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Unanchor the feet thread. >>120
Speaking of which, why do so many people become inexplicably angry over foot fetishes? Despite its prevalence and harmlessness, people hate it almost as much as something as awful as NTR. Do these people look down and start screaming and freaking out or something?
There are people who genuinely cannot handle seeing this image for some reason.
Replies: >>5612 >>5617
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>>5609 (OP) 
>Unanchor the feet thread.
You have my support.
Why the fuck would a foot thread be bumpcucked when the cowtits thread is up and running? Who is resposible for this? Could it be that the admin has shit taste?
>why do so many people become inexplicably angry over foot fetishes?
It is possible they unconsciously realize the superiority of feet, but their minds are too narrow to truly appreciate it because mass porn propaganda conditioned them to like only tits and ass (and even then they infight over those two). That then causes the fits of irrational rage antifootfags are known for, because they feel an attraction for those sexy tootsies and it makes them uncomfortable, so they displace this confused feeling into anger aimed towards the feet that triggered it.
>something as awful as NTR
NTR is pretty hot, the problem is that when its shit, its SHIT.
You probably just haven't seen any good ones, which makes sense because I'm pretty sure these days people's exposure to NTR is either forced memes or having it shoved into their faces when they open the frontpage of their hentai catalogue of choice, which invariably only contains hot garbage. I really cannot believe there are motherfuckers out there who can exclusively fap to the frontpage of nhentai and think there's nothing wrong with their brain and that they are human beings worthy of respect.
Wait, now that I think of it, I can count the number of NTR comics I read in one hand. Alright, here is an alternative interpretation of the facts: NTR is a shit-tier genre in general, but I only ever saw the cream de la cream which left me with the impression that it's secretly good.
But that then raises the question of what constitutes a good fetish. Widespread appeal? How much of the material made around it is of good quality? Or perhaps only the best of the best material should be taken into account?
The first one I believe qualifies a shit fetish: if normies like it too much, it's trash.
That leaves the 2nd and 3rd parameters.
Well, the 3rd is kinda moot, since I'm sure any given fetish has that one autismo insanely skilled at making porn of it, so then by that metric all fetishes would be good, which is a meaningless statement. That leaves the 2nd statement.
By that metric, girls looking at you with disgusted faces is a top shelf fetish because in years of research I literally have never seen a shitty example of it. So it already feels correct.
Then NTR, by opposition of the 1st, would be good due to its low mass appeal. However, its negated by the 2nd because most of it sucks ass. And I already established that the 3rd point is invalid.
Conclusion: yea its awful.
...what was I talking about?
Right. Feet.
Feet is put in an interesting position, because it's general quality is 50/50 since the artist needs to know how to draw good feet for them to be sexy, but it doesn't get to the point of most of it being trash because there are plenty of artists that are great at drawing them.
Conclusion: foot is good.
>There are people who genuinely cannot handle seeing this image for some reason.
I'm one of them. I cannot handle not being able to violently kiss bite and sniff those soles until I become lightheaded.
Replies: >>5616
>NTR is pretty hot
No. Now I can clearly see this post is just meant to make people get even angrier over feet by association with you, a cuckold.
Replies: >>5622
>>5609 (OP) 
>Unanchor the feet thread
Replies: >>5618
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>I can clearly see this post is just meant to make people get even angrier over feet by association
guilty as charged
>you, a cuckold
first of all motherfucker, in the end i concluded that ntr is a bad fetish, so maybe go brush up your reading comprehension so you look less retarded online
2nd, junku is a cuck-friendly ib
and 3rd, its not polite to call someone out when he is posting bait
you party pooper xP

anyway i should thank you
you have helped me find the metric for based fetishes
if the mere mention of a fetish instantly drives normalfaggots into a blind rage, then its based
examples: feet, NTR, loli, fur
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