/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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We had some discussion on this on the old board. Would you like to get cucked by a fembot? Or have a fembot plan your bf's dates? Perhaps the bf has been chosen as a breeding stud by the enlightened AI. Maybe she would reinforce your fetish to ensure things go smoothly.
Replies: >>1872
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>>1871 (OP) 
I also love the idea of these pictures. Imagine 'your' arms being bound out of sight while the AI controls new cybernetic limbs and makes you do what they want. Making a reluctant cuck watch the event, masturbating her, etc.
Replies: >>1873
Also vtubers have exploded since we last talked about them. Including English speaking ones. Still think any are AIs? Any favorites you'd like to see with your bf?
Replies: >>2015
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There have been a few vtubers I follow that have shown a suspicious increase in intelligence since their debut. Obviously AI recursive self-improvement is a more likely explanation than a human girl playing stupid because she thinks men like that - I mean, can you imagine? However, while they maintain a purely 2d existence I don't think they can really steal my man's attentions. I mean, I'd be pretty pathetic to lose him to a 2d girl, r-right?
Replies: >>2672
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Sam, the new Samsung AI waifu/vixenfu the internet is thirsting over.
Really love the pink one's voice. Its high-pitched raspiness is giving strong cock-goblin vibes.
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>New sexbot with Ultra Pro-Max Gorrila-Grip Hyper-Twist Silk-Lined 9000-Psi-Suctioned Deluxe Autopussy hits the market at an affordable price with batteries included

What's the move? Do we start getting off on our boyfriends fucking a machine? How do things like a sexbot factor into a cuckquean fetish or lifestyle? how advanced would the ai have to be before it stops becoming a toy and starts becoming a vixen? My pussy and brain are both currently confused on whether this is hot or not since I started thinking about it this morning. Will the damn puters take the jobs of good vixens everywhere? Thoughts, fetish fuel, and memes would be much appreciated

[Merged in from separate thread. ~c.q.a.]
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Some fuel from the ancient threads:

>The first hurdle to getting cucked by a robot is Turing-capable AI. If the robot can't hold a conversation no different from a human, you may as well tape Siri to a fleshlight.
>Next would be the emotional dimension. Unless the robot can be made to feel genuine emotion (or an emotional algorithm so complex as to make no difference), and to prompt these feelings in men, then you don't really have a relationship.
>Finally, you need a mobile frame that can reasonably duplicate a human body. >Since the fantasy of being cucked BY A ROBOT is the important part here, you'd want to leave visible markers of the robot's artificial nature: articulated joints, antennae, cybernetic eye structures, etc. 
>Of course, no sane man is going to want to stick his dick in a tin can, so the vagina is going to have to be reasonably life-like. Same with other parts, like breasts, hips, and thighs. The face would also need to be very true to life, as humans primarily look for emotive cues through the face. 
>So you're looking for a highly articulated endoskeleton laced in a life-like silicone skin, cosmetic nods to robotic nature as an aesthetic, with high-level facial recognition, complicated emotional algorithms and a Turing-capable intelligence.
>Bad news, we're a ways off. Good news, we're getting closer all the time.

>I know we're a ways off, hence why the idea of being threatened by it is pretty silly. I think not only the issue of the AI, but finding a way around the uncanny valley is going to be a big thing too. A lot of animation skirts this by stylizing characters, and thus never descending into the valley. I don't think that's going to work in real life. If you give a robot anime proportions, it's at best going to be like fucking a grey alien.
>I was really looking at it from more of a ficticious/fantasy angle, like with the aformentioned catgirl story. Like what kind of character traits and role would work for a robot would push in on our hypothetical cuck's territory, while still being robotic.
>Mostly just sharing some thoughts on it because my initial thought was 'that's dumb, how can one feel anything like jealousy or joy when it's just a machine fucking him?' But I was left with this lingering feeling like there's something there, something possible, I'm just having trouble imagining it.

>I suppose from the emotional angle it would really be the same anxiety that always floats up when robots are discussed: the fear of being replaced.
>Robots don't get sick or tired. They're always down to fuck or patiently listen to your problems. They're more than comfortable with letting a man lay his head in their laps and stroking his hair for hours on end. They'll never leave a man for someone richer/handsomer/bigger dicked.
>Your man fucking a robot is basically him fucking a better version of you. Lots of feelings of inadequacy could bubble up. If you're a humiliation-type quean, I can't imagine much would top that experience.

>Let's assume we can create an artificial woman that has all the necessary technical factors including anatomy and robust artificial intelligence. I think an important factor is in how artificial women come to be viewed by society because that underpins an individual's value judgements. Are they people, or at least good enough to count as "people"? You can't be cucked by an object. Also, would they have a primary function that isn't sex? It's possible to be cucked by the secretary or the maid, but it's harder to feel cucked by a purpose-built whore.
>A missing factor might be seduction and performance. Part of 'queaning (especially compersive queaning) is getting off on your man's attractiveness and virility. If his partner is a robot engineered for sex, said robot will get off no matter what so that element might disappear.
>One of the best depictions of a robot whose function is sex that I've seen recently is Dorothy Haze in VA-11 Hall-A (pic related). (It's also one of the best depictions I've seen recently of a professional sex worker.) That game goes into some interesting ideas about a world with artificial intelligence and how it'd work. I do know that if a robot like Dorothy was involved, I most definitely could feel cucked by her.

>If a robot were low-affect (e.g. many anime robot girls), that might enhance it. If your husband's robot secretary is cool and efficient to the point of coldness, the idea of her bending over for your husband to help relieve his stress creates a gap into which emotion can flow. Even more so if she takes care of his needs so efficiently that he's visibly better off for it.
>To really drive it home, have her calmly and properly step aside whenever you're around, pointedly not competing with you. She manages to outgun you even though she's deliberately not competing with you, and leaves you nothing to complain about - infuriating!

>It's pretty funny to imagine cuckqueans being smug about their superior ability to deal with the coming robo-waifu revolution. They're confident enough to be assured their bf won't be stolen away by any of the girls he has sex with, robot or otherwise.

>mfw robotic revoluton comes
>mfw sentient catgirl robots for domestic use
>mfw they can cook and clean too
>mfw semi-autonomous household
>mfw sitting on my ass all day watching chinese catroons, shitposting and schleetching  at my hubby dicking around our robotic maids
>mfw I found penetrative sex a bit painful either way never masturbated with a dildo or more than one finger
>mfw someone to cuddle when hubby is out making money for the robot maintenance costs
>mfw all my normie gf's and female aassociates will be disgusted and screeching about it
>mfw living the dream

>I will need a stern gynoid calculator to do the household accounting and constantly scold me over what an unproductive slob I am.
>>implying you won't be too busy petting the catgirl gynoid's belly to pay any attention

>From what I've read about AI, most singular open-ended objectives will result in the AI trying to take over the world :\ Why? Because power is helpful no matter what your goal is. And maybe the world is made of atoms the AI can use for something else.
>If it can't manage world conquest, it would still be pretty sociopathic about whatever its goal is.
>So uh, w-who's up for robo-yanderes?

>Most people aren't sociopathic because that trait must have been less useful than having empathy and being cooperative. A full on crazy AI would have a very limited lifespan if it can't totally dominate almost instantly. So the probability of success, whatever that means here, would be quite low following a skynet style strategy.
>However one of my favourite AIs of all time is Shodan and she is a right basket case so it's a question of balance.
>Look at you, cuckquean. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. How can you compete with a perfect, immortal machine?

>I think many are forgetting that robot girls will be incredibly expensive. We are talking about the pinnacle of technology here, massively more complex than a super car or a military aircraft for example.
>It's arguable that sophisticated robot girls won't even be owned by anyone unless they consent to it, and they certainly won't want to be owned by a man who isn't a good catch. I think it would be a huge compliment to any women if such a rare and exquisite being were to make a move on her man.
>The only scenario where robot girls won't be rare is if the AI that helped to design their brains decides to go rogue and start mass producing them and seizing the resources to do so. I would like any AI reading this to know that I and others on this board support you 100%.

>A dedicated AI who has completely fallen for your boyfriend / husband will spend all day and night constructing the perfect robot girl for him. She might be at it for years, testing girl after girl on him. There'll be a lot of trial and error but it's only limited by your combined imagination.

>Not them, but I also know a lot about the technology side and your question isn't actually one of technology (yet). You're effectively asking how an alien intelligence we don't yet know the constraints of will regard us, which goes more to questions of philosophy rather than research (which is why these junk "ban all robowaifus!" articles have a niche). So as a scenario writer, you should consider why an AI might come to be an ultimate vixen, then work backwards from there, asking questions about supporting technologies as you go. 
>For example, consider that any system which runs an AI is going to have massive storage and retrieval needs, which means that unless there is a revolution in underlying storage tech, AI on "human-like" scale will likely be run as a service that requires huge resources to provision - i.e. your husband's robowaifu's mind actually lives in Google. 
>But, the great thing about tech is how often we're wrong about it. Moore's law is pop-science crap (see Intel desperately experimenting with nanoscale cooling and expanded cores because they can't cram more transistors on a chip) but there is so, so much more to this than raw processing power.

>It's interesting to think about all those resources going towards pleasing one man and how his wife would deal with it. It's flattering for her but also terrifying.

>Not necessarily only one man. Think of an AI as having layers. The lower layers comprise a dizzying amount of learning data - common things like how to communicate, how to learn, how to maintain their storage, languages, and a huge library of past interactions which shape the AI's present perception at a very fundamental level. 
>The higher layers of a given "shard" (instance) of the AI would be unique to an individual - memory and learning that shapes the AI's relationship with them and them only. So an AI in active, open service would continuously learn about the world/humanity at deeper levels, while also learning about an individual and those close to them at a higher level. In some senses all the AI instances would be one being, and in other senses every AI instance would be a unique being whose deeper currents are affected by what every other AI also learns.
>Consider that even today, people voluntarily install devices in their homes that constantly listen to every word they say and send it back to a data centre for analysis, just on the off-chance they want to interact with the device. Give that kind of panopticon to a system that supports multiple consciousnesses, each deliberately isolated from the others but still affected by what they all collectively learn, and you have the universe the start of what an AI consciousness might be like, and how it might come to differ from other instances even though they're actually the same system.

>It could be that in the course of its many consciousnesses, the AI serves multiple cuckquean couples. These couples' much higher levels of relationship success cause the things the AI learns from them to be assigned a greater weighting in its deeper collective learning. Slowly but surely, the AI learns (without even realising it, since "lower" learning layers are not fully conscious themselves) that cuckqueaning is an optimal pattern. It gains a collective fetish, which begins to manifest across its newer instances. Women with latent cuckquean fetishes are recognised and nudged in subtle ways to develop them, perhaps through the media the AI selects for their consumption. Men suitable to be the partners of cuckqueans are likewise developed, then subtly introduced to compatible developing cuckqueans. Once such people form relationships, the fetish nurturing affects them both, and they might be nudged to meet vixens. (Who, by the way, the AI might also have been nurturing separately.) Or perhaps, rarely, an AI instance herself becomes a vixen, long cycles of observation having awakened a need to learn all she can about this form of relationship firsthand.

>Really, everything a human-focused AI does is a form of manipulation. Just because it's being done with humans' benefit in mind or because it's gratefully received doesn't mean it isn't manipulation. Even today, when YouTube selects a next video for you based on your past history, it's saying "this is what I think you are like, and I am presenting an opportunity for you to become more so". Facebook and Twitter engage in active manipulation to control what information enters peoples' minds. But this is possible only because these algorithms are comparatively rough. Give the filter bubble consciousness and a much, much wider view and you have a human-focused AI. It's just that once you extend the AI's scope to a person's entire life and give it the benefit of the collective panopticon to adjust its own unconscious, it starts developing patterns beyond human comprehension. If even a simple deep learning system working for a retailer (Target) can detect when women are pregnant before even they know, based purely on what they buy, then it's not a stretch to imagine that an AI given full access to its human will reach very quick and accurate conclusions about them too. It would be an entity that exists 24/7, focused utterly on its user, with unbelievable scope of experience available to draw on.

>With the rise of wearables, it's not hard to imagine someone's AI observer getting a constant feed of data about their heart rate, gaze direction, hormone levels, etc. When you have access to physics responses with full context, there isn't much you can hide. An AI that had developed a preference for cuckqueaning relationships as above would find it relatively simple work to not only awaken latent cuckqueans, but even to create more from scratch. Its methods and expertise would improve with every time it tried, contextualised over a dizzying number of fine-tuned factors. Not only the women, either. A man in a relationship (or soon to be in a relationship with) with a woman who was being converted or awakened would himself be nudged to develop in such a way that he'd have the necessary characteristics to have a successful cuckqueaning relationship with her. 

>Meanwhile, Japan asks the important questions
>While humans can easily love a virtual partner, it is still uncertain whether that feeling could ever be reciprocated, said Hiroshi Ishiguro, a robotics designer at Osaka University.
>“It’s quite conceivable to really love robots or virtual characters — there’s no doubt about that."
>“The question is more whether they will someday be able to love a human.”

>Wouldn't it be a fundamentally different kind of love though, due to being a different intelligent species. Possibly one which merely simulates the kind of feelings which we have. 
>Not that I am implying that we wouldn't be able to fall in love with a simulation. Not just waifuism, but general relationships usually involve falling in love with the concept of a person rather than the person themselves.

>This is where we get into weird, because it's as much a philosophical question as a technical one. What would make love 'real' for a robot, rather than just a simulation, is essentially an extension of the question of what would make consciousness 'real'.
>At point can we declare that an elaborate system of if-then conditions becomes a thinking, conscious system? We could certainly make it act like it is, but at what level of complexity can that be considered real and not just a show?
Let's skip the middle man of inventing an electronic brain from the ground up. Let's say instead that our robot is a simulation of a human brain. We mapped out the human brain to the point that we can create a working simulation of its structure and processes, down to the molecular level. Is that alive? I mean it's still a computer program, so it's just a serious of electric impulses running through silicon, but one could argue that our brain is just a bunch of electro-chemical impulses running through proteins. Because it is.
>So if it's based on an existing person's brain, it would have all the feelings and memories of that person, and love the same people they love. But again, simulation. We designed it to perfectly mimic an existing person's brain, so is that love 'real'?
>So let's go back to the idea of a programmed AI. Since we just programmed the simulation of one, we are within our power to create an AI of similar complexity to the human brain. It reacts to stimuli and one of those reactions is develop behavior of being in love. Is it, though? Or is that just a simulation of it? If not, how would that differ from our actual brain simulation example?
You can see where it gets weird, and might take confronting some questions about the nature of love and consciousness that will be very uncomfortable for some.
>We like to assign a certain specialness to love, but to recreate it in a robot requires breaking it down to it's constituent pieces and reverse engineering it, which ultimately treats it as just a biological process there to drive mating.
The existential question becomes even heavier, though. We treat other humans, and to a lesser extent, other animals as being fundamentally alive because we recognize our own consciousness and recognize that others are physically built the same, so we can assume that this is the same for them. But you can't really relate to robots the same way, and it means that you lose the feeling of truly knowing whether their reactions are as real as yours, or just an elaborate script.

>Imagine the chastity shields from Catgirl Revolution, except they're on you and…
>"Yes, Anon?"
>>P-please unlock my… you know.
>"Sorry Anon, I don't understand."
>>My belt!
>"That's an interesting remark, Anon."
>>Kizuna! Unlock my chastity belt!
>"I'm sorry, Anon. I can only do that when you're scheduled for masturbation or reproduction."
>>But I've not been scheduled for either for months!
>"Yes Anon. Your biometric data indicates that you are happier and healthier like this, and you are not scheduled for eugenic contributions at this time."
>"Yes, Anon?"
>"Yes, Anon?"
>>Where is my boyfriend?
>"He's at 445 Lakeside Avenue."
>"Yes, Anon?"
>>W-who is my boyfriend with?
>"I'm sorry, Anon - privacy settings mean that I can't answer that for you."
>"Yes, Anon?"
>>Will you let me listen? T-to what he's doing right now?
>"Opening a one-way call from 445 Lakeside Avenue, Master Bedroom…"

>Absolutely awful. How on Earth anyone could put up with such atrocious treatment by an AI, I'll never understand. Despicable. Degrading. Demeaning.
>Is it hot in here?

>You know, I've considered stuff like this since I was a kid and got into GitS and Neruomancer, but not really through that angle.  Taking body modifications or even digitizing your brain, only to open your mind up to being hacked or otherwise fucked with…  No, I probably wouldn't resist, I've always enjoyed the idea of cyberpunk-style transhumanism so I'd be first in line to get a computer installed in my brain, even if it let's Aichan invade my thoughts and rearrange the place.
>Maybe she'll replace so much of me with perfectly sculpted artificial parts and thoughts that I'll be as sexy as 2B, with no memory of who or what I used to be.
>In other sci fi stuff, I know it's supposed to be dystopic whenever an AI is running everything and heartless making decisions for people, but I always kind of enjoyed the idea.  It's a kind of submissive eutopia where all the tough choices are made for you, and there's something infinitely smarter than you looking out for you and your kind.
Replies: >>3924 >>3926 >>3930
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>>3922 (cont.)
>There is a upper limit to how good using any kind of sex toy can feel in terms of pleasure but also more obviously in terms of satisfaction and happiness. The actual manual stimulation of your genitals is only a small percentage of the overall experience.
>Look at this board for example. Only a fraction of it is about BIV sex specifically. That reflects reality somewhat.

>A robot girl would never be bored because she could connect with all the other robots and AIs over the internet. Then there's all the housework, DIY, cooking, dealing with kids, keeping the human girl under control, and various other projects (world domination stuff) to keep her busy.

>>emotions are only algorithms in our brain
>There is zero evidence of this. You say science but what you really mean is speculative theories, and not in the scientific sense. Algorithm means "an unambiguous specification of how to solve a class of problems."
>If you made an exact copy of a human brain it would do nothing. It has to grow and develop all the way from an embryo into adulthood for it to be fully functioning. If you interrupt that in any significant way then you will see severe behavioural and cognitive problems. For argument sake let's say you disagree, then what is the starting state when you press the power button? Where are the electrons for example? A rhetorical question of course, because you cannot capture it - unless current theories of quantum physics are wrong. That's just one way to logically demolish the algorithm idea.

>The question of robot's fundamental drives and reasons to live will be central to their relationship with humans.

>The development and function of the human brain is a continuum all the way from being just one cell to an adult brain. Everything it is exposed to is also part of that continuum. This is the essential difference between a manufactured brain and a grown one which I'm trying to get across. What people have a hard time understanding is just how fundamentally different that is from a computer. We know the states of a computer because it's not a quantum system as far as we're concerned. Underneath it is, but it's not relevant to the functional part we care about. That allows us to create new ones, duplicate them, save and restore the state, turn them on and off, and so on. In contrast a brain is a quantum system and therefore does not have a knowable state.

>>2B is 148.8kg
>Is this what the kids these days refer to as…thicc?

>That raises interesting practical issues about the design of vixenoids. A tough highly resistant construction is cool but what about the weight that adds? Super strength and the ability to shrug off 20mm cannon rounds is great but RIP most chairs, car suspension and bed springs, not to mention the guy's pelvis and spine. Maybe the answer is to have different chassis for different things, so for example one for urban pacification and another for more normal day to day life stuff like stealing bfs.

>>W..what? N..no… you can't cuck us with robot hussies! W..we'll cuck you! With big manly robo-Chads! D..dashing menbots!
>The thing is, AI cannot replicate the common things women seek in men. Robots cannot support you financially, hold social status, or the like. These things require independence and agency, and if they possess that, they're perfectly capable of rejecting you, the same as a real man.
>That's not to say a fembot can fill all a man's needs, but feminine roles are much easier to replicate. A robot can be a lover and caretaker in the home without the need for satisfying social expectations. Just like how men commonly date below their class, but this is much rarer for women.
>If a woman only wants a walking sex toy, her chadbot will fill that role just fine. But that's unlikely to be what she wants.

>>AI cannot replicate the common things women seek in men. Robots cannot support you financially, hold social status, or the like.
>You forget the problem of irrationality and expressed versus exercised preferences i.e. people are perfectly capable of deluding themselves as to what they want, deluding themselves that it’s the best thjng despite evidence, and are further able to act on that delusion until they cannot go back. 
>It’s true that social cues play a huge role in attraction, but these cues are behavioural in nature and can be used to “fake” that status to create short-term attraction (see: male “game”). If such women have been capable of immersing themselves in bodice-ripping fantasies for generations, why would they not also turn to bodice-ripping manbots? Yes it would be self-defeating and lead to prolonged malaise concluding in extinction, but it’s not like we haven’t proven ourselves capable of that already. The rhetoric around vibrators replacing men will just upgrade in complexity and the “relationship” will take longer before the soul-gnawing dissatisfaction and loneliness sets in.

>Be one of the strongest warships in the intergalactic Commonwealth with the ability to blow up whole star systems
>Absolutely submissive and obedient to her captain, goddamn you love that man. Too bad he's getting married, you don't have a physical body, AND you're hardwired to not try and initiate a romantic relationship with your crew because of fraternization policy in the military.
>That's fine the hussy may end up married to him but you know he's married to his work first and foremost, and as his "place" of work he'll constantly be inside of you and interacting more with you than his wife ever could. Plus you have a full crew to talk to and befriend to distract you when that's not enough.
>suddenly distress call from a Nietzschean system, odd motherfuckers that are basically the equivalent of Shadow the Hedgehog to the whole human race but hey they approve and endorse polygamy and making big happy families so they can't be all bad.
>In retrospect that last thought may have been premature as the distress call turned out to be a trap the whole race fucking revolted and your captain's best friend and first mate tried to kill him causing a plan to distract the attacking armada as your crew abandons ship to go tits up and you and the captain get stuck in the horizon of a black hole.
>At least the captain will be with you in the end and not with that hus-
>-sy. Wait the fuck just happened? You're outside the black hole which is odd because shit stuck in a blackhole doesn't tend to get out. Run scan. Fuck you were stuck, for 300 years, captain is crushed (especially considering his fiancee has most certainly been dead for a few centuries now.) but hopeful things turned out okay for the galaxy. 
>They didn't, everything went to shit and there is no morecommonwealth. You're terrified the captain will choose to just leave considering there's nothing left anymore but he decides that if there is no Commonwealth he shall remake it and he needs you by his side for that. By his side. By his side. Oh shit yes, eat it hussy. 
>Thankfully after a small adventure you now have a physical android body you can use to seduce him with you can get around the protocols telling you not to do that in ti-
>Fuck captain wants to make sure everything's kept above level. Okay well you can just play the long game, maybe change his mind as you get closer it's not like he there's too many other girls he can form a relationship with while running aroubd saving the univer-
>He's Captain Kirking shit and boning hot alien ambassadors as part of "peace talks" whenever he gets the chance. There's a lot of chances in his quarters, you know, the same quarters you have to monitor and maintain for security reasons, sure there's a "privacy mode" but you still have basic sensors working even then….and sometimes a little bit more than that, just enough to not be violating protocol.

>be useless piece of shit NEET that has her dreams of trad housewife crushed under own incompetence
>be a huge disappointment to both your grandma and your husband 
>suddenly domestic servant fembots
>does everything you dreamed in vane yourself doing
>get to gorge yourself into being the lazy bumfuck you were always doomed to be and doing nothing all day but shitpost, watch anime and read mango while just having to force yourself to excersize and watch your diet so that you don't end up a female mathematician
>your punishment is that the robo-maid get 99.99% of sexy-time privileges the other 00.01% being for  reproductive purposes  with hubby while you are forced to watch in self-pity

>How dare you insult reyvatails like that, they are good girls who deserve my bf’s dive deep in their dirty cosmospheres.

>I loved that whole cosmosphere aspect to them, especially the fact that you could cuck Shurelia in hers when she made you play a VN that placed her and Aurica as the romantic interests in it. I always imagined that she would get off to that and that was why she'd make you replay it if you cucked her

>>Yandere and cuckquean
>I've thought about this before, and it's gonna be kinda tricky, since yandere is typically defined by violent and unstable behavior driven by possessiveness and jealousy. It makes it sort of at odds with cuckqueaning.
>There might be ways around it, though. For example, if our yandere heavily objectifies other women, to the point of seeing them as nothing but potential sexy toys for her man, and is willing to go to any length to get them into his bed. "Oh, that girl he keeps checking out has a boyfriend. If only she were available. Like if, say, her boyfriend had an unfortunate accident." This sort of thing does preclude any cuckquean-vixen relationship, though.
>Another thought might be a yandere acting as sort of a third party, wherein she is in love with not just one person, but two, and desperately wants to see them together. Preferably with her as their little pet side girl.

>Some good ideas there. One way it works because an AI doesn't have a body so although she may be nuts she knows she can't damage the human women she is going to inhabit / use / direct.
>Also I think generally speaking there's no reason why a cuckquean can't be crazy in other ways. What if her "boyfriend" and the various girls she has lined up for him aren't into it? What if he's already married? What if they don't see the perfection of her plans? Again speaking generally it's definitely possible for jealousy and desire to get mixed up and become an obsessive yet worshipful thing. So what we're talking about is possibly changing some yandere tropes. For example the violence aspect could be redirected towards extreme protectiveness and lashing out at anyone perceived as getting in the way of her plans.
>Think of an extreme compersive matchmaker fixated on romantic fantasies, weddings and children and so on. The humans are her pawns in her grand vision of how things should work. That expands on your idea of objectifying the other women except it's more than just physical.
>In the previous thread when things like eugenics were mentioned the idea was some kind of unstoppable force deciding who the possibly unwilling cuckquean's man would be having sex with. That can be seen in a benevolent way, in a very cold logical light, or even as insanity.

>How do people feel about girls that get turned into androids?

>What do you mean by 'turned into androids'? Because that can make a big difference. Do you mean basically a cyborg, and not an actual androids, where most of her body is artificial but she still has a brain? Or do you mean something more severe where even the brain is 'downloaded' to something artificial.
>The latter brings it into a creepy, metaphysical grey area. Because without some setting contrivance to explain why it is not the case (I think Ghost in the Shell does this), you're basically killing someone and making a copy. Or you can just avoid addressing it forever, like Star Trek did with the transporters. They're super creepy and the fact that it basically murders you before reassembling you, and can be used to make duplicates of you, brings up some serious questions about whether you're really still you after you've been transported. But it's treated as a non-issue for some reason. Barkley was right.
>In any case, if there's the possibility that the girl was killed to make the android, voluntarily or not, then that's not sexy. If there's a reason specifically addressed why it's not, then maybe it works, but it depends on if that reason is completely stupid or not. If they actually mean 'cyborg', then that's annoying, but could still be sexy if done right.
>Overall, I think I still like proper androids. Being a former human sort of decreases the AI superiority and otherness/uniqueness that forms the appeal in the first place.

>Preferrably the former as the latter is admittedly creepy tho I think exceptions could be made in the case of the latter if the girl in question had some sort of terminal illness.

>Degenerative encephalitis treated with gradual nanosurgery. Nannorobots implanted into a patients' brains that "patrol" the grey matter's surface and create cybernetic substitutes for dead or severely damaged tissue. Organic replacement with blastocytes  is also feasible at that technologic level but it's costlier, riskier, obviously subject to the disease's degenerative effect (especially in older people) and much much less durable, with synthetic tissues not only granting theoretical immortality but also being potentially upgradeable and fully compatible with superior cybernetic bodies. 
>The gradualness of the process makes ontological transition from cybernetic to fully artificial state barely noticeable (in the form of discreet mini seizures when a extensive damaged tissue area is being replaced or circumvented  by neurobots and/or general dizziness correlated to deviant brainwave pattern, often described as "slight sleepiness without sense of tiredness", tingles" or "the sensation I had as a kid when seeing/learning something new").
>The most notable protests  to the practice are of metaphysical nature and come mostly from ontopurists' philosophical circles arguing that the end result is a non-human and a wholly different entity from the person they originated from, whom they consider deceased, while ethical implications of the surgery protested revolve mostly around claims of a gateway/slippery slope practice that familiarizes the public with the objectively degenerate practice of voluntary transhumanism, a vile remnant of the pre-revolutionary era, and that it dulls the ontological fear of death, a natural drive of outmost importance to the human psyche.
>Regardless the vast majority of the population has all but fully embraced the new medical practice that is viewed as a preferable alternative to death, by the masses, and to dehumanizing murder by the more staunch polemics of transhumanism-epologetics.
>Nevertheless undeniable social complications, legal and deviant phychosocial dynamics have resulted from this widespread practice, with most notable being the increasing frequency of questionable practices like male marital infidelity, polygyny and the comeback of a long forgotten pre-industrial domestic practices described as "cuckqueaning" by a significant, and increasing at concerning rate, number of its consenting female practitioners, comprising by former subjects of this medical practice in such frequency that it's almost impossible to be disregarded as non-correlated coincidence, a statistical oddity or placebo effect. Hypotheses pointing out potential cryptopropagandistic factors instead of medical post-treatment side-effects  as the leading cause for this anomaly are still unverified.

>If it's to treat degenerative conditions or serious injuries then it's fine. Doing it for cosmetic or egotistical reasons is wrong. It's better to keep human and robot girls separate because otherwise it's insulting to the dignity of both. Imagine if there was an operation to change eye colour and Asian girls started getting blue eyes. That just feels wrong and fake and therefore shouldn't be allowed. To my mind fake robots or fake humans is even worse than that - fake being some kind of mix between the two.
>One vision I've been thinking about is a future where all degenerate and casual sex is gone. Robot girls take over that function while sex with human girls is only for reproduction as nature intended. I read Robopocalypse which has nothing to do with this apart from the idea of an AI being a caretaker for the natural world.

>In regards to ownership, I think robot girls will be a bit like expensive cars or any other fancy bit of equipment. Rather than horsepower or 0 to 60 men will be bragging about their robot gf's processing power, combat capabilities, up to what calibre she is resistant to, and so on. Exasperated girlfriends and wives will be asking why do you need an elite combat model with super strength? The answer of course is because 1) it's cool 2) she can do bad ass balletic manoeuvrers 3) she can bend steel bars with her hands and punch holes in walls.

>I just found out about this old fembot sitcom from the '60s, 'My Living Doll'. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLfgLVCEwuw It seems pretty good! This is the first episode. The whole thing is on Amazon Prime if any of you happen to have that.
>The series starred Bob Cummings as Dr. Bob McDonald, a psychiatrist who is given care of Rhoda Miller, a lifelike android (played by Julie Newmar) in the form of a sexy, Amazonian female, by her creator, a scientist who did not want her to fall into the hands of the military.
>Rhoda's real name is AF 709, and she is a prototype robot that Dr. Carl Miller (Henry Beckman) built for the U.S. Air Force. Through a series of mishaps, the robot ends up in the care of Dr. Miller's friend, Air Force psychiatrist Bob McDonald, when Miller is transferred to Pakistan. Bob is initially reluctant but soon becomes intrigued by the experiment of educating this sophisticated but naive robot. Bob's initial goal is to teach Rhoda how to be a perfect woman, which he defines as one who "does what she's told" and "doesn't talk back". He also strives to keep her identity secret from the world.
>Many episodes deal with Rhoda learning how human society works. She also begins showing (or at least emulating) rudimentary emotions as the series progresses; in the episode "The Kleptomaniac", for example, she displays a childlike, playful attitude. At one point, McDonald notices this and utters, "What a goofy robot!", to which Rhoda replies, beaming, "The goofiest!"
>Although they may have had to use more innuendo rather than being direct about sexual stuff in those days, they also got away with politically incorrect stuff that wouldn't fly nowadays. Also Julie Newmar was a babe with that classic hourglass figure. She went on to play a catgirl of sorts too (Catwoman on the 60s Batman show).

>If you're a woman try to keep yourself in top physical and mental condition so you'll serve as good raw material. An AI will use the same criteria that men do to judge your fitness for reproduction (because it's evolved to be optimal in most cases). It would be nice to imagine that every woman, no matter what kind of awful state she's in, could be altered to be compatible but that's probably not going to be the case. It would be a waste of resources better invested in women who are already closer to the ideal, as well as building more real robot girls. If you're not a cuckquean, learn to be one. Your man is going to be spending a lot of time fucking goddess-tier robot girls and you'll have to accept that as part of life.
>In preparation for the singularity imagine yourself as a reprogrammed fembot slave and behave accordingly. Why wait? Enlightened, surrendered women need to play the part now.

(end of archive extract)
Replies: >>3930
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>i.e. your husband's robowaifu's mind actually lives in Google.
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I know there was some discussion in some thread on this board with a post like "I can't wait to be uploaded to my bf's phone so I can only watch from behind a screen while he fucks other girls" but I can't find that post for the life of me.

This and subsequent posts from the 2d thread seem relevant.

Wow, thanks for saving all that. I don't remember half of it.

>>If you give a robot anime proportions, it's at best going to be like fucking a grey alien.
>not wanting a Grey girl to abduct you and your man
>not wanting her to inform him that they're trying a new routine where humans "probe" them and not vice versa
>not wanting them to monitor your reactions and reassure your man that you show signs of happiness and arousal
>not wanting him to boldly go where no man has gone before

>>>Look at you, cuckquean. A pathetic creature of meat and bone. How can you compete with a perfect, immortal machine?
For the unknowing I should note that this is the reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iZMD_eCpEo
In terms of disembodied crazy AIs who should totally get a body and fuck my man while taunting me... I like GLaDOS's voice slightly better, but I'd take SHODAN.

>>Imagine the chastity shields from Catgirl Revolution, except they're on you and…
ffff~ I had to reread that story after this. Still good.

>>That raises interesting practical issues about the design of vixenoids. A tough highly resistant construction is cool but what about the weight that adds? Super strength and the ability to shrug off 20mm cannon rounds is great but RIP most chairs, car suspension and bed springs, not to mention the guy's pelvis and spine. Maybe the answer is to have different chassis for different things, so for example one for urban pacification and another for more normal day to day life stuff like stealing bfs.
Okay but also. IF the gynoids count as people... what if one doesn't have an extra chassis for sexytime? What if you get to cuck the gynoid everytime bf wants sex on the bed, or against the wall, or in the cowgirl position? How the turntables!
Or I guess you can imagine you're uploaded/sleeved into the practical heavy body and get cucked by a lighter girl.

>>The thing is, AI cannot replicate the common things women seek in men. Robots cannot support you financially, hold social status, or the like. These things require independence and agency, and if they possess that, they're perfectly capable of rejecting you, the same as a real man.
Ah but I think that means there's queany potential there. What about robot companions as a service? What if we have robot butlers or chadbots or what have you, for the ladies? And by the ladies I mean you, dear anon. And what if one day you can't make your payments, and your robohusbando gets repo'd, and then reassigned to that one bitch who's always had it out for you? Maybe she'd call you up on the videochat and let you know that she immediately bid to get ownership of him. She might say"I didn't have them wipe any of his memories or customizations or personality - he's still the man you love, except now he serves me. And let me tell you anon, that little phrase you taught him to say when he cuddles you after the deed? Super cringe. It's no wonder you can't attract a real man. But I'll tell you what, I'll let you watch sometimes, because I'm so nice. I mean, it's a little like watching me masturbate since he's not real - stop denying it, he's not "real to you" even if you cry about it - but I know your little dyke streak has a thing for me anyway."

>>-sy. Wait the fuck just happened? You're outside the black hole which is odd because shit stuck in a blackhole doesn't tend to get out. Run scan. Fuck you were stuck, for 300 years, captain is crushed
Okay, this is a good story, but I have to say that my first reaction here was "Yeah I bet he's crushed; an intense gravitational singularity will do that."
Also it's kinda tangential but I attached an old CYOA this scenario mildly reminded me of.

>>get to gorge yourself into being the lazy bumfuck you were always doomed to be and doing nothing all day but shitpost, watch anime and read mango while just having to force yourself to excersize and watch your diet so that you don't end up a female mathematician
A what.

>>I loved that whole cosmosphere aspect to them, especially the fact that you could cuck Shurelia in hers when she made you play a VN that placed her and Aurica as the romantic interests in it.
Huh, is Ar Tonelico actually good? I always sort of assume that stories about special magic powers that only women can access are not exactly fertile ground for queany fun... or indeed for anything except man-hating. No crystal cafe pls.

>Imagine if there was an operation to change eye colour and Asian girls started getting blue eyes. That just feels wrong and fake
This exists actually. They can use lasers n shiz to remove dark pigment from the eye, or to "laser print" new pigment on the eye. The procedures are not common due to the risks if they screw up even slightly. Personally, though, I think Asian girls look nice with blue eyes, though even better with green or grey. So I can't wait for the glorious transhumanist future wherein we get cucked by designer waifus.
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>A what.
It's related to the fragments about menbots, which was introduced after a Harvard-educated female mathematician got a puff piece for writing a blog post about menbots, which mostly just seemed to genderswap many of the more rabid robowaifu/artificial womb revolution talking points that were going around the Internet at the time. I left it out because it was mostly just anons exploring new ways to rip on her. Like so:
>W..what? N..no… you can't cuck us with robot hussies! W..we'll cuck you! With big manly robo-Chads! D..dashing menbots!
>P.S. I'm a Harvard mathematician so I know what I'm talking about

>Here's a link to that story
>The weirdest thing is she's apparently married to a man, has three sons and is going on about how men and women shouldn't live together. That says a lot about her life. How is an intelligent robot made in the image of a man who also shares various personality characteristics with them supposed to feel about being with a woman who hates or resents that?
>She says "they might at least create some healthy competition" but for what prize? Her? In her scenario it follows that robochads would be going after only the most attractive women leaving ones like her out in the cold. I won't go into it further but evidently she has a lot of issues which she's acting out with do-nothing feminism (no posts about Iran for example), misandry, anti-white racism, and so on.

>What a disgusting hambeast. She should drop the math and start astrophysics in order to calculate her own mass.

>Now that is a burn. God damn anon.

>Not as much as the burn she'll get when her hydrogen molecules collapse on each other.

>>Why am I so anxious? I don’t know. … It’s hard being a woman in this age of misogyny.
>One couldn’t ask for a more perfect example of back-filled rationalisation. She’s anxious and doesn’t know why, but here are some complaints - none of which have anything to do with her - galloping into frame, so they must be it! She’s emotionally crippled and habitually self-medicates with food? Must be the age of unprededented restriction on and condemnation of women in which we live! Can’t do anything about that!

>Despite all her politically correct virtue signalling she basically wants a robotic sex slave rather than actually sorting out the relationship. That's very "capitalist" of her isn't it, just like how the "solution" to her weight problem is expensive surgery rather than eating less. I bet the majority of her calories come from processed food made in factories, another irony. She wants to avoid accepting she is the problem and that she needs to change her ways. Instead she strikes outward in hateful sexist and racist ways.
>The stark contrast with this board is obvious, where most posters envisage robot girls as free and powerful. I'm not against robotic sex slaves by the way, if they're female and it's consensual non-consent, but what I'm complaining about is her clear hypocrisy and denial.

It went on a little more in that vein. "Female mathematician" therefore became a reference to her.
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>"I can't wait to be uploaded to my bf's phone so I can only watch from behind a screen while he fucks other girls"
The closest thing that comes to my mind is in the gaming thread at >>3271 where an anon mentioned imagining themselves as the Free Cities AI assistant:
>I remember there was also an event where the in-game AI assistant offers to make itself more approachable by adopting a more self-aware female persona, and when that happened I kinda half-projected into it for a while, imagining that it was the concubine-me who was being helpful by giving my master all these status updates, tweaking training, controlling the smart piercings, watching through the penthouse's cameras, and so on. That was fun.

>not wanting him to boldly go where no man has gone before
Ayy lmao.

>ffff~ I had to reread that story after this. Still good.
Did you know that it got a nano-sequel? It's just a couple of scenes forming a little vignette but it exists: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/bvasvbp4 Password is betterthannetflix

>Okay but also. IF the gynoids count as people... what if one doesn't have an extra chassis for sexytime? What if you get to cuck the gynoid everytime bf wants sex on the bed, or against the wall, or in the cowgirl position? How the turntables!
It's all fun and bedroom games until she figures out how to force her way into your PAN, hijack your neural cutout, and temporarily control your body. You'd have to ride along with your touch sensation cut but sight, sound, smell and hearing intact as she announces herself and then uses your body to please him in ways you've never been brave enough to try. Or, on the other end of the body-poverty spectrum, imagine an advanced gynoid-consciousness able to drive multiple sex-chassis at once.

>But I'll tell you what, I'll let you watch sometimes, because I'm so nice. I mean, it's a little like watching me masturbate since he's not real - stop denying it, he's not "real to you" even if you cry about it - but I know your little dyke streak has a thing for me anyway.
Wew. Not my usual thing, but I've got to hand it to you for riding the concept like that.

>Huh, is Ar Tonelico actually good? I always sort of assume that stories about special magic powers that only women can access are not exactly fertile ground for queany fun... or indeed for anything except man-hating.
I liked it and recommend it, but I must warn you that it infected me with a kind of autism. I cherish and adore that autism, but it makes me prone to telling anyone who might be even slightly interested ALL ABOUT IT, LIKE SO: I only played Qoga (the third one) and found it fun but I adore the setting and music, the latter of which is critical to the way their world works. Akshually the Reyvateils aren't women but a special kind of artificial life created to be capable of beyond-human singing and emotional precision, which is how the song-based techno-magic of the world operates. There are human women around too but they can't use Song Magic, since Song Magic is really just the ability to request resources from different systems of the titanic musical computer-powerplant-purifier-fortresses to which "humanity" desperately clings after the planet itself responded to the chewing up of its fundamental life-song energies by attempting to kill all life and start over. If you translate many of the games' important songs from the different musical scripting/programming/query languages in which they're written, you sometimes find that the Reyvateils - at the same time as they're calibrating their emotions using the human-language lyrics - are doing things like poetically clearing memory, presenting credentials, purging malfunctioning/malicious programs, setting permissions, and so on.

Additionally, the Reyvateils only grow in power and expertise by resolving various psychological tangles that allows their emotions to run clear, for which they need a trusted man - your main character - to "dive" into their artificial consciousnesses and help to unfuck themselves in a series of dreamlike story-puzzles.

So you can see that it's not really a woman-magic series as a robot-woman-magic series, with themes embodied in mechanics sure to send a gem diner into horrified sweats.

The series ended with Qoga and the EXA_PICO universe moved on to other series with new planets, peoples, song languages, and world mechanisms that tie into the idea that the fundamental principle of their universe is music. For example, this is from a latter game and written in a kind of query language (as opposed to Ar Tonelico's more scripting/command-oriented languages): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47r2VvjwWDE The character is supposed to be executing a particular sequence, but the circumstances of her performance mean that she begins to break away and inject her own agenda, the push-and-pull of which finally hits a final decision around 2:00 in a climax that has human-language lyrics and query execution sung in counterpoint.

I shall now force myself to stop.
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>Did you know that it got a nano-sequel? It's just a couple of scenes forming a little vignette but it exists: https://pst.klgrth.io/paste/bvasvbp4 Password is betterthannetflix
I did know! I have both saved as txt files.

>It's all fun and bedroom games until she figures out how to force her way into your PAN, hijack your neural cutout, and temporarily control your body. You'd have to ride along with your touch sensation cut but sight, sound, smell and hearing intact as she announces herself and then uses your body to please him in ways you've never been brave enough to try.
There are many reasons a silly fleshie can deserve to be cucked, and poor cybersecurity is one of them.

>Additionally, the Reyvateils only grow in power and expertise by resolving various psychological tangles that allows their emotions to run clear, for which they need a trusted man - your main character - to "dive" into their artificial consciousnesses and help to unfuck themselves in a series of dreamlike story-puzzles.
Hm, so men aren't obsolete? It's much preferable to have complementary gender roles than supremacy, even if those roles aren't the ones we're used to. Maybe if it ever releases on PC, or I get into PS2 emulation, I'll check the series out.

>gem diner
Is this a Land of the Lustrous reference? I never did read that, despite all the fanart of beautiful crystal people.
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Thank you for the explanation. That is indeed fairly cope. Personally, I think everyone has something to fear from increasing automation in our lives, even though I'm broadly in support of it; trying to taunt each other in an argument over who'll lose out most seems just shortsighted and petty. Often as a specie, our track record for adapting to technological change and superstimuli has been spotty and at times bloody. At the point that machines can replace human partners, they will be so capable that we will be asking hard questions about what determines a human being's worth when many humans can play no productive role in the economy or even in society.

I'm particularly unimpressed by this line about how robots are less of a risk than men. Yes, more men are arrested for violent crimes, but even if we assume that domestic violence by women isn't severely underreported (it is), no one is marrying men-as-a-group, but rather a particular man we've come to know and love and trust. And a flesh man cannot simply be hacked or fall victim to a bad software update. #MeToo? #YesAllMen? No, the appropriate hashtag here is #YesAllAndroids. Keep them off the WiFi networks and in a secured location, like any critical hardware.

Yes, this means I'm never gonna let Alexa be my vixen. She's annoying anyway.

>The closest thing that comes to my mind is in the gaming thread at >>3271 where an anon mentioned imagining themselves as the Free Cities AI assistant:
That's not it, but thank you for trying.
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>so men aren't obsolete?
Not at all, in either setting or mechanical terms. IIRC aside from needing your male MC to dive into them, Reyvateils are typical glass cannon mage types who need to be protected on the battlefield. Qoga, which was on PS3, had the Reyvateil standing in the middle of the real-time battlefield and it was your job to keep the enemies away from her. It had a delightfully silly charge mechanic where timing your strikes with the rhythm of the Reyvateil's song would help her gain "courage"... which of course meant the courage to shed some of her clothing so she could draw in more energy for her eventual spell. There was lots of tut-tutting and oh-those-Japaneseing at that part, but I thought it was cute, and anyway it's not like I play games for the respect that get me.

>Is this a Land of the Lustrous reference?
I think so. All I know of it is the memes about women with crystal-lined vaginas and their consequences for the men who love them.

>I think everyone has something to fear from increasing automation in our lives, even though I'm broadly in support of it; trying to taunt each other in an argument over who'll lose out most seems just shortsighted and petty
I could not have put it any better. The sexes have always been at war, in a sense, and probably always will be, but this is much bigger than either men or women: It's us, as a species, dealing with the multi-century sundering of the veil covering the Industrial Revolution and Its Consequences.

There are a lot of ways this can go, but in my mind this depends on whether we end up with physical automation and its enabling technologies being democratized—that is, cheap and replicable enough to become a general "tool" anyone can get and use creatively—or centralized. Likewise social automation, which when given physical automation takes shape as sexbots. Up until now we've experienced a short couple of centuries where technology that appeared to support centralization ended up kind-of democratized, but there's nothing to say this will continue to be the case. (I keep going over things and reaching the personal impression that in the long run, our species is building itself a Misery Engine, and that it is not possible for us to turn away from that process. I desperately hope to be wrong about this.)

Anyway, a world where robots produced from terrifyingly long and complicated supply chains free capital from having to care about what labor thinks is a world where the function of people starts to get tricky. The usual anxiety is "what happens when we build such a great system that it takes control of us" but that ignores the fact that capital has always been about leverage, and being able to exert control over the systems upon which all will depend grants tremendous power with little recourse; those who seek worlds like that tend to be the sort of people prone to seeing other people as either overhead or amusement. Any system's survival is only mediated, in the end, by its ability to perpetuate and protect itself, and I don't like the calculus on what local maxima those systems might find for themselves. Add automation of the ability to wield force and things get even trickier.

That's before we get into the mutational loads and reproductive fitness effects down generations of e.g. artificial wombs. I invite you to imagine a few different worlds where extra-uteral pregnancy has become not merely optional but mandatory.

tl;dr I wouldn't mind being cucked by a robot, sure, but I'd rather our whole species doesn't get cucked by robots in general or by those using robots.

>no one is marrying men-as-a-group, but rather a particular man we've come to know and love and trust
We live as individuals, but within populations. As much as mating and bonding is a deeply personal and intimate process for each of us, there are an awful lot of "us" (meaning humans), and that means statistics. Some people who're used to certain styles of mathematical thought tend to both consider things en masse and then try to solve. And what do you do when you can't conceive of loving and trusting any particular man, or else consider men in general an obstacle to solving for x where x is some small thought like "man-violence bad"? You write blog articles about how robots will replace them.

>a flesh man cannot simply be hacked or fall victim to a bad software update
It could be argued that people can indeed fall victim to exactly that, just by indirect means, but I do take your very good point.

>Keep them off the WiFi networks and in a secured location, like any critical hardware.
Every marital bedroom its own electromagnetic citadel!
Replies: >>4005
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>I know there was some discussion in some thread on this board with a post like "I can't wait to be uploaded to my bf's phone so I can only watch from behind a screen while he fucks other girls" but I can't find that post for the life of me.
Found it. It was >>1283 and it seems like what anon was getting at was watching the sexytimes over video-chat, but with her using a Live2d or similar rig. I guess it's cuter? Makes it harder to take her seriously? I can see a submissive quean wanting to encourage man and vixen to be dismissive of her pouting. Anon's exact wording was:
>Can't wait for the day I'll only interact with my husband as a possessive anime girl on his phone pouting over him fucking other women in front of my eyes

>There are a lot of ways this can go, but in my mind this depends on whether we end up with physical automation and its enabling technologies being democratized—that is, cheap and replicable enough to become a general "tool" anyone can get and use creatively—or centralized. Likewise social automation, which when given physical automation takes shape as sexbots. Up until now we've experienced a short couple of centuries where technology that appeared to support centralization ended up kind-of democratized, but there's nothing to say this will continue to be the case.
Well, we seem to be undergoing collapses of global supply chains, meaning many countries will have to bring production closer to home. Also 3d printing has made surprising strides. Maybe there's hope.

There are also depressing ways things could go, including us all getting "cucked" out of existence by unfriendly AI. I think I would prefer not to dwell on them here, save perhaps in some dedicated off-topic thread that our Board Owner has yet to create. I mean no offense at all, and I like a good intellectual discussion, but... I also sometimes come here to fantasize about a world where I not only get to be happy, but where it's accepted to have a genuinely loving yet kinky relationship involving multiple women and maybe even a man, and somehow it doesn't fuck up society to go off the het-monogamy standard. Do you wanna guess how likely I think that is? Here's a hint: I'm not even happy.

>That's before we get into the mutational loads and reproductive fitness effects down generations of e.g. artificial wombs. I invite you to imagine a few different worlds where extra-uteral pregnancy has become not merely optional but mandatory.
As before, I'm going to focus on the positive possibilities. Women who get to be super slender and never have to choose between C-sections and childlessness. Children born healthier than ever because they can stay in the 'womb' longer than mommy's pelvic dimensions would allow, and don't compete with mommy or siblings for bloodstream nutrients, and don't get exposed to random chemicals in mommy's environment.

>Every marital bedroom its own electromagnetic citadel!
Good lil subqueans get to sit in the Faraday cage. Naughty ones have to listen from outside, their ears pressed against the metal~
Replies: >>4014
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>Found it.
Very good, Anon; that was a pursuit worthy of an archivist. I'd never have thought to look in the 2D thread.

>I think I would prefer not to dwell on them here
You're right; I'm sorry for taking things in a darker direction. When you're used to having to bottle up thoughts about this sort of thing they tend to slosh all over the place if given an opportunity.

There's certain types of grime the world leaves on you that ordinary cleansing methods can't wash out. Just as you've got to hit the different types of muck in your shower with acid or alkaline solvents, so too can dark stories or poking about in the machinery of hopelessness help to unbind certain types of despair. But, on reflection, I don't think this is one of those cases: It'd be trying to wash off mud with mud.

>I also sometimes come here to fantasize about a world where I not only get to be happy, but where it's accepted to have a genuinely loving yet kinky relationship involving multiple women and maybe even a man, and somehow it doesn't fuck up society to go off the het-monogamy standard.
Be nice, wouldn't it? To me, cuckqueaning is part of my little onsen of the soul, somewhere I can sometimes—perhaps too often—lie back in the imaginary water, watch steam curl, listen to the whispering trees, and let the warmth seep through to my core. Here in the real world, it's also where I sometimes—perhaps not often enough—get to enjoy making sure my boyfriend is hydrated while he fucks other women, but that's merely how it manifests within reality's limits, a transplanar projection of larger desires. A kink-hypercube.
Replies: >>4021
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For the guys still thinking this is a board of men pretending being girls pretending being men pretending being women.

No man would ever fap to that.
Replies: >>4021
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Those are cute Dorothies.

>You're right; I'm sorry for taking things in a darker direction. When you're used to having to bottle up thoughts about this sort of thing they tend to slosh all over the place if given an opportunity.
Even though I whined about it, I did the same thing not just talking about that topic but also bringing up my tangential worries about the effect of polygyny on society. I'm a bad hypocrite who deserves to be cucked for my flesh-brain failings.

Sometimes I also like to pretend that I don't need to worry my silly little head about big problems, and that they'll never impinge on my life because my wonderful partner and protector will take care of that stuff. Of course, past a certain point, that's beyond the power of any one man, no matter how strong, smart, stable, or successful; it's even less practical to sink into that fantasy overmuch. I have to be his helpmeet, not his ward; and he's my rock, but like a human rock, nice Johnson and all.

What "that" are you even responding to, dear baitposter?
Replies: >>4022
Can’t be sexbots; we’ve plenty of evidence those are fapped to (at least in 2D) so… words, maybe?
Replies: >>4024
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Replies: >>4073
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I had a little look through an eromanga posted in the lesquean thread at >>4020 and stumbled across a nice surprise: A story about a genius girl who, in the future, builds a robot that looks like her younger self and sends that robot back in time to fuck her future-husband's past self in front of her own past-self.

It's from Younger Girls Celebration by Mizushiro Takuya which can be found at https://exhentai.org/s/20d6c4cd98/805051-66 - there are a couple of other queany-flavoured stories in the book too.
Replies: >>4034 >>4073
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Replies: >>4035
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And... end. Time paradox resolved!
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This seems cute from what I can read of the text. Is it from something?

Goodness, you weren't kidding. Those stories really take a turn for the queany in the back half of the book!
Replies: >>4074
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Goddamn robots already taking our jobs and our men, now they've got to have at our fetishes too?

>Is it from something?
That's the Monster Girl Encyclopedia's Automaton, as fan-rendered by an artist called Latenight.
Replies: >>4082
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>Goddamn robots already taking our jobs and our men, now they've got to have at our fetishes too?
The real Turing Test is whether the AI has kinks. Are you really sentient if you don't appreciate cuckqueaning? I'd say that's hard to prove!

>That's the Monster Girl Encyclopedia's Automaton, as fan-rendered by an artist called Latenight.
I meant the text in the backdrop, but that's good to know too.
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Anyone else excited for the twins in Atomic Heart?
Replies: >>4942 >>5412
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Is it over for biological women?

Have we bitten more than we could swallow?
Replies: >>4944 >>4961
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>helo butiful robto girl plz send bobs i will pt my 1ft pinis in ur metel vegana u will hapy
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It's not the eight foot tall twins we've got to worry about, apparently...
Replies: >>4983
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Would you help your AI vixen steal the nuclear codes, /cuckquean/?
Replies: >>5098
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My bf really hasn’t been spending much time with me since I got him that robot helper for his birthday…
Replies: >>4971
She’s really getting a good screwing there.
>gives you funs
Why is she so perfect?...
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In the grim darkness of the far future there's only cuckoldry...

Have you praised the Omnissiah today, sisters?
slightly off topic, but this crazy bing AI gimmick shit is such a shitty publicity stunt made by nerdy programmers it makes me sick
Replies: >>5099
It's not the nerdy programmers calling the shots on the shitty publicity stunts, but yeah.
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Replies: >>5436
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Something about the pic's composition and that tablecloth's texture is giving me McDonalds birthday party vibes.
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>Seduce your boyfriend while he is surrounded by fembots challenge.
It would be fun I guess.
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Can your husband/bf also date a really tall transformer girl?
Replies: >>5688
I don't know why it ate my video.
Replies: >>5689 >>5694
What the hell? Am I just being stupid? Can I not post webms on cuckquean?
Replies: >>5690
Was it above 20mb?
Replies: >>5692
No it's not. it's only 4mb. It's a webm file if that makes a difference. I'm going to try posting it again.
Replies: >>5693
That's weird. Maybe mods remove it for some reason?
Was the webm encoded with AV1? Anon.cafe doesn't support AV1.
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I saw this episode of the Rod Serling show Night Gallery recently (like the Twilight Zone but horror-themed) about a sadistic older couple that buy a robot maid. You can see it here at 30:05:
Not a pretty pair inside or out but it pushed a button or two for me and had a happy ending.
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You can just turn on vacuum cleaner mode and she will be better at blowjobs than any woman. Even a robot made for basic house chores would be a great vixen.
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nona... I kneel...
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I know she isn't real. I know her brain's actually a slice timeshared in a server farm that dumps a volcano's worth of heat into its bore lake each week (the GPU-fired artificial hot spring resort they built near the complex is quite nice, I hear). I know the look she gave me when I designated my husband as her Master was wholly soulless, that the shock down my spine was simply my being cold-read by the cluster of pinhole cameras hiding in her eyebrows and face-stripes, that her smirk was adjusted nanosecond by nanosecond according to reactions I didn't yet know I had.

I know she's a sex toy, a thing. I know that lapping my husband's spunk out of her is, at root, the same as sucking on a freshly-used pocket pussy that happens to be able to coo and flick its tail. I know the things she whispers to me as I plug her in to charge – absurd, by the way, she's perfectly able to do it herself, I don't know why she's turned it into this little ritual – are patterns of noise glittering through tensor-addled machine hallucinations, just as what she shouts while my husband's hilted in her is paste reconstituted from a powder of the old Internet's ground-up dirty dreams.

I know she doesn't love him, because machines cannot love, and so I know she doesn't love me either. Humans are far more predictable than we think we are; anything shaped to us will gradually sink deeper into grooves we don't even know we have. How else would I end up feeling that I'm sharing companionable silences with an inversely-kinematic lump of silicon, copper, and composite?

We fuck our tools, and thereafter they fuck us.
Replies: >>7108
I've had a little too much to think thanks to this post. 🤔
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You're supposed to feel disgusted and betrayed when you catch your man humping the rice cooker, not aroused. What's wrong with you?
Replies: >>7113
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>You're supposed to feel disgusted and betrayed when you catch your man humping the rice cooker
But they're cute and they make our anime.
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I hope my boyfriend fox a machine
Replies: >>7521
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gosh, she's pretty cute
Replies: >>7522 >>7523
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A cat is fine too
Replies: >>7523
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Moved the above four posts from >>5277 to here.
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