/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Post any non-pornographic movies, tv shows, commercials, books, comics, etc. involving cuckqueaning. 

I'll start with this Pewdiepie video which I found interesting. It's about ads for a mobile game, Lily's Garden. They feature the main character having her fiance cheat on her with her own mother. In a later ad she falls for a hot new guy, and then in yet another ad the new guy is making out with her friend. The actual game may have nothing to do with this, it just looks like a puzzle game. Interesting that cuckqueaning is popular enough that it's being used as clickbait though. I've noticed similar ads for other mobile games in the past too.
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>>695 (OP) 
Here are some more cuckquean clickbait ads for mobile games I've come across.
Replies: >>1540
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DC Super Hero Girls is a kids' show with superheroines in a high school setting. As in the comics, Carol Ferris a.k.a. Star Sapphire is a yandere cuckquean obsessed with Hal Jordan a.k.a. Green Lantern. She's also a cheerleader in the show. She's jealous of Jessica Cruz (the Latina Green Lantern) in episode 6 and Selina Kyle (Catwoman) in episode 31.
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Not sure what this is from, but it didn't look like it was from porn so I figured it belongs here.
Replies: >>777
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Promotional photo for The Bachelor or something, I dunno
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Interesting developments in the Tangled series.
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>Although Lebrewsky’s fiancé did not take so kindly to the news, he says she is happy that he is healthy and well and that she does not consider what happened as cheating, under these particular circumstances, and that their wedding plans are still scheduled for this summer.
Replies: >>767 >>771 >>4348
>dangit Adam, this is not what I meant when I said I want you to cheat on me with a cougar
>one of the bridesmaids is just the cougar in a hat
Replies: >>780

It's porn
>The bride gets cucked *again* by the cougar
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This is from a direct-to-digital film called "Killing Joan". Really awful film and I would not recommend sitting through it but I thought you lot might get a kick out of this one scene.
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Gunnerkrigg Court:
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Replies: >>919
Nice find!
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Replies: >>1054
Apparently this is a meme. Some other versions:
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Joker has a new girlfriend named Punchline. A college student. Dresses like a '90s goth girl. People seem to think she's asian although that's unconfirmed. Anyway it will probably lead to some fun memes about Harley Quinn being a cuck.
Replies: >>1080

Thats a lot of jealous answer from those girls hahaha
Replies: >>1084 >>1085
Pretty sure it's an edit, IIRC those responses were from women discussing an article about an asian athlete
Replies: >>1085
You can kind of tell by how every one of their profile images is edited to be Harley Quinn.
Replies: >>1086
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This was the original.
Replies: >>1088 >>1089
>be top commenter on seething fb post
>your partner is in your profile pic
>adorable athlete takes your husband
>she ends all her  posts with him with #fullbodlook and a comparison pic
Also one of the women she mentioned as better happened to resemble her lol

> Thats a lot of jealous answer from those girls hahaha

This seems to fit perfectly lol
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Speaking of Harley Quinn.. I think in one of the threads on 8chan it was mentioned how Poison Ivy was a compersive cuckquean and let Harley date guys even while they were still a couple. Here's another example of that. From issue 15 of her 2014 series.
Replies: >>4012
Not mainstream but.... Found this on Reddit

Replies: >>1115 >>1118
>everyone telling him to not do it
Probably good advice, if I’m honest. The number of us who’ll end up as actual all-in cheer-him-on-and-slap-her-ass cuckqueans is likely quite small.

Bit disappointing that none of the advice also included “wow, probably took a lot of guts for her to tell you that - you should reassure her that you don’t think she’s weird and let her talk more about it” but it’s Reddit so what can you expect?
Replies: >>1118
But given that its reddit, its bound to be some sort of cuckold give and take or the wife is just shit testing. It never really ends well in normiesphere.
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From Marvel vs Capcom
Replies: >>6839
Now THIS is yandere.
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Splice is a movie about a married couple of scientists who genetically engineer a hybrid female creature. They raise her as their daughter. The female scientist used some own DNA so it technically was her daughter in a sense. The male scientist and the creature become attracted to each other. The female scientist discovers them fucking and is horrified. That is the board-relevant part, spoilers for the rest in case you want to watch it first. They end up thinking the creature is dead, but it actually metamorphoses into a male because of frog genes or something. It rapes the female scientist, and kills the male scientist when he tries to rescue her, and finally the female scientist kills the creature. It ends with the female scientist pregnant with the creature's child, and she accepts a large sum of money from her employer to carry the baby to term. So yeah, monstergirl, cuckqueaning, genderbending, rape, impregnation, incest.. They really went all out with this one.
Replies: >>1189
I binged the Dresden Files series of modern fantasy novels this past month, ending with the one that just came out.

In some of the books there is this race of "White Court vampires" (more like succubi/incubi really - they feed on sex and can't even convert humans into what they are I think) that needs sex to live but is badly harmed by the touch of a mortal who's found true love. So one recurring character is a male vampire of this kind, and he falls in love with a human girl and vice versa. But now he can't feed on her since she's in love (even though it's with him). So she takes responsibility and starts bringing home girls for him, and sometimes she joins in wearing a skintight suit so he can sort of touch her, hold her gloved hand etc, while he fucks the other girls. Pretty hot IMHO; wish some artist would draw it.

In the most recent book there is another man who is not really supernatural, just some doctor who is privy to supernatural stuff. In previous books he gets a hot werewolf girlfriend and in the most recent book another werewolf girl who is her friend+packmate has apparently joined them at least for some bedroom fun. The book doesn't go into detail on how this happened though.
Replies: >>1186 >>1343 >>1540
>So one recurring character is a male vampire of this kind, and he falls in love with a human girl and vice versa. But now he can't feed on her since she's in love (even though it's with him). So she takes responsibility and starts bringing home girls for him, and sometimes she joins in wearing a skintight suit so he can sort of touch her, hold her gloved hand etc, while he fucks the other girls. 
That's pretty cool. It reminds me of Rogue from the X-Men. She also can't touch people without hurting them; her first kiss sent the boy into a coma. Also her love interest, Gambit, is a stereotypical lady's man. So I always figured they would use cuckqueaning as a way to satisfy his sexual appetite while still having a relationship with each other.
I've seen some weird shit, but that was still pretty gross. Not the worst I've seen though
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Close Enough is a new cartoon from the creator of Regular Show about a couple of millennial parents. The second part of the second episode has a mother at their daughter's school trying to seduce the guy, Josh, while his wife, Emily, spies on them. Without spoiling the end, all is not as it seems, but it still has some fun moments.
Could I get a physical description of this vampire and his qt human lover?
Replies: >>1356

For the vampire there's official art I can point you at:
https://www.jim-butcher.com/posts/2020/morgan-microfiction-rpg-art-and-more/mika-9 (on the right)
I'll also paraphrase a fan wiki I found, "He has blue-grey eyes, although they lighten to grey, silver, chrome, and white consecutively when his Hunger gains influence. His hair is usually shoulder-length wavy/curly, and black. He has very white teeth and a good build."

Unfortunately, aside from the above, the books tend to describe him in less concrete terms, such as:
"a predator angel"
"unwholesomely good-looking"
"like someone's painting of the forgotten Greek god of body cologne"
"built like the high priest of Bowflex"
"awfully pretty to look at"
"a young man whom fathers of teenage daughters would shoot on sight"

Justine is complicated because there's no official art I could find, plus her appearance changes a lot. Around the time she and Thomas fall in love, a supernatural near-death experience thing turns her hair silver-white instead of its original black color, and she is underweight for a bit after that until she recovers. Sometimes that hair is hip length, other times it's shoulder length or in a bun held up by chopsticks. Sometimes it's pure white instead of having the silver traces.

Clothing also varies of course. First time we meet her it's at a costume party and she's in this skimpy getup made of just flower petals with some baby's breath woven in her hair. After falling in love baring her skin is a hazard so she wears a lot of gloves and stockings, often with a white sweater and short black skirt, sometimes a "finely embroidered white kimono", sometimes a white latex catsuit, and if it's not sexy time and no visitors are expected she wears full-body pajamas for comfy couch cuddles with her man.

Other physical descriptors I found while looking:
"dark eyes"
"pale smooth skin"
"a girl-next-door face that made her seem sweet and lovely"
"lovely, slim, sweetly shaped"
"a knockout with a lot of leg"
"a little taller than average"
"deceptively frail and vulnerable looking if you ignored her intense expression" (I don't think any part of this one applies all the time.)
Replies: >>1540
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Noelle Stevenson, the lesbian beind the She-Ra reboot, is married to a bisexual woman named Molly Ostertag. Apparently when Noelle first moved in with Molly she was living with her boyfriend at the time. Noelle had to sleep on the couch and listen to Molly get banged by her bf in the next room at night. Noelle drew this comic depicting this. Some anons have said they have a one-sided open relationship and Molly still cucks Noelle with guys. I'm not sure if that's true or not, although it's not uncommon in lesbian x bisexual relationships.
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I guess this is part 2 of that comic. Apparently Molly was dating Noelle while she was living with her, but she made her sleep on the couch while she fucked guys in her bedroom. If you know about the show, the heroine Adora starts out on the villains' side and leaves her adopted sister Catra to join the heroes and become She-Ra. Catra is bitter and jealous about being abandoned and becomes crazy and destructive. By the end of the show, Catra and She-Ra become a lesbian couple. Noelle has said she's a lot like Catra and has been a toxic person. So basically the show is autobiographical and Catra's jealousy is about Noelle's jealousy and discomfort at her lover being in an "open relationship" with her and fucking dudes. I'm not a fan of the show but I find this backstory interesting, and the fact that she airs all this dirty laundry in public. It's also interesting that Noelle drew a picture of Catra and Adora's kid which logically would imply that one of them gets knocked up by a dude since lesbians can't impregnate each other. Although it's a fantasy show, so that can be handwaved away as magic.
Replies: >>1373 >>1386 >>1848
That would just fuck with your soul.
That's not nice, not nice at all.

>and the fact that she airs all this dirty laundry in public
It's pretty unseemly.
Replies: >>1386
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If you've seen the Jucika comic strips before you already know she's incredibly cute but it turns out she maybe based on an irl vixen too.
Her strips:
Replies: >>1384 >>1387 >>3186
What a cutie. Definitely has big vixen energy.
Replies: >>1387
Who could have predicted that the person who turned She-Ra into transexual lesbian propaganda would turn out to be a piece of shit?
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>big vixen energy
Replies: >>1388
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I really like these.
Replies: >>1389
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Replies: >>1390
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And to round off this little dive, some of Juicka being helpful and healing. Helpful and healing vixens are very underrated.
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Possible situation on the next Star Trek: Lower Decks.
About manga/anime but... l just realized Inuyasha is technically a reverse NTR anime/manga...
Replies: >>1418
Sort of, but Kagome's also an obnoxious, abusive bitch. It's only fun when it's one of the girls getting abused.
Anyone following the drama with Shoe0nHead?
I cringe at the thought of a world where that's considered mainstream content, and I wish I could get back the time I spent skimming this thread.
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As dead gg is, it was still right to never latch onto ecelebs
>having cuckquean tendencies
bully time
Replies: >>1537
While reading that was a waste of time overall, I did laugh at how the new girl was a copycat of the first girl, just 20 instead of 30 and with supposedly real tits. "direct upgrade" scenario for the humiliation-driven queans.
Lol, boxxy is a bernout now?
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New Dresden Files book came out last week, and I just finished it. More board-relevant material in this one, but there's been several books of setup so it takes some explaining.

So there's this girl, Molly, who is the main character's wizard apprentice for a few books, and also she really wants to jump his bones because sometimes teenage girls fall for tall men in positions of authority who've saved their lives a few times. At first Dresden shoots her down hard because she's a teenager and he doesn't consider it proper to sleep with an apprentice (though apparently not all wizards agree on that last point, as rampant sexual emotion can manifest dangerously for novice practitioners).

Later Molly is no longer his apprentice, but an independent wizard in her 20s. So now they can date? Well... there's a lot going on in both their lives, and she doesn't manage to talk him into it before something else happens that means she lost her chance. Specific spoilers: an unusual circumstance results in her becoming recruited as the youngest royalty of the Winter Court of the Fae. Now this is a problem because the Fae courts have 3 royals each, representing the archetypes of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Molly is now in the Maiden role for Winter. Guess what the Maiden isn't allowed to do? That's right - anything sexual. She goes any further than a kiss and her partner gets blasted by powerful magic. Useful as a secret weapon, but frustrating for a young woman with needs... especially as her role seems to inflict magical arousal under some circumstances.

Anyway near the end of this most recent book, Battle Ground, it transpires that Dresden is forcibly engaged to the de facto queen of the White Court vampires mentioned earlier, because he got mixed up with the Fae like an idiot and he can be forced into that kind of thing now. Molly tries to intervene and argue for them to at least have a year of courting before deciding to go through with it, and while she gets her way, she is also punished by having to arrange all the courting. So basically, now she's forced to set up dates and public appearances for her crush and the succubus queen, for a year, ending in their marriage if nothing happens to call it off, and as a bonus she gets to be sexually frustrated the whole time.

Pics related; I looked up some images of the characters mentioned here.

>Lick their feet
Why, mobile game ads? Why?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (popular webcomic) from a few days ago: 
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New Frozen storybook. Feels slightly cucky, considering how big Elsanna shipping is. Kristoff gets Elsa's approval to propose and Elsa watches happily as the two lovers embrace.
Replies: >>1611
>>695 (OP) 
If we have to watch Raid: Shadow Legends ads, I'm glad this is one of them!
Inb4 Elsa enacts prima nocta.
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I've never watched the Clone Wars show but I was just reading an interesting thread about it. Supposedly the character Ahsoka falls for this guy Lux but gets cucked. What made it especially interesting was that someone in the thread explained the reason by saying she was in the Jedi Order, which doesn't demand celibacy, but frowns on long term relationships. Apparently attachment is what's forbidden, so Jedis can have sex and even fall in love but should avoid attachment.
I'm only really familiar with the Star Wars movies but if that's true it could be good fuel for cuckquean fanfic.
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I assume that jedi girls are basically catholic schoolgirls in space when it comes to being sexually repressed.
Replies: >>1634
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>Begging to be force-choked harder
>space templars can fuck
I hate prequel shit so much. Pretty kink though.
Replies: >>1637
to be fair the only thing demanding they be celibate is ALSO from the prequels, since the only other Jedis we know about are obiwan and pre-fall Vader in the originals, and one of those has sex and pops out kids.
Replies: >>1641
OT as hell and this is probably only because I'm old and faggy enough to remember a time before the prequels, but I always read the pre-Empire Jedi as being more akin to Japanese sword-saints than Knights Templar. No real fixed organization and only the most minor of support network, just wandering the galaxy doing good and grooving to the Force. 

(how do I sage?)
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Latest Simpsons episode.
Replies: >>1845
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>What made it especially interesting was that someone in the thread explained the reason by saying she was in the Jedi Order, which doesn't demand celibacy, but frowns on long term relationships. Apparently attachment is what's forbidden, so Jedis can have sex and even fall in love but should avoid attachment.

Found a source on this if anyone is interested:
>But Lucas revealed that despite their monastic regime, Jedi were permitted to have sex.
>"Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships."
Replies: >>1737
>"Jedi Knights aren't celibate - the thing that is forbidden is attachments - and possessive relationships."
So cuckqueaning is simultaneously a Light and Dark Side thing?
Replies: >>1743
I assume that one would cuck the other.
Replies: >>1760
There was no cheating in this, though.
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Replies: >>2190
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>Sif finally coming back in the same movie where Natalie Portman's character becomes a goddess
Hopefully they play up the romantic rivalry.
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The lesbians at /lgbt/ seemed to get a kick out of it anyway.
Replies: >>1850 >>1855 >>1874
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Replies: >>1855
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Whenever I hear about this situation I just get real sad. I can't imagine how soul-rotting it'd be to have this done to you when you aren't the one asking for it and have the option to make it stop at any time.
Replies: >>1858 >>2536
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You're right, and I won't post about it any more here because as a thing she didn't really want to be dealing with it's not really erotic, or cuckqueaning (in the sense we talk about here). People joked about it because they don't like her left wing politics or her past rants against men, and some lesbians saw it as proving their biases against bisexuals, and yeah it looks like a few sadistic people thought it was hot. Honestly though recently she has been talking about her 'identity issues' which shows you may not be wrong about the mental toll she has suffered and at this point I do just feel bad for her.
Replies: >>1866 >>1868 >>4252
>it's not really erotic, or cuckqueaning (in the sense we talk about here).
can't agree tbh, my only problem is that it's not in the lesquean thread.
I mean, don't get me wrong, just because it's sad, unsightly and unsexy doesn't mean it isn't technically on-topic. It just rubs me the wrong way when the shitty things that shitty people inflict on each other become the popular idea associated with my fetish. I guess this shit is seized on because it's got a built-in drama charge.

I wonder if the lesbians who're into forced-orientation play feel the same way. I guess not, since my impression is that they experience it as a masochistic exercise.

>recently she has been talking about her 'identity issues' which shows you may not be wrong about the mental toll she has suffered and at this point I do just feel bad for her
I suspect that her issues, identity or otherwise, pre-dated all of this. She seems to have enough of them certainly.
great, now you make me feel bad. fuck you i hate you
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There's also this scene (start around 1:20) where Ahsoka pretends to be Lux's betrothed. The other girl, Bo-Katan, who seems kind of jealous, squeezes Ahsoka's face as she inspects her and says "A little skinny, isn't she?" and then slaps her ass hard. Pretty kinky for a kid's show.
Replies: >>1956 >>1968
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>squeezes Ahsoka's face as she inspects her and says "A little skinny, isn't she?" and then slaps her ass hard
>in response, the guy comments that the elf-equivalent "serves her purpose"
Replies: >>1959
>the elf-equivalent
I do enjoy that elves have become a shorthand meme for cuckqueans.
Replies: >>2014
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webm is better than gif or embedding with a timestamp, especially when voice is necessary
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Teen Titans
Replies: >>1992 >>2191 >>5753
Dang that's not even subtext. Pity cuckquean content probably isn't enough to save DC.
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I get it but I also can't help but think of exceptions like this caption, with elf vixens.
Replies: >>2016
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>she's going to human our tea
Replies: >>2029 >>2098
Haha, well, I didn't make the caption so I'll let the anon who made it (and probably checks this board still) have the first crack at fixing its textual issues.
>You can fuck my boyfriend all you like, just don't human my tea!
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Starfire also got cucked. By a shapeshifter pretending to be her, I guess?
Replies: >>5753
It's very nonconsensual cheating but here's a scene from Helluva Boss.
She kills her husband, but on the bright side she becomes a sexy demoness.
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They made a RWBY/Justice League crossover comic. Ruby cucks Weiss with Bruce Wayne (alternate world version of him hence the literal bat ears).
Replies: >>2523
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New Archie 4 panel webcomic
Replies: >>2527
RWBY is dogshit.
Why is the sofa so much bigger than they are?
Replies: >>2532
I'd guess that with the "bite sized" byline, they're going for a kind of chibi style.
She can make it stop whenever she wants by leaving the girl that is cheating on her
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Didn't end up being quite on-topic but I thought you might appreciate the wholesome twist.
Replies: >>3185
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I haven't watched The Flash since the second season, but it sounds like it got pretty weird.
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Madmen S06E01
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Apparently a rule 63 spinoff of Adventure Time is on the way. Which, if it followed what happened in regular Adventure Time, should lead to Fionna getting cucked. Although I wouldn't place bets on it.
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This movie is cheesy af but it has some nice teasing scenes and a cuckquean scene (around 56:00 mark). Very obviously targeted at females though.
Btw, are there females on this board?
Replies: >>2715
>Btw, are there females on this board?
Tradition has it that we cannot confirm nor deny anything until you post a picture of your dick or remove yourself from the premises.
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Black Cat finding out Spider-man is married.
Replies: >>3024
Replies: >>2998
Not quite certain that that’s a good example of cuckquean media, given that the guy didn’t seem to be aware of the villainess’ interest in him.
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A girl trying to steal Mickey from Minnie.
Replies: >>3024
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The Netflix League of Legends show Arcane has some relevant stuff. The main plot is about the sisters Vi and Jinx. They're both from the undercity Zaun which is oppressed by the advanced city Piltover. They get separated as children after a tragedy. Jinx ends up becoming a Zaunite terrorist basically. She discovers her sister Vi is still alive and has a hapa girlfriend, Caitlyn, who is an enforcer from Piltover. Caitlyn also has blue hair and blue eyes like Jinx. Jinx is obviously jealous and sees Caitlyn as her replacement.

The other slightly cucky plot point involves the scientist Jayce and his black girlfriend Mel. At one point Mel's musclegirl mommy comes to town and summons Jayce while she's having a bath. She confronts him in a suggestive way while nude, leading to Mel telling her to stay away from him.

The show is much better than you might expect from either League of Legends or a Netflix animation. I'd definitely recommend giving it a shot.
Replies: >>3110
What a considerate lady. Doesn’t strike me as a cuckquean though. The concern that her man’s reputation might be hurt if the other woman goes around broadcasting that she “got him to cheat” is definitely something we think about from time to time; it’s a real danger.
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of fucking course
Replies: >>3180
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Alex Hirsch (Gravity Falls creator) dated (possibly still dates?) Dana Terrace (Owl House creator and they had/have an 'open relationship'). I'm not sure if it's open both ways or a cuckquean relationship. But I know Alex dated a lot of girls while he was with Dana; but I haven't heard about Dana dating other guys. Also, Dana is bisexual so if the relationship was open for her too it's possible it was just girl-girl stuff (it's suspected she dated her female friend/co-worker who the Owl House character Luz was based on for example).
Replies: >>3182
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Not quite cuckqueaning I guess, but close.
Replies: >>3182
Not cuckqueaning at all. There's no enjoyment of her man sleeping around, just grudging tolerance as long as she never finds out. Rather sad, IMO.
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Damn you paradox, how could you do this to me?
Replies: >>3187
Wasn't expecting the ending. Pretty damn wholesome.
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>Jucika's popularity happened 2 years ago
Replies: >>3190
I don't know what game those patch notes are from but it sounds like every single one of them would make it less fun.
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I've been rereading The Remarried Empress. Honestly the writing leaves things to be desired but large portions of it are about an empress and her husband's mistress. 

A large portion of the fanbase DESPISES the mistress Rashta and even if it wasn't for me being cuck I don't get it. The manga wants to portray her as a petty villain but does a really bad job about it. She always seemed like a relatively sweet girl to me.
Replies: >>4118
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Replies: >>3647
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Attack on Titan would've been better if The Rumbling was completed, Mikasa didn't betray Eren, and he went back home to spend the little time he had left with his wife Queen Historia and their other partner Mikasa Ackermann
American Dad - S10E02 - Poltergasm
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I don't have the full context since I never watched it, but apparently Cortana gets cucked in the Halo tv show and even watches them make out. Who's "them", I don't know.
Replies: >>3426 >>3430
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The retarded TV show canon gives that incident some decidedly fucked up vibes.
Still technically cuckquean...?
Replies: >>3430 >>3481 >>5504
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Cheif cucks Cortana almost as hard as this show cucks anyone who wanted something even remotely good.
Replies: >>3440
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Re: the "being a mom is the ultimate and final cuckquean" thing
Replies: >>3482 >>3500 >>5504
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What in the goddamn?!
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Posted for the quote on the top right.
Replies: >>3499
I remember reading this a few days ago after it got posted in a discord server I’m in but I just realized the cuckquean angle
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>tfw you're an orc girl and your half-orc daughter gets magically aged up and seduces your human king husband
Replies: >>3552
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>those sound effects
The Lightbringer book series by Brent Weeks has not one but two cuckquean bits in it. In the first two books there are a number of scenes between one of the main characters and her ex-fiance, who had to break off the betrothal for plot reasons, despite both of them still being in love. During that time we learn about his relationship with his mistress. In books 3-5, another of the POV characters has her boyfriend stolen by another woman, and we even get sex scenes between those two. Even discounting those parts, the series is a very engaging read, if a bit daunting at first.
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Replies: >>3648 >>3694
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Replies: >>3694
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What the fuck is handmaiden's tale even about? I know it has something to do with an authoritarian regime taking over America but it just comes off as softcore porn that is meant to cater to women. Isn't the entire shows message just "traditionalism bad"? It also baffles me that they would use the conservative Christian Right as antagonists. Wouldn't the Muslims in the middle east be a much better villian if they were trying to say that traditionalism is bad? I can't take a shkw like that serious if they're using conservative Christians as enemies for that purpose. God, if the Conservative Christian Right were half the monsters they often get accused of being, our world would be a better place.

 I do think the dresses in this show are kind of cute, same with the leather boots. Would make my stupid lesbian cucks walk around dress as them while I led them by a collar.
Replies: >>3708 >>4257
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Replies: >>3704
The only way I can describe her looks is aggressively average
I saw the Elvis movie and thought it was pretty good, if a bit overproduced in a few places. Anyway, there's a scene where Priscilla leaves Elvis and he asks if it's about the women he sleeps around with, and she responds by saying she doesn't care about that and is just upset about his drug use and how he doesn't seem to have time for her or their daughter anymore. I don't know if the real Priscilla was fine with Elvis screwing other women, but it's pretty hard not to read cuckquean subtext (or let's face it, just plain text) into that exchange.
Replies: >>3707
Sounds less like she encouraged it and more that she was able to put up with it, just not with the drugs and absence. It's not really cuckquean if you don't like it but put up with it.
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I guess this is probably also cheating, not cuckqueaning, but posting anyway cause it's funny.
Replies: >>4118
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I've been on a bad movie kick lately, and in the surprisingly-fun Hell Comes To Frogtown (1988) the titular Sam Hell is found to be one of the few virile males left in what remains of post-Apocalyptic America after he falls into the hands of Medtech, an order of warror-nurses whose mission is to ensure that humanity doesn't die out. After Hell literally signs his dick over to the government and Medtech takes samples of his sperm, they decide he's more valuable as a mercenary and send him to rescue a group of fertile women who've been kidnapped by a frog-like mutant warlord. To ensure he doesn't run off instead of completing his mission, he's forced to wear an explosive codpiece and assigned to a cold, calculating, infertile officer-nurse called Spangle and a tough, aggressive gunner-nurse called Centinella.

Naturally, the adventure thrusts the Sam and Spangle together, Spangle's ice-cold demeanor eventually melts, Hell's cocky care-less attitude gives way to determination, and the two fall in love. There's a scene early on where, simultaneous to Spangle struggling with the first stirrings of a crush on Sam, she single-mindedly has him impregnate a fertile woman they've stumbled across and then celebrates the next morning when her tests show the girl's fallen pregnant. The movie ends with Sam and Spangle in the driver and passenger seats of a vehicle full of rescued girls, planning to take their honeymoon... after Sam's finished impregnating the girls, of course.

If you enjoy 80's schlock-action-comedy, I recommend this movie, and not just for the surprisingly up-front cuckquean aspects. If you're in the US or have a VPN with US nodes, you can watch it for free with ad breaks on Tubi.
There's this new movie coming out called 'Don't Worry Darling' directed by Olivia Wilde starring Florence Pugh and Harry Styles as a happy couple in a 1950s setting. Styles' character works for a mysterious company founded by Chris Pine. I first heard about it because Chris Pine's character was said to be inspired by Jordan Peterson. Wilde is a feminist Democrat and it looks like the movie is going to be a sort of anti-trad thriller along the lines of the Stepford Wives. I gather that the 1950s setting is going to be a fake world the women are trapped in in some way.

The cuckquean angle comes from the fact that Wilde got into a relationship with Styles while making the movie, while at the same time she's also directing him having sex with Florence Pugh. It seems like there's gonna be a heavy erotic element to it as Wilde talks a lot in interviews about how hot it is, how there just aren't good sex scenes in movies any more, and how her movie centers the female point of view and female pleasure. Wilde also appears in the movie; in the trailer she smugly comments about how the main couple "only have time for each other".

I sort of fell down a rabbit hole of videos dishing dirt about Wilde and it's hard to tell how much is legitimate as Harry Styles' fandom seems to go after every woman he's associated with. Anyway, I won't get into that stuff because it's off-topic. The movie looks interesting to me. Even though it's propaganda, it feels sort of like The Handmaid's Tale or Mad Men where the feminist talking points are partly an excuse for fantasizing about oppression.

you should stop reading so much erotica, it makes your prose stilted and forced.
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>beastly babymaker
>all of the rest of... that
Holy shit Anon.
Replies: >>3899
I'm more sober now and read that shit back. I (with all requisite shame) stand by my goofy fantasies. But it's not sourced from erotica it's sourced from weed and hard liqour mixed with autistic fetishes. I'm no writer as you can tell

I'm laughing too anon. Horny autism is a finely tuned cringe machine
Replies: >>3918 >>4118
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I have encountered the occasional genderswapped version of this fantasy (or fear, i.e. the "dogpill" incels talk about sometimes). I guess I should've expected something like this to pop up here sooner or later, board rules be damned.

Thank you though anon, I haven't laughed so hard in weeks.
Replies: >>4310
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Congratulations on being the subject of our first legitimate board report in living memory.

>/cuckquean/ is not for extreme fetish material including scat, bestiality, grievous torture, snuff, etc. Do not post such content on /cuckquean/.
The rule even specifically pointed out bestiality as one of the examples. Don't post that sort of thing again, okay?
Replies: >>3927 >>4310
Dang, I knew I shoulda screencapped that post. Not to repost here, of course, but if I wanted to inflict it on people elsewhere.

Also I thought we'd had legit board reports before.
It's still on the Google cache of the main page.
Replies: >>3931
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It's totally going to end up in a cringe compilation one day, isn't it?
Rather than "living memory" maybe I should have said "that I can remember". Our next-oldest board report was from December of 2021, which only goes to show that my memory isn't very good.

>I knew I shoulda screencapped that post.
You shoulda. I know I did.
Replies: >>4310
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Replies: >>3945
Found on twitter. The replies are a blackpill.
Replies: >>3947
I don't understand. Why are the replies a blackpill? They seem pretty normal to me.
Replies: >>3948
A lot of people saying it's an excuse for her to cheat on him, he's already being cheated on, he's a hypocrite for being okay with the idea, she's gonna gaslight and guilt trip him if he goes along with it - just a lot of negativity and people incapable of understanding the concept or believing a woman could want that. Maybe there are more positive comments since I posted it though.
Replies: >>3949 >>4118
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Why expect positivity from Twitter of all places? Aside from the general cultural image of a happy relationship of any kind having taken a carpet-bombing campaign to the point that most can't imagine it could really exist, the very concept of a woman enjoying cuckqueaning causes most peoples' eyes to glaze over, and hard. It goes against a lot of different parts of cultural conditioning that exists at levels deeper than most people realise.

If all this wasn't the case, we wouldn't need a place like /cuckquean/ to talk about cuckqueaning.
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In the Marvel Ultimate line of comics, Valkyrie was a 19 year old human Thor fangirl who gained superpowers and went on to date Thor. She gets killed and Thor travels to the afterlife to try to get her soul back. Thor manages to resurrect Valkyrie, but at the cost of becoming stuck in the afterlife himself. Hela, goddess of death (you'll remember her from the movie 'Thor: Ragnarok') agrees to release him if he impregnates her, which he does. Enchantress shows Valkyrie a vision of Thor fucking Hela. Ironically Hela only ends up releasing Thor when another warrior worthy of Valhalla dies to take his place, and that ends up being Valkyrie when she dies again, so they never get to be reunited.
Replies: >>4015
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I don't know the context for this but it's cute.
Replies: >>4025
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That's like something out of a hentai parody,
Replies: >>4025
Very cute.

Feels like recent comics often read as parodies of themselves.
Replies: >>4028
That's not a recent comic.
Replies: >>4029
Shows how much I know about comics, I guess.
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There was this hit song from like 2000 called "It Wasn't Me", about a dude who cheats on his wife and she catches him. Here's a vid with lyrics if you don't know it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pslgz9o8meM

Anyway today I saw a social media comment about it that made me see it differently:
>Lmao, I feel like the girl he cheated on was into it tho, bc she watched them do it in several different places and watched till they were done.
I wonder what other songs can be read in a queany way.
Replies: >>4118
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In the Jessica Jones Alias comic the main villain Killgrave used his mind control powers to make Jessica watch him have sex with other women while begging to be in their place.
Replies: >>4104
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Replies: >>4118
"Some" Chinese and Korean fandom women have this thing about true destined love and how if the man has any other women, whether past present or future, it's an indelible stain on his character and those other women's character too. Rashta exists and that's a crime that can never be forgiven. The writer may not realize it's necessary to work a little harder to portray her as a convincing villain to other audiences, or may not care.

Even if it should be consensual in reality, it's okay to fantasize about being legit cheated on.

Anon, what are you combining weed and liquor for, anyway? Take care of yourself, okay?

On the one hand, you're not wrong, but on the other, it's a real possibility.

"Jolene" of course.

Well then. That pink vacant look is some obvious bimbo fetish stuff. NTTAWWT
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Type O Negative - My Girlfriend's Girlfriend 



It's no secret we're close
As sweaty velcro
Like latex, fur and feathers
Stuck together

In their '62 'Vette
Sharing one cigarette
In a black light trance then
Go go dance
Go go trance

They keep me warm on cold nights
We must be quite a sight
In our meat triangle
All tangled

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl too

Her and me and her and she and me
An uncrowded couple are we three
Hey we don't care what people say
When walking hand in hand down Kings Highway
Two for one today

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl too

My girlfriend's girlfriend
She looks like you
My girlfriend's girlfriend
She's my girl
Don't know where else to ask,  just wondering, saw some people simply said raising another child is cuck using the definition of cuckoo

But aint cuckoldry simply means in relationship with adulterous wife and therefore cuckqueanry simply means in relationship with adulterous husband?

Since cuckquean is female form of cuckold, I thought I can ask this too.

Does being stepparent/working on an orphanage makes you a cuck?...
In order: Yes, yes, yes, no.
There's not really any such thing as 'simple' when it comes to these words.

>saw some people simply said raising another child is cuck using the definition of cuckoo
Those people are wrong; the cuckoo is a brood parasite, which is to say that it manipulates other species into raising its young for it, to those species' detriment. If you've ever seen a grossly oversized cuckoo chick shoving its much tinier nestmates out of the way to get as much food from the haplessly-confused parent birds, or even shoving its nestmates out of the nest to die, then you understand the difference between it and something like voluntary human adoption, where someone willingly agrees to raise a child as though it were their own, or e.g. sperm donation, where the same thing happens.

A human man with an adulterous wife may well end up raising a child that he does not know is not his own: Just like the cuckoo's victims, he has suffered brood parasitism and will unknowingly participate in his own bloodline's extinction. The insult becomes worse if the man does know he's been parasited and does nothing about it or otherwise participates. Women can't suffer parasitism in this way, changelings or other baby-swaps aside, so the "cuckquean" term is just a gender-swapped word that only takes the applicable parts i.e. adultery.

The word gets blurrier once you account for its use as an insult and all the different connotations and reasons that can have. Different people will usually disagree on these uses. For example, if someone can otherwise have children but is seen to have been manipulated into instead raising some other child "voluntarily", e.g. a fertile couple who choose to refrain from having children of their own and instead adopt a third-world orphan or something, one might level the "cuck" term at them if one perceives them as having done it in response to propaganda or something because the two components of manipulation and extinction are present. A couple who discover that they can't have children themselves because of e.g. infertility and who decide to adopt an orphan instead could not be accused of being cucks because neither manipulation nor extinction (at least, not extinction as a result of manipulation) apply.

>Does being stepparent/working on an orphanage makes you a cuck?
This is an incredibly ESL question. No, working at an orphanage does not make you a cuck. An orphanage worker has not been tricked into thinking the orphans are their own flesh and blood. Likewise being a step-parent, but again the insult use blurs the lines: If a man is perceived to have been manipulated into parenting a woman's previous offspring in such a way that his own offspring either won't come to exist or will be disadvantaged, then he may find himself thought of as a cuckold.
Replies: >>4179
Should also clarify that modern resurgence of the "cuck" insult has two meanings, both related: a) the classical "contemptible, weak man whose wife is likely to be adulterous" meaning, and b) the idea that the insulted person of either sex is participating in their own extinction in some way, not necessarily sexual, whether knowingly or unknowingly. That latter topic is well out of this board's remit, though, and we should say nothing more on it in case it attracts shitters.

Does this completely answer your question, Anon?
>But aint cuckoldry simply means in relationship with adulterous wife
Which is significant because it means the parentage of your children is uncertain. Later usage just kept the sense of betrayed loyalty.
>therefore cuckqueanry simply means in relationship with adulterous husband?
Cuckquean as a term didn't see popular use until after the sexual revolution i.e. it's got nothing to do with traditional family units.
>Does being stepparent makes you a cuck?
Yes, by definition.
>Does working on an orphanage makes you a cuck?
Only if you're a horrifying creep who thinks of the orphans as their children would that question even make sense, and in that case it'd still be 'no'. Raising foster children doesn't make you a cuck because there's no relationship between the children and your partner. Raising the child of someone you love but were never able to get into the relationship you wanted with might be.
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Family Guy S21E04, The Munchurian Candidate. Lois has been hypnotizing Peter to sexually satisfy her and he accidentally gets hypnotically triggered into going down on Lois' own mother.
> lesbian x bisexual relationships.
despite being on the interwebz for a decade since age 12, this is the first time im hearing about this meme
>and some lesbians saw it as proving their biases against bisexuals
it's often underrstated how ruthless lesbians can be. They were sadistically dunking on another supposed lesian because she did the crime of trusting, in their eyes, a "bislut"
Replies: >>4253
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>burn coal
>pay the toll
>expect sympathy

spoilers contain light gore from a mokou-kags (yuri) doujin
Replies: >>4256 >>4260 >>4361
hmmm, you raise an interesting point, didnt notice the similarity before.
Are you a lesbian too? (I'm not and i wont be posting dick)
Replies: >>4259 >>4269
>Would make my stupid lesbian cucks walk around dress as them while I led them by a collar
ayo nigga CHILL.
theyd make a better point... if the aidience was middle eastern.
Traditionalism is not a globalist or universal thing.
Burkas and muslim will always seem an orientalist thing to western normies for a long ass time.. Yet nun costumes will be le incel traditionalist bigot fantasy.
It is what it is, i dont make the rules
Replies: >>4275
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The other choice, GTFO, is also perfectly acceptable.
Replies: >>4260 >>4269
bruh what was the point of this doujin
Replies: >>4269
A more direct comparison would be
>I got together with my man he had said "my favorite thing is cheating on my girl at bugchaser orgies without asking her"
>100% of people surveyed said that I shouldn't get involved with him and that he would cuck me (without my consent) and act abusive, many of them said they would avoid me if I did still go after him
>my man cheats on me daily and washes his ass out with half a gallon of gaynigger aidscum a week and makes me eat it, oh woe is me
>Please feel sorry for me, I'm just like you and you should date me even though at this point my body is 20-30% the scrapings of the backrooms from a gay nightclub
You're literally failing tits or gtfo, tranny
It was good
I thought this was the lesbo thread when I was getting images but it's still cuckquean media.
Replies: >>4278
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>ayo nigga CHILL.
Absolutely fucking not. You come here, to our sexual fetish board, and tell us what sexual fantasies not to have? How about you fuck off back to leddit so you don't have to experience anything else too sexy for your woke sensibilities?
>Burkas and muslim will always seem an orientalist thing to western normies for a long ass time..
Time to import more Muslims to the West to fix that, is that what you were going to say?
Replies: >>4277
woah woah stahp, I'm not telling you avout what sexual fetidhes you cant have, just go easy on your lesbian cucks for their sake. It was a stupid thing anyways for me to say.
And I dont want to import more muslims, im just explaining why youll keep getting more shit like the handmaids tale seething about christianity only.
what in tarnation? that makes zero fucking sense and doesnt seem relevant at all.
Satisfaction from seeing a coalburner getting hit or something by her nigger lover does tho
Replies: >>4279
>how is this aids filled manwhore cumdump comparable to this aids filled whore cumdump
the cucked bitch is likewise pretty full of (literal) aidscum
It's as direct a comparison as you can get
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She phrases it as cheating but this woman is clearly a cuckquean. I disagree with her that a woman who prefers monogamy should put up with cheating, but it's interesting that videos like this are making waves.

Also here's a Twitter thread about the video with some women agreeing:
Replies: >>4289 >>4294
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Looks like the agreement is coming at least partly from Muslims and Mormons. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Fundamentalist Islam and LDS do count for this thread in a sense.
>Men are cheating anyway
Weird to see denials of men's agency on this specific issue, in comparison to the broader societal discourse on responsibility. Women should let their men "cheat" because it's hot as fuck, not because men can't stop themselves. But nevermind that,
>There are more women than men
In what world? Last I checked, we had excess men, driven largely by sex-selection by parents in China and India. Just a whole tide of yellow incels turning to mail-order brides and trafficking, and that's before we consider that China may've overcounted their female births. If there's an excess of women that's great news because it makes it less urgent for me to finish this portal to the monstergirl realm.
Replies: >>4291 >>4294 >>4296
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> less urgent for me to finish this portal to the monstergirl realm
Anon, I have a might need to be cucked by a lamia girl so if you could put a rush order on that portal that'd be cherry.
Replies: >>4294 >>4296 >>4903
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On reflection, they do cite several Jewish examples of condoned polygyny. I wonder why I've never heard of any fundamentalist Jewish sect practising it?

W-well, to be truthful, there's much math involved in transdimensional travel, and I barely scraped by linear algebra in university, so I may have been hoping for an excuse to sneakily encourage others to join the effort. I'm sorry if I got your hopes up. Will you forgive me if I dress up as a lamia and handle your situation myself? I'm not quite as cute as that one in the picture, though.
Replies: >>4295 >>4296
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>I wonder why I've never heard of any fundamentalist Jewish sect practicing it?
Not to get too hard into religion talk, but my understanding is it's because the European Jewish schools of thought banned the practice a long time ago and those are the ones we have the most contact with in the West and her former colonies. While other schools didn't do so, by the time Israel became a thing polygamy had already happened to fall out of favor in African/Middle Eastern Jewish communities so it's banned there too. I'm not a rabbi though, so maybe I have it twisted.

>there's much math involved in transdimensional travel
I happened to knock linear algebra out of the park, but I'm more practiced in stats. If you need someone to run some Bayesian statistical models, I'm your gal. Maybe while you're cucking me? That seems like a good arrangement.
Replies: >>4296
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You're right; the sex ratios look small but add up to a lot of extra men in absolute terms. Most who live in countries with more balanced ratios, or even female-majority ratios—like the United States—haven't a clue that other places could be different, or how.

That said, no matter what our world's sex ratios actually are, a monstergirl portal is of utmost urgency. There're tails to touch, damnit!

Might dressing up as a lamia involve one's legs being kept in bondage, by chance? If there's a future that involves using powered snek exoskeletons to temporarily paper over our world's unforgivable lack of lamias, I want in.

This talk of transplanar mathematics tickled something, had me dig through my story seeds. One consisting of a few thousand words is anchored on the idea that the act of thinking through certain mathematical operations in certain ways is capable of unseen effects ranging from inconsequential vibrations in curled-up realities to finding your friend's corpse in her shower, apparently having grown horns and a tail since the last time you saw her. (It's all cuckqueaning-adjacent, I swear.)
Replies: >>4361 >>4392
Commonly fantasized by men who know very little about dog anatomy outside of select shott porn clips and hentai paired with them having minimal understanding of how vaginas and gspots work. I've been accused of being a dogfucker for explaining this before. Hell, men are statistically over 3 times as likely to be animal fuckers and generally tend to be paraphiles way more often. Fucking hipocrits. Plenty of them probably want it to be true and jack off to the idea. Also, what the absolute fuck was the content of the actual post that "beastly baby maker" is a quoted phrase?

Nobody has spammed this place with CP or something yet? Surprising as that seems the default treatment of alt chans. Seriously what the fuck did the original post say to warrant the board owner to comment and post that reaction image? Just simple dog fucking?

I am so fucking livid I missed It now

Put it in a cringe comp for posterity like the other anon said please mein furhur
Replies: >>4313 >>4319 >>4361
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>what the absolute fuck was the content of the actual post
Quite something, is what it was.

>cringe comp
Funny as we found it there's a good reason why our BO bans such things, what with the "good company" effect and all. I for one wouldn't want that circulating, mostly for practical reasons and not wanting to give our BO more work.

>Nobody has spammed this place with CP or something yet?
We get regular waves of spam purporting to link to CP, but our globals and board owners are on top of things enough that most spammers seem to have decided this site's too much trouble. The other sites on the webring, likewise.
Replies: >>4319 >>4347
>Nobody has spammed this place with CP or something yet?
CP, sitewide spam, and so on breaks global rules so the globals usually respond to it before I get the chance. /cuckquean/ is well-behaved, so there's rarely any moderation for me to do except occasionally splitting threads. When an otherwise OK poster non-maliciously trips over the rules, like ITT, letting them know (and in the process warning anyone else who might get ideas) is usually more than enough. (Non-OK posters get the boot, naturally.)

>Put it in a cringe comp for posterity like the other anon said please mein furhur
I'm sorry, but like >>4313 says I don't want it spreading, being read out by YouTubers, and so on because it would attract atrocity tourists along with their nonsense. That would get in the way of the board's purpose, which is to be a good place for cuckqueans to discuss and enjoy what can be a deeply confusing and widely misunderstood fetish.
Replies: >>4347
I was hoping to nab that shit to repost like pic rel but fair point. No good will come of this place making the rounds in cringe comps. Places like these are delicate ecosystems and tend to get shitted up thanks to tourism

Even if I can't get the full sauce I can at least add "beastly baby maker" to my vocab to fuck with people now. What was even the context on that? Animal cock/pussy or was it in reference to getting an animal preggo or some shit?
Replies: >>4348 >>4361
It was referring to the article in >>765
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I don't understand this at all, but then I haven't kept up with Touhou since the one where it introduced aliens or whatever. Some of the new characters are cute I guess.

>You're right; the sex ratios look small but add up to a lot of extra men in absolute terms. Most who live in countries with more balanced ratios, or even female-majority ratios—like the United States—haven't a clue that other places could be different, or how.
True, there are places where the local ratio is skewed. In fact I mentioned China but now that I think about it, there was an article posted on the old board (I think one of the lost threads, since I couldn't find it) about a factory town in China where the ratio was like 3 or 4 women to a man, so "temporary" man-sharing was a thing. In fact I've heard there are multiple such places in China, because it turns out that you can squeeze a bunch of women into much tighter shared quarters than men before they start getting violent unacceptably often. (Not that I blame them - I'd get testy if I had to hot-bunk all the time too.)

>Might dressing up as a lamia involve one's legs being kept in bondage, by chance? If there's a future that involves using powered snek exoskeletons to temporarily paper over our world's unforgivable lack of lamias, I want in.
Given my lack of experience, and based on what few guides I can find to cosplaying a lamia, it seems like leg bondage isn't desirable because it's too restrictive. I mean, if you want to watch me risk rugburn writhing across the floor on my chest and face just for a taste of your man's cock, I can understand that, but I think it'd come off more wormlike than snakelike. It would lack a certain... uprightness.

Tangentially, I'm reminded of the woman who lost both legs and got herself a functioning mermaid tail prosthetic (#2 here https://www.livescience.com/38585-body-beautiful-the-5-strangest-prosthetic-limbs.html) Pretty cool IMHO. No word on lamia cyborgs yet though.

>This talk of transplanar mathematics tickled something, had me dig through my story seeds. One consisting of a few thousand words is anchored on the idea that the act of thinking through certain mathematical operations in certain ways is capable of unseen effects ranging from inconsequential vibrations in curled-up realities to finding your friend's corpse in her shower, apparently having grown horns and a tail since the last time you saw her. (It's all cuckqueaning-adjacent, I swear.)
Well, if it is or becomes something worth showing to others, I'm sure some of us would read it!

>Commonly fantasized by men who know very little about dog anatomy outside of select shott porn clips and hentai paired with them having minimal understanding of how vaginas and gspots work. I've been accused of being a dogfucker for explaining this before. Hell, men are statistically over 3 times as likely to be animal fuckers and generally tend to be paraphiles way more often. Fucking hipocrits. Plenty of them probably want it to be true and jack off to the idea.
My understanding is that men who are zoophiles don't necessarily reject human women, while the incel "dogpill" idea is that women who can't find a man up to their standards would rather have a dog which at least features slavish loyalty and trainability. I don't endorse this belief either way, but my point is that I don't think it's directly comparable.

>I was hoping to nab that shit to repost like pic rel
Honestly anon, why are you even posting this here, let alone in two different threads? Someone using "boypussy" (AKA man ass) to attract a man is just male homosexuality. It doesn't belong here.

I honestly wasn't sure the board needed a rule that prohibited posts like the deleted one, which I can confirm was hilarious and queany, but if this is the kind of thing it attracts then perhaps our board owner was wise to make that rule.
Replies: >>4362 >>4364 >>4366
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>the incel "dogpill" idea is that women who can't find a man up to their standards would rather have a dog which at least features slavish loyalty and trainability
I believe that is actually the case in sentiment for most western girls with big dogs, just that it mostly doesn't reach  the physical, at least for as long society is not degenerated enough to not view bestiality as a strong taboo. 

Replies: >>4364 >>4367
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The more I learn, the less I want to know.

>I believe that is actually the case in sentiment for most western girls with big dogs
I grew up with big dogs and love them, though my own testimony that this is nonsense won't count because every explanation like this always hinges on the intersection of the unconscious and the statistics of intuition. In any case, what's the phrase? Ah, yes: "Please face the wall now."
Replies: >>4367 >>4368
>In fact I've heard there are multiple such places in China, because it turns out that you can squeeze a bunch of women into much tighter shared quarters than men before they start getting violent unacceptably often.
In my university days, the usual explanation for places that would only take female tenants was that female students were cleaner and quieter. As one of my friends found out, in many cases it's also because they're on average easier to bully and intimidate.

>It would lack a certain... uprightness.
Serpentine pathing! Very important to a snake girl's appeal. This is why any leg-bound lamia cosplay must necessarily involve being plugged upright into a proper lamia rig. The market is untapped, the time is now! Just, uh, don't look too hard at the kind of forces required, or it'll end up classed as dangerous heavy industrial equipment and become unavailable for domestic use.

>I'm sure some of us would read it!
Thank you Anon, I appreciate that little vote of confidence. All it is right now is some schoolgirl memories, a little horror, some metaphysics, and an attempt to create a somewhat-believable actually-autistic monster girl, but if I ever develop it I do hope it'll work.

>Someone using "boypussy" (AKA man ass) to attract a man is just male homosexuality. It doesn't belong here.
Agreed. Perhaps the cringe-loving anon just thought it was a particularly good (bad?) piece of cringe, but no matter the motivation I agree that it ain't for here.
Replies: >>4368 >>4392
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>most western girls
Might you be the same anti-White anon who used to post in the Asian thread about how much they wanted to degrade White women because muh azn qts? Whether you are that particular anti-White poster or are a new arrival, I don't think keeping up this resentful little display where you drop in references to how much White girls supposedly fuck dogs is a good idea, for you or for the rest of /cuckquean/, especially since /cuckquean/ bans bestiality precisely to help keep undesirables away. If you're angry at White women for some reason, then I think you should try to discover and resolve what that reason is instead of subjecting everyone else on our Mongolian tapestry-stitching forum to passive-aggressive silliness. If you can't manage that, then it would be better for you to leave.

It's a little embarrassing to have to explain an obvious thing so openly and directly to another anon, but here we are.

>my own testimony that this is nonsense won't count
It has nothing to do with explanations and everything to do with resentment, unfortunately. It's true in their head because they need it to be true. You can't argue something that isn't based on fact in the first place, only point out how pathetic it is to resent Western (European, White, take your pick of terminology) people in this way. You'll notice these sorts also conveniently ignore, to give just one example, that White men enjoy owning dogs too, but that there's never any suggestion that the companionship and loyalty of a dog must therefore be sexual.

Whenever I see this kind of thing these days I usually just assume it's a seething *cel of some kind and move on. Saves time.
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>The more I learn, the less I want to know.
Fair enough, I've quickly come to regret elaborating anyway.

>>4366 (checked)
>Serpentine pathing! Very important to a snake girl's appeal. This is why any leg-bound lamia cosplay must necessarily involve being plugged upright into a proper lamia rig. The market is untapped, the time is now! 
Hydraulically engineered snakegirls for domestic ownership?
>Just, uh, don't look too hard at the kind of forces required, or it'll end up classed as dangerous heavy industrial equipment and become unavailable for domestic use.
"I swear, officer, he wanted me to crush his bones! He said it was critical for immersion!"
Replies: >>4369 >>4392
I really like that snake. She's adorable! I hope she gets her arms back soon.
This is turning into an infection. Further posts on bestiality will therefore be deleted on sight and bans issued as I see fit. If you want to discuss bestiality in depth then do it somewhere other than /cuckquean/, because you're not welcome here.
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Fascinating! Please face the wall now.
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I've heard that in the USA the gender ratio is particularly skewed in certain workplaces and at university in general, leading to a perception of a greater imbalance than actually exists.

>In my university days, the usual explanation for places that would only take female tenants was that female students were cleaner and quieter. As one of my friends found out, in many cases it's also because they're on average easier to bully and intimidate.
Yeah... In my university days, I thought about the "cleaner" part every time I saw bloody tampons smeared on a wall or piss-covered toilet seats, and "quieter" every time a group of woo girls came back at night. Hopefully the males in the factory hierarchy aren't bullying and intimidating women into harem situations, but I wouldn't bet on it.

This is one of a series of gijinkas of random enemies from a video game. (I discovered the artist through their recent copious Black Souls fan art, but these are not Black Souls characters.) You can see from the sprites in the picture that the original didn't have arms, being literally just a winged snake. I guess the artist decided it would look better to have stumps than to just omit arms entirely from a humanoid upper body. Or has an amputee fetish, but that wasn't evident in other artworks. Maybe the snek is the lihzahrd's slave girl.

...of course, a powered flying snake mech so that I can leave my legs and arms in bondage just strikes me as even less practical for household use. It's just as well. Wouldn't want the temptation to coil the man up and fly off with him for terrifying midair copulation.
Replies: >>4396 >>4398 >>4403
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Actually no, you know what? I am going to build the flying snake suit to swoop down from the sky to steal yo man. Everyone hope I get this portal working, because that's now Plan B: Become the soaring serpent vixen, terror of the air... after I workshop a better supervillain name than that.

You know what they say: Become the monster you want to see in the world.

And if you don't stop reposting this cringe manifesto, you'll be the first victim, but I'll simply squeeze you to death instead of any sexy stuff. Exoskeleton needs calibration, and your loved ones need a surprise delivery of your crushed and jellied carcass.
Replies: >>4398
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>I guess the artist decided it would look better to have stumps than to just omit arms entirely from a humanoid upper body.  I guess the artist decided it would look better to have stumps than to just omit arms entirely from a humanoid upper body. Or has an amputee fetish, but that wasn't evident in other artworks. Maybe the snek is the lihzahrd's slave girl.
That's also how I saw it. You'll notice that the snek has the same golden bands around her upper arms as the lihzahrd (sic?) but that the lihzahrd's bands seem to have interlocking parts whereas the snek's bands seem to have had that part detached. From this I form the headcanon that the bands permit limbs to be safely detached and re-attached, and that the snek's arms are stowed safely somewhere else. Maybe the snek likes having her arms taken away sometimes, as a treat.

>You know what they say: Become the monster you want to see in the world.
Don't go through life, grow through strife. True change comes from within a reign of terror. Strive not to be a success, but a snek. If there is no struggle, you probably need to ease up a touch on the tail hydraulics.
Replies: >>4411
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>bloody tampons smeared on a wall
On the one hand, I'm not surprised. On the other hand, why? Sharehouse life had its ups and downs, but... but why?
Replies: >>4411
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Nice subtle edit lol

>You'll notice that the snek has the same golden bands around her upper arms as the lihzahrd (sic?) but that the lihzahrd's bands seem to have interlocking parts whereas the snek's bands seem to have had that part detached. From this I form the headcanon that the bands permit limbs to be safely detached and re-attached, and that the snek's arms are stowed safely somewhere else. Maybe the snek likes having her arms taken away sometimes, as a treat.
You could be right actually. Now that I look at some of the other gijinkas more closely, there are cases where arms are simply omitted where there's nothing arm-like in the source material. So why randomly give this one limb stubs? Gotta be kink reasons. Also maybe she disliked how having a proportionally powerful arm makes her look like Trogdor the Burninator.

It seems the one on the right really is called a "lihzahrd" - it's "snek" that is incorrect. However, "snek" is fun to say.

Well, it's not like I ever caught the culprit in the act to ask her, but I gathered this wasn't a phenomenon unique to our particular women's lavatory. There are social media reports of similar things in geographically disparate locales.
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I haven't seen the movie yet but this summary came up on Youtube. It sounds absolutely insane. 

The video gives the plot of the whole movie (even the title spoils the big twist) but it's a Spanish movie from 2011 called The Hidden Face.
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Some good cucking going on in the webcomic bittersweet candy bowl

The character Daisy is especially cucked
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The biggest cuckquean, who when she has a crush on a guy, builds hundreds of gorgeous women who fall in love with him.  Only after he has a harem so big they need a calendar for scheduling, then she starts to flirt with him.
Replies: >>4772
This looks interesting. A female ghost (or demon?) possesses Courteney Cox and fucks her husband in her own body.
Replies: >>4845
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To be fair, building hundreds of gorgeous women to fall in love with your crush is a full-time commitment. She's just enjoying her well-earned result!
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Replies: >>4785
That's just sad.
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Black Twitter asking the real questions.
Replies: >>4814
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>implying they're not already all fucking him

Fun fact: Many Japanese love hotels run a side trade in letting their larger rooms out for 女子会 (lit. girl-party, i.e. girls' night). Now, I'm not suggesting that it's a good idea to get the party-sized rooms for cheaper by smuggling your bf into an entirely legitimate girls' night where all the other attendees happen to be vixens, I'm just saying that you should make sure to scout the hotel's elevator to make sure your grossly oversized case full of girls' night supplies will fit.
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I saw a sci-fi movie called 'Possessor' recently by David Cronenberg's son. Can't really recommend it to most of you due to the extreme violence and dark tone, but cuckqueaning does come up. 

The plot is that this corporation uses a secret technology to have their operatives possess someone's body for assassination purposes. They have to knock out the person they are possessing to do some surgery on them first, and they then enter and control their body to go after less accessible people in that person's circle. Usually make it look like a murder-suicide. Main character is a woman named Tasya Vos who does this regularly and is losing her sense of identity. She's ordered to possess a man, Colin Tate, who is the fiancé of the daughter of a data mining company's CEO (in order to kill both). Tate works for the same company.

At one point Vos (in Tate's body) is approached by a friend and co-worker of Tate who brags about his sexual exploits and asks if he also got laid on a recent trip. Vos responds
>What do you think?
And the friend goes
>Good man. I always considered it your moral obligation to cuckquean the boss's daughter.
Later there's a scene where Vos comes home to Tate's fiancée doing coke with some of her girlfriends. One of the girlfriends approaches Vos alone in the bathroom later and says in an intimate way
>Can we be friends again? Ava [the fiancée] doesn't care; she doesn't mind at all.
So it appears Ava really is a willing cuckquean.

There are some graphic sex scenes in the movie, but none of them are cuckqueaning. In one, Vos, while possessing Tate, fucks Ava, which I guess is technically cuckolding him in his own body. Similar to >>4744 where a girl is possessed by a ghost who fucks her husband. I feel like the whole cuckqueaning-through-possession angle is a potential goldmine. Anyway, well-made movie if you can handle how grim it is. Not worth watching if you're in it for the cuckquean angle alone as it's more of a sidenote. But it was interesting to see that in it.
Replies: >>4851
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>Can't really recommend it to most of you due to the extreme violence and dark tone
>implying that isn't a plus

The most significant thing about this, though, is that they're using the term "cuckquean" directly, and in more or less its correct context. I'm kind of amazed.
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From the webcomic Octopus Pie. A girl gets outbid for her boyfriend at a charity auction so she masturbates alone at home on Valentine's Day while he's on his date.
Replies: >>6940
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The sneks are also trying their hardest.
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Not sure how mainstream those weird corporate "Real-Life Storytime Animation" YouTube channels are, but I found this.
In a stream on the dating podcast 'whatever', left-liberal debate streamer Destiny and his Swedish Twitch streamer wife Melina talk about their 'open relationship'. Aside from it coming out that she only really sleeps with other girls, she also says she gets turned on by him fucking other women, and the word cuckquean comes up.
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Beware of Chicken has some cuckqueanish elements as the story develops. The mc's wife looks like she intends to bring another girl into their bed
It also has comfy xianxia farming, barnyard animals learning kung fu, and lots more.
Replies: >>5240
That is just about the smuggest... vixen? Cuckquean? Whichever she is, that drawing is amazing.
Replies: >>5241
Its great, isn't it?
Cuckquean. Shes been angling on getting the sleeping qt into bed with herself and husband.
The first hints at something cuckqueanish in the story was when a lot of people mistook Smug wife as a family maid and the other girl was assumed to be the MC's wife. And IIRC, the wife didn't correct them
Replies: >>5243
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Love to see a plan come together.
Replies: >>5248
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There's a new Superman cartoon coming out on Adult Swim called 'My Adventures With Superman'. It seems like sort of a Lois-centered romcom with an anime artstyle. They redesigned Lois as a tan short-haired tomboy, and pretty much as soon as they showed pictures of her, people were saying she looks exactly like an aged-up version of Luz from Owl House. 

Luz on that show was bisexual and dating a lesbian witch named Amity, so of course people are joking about Clark cucking Amity. No high effort memes or fan art to speak of yet, as the show doesn't air till July, but the connection seems to pop up in most threads for the show and fan artists have started committing to putting stuff out when the show starts. There's also a magic character who looks suspiciously like Amity.

Just something to keep an eye out for. If the meme does pick up steam later we can start a thread about it.

Replies: >>5282
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Replies: >>5662
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Found some memes on twitter (xitter?) about 'white polygamy'. A bit cringe, possibly ironic but kind of funny I guess. Anyway I saw them, so now you have to.
Replies: >>5514 >>5515
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Replies: >>5515
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What is this, an inoculation attempt?

>not a single mention of polygyny, which is what they actually mean
Not surprising that Facebook-tier image macro makers wouldn't study up on their harem-Greek, but still - way to go with getting your wires crossed from the start there, guys.
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More of this fascinating (yet perhaps perverse) phenomenon
Replies: >>5663
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This comes up again.
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A couple of days late but I just saw this 9/11 meme.
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Replies: >>6268
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Just saw this thread on /co/. The first pic is especially striking. I never realized they'd leaned this far in on Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle) being a willing, enthusiastic cuckquean in the main comics. The last two pics I think were posted back on 8chan way back when but they may be new to some of you. I guess that traumatic moment in the last pic when Starfire opened the door awakened something in her?
Replies: >>5754 >>5938
Is this all real? Especially that 3rd pic. Did her bf really fuck that many women?
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Replies: >>5942
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Meanwhile, I'm hiding in the closet and watching. All according to keikaku.

The 3rd image, gosh who is that girl speaking even. What in the world...
Replies: >>5939
/co/ loves them a shitpost.
>roaches breeding like roaches
What's newsworthy about this?
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Replies: >>5964
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Your husband has just brought up buying a new slave girl; should you be worried?
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The answer is: Both.
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the latest episode of Rick and Morty had a short reference to cuckqueaning
Replies: >>5983
That's just plain old infidelity, like it says, not cuckqueaning.
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Lmao, 'natural insemination matchmaking'. Interesting career choice. I wonder if she observes to make sure everything goes smoothly. Also the guy is with a girl in the pic she posted.
Replies: >>5995
It all reads a little like a parody of itself; wouldn't be surprised if that guy's kidneys are on ice right now.
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On that note, I'd like to see the return of eugenics practices. We should be doing matchmaking based upon the projected genetics of the product of these unions. People could enter into this sort of arrangement voluntarily. Even the most unfuckable incels could find a partner based on the few desirable traits they possess in their DNA. With advancement in genetic and reproductive technologies, we could take the best (most desirable) qualities from even the worst amongst ourselves, and eventually breed a future where everyone is perfect (by human standards).

At the root of all inequality is natural inequality, eugenics can fix that.
Replies: >>6290
New anime about a nun who secretly simps for a priest.

The guy is pretty much cucking her with God.
Who is Adonis? Or any of the other mortal men that goddesses cheated on their husbands with?

There's a theory that at least two of the virgin goddesses were dykes, Artemis, who was depicted as bathing in the company of nymphs, and Athena, who probably cursed Medusa because Poseidon ruined her by tapping that ass first.

Poseidon cucked his niece by raping her most beautiful priestess, and in Athena's own private girls only temple. As the second most powerful of the olympian gods, he could do whatever the fuck he wanted, and Athena could only seethe and cope to deal with it.
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I see you are a woman of vision too...
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Was this a birthday gift?
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Everyone should go see Dune part 2 to see Zendaya get cucked by a beautiful blonde princess (pretty minor part at the end but the movie's really good so you should see it anyway).
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>congratulations.. you played yourself
Replies: >>6463 >>6477
Gotta give your alter some maintenance peen from time to time or she'll take it by force.
I don't understand.  Is she talking about split personalities?  Is there some major rise in those types of disorders I don't know about, to the point where tiktok of all places has its own lingo for it?
Replies: >>6483 >>6492 >>6496
It's a different disorder if you fake it.
Replies: >>6492
Yes, she means split personalities. This is something that started awhile back, mostly from tumblr, then spread elsewhere. There's actually a fair amount of contention in psychology over whether the condition, Dissociative Identity Disorder, is an actual thing, or just made up bullshit for attention. Which, as >>6483 notes, may be another personality disorder altogether. Whether anyone actually has multiple personalities or not, I think it's safe to say most of the people online claiming to have it are in the bullshit for attention group.
Replies: >>6496
There are a few different reasons behind why someone may behave as though they have multiple personalities (with or without continuity of experience) or believe that they do. To give one example, we tend to think of multiple personalities as being something more akin to schizophrenia than, say, autism, but some autists have such disordered self-other identification and self-perception that they describe what we would simply call moods, ordinary stream of consciousness, or social context as their being inhabited by multiple personalities who fight for control or engage in internal dialogue with each other. They’re not multiple personalities in the classic sense, but they are genuinely perceived that way.

That said, fuck Tumblr and TikTok’s adoption of cosmetic disorders up a tree and to the moon, and also fuck the underlying social forces that incentivise it.

>a fair amount of contention in psychology over whether the condition, Dissociative Identity Disorder, is an actual thing
There’s a lot of that. It helps to remember that these labels are more buckets than definitions - it’s called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for a reason.
Replies: >>6497 >>6498
>forgot to make the point
I am a stupid cuck, please understand. Anyway, the point I originally intended to make was that since there seems to have been a big uptick in the incidence of various autism and autism-adjacent disorders, both diagnosed and subclinical, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that there are more people with self-perceived multiple personalities running around than before. I find this likely since (big speculation based mainly on scraps, clues, and hunches) both schizophrenia-family and autism-family disorders just might share common neurological and developmental factors.

However, I still think that most of this ‘alter’ and ‘headmate’ and ‘multiple system’ bullshit is simply social contagion.
>That said, fuck Tumblr and TikTok’s adoption of cosmetic disorders up a tree and to the moon, and also fuck the underlying social forces that incentivise it.
Honestly, I think it's time we stop talking about mental illness. I don't care what you wanna say about mental health being an important concern of our day and age that warrants discussion, it has gone far enough, we have talked too much about it. Being the hot new thing, zoomers are wearing mental illnesses like they are bracelets. Mix and match until you find a combo that fits your style. I'm sure a lot of it is actually people looking for ways to excuse themselves and avoid responsibility for being pieces of shit because they can blame everything on their "mental illness", but when it comes to teenagers, I think they are seeing these terms being thrown around so much and so frivolously that they take them up as explanations for their regular teenage angst. Or assume they can use them to build their identity like they are a character in a videogame. It's the same thing with other labels, people are picking what will make them look quirky and special in front of others, when the only real problem they have is a total lack of meaningful interpersonal relationships in their lives.
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Replies: >>6510 >>6619 >>6621
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do they know that she knows? is the other woman really even an ex at this point?
Replies: >>6512 >>6619
No idea, I follow her and this is the first she's mentioned it.
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Funny conversation, they start talking about cucking your wife with your daughter around 2:48
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Replies: >>6620 >>6621 >>7665
god why do I wish it were me
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>cashapp in bio
Replies: >>6622 >>6630
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I fell for it
Replies: >>6624
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Just like I’m falling for
Replies: >>6626
lmao nerd
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Should've done it for real and asked whether she wanted the video.
Yeah, she lost her job a while ago (supposedly because they found out about some of the edgy shit she says on Twitter); that's why she posted her cashapp link in case any anons took pity on her situation (as far as I know no one did, people just told her to ask her bf to help her). It's a legit account afaik.
Replies: >>6632
That is a pathetic thing to know.
Replies: >>6633
I'm guessing you don't use Twitter? If you're following someone you just see this stuff pop up randomly in your feed, it's not like I went out of my way to learn this.
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Sometimes I worry that a friend will talk to me about cheating and they'll see the spark of arousal in my eye and it will out me as a quean.
Replies: >>6636
Shouldn't be too bad. You aren't fantasizing about cheating on him. The worst that can happen is them stealing your man.
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Have you considered Archie?
Replies: >>6689
To bad about the bad ending.
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Replies: >>6714 >>6716
This is why we need plural marriage. That girl should be part of a supportive family, many hands make light work after all. And then the wife would actually get to watch/listen to/clean up after the second wife getting fucked. It's a win win!

Shitposting aside, why does this feel like the most natural thing in the world? I know I'm a cuck but I really feel like if he got another woman pregnant I'd want to help take care of her and her kid. Maybe it's because it's his kid and that's enough to activate the caregiver instinct? Maybe I needed to be held more as a baby.
Replies: >>6715 >>6716 >>6718
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I dunno, it seems pretty natural to me too. As long as she's faithful to him from now on I don't think I'd have a problem with it.
Replies: >>6716
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>As long as she's faithful to him
To us. Tbh even though I know that the girl in >>6713 is using her belly to shitpost, the attitude of the caption skeezes me out because I feel she’d not be a co-wife so much as an entitled misery, which is decidedly not to my taste.

I’ve long felt that our fetish would once upon a time have been a tremendous advantage. We already know that when those in a polygynous marriage can’t closely bond and trust each other (see: every royal harem on record) then things quickly spiral into horrible, vicious intrigues and proxy wars (see also certain friend groups, no man-sharing required). But co-wives who experience the special soft, fuzzy, giddy, gooey, pulsing, long-burn high I feel when my husband fills up the girl whose legs I’m holding open seem more likely to form the kinds of trusting, mutually secure bond that allows for a stable harem capable of pooling childcare (which gives the kind of relief that, as any new mother can tell you, makes all the difference).

Also, aside the aforementioned palace intrigue and some concerns around inbreeding that arise in small and isolated populations, it seems advantageous for your kid to be around others beyond direct siblings who share a good chunk of his genetic material.

It’s a just-so story, yes, but any just-so story that involves my being able to plant kisses atop another girl’s belly while our hubby’s cock’s inside her is one for which I’ll happily suspend disbelief.
Replies: >>6718
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>why does this feel like the most natural thing in the world?
Likely because it has been seen a lot throughout the history.
>because it's his kid and that's enough to activate the caregiver instinct?
And maybe that.
>I needed to be held more as a baby.
And maybe that too.
>she’d not be a co-wife
Yeah she would go on vacations with her husband while the other wife takes care of all the children.
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Olivia Rodrigo song, 'Lacy'. There's a lot of memes based on this on Tiktok; "My Lacy is ____".
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A fun game to try with your friend (saw this on Twitter).
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Mary Jane's pigtailed teen cousin ran away from home and moved in with her and Peter. Flirted with Peter, peeped on him in the shower, and generally gave the impression she wanted to fuck him.
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New Marvel vs Capcom collection announced. What did Capcom mean by this cover art?
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My Adventures with Superman
Season 2, episode 5
Replies: >>6870
>There is a whole room of people who are better for you than I can ever be!
Help him get it on with some of them then.
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Replies: >>6876 >>6877
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😭 His dick is going to be a sad, stretched out noodle by the time she gets there...
Replies: >>6879
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It's OK. They'll make up for it by having her take her vows in a special way later.
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X-Men '97. A modern continuation of the old X-Men show from the '90s. It's revealed that the real Jean Grey was replaced by a clone with all her memories by the villain Mr. Sinister an unknown amount of time ago. They don't even know which one is married to Cyclops, but the clone has had a son with him. The real Jean Grey is able to free her from Sinister's control, but the clone carries on a psychic relationship with Cyclops after that behind Jean's back.
Replies: >>6888
>I love both of you.
What's he supposed to do now?
Replies: >>6917
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>Reunites with father despite mother's opposition.
>Fucks him in the home he shared with his gf.
>One of his ex-gfs is now their roommate and she knows about their relationship.
Is there a secret cucking olympics?
Harem, but they wont, because the writer is a coward.
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That 'fat wojak gf' meme took an interesting turn, kek
Replies: >>6937
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How did that even happen?
Replies: >>6963

Wholesome that all he can talk about is her
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Japanese textbook (found on Twitter, dunno context)
Memespace is getting smaller and any given meme's walk through its subspace quicker.
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>Megan Fox stars as Alice, a lifelike artificially intelligent android, who has the ability to take care of any family and home.

>“Looking for help with the housework, a struggling father (Michele Morrone) purchases Alice after his wife becomes sick. Alice suddenly becomes self-aware and wants everything her new family has to offer, starting with the affection of her owner – and she’ll kill to get it.”
Replies: >>6998
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>and she’ll kill to get it.
I love the kind of vixen that will actually just kill me.
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Replies: >>7058
The only man who can honestly say "I love twice more".
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The lusty argonian maid is also queany, as its about a man sleeping around with his maid behind his wife's back.
Replies: >>7071
Lmao, came to post
Replies: >>7072
I'm too terminally online for you Anon! Don't worry though, you will cuck me out of the next one, I'm sure.

Also something about the way she is holding his sash thing just gets all the neurons activated. The pose and facial expression are good too, but she is touching him. Totally innocuous, not overtly sexual, but it still feels flirty. I love it.
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Replies: >>7191
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Relationship goals
Replies: >>7267 >>7269
Looks like only one of them moved to the compound. Even he couldn't achieve that goal. Those who can need to understand how valuable what they have.
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Crazy libtard girl plots homewrecking to smash the patriarchy, or something..
Replies: >>7319 >>7322
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Good times breed weak women.

Sweetheart would not stand 5 minutes on my hubby's cock.
Replies: >>7320
>A loving couple and a homewrecker walk into a bedroom.
>A loving couple and a newly-minted constructive member of society walk out.
Many such cases in my imagination.
Replies: >>7324
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I really wish she read her script before she started recording.
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If she's a full blown neomarxist I'm afraid it's terminal. It would be better for everyone evolved if she'd be permanently chained in the vixen dungeon, where she can do the only thing zoomies like her are capable of, for society's and her own protection.
Replies: >>7325
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Reality is such a disappointing thing. But I like to dream of a better world.
Replies: >>7326 >>7328 >>7331
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>that anon
A hero among heroes. 

Btw do we get to get cucked at the Promised Day or did recklessly indulging to the vulgar urges of flesh has condemned us to damnation?
Replies: >>7328
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>Would-be homewrecker stacy getting cucked by a 2D side girl from a mid-tier VN.
>Btw do we get to get cucked at the Promised Day or did recklessly indulging to the vulgar urges of flesh has condemned us to damnation?
We won't be allowed to watch. We'll get dragged out from our comfy place in the closet and locked up in the next room over. Which is even better.
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>She got really upset and got very loud
Noisy homewrecking whore should've learned to speak with a text box, as proper ladies do.
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>>695 (OP) 
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Replies: >>7433
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>last one
Know your place, you lowly gook!
Replies: >>7481
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Replies: >>7480
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>Delusional Asian thinks she can keep a man all to herself.
Many such cases.
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A game for vixens. What would the winner get? Creampie? Cunnilingus? Fucked by all(including the husband and the wife)? Be the wife for a day?
Replies: >>7493
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Winner gets raw sex. Losers get to see all of their efforts discarded.
>Sauce: https://exhentai.org/g/2142213/ae01148407/
Replies: >>7496 >>7498 >>7508
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>Since it wasn't released inside me, it's just trash.
Replies: >>7498
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Semen provenance play is criminally underexplored, imo.
Replies: >>7508
>where it was released vs. where it was “made”
Fetishes really are fractal huh?
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If you raised her well, of course he is gonna fancy her.
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What would you do to avoid these struggles?
Replies: >>7541 >>7542
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Replies: >>7581
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at some point you have to tell him to stop. three is enough.
Replies: >>7560
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Heartbreaking. 12 sounds like the perfect number.
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Post-hoc, naturally.
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Replies: >>7587
>Cucks herself out of relationship.
Is this the strongest type of cuck?
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>>695 (OP) 
What ever happened to her? Did she delete her account or something?
polite sage for off topic
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The Sky TV miniseries about Mussolini
Replies: >>7857
The prostitute was a man with a mistress?
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Replies: >>7863
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