/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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Figured we could have a thread for /retro/ and the /y2k/ board that was its predecessor.

Hopefully we can get a full board since Julay went under
Replies: >>1122
What do you mean? it's right there
Why did Julay go under? The 90 days aren't up yet.
Replies: >>1145
>>1110 (OP) 
Try this:

I couldn't access the Julay.world domain, but I've had no problems accessing the site since someone linked me to that one.
Replies: >>1165
It's a long story, but lets just say there was a big ol' party involving hotpockets, loli and CP spam, BO changes, nepotism, two surprise deletions of /v/, and lots of shitflinging between mods and anons, that ultimately culminated in the julay.world domain being lost and almost everyone bar /cow/ leaving the site.
Replies: >>1167
Having said that, the site looks like it could be dead now (although it was always pretty slow).
>shitflinging between mods and anons
No true Julay anon thought it was an administration thing only, /v/ was clearly infested by an outsider force
Where did /retro/friends go to?
t. posted some anime and Tears For Fears music in the music thread
Replies: >>2606
The board still exists on the webring over at alogs place, I've only been there once or twice since the reboot though.
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