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Are ublock origin and a pi-hole enough for a safe browsing experience for most sites? I use Tor occasionally, but only for sites for fringe weirdos. Thankfully my ISP gives out new IPs like candy so I'm not too concerned about being tracked that way.
Replies: >>2018
>>2017 (OP) 
>ublock origin
why do those sound like codewords for gay sex?
>I use Tor occasionally, but only for sites for fringe weirdos.
bad opsec
((( they ))) will know that when youre on tor, youre looking at fucked up shit
the optimal choice is to always browse on tor, so its impossible to tell whether youre doing normie or schizo shit in there
>Thankfully my ISP gives out new IPs like candy so I'm not too concerned about being tracked that way.
its still possible to track you like that if youre the only person from that address range going to one specific site
Replies: >>2021
Everything sounds an allusion to gay sex to you, though. So just Tor and that's it? That's all you use?
Replies: >>2025
>Everything sounds an allusion to gay sex to you
nah, just look at those names
it has obvious sex connotations
>ub lock
>pi hole
go ahead and try to cope out of this one
>So just Tor and that's it? That's all you use?
yea idk what that other wigger mumbo jumbo could even be other than gay sex words
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