/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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It's October, and as such, I feel it's time we have a proper fantasy thread, to discuss all the elves, monstergirls, and other supernatural beings that are almost certainly going to steal your bf.

(Moderation edit: Copied name field into subject, as was probably intended.)
Last edited by cuckqueanadmin
Replies: >>358 >>4114
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>>357 (OP) 
I got one for you. It was drawn by one of our draw friends over on /monster/, image 1 related. What would you call this position, /cuckquean/?
On a personal side note, This is the first time I have seen the shoggoth protrayed as the 'quean. I've always depicted her as the dominate vixen, as one of you pointed out in a post you made back on /monster/.
 t. /monster/ 
Replies: >>359 >>360 >>1264
I don't know that three person positions usually get their own names the way regular sex positions do. This might be new territory. It's basically reverse cowgirl with an extra, it could probably be a play on that.

The Shoggoths were originally made to be servants by the Elder Things, before they rebelled and killed them all. Maybe this one is a good girl that never rebelled.
Replies: >>361
Is there a new /monster/ somewhere?
Replies: >>362
Mr. Fantasy Cuckqueaning Thread here has part of the right idea.

>Maybe this one is a good girl that never rebelled.
The shogs are all rebels for wanting to serve their hsuands with all that they ar. See how she clothes the vixen wit. Herself? Hot. HOT.

Anyway. Position science name:
>Reverse Cowgirl Nelson with Anterior Cuckquean Assisting (Tongue)
Simply m.
Replies: >>363
Yes. Is good. Pure. Lots monstergirls to share bf
Replies: >>363
>Reverse Cowgirl Nelson with Anterior Cuckquean Assisting (Tongue)
Commonly known as "Tongue Saddle" (cause the cuckquean's face is like the saddle, whereas the man is the horse, kinda maybe)

Was gonna ask, but I found it, I think: https://smuglo.li/monster/
Still figuring out how this whole new site thing works.
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As you can see, Cocona must wait until Hiro is unconscious to get the D, because he will always choose Zero Two when awake.
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Keep your men folk safe from orc girls. They know nothing of honor, or respecting your relationship's fidelity.
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Now this is something we can all get behind.
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Beware sneaky bf-stealing foxes. Remember to keep watch(ing)!
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There really is rarely any form of Cuckquean or Reverse NTR stories in japanese hentai. I've read a few recently but the straight NTR just keep coming compared to the reverse NTR. 

If only there is a website like western website for western hentai that have more of Cuckquean stories...
Replies: >>558
/monster/ just had an interesting thought.
The inverse yandere. please excuse the male pov
>If you so much as look at another girl she’ll lose it and… kidnap and mindbreak that girl for you before depositing her in your bed.

>A yandere who kidnaps and mindbreaks women for your harem.
>She edges them for months and refuses to to them climax until you stick your dick in them.
>If they do happen to climax before they get to you, she holds them even longer.

>"Honey?" you ask as you stare at the cat girl wrapped in ribbons and gagged on your bed.
>"Yes, dear?" asks your bicorn wife with a stupid grin on her face.
>You know this grin all too well.
>"Why is the cashier from the supermarket tied up in only ribbons and on the bed?"
>Your wife presses up against you. "Why, because you looked at her. I saw the attention you were giving her. So I decided to make her yours, my dear. She's a nice present, isn't she? Just makes you want to tear off her ribbons and fuck her stupid don't you?"
>You stare flatly at your wife. "Of course I had to look at her, you daft woman. How the hell else would I buy the groceries?"
>You wife looks hurt and tears up. "B-but I got her just for you. I-is my love for so little?"
>Ah damnit. You don't want to see her cry. Not to mention what she might do to the cashier just squirming lewdly there.
>You let out a sigh. "Fine. I'll fuck the cat."
>Your wife instantly cheers up and claps her hands before stripping you down and pushing you forward.
>"The things I do for love." you sigh up as you unwrap the lust-filled cat girl while your wife pulls out a video camera.
Replies: >>492 >>550
That's so cute!
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>... as you stare at the cat girl wrapped in ribbons and gagged on your bed.

Merry Christmas!
Are you sure it's not just the translated works you're looking at?
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Reminder that elf girls are here to help. Even though they fuck your husband (which is natural and right) they also help you have more sex with your husband, because they love it when humans fuck humans to make more humans. Let her into your marriage. Let her help.
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Merry Christmas from /monster/, /cuckquean/!
We got your Christmas card and made you a greentext as a belated Christmas and thank you gift. We hope that you enjoy it and apologize in advance if it contravenes any of your board rules or customs. Any offense is entirely unintended. Even if you don't like it we still hope you're all having a wonderful holiday season.

Context Note: In our default setting Unicorns and Bicorns are special types of Centaurs, not animals. The Bicorn is a Unicorn variant who, instead of being focused on virginity and monogamy, is a cuckquean generally trying for a happy polygamous marriage (compersive type using your nomenclature I think?).

> be husbandu getting ready to work from home
> taking care of the last few things in the bedroom
> a mountain of blankets shifts slightly as Astrid, your bicorn wife, blearily peeks out
> she looks terrible and coughs wetly but her determination is clear as she raspily asks
"What time? Need to get the girls ready..."
> you smile and pet her head between her two curved horns
> "Shh. It's OK sweetie. Velma took care of it. You rest up."
> her eyes seem to close of their own volition as her head sinks back into the pillow
> you feel sorry for her but she should be better after a little bit of bed rest
> Vixie's probably immune (you can practically hear her asserting "The Lycanthropes are superior.")
> Velma's definitely immune
> and you seem immune too, probably because of Velma's mana
> that just leaves Astrid and your beloved daughters
> the twins were the first to get it and Astrid probably got it from them
> it's just a head cold but it seems to hit centaur types pretty hard, albeit briefly
> you're kind of embarrassed to realize how much you depend on Astrid to keep the household running
> with her down for the count everybody's pitching in extra
> speaking of which you finish collecting the dirty laundry and head for the washroom
Replies: >>576 >>585
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> be best awoo
> you're too strong and tough for most people to deal with so they called you a delinquent
> who cares though, you were fine on your own!
> even if it was a little lonely
> and it was kind of hard scraping by all by yourself, with no pack, when no one cared about you...
> well, except that annoying bicorn lady
> why'd she always have to bother you, trying to be all nicey-nice?
> why'd she have to care?
> your vision blurs
> you definitely aren't tearing up though!
> it's just allergies or something from all this stupid laundry stuff!
> with the weak horsey sick you decided to take care of all her stupid chores
> if a bicorn can do it then it should be easy for a werewolf
> your claws fumble inexpertly as you try to fold a shirt
> it doesn't look quite as neat as when Astrid does it...
> whatever, folded is folded, move on to the next one
> as you get into the groove you start to hum a little song your Mom taught you before she died
"♪ clean up ♪ clean up ♪ everybody everywhere ♪"
> you practically jump through the ceiling and let out an embarrassingly juvenile yip when you feel a hand grab your tail
> Husband deftly dodges your half hearted slap and chuckles
"You look good wearing a dress Vixie. You should do it more often."
> color rises to your cheeks as you remember what you're wearing
> a "sexy maid" outfit with a ridiculously short skirt
> there's no provision for your tail
> Husband must have gotten a good look at your underwear while your back was turned
> secretly wish that you were wearing sexier panties than your usual utilitarian white boyshorts
"S-stupid! I'm just wearing it because everything else is dirty! I'm changing back into sweats as soon as this load finishes!"
> Husband draws close, gently squeezing the base of your tail, and whispers huskily
"I really like it."
> why does he have to know all your weak spots!?
> it feels so good - but you lightly push him away
"Astrid got this for me. I... I think we should wait so she can see how much you 'like it'."
> staring at your feet so Husband can't see how embarrassed you are
> he gives you a very odd look before softly petting your head
"That's very thoughtful of you, Vixie. You really are a good girl."
> Husband's approval makes you want to cry tears of joy
> try to sound gruff as you extricate yourself from his arms
"J-just get out of here dummy. I have a lot of work to do. I don't want Astrid to wake up to a disaster area."
> Husband kisses your cheek and leaves with a wry smile
> you keep your gaze focused on the laundry so he can't see how emotional you are
Replies: >>577 >>585
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> be the ghostess with the mostest
> well, actually you were a kissless virgin shut in who died of terrible burns in a pop up dance club fire
> the ONE TIME you decided to try leaving the house to go to a social event...
> you try not to dwell on your personal knowledge of how well human fat can burn
> instead think about how Astrid was there for you
> you'd never even seen her before but she comforted you at the end
> held you in her arms despite you being a horrific mass of ruined, oozing flesh
> she even let you live with her after you came back
> and if it wasn't for her you're sure you'd still be alone... 
> you can never repay her kindness
> you'll never abandon her
> you guess technically that means you're haunting her
> feel a familiar stab of insecurity inspired anxiety
> what if she's just been putting up with you out of niceness?!
> what if you're just a bother?!
> what if your undead presence causes her head cold to turn bad and she DIES?!
> what's wrong with you, you're horrible, horrible, horri-
> forcefully stop yourself
> remember what Astrid taught you and concentrate on your breathing
> well, you concentrate on pretending to breathe at least
> mini crisis over you return to making fresh squeezed juice
> Astrid made it for the girls when they were sick so hopefully it will help her out too
> really really want to make her feel better
> it's a tricky task: even after all this time you still need to concentrate a bit to interact with the physical world
> of course the process by which you've gained this power is pretty nice
> indulge in a mildly perverted snicker
> speak of the devil, you can sense Master approaching
> he gives you a little hug en passant and grabs a chilled water from the fridge
"I'm going to try to get some work done. Do you mind keeping an eye on Astrid?"
> you give him a sultry look and tell him 'Not before I get my morning sausage.'
> well, that's what you wish you were bold enough to do
> you actually look down shyly, hair curtaining your face, and mumble something which could be mistaken for assent
> freeze up as Master approaches
> he brushes your hair aside and gives you a soft kiss on the lips
"Thanks Velma. I really appreciate all the extra help today."
> you know it's impossible since, strictly speaking, you don't have any blood but you can feel your cheeks heating up
> almost imperceptibly mumble a 'thanks' at Master's back as he heads for his office
Replies: >>578 >>585
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> feel horrible
> cotton mouth, sore throat, head's all stuffed up
> spend most of the morning slipping in and out of sleep
> vaguely aware of Velma popping in to offer you fluids
> your Darling Husband comes in around noon to feed you some soup
> feel a little better
> you manage to stagger to your oversized bicorn friendly bathroom
> Velma helps you get a big pile of pillows just right so you can lie down but still see the TV
> spend the rest of the afternoon watching a show Velma recommended
> this nutty mad scientist lady keeps "accidentally" stumbling into situations were more and more women end up living with her and her husband
> not gonna lie, you love it
> it feels like old times just hanging out with Velma like this
> back when you were single and roomates
> and Velma was super depressed about literally dying without ever being loved
> the poor thing is still so insecure
> even her idealized ghost form is retiring - complete with long ghostly hair to hide behind
> give her lots of snuggles and affirmation to compensate
> you've always felt a little guilty that you couldn't save her
> maybe a unicorn could have...
> never mind, you can't blame yourself for not being a super specific kind of monster
> eventually drift off again

> wake up to the clip clopping of little hooves
> the twins come galloping into your bedroom, still in their school uniforms, with Vixie and Velma in tow
"Oh no! Mommy's sick?!"
> Ingrid, your bicorn daughter, looks concerned but Eir, your unicorn daughter, sounds frantic
> you try to calm her down but you can tell that your scratchy voice is just upsetting her more
"Let me heal you Mommy!"
> you're taken aback
> you were never a unicorn and no matter how many instructional books you read you've always been a little nervous raising Eir
> you'd never forgive yourself if you did something to mess up her development
> should you let her try? what if she fails? will that break her confidence?
> but if you say no will it discourage her?
"It's alright Sweetie, Mommy is feeling a little better already. You don't have to-"
> Eir gives you a heartbreakingly sad look
"-but you can try if you want to."
> her expression lifts immediately and she clambers into bed with Ingrid right behind her
> the tiny bicorn clasps your hand and her sister scrunches up her face in concentration
> you watch with genuine fascination as Eir focuses her pure white mana
> her horn glows softly
> but then the light flickers as she clearly loses her grip on the energies
> her face falls and her horn stops glowing
"I can't do it..."
> you give her a hug
"Sweetie, that was very impressive! You gathered your mana really well, especially for someone your age! You just need to be patient. These things will come with time and practice."
> Ingrid joins the hug
"Yeah! The white light was super pretty!"
> soon everyone is hugging and the adults are helping the children change out of their school clothes
> you and Vixie snuggle up with the girls and give them a nice curry combing as they excitedly tell you about their day in their cute high pitched voices
> Velma excuses herself and it isn't long before there's a knock at the door
"Can I come in?"
> the girls cheer as Darling and Velma bring in trays of soup
"Since Mommy's feeling a little down why don't we eat in here?"
> Darling sets the girls places on a footlocker and they giggle about eating "Zipangunese style"
> Vixie just slams her soup directly out of a thermos
> Velma flits about anxiously as usual during mealtime, unable to eat herself but not wanting to be alone
> you sit back and relax as Darling pulls up a chair and feeds you by hand
> you could very easily have taken the tray yourself but sometimes it's nice to be doted on
> besides, Darling seems to like doting on you
> the warm soup soothes your throat but having everyone together is even better
Replies: >>579 >>585
> after everyone has finished Velma flickers through a wall and returns with a glass of fresh squeezed juice for you
> Eir's ears prick up and she asks, "Juice is good for sick people, right Mommy?"
"Yes sweetie, it can help with a cold. It has lots of vitamins!"
> Eir looks thoughtful for a moment, walks over, and touches the glass of juice with her horn
> you're about to ask her what she's doing when she scrunches up her face and you see her white mana gather in her horn again
> just a little bit this time, and this time he glow fades smoothly instead of flickering out
"I tried to make the juice even better for sick people Mommy!"
> your jaw hits the floor
> you're not an expert in healing magic but you think she just made the glass of juice a weak cure potion
"That was amazing... Mommy's so proud of you Sweetie!"
> Ingrid rushes over to give her sister a big hug
> there isn't an ounce of envy in her, she's genuinely completely happy that her sister can do something she'll never be able to do
> you're so proud of them both
> you scoop them up and hug them as tight as you can
> only let them go when Eir starts yawning widely
"I'm tired..."
"I'll bet you are! That was amazing magic little lady! I'll bet it took a lot out of you. Vixie, Velma, could you please help the girls get ready for bed? I can clean up in here."
> you say goodnight to the girls and Vixie and Velma lead them off for their bedtime routine while Darling starts picking up in the bedroom
> you sip the homebrew potion and listen to the clinking of dishes in the kitchen and the sounds of bathtime in the bathroom
> the potion is admittedly pretty weak but it is just a cold and you start feeling much better
> you're debating getting up to help someone when Darling returns with an armful of bedsheets
"Hop up. A bath and fresh sheets will make you feel better."
> your heart flutters as Darling leads you into the master bath's cleaning stall
> given your size it's cumbersome for a centaur type to give herself a complete wash
> being bathed by a man is a huge perk of marriage for your kind
> it's also incredibly erotic
> Darling casually strips you, not even reacting as your breasts swing free of your pajama top
> he's all business as he starts to soap you up with a giant sponge
> he knows exactly what he's doing
> you might be weird but the vulnerability of your nakedness combined with his cavalier attitude really turns you on
> it's hard to explain
> something about how exposed you feel combined with him acting like it's no big deal
> as a result these bath sessions often lead to sex but today he just bathes you
> Darling does take his sweet time about it though, carefully massaging and washing every part of your body
> you're quivering with excitement by the time her starts drying you off
> you're certain he has something special planned
> you stand by as he quickly showers himself and makes the bed
> the cool air on your exposed skin is driving you wild
> part of you wishes Darling would just push you down and take you now
> but you control yourself and obediently lie down when instructed
> you're on cloud nine as Darling sits down next to you and starts curry combing the floofiness out of your air dried fur
Replies: >>580 >>585
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> you've achieved a Zenlike state in between cozy restfulness and sexual frustration by the time Velma floats into the bedroom
"The girls are asleep. Vixie will be along shortly."
> picking up on the mood Velma lets her ghostly clothes fade away and snuggles up to you in a little spoon position
> you enjoy hugging your first sister wife like a body pillow while Darling continues to curry comb you
"Vixie and Velma were a huge help today Dear. Velma took care of the kitchen and Vixie did a lot of cleaning. A lot of cleaning..."
> that seems to have been a cue and you hear the bedroom door open
> your eyes widen with surprise and you start smiling uncontrollably when you see Vixie
> and what she's wearing
> she's blushing like crazy and is obviously super embarrassed, but she's actually wearing the sexy maid outfit you bought her!
"T-t-this maid would like to know if the Master and Mistress have any more tasks for her tonight?"
> Oh God, she's even roleplaying, you couldn't be happier
> Darling whispers in your ear
"What do you think Dearest? Can you think of anything you want the maid to do?"
> you put on a comically pompous voice with a terrible English accent
"Hmph. Maid, inspect the Master's penis. I want to be absolutely sure it's spic and span. Shipshape! No sloppiness! Hop to it!"
> poor Vixie's face is practically glowing red as she kneels beside the bed and Darling presents her with his rapidly enlarging member
> you and Velma fall silent and watch with wide eyes as she places her hand paws on Darling's thighs and begins tentatively licking
> Velma has already started fingering herself by the time Vixie starts taking the whole thing in her mouth
> you aren't much further behind but you try to slow yourself down, you want to savor this
> but you can't last forever
> when you can't endure any longer you virtually growl "TAKE HER."
> Vixie gasps in surprise as Darling bodily picks her up and practically drops her on himself, cruelly hilting himself in one motion
> the werewolf hides her face with her paws and starts making the most interesting noises once Darling begins bouncing her
> you put your second hand to good use when you feel Velma phase out of your arms
> masturbation apparently forgotten, the ghost floats closer to the action
> she seems fascinated by how Vixie's lower lips expand and contract as they ride over Darling's manhood
"Start taking it all the way out and putting it back in..."
> Darling chuckles and obliges
> Vixie is whimpering and gasping now but Velma is totally oblivious
> she's clearly enraptured by the sight of Vixie expanding to accept Darling each thrust
> finally Darling can't take it anymore and starts pounding Vixie more conventionally, and urgently
> the two clasp each other tightly and shudder in unison
> the sight sends you over the edge
Replies: >>581 >>585
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> Velma is the only one not left gasping in the aftermath
> you scoot over to give Vixie a peck on the cheek
"Thank you so much Vixie. You look amazing in that outfit."
> you can tell she wants to pretend she doesn't care but her eyes give away the lie and she just looks away from you, embarrassed but pleased
> wanting to reward her for being honest about her emotions you hold her hand and put your head on her shoulder
> as a result you can feel her entire body tense up when Darling pulls himself out of her poor oversensitive cleft
> and you almost laugh out loud as Velma zooms in to suck up the seed dribbling out of Vixie
"Now, now, don't be greedy. Only what come out naturally." you give Vixie's hand a squeeze, "If we want werewolf puppies we need to leave some inside her!"
> Vixie is back to whimpering as Velma heeds your admonition and switches to sucking on the werewolf's clit
> this time you do laugh out loud
> Velma really is a secret perv
> maybe it's for the best she isn't super confident...
> with one last squeeze you let go of Vixie's hand and reposition yourself behind Darling so you can watch the action from his point of view
> you hug him from behind and start running your hands over his chest
> you can tell the sight of two of his wives going at it is getting him hot and bothered
> you slide one of your hands down to check
> yep, the show and your mana have made a mockery of his refractory period
> a gentle push is all it takes
> Darling grabs Velma's hips and starts going to town on her
> there's nothing subtle about it, he's just pistoning wildly
> this spurs Velma to even greater efforts and Vixie starts thrashing wildly under the oral assault
> Vixie finally breaks free, albeit probably after having to endure another climax since you hear her defensively mutter "dyke" under her breath
> you playfully wink and stick your tongue out at her before you both turn your attention back to Darling and Velma
> Velma's butt is in the air and Darling is pushing her head down into the mattress
> the poor ghost is practically going cross eyed from the pounding she's receiving
> Vixie smirks with a certain degree of vengeful satisfaction but you both know that the ghost's incorporeal body can take just about anything
> Darling understands that and is giving her exactly what she most likely wants
> you lose yourself in the grunts and squeaking of bedsprings
> somehow your fingers mysteriously end up inside you again and you ride yourself to another climax
> this exhausts even your libido for the moment and you help Vixie out of the stained maid outfit while Darling brutalizes Velma in the background
> Vixie wants to change into her pajamas put you give her sad puppy dog eyes and she relents
> she helps you arrange to pillows just so and the two of you cuddle up
> the skin to skin contact is strangely comforting
> your eyelids are getting heavy by the time Darling finishes inside Velma for the second (or was it third?) time
> the ghostgirl demonstrates her utility as the "clean up hitter" by sucking up every bit of the wet spot, her ethereal body converting the "love" energy into raw necromatic power
> we'll turn you into a powerful phantasm yet, Velma!
> spent, Velma drowsily floats over and drapes herself over you and Vixie as Darling gets up to turn off the light
> then you hear the bed creak and feel Darling's warm body nestle behind you, holding you in the best approximation of the big spoon position a man holding a bicorn can manage
> you might have felt lousy when the day started but it turned out to be a pretty good day
> you smile contentedly as sleep gradually overtakes you
> soon the only sounds in the bedroom are quiet breathing and soft snores
Replies: >>585
Anon. This is the cutest. Also possibly the hottest. I love it. You put in a lot of elements that I really, really like.

>loving cohabitating harem
>waiting to show off first time in maid dress to other wives fuckkk
>praise for being a good girl by waiting to show off to other wives FUCKKKKK
>scaffolding of magic system present
>embarrassed shy girl turns out to be a massive perv when in loving environment
>happy family interactions
>being carefully bathed like a piece of property I am surprised and delighted to see understanding of such a niche but wonderful interaction
>non-sexual skinship with sister-wives in sexually charged environment
>close watching of that lovely cock-stretch
>creampie eating
>but not too much creampie eating because that’d prevent impregnation FUCK that detail was hot
>little bit of reluctant bisexuality that ”dyke” was perfect in tone, oh my god
>happy group sleeping which never works as well in real life as you think, their bed must be the size of a room

>this nutty mad scientist lady keeps "accidentally" stumbling into situations were more and more women end up living with her and her husband
Ohoho. Saw what you did there.
Well its nothing really explicit but ugh...


In Final Fantasy XV: You play as Noctis Lucis Caelum, a prince who is on a suicide quest. Along the journey in his quest you can take a lot of picture inside the game, including picture of some of the female characters. At the end of the game, Noctis will pick one picture and give it to his Fiancee at their "Afterlife" moment, in which she will smile at the picture no matter what. Its nothing explicit really but him giving his semi-wife a picture of another woman and his Wife actually smiling at that, kinda give me ideas
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This game have NTR, Reverse NTR, Gay, Lesbo, Futanari, Group, Vanilla, Interracial, Harem, etc.

I didnt finish the game though, no motivation.
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Are captions allowed?
Replies: >>848 >>850
These are pretty harsh Anon. Love the chastity angle though.
Replies: >>853
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Made some new ones...
Replies: >>867
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I like that devil one. It was just a touch gentler than usual.
Replies: >>1241
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Replies: >>892 >>1241
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I found this from Blueskin no Mori. Watch what the bunny-demon does every time a monster catches the man.
My favorite of the bunch
I'm kinda confused why monstergirls care about humie's skin color…
Replies: >>1243 >>1266
If a human distinguishes between different types of monstergirl then why wouldn’t a monstergirl distinguish between different types of human?
Replies: >>1248 >>1266
Because there's no different types of human, there's only different hues.
Replies: >>1250 >>1251
What a boring ideology. In any case, whatever you want to call it, you have your answer.
Replies: >>1260
Wouldn't that be enough, from an aesthetic perspective?
In any case, why not apply the scientific method to the problem?

Hypothesis: Different populations of human only differ physiologically by hue (pigment)
Null-hypothesis: Members of different populations with the same pigmentation can not be distinguished.
Experiment: Attempt to distinguish individuals with albinism from populations which would normally have different pigmentation.
Result: Hypothesis is false.
Replies: >>1259
Where the hell did you pull that null-hypothesis from? It has absolutely nothing to do with the hypothesis on the previous line.
And the experiment you suggested is outright retarded. What were you trying to prove, that albinos have the same skin colour than non-albinos?
…In fact, what exactly were you proving in the first place? The original statement declared that differently coloured humans have no major distinction related directly to their colour scheme (aside from colours themselves).
Replies: >>1261
I don't see any answers here. I can tell apart elf girls from catgirls by their ears at least (completely different shape and positioning), but I don't give a damn if the catgirl's fur is black or red or whatnot, because it makes no goddamn difference really. So why the fuck would any of them care that the human they're fucking has specifically beige skin colour, and not any other available?
Replies: >>1261
Wow... OK, let's break it down for you.
>Hypothesis: Different populations of human only differ physiologically by hue (pigment)
From this follows the logical inverse
>Null-hypothesis: Members from different populations with the same pigmentation can not be distinguished.
Note that they say the same thing, but the null hypothesis is a negative statement while the hypothesis is a positive statement. The null-hypothesis in this case is also specific to individuals of the populations, rather than general to the populations themselves. 
If the only distinguishing feature between populations is pigment, then all non-pigmentation features must be indistinguishable between populations. Fundamental logic, if you've ever seen a Venn diagram then I shouldn't have to explain it.
>Experiment: Attempt to distinguish individuals with albinism from populations which would normally have different pigmentation.
The experiment does not try to prove anything, that's not how science works. An experiment attempts to falsify an hypothesis. In this experiment, given that all albinos will be the same pigmentation, all remaining features must be non-pigmentation features which, according to our hypothesis, can not be used to distinguish members of one population from other populations.
If it is still possible to distinguish populations by use of said non-pigmentation features, then there must exist features distinguishable between populations which are non-pigmentation, thus the hypothesis must be false. 
If you can google albinism and not be able to distinguish the albino Africans from the albino Europeans (which are the two most common, easily distinguished generalized populations in Google Images) with even a cursory glance, you're probably blind, severely mentally retarded, willfully ignorant, or any combination of the three. 

You also seem to believe that if you don't care about X, then no one should care about X.
It may come as a surprise to you, but you are not the end-all-be-all ultimate arbitrator of the universe.
My condolences.

Apropos of the little racism kerfuffle above, can I just say that "bleached" is absolutely wince-inducing? Like have y'all ever so much as gotten a whiff of bleach fumes? Talk about an absolutely unsexy thing to associate your fetish with, god damn.
Replies: >>1265
Putting aside the silly and unscientific racial denial and other such unhappy coping that those above me have already dispelled, I think we all can all agree that monstergirls should be free to steal whatever BFs they prefer and that if they want to steal a BF of heritage European ancestry then that is something we should support. If it turns out that there isn’t enough of this kind of BF to go around then we should think about why. In the short term I’m sure that many monstergirls would be happy to share but in the long term we really should consider making more. Hence the need for heritage European cuckqueans who can integrate well into monstergirl harems that can support them in bearing strong sons for future generations of monstergirls to marry. All monstergirls deserve to be able to lovingly rape or rapishly love their ideal man, that’s just common sense.

Let’s get back on track.
Replies: >>1269
>All monstergirls deserve to be able to lovingly rape or rapishly love their ideal man, that’s just common sense.

Ah, the ideals of the twin deities of cuckqueanism: Cuck and Fuck, the goddesses of rapish love and loving rape, respectively.
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What are the terms of her contract with you?
Replies: >>1299
>with you
The contract is between her and your boyfriend, you just happen to be caught in the middle.
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You know, it's already late October, and we haven't brought up discussion about monstergirls and the dangers they pose, particularly this time of year.

They're out there, girls, and they want to steal your boyfriend. It's a very real threat, and frankly an inevitability, of a monstergirl breaking into your home, abducting your sweet, loving boyfriend, and dragging him back to her lair. Where she will proceed to have passionate, vigorous, unprotected sex with him for hours on end. And will pleasure him far better than you could ever dream to.

So what are some of your thoughts on how you can protect him from this fate, and how to cope with him being abducted anyways when that plan fails? And how to ensure he's prepared to manage the strenuous lovemaking he will be subjected to?
Replies: >>1582
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>So what are some of your thoughts on how you can protect him from this fate
It's very simple! I don't want my sweet, loving boyfriend to have to endure the indignity of being kidnapped, so I'll invite the monstergirl over and she can have vigorous, unprotected sex with him for hours on end in our home instead of her lair. Besides, he fucked her in her lair just last week and I'll be damned before I let her just fuck my man without me watching.

>And how to ensure he's prepared to manage the strenuous lovemaking he will be subjected to?
You have no idea of the depraved depths of inter-coital snacking, libations, and hydration they will be subjected to. Fuckin' bring it on!
Replies: >>1587 >>6583
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>I'll invite the monstergirl over
See, that's the kind of practical thinking that I like to see. The only concern I have is that this assumes it's just one monstergirl after him, and that she'll have no competition. And if there's going to be a fight, the last thing you want is for it to happen in your living room. A lamia battling a pack of goblins can cause a lot of property damage.

Now, if you have an especially fearsome monstergirl claiming your man, you might be okay. The others may no to stay away, either from just her scent being around your home, or from prior knowledge that your home and the sexual partners within are her territory.

If that's not the case, you may have to play mediator, as a neutral third party in your boyfriend's sex life, and negotiate when, how long, and in what order the different girls have sexual access to him. I know it seems odd that they'd agree to such things, instead of hoarding him to themselves, but they aren't monsters. Well, they are, but they aren't without reason. Once you explain that they will have fair and equal access to your man, his penis, and his semen, and that he will deposit said semen into their vaginas, cloacas, and other equivalent or desired orifices in due time, without struggle, they'll usually become more cooperative. Just be sure to leave lag time in his schedule - your man is only human (which is what the monstergirls like about him) and does need time to rest and recuperate before he inseminates another monstergirl in your bed.

>You have no idea of the depraved depths of inter-coital snacking, libations, and hydration they will be subjected to
You make a good point about hydration. Make sure you have plenty of slightly chilled water and gatorade in your house. He's going to be losing a lot of fluids with the copious amounts of semen he'll be filling monstergirls with. And he'll need to keep his strength up with healthy, but energy rich snacks.

On the subject of recuperation again, some monstergirls do get impatient and poorly understand the human sexual refractory period. They'll expect him to be erect again in short order, and can be aggressive with him. So you should take advantage of the "Coolidge Effect" and act as a sort of impromptu fluffer for him, making sure he's ready. But just make sure to stick to blowjobs and handjobs and be certain she understands what you're doing. She may get aggressive with you if she thinks you're trying get in between their lovemaking. As long as she knows that you're merely prepping him for her, and you're not trying to do something rude or selfish like introduce your own vagina into the mix, she should be fine with it.
Replies: >>1590 >>6583
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Also something to think about, particularly for cuckqueans who are a little older, or who are with men that are, is that monstergirls will be after other men in your household. So if you have a son past the age of consent, or your husband does from years of impregnating other women, that can be leveraged as another way to make peace with invasive monstergirls.

Obviously (hopefully) you don't actually want to watch monstergirl use your son as her personal sperm pump. So when further monstergirls show up, you can merely give them your sons/your husband's sons, and let the monstergirls carry them off.

Just make sure you let their girlfriends know, so they aren't worried sick, not knowing where their men are or what they're doing. This might be new to some of them, so it's important that you promptly tell them that you've offered their boyfriend up as a peace offering, and that he'll be returned in a few days (probably) when the monstergirl is done draining his balls and riding his cock raw. And that they should be supportive when he does return, because he'll be exhausted and might find sex with her very disappointing for a short while.

A similar setup can be employed for other men in or around your home. Brothers, cousins, childhood friends that you still know, monstergirls will want to milk them all of their seed.
Replies: >>6583
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Tried to get into writing Monstergirl smut, one /cuckquean/ related idea was that young couple builds an inn into dangerous territory despite warnings, they end being protected by local tribe of orcs but the husband has to pay for it...
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Spoilered because the art is actually pretty bad.
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Spidernon of /monster/ wrote a monstergirl harem story that I thought you might enjoy, /cuckquean/.

>I have completed a commission. This is harem, which is a bit of a departure for me, and has some ladies kissing  as well. I'm not planning on doing any other harem stories, but I think this turned out well:
Replies: >>1660 >>1662
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> bullied-beta-bitch nerd gets a harem for doing nothing but being pathetic. Also femdom
Is it really too much to ask for a handsome, self-assured, successful man who actually merits having a harem? I mean I get that this wasn't written with the cuckquean audience in mind and I also think that I somewhat come at the fetish from a different direction than most of you anyway, but to me the whole point of it all is that a guy having multiple women willing to share him signals fitness (in the Darwinian sense) on a multitude of levels, which I find very attractive. 
And speaking from that perspective all this story does is disgust me to the extreme. When reading this I was cringing at what felt every second paragraph, switching to different tabs all the time to recharge my pain tolerance and I still only managed about a third of the story before skipping to the end, seeing that it was still shit even there, and then just closing the tab.

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Yeah, this one's pretty egregious. They start in with that shit in the first paragraph. I mean, I'm not looking for harem protagonists to be warrior-poet billionaires here, but there needs to be something to make him seem worthy and capable, something to make us root for him. I mean that's just basic writing, even a character that is a submissive should have some redeeming quality that makes you respect them. It's even acceptable for your harem guy to be a little pathetic at the start, to give them room to grow. But they do need to show some actual agency and take control at some point.
Replies: >>1662 >>1666 >>1667
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What a shame. I've enjoyed some of Spider's stuff before even when it wasn't my thing. He's at his best when he writes froth.

>this is slightly different from my usual fare, as I do not usually write harem
>Anyway, I did it to do it if that makes sense, and don’t plan on doing any more.
Can't fault someone for wanting to push their creative limits, but I don't think their heart was in this one. When you include lines like
>Unsurprisingly, Will found this talk arousing.
then we know you're not enjoying yourself. One line did get a laugh out of me though:
>“Tongue out, you nerd stud!”

Could also have used another editing pass or two. How many times does one need to rephrase "a wolf girl's sexual fluids" in two paragraphs?

It wasn't a great read. The protagonist, such as he was, underwent no change. He got bullied, then raped, then his new wives fixed the problem, and then they fucked some more. End story. I scanned through and I'm fairly sure that he didn't take one action himself.

I tried to look at it through a gender reversal lens, where a buncha buff guys break and enslave a girl, and it just came out as a pretty ordinary rape fantasy. So I guess that's what the story is, from a male submissive's perspective. Ah well.
Replies: >>1664 >>1666 >>1700
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Couldn't resist fixing it.
Replies: >>1666
I don't agree that the man needs to have any particular qualities, but I'm just as happy to focus on the fact that I'm sharing with another woman rather than feeling submissive to a man. There are different angles on this fetish for sure.

However, I did not enjoy this story either and I agree the writer's heart wasn't in it.
Replies: >>1666 >>1667
In /monster/'s eyes hellwans go only on white nerds, if didn't get it.
Replies: >>1667 >>1669 >>1670
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>There are different angles on this fetish for sure.
For sure. Actually, one thing I did like in the story was the bond between the girls. It manifested as clumsy lezzing out, but the core sweetness was there.

I think it'd have been better if he'd been overpowered by one girl initially, we think it's standard femdom, then the other two arrive and the first girl invites them in on things. Gives the scene structure and momentum, whereas right now it's a one-note AND THEN THEY REVERSE GANGBANGED. Add a bit towards the end where he surprises the girls by displaying some kind of sexual initiative (he doesn't have to give up the submissive position, subs can be creative too) and the first girl is happy about it (we can say it's because it's giving the other girls pleasure, but also could be because she likes her slaves less passive), and the story might be at the start of being saved.

Tweak the final scene a bit to please people like >>1660 and >>1661 by having him stand up to yon bullies, but keep it as a malesub story by giving him the motivation of protecting his new wives' property (himself) rather than doing it for his own sake, and it might end up alright.

I know, Satan! But weren't these girls werewolves, not hellhounds?
Replies: >>1668
>I know, Satan! But weren't these girls werewolves, not hellhounds?
Maybe they could have been hellwans, but I don't know.
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>ywn stud your smart white hubby out to an enthusiastic ashy nerdhellwan
>ywn spread rumors that your hubby is a proud oppressor so you get home invaded by a squad of hellwans looking to extract reparations from his dick
>ywn get to make chocolate-and-cream jokes before you clean up a hellwan's creampie
Why live?
Replies: >>2908
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It's basically a long running joke memeing about hellhounds being (literally) black. More serious stories tend to ignore it, but it's proven pretty persistent in more comic stuff. Jokes about being sexually aggressive but dumb, speaking in ebonics, being convinced that "they waz queenz", "Hey, where are the white bois at?", that sort of thing.
Perusing the booru should give you the general idea:

sage for off topic
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Then it's your choice whether to post your cock or to GTFO.
Replies: >>1679
I'm sorry, but "hellwans"?
Replies: >>1678
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>>1677 (checked)
It's /monster/'s shorthand for the Hellhound monstergirl. ワン (wan) is the sound dogs make in Japanese, and is often used as a very informal substitute for 犬 in speech, so hellhound -> helldog -> hellwan.
Why was my post deleted?
Do I really need to post my duck. Ok >>1673

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Broke rule: Any guro must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post.

Also I don't know how to take photo of my dick properly.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Broke rule: Any guro must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post.

Replies: >>1681 >>1682 >>1683
>Broke rule: Any guro must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post 
That's not guro mods, that's just my dick. That's it. Did somone misimpreted my dick for guro?
Replies: >>1682
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>it happened again

based mods
Sorry my harem story didn't work for you guys. It was an honest attempt, I generally write monogamy and femdom.
Replies: >>1700 >>1703
It's okay, you tried. I read some of your other stuff and it was better (that quean tease in Seamed Gams tho!). Hope the continuation of Day of the Spike isn't as difficult for you. (Also why is the Concordat... like that?)

What is "froth"?
Replies: >>1703 >>1704 >>1707
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That's alright. We know you weren't writing it for us. Any femdom I try to write seems to come out as flavourless pap, so you did better outside your area than I do outside mine. Erotica's hard to write without one's instincts guiding the way.

>Hope the continuation of Day of the Spike isn't as difficult for you.
Maybe it'll be a little smoother because the love interest is a single hivemind rather than multiple individuals.

>(Also why is the Concordat... like that?)
I assumed it was the worst parts of our world developed ad absurdum, where the ugly seek extermination of all Beauty and Truth.

>What is "froth"?
Imagine a meringue, mousse, or foam. Light, airy, and when put in your mouth the flavour it delivers is in part because of that fluffy frothiness. Some of Spidernon's stories have the same texture where they rollick gleefully along on their own terms and you can't quite believe that you're enjoying yourself as much as you are. Many come off as pastiches, but there's a little something extra that gives them sparkle. The examples that come to mind for me are Brush and Blade, Unmarried Goose Girl, the Shub-Niggurath stories/Firm stories, and the Maria series.
Replies: >>1704
I appreciate it. The Concordat is just ridiculously evil and unpleasant.

Thank you for the kind words. Hopefully the HiveMind works out okay.
Replies: >>1705
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A moment of unforgivable hypocrisy: Please continue WanTrek! I love it and want to see how the Fucking Bicörn turn out.
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>Day of the Spike
Reminds me a little of our discussions on AI cuckqueaning a long time back. If the girlfriend in this story is a hivemind who rebuilds and recycles her various bodies as she pleases, she'd be much like a the hypothetical AI vixen who iterates over different robowaifu body designs.

Welcome to the vanguard of post-human sexism!
Replies: >>1712 >>1713 >>1773
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>Welcome to the vanguard of post-human sexism!
>Reminds me a little of our discussions on AI cuckqueaning a long time back.

I can't find this thread at all, but it sounds interesting. Was this on the old board? I really don't understand why the board owner doesn't spool the old threads into the new board before it's too late, given the frequent doom predictions for 8kun or whatever they're calling themselves now.
Replies: >>1714
>I really don't understand why the board owner doesn't spool the old threads into the new board before it's too late, given the frequent doom predictions for 8kun or whatever they're calling themselves now.
It's called 8kun now, yes, and I haven't done it for a few reasons:

1) The size of all content from the previous version of the board (of which I have two separate backups by different means) is about 12GB. I'm hesitant to dump all that into Anon.cafe, which has limited resources that have to be shared between all boards now and into the future. I have it on good authority that we are not subsidized by rich eccentrics for whom money is no object.

2) Being an imageboard, there are a limited number of threads we can keep on-catalogue. If I dump in a lot of threads, that will either kill existing threads or push some of the restored threads off the board anyway.

3) No available software that I presently know about exists to take 8kun dumps, parse them, and load them into a LynxChan database. I've seen some who claim to have written some, but they've chosen to keep it to themselves rather than open-source it because it seems to be one of the ways they attempt to recruit boards to their own place. I had hoped that /robowaifu/'s BUMP archival software (which I got working and used to grab one of my two backups) had a way of re-posting into a LynxChan database, but no dice.

So that's the situation, which broadly boils down to money and time. If you want to go for a makeshift solution, you might go to 8kun, pick out the threads you'd like to preserve, and push them into a service like archive.is, then post the archived links in relevant threads here to act as a reference.
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If you could choose, which kind of non-human or demi-human vixen would you most want to share your man with?
Replies: >>1756 >>1771
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Well the whole debate on Spidernon's story has got me wondering if there is a range of malesub/femdom compositions which could be /cuckquean/ approved. Does the guy have to embody/develop a little dominance, or can some other sense of character value or development stand in as long as it's well defined and turns him into more than a non-agent to be acted upon?
On the other hand, to what degree could the dynamics between the quean and vixen qualify a story? If the relationship between the women fleshed out, in the spotlight, and has a satisfying power element to it, could it scratch that itch by proxy even if the male isn't quite pulling his weight as an agent?
Replies: >>1735
>can some other sense of character value or development stand in as long as it's well defined and turns him into more than a non-agent to be acted upon?
I think so. It’s true of most fiction that a character is defined by what they pursue and/or by what pursues them. How can we care about what happens to them if there are no stakes? A character that does nothing and goes nowhere isn’t interesting unless you’re writing an anti-plot like Waiting for Godot (and even those sorts of characters expend a lot of effort and try a few different ways to go nowhere).

>to what degree could the dynamics between the quean and vixen qualify a story? If the relationship between the women fleshed out, in the spotlight, and has a satisfying power element to it, could it scratch that itch by proxy
We already know this is possible because some cuckquean stuff focuses on the dynamic between quean and vixen to the point that it can feel pseudo-lesbian at times. In these, the man is often pretty generic and faceless, a symbolic means to the real end. Such works usually play to the humiliation-quean side of things, though I have seen a few compersive works that focus on the relationship between the women without involving the man much at all. As for doing this kind of dynamic where the man is explicitly submissive, I don’t know because that’s not really my thing. I guess one could write a story about a domme who lends her male sub out to one of her friends - that has a few different dynamics you could explore.

There doesn’t necessarily have to be a sexual power dynamic between the women in these stories either. In the example idea above you could make the two women co-dominant or platonically equal to each other and you’d still get a satisfying story as long as you fleshed out their relationship as friends or ex-colleagues or enemy spies or whatever you want to do with it.

In the case where the submissive man is also a fleshed out character, you could relegate him to secondary status but it would still be more satisfying if he changed from the experience of being shared. For example, he might be worried about performing or being over-excited by a new woman, or worried for his dominant’s reaction to the reality of him fucking another, then that worry drains, intensifies, or changes as the sex unfolds. He might be proud to be put out to stud and determined to make his mistress look good, then abruptly find he’s not as enthusiastic about the sex as he thought he was, and that has to be solved.

I guess the point I’m making here is that to be /cuckquean/-“approved” a story has to have characters that things happen to, not happen at.

As to the objections further above, it’s nice to root for an underdog, but we have to like, sympathise with, or otherwise have a reason to be aligned to that underdog. If we merely find the underdog contemptible without having a reason to care about him then all we end up doing is cringing and wishing we were watching someone else. There has to be a bit of light and a bit of shade on the canvas, you know?
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Foxgirls for sure. They are literal vixens after all.
Replies: >>1771
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POV: You're holding the robowaifu's wrists.
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My vote is for foxies as well. It's hard to go past them fluffy tails.
Replies: >>1776
For those ITT who’re interested, the next part of the Husband of the Swarm/Day of the Spike story came out.

>the girlfriend in this story is a hivemind who rebuilds and recycles her various bodies as she pleases
The story above identifies a failure mode in iterative waifu development and now I need to order a new pair of sides.
Replies: >>1774 >>2907
There's that one doujin by Date about some slime monster falling in love with a guy and nomming every girl he likes/sleeps with so it can mimicry as them. I guess it's technically somehow cuckquean stuff, but still kinda iffy, plus the constant murders of perfectly good vixens and the fact that the main "girl" is actually some asexual slime thing.
Should I dig it up?
Replies: >>1775
>the main "girl" is actually some asexual slime thing
How dare you. She's a yandere slimegirl, emphasis girl. But yeah, the digestion of vixens rubbed me the wrong way. Feel free to post it over in the eromanga thread.
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>last pic
I didn't know that I wanted to see my bf's handprint on a foxgirl's butt, but it turns out that life's a fuckin' adventure of discovery.
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Replies: >>1890
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Checks out.
Replies: >>1891
Yep, I mean he says himself that she's trustworthy. Would she wear such revealing clothing if there wasn't strong trust between them? Plus, having her big fat titties out in the open will sexually intimidate any would be temptresses that wish to sully his honor. She will of course have to stay close by at all times, including sharing rooms at inns, eating together, and showering together. This constant vigilance will keep him safe.
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>you will never arrange to have your wolfgirl bff customised and delivered to hubby like this
Bad feel.
Replies: >>1896 >>1929
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Why aren't When are you gifting him a nice, petite, wrapped vixen (sub-quean?) for Christmas? Order now from cuckquean industries! Gamer girl headphones and glasses sold separately
Replies: >>1897 >>1903
Do they come in models other than asian? You know, in case you got him one last year and you want to try something different.
Replies: >>1903
>ribbon bondage
I've always appreciated that CQI doesn't charge extra for gift-wrapping. It's that eye for detail, you know?

You can see why the asian line is their mainstay. I hear they'll shortly be adding a short slim redhead model presently developed under the codeword Firecracker, and a bouncy glasses-girl blonde developed under Spark Plug. Hopefully the market responds; I know I would.
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Fox boxes are becoming very popular.
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>grab these screenshots
>strange name, but I guess I'll have a look-
Every fuckin' time.
Replies: >>1969
unfortunately, thats the best long term and most money making form of patreon games.
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You having a good day? Well you will after you read this story called "A Long Day" by a /monster/ writer who's finally decided to call themselves Tercio: https://slash.monster/$b Pic unrelated but good.
Replies: >>2109 >>2112 >>2476
Thanks anon, I enjoyed it. Several good queany elements and the man isn't a passive victim like in a lot of /monster/ stories.
Replies: >>2450

Good story, but it seems the links are all broken from the main page of the site.  They go to a different story than the one described.
Replies: >>2123
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You're right. I just reported that to the site's maintainer. They recently updated their URL scheme and must not have properly updated author pages.
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Love Bicorn.
Replies: >>2250 >>4412
Very cute! She's a great gal.
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Replies: >>2276
You'll give us all cavities if you keep going with this level of sweetness.
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Another one.
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Jeffo just keeps drawing cute bicorn sketches.
Replies: >>2430
>By Fauna's horns, Anon, that's the fourth girl you shrug off! That elf was flapping her ears so fast I thought she was about to fly off and you just walk?! Poor girl will probably have to rub herself raw, now...
>We're barely half way to our "soccer team's worth" and you're already getting lazy! Or were those just honeyed words to get my mother to approve of us?
>and the man isn't a passive victim like in a lot of /monster/ stories.
That's because /monster/ is heavilly escapist, /monster/fags just want to care and be cared back. But mostly femdomfags just want to be sub.which spoderanon is a femdomfag,
Replies: >>2476
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In other news, my man is still not  balls-deep in an MGE anubis. I consider this a violation of my human rights and wish to lodge the strongest possible protest.

Really enjoyed that. That author often writes stories that hit right in my strike zone.

Yeah, his stories are all miss and no hit for me lately. But that's fine, since he's obviously not writing for me.
Replies: >>2478 >>2496
If you could write a checklist for the ideal story, what would it include?
Replies: >>2479
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An ideal monstergirl story? Good monstergirl stories are much like good stories in general, but I'm guessing you mean my own wishlist for a monstergirl story. I don't think such a thing could coherently exist, because part of what I love in a story is being surprised by how the writer has done something. Also, some of the elements I like in some stories can't coexist with elements I like in other stories.

But, in no particular order, things I'd love to see in a cuckqueaning monstergirl story:
>Sex that advances character development and/or story. Everybody who participates in a sex scene should be different at the end of the scene somehow. That this forces an interesting setup and plot so that such advances can happen at all is a happy side-effect.
>Happy enthusiastic cuckquean. I'm compersive so I like to see cuckqueans who're into their men fucking other women without the baggage of humiliation or compulsion. The cuckquean may be flawed in other ways (who wants a Mary Sue?) but not in some contrived way that prevents her from satisfying her man herself or otherwise forces her to yield him to other women.
>Attractive leading man. This doesn't mean he has to be Chad Thundercock or chesty romance novel swoonbait. For me, I have the most fun when I see something in the leading guy that I can believe in, some spark that in spite of his external difficulties or own shortcomings makes me say "yeah, this guy's the one I want to see win and take all". An old /monster/ example was the player character in Resonant Drunk's Tales of the Australs CYOA - the cocky but un-arrogant way he was written made me cheer for his success and nod in satisfaction when he got his dick wet. Good shit.
>Loving, believable bond between cuckquean and leading man, and/or non-stupid romantic development. Cuckqueaning usually arises in longer-term relationships where there's strong trust and a solid foundation. I like to see that. If the relationship between man and 'quean is still developing, I want to see trust and love develop. None of that telenovela-style snap-passion, or cheap relationship drama, thanks.
>Fleshed-out vixens/harem-sisters/other women. This is particularly bad in ero-comedies that treat women like a sushi train - introduce, get leading man's dick into them, then move on to the next one. That's not to say this style doesn't do what it's supposed to do, but I want to see plenty of character in the other women, especially if they'll be sticking around!
>Warm relationship between cuckquean and vixens/harem-sisters/other women who stick around. Too many harems rely on women essentially ignoring each other in favour of all their focus being on the guy, which I hate. I love to see rapport and friendship blossom between girls who share a dick.
>Physical rapport between women during sex scenes. Even if it's just a bit of hand-holding, pussy-spreading, or arse-slapping, I love it when there's physical comfort and trust between the girls. This also acts as a lovely progression method during sex scenes, as a girl goes from uncomfortable to comfortable. That said...
>No descent into side-lesbianism. This happens more than I like, where unoccupied members of a harem or sex scene start lezzing out on their own for no reason other than the writer had some unoccupied girls and figured they may as well throw it in. It's fine if you like it, but I don't. A little bit of borderline-bisexuality's fine, as long as it doesn't sideline the essential sexual bond between the man and the women. I'm not into girls and despite my fondness for physical rapport and sexual comfort, I'm not interested in reading about girls who're mostly into girls.
>No closet-lesbianism. Many cuckquean stories (especially humiliation-driven ones) focus on the relationship between 'quean and vixen, sometimes even going so far as to have the 'quean no longer have sex with the man in any way and instead sexually serve the vixen. If that's your thing, cool, but I roll my eyes at it and go to find something else.
>Creampie eating and cum-swapping. I just like it, okay? It's hot.
Replies: >>2484 >>2515
Interesting. Some of these I did predict, but there's a lot of good pointers here.
Replies: >>2485 >>2496
Out of interest, which did you predict?
Replies: >>2486
Enthusiastic quean, attractive man and the lovable bond between quan and living man. I didn't expect quite so much focus on the quean having rapport with the vixens, but I suppose some that does depend on the quean herself. Some like to get along, others want humiliation and so on. The whole sushi train thing with the women was a good analogy as that's exactly what happens in a lot of erotica, where the only thing we learn about the women are the sexual characteristics that make her attractive to the man. I like the whole idea of a harem that gets along and learns things about each other through sex scenes.
Replies: >>2487
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>lovable bond between quan and living man
What's wrong with an un-living man, huh?
Replies: >>2488
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Absolutely nothing.
What do you enjoy about the anubis? Is it just fluffy doggo or is there more? Do you want your titty weighed against a feather and your man stolen because the titty is less hefty?

Are they pointers or are they preferences? I think there's a mix here.
Replies: >>2499 >>2500
>What do you enjoy about the anubis? Is it just fluffy doggo or is there more? Do you want your titty weighed against a feather and your man stolen because the titty is less hefty?
/monster/fag here. Not the one you are asking, but Anubi are mostly made a huge autists, which they mostlikely are with stuff like playing with legos and such. They usually have plans for everything even dates and stuff preplanned. They are the "managers" of pharoahs in mge. They are also more of a submissive nature.
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I claim this board's 2500th post in the name of lego-enjoying Egyptianesque jackal girls and the eventual penetration of one of them by my beloved's fat cock.

>What do you enjoy about the anubis? Is it just fluffy doggo or is there more?
She's cute, I love her design, I want to touch her fluffy ears, her big meaty paws are great, I like her Egyptian elements, and I think the personality that her encyclopaedia profile describes - a loving administrator who goes to flustered pieces the moment the man makes a forceful move - is sexy. I'm not into the whole "forcing other women to become their mummy-cursed subordinate" part, but that's a matter of taste. I suspect I'd get along with one (absent any silly attempts to mummy-curse me or make me into her subordinate). Plus I think the whole shy "autism wan" fanon that /monster/ has given her is funny and sweet.
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Saw >>2163 in the Actual Cuckqueaning thread and was reminded of this far better screenshot.
Replies: >>2513
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Lovely Bicorn
Replies: >>2512
She cute!

Is that really a girl who made that post? lmao
Replies: >>2514
The topmost tweet was real, supposedly.
Have you read Happy Anniversary, it seems to hit a lot of your points.

Replies: >>2516 >>2517
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I tried, but I had trouble struggling through the giant cement-block paragraphs and clumsy writing. Sorry.
Replies: >>2517
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Actually, I take it back. I skipped a third of the way down and found that the writing had improved. They could really have used a re-edit there before posting all the way back in 2005, bad form. Enjoying it now.
Replies: >>2535
In case you haven't seen the source.
Replies: >>2537
That has to be distressing for the cat
Replies: >>2539
Depends on the cat.
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Someone apparently keeps commissioning art of their cute bicorn OC, and I for one am not complaining that the most /cuckquean/ monstergirl is getting more art.
Replies: >>2556
Yup, ive always been a fan of cuckqueen, and I notice that the Bicorn Monster girl doesn’t get the love she deserves, so I decided start commissioning artist create art of her. I haven’t uploaded all of them here because I didn’t want to pollute this thread with pictures of her.
Replies: >>2557
Uh, not to shill but I do commissions and think your bicorn is super cute. $30 for a full color.
Replies: >>2558
Sure let me know how to contact you and I’ll see if I’m interested
Replies: >>2563
Twitter (nsfw)


I usually do nsfw but don't feel pressured to ask for something like that.
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You’re tearing me apart Lisa!
Replies: >>2573 >>2574
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Before anyone asks how she’s standing up, shes standing but she has a back rest tied around her waist
Replies: >>2574
This is innovation. But how is hubby to sit next to her like that?
Replies: >>2575 >>2576
I presume they park her in that handicap slot on the side of the aisle where there's no seat. Not that I'm saying being a cuck is a handicap. Per se.

That or he just sits on her back.
Replies: >>2576
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Centaur no Nayami had lots of thought put into what a centaur-accessible (+ snek-accessible, mermaid-accessible, etc.) world would look like. The usual way they did seating was to have centaur-sized couch seats (pic related).

>That or he just sits on her back.
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Sorry I didn’t want to turn this thread into just pictures of my OC Bicorn. If it’s too much let me know and I’ll stop
Replies: >>2579
No, no, it's fine. We're a slow moving board, so I say any relevant content is good.
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/cuckquean/, who is the best vixen from Azur Lane?
Replies: >>2587
Enterprise should cuck every jap ship for historical reasons.
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Be careful about cucking a unicorn, she may begin to like it
Replies: >>2602
I think I'm developing insulin resistance thanks to all these cute bicorns.
So...Sorry to steer the conversation away from the manga and anime and cartoon, but something got me curious. 

Myth is technically "Fantasy too right?" Kind of wondering, despite the notion that men has always been cheating on women more and that women like taken men more, how many cuckqueaning actually happens in myth? Only 3 I can think of are Hera, Penelope and Brynhildr. With Hera's husband being serial adulterer and Penelope's husband got raped by multiple women in multiple myth. And lastly Brynhildr got drugged to forget about her. Is/are there any others?
Replies: >>2631 >>4393
Some apocryphal Abrahamic traditions hold that Adam fucked some other broad named Lilith, and may or may not have begat a race of evil demihumans in doing so. Not sure fidelity was expected back then, or even a formulated concept, but whatever.

What's this about Brunhild being a cuck though? I can't find anything about that.
Replies: >>2632
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It's been a while since I read the Nibelungenlied, but the basic structure of the legend is, Seigfried is a supernaturally powerful warrior, who wants a piece of the nearby Rhine kingdom. The reigning king, Gunter, agrees to let Seigfried marry his sister, Kreimhilde, on the condition that Seigfried help him marry the warrior-queen Brunhilde.  He does so by using an invisibility cloak, and physically helping Gunter overpower the queen. Brunhilde is suspicious of foul play, so on their wedding night, she refuses to sleep with Gunter, physically overpowering him. At which point he begs Seigfried for help, who then disguises himself as Gunter, and deflowers Brunhilde. The two women discover this, and Seigfried is betrayed by Gunter and his knights.

It's not quite cuckqueaning in any traditional sense, at least to my knowledge, but it's a shame no adaptation ran with that angle. The framework is there, with Brunhilde and Seigfried having an implied backstory, and the whole reason for the discovery being Kreimhilde' pride for her lover. She gets married off as a political tool later in the legend, and remarries, but is still treated like the villain after she starts calling for revenge. It's most fitting as a tragedy, I believe.>>2631
Replies: >>2633
All I'm getting here is male cuckoldry, and I feel baited and tricked.
Replies: >>2641 >>2642

No, Bryndhildr marry Sigurd (not Siegfried, thats the name for the German ver) after he saved ger from flaming stone bed. Because he is a warrior, one day, he got called by the kingdom and the princess of the kingdom fall in love upon meeting him. He is already married to Brynhildr so he refuse her approaches. When the princess consult the queen, her mother, she give her a potion that force amnesia. Sigurd later drink it when it's mixed with his meal during his stay in the kingdom. He forgot about himself and Bryndhildr and the princess, Gudrun then seduce him and he falls in love with her. 

Brynhildr and her daughter with Siegfried waiting for him but never come back. One day, the king of the kingdom who is the brother of Gudrun, Gunnar saw Brynhildr searching for Sigurd and he likes her. He tries to seduce her but she said only the man that can save her from a flaming bed may become her husband. Sigurd offers his help to make Brynhildr marry Gunnar, which the king accept. Sigurd then disguise himself as Gunnar and saved Bryndhildr from the flaming bed...Again. It was said that his memory returns during this time but he was already married with Gudrun and have child with her, alongside his vow to help Gunnar, makes him reluctant to take Brynhildr back. 

The one the other anon is saying is about Siegfried, Kriemhilld, Brunhilda, and Gunther. Which have different settings  altogether but similar plot. 

In addition, Lilith was said to be the first wife of Adam who refuse to be submissive to him and they seperates, where God later give Adam his second wife, Eve. Thats not Cuckqueaning. Yeah Brynhildr is more cuckqueaned in the story.
Replies: >>2642 >>2643

Brynhildr and her daughter with Sigurd, not Siegfried. Sorry typo...
Replies: >>2643
Shit, you're right. You're referencing the Norse version, the one the Ring opera was adapted from, right? I was thinking of the german adaptation. My bad.
Replies: >>2644

Yes lol, you are talking about Brunhilda the queen of Iceland who is portrayed to be crueler than Valkyrie Brynhildr.
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Hello yes I would like to order one (1) tol 'nubis sister-wife please
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October again, folks. You know what that means, girls:

Monstergirls are going to abduct and have sex with your boyfriends, husbands, and men you know and just kind of like and hope things will go somewhere. Or possibly home invade, where they will make vigorous love to the man in your life, probably in your own bed.

It's important to know this is coming, and accept it, as there's no stopping it. It's a beautiful and natural part of the cycle of life for them.

How do you prepare and manage Cucktober?
Replies: >>2905
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>have to spend night in spooky house to inherit long-lost uncle's estate
>turns out the will was forged by poltergeist girl who steals your bf

>hiking along Japanese mountain trail at night, hit mysterious invisible wall
>invisible wall stops only you, nurikabe steals your bf

>set out to provide that mysterious werewolf plaguing village is just a man in a suit who would get away with it if it weren't for your meddling
>turns out that werewolf is neither fake nor a man, and she steals your bf

>climb mysterious vine
>fee fi fo fum, giant girl wants all your bf's cum

>disturb ancient Egyptian tomb
>end up bound in wrappings while resurrected mummy steals your bf

>discover ancient city in Antarctica built with mind-warping geometry and full of secrets man was not meant to know
>such as the shoggoths, who steal your bf
Replies: >>2910 >>2913
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>You are working in your lab late one night
>When your eyes behold an eerie sight
>For your monster from her slab, begins to rise
>And suddenly, to your surprise...

>(She steals your man!) She steals your dear bf
>(She steals your man!) It is a boyfriend theft
>(She steals your man!) She rolls her hips so deft
>(She steals your man!) Until there's no cum left

>From your laboratory where your monster fucks him
>To the master bedroom where the vampires suck him
>The ghouls all come and line up as a flock
>To get a ride on your bf’s cock!

>(They steal your man!) They steal your dear bf
>(They steal your man!) A grievous boyfriend theft
>(They steal your man!) Your pussy’s left bereft
>(They steal your man!) All while you schlick stage left

>The zombies are having fun
>The party has just begun
>The guests include wild slimegirls and several monstrous nuns
>The scene is rockin’, he’s done nothing but screw
>You’re in chains, suspended for a better view
>Your frustrated pussy drooling all the while
>As he hammers a werewolf - doggy style!

>(Who steals your man!) Who's stealing your bf
>(Who steals your man!) There's really no contest
>(Who steals your man!) It's his sexual quest
>(Who steals your man!) To give them all his best

>Out of their chambers the catgirls decant 
>Their bodies perfect and their clothing scant
>They pounce on your man and start having fun
>There's plenty of night left before he's done!

>(All steal your man!) They all steal your bf
>(All steal your man!) It’s a boyfriend theft fest
>(All steal your man!) He has no time to rest
>(All steal your man!) Drowned in their ample chests

>Now everything's cool, it all went as you planned
>Your bf was again the hit of the land
>With your serum he has nothing to fear
>When they come back to have another go next year!

>(To steal your man!) To steal your dear bf
>(To steal your man!) A halloween fuckfest
>(To steal your man!) In which at your behest
>(To steal your man!) He cums in all the guests
Replies: >>2910 >>2913
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>Husband of the Swarm/Day of the Spike
I just caught up on this to the end. I loved it. Madcap mixtures of pop culture, video games, and other cultural feedstock built into this fever dream of a universe is normally the sort of thing I hate, but it's done with such unconcerned panache here that I found myself adoring it. I think Spidernon's writing is at its best when it's silly and weird, because that's when, strangely enough, it feels the most real. There's an intoxicating sense of honesty behind all of the stories that take place in the Firm universe(s?), and this one is no exception.

It was nice to see a submissive male character with a proper character arc. I don't know if it was in some small way down to our previous criticism of the werewolf reverse gangbang story—after all, some of Spider's stories before that one had already done it properly—but I saw many of the weaknesses we criticised being very particularly addressed, and I was pleased with the results. The way that the main character's story of overcoming was treated as a farce—but an important farce that was to be respected and had real consequences—made complete sense and I didn't feel that it diminished his victory one bit. It looked like a very difficult balance to pull off. Bravo.

To the sex. I expected to be grossed out by the hivemind girlfriend's various xenomorphic bodies, but they just came off as cute. How the fuck does someone make a swarm of tiny vagina-slug-faeries or a gigantic titty caterpillar who lactates blue milk cute? Well I saw it happen, right there in that story, and I've still no idea how it was done. Amazing.

I know that fucking the different bodies of a hivemind isn't technically cuckqueaning, and that this was written from a submissive male PoV, but some of the sex scenes still managed to inadvertently push a couple of my buttons. The way her various bodies cooperated was pretty hot, and—not gonna lie—if I was a galaxy-spanning all-consuming hivemind I would probably not do nearly as well at thinking up such terrifyingly cute forms to fuck my husband with. Plus that scene at the end, the way the Suk-Suk forms were eventually put to use... damn. Damn.

Overall I recommend giving it a try, and you'll quickly know if you want to keep reading all the way to the end or not.
Replies: >>2913 >>4809
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>ywn get to make chocolate-and-cream jokes before you clean up a hellwan's creampie
>a hellwan's creampie
Just thought of a new term for that...
Replies: >>2913
See this is the classic /cuckquean/ halloween content I like to see.
Replies: >>2911
Cuck-ween, if you will.
Replies: >>2913 >>2916

>Their bodies perfect and their clothing scant
I'm gonna imagine the r's being rolled like a purr here.

Do they make, like, spicy Oreos with a pinch of cayenne? That's what I'm imagining.

Oh shit is this finished? I read part 1 forever ago and decided I'd check back eventually. Not gonna lie though, the comically evil Earth government both squicks and depresses me a bit.
Replies: >>2915 >>2916
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>Do they make, like, spicy Oreos with a pinch of cayenne? That's what I'm imagining.
I happen to be in the middle of baking right now and this has put me in a terrible dilemma. Even if the idea I've just had does end up yielding delicious spicy chocolate biscuits with a creamy filling that's both delicious and novel to eat, I'd never be able to serve them to guests.
Replies: >>2916 >>2917 >>2978
I should be angry, but I am not.

>r's being rolled like a purr
That’s how I read it too.

> the comically evil Earth government both squicks and depresses me a bit.
Yeah. Misery, ugliness, and humiliation inflicted for its own sake isn’t easy thing to see; I gathered that was rather the point. Cones in eyes indeed.

>Anon, these are delicious!
“T-Thanks, you too.”
>What do you call them?
“Hellhound Creamp—NO WAIT—I-I mean… Hellfire, uh, Creams…”
>Still haven’t finalised the name, huh? Wow, the way that I can suck out the filling like this to soothe the heat from the spice is really fun, too.
“H-Haha, yeah, I, um… I like that part a lot too.”
>This was an experiment, right? Can I see your recipe notes?
“My n-notes!? I, I, er…”
(Smash cut to close up pan of Anon’s notes, complete with doodle of grinning dog-woman with flaming eyes pointing expectantly between her spread legs. Smash cut back to Anon.)
“…I don’t really keep notes. All in my head, y’know?”
Replies: >>2917
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This wouldn't be a problem for me because I like apparently innocent things with dirty secrets. I might even pretend I am a succubus in disguise and that my spicy devils food will corrupt the partaker.

Anyway, get your partner to serve dessert instead?

>>Anon, these are delicious!
>“T-Thanks, you too.”
Replies: >>2919 >>2978
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>get your partner to serve dessert instead?
Replies: >>4393
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So far, both of my experiments that aimed to create a hellhound creampie biscuit have ended in failure. My first experiment succeeded in making a deliciously spicy, soft cocoa biscuit dipped in tempered dark chocolate that worked well with an Italian style buttercream flavoured by a raspberry and/or cherry liqueur, but the reality of that sort of biscuit is that all attempts at structure simply melt away in the oven, even when you use a form, and dipping such a soft biscuit in melted chocolate is a fucking nightmare. Using a little sprinkle of dried, powdered raspberries in the shape of the hellhound's eye flames on top of the chocolate worked better than I expected, though.

I tried an American style for my second attempt; the structural results were more or less the same, plus their style of buttercream not only overwhelmed any attempt at flavour but also gave me what feels like sucrose poisoning. I only sampled two, then had to eat salmon to get rid of the sugar-nausea. I think I'll throw the rest out.

I don't know where to go from here. Ideally I want to get a little deniable flourish in there that suggests vulval lips enclosing cum to the dirty-minded but appears merely decorative to everyone else. Oreo biscuits are a wafer, but I don't think that style would respond well to 3D forming. Perhaps a tuile or a snap base would work, but I can't imagine how one might get enough spice or cocoa in there to properly carry the theme, nor how one might be able to integrate any kind of filling.

Here is a picture of a baking monster girl to make this something other than an incongruous baking blog post on an obscure fetish board.
Replies: >>2980 >>3007
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Maybe bake the structure separately and add the cream after like a Boston cream doughnut? If you want a lot of structure you could maybe mess around with something like devil's food cake or brownie mix. And if it gets too rigid to inject the cream with a pastry bag you could mess around with carving them to accept the filling, kind of like a stuffed raston (pic related). That option could also give you some deniability on an unusual shape for the hole to inject cream into...

(And after writing all of that, I realized I just described a Little Debbie cupcake or a chocolate Twinkie. Is that what those have been this whole time?!)
Replies: >>2981 >>3007
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I did consider going for more of a filled cake than a biscuit like you suggest, but I thought it would be very difficult to bake in the kind of structure that doing a cake that subtly evoked a pussy would require without it looking obvious, crude (in the crafting sense), or otherwise vulgar. I suppose one could do it with special food-grade silicon molds, but I've not the materials nor commitment to the idea to go to the trouble of making them. Lots that one can do flavour-wise, though - one of my early ideas along these lines was a kind of shaped spicy chocolate lava cake that would spill out with some kind of condensed milk-based sauce when cut into.

This would probably be around the time I might start reflecting on how my life choices have lead me up to the moment of making this kind of post, if I had any shame left.

>stuffed raston
I had no idea what this was, so I looked it up and ended up loving the original recipe:
>Take fayre Flowre and the whyte of Eyroun and the yolke, a lytel. Than take Warme Berme, and pute al these to-gederys and bete hem to-gederys with thin hond tyl it be schort and thikke y-now, and caste Sugre y-now there-to, and thenne lat reste a whyle. An kaste in a fyre place in the oven and late bake y-now And then with a knyf cutte yt round a-bove in manner of a crowne, and kepe the crust that thou kyttest, and than caste ther-in clarifiyd Boter and Mille the comes and the botere to-gederes, and kevere it a-yen with the crust that thou kyttest a-way. Than putte it in the ovyn ayen a lytil tyme and than take it out, and serve it forth.

Sounds delicious; I might try it after (if) the Hellhound Creampie Biscuit Problem is put to bed.
Oh, you're actually trying to make it look like a... Well, now I understand your reluctance to serve it to guests! I thought you were just going for a spicy Hostess cuckcupcake like >>2980 describes. Maybe that can be the version for normies guests.

Also! If you succeed I would love pictures and a recipe. Or at least the recipe. I bake, just... not well enough to suggest things like the other anon. (I'm going to tell my beloved this is why I deserve to be cucked. Giving him silly reasons is one of our things.)

Unrelatedly: Salmon is a nausea cure? What? I wouldn't have guessed seafood could do that.
Replies: >>3008
>Oh, you're actually trying to make it look like a...
Deniably! I’ve had some promising sculptural results by jumping off from tuiles à la cigarette russes. It turns out that an idealised vulva is shaped a lot like the leaves of a little plant, given the correct framing.

>If you succeed I would love pictures and a recipe. Or at least the recipe. I bake, just... not well enough to suggest things like the other anon. (I'm going to tell my beloved this is why I deserve to be cucked. Giving him silly reasons is one of our things.)
But if I share the recipe and you successfully make it then won’t you have double reacharound cucked yourself out of deserving to be cucked?

>Salmon is a nausea cure?
You’re as surprised as I was. I just suddenly felt the overwhelming need to eat salmon over the sugar-sickness’s miserable buzz. As soon as I got my mouth around some, lo - I was delivered from the buttercream’s cloying malaise.
Replies: >>3010 >>3763
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>It turns out that an idealised vulva is shaped a lot like the leaves of a little plant, given the correct framing.
Or the petals! People use that metaphor for a reason.

>But if I share the recipe and you successfully make it then won’t you have double reacharound cucked yourself out of deserving to be cucked?
No! I'm still a stupid slut who needed a better girl to teach her!
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This Baalbuddy comic isn't cuckquean material itself, but it made me think. Imagine if your partner doesn't have second sight but you do. And then some slut spirit shows up and starts draping herself on your partner. All. The time. And you just have to deal with that because you don't want to sound like a madwoman who not only believes in spirits but gets jealous of them.

Meanwhile your partner sometimes says stuff like "Ah, I feel oddly cool down there suddenly... but it feels kinda good."
Replies: >>3018
The worst part of that situation would be that the spectral slut, who I imagine might get quite smug once she figured out I could see her, would never end up having that smug dicked out of her.
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Inter-monstergirl cuckqueaning? Here's Monster Girl Quest's Alice recruiting vixen Tamamo for a little session with her man Luka.
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Hey baking anon, I dunno if you still come here, but I happened to see two things that reminded me of you.
Replies: >>3766
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I feel very remembered! Baking and other cooking had put more on my thighs than I wanted so I had to forego experimentation with all that sugary stuff. I still have my notes and molds but since I'm also working hard at long-term body improvement, it might be a little while before I have another try at the idea.

>that level of shortcrust sculpting
Hot fucking damn.
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Nothing can keep her from your boyfriend now.. 🧛‍♀️
Replies: >>4393
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Not directly related, but it made me laugh to imagine a wolfgirl vixen pitching herself in this way.
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4000 GET is hereby claimed in the name of catgirl maids for domestic use.
Replies: >>4393
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Inviting your submissive monstergirl friend to help you warm your husband's bed had seemed like such a good idea at the time—she'd been secretly in love with him for a while, and you two already got along famously: What wasn't to like?

Turned out she had more in common with you than either you or she suspected. Now there are two keys around hubby's neck, and soon his bed will be even warmer.
Replies: >>4393
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>>357 (OP) 
Werewolf girls are amazing to me, among the best monster girls (girls with tentacles are still at the top). Perfect fantasy of having your bf stolen from you by a dom vixen and it couples so perfectly with them providing experiences and degrees of pleasure you can't. 

>If they have legit dog pussies than they're a couple of noticable degrees hotter than human cunts, are ribbed internally, and can't get preggo so raw sex every time
>Primal, animalistic breeding you can't provide for him
>They're coated in soft fur for him
>They can go into heat, making their cunts hot, wet and making them horny enough to go out of their way to steal your bf
>They're 100% not going to take no for an answer if they want him
>Their tongues are perfect for oral and their maws make going deep for blowjobs effortless
>They have cute plush ears and tail for him to hold on to

They provide a better experience than you in every way and provide things you simply can't. Some comic of a cute boy getting dommed into blissful orgasm by aggressive wolf girls set me on this retarded fetish. I curse God every day for bringing me this close to being a furry dogfucker (or more accurately desired observer to borderline dog fucking). I will never tell my boyfriend of this cringe shit, this will go with me to the grave irl with only my fellow autists privvy
Replies: >>4393
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We all love demihuman vixens, of course, but does anyone else ever fantasize about being the monstergirl? There was a post >>1515
>You know those clips when cats and dogs interfere with people having sex? In my fantasy they have to put me away because I'd be like that if I was allowed to roam free, just clambering all over the place and sticking my nose in and licking all over like a goddamn nuisance.
But, what if you could actually be the catgirl or the doggirl doing that?
Or imagine how much more you could get quick licks in if you were a highly shapeable goo girl, able to squeeze right in even between the slapping flesh? Maybe you could even serve as the contraception.

You are an alraune. You have to spend most of your time rooted in the garden because of your need for sun and rain and tasty loam, but through the window you can hear them going at it again. You wish they'd bring a blanket outside where you could join them, or even have some one-on-one time if you allow yourself a moment of selfish fantasy, but you know it's not pleasant for humans outdoors this time of year. You try to waft your sweet scent inside, but the lure doesn't work and the arousal pheromones just make them go at it all the harder. You'll just have to wait your turn for pollination at their pleasure.

You are a dullahan. Your vixen is still not entirely comfortable with having you watch, and you have house chores to do anyway... but she lets you leave your head under the pillow, so you can listen and feel the bed shake. Maybe if you're lucky the pillow will get jostled aside. Maybe if you're unlucky you'll roll behind and under the bed. At least your body can masturbate in the other room, once the chores are done.

You are a diligent, hard-working bee-girl, but you come back to home and hive to find your husband being ridden by one of those selfish wasp cunts again, cucking you and all your sister-wives as they buzz against her trying to drive her off (or maybe get her off - you're not sure). And she just calmly and smugly finishes, then takes some of your hard-earned honey and says "Thanks for the after-shag pick-me-up, luv." and fucks off. (Yes the WASP is British; think about it.)

You are a medusa. You think you're about to have another addition to your statuary garden, but it seems the latest heroine has figured out your weakness is "shiny things". (Does she have to say it like you're a magpie? Well, you have collected and polished some pretty things, wink.) As the last bits of you stiffen, you hear: "Hey stud, looks like you've been hard for years - up for a celebratory freedom fuck?"

You are a unicorn-- wait, I think this one's been done. But you get the idea.


very cute cats

very cute coon

Hera, Zeus's wife, is perhaps best known for being repeatedly cucked. Like seriously, off the top of your head, do you even know what her divine portfolio was supposed to be? No, you don't. You know her as the cuck goddess who gets cucked by Zeus Thundercock.

Between this and Tamamo-no-mae escaping, it's a good year to get cucked so hard it becomes the stuff of myths.

But anon, shouldn't a boyfriend be someone you can trust with knowing your cringiest fetishes?
Replies: >>4400 >>4425 >>4441
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>Maybe you could even serve as the contraception.
This detail is absolutely next-level stuff. I am in awe. Imagining the taste, the smell, the sensation, the situation, the dynamics... for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. Words fail me.

>"Thanks for the after-shag pick-me-up, luv." and fucks off. (Yes the WASP is British; think about it.)
If we go with the American connotation of WASP as also being a White Affluent Schooled Person, the working-class register would go in the mouths of the earnest bee-girls, and if we give the wasp a posh touch...

>Oooh, Rose, luv! Back in the nick of time—muck in and help us get this toffish cunt off.
>About—ah!—about time you came around. It's so refreshing when a worker—oho! How droll!—knows her place. Tongues right—mmmm, harder—right here, here, and here, if you please.
>Argh! Not like that, you blistered piss-pot skank! "Off" as in gerroff! On yer bike, you bloody yellow trollop!

>You are a unicorn-- wait, I think this one's been done. But you get the idea.
A few times, I think! I've collected a couple, but I'm loathe to post centaur stuff at the moment, given our potentially hazardous climate around horse-bits.

>Hera, Zeus's wife, is perhaps best known for being repeatedly cucked. Like seriously, off the top of your head, do you even know what her divine portfolio was supposed to be? No, you don't. You know her as the cuck goddess who gets cucked by Zeus Thundercock.
No, I, um... I... wow, no wonder she was so grumpy all the time.
Replies: >>4412
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>>4400 (nice balls!)
I should really make time to read more of Comic Unreal.

>I've collected a couple, but I'm loath to post centaur stuff at the moment, given our potentially hazardous climate around horse-bits.
Aw, I'm confident cuckqueanadmin-chama can tell the difference between someone trying to stir shit and someone like >>2249 who simply loves MGE's iconic cuck horse. Surely we can't just forbid bicorns, or characters from Everyday Life With Monster Girls.

>If we go with the American connotation of WASP as also being a White Affluent Schooled Person, the working-class register would go in the mouths of the earnest bee-girls, and if we give the wasp a posh touch...
I think the exact words backfilled into that acronym vary, but since I kek'd at your addition, it's all to the good.

>This detail is absolutely next-level stuff. I am in awe. Imagining the taste, the smell, the sensation, the situation, the dynamics... for a moment, I forgot how to breathe. Words fail me.
Well, if you liked that, lemme hit you with an alternate possibility. After you stretch your selectively permeable self around the penis, as per usual, you remember that you've recently collectively decided it's time to make an honest sister-wife out of your vixen. And so, you take hubby's load, holding it within a bulb at the tip like a real condom, or like a girl about to demonstrate gokkun. With gelatinous gentleness, you locate by feel the opening of her cervix, and squirt his seed directly at the target, thereby personally participating in and affirmatively consenting to your man knocking up your vixen. You've heard of guided_penetration, helping aim his cock at her holes, but how often do you get to assist the last few centimeters traveled by his seed itself, guided_insemination if you will? Not often enough that it's a danbooru tag, that's for sure. Maybe you'll get a pat on the head for helping.

In my view, monstergirls aren't just great for being cute and having interesting visual design - they open up new possibilities.

Speaking of shapeshifters, how could I forget the obvious case of doppelgangers? It's definitely at least queany-adjacent to be on the lookout for women he'd like to fuck, even if you end up filling in, so to speak. And if you can recruit the actual woman, any sex session can become a threesome-with-twins if desired.

Being a monstergirl can also introduce novel limitations, some you're-not-enough flavor for the subqueans among us:
You are a harpy, but your man likes handjobs (you'll make a great fluffer tho).
You are a lamia, but your man likes footjobs (you can hug them real good and draw off body heat tho).
You are a fairy, and you are literally too tiny for penetrative sex - how sad that is - are you really going to ask him to give that up for you? (But by all means sit on his shoulder, kiss his ear, and cheer him on.)
And so on.
Replies: >>4422 >>4441
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>Surely we can't just forbid bicorns, or characters from Everyday Life With Monster Girls.
I suppose that's true. Here are some of the relevant unicorn things I've collected. They're all influenced by the MGE in one way or another:
Harem_Household_Sick_Day.txt: Greentext by a /monster/ writer known as Tercio. Happy little snapshot of a monstrous harem household that includes a bicorn and a very cute pair of daughters, one unicorn and one bicorn (not involved sexually, obviously). Originally posted on /cuckquean/ as a nice gesture, IIRC.
A_Long_Day.txt: Prose story by Tercio concerning another bicorn-inclusive harem household. (Tercio's rather good in general, actually; other work is at https://tercio.slash.monster )
THANKS MAMONOMANA.png: An oft-memed greentext concerning a transformed unicorn whose nature cucks her out of being cucked.
NEET Gamer Unicorn.txt: Greentext from /monster/, I think. Not cuckquean specifically, but I thought it was cute and went into some of the unappreciated parts of unicorn life.

There are probably other works in my hard drive's warrens somewhere, but these are the ones I remember.

>After you stretch your selectively permeable self around the penis, as per usual, you remember that you've recently collectively decided it's time to make an honest sister-wife out of your vixen. And so, you take hubby's load, holding it within a bulb at the tip like a real condom, or like a girl about to demonstrate gokkun. With gelatinous gentleness, you locate by feel the opening of her cervix, and squirt his seed directly at the target, thereby personally participating in and affirmatively consenting to your man knocking up your vixen.
There's no other word for this but genius. I'm overdosing feelings.

>It's definitely at least queany-adjacent to be on the lookout for women he'd like to fuck, even if you end up filling in, so to speak.
The MGE doppelganger has a quirk wherein if a man sees her true (mousy, shy) form and falls in love with it, she loses the ability to change her appearance. While I think that's a nice romantic arc and all, were I a doppelganger I'd be happy to be accepted for who I was but also right annoyed at that rule losing me such a fun power. Being able to shift into anything I could imagine is like... maximum cosplay.

>You are a fairy, and you are literally too tiny for penetrative sex - how sad that is - are you really going to ask him to give that up for you? (But by all means sit on his shoulder, kiss his ear, and cheer him on.)
I am stealing that second fairy picture there. I've always thought that fairy cuckqueans would be perfect for cheeky dirty talk, whispering into the man's ear as well as the vixen's. Just have to make sure one's curiosity is combined with quick reflexes, or getting too close to the action could be hazardous.

>monstergirls aren't just great for being cute and having interesting visual design - they open up new possibilities.
Amen! Why stick bits on a girl if you aren't going to use 'em? One of the most appealing things about monster girls for me is that they're fun not only to populate a fantasy with, but also to think about.
Replies: >>4425
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>one of those selfish wasp cunts again, cucking you and all your sister-wives as they buzz against her trying to drive her off (or maybe get her off
Just realized that I fucked this up. I said wasps, and technically the specie I was thinking of is considered a member of Vespidae, but I meant to reference Asian hornets, and the way bees defend the hive by covering the hornet and vibrating really hard: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_giant_hornet#Native_honey_bees
Either way, a BEEG vespidian vixen getting swarmed by possibly-fuzzy smol vibrating bee girls, vigorously protesting her intrusion in their little piping buzzing shaky voices, is a cute mental image to me.

>>4422 (double-checked)
>The MGE doppelganger has a quirk wherein if a man sees her true (mousy, shy) form and falls in love with it, she loses the ability to change her appearance. While I think that's a nice romantic arc and all, were I a doppelganger I'd be happy to be accepted for who I was but also right annoyed at that rule losing me such a fun power. Being able to shift into anything I could imagine is like... maximum cosplay.
Ugh. There really is some possibly-unintentionally shitty stuff in the bowels of MGE canon. Were I a doppelganger, I suspect I'd see shapeshifting as a form of creative outlet, much closer to the core of who I am than whatever random default setting I came out of the womb with. It would be like going from maximum self-expression to like... one of those cults where you have to wear a dowdy standard outfit. Or if control of one's powers is mastered as part of childhood, I might see loss of those powers as being forced into an infantilized state. If hubby wants to fuck a shy mousy girl, or a legal loli or a cultish hijabi, I would invent that persona and do a better job than whatever nature gave me. Authenticity of the mind is more important than that of superficial flesh.

I consulted my beloved on this one and he agreed - said that if we have to abide by wedding day rules if I get too sick to shift or something, then so be it - he'd blindfold and avert his gaze rather than risk taking that from me. Clearly, this is another reason to have a sister-wife, so she can handle those duties. Maybe we can have a goo girl and between her mastery of shape and my mastery of color and texture we can provide incredible variety together.

>Amen! Why stick bits on a girl if you aren't going to use 'em? One of the most appealing things about monster girls for me is that they're fun not only to populate a fantasy with, but also to think about.
Agreed, and it's also fun to think about what they might think about. Like, apropos of discussing how doppelgangers see things, I'm sure being some variety of demihuman changes what one's view of "normal" is. Like for a lamia, tails are normal, so getting to watch intercrural must be pretty weird. To have two appendages down there, but purposely squeeze them together to provide friction for him, like firmer breasts, or like the kind of coiling you can only manage down at the tip of your tail. To see his member between her folds of flesh down there, it looks so deep, yet intellectually you know this isn't even considered a form of penetration! How strange. How exotic.

>I am stealing that second fairy picture there. I've always thought that fairy cuckqueans would be perfect for cheeky dirty talk, whispering into the man's ear as well as the vixen's. Just have to make sure one's curiosity is combined with quick reflexes, or getting too close to the action could be hazardous.
Many headcanon fairies as having natural damage resistance of some kind. Often this takes the form of resilient squishiness, similar to that of a goo girl, and this is sometimes further parlayed into stretchiness sufficient to allow what would otherwise be highly traumatic insertion of a male member. This doesn't work well with the fantasy I outlined, of course. Although maybe if you were small enough, like say a decimeter or so, you could be technically penetrable due to stretchiness while still simply being too small to allow hubby to properly hilt himself. Plus, we're probably talking about some inhuman internal anatomy at that point, and maybe it's not pleasant to have that amount of pressure from semen spurting inside. Maybe it'd come out your mouth and feel really strange. I saw fairy art of it coming out her navel once.

Anyway, if you're fast and agile enough, maybe you can zip in to plant quick kisses on his balls between the slower thrusts. Or depending on sex position you could hang out on her chest or back and be extra eye candy, get a change of scenery while you shlick.

>There are probably other works in my hard drive's warrens somewhere, but these are the ones I remember.
Thanks, these are fun.

Oh hey, this one is from this incarnation of /cuckquean/. It's good.

Cute and sweet as I remember. I do agree that what I have read from Tercio is good.

Weirdly, I already had this in TXT form, but it seems a few lines may've been omitted for political correctness reasons, so I'm glad for this version. It's still funny.

>NEET Gamer Unicorn
>you want to try waking up welded into a white horse?
>after I'd finished screaming I figured it was a body-horror nightmare
>except I never woke up
I have to admit, horsepussy isn't high on my list of desired monsterizations, along with anything that would make it difficult to use a keyboard. (Doppelganger actually appeals to me a lot because I'm an indecisive little bitch with anxiety.) The rest of that story recovered the tone and became fun and hot, thankfully. And that part was important, as frequently alienation and/or disability are part of the NEET life, plus I find it relatable to reprocess her traumas as erotic fantasy. Anyway, this one was entirely new to me, so thanks for sharing it.
Replies: >>4426 >>4441
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>a BEEG vespidian vixen getting swarmed by possibly-fuzzy smol vibrating bee girls, vigorously protesting her intrusion in their little piping buzzing shaky voices
Just wait until her signal pheromones summon her friends. Perhaps the bees can have Canadian accents, like pic related.

>There really is some possibly-unintentionally shitty stuff in the bowels of MGE canon.
I gather that the MGE itself is supposed to have been written by an in-world unreliable narrator, which has caused quite a bit of grief. But in any case, I went and looked at the Doppelganger's entry at https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Doppelganger to see if I was remembering her correctly, and it seems she's less a deliberate shapeshifter as a kind of ghost who forms from the regrets of those in unrequited love. Rather than creatively turning herself into whatever she wants, she instinctively takes the form of the object of her target's affections—specifically, how her target imagines or idealises that girl to be. This is why, if their man falls in love with their untransformed self, they remain in that shape: They are now his "ideal" and their instinctive power would simply transform them into themselves.

But, there was one more detail I liked: Where a man is actually incorrect in thinking the love is unrequited, a ritual link forms between the real woman and the doppelganger who is copying her. This ritual link transmits memories of the doppelganger's sex with the man (presumably in the form of dreams or some other hard-to-trace method) as well as monstrous essence, such that the woman in question eventually monsterises and goes to join the doppelganger and man to form a twin-like triad arrangement. It's not put in cuckquean terms, but the idea of being cucked by a ghost who's stolen your shape and then finding yourself with memories of her using your body to fuck the guy you like sounds pretty queany to me.

A little disappointed at the shapeshifter not actually being a canonical body-inventor, I found another ghost girl at https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Phantom called the Phantom—her theming being a roundabout reference to the Phantom of the Opera, probably—who has the power to bend reality and replace it with grand narrative illusions in which they enfold the man who's caught their eye. The illusory productions end with their character and the man's character fucking, naturally, and one presumes they continue to do this sort of thing for fun after they've taken a mate. There's no direct reference to their shifting their own bodies beyond costume, but I don't think it's too far a stretch to imagine they can.

The entry also mentions that ghosts who grow powerful from marital sex might develop into phantoms, too, so perhaps one could imagine a post-arc doppelganger who hasn't transformed in a long while rediscovering her ability to do so, this time under conscious control, and learning to put it to use.

That said, your sentiments regarding the stripping away of a creative power from the doppelganger-as-I-misremembered-her were spot on. Such powers are usually pitched and analysed purely in terms of the man's pleasure, but had I such a power I imagine I'd find it tremendously satisfying to use. "Oh but it's an ILLUSION don't you see, the real joy for such a girl is discovering her AUTHENTIC self and being appreciated for who she REALLY is"—FUCK YOU, the demand for constant "authenticity" and "openness" wearing psychology's hideously flayed and stitched skin is a way of banning privacy of thought and feeling without having to own up to it. My authentic self has a blast pulling things kicking and screaming out of my imagination for my own enjoyment; anyone who thinks that somehow the ability to use my body (adjusting for whatever energy and skill requirements are appropriate) for my own amusement and the amusement of the man I love would obliterate authenticity of personality probably grew up suckling from the rotten teat of the Standard Theatre Kid Life Narrative that saturates American film and television, thereby making it everyone else's problem. Plenty of fake people with incurably fake personalities scuttling around already, no literal shapeshifting ability required.

>How strange. How exotic.
You said it far better than I could. There's great joy in imagining not only different worlds, but different ways of being that those worlds provide. What fun.

>this is sometimes further parlayed into stretchiness sufficient to allow what would otherwise be highly traumatic insertion of a male member
I believe the vulgar shorthand for this allowance is "flesh condom". Actually, a while back I went for a little stroll through DLsite's extensive tags and found a 3D animated work—very slickly done, voice-acted and everything—about an industrial process that brainwashed, modified, and processed faeries to be suitable as sex sleeves. The body modification, vacuum sealing and large insertion stuff was a bit much for me, but I thought it was interesting that someone had thought through what would be required to produce was otherwise an unquestioned part of depicting fairy/human sex. Our Black Souls thread gaming thread also has some references to another subversion of that, where the insertion is permitted to be just as physically traumatic as reason dictates.

I... maybe shouldn't have thought about all that fairy-hurting in such quick sequence. I like faeries.

>The rest of that story recovered the tone and became fun and hot, thankfully. And that part was important, as frequently alienation and/or disability are part of the NEET life, plus I find it relatable to reprocess her traumas as erotic fantasy.
The story's light touch was why I saved a copy for myself. Too often, that sort of thing ends up dragging and maudlin.
Replies: >>4441
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Another possible advantage to shapeshifters is consolation prizes for a bicorn who couldn't manage to recruit a certain girl to the communal bed. Horsies sometimes have a bigger appetite than is practical, you know.

>canadians make syrup like bees.jpg
Maple-dryad vixen discovering she's been hate-cucking Canadian girl for nothing because syrup isn't made from tree blood. Sticks around anyway because she's come to like his wood. All according to cuck keikaku, eh?

>I gather that the MGE itself is supposed to have been written by an in-world unreliable narrator, which has caused quite a bit of grief.
Sounds like a good excuse for inconsistencies and objections. I think some less pornographic intellectual properties do the same, with varying levels of approval of the tactic.

>It's not put in cuckquean terms, but the idea of being cucked by a ghost who's stolen your shape and then finding yourself with memories of her using your body to fuck the guy you like sounds pretty queany to me.
It certainly does. Not the exact same, but it reminds me of the anime in the anime thread with the vixen who takes the man's happy memories for herself, so the cuck makes sure to make sweet love to him well and often.

I'm glad that the MGE Doppelganger isn't as bad as I thought, but I do see one new angle for unfortunate implications:
>Since what the doppelganger transforms into is based not purely on the woman, but on the man's ideal of her, the woman linked will naturally change to become closer and closer to that ideal image.
If the love was requited, but the man's love was based on severe misconceptions about her, it seems that she would change to fit his image of who she is, which implies possible identity death. Arguably not the worst fate for a woman in the MGE setting, as the new identity would at least be happy, but horrifying in its way. Meanwhile the Phantom seems to do some brainwashing thing where the man and perhaps bystanders believe they are story characters, which... isn't great, but at least seems temporary?

>The entry also mentions that ghosts who grow powerful from marital sex might develop into phantoms, too, so perhaps one could imagine a post-arc doppelganger who hasn't transformed in a long while rediscovering her ability to do so, this time under conscious control, and learning to put it to use.
Hell yeah, this is more like it. Also, imagine a queany Phantom pulling another girl into the narrative as a vixen.

>the demand for constant "authenticity" and "openness" wearing psychology's hideously flayed and stitched skin is a way of banning privacy of thought and feeling without having to own up to it. My authentic self has a blast pulling things kicking and screaming out of my imagination for my own enjoyment; anyone who thinks that somehow the ability to use my body (adjusting for whatever energy and skill requirements are appropriate) for my own amusement and the amusement of the man I love would obliterate authenticity of personality probably grew up suckling from the rotten teat of the Standard Theatre Kid Life Narrative that saturates American film and television, thereby making it everyone else's problem. Plenty of fake people with incurably fake personalities scuttling around already, no literal shapeshifting ability required.
I agree with the thrust of what you've said here, but that said, it's ironic that you immediately preceded this rant with a literal Phantom of the Opera that thrives on spinning narratives and pulling others into her drama. I might prefer those spectral shenanigans to the rot infecting real-life culture, though.

>I believe the vulgar shorthand for this allowance is "flesh condom".
...well now I'm thinking about whether one could use a stretchy fairy for contraception instead of the goo-girl previously mentioned. She might drown, though. There's probably porn of this somewhere, drowning or no.

>Actually, a while back I went for a little stroll through DLsite's extensive tags and found a 3D animated work—very slickly done, voice-acted and everything—about an industrial process that brainwashed, modified, and processed faeries to be suitable as sex sleeves. The body modification, vacuum sealing and large insertion stuff was a bit much for me, but I thought it was interesting that someone had thought through what would be required to produce was otherwise an unquestioned part of depicting fairy/human sex.
Huh. I'm actually kind of curious about this, but I fear even if you remembered the identifying info, my Japanese probably isn't good enough to follow such a documentary.

>a decimeter or so
Come to think of it, some men are not so big. Perhaps fairies are for them. Truly in the new world order there is a hole, er, a niche for everyone. Although, I remember from one of the horsepussy stories the man started developing a more horse-appropriate cock. I don't really know much about how the incubus process is supposed to work. Could marrying a fairy give a man a micropenis? If he then married a bicorn or some such, would the magic give up and bestow magical cock resizing powers for compatibility? Is this a common practice for fairies who don't want their man to suffer permanent shrinkage?

Though in some other setting, I had the thought that fairies in the ancestral environment could deal with being tiny in two ways. You see, one reason to be tiny is that you need less of things, and that includes seed. Just a dab'll do ya; it's not like your eggs are hard for the sperm to find in that little space. And what's a good way to get fresh seed that isn't contaminated from being spilled on some surface? From the fresh creampie of a human woman, of course. There's so much there; surely she won't miss a little of it. So one approach is to just dart in there and scoop some up as they lie there tired after sex - this is why fairies are speedy and cheeky. But the other approach is to play up how small and pathetic you are, and just beg for a crumb of cream - this is why fairies are cute and queany. You could even sell them on the benefits of an ongoing arrangement. You can keep watch at night, you don't need a lot of food, maybe you have some minor fairy magics... but unlike many monstergirl types, it's unlikely you can actually steal him away for an exclusive relationship, seeing as men really enjoy a spot of penetration now and again. Heck, there could be whole lineages of fairies symbiotically living with humans, adapting over time to be as useful and as fun in the sack as possible.

>Not often enough that it's a danbooru tag, that's for sure.
The amount of tags that would suddenly be needed for specific but widespread monstergirl traits and practices would surely balloon after the monstergirls arrived, but I bet some autistic anubises and echidnas would help with the load, if you know what I mean (I mean volunteering for curation duties at archival institutions of all kinds).

>You know those clips when cats and dogs interfere with people having sex? In my fantasy they have to put me away because I'd be like that if I was allowed to roam free, just clambering all over the place and sticking my nose in and licking all over like a goddamn nuisance.
Even if you're put away, imagine how much better sniffing him afterward could be if you had the advanced olfactory ability of a pusspuss or an awoo.
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>Maple-dryad vixen
Coincidentally, a little side trip from the ghostly section of the encyclopaedia reveals that the MGE Dryad is a canonical cuckquean: https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Dryad
>When the tree grows, the space inside becomes huge, and the bug monsters lured by the fragrance of sap and essence will visit. Dryads have sweet, wild threesomes with visitors, as if to share their husband they are so proud of. As a dryad’s tree grows bigger, the space grows bigger, and more and more monsters come to visit.
>Everyday the man will be having sex with the dryad and other monsters. He can alternate between them, or enjoy sex smothered in many women’s bodies. Their favourite treat is the man’s sap, and they’ll keep feasting until their bodies are all sticky with nectar.

The entry mentions that dryads and their husbands are able to visit other dryad trees, forming a forest society. I once visited Sapporo in Hokkaido, Japan, and found to my delight that there was a warren of warm tunnels stretching underneath a big part of its city center that functioned as pedestrian-only streets with shops, plazas, fountains, cafes and all, allowing the city's people to flow in ease and comfort during harsh winters. (Maybe this is common in other high-latitude cities, not just Sapporo? Anyway.) I imagine these secret forest links as something like that: Leafy hidden paths woven all through the forest's fae-space, their phosphor-lit avenues strolled by dryads hanging off their husbands'—who I imagine as hardy, solid ranger types, big as old growth and lumberjack-strong—arms, and of course plenty of thirsty vixens for those husbands to stoically help sustain. Season this fantasy according to preferred queaning style and you're ready to dish yourself up some maximum comfy.

>If the love was requited, but the man's love was based on severe misconceptions about her, it seems that she would change to fit his image of who she is, which implies possible identity death. Arguably not the worst fate for a woman in the MGE setting, as the new identity would at least be happy, but horrifying in its way.
You're right, that is indeed what it says. The MGE's principle of "no unhappy endings" does ensure she'd end up enjoying the change, as you say, and I think the man would have to be pretty bonkers-wrong to have such a different idea of the woman as to cause identity death, but... well, maybe the passive corruption/involuntary change part also works into someone's fetish? One assumes, based on the usual "anything you don't like is probably an exaggeration so don't take it literally if it leads to a grim outcome" escape clause, that rather than ego death/replacement the result would be a harmony between the mistaken ideal and the reality, with the doppelganger and man also being influenced by the power of the original woman's love.

Come to think of it, the "interfering ghost takes on shape of what man incorrectly thinks the woman (who is also secretly in love with him) is like" sounds like a cute romantic comedy manga setup, where all involved eventually come to a better understanding of each other via light but steamy errors.

>Meanwhile the Phantom seems to do some brainwashing thing where the man and perhaps bystanders believe they are story characters, which... isn't great, but at least seems temporary?
I read their grand illusions as creating a kind of ritual space that acts like a waking dream, or a play in which the audience's attention is completely rapt, even though they're also the actors. Those who are pulled into them would fall into contributing their role but in their own unique way, and when the "play" is done would find themselves not sure of quite how they did it. (You could, if you wanted, say that those pulled in "wake up" with the kind of vague memories that follow an ordinary dream, but it's not necessary. Waking visions that are still "real enough to hurt" are a staple of ghost horror, too.) Very good performers do have the ability to do this to people, give them a little "taste" of performance where they surprise themselves, so think of it less as temporary brainwashing and more as the supernatural ability to inspire a kind of giddy improv performance with maximum audience participation. When a Phantom's performance is in full swing, things just happen, costumes manifest, and the world's logic changes to that which governs a performed story rather than a coherent reality.

This approach, I think, is the key to getting good stuff out of the MGE's little monstergirl-sketches: It's easy to read its various impositions on will or nature as being horrible or ego-killing or whatever else—because, after all, these girls were once dangerous monsters—but the far more satisfying challenge as an engaged reader is to figure out how the things described work out happily. Or, hell, if you're into the nasty stuff then go with that. It's an imaginative playground, and the entries are play equipment!

>imagine a queany Phantom pulling another girl into the narrative as a vixen.
Being regular vixen to a cuckquean Phantom would be quite a ride: Elaborate scenarios, roleplaying, costuming to the maximum, multi-week story arcs, clever worldbuilding slipped in, all punctuated by regular sizzling-hot sex scenes starring you, her husband, and her. Well... you and her husband, mainly. What? Plays need audiences, and she does so love to watch an artist work. Action!

Or, if you wanted to put it comedically, have her act like a mischievous spirit who keeps dropping in at inopportune moments to twist things into cheesy little porn scripts. Sure, having her husband appear on your doorstep dressed in a delivery uniform and asking you to sign for "his package" is groan-inducing, but... hey, why not? And yes, it's a little strange that everyone's disappeared from your office after you came back from getting coffee, but you're in too much of a hurry to worry about it; you need to get to the meeting room for a reason you can't quite remember and GOD DAMNIT that's her and her husband in... in very sharp suits, actually... and—yes, of course they're here to conduct your "performance review". Good thing her illusions seem to be able to bend time around them however they please.

>Horsies sometimes have a bigger appetite than is practical, you know.
A bicorn, a doppelganger, a phantom, and their husband walk into a love hotel... 

>I might prefer those spectral shenanigans to the rot infecting real-life culture, though.
It is ironic, isn't it? But, look closer: The difference is that the Phantom's performances are inspiring, fun, and, most importantly, have endings. Those who believe themselves to be characters in their own special never-ending movie implicitly believe in the existence of a script directing that movie, which means actors (you) who go off-script need to be nudged back into place without destroying the illusion they as the "main character" so desperately need. For that is needed control, and for control is needed legibility, and so the inner lives that make others so unpredictable yet satisfied in rage-inducing ways must be starved away by any means necessary. The Standard Theatre Kid Life Narrative (which masquerades as the Standard Nerd Life Narrative; actual nerds aren't there to convey their stories and do boring things besides) consists of the core belief that not only is one special and powerful, but that the world will eventually be forced to recognise that fact in a way that, oh, look at that, coincidentally guarantees a lifetime of dramatic attention and importance.

I will now, without a scrap of self-awareness, return to playing around with fantasy.

>She might drown, though. There's probably porn of this somewhere, drowning or no.
Now that you've thought of it, there almost certainly will be.

>I'm actually kind of curious about this, but I fear even if you remembered the identifying info, my Japanese probably isn't good enough to follow such a documentary.
It wasn't terribly difficult to re-find, being in a combination of tags whose intersecting Venn diagram is vanishingly small. The circle is called monoxide.jp, which is also their website, and that links to the work, or rather, both works, since there're apparently two of them: Sprite Brainwash Factory at https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ195257.html/?locale=en_US and Sprite Brainwash Factory 2 at https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ223473.html/?locale=en_US

I can't imagine you'd need too much Japanese, the soundtracks likely consisting mostly of moans and machinery, but who knows? Let us know what they're like if you end up watching them.

>Could marrying a fairy give a man a micropenis?
The MGE's entry makes it clear that the meat condom method is how they roll:
>From the look of it and the powerful squeeze given to the penis, it seems as if they're about to be torn apart, but even in such a state, they don't feel pain and their body won't break.
So, my guess is the man would remain at whatever size he was before. Perhaps there's some sex magic shenanigans that shrink the man down to fairy size or the fairy up to human size, just in case they want a little ordinary action.

>And what's a good way to get fresh seed that isn't contaminated from being spilled on some surface? From the fresh creampie of a human woman, of course. There's so much there; surely she won't miss a little of it. So one approach is to just dart in there and scoop some up as they lie there tired after sex - this is why fairies are speedy and cheeky. But the other approach is to play up how small and pathetic you are, and just beg for a crumb of cream - this is why fairies are cute and queany.
>Heck, there could be whole lineages of fairies symbiotically living with humans, adapting over time to be as useful and as fun in the sack as possible.
I am 127% into the idea of symbiotic quean-fairies, personally, although imagining an alternative subspecies who specialise in being cheeky, uppity little things who "allow" a human woman access to "their" men is also cute. Over time, those humans who're better able to integrate quean-fairies into their relationships get an edge, and over a longer march the two develop a culture with its own bonding rituals, norms, and... yeah, I'm into it.

>imagine how much better sniffing him afterward could be if you had the advanced olfactory ability of a pusspuss or an awoo.
Believe me, I have imagined exactly that. Sometimes I'll stumble across a rare gem that acknowledges the existence of these olfactory records, and... well, take last pic related. It's impractical given the nature of fluids, but still... imagine.
Replies: >>4787
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Monster girls have arrived
Choose a vixen or all of them and say why.

Big Mama Holst
>Is damn tol, makes you look like a womanlet
>Extra thicc with great stonken tits, those things probably outweigh you and her bras could be repurposed as hammocks 
>Is an absolute sweetheart thats extremely thoughtful 
>Acts like a loving housewife towards your hubby and treats you like like a cute sister-wife she needs to look after
>Will absolutely cuddle, comfort, and dote on you as much as you want, when you want
>Will happily take on the lion's share of the housework if you want her to
>Has no problems letting you watch while she gets it on with hubby, and will actually pull you into bed with them if you let her
>Her milk will make hubby extra fit and healthy, but it'll give you a figure more like hers if you drink it You'll still be short compared to her though
>Will need to eat a lot more than you or your hubby
>Your house will need to be remodeled a little for her and her clothing costs will be absurd

Aloof Arctic Fox 
>Is about your size with a nice figure; too bad you'll rarely see it
>She will not live in the same house as you and will only come over when she wants to fuck your hubby
>She'll do her best to never be seen by you and will hide or run away if shes noticed
>Most of the time the only signs of her visits will be white hairs on your bed and in the shower, missing food, clothes, and shampoo, and a very satisfied hubby; but you can sometimes hear them going at it if you get home at the right time
>Things will stay like that if you don't do anything, but that can change depending on your actions
>she'll become more sneaky if you try to catch her in the act
>She'll get bolder over time if you make food for her, leave fresh towels out, and ask hubby to talk to her about you
>Fox will be distant at first: rarely talking to you and unwilling to come within arms reach, but she won't run away or hide
>Over time, she'll grow more comfortable with you doing things for her and your presence in general, maybe even becoming demanding of you
>Will not let you snuggle with her, but she might warm up to the idea if you do a good job grooming her tail 

Lonely Lolibaba devil
>Is legal loli thats older than your grandma and fabulously wealthy
>Utterly adorable, but will act like a dirty old woman at times
>Is an absolute pervert that'll indulge you and hubby's desires
>Is also a cuddlebug that will snuggle the fuck out of you and hubby, will grope and molest you if she gets comfy with you. 
>Struggles with tech at times, occasionally gets spooped by the toaster going off or the computer making bloop sounds, will cling to you or hubby for comfort when this happens
>Has no experience with men or sex before she met your hubby, the entirety of her knowledge about the subject comes from old saucy books and hentai shes imported, but she really wants to learn
>Has lived a long lonely life and really wants companionship, in and out of the bedroom
>Will insist on going out on dates with you and hubby.
>Will play the smug vixen if you want her to, but would prefer to be your sister-wife
Replies: >>4475
>Aloof Arctic Fox 
>respects my home territory, keeps a respectful distance, does not want to impose herself on me or my marriage, leaves husband "very satisfied"
Ha! You didn't expect me to pick her, but I'm picking her!
Replies: >>4477
Ha! Jokes on you, I put Arctic Fox in the middle just so you'd choose her. Hope your hubby enjoys her.
Hope you had a good Turkey day too. Might add some more qts to look at this weekend
Replies: >>4492
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>>4477 (double-checked)
You're too tricksy, Anon; I've been outfoxed! Thank you for the little diversion—it was fun.
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I woke from a dream this morning that demands I write it down here; don't ask me why. I don't usually dream anything I can remember.

My man and I were in a ruined city, alone. He was wearing a green smock of some kind, something sewn through with pouches that made him hard to see, and I... I wasn't in my own body, but was something else; my limbs felt diffuse, like they could spread themselves out as far as they wanted, but didn't. There was something on the front of my throat that I kept touching because it made me proud, and I found myself comfortably hyper-aware of what my man's hands were doing because there was something in them that kept me calm and happy.

We walked through the overgrown city for what felt like a very long time. He spoke to me occasionally, but I can't remember what he said or if I spoke back to him. Eventually we went into a ruined building and he built a fire, ate something, and went to sleep. I watched him for a while, and then did something in my own head that let me leave.

I wandered(?) the ruins; there was no moon, but the stars were so bright I could see everything. I remember feeling excited, giddy, and eventually I was drawn to the second floor of a ruined factory.

There was a girl there, curled up asleep next to some kind of device. I remember watching her for a while, and coming to the realisation that although she wasn't alone, she was alone. As soon as I came to know that, I spread myself out and slipped behind to spoon her. I could feel how warm she was, and that was when I bit her. I latched to the back of the very bottom of her neck, right around C7, and wrapped myself around her so she couldn't struggle. She tried to struggle, very briefly, but it just tickled, and soon she calmed down and pressed back against my bite in a way that felt sexual.

She got up, wearing me wrapped around her, and I bade her walk. She did, slowly and haltingly; every time she took a step and her foot hit the ground, it sent numb little sparks through my body. We went out into the cityscape. I think I was talking to her, whispering reassuring things into her ear, but she didn't reply. I guided her, lurching, back to where my man was. I knew he'd probably be angry with me, though I didn't understand why, because after all I'd found a girl for him, hadn't I? Wasn't that what I was for, what I was supposed to do? As I thought this, the girl whimpered, but I didn't let her touch herself like she wanted to.

But as I climbed a wide spiral staircase with her, helping her choose where to put her feet, the dream ground to a halt. No matter how high we climbed, there was nowhere to go. That's when I woke up.

Cuckqueaning? You decide. Sure felt like it to me, though now that I've written it down like this I can't tell why. This picture likewise.
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It's an abstract kind of cuckqueaning.
>Cuckqueaning? You decide.
That kemonomimi creampie on display next to your post is making it hard to concentrate enough to decide on anything, but the dream seems at least quean-flavoured.

>I wasn't in my own body, but was something else; my limbs felt diffuse, like they could spread themselves out as far as they wanted, but didn't.
>There was something on the front of my throat that I kept touching because it made me proud
>I found myself comfortably hyper-aware of what my man's hands were doing because there was something in them that kept me calm and happy
>did something in my own head that let me leave
Dream sensations can be strange at the best of times, but since this is the fantasy thread, this dream role sounds like that of a bound spirit or other being.

>coming to the realisation that although she wasn't alone, she was alone
Contradictory, but knowledge in dreams often works like this.

>I latched to the back of the very bottom of her neck, right around C7, and wrapped myself around her so she couldn't struggle.
>right around C7
That's very specific, and unusual in that it's practically between the shoulders. My first impression was that of a predator or vampire's bite, but such a bite would be higher, in the actual neck part of the neck.

Casting about for other associations, the vishuddha chakra is said to reside at the very base of the throat, which is directly in line with where you describe "latching" to the girl. I'm no yogi, but Wikipedia has this to say:
>Vishuddha chakra is known as the purification center, where the nectar amrita drips down from the Bindu chakra and is split into a pure form and a poison.
>In its most abstract form, it is associated with higher discrimination and is associated with creativity and self-expression.
>It is believed that when Vishuddha is closed, a person undergoes decay and death. When it is open, negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and learning.
>The success and failure in one's life are said to depend upon the state of this chakra, whether it is polluted or clean.
>The feeling of being guilty is given as the most prominent reason for this chakra to block the Kundalini energy moving upwards.

If we accept this symbolism then interpretation becomes risky because there are a lot of different ways to see what happened in its light. Was your bite an opening or closing? Was her sleep restful or paralysing? Were you draining or supporting, sucking her essence or eating away her guilt? Were you impeding her or helping her to move in the first place? Impossible to know without knowing you.

>soon she calmed down and pressed back against my bite in a way that felt sexual.
>I guided her, lurching, back to where my man was. I knew he'd probably be angry with me, though I didn't understand why, because after all I'd found a girl for him, hadn't I? Wasn't that what I was for, what I was supposed to do? As I thought this, the girl whimpered, but I didn't let her touch herself like she wanted to.
This seems contradictory and murky enough to be the dream's core.

>But as I climbed a wide spiral staircase with her, helping her choose where to put her feet, the dream ground to a halt. No matter how high we climbed, there was nowhere to go. That's when I woke up.
It's pretty common for dreams to end before resolution.

Anyway, your recollection has a nice surreal quality. I could see it being shot as an art piece, or expanded into a sequence.

Might you, uh... have any more of that kind of picture, by chance?
Replies: >>4684
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>I might prefer those spectral shenanigans to the rot infecting real-life culture, though.
Wouldn't we all?
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No kidding. I miss the... before. Before all this. Being able to understand what's happening and how just makes it hurt worse. It's getting to the point where it feels like the inside of my relationship and imageboards like this one are the only two places that aren't actively trying to drive me mad. Irony is that I liked being tolerant. Believing that we'd be free to pick and choose, that there'd be plenty of room to get along, that the slope was as dry and navigable as advertised.

But culture is everyone's problem, right? I can't complain unless I'm willing to throw my own stuff into the mix however I can and damn the consequences. Otherwise I'm no better than the creators who by compliance or outright collaboration have chosen to be part of the problem.

>vishuddha chakra
>If we accept this symbolism then interpretation becomes risky because there are a lot of different ways to see what happened in its light.
That's a very interesting angle on it. I think this is the sort of thing that needs mulling rather than figuring out, if that makes sense. I won't go further into it and I'm sorry for posting something so personal; it seemed much more relevant to the thread at the time.

>Might you, uh... have any more of that kind of picture, by chance?
Be churlish to refuse, wouldn't it Anon? Here, to cheer us up from all this gloom: A small smorgasbord of freshly-filled kemonomimi! Please allow your imagination to form whatever before and after you would like.

...you ever have one of those moments where it hits you just how much of a pervert you've become? Yeah, me neither.
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>imagine how much better sniffing him afterward could be if you had the advanced olfactory ability of a pusspuss or an awoo.
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>Sprite Brainwash Factory 2
I decided to take the plunge in spite of the elements I thought I might not like (of which there were quite a few, but were mostly in optional bonus scenes) and bought this for the things I did like (of which there were also quite a few!). It's very slickly put together—two sisters, each of whom have eleven scenes with multiple switchable angles, multiple parts to each scene, an optional second audio track with the fairy's inner monologue, text readouts that explain the stage of the process you're seeing... very impressive.

The only board-relevant moments are at the end, though, where the older fairy sister holds her imouto open for inspection as part of the sales pitch the sisters make after being brainwashed and modified. The fairy that makes the pitch during this section depends on which one you followed through the factory, who will extol the virtues of also using the other one. The video files are silent, probably because the audio is separate so that the different videos for different angles can be more easily switched between.

Overall (spoilered for board-irrelevant list of fetishes), if you like faeries (obviously), machine brainwashing, bondage, tentacles (both mechanical and gooey), electricity, injections, anal training, aphrodisiacs, large insertions (of course, but only two or so scenes involved it), bukkake, slow vibes, a little bit of vacuum sealing, sensory deprivation, mindbreak, post-mindbreak monologues, partial mechanization surgery (no cuts or blood), or (in bonus scenes) oversize futa and nipple expansion/fucking then this might be worth grabbing!
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For those interested, I just checked Spidernon's site on a whim and saw that he's got a new sequel(?) to Husband of the Swarm/Day of the Spike mentioned in >>2907 where the girlfriend is a hivemind: https://spidernon.home.blog/2023/01/24/husband-upon-sporn-amnesia/ Haven't read it myself, but I scrolled down to a random point and:
>“I think…” one of the larger warriors said, stepping forward. It was the one who had the harsh voice. This one was tall, and looked more functionally inclined than the others. Brutish, even. She lowered her spear until it was over my throat. Her eyes had little warmth, and a great amount of coldness, no doubt inculcated by the harshness of this world. “I think this is just a man. An outsider. We kill outsiders, and turn their bodies into food to make more Lithelings, and their bones into trophies.”
>“But the Tick-Tickth…”
>“They are idiots,” the large warrior snapped at the smaller girl. “The Us-Mother has them root through scum and debris to find the Great Mouth’s parasites. We caught them worshipping a dark elven sex toy once, remember?”
>The Tick-Ticks shouted ticks at this, raising their fists and shaking them. They clearly saw this as a mischaracterization of what they were doing with the sex toy. One Tick-Tick tapped me on the shoulder, and shook her head vehemently.
>I swallowed as the spear point hovered inches over my throat.

Yep! It's a Spidernon story.
Replies: >>4914 >>4919 >>6583
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I ask before, I wonder, is there any known female characters who got cuckqueaned in Myth other than Hera, Penelope and Brynhildr?
FYI, I have written the next part of Sporn (since the first part was posted here)

Sporn! Sporn! Hurry up and continue Wantrek you lovable hack fuck, I've been waiting for the Fucking BicøØörn for years now.
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>“Naruti could be here,” Citrona said, looking nervously over her shoulder. “I hate Naruti…”
>Up above, the Star Whale’s faint shape could be seen, like a Chinese balloon flying lazily over a dysfunctional and dying empire.
Pretty fun. I like the idea that Roza has to cut her forms off from herself, it’s a nice way to create intrigue and give room for a story to happen in her otherwise godlike shadow. I’m in on the central mystery so I’ll be reading part 3 when it drops. Good comic balance as always. Whole thing needs another editing pass though, there were malapropisms and even whole sentences that had just been cut off (one at “and”, end paragraph) or shifted around without proper rewording. Might be because I’m not the target audience but I thought some of the sex scenes went on a little bit longer than they should have, and a couple felt like filler. One of the things I liked about the previous story was how the sex scenes always revealed something or changed something, so when that didn’t happen here it stuck out.

Looking forward to the next part.
Replies: >>4924
I did a cleanup pass yesterday afternoon, so hopefully a lot of the mis-types and abrupt sentence ends got cleared up.
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do you think that foxgirls get embrassed when they are full of husband cum in front of cuckqueans sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha

and i would like to know if any of you have any pics of foxgirls getting their tails smelled while they look nervous or embrassed i just want to see it for a few laughs haha

another thing i am wondering is what do you think the tails smell like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell them
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humiliation and monstergirl supremacist play-enjoyers can come too


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Replies: >>5041
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Replies: >>5034
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Fortunately, questions like these have answers, and all you need do to find them is redeem this FREE coupon!
Replies: >>5041 >>5050 >>6306
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Well fuck, thanks for the new fetish I guess.
Replies: >>5050 >>5055
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I'm very sorry. Seems that version was an early proof—the finished ad that actually ran had different copy, among other things.
Replies: >>5082 >>6306
>Be you, living comfy with hubby
>He knows you're a weird little pervert, but you're his weird lil perv
>So when monstergirls start coming out of the woodwork, hes not surprised you're drooling at the thought of bringing one home
>You start to notice a cute fox girl loitering in the neighborhood, but she backs away and runs off when you come near
>From then on, every time you wave at her she squeaks and beats feet.
>Shes not as stealthy as she seems to think, you often catch her sleeping in trees, find her tail sticking out from behind bushes, or poking her head around a corner
>You tell hubby about it all, about how cute she is, and bemoan the lack of floofy fox tail in you life
>Hubby thinks about it for a moment before telling you that he'll be right back and walks out the door
>Half an hour later, he comes back with a slightly sweaty fox girl hiding behind him
>The fox pokes her head out from behind him long enough to catch your eye and give you a cute lil wave
Wat do? Do you wait to huff her fluff or do you jump right in?
Replies: >>5075 >>5082
I did post the next part of Sporn if anyone is interested.
Replies: >>5061 >>6583
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>“Bah, a planet called Earth? What next, a Mountain called Peak? A desert called Sand?”
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Can I get a vixen check on this here kiki?
Replies: >>6583
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>>5055 (checked)
I can't go burying my schnozz in every new girl's tail right away. I'll wait until she's properly acclimatized and comfortable enough to bond with us, by which I mean her tail has hubby's scent on it too, by which I mean FOX SEX FOX SEX I WANT MY HUSBAND TO FUCK A FOXGIRL SO BAD I NEED TO LAP HIS SPUNK OUT OF FOX PUSSY EVERY MOMENT HIS COCK IS NOT SOAKED IN FLUFFY-TAILED JUICES IS A DIRECT AND EGREGIOUS VIOLATION OF MY MOST FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AM I BEING DETAINED

Also maybe she'd like a shower? Sounds like she's been roughing it.
Replies: >>5082 >>5121 >>6306
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Idk where else to ask so I'll ask here since it "could" be relevant. Other than literotica and archive of our own, is there any good site to read cuckquean fics? Fantasy is fine too.
Replies: >>5101
There’re some other sites linked over in the stories thread: >>110
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>no noseless shaperotater tismwan sisterwife who will explain quaternions to my numberlet ass while I slurp hubby's load out of her
Replies: >>5133
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This you?
Replies: >>5126
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Gangstalk me and my piecrust skirt all you want, fuckin' frankenstein fluff-Feds - your worldwide deadly communist gangster computer god and its lifelong constant threshold brain wash radio can't untouch tails!
Replies: >>5444
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More like SLERP his load out of her amirite.

Replies: >>6583
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I might have accidentally turned a girl into a cuckquean by accident in a roleplay involving monster girls, specifically the kejourou. It involves the size of her breasts, specifically.
Replies: >>5443
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Gonna elaborate?
Replies: >>5463
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LOOK AT THE PICTURE!!! See the penis, the part of cock inserted, the "master-race" cuckquean radio controls, the Cunt-thoughts Broadcasting Radio, the Husband Television, the Frankenstein Livecam Radio, the Closet Goblin Nest Brainwash Radio, the latest new cock reforming to contain ALL Cuckquean Controls, even in THIN skulls of WHITE PEDIGREE FEMALES! Visible Cuckquean controls! The synthetic nerve-radio directional adulterty loop! Make copies for yourself! There is NO ESCAPE from this best imageboard sex state, using ALL of the deadly gangster Cuckquean controls!

In 1965, CQ gangster police BEAT ME HORNY, dragged me IN CHAINS from Kennedy New York Airport! Since then I HIDE in forced chastity opulance, felching in this comfortable sex den apartment. The brazen, deadly CQ Police and niggerpuppet underlings spray me with APHRODISIAC NERVE GAS from automobile exhausts and even lawnmowers! SEXY ASSAULTS, even in my bedroom with cameras, even vibrators and ropes, even SENSUOUS TOUCH VIBIN or ELECTRIC SHOCK STIMPADS; even remote electronically controlled around-corners-projection of ORGASMIC TOUCH ANAL FOX TAIL PLUG or even fifteen-woman "orgies" to shut me up forever with a Juice Soaked Penis! Even with trained parroting puppet vixens in MAXIMUM MASTURBATION CLOSET PRISON for writing these unforgivable TRUTHS!!
Replies: >>5445 >>5446
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I saw this post on the front page and had to let you know what a great one it is.
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Yeah. There was this cute girl on F-list I was playing with. She has a sexy OC and I was her DM for a lewd D&D campaign. I gave her an offer of several monster girls as followers and she chose the kejourou bard. The first enemy they defeated was a cute incubus boy and the Kejourou started titfucking him. Before the fight began, her Kejourou follower mocked her because the incubus noticed her huge tits first before her. After the defeat the kejourou began tit fucking the incubus to relieve him of his cum. While she was doing this, the player, who was a wizard, watched it while it was happening. the bard mocked the wizard several times because during the tit fuck she made the incubus confess that he liked her tits more than the wizard. The wizard player would later confess to me after our first session that she was simping for the kejourou and loved being degraded, compared, and watching her have sex. Next session I will bring up her engaging in actual cuckqueaning. Does it sound like the wizard might be a cuckquean?
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Merry Christmas anons, have some reindeer girls to ring in the season.
Replies: >>6147
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>>6144 (checked)
Mistletoe over pussy's such a cute cliche. Even better when another girl's holding it.
Replies: >>6158
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>Mistletoe over pussy's such a cute cliche.
I honestly hadn't thought about it before, clearly I'm too pure.

>Even better when another girl's holding it.
I think we can take it further: what if you're holding it over her pussy and then you get to watch him kiss her? If you're sitting behind her on the bed then you get a great view of him going down on her, and you get to look into his eyes every time he looks up. Very delicious.
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These two are already my favorite positions to watch, adding a fluffy tail would elevate them past dream level.
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Pic related made me think of you, dear tail-huffing Anon.
Replies: >>6312
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Damn! Doxed again!
Replies: >>6601
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Anons, would you date a compassionate fellow? A man of public service, who feeds the hungry and takes care of those who have trouble managing their own affairs pun intended?

I mean, of course, that spreading his seed to starving succubus NEETs is noble work, and you should encourage your man to apply today for a government position doling out dick.
Replies: >>6600
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Happy Western Easter, /cuckquean/! 

And speaking of resurrection from the dead, apparently Spidernon got religion and decided to delete everything before I got to read much of it. Anyone got backups?

It's important to be prepared in this brave new world, and proper prior planning prevents poor performance.

I rate: would tempt hubby into fucking the maid while I'm out running errands / 10.

>>5133 (checked)
As it says in the meme,
>Hang on I have to look up something real quick.
>Okay yeah this is funny.
Replies: >>6585 >>6586
I adore that second picture.

There seem to be a couple of incomplete Spidernon archives floating around /monster/‘s writethreads, and I recall coming across a big Mega folder somewhere that might or might not have some. It’s a shame that he came to feel such guilt about his work - much of it was good, clean, sexy fun.
Replies: >>6589
>apparently Spidernon got religion and decided to delete everything
>t’s a shame that he came to feel such guilt about his work
What? Damn, that is a shame. My own fault for putting it on the "to read" pile for so long, but I haven't read it either. The born agains never seem to grok that forgiveness springs eternal. I was born into faith and I'll fast for the daylight hours of lent while also consume erotica at night, there's no dissonance for me there. Or if there is it's the delicious kind I can revel in, then wash my hands, say a prayer, and move on. I hope he has found peace, at least.
Replies: >>6588 >>6589
I don’t think Spider’s work was sinful in any real sense, but Spider disagreed. He thought his stories had or would induce others to “sin”, which he later explained as being that of lust and pornography, both of which were “empty paths”, a sentiment which he hoped everyone else would eventually be “coaxed by God” to. In his own words: https://web.archive.org/web/20231228100912/https://spidernon.home.blog/2023/12/21/making-sense-of-it-all/

His post has certain smells I’ll refrain from commenting upon, but if you can find remnants of his work I’d say it’s worth a scrub-through.
Replies: >>6589
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Have a couple more from that artist then, and please update us if you find any of those archives.

>My own fault for putting it on the "to read" pile for so long
Wouldn't blame yourself, save in the meanest "your fault for walking outside without a gun and bear spray and expecting not to get mugged" sort of way. I think one of the replies in the link in >>6588 had it right:
>Honestly though? I’m mostly just tired. I’m tired of everything I enjoy slowly being ripped away, bit by bit. I just want to go through life without having to neurotically save and archive everything myself.
This and - I want less FOMO. To a great degree we rely on society and culture at large not to be censorious and deletion-happy. 

Is it sensible to save anything you really care about? Yes. There's also too much stuff out there - you can't encounter or even archive everything you might want to get around to someday - no one has the time, the energy, or probably even the space to get more than a fraction of it all.

It's actually bad when someone tries to decide, on everyone else's behalf, to remove a finished artwork from the world - no less so when it's the creator. Just making an already difficult task harder. Just making the world worse, even while thinking they're making it better. That is an empty path.
Replies: >>6590 >>6592 >>6595
Grabbing things you like is easier if you have systems to help you - Zotero, Hydrus, and yt-dlp for example - but even they’re no defence against implacable link-rot. And you can’t just indiscriminately suck down and store everything you see, for that way lies madness.

It takes time and work to properly preserve anything, which is one of the reasons I’ve come to appreciate pirate archivists. Even with their illegal but deeply necessary work, I suspect vast chunks of our era will end up an archaeo-cultural black hole.
Replies: >>6605
Right where it was supposed to be: https://smuglo.li/monster/src/1703286214014.7z
Replies: >>6596
>Is it sensible to save anything you really care about? Yes. 
If I learned anything from group projects in school, it's that you can only ever rely on yourself. I've seen a number of works disappear off literotica, and I have seen whole sites go down and all their content with them. I have been making backups of the things I really like for a long time now, and that works for me. I don't take it upon myself to archive everything of potential value, only the things that are of special value to me. I think you don't have to save everything you run into, but if the work feels special enough and it isn't too hard to do so, why not?
Replies: >>6605
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Your link leads to a partial archive and misses many of his short stories. Here is the full library before it got nuked from the main archive out of consideration to Spidernon's will. I'm so sick of digital book burning these days. Btw, Spidernon has written quite some dark shit in his early days, in particular "Challenge de Coeur". That shit would never fly under current /monster/ mindset so stay clear of that story.
Replies: >>6605 >>6608
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>you should encourage your man to apply today for a government position doling out dick
Those qualified to provide supplemental control support to Semi-Umbral Contagion Case sufferers per Article 14 of the Cabinet Order to Enforce the Act on the Management of Special Public Health Matters (No. 827-R of 20XX) are few and far between. Such support being provided in light of the need to maintain public morals and uphold a wholesome social environment, it's vital therefore that I serve alongside as handler/caseworker to ensure the dickings he doles are properly allocated and administered.
Replies: >>6606
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I found your vixen Anon, I hope the cucking is going well
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Hydrus and YouTube downloaders are good. I'm not clear on how Zotero is helpful for archival though; could you please elucidate?
>I’ve come to appreciate pirate archivists. Even with their illegal but deeply necessary work, I suspect vast chunks of our era will end up an archaeo-cultural black hole.
It was a wise person who said that piracy and library are two sides of a coin. I understand the rationale for the concept of intellectual property, but I'll never countenance the abuse of it to destroy artworks or remove them from circulation. "Oh, I can't bear to look at my earlier work. Oh, that's not who I am anymore." Shut the fuck up! People are still getting something out of them even if you aren't! You don't get to murder your children just because they're a disappointment!!

>I've seen a number of works disappear off literotica, and I have seen whole sites go down and all their content with them.
Yep, I'll miss adultfanfiction.net and ASSTR. I saved the stuff I liked with little regret - text requires very little space, and is even easy to search across files. I feel bad for people who love video though. That stuff is hefty. Few can afford to archive appreciable portions of YouTube or XVideos or whatever.

Thanks, anon! This looks like it was last updated in mid-December so it should be pretty complete. Sucks that "the main archive" cucked out like that.
>Spidernon has written quite some dark shit in his early days, in particular "Challenge de Coeur". That shit would never fly under current /monster/ mindset so stay clear of that story.
Thanks for the warning, vague though it is, but y'know I now have to see what the fuss is about. /monster/ is apparently not very tolerant of /cuckquean/ content these days so their opinions have little weight to me now.
Replies: >>6608 >>6611
>>6600 (double-checked)
You're clearly enthusiastic and thinking ahead, and we love to see that! However, slow down just a touch - while you're quite right that not everyone is qualified to dick down the suffering succubi, it's also true that not everyone is qualified for the in-person support roles! Regrettably, some women will swear up and down that they like the idea - until they're in the room, their partner's penis poised to penetrate an eagerly waiting woman - then get cold feet and try to call it off, no matter how nice the girl or how desperate for the dick. That's a waste of everyone's time, and positively cruel to the needy!

That's why we insist on a screening procedure for the support role as well. Before either of you is ever sent into the field (or the apartment block, as case may be) we'll get you in a room with our trained actors. To test your resolve and flappability, she'll be intentionally less pleasant than the average program beneficiary. In fact, she'll act positively entitled to the cock, and bitchy to you when she deigns to notice you, throwing out barbs about what kind of woman signs up for this sort of thing, demanding fluids or snacks or lubricant or privacy, and so on. What's more, to simulate heckling by possible roommates and other onlookers, we'll have another girl whisper teasing comments to you while the others are focused on fucking. At the moment this role is usually handled by the most wonderful Chesire you'll ever meet - wonderful, that is, at getting right under your skin with just a word, a tone of voice, a knowing grin.

We realize it might be a lot to handle at once, but it's important to hammer out any areas of weakness or conflicted feelings you might have, beforehand with trained professionals, rather than dropping all that baggage on some unsuspecting untrained succubus too weakened to think of much beyond her next meal. Of course, if we have to stop and administer therapy during the screening session that does constitute a failure, but you can reapply in a few months, and in the meantime you may rest assured your man is being supported by someone qualified - someone better. And you won't be entirely shut out - whether or not you pursue reapplication, we find it's helpful to the partner at home to have an audio channel so she can hear exactly what's going on, what her man is getting up to (and into). One-way audio, of course.

If you'd like to practice, some women find it helpful to seek out other women to have sex with their men on an amateur basis. They can work up to providing support, without so much pressure - knowing that these women could easily cuck them without any assistance.

I get the acronym SUCC but what is COtEtAotMoSPHM?
Also I had a pic to attach here but the site complains it is "not unique" and then just says "Something happened"? It might have been posted elsewhere on the board but it's not in this thread at least...
Replies: >>6612 >>6643
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I'll be putting that one into storage on principle. I am an ideal custodian for the work given the author's objections because not a single one of his stories has turned me on. (This is actually a compliment.)

>current /monster/ mindset
Bless those spergs and their fundamentals, but the finer details of whatever they've spiralled them to don't much matter to me.

Zotero comes with browser plugins that capture and catalogue material. It's great during research, but also very good for replacing the "wow, I know I'll want this later but there's no way I'll be able to re-find it" slush folder. That gap's a hard one to fill.

>Sucks that "the main archive" cucked out like that.
A little surprising, but most people - especially those part of an enthusiast scene - tend to acquiesce to a creator's earnest wishes, even if that wish is one beyond what we'd recognize as those supported by moral rights, such as the work's revocation or destruction. A lot of Internet culture has become quite toothless in that respect.
Replies: >>6611
>but y'know I now have to see what the fuss is about.
>but the finer details of whatever they've spiralled them to don't much matter to me.
Okay, maybe I shouldn't have used the word "current", since It will not fly under your rules either. If I rememer correctly [spoiler]MC is in love with a commoner goblin gal, but is forced into a political marriage with a malicious manticore who puts him into a chastity cage, degrades him, abuses him, fucks other men in front of him and tells him she will kill the goblin girl he loves.

(Moderation Edit: Added spoiler markup)
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>6612 >>6613
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>Also I had a pic to attach here but the site complains it is "not unique" and then just says "Something happened"? It might have been posted elsewhere on the board but it's not in this thread at least...
Sorry, I disabled the 'Enforce Unique Files' option in settings a few weeks ago, but it seems like it reset itself. I went ahead and turned it off again.

Hopefully this isn't too intrusive, but I added spoiler styling after where you had [spoiler] in your post. ||Spoiler Text should have the double vertical bars, like this!||
P.S. Male cuckoldry is The Devil.
Replies: >>6666
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Some of my jokes are just for me.
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The Devil is too good for such things, BO-chan.
Replies: >>6668 >>6669 >>6677
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Share your man with foxgirls. This is a threat.

Excellent GET, Satan.
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also helltaker-kun is a real hunk!
Replies: >>6670
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He’s quite the slab - he needs to be!
Replies: >>6671 >>6672 >>6677
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>She claws, she bites, and all three of her bodies get absolutely used and manhandled.
Replies: >>6677
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>tfw you will never be helltaken
Replies: >>6675
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He need not be built like The Wall - with the right provocation, long enough nails, and adequate hydration on hand the Helltaker experience is well within reach.
Replies: >>6677
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>>6666 (checked)
By the power of based quads, I hereby stand corrected.
>version of this except you're cleaning adventurer creampies out of the other superior monstergirls instead of cleaning adventurer blood out of traps
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Beware! Prowling foxes are at this very moment ready to steal your bf/fiance.
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