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>You cannot delete old threads or threads with too many replies
please remove all these restrictions. kthx.
No, they're my threads now.
Replies: >>1011
no, all threads and posts belong to the user always. they have the rights over them forever and always. deletion limits spit on the user's rights and are unjust.
Replies: >>1012
Then why would you attempt to delete my thoughtful replies? Kick rocks, weirdo, I want to come back to see my shitposts in a year.
Replies: >>1017
the threads and/or posts belong to me. if i want them removed for whatever reason i should have the ability to do so. you have no right to deny a user their freedom over *their* content.
rulecucking like this is completely unnecessary and insane.
Replies: >>1018
By your own logic my posts belong to me, not you, so you don't get to delete them by deleting some thread you made three months ago; my replies, my content. I'm unsure why you're bringing up "rights" and "freedom" anyway, you sound like a clueless amerimutt.
kill yourself, fagmin
Replies: >>1098
the admigger has been deleting posts randomly, I'm sure this one will get the axe soon.
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