/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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does a guy cucking a chick in a lesbian relationship count as cuckquean?
>>3433 (OP) 
I don't see why it wouldn't
>>3433 (OP) 
>/cuckquean/ - Women Sharing Their Men
>a guy cucking a chick in a lesbian relationship
>women sharing their... women? with men?
Some think yes, but I've always felt it didn't really match up to cuckquean in the /cuckquean/ sense.
Replies: >>3627
The whole like dynamic is a little off. Instead of it being a strong capable man fucking another woman, it's just letting your girlfriend get fucked in this case
>>3433 (OP) 
Not as phrased. The bislut would have to be in the lead in both cases. This board has a really strong misogynistic gender essentialist mindset which doesn't really mesh with that kind of setup though and it's awkward in any case because dicks are so weak.
Replies: >>3461 >>3466
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>This board has a really strong misogynistic gender essentialist mindset
Thank you Anon; very gracious of you to say so.
I’d put it in a different category (such as forced bisexuality) but it’s still hot as fuck.

t. bislut
Replies: >>3466
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>>3433 (OP) 
It has different vibes since you're letting a dude fuck your girlfriend, but if you define a cuckquean as a female cuckold then it meets the definition. 

So, to argue semantics, which is more important for being a quean? Being female, or your partner sleeping with specifically women (who aren't you)? Most people out there seem to think the former is more important, such that any woman whose partner sleeps with anyone of any gender is a quean. Even this board has a lesbian cuckqueaning thread with a fair deal of dude on lesbian content so I'd take that as evidence that dudes cucking lesbians is cuckqueaning.

Personally, Lesbian cuckqueaning feels like a different subgenre but that doesn't mean it isn't cuckquean. Both compersive and humiliation content are still cuckquean after all, and for me at least those two evoke VERY different feelings.
Replies: >>3467
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Replies: >>3467
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>>3433 (OP) 
Yes and no. Depends whether you take a purely definitional approach or a historical/contextual one.

From a purely descriptive standpoint, cuckquean has now come to mean any woman who gets cucked by anyone for any reason with or without her participation or knowledge. The term simply denotes a female victim of infidelity, without any fetish context. This was also its historical use:
>1562: "Ye make hir a cookqueane."
>1897: "Yes, that's her name! His cuckquean she is; his wife she is not and never shall be!"

So a lesbian whose girlfriend commits infidelity with another girl or another guy would be called a cuckquean because she is a woman who has been cucked. But IMO this doesn't properly answer the question, which is about the cuckquean fetish.

When you ask whether "a guy cucking a chick in a lesbian relationship" is the cuckquean fetish, then you have to ask what the cuckquean fetish is. From a historical/contextual standpoint you would go back to when "cuckquean" was resurrected as a term, and that was specifically in a fetish context to mean a woman who was complicit in her man's infidelity with other women. There was at the time also, separately, porn involving lesbians whose partners slept with with other women (and sometimes men), but this was called "lesbian cuckolding" since it was an adaptation of the more straightforward male cuckoldry formula to lesbians.

>Both compersive and humiliation content are still cuckquean after all, and for me at least those two evoke VERY different feelings.
Perhaps that's why there was a small war over the term in the early 2010s. From our old terminology thread:
>The humiliation/compersion thing was actually the subject of a kind of holy war within the community some years ago.
>When Jenn Coney (or some name like that) first started her blog around 2009-2010 and proclaimed herself the template cuckquean, severe humiliation, degradation and a stripping away of choice were a mandatory part of the term. The community was made up mainly of her followers and fans. Many had had their partners cheat on them and then post-rationalised it as something they wanted. There was a lot of competition to find even deeper levels of degradation or humiliation, the idea being that if you didn't you weren't a good cuckquean.
>When a group of cuckqueans emerged and said "actually we're not so much into playing the helpless victim", some nasty scrapping ensured. The original group accused the new group of not being cuckqueans because they weren't deprived of choice and the new group accused the original group of not being cuckqueans because they were really just being abused.
>Eventually that all settled down when Jenn Coney disappeared from the Internet and common ground was found, but the "cuckquean = humiliation" mark has been left on the fetish's perception ever since.

This conflict bubbles back up from time to time in attempts to use terms like "hothusbanding" for compersive cuckqueaning, from the term used by male cuckolds who don't think they're being humiliated by having their wives sleep with other men ("hotwifing"), but this never catches on.

I think these splits in terminology happen because we intuitively recognize that humiliation cuckqueaning, compersive cuckqueaning, and lesbian cuckolding are different in kind. Humiliation cuckqueaning and compersive cuckqueaning are slightly different in kind, but not so much that they don't want to share a term. (Which, let's face it, is a really really good term: Cuckquean. Feels great in the mouth.) Plus, they also tend to blend: Many cuckqueans of one type will borrow a couple of elements from the other type.

Lesbian cuckolding, on the other hand, feels much further in kind from heterosexual cuckqueaning. The culture thinks—rightly or wrongly, don't care, just the messenger—of lesbian relationships as having a more "male" and a more "female" partner. So when the "female" partner in a lesbian relationship is unfaithful, usually portrayed as being with a more aggressive third "top" lesbian, we automatically think of the "male" lesbian partner as being cuckolded. Same goes if the third is a man.

I submit that a situation where the more "female" lesbian partner encouraged the "male" lesbian partner to go and have sex with other girls would feel like lesbian cuckqueaning. However, because we and the culture at large are naughty little gender essentialists, this can't apply to a situation where the third partners are men because then the unfaithful "male" lesbian would be pushed into a female role. (This undertone of being forced into a heterosexual-female role appears a fair bit in "rape me straight" type fantasies recounted by some lesbians, though it's usually filtered through a few other more explicit undertones first.) We could look at how genderqueering affects things, but that would just serve to further prove this point.

Lesbian cuckqueaning is therefore impossible if a man is involved; the involvement of a man makes it lesbian cuckolding. QED.

I gather that lesbians don't like bisexuals very much.
>Lesbian cuckqueaning is therefore impossible if a man is involved; the involvement of a man makes it lesbian cuckolding. QED.
That doesn't follow from the above. In particular, you're relying on
>However, because we and the culture at large are naughty little gender essentialists, this can't apply to a situation where the third partners are men because then the unfaithful "male" lesbian would be pushed into a female role.
But it's irrelevant. Neko/tachi isn't a statement on initiative even if it's often falsely equated to such, and that continues to be true even if an established role is contextually inverted. In particular, you're imagining a lot of fixed role combinations (presumably because it lines up to hetshit) but neko-fucks-a-third-party and tachi-gets-fucked-by-a-third-party are extremely common - I'll interject for the sake of clarity that getting fucked and topping aren't mutually exclusive. You wouldn't say that a queen in the japanese bdsm sense is bottoming.
Tachi-tops-man lines up with cuckquean sensibilities in terms of dom/subshit, but it denies the precious illusion of intrinsic gender-derived value that most content here seems to rely on. Everything else is an aside to that fact.

>Which, let's face it, is a really really good term: Cuckquean. Feels great in the mouth.
Just use netorare v. netorase like an actual human being instead of needlessly introducing ambiguity in a case where you're trying to mix water and motor oil. Pretending there's a commonality is just a failing of the art of the creator.
Replies: >>3472 >>3474 >>3476
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Those sure are a lot of words. It's a shame I can't read.

>Just use netorare v. netorase like an actual human being
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>That doesn't follow from the above
It does since anon is trying to dig into unconscious gut feelings that don’t obey the Japanese lesbian laws, which is what I guess all this neko/tachi stuff is from. Of course femdom can top with penetration but exceptions like that don’t help explain why people above keep saying stuff like
>eh, yeah, it’s technically cuckqueaning but calling it that feels kinda wrong

And anyway our terms don’t line up perfectly with the Japanese ones. Ours describe different lines to theirs because of our different history and cultures.

>I gather that lesbians don't like bisexuals very much.
I looked up the term and yeah, that seems to be it.

>a situation where the more "female" lesbian partner encouraged the "male" lesbian partner to go and have sex with other girls would feel like lesbian cuckqueaning
Pretty specific, but it kinda passes when I imagine it. It’s definitely not as strong but it doesn’t feel like cuckold either, which the opposite does.

But even if >>3469 relies on Japanese jargon for lesbians and NTR, part of their point is still valid, which is that mapping hetero attitudes onto lesbian relationships might explain our hetero gut feelings but doesn’t tell us how they actually do things. Unless we hear from some actual lesbians who do lesbian cuckolding/cuckqueaning/whatever who can tell us what their terms and dynamics are then that’s as far as we can go for now.
Replies: >>3476
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>anon is trying to dig into unconscious gut feelings that don’t obey the Japanese lesbian laws
Pretty much, which is why I mentioned that I was relying on general cultural memes which, right or wrong, still exist. It's half speculation, half shitpost.

>And anyway our terms don’t line up perfectly with the Japanese ones. Ours describe different lines to theirs because of our different history and cultures.
Yes, this is important. Netorare and netorase in particular are shotgun terms that carry a lot of extra stuff along with them because of the way the Japanese have developed them as genres. What we think of as cuckqueaning partly intersects with what they think of as 逆NTR, but there's plenty of both areas that don't overlap. I can think of only a few Japanese works that fully express cuckqueaning, and only some of those would be considered even partial 逆NTR.

>But even if >>3469 relies on Japanese jargon for lesbians and NTR, part of their point is still valid, which is that mapping hetero attitudes onto lesbian relationships might explain our hetero gut feelings but doesn’t tell us how they actually do things.
Also very true. I took for granted that a reader would be considering my suggestions from that angle, given the whole post makes it clear that it's talking about cuckqueaning as it is practiced. What I was considering, broadly, was "how does this label for a fetish-cluster practiced and shaded mainly by heterosexual couples respond when applied to lesbian couples, but keeps its (cuckqueaning's) own terms of reference?" Maybe lesbians who do fidelity play have their own jargon for how they do this, maybe they borrow jargon and put new shading on it, whatever; what I was trying to figure out was why the label as we understood it didn't quite seem to fit unless we opened it all the way up to its broadest definition.

>Unless we hear from some actual lesbians who do lesbian cuckolding/cuckqueaning/whatever who can tell us what their terms and dynamics are then that’s as far as we can go for now.
We've had a few lesbians stop by before, attracted here by various reasons, but I can only recall two reports of any kind of actual cuckqueaning that involved anything that could be considered lesbian and involved a man.

In the first case, the dynamic was one of the poster and her girlfriend mutually submitting to the man, who was a part-time play partner of theirs. The poster got tied up and her girlfriend got fucked, but it was clear that both were very submissive to the man for the duration of the play reported, which lasted a weekend. If I go and track down the ancient source...
>Background: I have an unconventional arrangement where I sort of get double-cucked by two people I love. I have a lovely darling girlfriend (I'm a cis bisexual female) and a lovely thoughtful dom with a terribly sadistic streak and a huge cock. The three of us get together every other weekend or so as time allows.
>I'm a cis bisexual female

Damnit. Never mind, not strictly a lesbian. But still, the report seemed to concern a female-female couple and a man as the third:
>Now up until recently, Sir has had a firm boundary about fucking Girlfriend in the pussy. I'm not quite sure why - intimacy reasons, perhaps, they only became involved a few months ago. Of course I've had my own desperate fantasies about it that kept me up in the night with my fingers buried to the knuckle between my legs as he well knew, but I kept my mouth shut about it because I knew he was more likely to come around if he wasn't pressured into it (also pressuring your partner is rude and you shouldn't do it!)
>There was a closet space without a door, just a little square indention in the wall with a bar for hanging clothes, and Sir wasted no time binding my wrists to it, facing me towards the wall. He told me I was a dumb little dyke and needed to learn to do as I was told, and then asked my girlfriend what I am. She's been trained well in the last few months and promptly responded "she's a faggot fuckpig, Sir."
>I can't begin to explain how arousing it is to hear those words come out of the sweet, pouty lips of your loving girlfriend.

Ah! "Dumb little dyke": That's why I mis-remembered!

In the second case, the dynamic was one of a man and his slave, the latter being "almost exclusively sexually attracted to girls". She helped him pick up girls that she herself desired, and then got off on being denied them while simultaneously feeding his appetites.
>So there's a play between the two of using her as a wingman and then not giving her more than a taste of my haul.  She can watch, she can listen, and she can taste her on me when we're done. But if she wants to touch or be touched, she has to have been a very good girl. Oftentimes she wants the vixen more than I do.
>So there's cuckqueaning, domination, exploitation, and … what is the female equivalent of blueballing?  I'll go with denial for now.  Denying her any benefit of her application drives home the "you're a tool to be used" subjugation, while giving me the chance to reward her if she's been good.  She knows I have a high sex drive, so her facilitating my appetite is self-validating from her perspective even above getting her owner laid; which benefits me, as my appetite is being fulfilled.  And even if she's being denied, she is seldom more heavily crushed than being left in bondage nearby while my vixen and I spend hours together:  an appliance whose services are no longer required and whose best practice is to quietly wait to be addressed again.
>she's always so heart-meltingly grateful for everything I permit for her, and she practically worships my vixens. Which is just as well: the rule is that any vixen in my bed is to be treated as her owner for the duration of her stay, with the exception that she can't countermand my own orders.

However, I note that their dynamic seemed to be more founded on her extreme masochism:
>To give an idea of how deep this runs in her, here's a list of things she enjoys fantasizing about:  being raped as long as her rapist is satisfied, being eaten as long as her predator is nourished, and being enslaved as long as she's useful (which almost universally ends in either of the former).
>She fantasizes about being eaten alive after being nearly raped to death by somebody who used to take care of her.

So, really, neither of the cases I recall were purely lesbian. Pics related. Judge their truthfulness as you all see it.

Maybe one day we'll get more data to better understand how common lesbian fidelity play dynamics map to ours. Until then, as you say, it's mostly idle theory.
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>>3444 (checked)

While I respect the numerological weight of your triples, I'm afraid I must also recognize the 334 posts in the "lesbian cuckquean thread" at >>486 as being somewhat indicative of the popular view. The board subtitle was chosen without consulting anyone, AFAIK, back when the board was made and there was no-one to consult. (Also if you sage your triples it doesn't count.)

Personally, I have for a while thought that the subtitle ought to be changed to "Women Sharing Their Partners", but I didn't think it was worth going to the meta thread and making a fuss about. Now it seems there's going to be some fuss anyway, so I'm saying it.


>Lesbian cuckolding, on the other hand, feels much further in kind from heterosexual cuckqueaning.
>The culture thinks—rightly or wrongly, don't care, just the messenger—of lesbian relationships as having a more "male" and a more "female" partner. So when the "female" partner in a lesbian relationship is unfaithful, usually portrayed as being with a more aggressive third "top" lesbian, we automatically think of the "male" lesbian partner as being cuckolded. Same goes if the third is a man.

I'm sorry anon but many F/F relationships don't work that way and many people recognize that. There's some natural tendency there because someone has to overcome the lesbian sheep syndrome and also division of labor makes the couple life run smoother, but it tends to be a weak and fluid effect compared to trad gender roles. Butch and femme exist but can be little more than aesthetics, and even on the aesthetic level both do not have to be represented in a relationship. "So which of you is the man and which is the woman" is dialogue straight from the mouths of political cartoon caricatures, for a reason.

>I submit that a situation where the more "female" lesbian partner encouraged the "male" lesbian partner to go and have sex with other girls would feel like lesbian cuckqueaning. However, because we and the culture at large are naughty little gender essentialists, this can't apply to a situation where the third partners are men because then the unfaithful "male" lesbian would be pushed into a female role. (This undertone of being forced into a heterosexual-female role appears a fair bit in "rape me straight" type fantasies recounted by some lesbians, though it's usually filtered through a few other more explicit undertones first.) We could look at how genderqueering affects things, but that would just serve to further prove this point.
>Lesbian cuckqueaning is therefore impossible if a man is involved; the involvement of a man makes it lesbian cuckolding.

This is resolvable without gendering anything. Cuckolding or just "cucking" is what person C does to person A who wants to have sexual relations with person B or keep person B to themself but is denied that. Those terms apply regardless of who is doing the cucking. A woman who gets cucked is a "cuckquean", and "cuckqueaning" refers to being a cuckquean or to the general situation of a woman getting cucked. The only imprecise part is that because "lesbian" and "cuckqueaning" can both be descriptors for an entire situation, "lesbian cuckqueaning" is a valid contraction of two different ideas that can be phrased with greater specificity: lesbians in a cuckqueaning situation or lesbians being cuckqueans, vs. a cuckqueaning situation that is, considered as a whole, lesbian because only women are involved. Indeed, the thread at >>486 contains both.

>I gather that lesbians don't like bisexuals very much.

There's a tendency, yea. The "bislut" thing comes from a few angles; a non-exhaustive rundown:
Bi+het men massively outnumber bi+les women. It feels threatening if your partner has literally ten times your dating pool; having options affects what a person feels entitled to in the dating market, and while it doesn't necessarily lead to cheating it does lower the threshold for what'll make a person leave a relationship. A bisexual woman is likely to have more relationships ("slut") than a lesbian just because of numbers, and that's before you factor in that men take initiative on asking people out far more than women do, which is why the lesbian sheep thing happens even among confirmed-single confirmed-woman-loving women. A bisexual woman who has dated women has also probably kissed and engaged in sexual activities ("slut") with more people than the lesbian, because men are easy and want to do sex stuff and a woman who is dating women is probably not part of some fundie religion telling her to wait for the altar. If a particular lesbian finds men disgusting rather than merely uninteresting then the idea of this can be like finding out that a woman has fucked dogs - more dogs than humans - and knowing that she might go back to dogs after dating humans.
There's sometimes a feeling that a woman with a man is cheating on the abstract concept of lesbianism, disloyal to feminism and womankind. Lesbian culture can have this kind of woowoo undertone to it that mirrors religious fundie purity culture in its way - if you never even tried men, you are a "gold star" lesbian, but otherwise you're "used goods" and forever tainted in some way by tasting the forbidden fruit (or forbidden meat, amirite). Or to put it another way, boys have cooties, even when a battery of STD tests would disagree.
But also, "man residue" colors a bisexual woman's expectations. Despite what radfems might tell you, not all gendered relationship dynamics are unfavorable to the woman. Did her male exes pay for most of their dates? Pump the gasoline every time to spare her from the smell? Catch spiders and kill roaches so she didn't have to? Princess-carry her when she asked? What about libido - if sex is important to this bisexual, are you as skilled, frequent, or passionate a lover as her male exes? It can all breed an entitlement in the bisexual woman which may be conscious or unconscious. Or, you know, some or all of it might just be the lesbian projecting her fears of that on the "bislut", and hanging onto it as a justification for not being the best lesbian girlfriend she could be.
Finally, women don't make semen or even have natural dicks [citation needed] so if she just likes dick then that's something you can't ever give her... unless of course... well, some kinks are born of fears and insecurities, now aren't they?
Of course we know that's how it works in reality, and that most understand consciously that that's how it works in reality, but I was trying to feel out why some upthread might feel the definition doesn't quite fit but can't put their fingers on why. Some would leave it at vague∴wrong or wrong∴wrong, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to dig and shitpost at the same time. There's always a lot going on when fetishes get involved: drives and urges that no amount of semantic wallpapering will properly cover up. In fact, you make a good point that dovetails into mine:
>women don't make semen or even have natural dicks [citation needed] so if she just likes dick then that's something you can't ever give her

You'll have to forgive me for keeping a somewhat skeptical eye for our homeopathic lesbian cuckquean thread, though.

Thank you for explaining the bislut thing as well. It's rare that someone will explain such matters in plain language without leaving the darker parts out.

>"Women Sharing Their Partners"
It's very nice. Inclusive. Correct.
Replies: >>3772
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>The board subtitle was chosen without consulting anyone, AFAIK, back when the board was made and there was no-one to consult.
akshually it was originally something else and was changed to "Women Sharing Their Men" after a bit of anon spitballing about how best to express the fetish, IIRC
>some rant about 3dpd nonsense
It's a total failing on the part of the artist to inject men into a setting. There's no call for it; it adds nothing. The author has instantly displayed that they don't have (or aren't cleaving to) any sense of aesthetics and is forcing characters with no reason to exist (at all) into the spotlight.
Replies: >>3634 >>3636
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Hate to break it to you, anon, but you're 3dpd and that's all you'll ever be, half of humankind is male in the real life setting, and on top of that you personally will never be a real woman. Take it up with the demiurge if you don't like it.
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Opinions on soaking? Feels like it kind of fits in here in a weird way, helping your SO to "not" have sex, also it helps keep your Mormon vixens "virginity"
Replies: >>3656 >>3657 >>3658
I hate retarded attempts of memes like that. 

T. rex had the best visions among all terrestrial animals that ever lived.
Replies: >>3658
It is kind of cool. It sounds similar to chastity in terms of how frustrating and unsatisfying it would be, and how it would drive you crazy with horniness.

Mormonism seems to have a lot of potential for fetish fuel, what with the polygamy and the magic underwear and the endless celestial sex. There's a Mormon-themed porn site called MormonGirlz. It's really all over the place in terms of what fetishes it covers, but cuckqueaning is definitely one of them.
Replies: >>3658
Just wait 'til you hear about jump-humping.
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by this logic will was being cuckqueaned by Mike and 11 in season 4 stranger things
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Am I a fucking dyke, /cq/?
>girls look cute
>speak gentle voices
>soft to the touch
>they smell nice
>less scary
>despite being 50% of the population they commit less 13% of violent crime
>every cute girl I see I fantasize cuddling and sharing bed with
>only man I find sexually attractive is my husband and the most convincing minority of traps and femboyshusband not related, he hypermasculine as modern soyciety allows
>mildly androphobic
>but rather see him fucking DESTROY cute girls than have sex with me
>spend hours online watching cute vtuber clips
>always fantasize about getting roughed up by my hubee
>sex with husband makes me horny and sated but feels somwehat "wrong"
>the idea of sex with any man other than my husband triggers FoF response
>fooling around with girls feels "good and right" but it's not as sating as sex with husband and feels like "something is missing"

What's the diagnosis, /cuckquean/?
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It sounds like you have the sister-wifing strain of cuckqueaning mixed with bisexuality. Symptoms include being gifted with a need to smell and closely bond with your husband's other women that's so strong it crosses over into the sexual, plus sex not feeling complete unless it includes your husband and at least one other woman. See queans like >>3219 for examples of other symptoms. There's no known cure. I'm sorry, and congratulations.
Replies: >>3769
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Sounds to me like you’re into your husband and also like cute girls. Since members of both sexes like cute girls at at least an aesthetic level - it’s normal - I don’t think you have to get hung up on whether or how much you’re gay, unless you find it fun to think of yourself as a tamed dyke who obediently gives other girls to her husband or something like that.

Like >>3758 says you’re probably a bit bi on top of being a skinshippy kind of cuckquean.
Replies: >>3771
>Am I a fucking dyke, /cq/?
In particular
>every cute girl I see I fantasize cuddling and sharing bed with
>fooling around with girls feels "good and right"
is pretty conclusive.
>rather see him fucking DESTROY cute girls than have sex with me
You're unambiguously a cuck and/or voyeur. I mean, that's pretty normal.
Replies: >>3771 >>3784
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>it’s normal
>pretty normal
/cuckquean/: normal
If dykes just hate men (which is the main thing I got out of this), then why are you posting here?
No, that's completely wrong. "Gender" doesn't exist in the sense the bluehairs use it, but its only purpose is to socially construct relationships in ways that are useful to biology. Someone who doesn't get that can't figure out why a lad with two lasses has a great thing going on the first place, and biology trumps all the other made-up concepts people are on about. So, men and women are not the same, and nothing makes that more obvious than dykes coming in and immediately trying to just level the whole thing so it caters to them instead of chad sir-man.

Lesbians being on about feminism demonstrates that they just hate men and don't belong anywhere near a man, really.

No, you sound based AF.
Replies: >>3774
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>If dykes just hate men (which is the main thing I got out of this), then why are you posting here?
This question makes no sense. I explained how (some) dykes think, but nowhere in there did I claim to be one.
>No, you sound based AF.
Y-you too...

>If dykes just hate men (which is the main thing I got out of this), then why are you posting here?
Maybe it's just personal bias but I think all girls are varying degrees of bi and androphobic. Some study said that the vast majority of lesbians had been domestically abused at some point of their lives (not by their homosexual partners necessarily) , so I'd guess that we call lesbianism nowadays are just exaggerated expressions of said tendencies triggered by past trauma and negative experiences with males.
> cuckquean has now come to mean any woman who gets cucked by anyone for any reason with or without her participation or knowledge

If you have consent/knowledge/participation of your partner being with someone else, I don't see how that fits any definition of cuckold/cuckquean tbh

The whole idea of fetishism tends to be "roleplaying something without it genuinely being that".

IE roleplaying rape is not actual rape, and roleplaying cuck is not actually cuck. By definition they cannot be - because roleplay is giving consent to pretend to be involved in these non-consent situations (either not giving permission for your own body's participation, or your approval for your partner to be involved with others)

IE a man is made a cuckold because his wife sires brood via another man's seed and he raises them as his own under the impression they are - this is what the Cuculidae did - we must remember the Cuculidae

when we get to a point like "my wife is siring brood from other men but I knew all along" it's really not cuckoo it's just sperm donorship like Buck is doing in the latest 9-1-1
Replies: >>4440
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