/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Are their videos that can hypnotize women into being a cuckqueans?
>>955 (OP) 
Hypnosis is fake, anon.

But you could post some queany porn with the premise that it's not, I guess.
Replies: >>988
>>955 (OP) 
I don't know if there are videos, but it's certainly possible
not fake at all, I'm a hypnotist
Replies: >>1226 >>1235
>>955 (OP) 
Replies: >>1218 >>1225
What in fuck? How is this a response to OP and what is even going on in the replies to that thread?
Replies: >>1225
It's just goons being their usual selves.
Replies: >>1226
Then tell us your elite cuckquean hypnosis strats.
(I almost wrote "vids or gtfo")

No wonder SA are hated.
Replies: >>1235
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>I'm a hypnotist
If you're the hypnotist who visited /cuckquean/ years ago, hello! I found your posts very helpful.

>elite cuckquean hypnosis strats
I made a cuckquean audio "hypnosis" file a while ago. I put it in double quotes because it wasn't really hypnosis in the way I understand it, but rather the audio bombardment style that's often called 'hypno'. It was more fetish than serious adjustment attempt, now that I look back on the script with hindsight.

I took recordings of one single mantra, five intensifiers, three deepeners, and one hundred forty seven statements.

I won't share the mantra, but the intensifiers were things like
>Every time you hear these words you hear more and more.
The deepeners were things like
>It's so easy and comfortable to open your mind to my voice.
The statements were little 5-10 word suggestions. Some were designed to set up triggers that would strengthen cuckqueaning fantasies (e.g. "When you see a nice girl you imagine/want..."), trigger physical reactions (e.g. "...makes your pussy soft and wet."), build self-referencing feedback loops (e.g. "The more... the more you want..."), earworm using rhythmic language, suggest importance, adjust attitudes, and various other things.

Into the mix I threw twenty copies of the main mantra, two copies of the intensifier set, two copies of the deepener set, and one copy of the statement set. These were randomly layered to create a 'babble track'. Two babble tracks would be generated - one for the left ear, one for the right - and then stereo mixed to form the main babble track. On top of the babble tracks I put a track of muffled, low-volume soft porn moaning, just enough to feel like an exciting overheard snippet but not so rare that it would draw the listener's attention too much.

Under the babble and moan track I put the texture track, which was made of inside-womb recordings, slowed-down machine wash noises, and a floaty bells-and-slow-synths track called "Perception Cloud" from myNoise. Under the texture track I faded in blended binaural beats at the drowse and fantasy ranges. 

Finally, I used an induction pattern involving a small Indian bell to draw the listener's attention while the above faded in with the binaural.

The whole track was about ten minutes. Those who listened to it enjoyed it but didn't report any triggers going off, lasting conditioning, or anything else like that. So in the end it was a fetish object rather than an active piece of hypnosis. Oh well. It was still a fun little experiment.
>>955 (OP) 
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