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Test thread because my Tor packets started to smell funny and the other test thread is a year old.

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what are you testing?
Replies: >>6242
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I have nothing else to post 😭
Replies: >>6243
you can always find something to contribute to >>120

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205 replies and 223 files omitted. View the full thread
imminent ball trauma...
Replies: >>6230
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that's what makes it hot
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lost count of how many times i came to his pic
the outstretched sole, arced toes, exposed ankle...
i could resist all that
but the adorable blush on the pads... it does things to my cock
Replies: >>6236
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This is a nice angle, right amount of detail too. Cute tummy as a bonus... I think I understand your horny.
Replies: >>6237
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well said, fellow foot connoisseur

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New thread.
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p based tbh but idk how you manage
i havent left in over a week and im already feeling p bad
ig cabin fever was a real thing
btw im guessing you dropped out of uni?
oh wait, ig summer vacay is in july
yea nvm, im going out
later, shutin
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I should order food!
Replies: >>6232
...did you?
Replies: >>6233
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i like video games im gonna play something
think so
>im gonna play something
FFS play golden souls already

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newfrens just dropped on junku, time for another jeffthread
why wait until tomorrow if i can do it today?
im having an episode of insomnia anyway
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i wonder if i suffer from mood swings or sth
yesterday i was p depressed, but today i woke up feeling p gucci
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i was doing some important scientific research and i think im starting to get the appeal of nekoarc
something about those soulpiercing eyes go right through the frigid ice layers and straight into my heart
playing dragon's dogma
runs p well on my computer, all things considered
i just got to the part where you get to create a hot elf babe to be your eternal follower and im liking it so far
played crypt of the necrodancer again
its a fun game
i finished it with the mom and then i remembered what a pain in the ass the granny playthrough is
i remember busting my balls on it back then, but i dont even remember if i ever managed to unlock the next zone, prolly not
you cant take a hit, you cant miss a beat, and you gotta do it all with the shitty default dagger
i think ill pass up on that this time
i played with the other characters too, they added hatsune miku now
also theres a new zone, its p cool
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i like keeping up with cdda's drama
the latest one is due to seat space in cars
it all started when they noticed you couldnt fit a human corpse in a seat, even tho ppl fit just fine when they are alive
(a human corpse has 62.5L, the seats used to have less capacity than this)
however, it wouldnt make sense for you to be able to fit in your seat if theres a corpse in it, so they then made it so that the volume of items in your seat determined whether or not youre able to fit in the seat
originally it was a static value, you needed 62.5 free L yourself to fit in the seat (or any other vehicle storage space)
then they made it dynamic, so the volume your char needs to fit in any cargo space depends on its height and weight
so giant mutants or ultra obese survivors would have trouble fitting even in empty seats
makes sense, right?
but thats when the drama begun, bc if youre just barely able to fit, you get a 'cramped space' debuff, which is kinda annoying
and if you dont fit at all, you cant enter that tile. period.
so you cant just leave a bunch of items lying on your seats anymore
then they updated the system AGAIN to make it also depend on the items your wearing and wielding, to finish the trifecta of height, weight, and clothes
btw they didnt update the seat capacities as the volume calculations kept increasing
so it got to the point where even average survivors couldnt fit properly in a seat due to having a backpack and a lot of body armor
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This board is too sterile, post some fat anime tits. >>1156 demanded a new thread so I had to oblige. Don't post flat chest, no one likes that.
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feet in the air
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only now realizing i posted on the wrong thread
feet make me real stupid
Replies: >>6177
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Miku is well-known for her assets.

Erections make you stupid.
Replies: >>6178
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i know her for a different asset
afair shes actually as flat as the screen she exists on
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This is the meta thread. Post your suggestions and complaints here.

IPs are now pruned from posts on /origin/ after 7 days.
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thank you for tor-inclusive
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HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode and HiddenServiceSingleHopMode have been enabled. Tor posters should experience a substantially faster browsing and posting experience without their anonymity being affected. These settings are documented here:
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thank you for the diligent work admommy
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another ib engine falls victim to my dithered images
<original image sizes: 16KB and 22KB
<thumbnail sizes: 48KB and 64KB
File size limits have been increased to 32MB per post. Enjoy.

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I REALLY appreciate Anis, even if her game doesn't hold my interest.
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I will not respect the jannies if they do this. Anis and her massive, fat tits deserve their own thread.
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when did anis become addicted to giving free paizuri?
Replies: >>6081
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probably feels good on her massive, soft boobs

taps glass
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I want to breed her. I want to breed Anis!
Replies: >>6203
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anis has nice feet

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Post maids and maids with large breasts.
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2hu can be maid
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she can do anything
Replies: >>6198
can she give me the will to live?
Replies: >>6199
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you may find your will to persist if you try worshiping her massive chest.
Replies: >>6202
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im more of a foot worship kinda guy but thanks

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A post spotted on /g/. Not looking forward to interacting with GPT-3 for now and forever on random imageboards and textboards. I'd understand the desire to have an instant community as a site admin but conversing with a chatbot living on localhost is way too bleak. Don't do it lonely admin!
384 replies and 196 files omitted. View the full thread
Did it un-die or is this a new one?
Replies: >>6163
new one
Replies: >>6166
Didn't last long, huh?
Replies: >>6167
wtf hacker
Replies: >>6168

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