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Post cool guides.

[Mirror] https://gist.github.com/WonderSwan/72deb6c85de2be8e4922

This one is a little old but I thought it was neat nonetheless, thank you nachash!
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Images are nice too.
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I found this one interesting.
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I wonder if this cool guide is out of date.
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namaste from picochan 
nig nogs buy a fucking one way valve to fill any hermetic container (containing any triggering mechanism you prefer) with fucking methane and bomb a federal building or a vehicle idk what's the fucking point of those infographs this shit is intuitive i'd posted a revolver schematic but i doubt any of you fucks ever leave your own room for anything besides buying groceries so it's pointless 
and like niggersr you can find all the shit you need on the internet it's not like you are sharing something explicit and prohibited like cp here
Replies: >>961
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oh yeah just read the rules after making my first post 
seems like you can't promote political movements and stuff 
well guys don't bomb any federal building ok?
Replies: >>961
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picochan posters are spicy! I'm all out of cool guides to share with you cool guys, though.

Be sure to follow the very important Junkuchan rules!
pls respect our fed followers as well
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Neat. What happened to picochan anyway?
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>What happened to picochan
admin gave up and pulled the plug
Replies: >>3698
Poor guy, I can relate. Sometimes I just want to delete everything, it wouldn't be too tough to do either.
>Sometimes I just want to delete everything 
just don't do it compulsively 
at least warn ppl
Replies: >>3701
No one would give a hoot if I did it, at least, but yeah.
>>Sometimes I just want to delete everything
yea ofc you do
youre the weirdest admin ever
imagine having an entire thread full of gay little animegirls getting down on each other all day long and instead of joining in on the the fuck you just lock yourself up inside the wardrobe to jerk off to it like a creepy voyeur
would (You) miss your own ib?
you dont even use it
why do you host it anyway?
Replies: >>3720
Who are you quoting?
Replies: >>3722
why are you pretending to be stupid?
Replies: >>3723
I'm definitely not who lives in your walls.
Replies: >>3726
ofc not
the guy who lives there isnt a massive faggot
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