/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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I dream about this every day.
Replies: >>1564 >>1619
>>1561 (OP) 
It’s a nice fantasy, pussy denial especially. Anal’s hot but I don’t know if I’ve personally got the endurance back there to commit to anal only! (We’ve got a chastity thread over at >>161 if you’re into that and the IRL cuckqueaning thread over at >>1465 if you’re active in the lifestyle.)

By the way, this is an anonymous board. You don’t actually need to fill in the name field; it’s actually discouraged around here to do so.
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>>1561 (OP) 
I enthusiastically support you in this endeavor. The trick is finding a man who digs the idea as much and really anal. Because you don't want a situation where he's not getting pussy when he wants it because his girlfriend is anal only. Realistically, having vixen pussy conveniently on hand is just not going to happen a lot of the time. He's got to get off on denying you, and your ass needs to be very satisfying to fuck.

My understanding is that kegel exercises do strengthen the anal sphincter as well as the vaginal muscles. So that's important. But attitude is important too. You've got to be eager for those times when he decides to use you for sex. The more you want him, the better the lover you'll be.

If you're giving up vaginal sex, it may already be a given, but if not, consider giving up your orgasms, too. If you can't do permanent orgasm denial, or can't make the leap all at once, consider having him deny you for regular stretches of time. Maybe an orgasm once a week or once a month. Make sure to edge daily so that you are still thinking about sex and don't become detached from it. And you should regularly have some sort of stimuli (video, audio, writing, watching your man fuck other girls) that focuses on other women experiencing orgasms. Obviously though, no touching your pussy while he's actually inside you.

This becomes more complicated if you're one of those poor girls cursed with anal orgasms. You'll have to learn to hold back while he's fucking you, in that case. But hopefully the denial has made you such an amorous lover that you'll have an ass full of his cum before you risk any accidents.
not sure where else to ask this, but do you think all Vanillas from both genders who hate cucking are in denial?

What about voyeur?
Replies: >>1654 >>1655 >>1656
Uh... no? People not sharing your fetish are not necessarily in denial, lol. Especially when it comes to cucking, which is just a form of betrayal if it's not something you consented to.
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>do you think all Vanillas from both genders who hate cucking are in denial?
As in they secretly like cucking/being cucked and are denying it? No. Of course not. Cuckqueaning is a niche fetish, and there are many excellent and valid reasons for people without the fetish to regard it with suspicion and/or horror. Even those with the fetish need to be very careful of how they do it, if they do it at all. Why did you ask this?
>What about voyeur?
Again, no? What kind of voyeurism, anyway? Doesn't matter. "People without a fetish secretly like the fetish but don't want to admit it" is a brain problem tier assertion.
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