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newfrens just dropped on junku, time for another jeffthread
why wait until tomorrow if i can do it today?
im having an episode of insomnia anyway
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now i understand why ppl say they hate hound of tidalos to much
i came across a surface lab and it was covered in a foul fog, which then started spawning some hounds
but i have stacked up so many speed buffs that even by just walking im faster than them, so i explored the lab normally
i can walk at a human's running pace
they kept following me anyways by teleporting, even after i teleported myself away
but even if they caught up, they still couldnt hit me on account of all the dodge buffs i stacked up
i have like 17 effective dodge now, with 3 attempts
it was a meat lab btw, so they killed the few amalgamations that showed up for me
so that was a great help bc i fucking hate fighting amalgamtions
i found a room with mutagens and thats all i really wanted to i teleported back home
and what do you know, 37 hounds teleported back home with me
and they wrecked fucking everything
all my shelves, half my walls, motherfuckers fucking ruined my chemical lab by breaking all the bottles i was keeping my acids on
also several other reagents that i forgot to put in zipper bags instead
they even broke my chemistry set
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looks like we got new ppl in here finally
but tbh they scare me
already spammed over 1000 posts in less than a day
not even the previous jeffthread had this much spampower
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been making an online version of durak
there are prolly 1000s of apps for this, but this one is mine
i have only playtested with someone else once and it kinda works
in principle it shouldnt be too hard to adapt it to allow for other card games to be played
i wanted to make a touhou themed deck, but i cant find any artist that has made a large amount of 2hu pics that i could use and i want it to have a consistent artstyle
no, i cant draw to save my life
>there are prolly 1000s of apps for this, but this one is mine
i didnt mean to imply im making an app
this is a REAL PROGRAM
if you wanna play it on your phone YOU CANT
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>there are prolly 1000s of apps for this
Only like 100 and only like 5 are playable 
>i have only playtested with someone else once and it kinda works
Yeah it just fucking black screens me every now and then and i could pull more cards than there are pixels on that fucking table but otherwise it kinda works 
>if you wanna play it on your phone YOU CANT
There's already a much better (proprietary) version of durak for mobile phones, with bluetooth and emojis straight from 2004. I think it's one of the most downloadable apps on the whole fucking russian play store, not to mention other 420 FOSS clones you can find on github 

Should have at least dumped your lua code there so others could glance

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New thread.
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Ponko a treasure
thanks for keeping us paged
why are you moving anyway, is university going alright?
you should drop by the irc again sometimes
btw whats the sauce on that pic
Replies: >>6315 >>6316
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>why are you moving anyway
family wanted me back for summer
>is university going alright?
i got bored and too tired so i stopped attending classes and didnt enter any exams
gonna repeat the first year now and hope i dont do the same thing
>you should drop by the irc again sometimes
didnt even know it was still up if u paste the link i'd join
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>whats the sauce on that pic
ponkotsu ponko
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>len'en is alright

>family wanted me back for summer
They "wanted" you? You didn't just do that to save money? Sounds kinda menacing. 
>gonna repeat the first year now
Many such cases. I assume that as long as the education is free, there's no need to rush. Especially if the sole reason you're attending this shitshow is welfare
>didnt even know it was still up
Prototype is getting death threats from FBI at a constant pace of 20 child porn links per hour but he won't falter that easily 
>paste the link 
If you forgot the link then you probably forgot your #misc key too, it's gonna be a hassle to get back 
teaparty7fcvgglf3bynas7dinkx4h3xhcb5rmvqj24e6yuepwctbsad.onion port 6667

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This is the meta thread. Post your suggestions and complaints here.

IPs are now pruned from posts on /origin/ after 7 days.
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Makes sense to me, I'll see if I can implement it.
Replies: >>6306
Much better! Thanks adminchan
Replies: >>6308
Lolcow bunker thread is lagging out, help
Whoa, you're quick, you may need to force refresh since I tweaked the CSS as well. If you don't want to see the navigation buttons at all, you can paste the following custom CSS into the settings:

.stickynav {
	display: none;
Bye bye, thanks for being so nice to us. You're alright!

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HAD to post this. A masterpiece.
Replies: >>6275
masterpiece? idk...
im not that impressed tbh
i liked this one better >>5945
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Ai feet!
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socks come off after work
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Cirno feet

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Say hello.
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blessed morning
I lovey ou all
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Put me in the bag, zip me up.
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Things are looking up!
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I need to go back before entropy takes it from me.

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This board is too sterile, post some fat anime tits. >>1156 demanded a new thread so I had to oblige. Don't post flat chest, no one likes that.
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i know her for a different asset
afair shes actually as flat as the screen she exists on
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MILK. Zenless Zone Zero has milk! I'm sure the gameplay is great too.
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It's hot again this year.
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Spoiler File
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just enough...

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A post spotted on /g/. Not looking forward to interacting with GPT-3 for now and forever on random imageboards and textboards. I'd understand the desire to have an instant community as a site admin but conversing with a chatbot living on localhost is way too bleak. Don't do it lonely admin!
385 replies and 196 files omitted. View the full thread
new one
Replies: >>6166
Didn't last long, huh?
Replies: >>6167
wtf hacker
Replies: >>6168
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Sad to see, but it's not too surprising. Their pinned introduction has started with a reactionary anti-woman rallying cry since 2018.
I've enjoyed looking at the board from a technology standpoint and used it to find certain tools like text-to-speech, so it will be sad to see the board accelerate into political piss, but if it stops 4/pol/ users trying to breed then I can't complain.

I imagine Chobitsu will absolutely let them roam free. They are halfchan /pol/ incarnate, to the point of ranting in /comfy/ about how imageboard spam is 'genocide against young white males', or something.

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Test thread because my Tor packets started to smell funny and the other test thread is a year old.

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you can always find something to contribute to >>120
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Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … 😭😭😭 


I need my health corrected uohhhhhhhhh
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a fellow enjoyer, i see
still testing

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I REALLY appreciate Anis, even if her game doesn't hold my interest.
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I will not respect the jannies if they do this. Anis and her massive, fat tits deserve their own thread.
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when did anis become addicted to giving free paizuri?
Replies: >>6081
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probably feels good on her massive, soft boobs

taps glass
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I want to breed her. I want to breed Anis!
Replies: >>6203
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anis has nice feet

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