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c-could it be that the junku admin was a girl all along???
lurking a bit at /cuckquean/ im getting the creeping suspicion that it is a board by girls for girls
what the fuck
i thought it was some funny name for harem fetishism, but nope its exactly what it says on the tin
also i remember fujochan used to be hosted here before they got their own server, another board by girls for girls
so thats it huh? thats the true nature of the junkumin
ig that explains why she didnt participate in the jeffthread, too much 'boy's locker room' energy for her

btw i just remembered that junku was still listed as a secret location on my site, sorry about that, but you should have reminded me to properly link it
its not fair to have my site linked here and not requite
Replies: >>5396
>/origin/ 5387 posts
>/cuckquean/ 6417 posts
they just moved in and are already mogging us
maybe its time for another jeffthread
Replies: >>5396
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I thought webmaster was a pajeet... pajeeta?
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>>5388 (OP)  (very nice)
Our ways will seem a little strange but we mean no harm. We're in your care as neighbors - please treat us well. γ‚ˆγ‚γ—γγŠι‘˜γ„γ—γΎγ™γ€‚
Replies: >>5397 >>5409
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>Our ways will seem a little strange but we mean no harm.
its ok i spent some time drag queening on fujochan so ik girls are alright
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>please treat us well
that was the idea but
<I think I'll likely add "/cuckquean/ is first and foremost a place for cuckqueans.
looks like its a 'no boys allowed' zone, and im not welcome even on the meta thread
i was hoping junku could be a more close knit community with lots of interchange between board, but alas
idk why i expected better from anon.cafe refugees tbh
ppl coming from massive boards are gonna bring massive board culture
ig spending too much time on nano where everybody posted everywhere has spoiled me
Replies: >>5414 >>5425
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If it's any consolation, I'm almost certain it wasn't done with insult in mind. Given our topic, we would not have survived for long without a culture of corralling the less-than-clueful men who would stampede in to gawk and loudly demand our attention in whichever thread they happened to spot first. Please understand. I'd speculate that your enthusiastic welcome and the site admin's advice together probably tripped that particular switch.

Would it still be alright if some of us came to /origin/ from time to time to post anime tits and perhaps even jeff along with you in the jeffthread?
Replies: >>5426
side note but wtf is that pinktext formatting lol? this is a junkuchan thing?

>idk why i expected better from anon.cafe refugees tbh
>ppl coming from massive boards are gonna bring massive board culture

>massive board
man your perspective is warped in multiple ways huh

>looks like its a 'no boys allowed' zone, and im not welcome even on the meta thread
look. you say you are a misogynist. because of this, you should be able to comprehend why /cuckquean/ does this - it's just a gender-flipped take on a classic. when girls would come to the OG imageboards and girlpost about how they are a girl and "as a girl," you would discourage this, yes? you would call them stupid cumdumpsters, and you would explain that their girlness should not be relevant to 99% of discussions unless they are attention whoring. they are distractions.

it is similar for /cuckquean/. if they allow uncontrolled boyposting the board is going to be 99% men posting some variation of "tfw no cuckquean gf" (in spirit if not in actual text), very little actual discussion, and only homeopathic trace amounts of girls. and then what would be the point.

/cuckquean/ is not trying to be crystal cafe, but sometimes you have to draw a line or the signal:noise ratio will asymptotically approach zero. it's just how it is. please understand.
Replies: >>5426 >>5427
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>Please understand.
yea ik
i try to tread carefully in girl spaces bc ik most of their experiences with men online are disastrous, so their jannies have very itchy ban-fingers when they see moidposting going around
i still didnt expect to have my welcome scorned like that
but it figures tbh
as in real life, the way you present yourself online is the most important thing first and foremost
you go somewhere dressed like a crackhead hobo, ppl will instantly treat you as such
you go in a board writing like a shitposter, ppl will instantly treat you as such
so ig its my fault for walking into your frontyard in just my pajamas bc i saw you moving next door
i remember one lonesome gamedev i used to follow who made the mistake to trying to run his own community way back when
to this day he is still traumatized to the point he avoids joining any other online communities at all
he only has a blog and thats that, even thinking about posting on some sanitized place like reddit triggers his anxiety
>Would it still be alright if some of us came to /origin/ from time to time to post anime tits and perhaps even jeff along with you in the jeffthread?
im not gonna cast out an entire group just bc one of the members is an asshat
besides, i dont think the jeffthread is some sort of promised land given by god that needs to be kept pure and sacred
even when i dont like someone its still fun to have them on my thread just to fight
except for denpa
denpa can go die in a ditch

>side note but wtf is that pinktext formatting lol? this is a junkuchan thing?
i have seen it in other imageboards, though not with the prepended heart
>man your perspective is warped in multiple ways huh
you have no idea
where im from, wed have 5 different posters in total on a good week
>you would discourage this
>you would call them stupid cumdumpsters
>you would explain that their girlness
you mean me specifically or men in general?
maybe its a different board culture bc back in nano we had a very strong identityfaggot culture which has survived multiple exodus
we did get the odd girlposter from time to time, but none of them managed to be a bigger attention whore than denpa
but yea im ngl, i WOULD bully them for being girls bc thats p fun, so i understand the ganging up on me on the meta thread
we are all victims of the gender war psyop that jews use to keep us divided and infighting while they poison our water supply to turn us into docile workdrones to keep the capitalistic machine's cogs spinning
but thats a subject for another schizopost
anyway, what was i saying?
oh yea
>you would discourage this
pffff fuck no
metadrama between identityfags was the highlight of that community
peak imageboard experience right there
god forbid we actually kicked someone out, where is the fun in that?
one of our past trannyjannies tried to crack down on namefag shenanigans but it didnt end well for him lmao
>if they allow uncontrolled boyposting the board is going to be 99% men
yea i get it
and from the amount of (You)s im getting on the meta thread, it doesnt look like the userbase can be trusted to ignore boyposts on their own
mommy needs to step in to keep the house in order
it lowkey makes me tempted to see how many more replies i can bait out of them tbh

thank you, you two, for trying to make peace
Replies: >>5429
sassy text for sassy posts
Replies: >>5429
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>you mean me specifically or men in general?
>maybe its a different board culture bc back in nano we had a very strong identityfaggot culture which has survived multiple exodus
yeah uh that is. not how imageboards usually work in my experience. namefagging and otherwise identityfagging for no good reason is typically considered attention whoring. what you describe sounds like what the boards i am used to would consider a failure state, with people focusing on personalities instead of the ostensible subject of the board.

not to say identityfaggotry is always bad. there's at least one anon on /cuckquean/ working on some sort of vidya project, which may eventually make it useful for her to tripfag. and of course sometimes the jannies must wear their janny uniform and brandish their mops. but just being a site regular, that's not a reason in imageboard cultures i am used to.

illegible shit text for illegible shitposts
Replies: >>5430
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>not how imageboards usually work in my experience
yea we are built different
>what you describe sounds like what the boards i am used to would consider a failure state
is it really failure if everybody is having fun?
ig from the point of view of ppl who ostensibly avoid having fun online, it must be
>with people focusing on personalities instead of the ostensible subject of the board
what if the subject is personality?
nah jk we really do indeed just derail everything into metadrama
not like any of us is pretending to be posting scientific papers that need VERY SERIOUS discussion
i really dont understand how tf anons manage to take themselves so seriously
the very first protojeffthread happened when i derailed one of osfie's usual blogthreads with several extremely long autistic rambles about whatever was on my mind
that was what solidified my current degenerate writing style, it optimized for time and word count, at the cost of intelligibility bc ik what i was writing didnt matter in the slightest
now i keep writing like this bc its comfy
>that's not a reason in imageboard cultures i am used to
thats bc ibs are usually populated by social rejects who do not feel they are worthy humans beings and prefer to be left forgotten than risk developing longlasting relationships with other ppl
lmao sooooo true
but it doesnt apply to us bc we arent pretending to be retarded
we really are retarded
Replies: >>5432
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>is it really failure if everybody is having fun?
at this point i suspect they were not actually all having fun, and you just drove off a lot of people who didn't find it fun, without even noticing.
>ig from the point of view of ppl who ostensibly avoid having fun online, it must be
skill issue. that isn't what "ostensibly" means. and if i were not having fun at /cuckquean/ i would not be keeping up with it and following it to new sites.
Replies: >>5435
>without even noticing
hard to notice when they are all anonymous
>drove off
as i said, we have suffered several exodus
so ofc only the ppl who were the most invested on the community would remain
meaning the identityfags who made friends with one another
>that isn't what "ostensibly" means
skill issue. i can shove whatever word i want and you still understood what i meant.
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