/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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*hits pipe
Tasty meme friend.
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Thanks, I found a use for this meme within minutes of finding it.
So if I lost the man I love to another woman but secured a sperm donation, and then had his son, I could be cucked by two generations.
Replies: >>565 >>4064 >>7673
That's high-tier, Anon.
Replies: >>568
It's mostly already sorted out, too. There was a conversation a while ago and the end result is that I got a sperm donation from my beloved. So if I have a son I guess I get double cuckqueaned.
If he didn’t have sex with you to give the donation, does that count as another layer of cucking because you were also cucked out of the pleasure of being cummed inside?
Replies: >>584
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>it's a real situation
How would that conversation even go? "Hey, I know you're married to someone else but I want to have a child with you as the father, can I have some jizz please?"
Replies: >>584
Maybe. I would like to feel that someday. Truth is I've never had sex.
Along those lines. We've always been very close. I told him I wanted to have a child, but I don't understand people well and can't socialize properly so I wanted a donor and if his wife is okay with it I'd like it to be him.
Replies: >>586 >>4064
>cuckquean virgin conception
I refuse to believe it. This has to be a Christmas prank on us.
Replies: >>588 >>590
...is she going to give birth to the cuckquean messiah?
This all happened pretty early in the month. My virginity isn't really a Christmas-related thing, though I do see how it could be seen that way. I just never wanted to give it to anyone other than him, and he doesn't want me.
Replies: >>591 >>4064
Your situation is giving me a lot of feels, Anon. I suppose it’s good that he agreed to donate, at least. Will the child know who their father is? Will he be involved as a father in any way?
Replies: >>593
No. They only agreed on the condition that I not tell the child who its dad is or try to have him involved in its life.
Replies: >>594 >>4064
It’s sad that the child will grow up without a father, but it’s sadder that you’ll have to lie to the child when it asks about him. In a normal sperm donation situation you wouldn’t know the father’s identity either so you wouldn’t have to lie, but this isn’t that.

Plus, y’know, the child will be a constant reminder of how you’re not with the man you want to be. That’ll doubtless come through as you raise it.

These aren’t happy feels.
Replies: >>595
It's still made me very happy. The happiest I've been in as long as I can remember. I have a lot of love to give and I'm going to do my best.
Replies: >>1572 >>4064
came to this whole board in order to recover some OC that I remembered being in 8chan, but Im really lost
got here after kinda giving up just enjoying the smut to console myself and your story, if true, well it was some feels
could you please report how are you doing now?
Kinda invested in the story
Replies: >>1574
What OC were you looking for?
Replies: >>1575
It was a random post from a femanon that described her specific brand of cuckqueaning she's enjoy
In that long post, she talked how she didn't want to be the passive pne in the triangle (almost word by word iirc) and that she would take on a very active role towards the vixen
The detail and passion which she described everything was very hot and endearing
it ended with the vixen becoming pregant, and her embrazing her from behind and telling her that her son was as much the vixen's as it was hers
Iit was a random comment in one of the threads that lasted the more, but...I checked a lot of archived thread links in endchand looking for it and nothing
I spent like a whole afternoon looking for it, because I wanted to introduce my gf to the idea using that post

The post had several replies reacting to how hot it was
Replies: >>1577
I guess by now this femanon has had a virgin birth.
Replies: >>1584
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I'm still telling myself it wasn't real, but if it was then I hope she and the child every happiness and success.
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This thread did not go how I expected it to go.
I recall this being a type of NTR, where very sexual relationships with some female relation are brought inescapably into a protagonist's life. Any CQ related content where a father/brother/son/man's relationship upsets a woman who isn't strictly a romantic partner but might still feel imposed on by the intimacy?

Freud would probably agree
This only works if you raise your sons to be absolute chads though, remember gymnastics gives the best physique out of any sport.
Replies: >>2089
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Gymnastics is for shorties. Swimming is best. Need that cardio for stamina.
Replies: >>2090 >>2091
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gymnastics being for shorties is only relevant in competition, in sports science gymnastics is considered 1 of the best sports for developing kids as it teaches every kind of movement apart from throwing and catching, develops every muscle group, and is both high impact training and weight training.
Replies: >>2092
>only relevant in competition
Making a good showing in competitions helps get girls.
>high impact training
I don't want him to fuck up his joints.
Replies: >>2094
I forgot to mention that it also helps with flexibility also

>Making a good showing in competition helps get girls

gymnastics training provides an excellent base for any sport in terms of coordination and fitness. By training gymnastics early you leave the door open for any sport in the future when he can make his decision on what sport he likes.

>fuck up his joints

high impact training won't fuck up his joints, it's important in increasing bone density to avoid osteoporosis in later life. Gymnastics strengthens the muscles around the joints making them stronger not weaker.
Replies: >>2095
>high impact training won't fuck up his joints
Anon there's a reason runners consistently destroy their knees.
>Gymnastics strengthens the muscles around the joints making them stronger not weaker.
This describes all strength training. Stronger muscles -> stronger joints.

Also, oly lifting is the most aesthetic sport fight me
Replies: >>2096 >>2099
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Using running as the basis for dismissing high impact training as bad for your knees is pretty weak considering how little muscle the average long distance runner has.

As for aesthetics in sports, that's a matter of preference really, I prefer the way gymnastics builds an inherently balanced and lean physique but I can understand being attracted to pure muscle size.

I would say though as long as we agree to make our sons chads by having them compete in sports, the exact sport chosen is really a minor difference.
Replies: >>2102
>Anon there's a reason runners consistently destroy their knees.
Lose the weight you fatass , the more you weigh the more stress is on the knees when walking or running, only fatties complain about their knees. 
t runner
Replies: >>2102
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okay I get your points about coordination. maybe he can just do whatever gymnastics can be done on the ground on a mat, for coordination, and also swim or something.

I think it does matter what sport you choose though. for example if he plays American football he'll probably get head trauma. and if he plays non-American football he'll learn to exaggerate or fake injury like a wuss. ;)

look flattie, some of us want to be or be with someone who's more than just lungs on legs, and muscles are denser than fat.
Replies: >>2108 >>3661
Cope harder, there's a reason why almost every sport measures your mile time. More speed = stamina and agility = more athletic ability
Is this the incest thread?
Replies: >>3877
i dont understand. which individual is represented by the perspective of view?
Replies: >>3662 >>3911
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

sort of??? if it incest if you never actually do anything sexual with him?
Replies: >>3911
the quean

>>3877 (checked)
what's more cucked than never getting to do anything sexual with him?
>being a virgin
>giving birth to the cuckquean messiah
I'm not sure what I expected from this thread but it sure wasn't that.
Replies: >>4069
Every thread on this board's an adventure.
Replies: >>4547
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Screencapped the thread for tourists like myself
whoever you are Anon, I wish you the best of luck in your thoroughly odd endeavor
Replies: >>4605
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I added the first image to give context.
This thread is a treasure LMAO
Replies: >>7075
And still no update. Imagine if she ended up having a girl and getting cucked out of even her cuckquean fantasy.
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What level of mothercucking is this
Replies: >>7157
I still can't come to terms with the reality that there are mothers with teenage sons posting on 4chan.
Replies: >>7158 >>7159
There are probably none.
Replies: >>7159
Assuming most 4chan users were moot's age when he made the site, they're 36 now or nearly there. For the US median mother's age at first birth is around 27-30, so its mostly likely that their kids are 10 or under. There are sure to be some older users and some people who had kids younger, the number of mothers with teenage sons of 4chan is nonzero and in the next 5 years will probably rise steadily.
The thing that seems less likely to me is that any child of an imageboard autist would have the rizz to get invited to an orgy, that number is probably much lower. If I was including this mother in a dataset I would presume the likelihood of such circumstances to be sufficiently low as to constitute being an indirect identifier and a HIPAA risk.This will significantly impact my ability to get a study approved to investigate the behavior of boymoms from 4chan. A pity.
Replies: >>7160 >>7165
Anon of then is most definitely not anon of now; I understand that these days 4chan's more or less turned into registration-free Reddit, ban on VPNs and all.
Replies: >>7165
I hesitate to use the phrase "I know for a fact" here, but I highly suspect the SomethingAwful Goons that formed 4chan's initial userbase in 2003 were by and large older than moot himself (I'd estimate that they were largely elder millennials to mid-GenXers). How many of those are still around is anyone's guess.

If anything I feel like that increases the likelihood that of an anon mom with a teenage son. Even when I left there was virtually no CP, guro, or anything actually illegal on 4chan anymore, so there's practically no emotional barrier of entry for normies. The theoretical of some 35+ mom with kids stumbling onto the mongolian cartoon girl website and posting a twitter-tier reaction image of a pixar bunny doesn't seem far-fetched to me. Some guy fake and gaying for the fun of it and the (you)s is also viable.

But really we just have no way of ever knowing. Anon imageboard demographics are anonymous.
Replies: >>7168 >>7169 >>7192
>userbase in 2003 were by and large older than moot 
I thought this was (still) common knowledge. There was lots of joking going on about how moot was breaking his own site's rules just by browsing it.
Replies: >>7170
That screenshot is fake and gay but I have no doubt in my that there are boymoms lurking and posting who haven't managed to escape 4chan yet.
Replies: >>7170
>I thought this was (still) common knowledge.
I wouldn't know. I'm a relative newfag that didn't start lurking imageboards until after moot had left, so definitely not common knowledge for me. I have to go off of hearsay and secondhand sources.

I am a fool, and I want to believe.
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>I'd estimate that they were largely elder millennials to mid-GenXers
Firmly tilted towards Xers, considering how much of SA's culture was inherited from the previous wave of atrocity tourism (what we'd today call lolcow farming) ala Portal of Evil.
>government mandated cuckqeaning
Wait... Government good?
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I still think about this post sometimes. I don't know if this anon is still here but I hope she and her baby are doing well.
Replies: >>7674
That was 5 years ago. She has a toddler by now.
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