants to have sex with me in front of my girlfriend.
>I'm known as a manslut in my girlfriend's friend group.
>I've become the toy of the widows in my neighborhood because my wife asked me to.
>I got tricked into confessing my fantasies about my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.
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>Got mindbroken by having her brother stolen.
You will keep watching.
And you will be happy.
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I don't know if those who in need are still here but that panel is edited.
R15+ Ja Dame Desuka? chapter 11 page 16 .
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Having practically grown on chinese animal and mango and being neurodivergent enough to not really internalize domestic cultural morals/taboos I've come to really envy people that can actually sexualize their relatives. Tbh I wish I had an onee-san that I could look up to, cuddle, be clingy with and share with my man but I am absolutely disgusted by my family and not only due to social conditioning but mostly because I genuinely hate my siblings over their bullying and mistreatment.
Replies: >>7345 >>7346
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> genuinely hate my siblings over their bullying and mistreatment.
That is not an excuse to not let him fuck them.
Replies: >>7346
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Reality freaking sucks. The idea of getting adopted/marrying into a big loving family sounded super cozy when growing up. From the outside looking in as an only child it really felt like I was deprived of all the loving sibling interactions that other kids got to have.

But then I got older and, holy shit - is my real life sister-in-law the most abusive, terrible human being I have ever met. Thinking about all of the physical and emotional abuse she heaped on him as a child makes my blood boil.

This is extremely fucked up and I probably shouldn't post about it, but I have a power fantasy of wanting to watch my husband rape his older sister while I encourage him and tell him it's okay. It's a super-unhealthy thing to have in your head and I try not to imagine it in detail, but it reoccurs in my thoughts every now and again.

He's very kind and gentle for his size to a fault and would absolutely never do something like that--but if he ever came home and told me he hurt her in the same way she hurt him, I'd hug and kiss him all over and tell him he did a good job.

(Board Owner can delete this post if that's crossing the line. Sorry.)
Replies: >>7347 >>7353 >>7354
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I'm so glad this place can be used as an anonymous venting zone. Thank you for sharing, it's probably not too unhealthy as long as you don't obsess about it? I guess? Sometimes I write the awful crap out and lock it away to get it out of my system, that usually helps.
Replies: >>7348
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Thank you for understanding. It's one of those stupid dark thoughts that stops by to visit when I'm blanking out at work or idly washing the dishes, from the same impotent part of my brain that wanted to shoot up the school or do this and that to the bad people when I was a kid. I don't see it amounting to anything.

I'm rather fortunate in my case to have a partner that's far more levelheaded than I am. We had a good talk when I told him about it some time ago, he stayed calm the entire time and didn't laugh or talk down to me even when I cold-dropped the most messed up topic out of nowhere. I love him to death.

I do wish I had a manual shutoff installed in my brain, though. Therapyslop, meditation, and mental coping processes all sound far less appealing than a magical button that would turn me into absolute dumb when the bad thoughts kick in.
Replies: >>7350
Original incest protestor here [spoiler]that was kinda hot.[/spoiler]
Replies: >>7355
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I hope I’m not going too far in saying this, but: I don’t think it’s super fucked-up since it’s perfectly understandable hatred forcing its way through. It sounds like this woman badly hurt your husband, who you love, and hatred is the healthy, normal emotion to feel for that which hurts, sickens, or otherwise threatens whom/what you love. Since abuse in part seeks to strip someone’s capacity for personal power, it follows that your hatred expresses itself with the fantasy of your husband symbolically retaking and revenging himself in the rape of his abuser.

That said, it’s clearly something you feel you shouldn’t imagine about something you shouldn’t feel; hatred of this kind is corrosive because it cannot (and in this case must not) be acted upon in the way it demands. I’m no rocket surgeon, so take this with the seasoning it deserves, but… weird as it sounds, it might be of benefit to allow the fantasy to run in earnest so you can observe it carefully, without moral judgement or clamping down, so you can figure out what the part of your mind/brain/psyche that’s signalling with these images is trying to make understood. Rarely is it literal, if that makes sense.
Replies: >>7355
>(Board Owner can delete this post if that's crossing the line. Sorry.)
You are absolutely fine to discuss this topic if you are comfortable, Anon. On the contrary, these are precisely the kinds of words that an anonymous imageboard excels at facilitating.

And as a side note for anyone who might be similarly worried about breaking our green "no extreme fetish material" rule in the sticky, I'd like to clarify that non-consensual/rape fantasies are fairly common in fetishistic spaces and are in and of themselves not what I would consider rule-breaking material. As long it is relevant to cuckqueaning, does not identify the poster or any other real life peoples (Global Rule #4), does not express criminal intent beyond the bounds of fantasy (Global Rule #1), and is not compounded with something like snuff or bestiality--anons here are absolutely free to discuss and share material on the topic. I'm happy to clarify this further over in the meta thread if anyone so chooses.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>7355 >>7356
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Glad you enjoyed it. My bad if I detracted a little too hard from what you were originally posting about.

You're not going too far at all and what you are saying is fairly inline with my own reasoning, as well as with the pillowtalk I had with him about it last year. He and I both understand it's probably something born from good intentions and my own frustration at not being able to take away what happened to him. But I don't know how helpful it'd be to push myself and flesh it out in detail. When the scenario pops up, it's usually a fairly intense burst of bad feels mixed with unwanted horny--and I have a hard rule about not letting "guilty horny" into my routines, if that makes sense. It's not something I'm really comfortable delving into.

And frankly, I'm fairly certain I understand why I have the fantasy. I hate her and some part of me just wants to see her suffer the worst possible pain, by her own kindhearted brother that would've died for her had she not humiliated and degraded him. I understand in my higher reasoning that it's wrong, and that it would accomplish nothing, and that she's not worth destroying our lives over. But in the base sense--yeah, it feels raw and gratifying in a messed up way.

Religion and the monthly talk with the therapist gives me the generic advice of letting go and forgiving the abuser, but honestly I think there's an absolute limit in my case of how much I can move past it. I don't think I can internally forgive someone that abused him from the time of his earliest memories until he was old enough to fight back--and now has the absolute fucking gall to cry "internalized misogyny", "lack of emotional intelligence", and "all men are evil and fundamentally can't be abused" when you call her out on her shit. And even if I could move past it, he still has night terrors about her all these years later. They don't happen as frequently as when we met, but it's absolutely heartrending when they happen. There's no way I can be at peace with what she did to him while my other half--the one who was actually abused--still has to suffer from it.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm minimizing your advice and your desire to help. I'm the one who brought this up and I really appreciate all you listening and not finger-wagging at me. But I think we can live with it, even if we'll never entirely get past it.

All things considered, I like to think we have a really good life. I'm glad I got him away from his abuser and her family of enablers and that he doesn't have to see any of them ever again. I'm glad I have an amazing man that loves me and doesn't project the abuse he endured onto others. And I'm glad he indulges me in all of my weird dirty talk requests about 2D drawings cucking me, even if we don't engage in the IRL cuckqueaning lifestyle for a variety of reasons. I just hope that if we ever have kids that we can give them all the love we never had growing up.

Thank you, BO-sama. That was the precise rule I was worried about. I didn't see any other posts about rape fantasies so I wasn't sure if that was allowed here.

It's hard left turn into sappyville, but I'm glad we have this place to talk. Thanks for letting me trauma dump on the Chinese Cartoon Board that I lurk while touching myself.
Replies: >>7359
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>express criminal intent beyond the bounds of fantasy


I WILL find you

WILL abduct you

WILL chain up you into my vixenhole

Not at all. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t suffering with the all-too-common idea that hatred is inherently wrong and to be suppressed under all circumstances instead of a functional emotion you’re feeling for a reason. “Forgiveness” in this case might be less like wiping the slate clean and more like writing down bad debt, in the accounting sense - acknowledging that it can never be recouped, the score never settled, and instead finding revenge by means of escaping her long shadow and flourishing. I’m sure you’ve already heard all that though, so I’ll not bang on further.

>"internalized misogyny", "lack of emotional intelligence", and "all men are evil and fundamentally can't be abused"
Evil’s pragmatic, I’ll give it that.

>all the love
Rooting for you, Anon.
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Rare mother win.
[Itosugi Masahiro] Tokubetsu na Hito | My Special Person
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>On her bed of all places.
Replies: >>7546 >>7547
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Replies: >>7547 >>7548
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They're clearly made for each other.
Replies: >>7550
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Replies: >>7549
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The best ship ever.
I'm far too white to ever have sex with my family members but the idea of sharing a husband with my sister sounds really comfy.
Replies: >>7640
Thinking about it, would you want your sister or cousin who might be having bad luck with men continue to take her chances with strangers on some dating app? Of course not. Your husband has proven quality, just share him a little with her.
Replies: >>7642
Exactly, it's like the Mormon thing upthread in >>5793. If I have a nice hubby it's only right that I make sure my sister gets the best.
Now that said she'll almost certainly marry before me, so maybe it'll have to be her sharing with me.
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I came across this while looking for some other stuff and figured it was too nice not to post. Tags on gelbooru say that the girls are sisters, apparently from Fire Emblem??? (Never played it).
Anyway, enjoy!
I love incest with other people's family but I utterly hate and am repulsed by my biological family.
Replies: >>7855
same tbh. it only works for me when it's 2d
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