/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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When your boyfriend cucks you with your own mom.
Replies: >>7798
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Freud would have a thing or two to say about this thread. Something like based and redpilled.
The necessary implication that the dad is getting cucked makes this stuff really gross to me.
Replies: >>7734 >>7742 >>7755
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That, and the art for this kind's grosser on average. Hyakkano's self-aware pretzel maneuvers setting up Hahari in a way that didn't violate its core promise really drove home why mother-fucking usually squicks me.
Replies: >>7742
My brain's at odds with itself on this one.

On one hand it feels like such a natural and warm dynamic, with high queany feels that's easy for me to connect to. On the other, it really depends on the context.

If the Dad doesn't appear at all and is never mentioned, then it makes it easy to not think about it. Even if the idea comes up, I can always chalk it off to "she's been widowed/divorced for so many years". Which are unsexy things to think about, but at least I can put it out of state and out of mind.

But if the story or source material has the dad character featured, then it's a big turn-off. I was reading an eromanga where the mom tied up the daughter and was going to have sex with her BF while she watched, but then the author had to throw in the "oh your father doesn't mind" line. Dropped it on that exact panel. 

Of course, the best world is one where anime moms are magically willed into existence from nothing, via lonely orphaned anime girls that wanted an upgraded model of themselves to sleep with the MC. But that may very well be a bit too much 'tisming on my part.
Replies: >>7751 >>7753
I guess if the mom were a widow then it would be ok. Maybe not totally my thing but I could understand.
>Of course, the best world is one where anime moms are magically willed into existence from nothing, via lonely orphaned anime girls that wanted an upgraded model of themselves to sleep with the MC.
A beautiful vision, anon.
>But that may very well be a bit too much 'tisming on my part.
No such thing. Where do you think we are?
>Dropped it on that exact panel. 
Was that the one where the Dad was introduced specifically so he could jerk off while watching through cameras installed for the purpose of watching his wife and daughter get fucked by the MC? Fetish-loading's something else sometimes.
Replies: >>7754
Doesn't sound familiar but it could've been the same series. iirc it was a multi-volume work that I jumped in the middle of and then jumped out of. Glad I dropped it if that's what was happening.
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I just like the idea of daughters being cucked by their hot moms because I find milfs sexy and self-insert as the boyfriend.
Replies: >>7762
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>be swarthy orphaned SEAmidget
>be adopted at post-pubertal age 
>by archetypal Aryan couple taken straight out of an early 80's soap opera
>are moral paragons with zero grooming intent despite my clarified position to never acknowledge them as relatives or call them "mom" or "dad"
>they still bang like rabbits
>they greatly underestimate how light my sleep is
Replies: >>7764
>self-insert as the boyfriend.
Cock or gtfo
Replies: >>7764

I wish I couldn't relate to this, but being single all my life while overhearing loud sex for years sucks ass


I'd get banned for posting or linking to 3dpd, besides I'm a just average guy
Replies: >>7765
You have chosen: GTFO.
Replies: >>7766


>>7709 (OP) 
This fetish has been a neverending source of pain for me.
>just starting uni at 17
>meet a guy who's 25 and really like him
>we live close together and take the same train in the morning
>he meets my mum who takes a different train, but still comes with me
>become travel buddies and have a single class together
>develop a crush because he's so smooth, put-together and kind
>get stuck with a giant gap in our schedules
>we start going back to my place to watch movies in the middle of the day
>during a non-teaching week we just decide to stick to the schedule and make it an all-day thing
>mum gets home and it's the first time they've really talked
>he finds it awkward because he's my friend, but my mum had me at 13, so they're not far apart age-wise and he doesn't know how to act with her
>mum assumes we're dating and treats him very warmly in her usual over-sharing over-confident way
>have to tell her we're not and she seems disappointed
>they start interacting more in the mornings and when he visits
>they have a lot to talk about and I think it's great that she likes him
>particularly because I want to start dating him
>decide I'll make a move during a movie-day
>water heater starts acting up one morning
>decide I'd rather be late than take an ice-cold shower
>mum leaves ahead of me, but I follow after 10 minutes
>walking across the bridge to the station and can see down to the platform
>they're together, holding each other and making out
>she's squeezing his arse and he has his hands on her hips
>feel like I should be angry, but just feel a little dizzy
>her train arrives and she leaves
>act like nothing happened when he tells me "Oh, I was just waiting for you and talking to your mum."
>go to class and decide today's the day
>get out and prepare for our class together when I see he's sent a message about being sick and him seeing me later for our next class
>have a morning beer at the campus tavern
>go home
>electronic lock makes a loud beeping when I open the door but it doesn't matter
>can hear these loud moans that don't sound like anyone I know and mum's at work
>hear mum's voice like she's chattering her teeth in the freezing cold "Oh f-f-f-fuck me r-r-right there!"
>her sliding door is open and see his naked arse between her legs as he fucks her prone with her head jammed into the pillows
>feel sick and anxious, but not angry
>pull away as she turns over
>she locks her legs around him as they loudly kiss and he cums
>quietly leave and just putter about for a while
>return an hour later, a bit before I should be back
>mum's home and just getting out of the shower
>instantly starts motormouthing about having a half-day and just getting home
>walk past her bedroom and can not only see the condoms on the sidetable and the wet spots on her sheets, but it still smells like sex
>go back to class and start treating him more like a boyfriend 
>touch him, normalise him touching me etc.
>never tell him how I feel but still get the intimacy of a boyfriend
>masturbate to fantasies where I switch places with my mum
>eventually come home to find them talking together in the kitchen
>they come clean because she's pregnant
>get blackout drunk and ramble on messageboards about whore mothers
>pretend like I'm ok with it
>after a few months he moves in with us
>they try to quietly fuck most nights
>just quietly walk into the lounge and listen to them
>can sometimes see them if they don't close the sliding door properly or can make out his silhouette from their bedside lamp
>look at him in the shower or when he sleeps naked post-sex
>develop an intense cucking and humiliation fetish
>after the baby is born they can't have sex
>get home drunk from a night out with friends
>see him in the lounge
>try to seduce him 
>he just hugs me and kisses me on the forehead before going back to bed
>masturbate with a vibrator for the first time and cum so loudly he thinks I've fallen out of bed in a drunken stupor
>let him think I have, wanting him to find me naked
>he comes in and dresses me in PJs before putting me to bed
>start binge drinking on the weekends and come home sloppy drunk 
>intentionally put myself in compromising positions like I'm offering myself up to him
>he treats me like I'm his child and takes care of me
>eventually being a binge-drinker constantly walking on egg-shells in a two-bedroom flat with 3 adults and a baby becomes unbearable
>move out and stop drinking
>try to date but nothing lasts
>they get married and find a house together
>years later lose my job during COVID and mum insists I move back in
>the gamesroom is below their bedroom
>can hear them fucking with clarity
>when they fuck late at night still can't resist taking a bullet with me to the gamesroom to vibe to orgasm
>can hear step-dad dirty-talking through the shared vent system
>straddling a pillow covered with a towel and on the verge of orgasm
>get fucking tackled by my half-brother who woke up and thought I was going to play games without him
>scream so loudly they hear me upstairs
>split my scalp on a lego castle while trying to pull up my sweatpants and turn off the bullet
>step-dad tends to my injury, carries me back to bed and stays with me a while to make sure I don't have a concussion
>realise we were both on the verge of orgasm moments ago and get kind of flirty
>he just doesn't respond and wishes me a good night's rest
>die of shame
>pay new landlord an ungodly amount just to leave as soon as possible
My life is nothing but self-inflicted suffering.
Replies: >>7799 >>7802
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>split my scalp on a lego castle while trying to pull up my sweatpants and turn off the bullet
yea that sounds painful but also insanely hot holy shit
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