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How much social media is too much? I go to Twitter regularly to download cute anime pictures. I also enjoy lurking rDrama.net quite a bit. Although I have a regular rotation of websites I try not to waste too much time on any one site, but I do end up scrolling a lot every so often. I would like to think that I am not an addict.

Are you an addict, /origin/?
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>I go to Twitter regularly to download cute anime pictures.
im p sure there are less cancerous places to get your fix of moe
>Are you an addict, /origin/?
idk but id say im functionally indistinguishable from one
like 90% of my social iterations are with fake internet friends, so if i stopped wasting away online id just find an even worse way to cope with the loneliness
ppl irl are fine, but im a neet and they dont have the time to spare for me
if im to hangout with someone i have to wait until the night bc everyone is slaving away during the day
and thats assuming they even wanna do anything bc ppl also got shit going on in their lives so they got more important stuff to do at night
like resting so they can get their souls crushed again the next morning
only online can i find other nolifers willing to consistently waste time with me
at least i spend time on actual social media, not that antisocial bullshit you listed
i talk with the same group of anime profile pics so at least i got relationships going on, shallow as they are
better than just screaming into the void for complete strangers to ignore me
or doomscroll all day through other ppls posts and never talking to anyone
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I buy dumb shit from boomers on facebook marketplace. fuck you zuckerberg for boiling normie brains
>I do end up scrolling a lot every so often. I would like to think that I am not an addict.
youre just a consoomer
the worst kind of addict
>Are you an addict, /origin/?
at least im a spammer
the 2nd worst kind of addict
bc yea i compulsively talk about my virtual adventures on anonymous forums bc i dont have autistic friends irl that play the same games as me or want to hear be ramble about the high iq strats behind smashing furniture to shoot laser beams
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