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/cow/ claims another victim.
>>1984 (OP)  (nice digits)
What's the story behind this?
 I can figure out some complains about rulecuckery and how pedophiles are running the webring from the thread but it's pretty one sided.
Replies: >>1986 >>1987 >>2017
The exact thing is hard to pinpoint, but from what i've gathered reading IRC logs and being, sadly, present in a couple of boards getting shafted along with chatting with some boards' denizens, it's around:

- The chaotic posters of /cow/ (probably some ex-baph users too, and many from a lolcow forum) which hang out in weekly streams about shitting on some retards making themselves public via vlogging/twitting/etc while they themselves behave like rabid loonies. They seem to be disorganized but tend to collect tons of info and are by this point known for achieving all the drama with proofs, hence the amount of fuel to discuss many of these things. Their end game is also obscure but from what i've gathered they are just a bunch of rowdy individuals with social issues having fun in their own stream and, technically, their own site too with Julay (which almost by accident became the center of the webring and many boards due to their accessibility). They are either watching videos of dumb people, bullying them, achieving drama and shitting on many figures on the webring; Known actions are the achieving of drama shenanigans, blowing many of them out for fun against many groups (notably /v/ users for their lack of interest from their own problems/figures) and attracting a couple of deranged posters. Their one weakness is entertaining the actions of many bad actors around due to their attitude of "milking" action/reactions out of mentally unstable folks, leading to animosity with many of the next groups.
- The other side, shown in the OP pic, an old school /int/-tier shitposter/shitstirrer mini club going around lobbying in IRC channels of several sites getting boards for him and a pack of his friends, making them steer violently into a type of moderation around having no moderation at all and making themselves very visible while acting as chieftains for the anonymous population. Their end game is not well understood, they claim they want to propagate the ideology of no rules in any board other than legal ones (CP, animal abuse, etc) which they call "heh", but so far they seem to want to take control of the most well known boards and they are probably getting a high out of it, they act like it's a game in their logs. Known actions so far are the disintegration of Julay's /v/ via manipulating the previous BO, getting the BO and a moderately high staff position, stirring high drama by firing a couple of globals for deleting CP (with the silly reaction of one of the admin members to not mod or clean anything until the main admin decided to cut him out) then letting the posters go haywire via stickied drama threads in the middle of an 8kun /v/ refugee-turned-raid crisis, ending with nuking the board twice when their positions were seized. Currently they have /japan/ and i read somewhere they also had either TVch's /dunk/ or /dup/, their respective /b/ and /pol/ boards, but their ogre admin caught wind of something and seized their position.
- The assorted selection of terrorists: The Dolphin is probably the most famous one due to his catalogue of actions, openness discussing his evil deeds and total non-alliance with any group, he might want to impress a group by doing shit for bragging points along with also doing bad shit to you; he also seems to enjoy messing with unstable people ironically enough considering his unstable personality. His endgame is a mystery, he's probably just a crazy dude who studied computer shit or some rowdy teenager with social problems who is currently studying programming shit.
- An old group, the original "boogeyman" for the webring, the so-called ACF (Alt-Chan Federation) which i forgot many notes for them. IIRC they were a bunch of shitposters going around spamming, reporting and shitting on webring and non-aligned imageboards to capture anons/posters and become the head honcho gathering after the implosion of 8ch. They were "unveiled" and reported around after Julay representatives were invited and who subsequently achieved many of the conversations, chats and logs to demonstrate their true nature. Probably a bunch of egomaniac dudes with a couple of feds accompanying them.
- The Old 8ch group, basically many staffers from the early days who went on for too long to the point of becoming bad guys (or simply showing they were always retards). The most famous one is Mark Mann, no introduction needed for this jew who is co-running 8moe, along with Joshua Moon who seems to be running around on empty from country to country escaping what seems to be an international order, something about some CP stuff and the bogus attempt to link him to a couple of shootings; Seems to be still running 9ch. There's also Hotwheels who drank too much soy and became an american-tier christian with a vengeance of everyone who posted on 8ch, although he got a legal order from the other guys, the Pig Farmers which are Jim, an old US military consultant/outsource handyman and freemason having a good time on the Philippines and running 8kun along with his son Codemonkey, a hapa dude in charge of coding 8kun (joke tells itself). These last guys also had a japanese imageboard which supposedly didn't ran very good with them, they are also partners with the japanese m00t 4cham had/has although not many people like to remember that fact. 
- The Webring/Non-Aligned Imageboard members, who seem to be in the middle of all this mess but who might have internal problems themselves. 
Cafe here doesn't seem to be having any (no visible IRC as far as i can tell and no known info on a BO chat group other than a possible Mod IRC). Known friendly relations are with Julay due to having many of their posters/refugees and  ex-boards around, along with a couple bunkers.
Prolikewoah have a recent history of being possibly aligned or friendly relation with Mark Mann (via /animu/ forcibly taking over /a/ under his command) and the shitstirrer mini club (via member Tengu who is a BO and IRC dude there). They seem to be having a bit of a trouble due to either /cow/, Dolphin or somebody else possibly doxxing their Admin, which is controversial to begin with but the supposed identity of the guy himself might pose for eternal banter points due to being associated with a relatively famous event on the US, along with his ethnicity.
TVch is commanded by a well known attention whore called Gahoole, a mod-turned-BO-turned-Admin in the spawn of a year and a half. He's an interesting case, for such rabid hunger for attention he seems to be a sort of Vicar of Bray, he has played many sides successfully like siding and defending Mark Mann multiple times (although he has tried to distance himself from it due to extreme controversy surrounding the beast) but also playing mediator and softly siding with Julay's admin Robi, he seems to have been in a couple of /cow/ streams interacting with them in a friendly way, in his mod days he quickly grabbed /tv/'s userbase attention in a neutral-to-positive manner, a group which might as well count as a group itself due to their singular way of behaving themselves. He was also in contact with a couple of terrorists and i think he even interacted with the mini club, although he seems to have crossed them out with the firing of one of their BOs.
Smug are one of the original founders of the webring, they are /a/'s bunker and natural enemy of Prolikewoah although this is a theoretical fight because they don't seem to care a lot other than the controversial /animu/ takeover at 8kun. They are pretty much self-centered and that attitude has made them the most successful refugee transition of them all, getting almost no damage from this whole crisis year, their preparation due to their autism has to be applauded but their traditional ways also make them a hard place to host into due to their particular rules: Their /vg/ alternative, the natural choice for the ill-fated alt video game board that was in 8ch, boasts a rule about prohibiting the discussion of anyone in this physical meat-based realm (3DPD) for long, such as devs, composers, and so on, which renders a variety of threads null and void. This coupled with their /a/ board, which has been known for its insufferable mods, automated bans and thread restrictions (only current season shows) has made them an easy board to hate, but they keep waddling on in their own world, which makes them an unlikely candidate for drama other than banter of their admin, who has atrocious grammar but has an automated ban program which busts you for misspelled words.

I know i'm missing something but oh well, that's the main groups known on this part of town, outside there might be more tribes and rivalries.
Thanks for the rundown. What a mess.
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Geez, if this is truth (comes from an unreliable source) then it's the definitive proof the Dolphin is one hell of a terrorist mind. The sea mammal just wants to see the world burn
I bet the /cow/fags are having a bewildered laugh seeing how their very highly annoying guest is grabbing someone by the balls and making him expel their most dangerous rival out, leading him to side with Mark/AcidFed on their site.

Fucking hell, that makes it the universal boogeyman by default: The guy responsible for royally fucking Julay's /v/, the nearly defacto non-Mark /v/ alternative after 8ch's demise, now by Mark's side.
Fun times ahead, i can smell it.
If an admin has a high profile, they can become a target.
Take zch admin; they capcoded regularly and it became easy to recognize their sleep cycle.
On an anonymous imageboard, it is still important to understand basic opsec. I suggest potential targets tactfully lay down more false herrings than facts, add posts to appear when you're asleep. Maybe occasionally leak out some fake details about yourself and don't leak real stuff like any photographs, account names or emails.
I recall moot successfully joked to be named Robert Bopkins with a fake photo until he attended an IRL event in 2005.
What a shame. Hopefully we'll know more if and when their admin makes his own announcement.
>first fatchan
>then zchan
>now PLW

When will the sufferings end? Is there any word yet on that IB sturgeon was working on?
Well, if no BO can be a straight, socially well adjusted person with no fringe political opinions and a good mod team of people who can just go around and delete stuff when it's bothersome then no.
Replies: >>1995
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He said in one of the meta threads that he'd been researching things, and would be going dark for a while trying to set things up, as well as giving a keybase contact. Granted, this was like a week ago.
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>straight, socially well adjusted person with no fringe political opinions
what does that have to do with it?
they just have to understand how to be anonymous and pseudonymous properly and understand technology enough to hide their identity, competent enough at webhosting to stop dos attacks and have that good mod team.
how do you think non-honeypot pedo sites and neo-nazi sites stay up? if those kinds of sites can survive, we can survive. we're fighting compsci students and stalkers, not nation states.
Replies: >>1996
>we're fighting compsci students and stalkers
who have nothing else to do with their life, at this point their whole purpose in life itself is destroying the legacy of 8chan.
>how do you think non-honeypot pedo sites and neo-nazi sites stay up? 
because they're not related to 8chan?
Replies: >>1997
>who have nothing else to do with their life, at this point their whole purpose in life itself is destroying the legacy of 8chan.
1. [citation needed], that motive sounds unconvincing.
2. having 18 hours a day free does not make you a god.
>because they're not related to 8chan?
8chan: partial link to two spree killings. Dropped by hosts, regathered on new host.
pedos: organize kidnapping and rape of children. Dozens of full-time agencies dedicating years of work to take them down. Literally professionals.
We're not facing a persistent state-funded adversary here. It's most likely one-to-ten l33t_h4xX0rs who want to cause trouble for fun and glory.
Replies: >>1998
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>1. [citation needed], that motive sounds unconvincing.
The players anon listed above have somehow became the legacy of 8chan. Their constant infighting and shitflinging won't see any end except for it's complete destruction. Except for ACF, they definitely want to. 
In case you haven't, check out the shitflingling going on at /japan/.
>2. having 18 hours a day free does not make you a god.
That's how long it took to kill Zchan no?

Btw I think that was a poor joke on my part. I wanted to point out that only 8chan related websites are getting harassed.
>When will the sufferings end?
Taking look at your board listings, i would say until /v/ behaves itself and makes its own board instead of invading places not made for a controversial subject like that one.
Stop suffering, go to your master at 8moe.
Replies: >>2000 >>2001
It's been years and you still keep at it with mark being some mastermind of disaster.
you're gonna get old and bitter this way
Replies: >>2002
Why hasn't DSP made his own IB yet?
Replies: >>2003
You can keep having your head up your butt, but it's the truth, not so much due to "mastermind of disaster" which is silly but because his cesspit simply grew a culture and an userbase highly cancerous to most places, not to mention there is indeed something following them that crowns the whole thing; you can call it bad luck, a cabal of butthurt dudes harming them, /gg/ working as a double agent, ADL/Journalist hit team, Hotwheels false flagging sites, whatever, certainly no one knows but it's there otherwise all those communities and boards /v/ touched would've not perished or been dragged down.
They are simply molded to be ruled by someone like Mark, because the userbase ignored all the siren calls to check their own BO and were kept being fed with newfags and crossposters who love a visible individual, uncalled drama due to his retarded attitude, chaotic moderation, and so on because they just wanted to ignore all the problems until they were forced to be a wandering jew board who don't understand all the things they like are simply not compatible with the laidback culture of the webring.
>you're gonna get old and bitter this way
Buddy at this point everyone is jaded and tired, it's a decision of seeing what the problem is or ignoring everything and keep changing sites like a gypsy who thinks everyone but them are the problem. 
It's been one fucking year and we still haven't recovered half the things we had because many anons simply don't know what's going on.
Online lag.
It's just multiple circlejerks clashing.

>/cow/ and julay
This is mainly just the IBS kids and their chat room located at the Guntstream. It's led by some guy that calls himself Guntopia. He also goes by Hanging_Flesh and was the vol that went on a mass deletion spree on julay/v/ that led to multiple boards migrating. They hang out in there all day watching e-celeb streams and running gayops against anyone they felt have wrong them. Guntopia is a massive attention whore that spends most of his free time on discord trying to buddy up with e-celebs. He's got drama going between himself and multiple e-celebs. He's got drama between himself and /japan/ over the /v/ situation.

Most of them are /tv/ crossposters that bought into the 3D=2D=pedo memes. They pretend to wage a war against loli while spamming 2hu emotes (loli is okay if they have double D's). All of them suck off Hanging_Flesh and praise him for being stupid. They convince him to do stupid things like delete anime from the overboard because someone might get v& in countries where loli is illegal. He thinks he can dictate the direction of the webring despite not owning any site on it. Claims to be pro-free speech while censoring anything he dislikes. Stole 30% of julay's donations. Calls you a pedo if you dare disagree with him or post anything negative about him. They purge anything that from the webring that makes them look bad while re-posting information that makes other circlejerks look bad. They have vols on julay, tvch, and probably elsewhere.

>/japan/ and teenbros
I don't know much about this group other than they have a dedicated channel on IRC where they play soku together. I don't think they're plotting anything. If they are they aren't doing it out in the open. They want all boards to only enforce global rules and free of janny tyrants. Not really a bad thing but they attention whore so they're on the level of tripfags.

Koi was in the good graces of the guntstream circlejerk until he got control of /v/ and stopped enforcing the circlejerk's rules on it. Guntstream would regularly post links to threads and demand they be deleted in their chat which caused the old BO to give up and quit. When koi refused to remove things like loli or certain threads related to GG the Guntstream sent Hanging_Flesh in to clean it up. Hanging_Flesh made demands and was told to kill himself. Eventually, Hanging_Flesh tells all global vols to stop answering reports from /v/. It mysteriously starts getting CP dumps soon after. Koi spent a day cleaning it up all by himself. Koi made demands of the admin. He said if the global vol wasn't gotten rid of he'd nuke the board. No one took him serious until he nuked the board. After that Guntstream decided he was a mortal enemy and started spamming archives of streams he did everywhere.

The fact that they're claiming to have archives of everything this one guy did while claiming embarrassing things they did never happened should tell you all you need to know about them.

Glow or bored NEET script kiddie that attacked julay/guntstream in the past but now seems to be their attack dog. His only goal is to tear down the webring. Mark/Acidkike always show up in his wake. Things that make you go hmmmmm. Giving him attention is a bad idea but since everyone is doing it I might as well mention him.

I don't know much about this group but it isn't true they had power over julay before the great loli/CP raids. They showed up in the julay IRC channel during the raids and when other people saw them there they did what comes natural to attention whores. They said they'd been running things from the shadows for months and people believed them.

All that is going on is namefags attacking other namefags. These people have nothing else going on in their lives. They don't contribute OC or talk about their hobbies. They just want to stir drama and shitpost about it. They will move on to a new enemy soon or start to focus on one they currently have again. I'm just waiting for them to turn on each other which is something that's already been happening. They would have all doxed each other months ago if there weren't distractions going on.

Hanging_Flesh is the one I'm most interested in seeing a picture of. He had to give up personal information to steal 30% of Julay's donations so it's only a matter of time before that leaks out.
Replies: >>2005 >>2144
>was the vol that went on a mass deletion spree on julay/v/ that led to multiple boards migrating. 
>running gayops against anyone they felt have wrong them.
Right off the bat you got some strange facts there, mister. Which deletion spree? the one in which the deleted all the pictures of little girls posing in front of a couch and all the TLoU2 spam the mark /v/edditors were doing?
I'll have to agree a GVol going around enforcing board rules instead of global ones is questionable, but the leaked IRC logs show the old BO requested some help and because they are chat buddies, well can't you blame them? Especially with the whole CP thing which arose again when Tengu became the BO and didn't want to delete it (he also fired a new janitor for doing so, hence the mod lockdown)
I'm not ashamed to say i saw all that in real time because you might remember it was an utter drama mess for an entire day and some of us were chugging all the info we could.
>led to multiple boards migrating. 
Many BOs went full retard or simply used the event to start making their own sites like Robi said, the political ones made one that had its admin disappear out of nowhere and some of them crashed here at Cafe (others cucked out and went to Acidcakechan, /fascist/ almost did due to the BO not reading the drama). 
/k/ i don't know the exact reasons but i find it very strange from them.
>Most of them are /tv/ crossposters
False, there's a bunch of /tv/ crossposters but they weren't the userbase. But if you mean the literal "are" in present time then probably, i wouldn't doubt it. The rest is butthurt talk my man.

>I don't think they're plotting anything
>despite the leaked IRC logs and Tengu repeatedly talking about taking down mods and boards.
>They just want all boards to only enforce global rules and be free of janitors and mods
>N-not really a bad thing, bro
Take a hike, kike
>Guntstream shows up to defend itself
Everytime. Just fuck off and leave the rest of the webring alone.
Replies: >>2012
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>Right off the bat you got some strange facts there, mister. Which deletion spree? the one in which the deleted all the pictures of little girls posing in front of a couch and all the TLoU2 spam the mark /v/edditors were doing?
That vol went on multiple deletion sprees for no reason. He deleted loli from /b/. He deleted things from spic boards that were allowed on /cow/. He's a massive retard that will delete anything that personally offends him. Pics related are from incidents that happened prior to the /v/ fall out.

I don't care about what GG threads triggered him with /v/. The BO left and gave the board to someone else that said they'd only enforce global rules. There are logs of that global demanding the new BO enforce rules he made up on the spot. Then he got butthurt and took the board away when he said no only to have another admin give it back. If this isn't out of line for a global I don't know what is.

>I'll have to agree a GVol going around enforcing board rules instead of global ones is questionable, but the leaked IRC logs show the old BO requested some help and because they are chat buddies, well can't you blame them? 
Yes I do blame a retard with a track record of deleting things like loli, BLACKED.jpg, and many other things for being a retard. He did not understand the law, he did not understand the global rule, he shouldn't be in a position of power after doing it multiple times.

>Especially with the whole CP thing which arose again when Tengu became the BO and didn't want to delete it (he also fired a new janitor for doing so, hence the mod lockdown)
loli isn't CP despite what /tv/ and Guntstream wants to believe. The CP spam started after the globals said they wouldn't moderate the board. It was various outsiders coming in to spam and probably the dolphin. Hanging_Flesh was circle jerking on discord, guntstream, and IRC while it was going on. There is no way he didn't see it and for someone that claimed they'd lose the entire website for loli it's suspicious that he would allow it. The logs showed the BO deleting it by himself for hours.

It's true Hanging_Flesh forced him to take on vols he hand picked. The BO removed them because they were deleting things that weren't against the rules like loli posts. If you think deleting stuff like that mid-raid isn't going to cause a bunch of people to show up and post more of it just for fun you're stupid.

>Many BOs went full retard or simply used the event to start making their own sites like Robi said, the political ones made one that had its admin disappear out of nowhere and some of them crashed here at Cafe (others cucked out and went to Acidcakechan, /fascist/ almost did due to the BO not reading the drama). 
>/k/ i don't know the exact reasons but i find it very strange from them. 
All of them left because the global vols showed they were more concerned about internal drama than doing their jobs. Since you have globals in Guntstream chat gloating about /japan/ losing their home all while the dolphin sits there I'd say they were right. No one wants to be involved in the drama coming out of /cow/ and /tv/. Hanging_Flesh burned any good will that had been built in the months leading up to the situation with /v/ with the way he acted.

>False, there's a bunch of /tv/ crossposters but they weren't the userbase. But if you mean the literal "are" in present time then probably, i wouldn't doubt it. The rest is butthurt talk my man.
Bullshit. It's obvious /tv/ crossposts with /cow/. Hanging_Flesh admits to being originally from /tv/ all of the time. They post Gahoole all of the time. They post memes spawned from /tv/ all of the time. A casual observer can see it. For you to come here and deny this just makes me suspect you're part of their circlejerk.

>Take a hike, kike
I don't care about your drama with /japan/. I've seen the logs, I was there, I see guntstream trying to re-write history everywhere now. Don't get mad when I call you out on it.

Why can't you just enjoy your own board and let others enjoy theirs? Why do you fags have this need to cause drama and shit up every board you go to? The funny part is there are places discussing this outside of the webring where I don't see the Guntstream defense force. I'm guessing you people are so new you don't know about the old fall back boards. All you know is 4chan, 8kun, and the webring. Everyone is thankful your cancer is contained here and hasn't spread beyond the ring. Lots of people are sad you've shit it up with your drama and are hoping certain sites will just leave before you ruin them too.
Replies: >>2012 >>2013
Going to ignore the other bullshit claims because they've been answered, but you need to stop huffing your own farts and hear this.
>despite the leaked IRC logs and Tengu repeatedly talking about taking down mods and boards.
Those are ALL shitposts spoonfed directly to you to encourage your neuroticism and paranoia. It's uncanny how much bait the Guntstream has fallen for, and keep falling for. You've been played like a damn fiddle. Don't you think they've caught on to the fact that Dolphin was logging them? You have too when others started logging you but it took much longer.  If you haven't even considered this possibility you're retarded. They didn't actually do shit, it's always been you destroying yourselves. That's why everyone is mystified at the group of turbo autists over on the stream.

Let me give you some genuine advice for once instead of shitting all over you: If you want to salvage any scrap of a reputation, you have to disown Dolphin. It shouldn't be only okay when he does things, he makes you all look like horrible people. I'm almost convinced that all the shit he's been bringing to the table is a deliberate attempt to fuck with you due to the aforementioned paranoia it causes. After that, you should participate in the inter-board football game. There's no downside, and you have clearly been demonstrated to have the autism to put together a new team.
Replies: >>2013 >>2058
>/k/ i don't know the exact reasons but i find it very strange from them.
They deemed julay to be too "unstable" (Robi announcing the reboot, Koi nuking /v/ twice, the CP spam, etc) and decided to move to cafe because it's more drama-free.
Replies: >>2013
Get bent, those who were there saw clearly what was going on.
>He deleted loli from /b/
Honest to God forgot to mention the whole loli rule thing, completely retarded from his part to not know it was allowed already. You are correct there.
>He deleted things from spic boards that were allowed on /cow/
Not that i recall but i have to believe you. The chileans were notorious jailbait/downright CP posters but they usually cleaned that themselves, still they went to get scrapped from the overboard.
>global demanding the new BO enforce rules he made up on the spot. Then he got butthurt and took the board away when he said no only to have another admin give it back. If this isn't out of line for a global I don't know what is.
Yes, out of the line but one of the rules was no kids to avoid trouble (the /loli/ fiasco from a couple of weeks before), some other rules were arbitrary which i agree but let's remember the board was having a raid. Admin should've been in charge there or they should've known better, i asked a couple of technical questions there and i always saw Kim as a loose cannon.
>loli isn't CP despite what /tv/ and Guntstream wants to believe.
Agreed, but those weren't anime or cartoon or even 2D stuff, it was the beginning pictures of a set from child modeling stuff, which honestly is not CP to me but it has always been a banned subject. Kim explicitly asked for this not to be banned nor the other one with a girl licking that french bread, hence kicking a janny in the spot for (let's call it) preemptively deleting some of those images.
I do look at my posts and realize i look like a HF defender, truly am not but many like to ignore Kim/Tengu was also an obtuse subject. Retard + Retard only leads to drama.
>If you think deleting stuff like that mid-raid isn't going to cause a bunch of people to show up and post more of it just for fun you're stupid.
I agree with that, but the solution is not doing anything. It was quite obvious the course of action should've been lockdown, they decided for a mod lockdown when in reality they should've locked the board itself like in the old days. I don't think they had the power to do so tho, that's an admin thing but he appeared and didn't do it.
>internal drama than doing their jobs
Disagree completely there, you need to set the record right instead of everybody running circles in the fire. Was it the right moment? it probably was the worse one. Gloating about a shitposter getting his just desserts is fine too if you aren't a cuck, it's like not laughing if Dolphin gets fully doxxed and harassed, and by that i don't mean it as a comment on PLW's BO.
>It's obvious /tv/ crossposts with /cow/
I agree if we talk about today, but back in the later month of 2019 they were antagonistic.
>They post Gahoole all of the time
Yes i mentioned that previously.
>I've seen the logs, I was there
I was too, seems we probably have different doctrines on how things should be done
>Don't get mad when I call you out on it.
I guess i went a little overboard and i cannot argument with you on the most recent events because i haven't checked them.
>Why can't you just enjoy your own board and let others enjoy theirs?
What do you mean? i think all anons here are lenient in which boards can or cannot be allowed in their sites but there's clearly bad actors playing in the field, /japan/ (in reality only their BO and his friends) has proven to be a chaotic subject that needs to their stuff outside. They do not mind their own business, you already have read what they sometimes plan and do, saying "it's just a prank bro" or "nobody likes janitors anyway" doesn't hide the fact you should let others do what they want with their board/site administration.
>Why do you fags have this need to cause drama and shit up every board you go to?
Drama is very usually the end result of individuals being retarded and/or taking bad decisions. Before anything happens the userbase and BO himself need to be sure to keep the record straight. What do you mean by that? well it's usually not being an attention whore namefag, taking decisions and commenting on them, if you listen to the userbase then take into account their decision instead of ignoring it, if something was against the wishes then explain why, and most important than any of this is doctrine to be taken, everything next and the consistency of it will depend on that. It's not really hard, in fact many BOs here and some in Julay do just that, clearly the low PPH allows to do it perfectly but some simply want to go around and be a retard like it was a game, this attitude leads to things like bailing an entire fucking imageboard at the first sight of trouble (Zchan there)
The rest is just projecting from your part, why would i need to go to other boards and post there then leave? do i look like a raider or a /v/ poster? And fuck you very much, ignoring who's above you in terms of imageboard hierarchy has always lead to trouble, you might enjoy getting shat and moved from board to board but i don't, raising concern when shit happens or something is not right needs to be done, if not then one day you will be out of nowhere modded by a jew and datamined by a fed. You are clearly not dumb, you understand this.
>Those are ALL shitposts spoonfed directly to you to encourage your neuroticism and paranoia.
Then it worked, especially when things that have been said things that have been done in some instances. Prankbroposting should not be taken lightly.
>If you want to salvage any scrap of a reputation, you have to disown Dolphin.
What in the world, i'm not and i was never a stream poster nor a /cow/ poster, i always shat on the Dolphin for nuking /retro/ to begin with. 
I do appreciate your tone and here's one for you: Not everyone is a /cow/ loyalist foot soldier in a defense force, some anons simply highly dislike namefags stirring shit up for fun. Call me a cringelord or anything you want, i will own to it, but i like boards/imageboards treated with a moderate amount of respect, this is a hobby we sink many hours at the end of the day.
Well i can't blame them, that sounds like a righteous reason to me.
Replies: >>2028
Can someone summarize in a few short sentences why there is site-threatening drama on PLW?
No mini-essays, just short and simple cause-and-effect greentext.
I fail to see why anyone could get mad enough to try and dox the PLW admin (real or fake dox).

t. naive to imageboard drama, never browsed /japan/ or /cow/ or /tv/, haven't used IRC for five years
Replies: >>2015 >>2016 >>2019
The dolphin pedo reportedly doxxed their admin and blackmailed him into shutting the site down because that's how he gets his kicks.
Replies: >>2018 >>2024
It's a shitflinging contest between BOs with past grudges. PLW got hit because of /japan/'s BO.
Better to avoid every powertripping board related to 8chan for now till the drama settles or goes nuclear and choose neutral ground like here.
>why do they do this?
Replies: >>2019
It's just pedos from prokikewoah seething. They got completely btfo by their own shenanigans and now need a boogeyman to put the blame on with muh /cow/. Pathetic but hilarious, really.
Replies: >>2023
Loleron didn't shut down the site over it, and gave /japan/ a few days to coordinate where to go from here (which is better than Zch's did), but has stepped down and left it in one of the volunteer's hands.
Replies: >>2065
>No mini-essays, just short and simple cause-and-effect greentext.
Get some glasses, moran!
A good tl;dr explanation is this >>2016
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Divine retribution for fucking up julay/v/. Evil always gets punished.

Get fucked Koipedo.
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Keep crying and keep projecting  John, karma is a bitch you pathetic fucking pedophile.
Replies: >>2022
You guys lost your ability to accuse anyone of being a pedophile when you decided to make a literal CP poster your lolcow champion of justice.
Replies: >>2056
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wow, this opinion sounds unbiased
Replies: >>2025 >>2029
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It's true. I think records about his early activities were mirrored in various places after he began to demand that they be removed. He originally started his 'tism rampages after getting banned from /r9k/ for posting links to CP directories. Said that it triggered his autism and gave him meltdowns. All a bit sad. He's done it a couple of times here since when he wants attention, which is generally what his little attacks are about.

These days the dolphin pedo is probably well-known enough and easy enough to imitate that others will do things in his name and be believed, but ultimately it doesn't really matter because it's just one more name in the swirl of names that get tumbled about every time drama like this happens.
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PPP won
Weaselfag can seeth cope and dilate 
>Then it worked
A little too well if we're being honest.
>Not everyone is a /cow/ loyalist foot soldier in a defense force
True, but clearly there's a lot of them all over the place. Or rather, the same few people with how these things go. It's all mostly calmed down for tonight at least. I fully expect renewed conflict tomorrow, but what I really want is for the fighting to end. From an outsider's perspective, the score has been settled. A board for a board, any further conflict will only continue to fuck everyone else over for no reason and further drag the /cow/ or /japan/ name through the mud. There are quite a few who even consider this latest turn to be going too far, and I'm one of them.
Replies: >>2065
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>>1984 (OP) 
Replies: >>5661
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>u can't call me a pedophile
Yes I can /japan/ tranny, now seethe, cope, dilate.
John and his pedo goons killed julay/v/ for their own selfish pedo reasons so now justice is served.
Replies: >>2057
Cope pedo
Replies: >>2060
>Those are ALL shitposts spoonfed directly to you to encourage your neuroticism and paranoia. It's uncanny how much bait the Guntstream has fallen for, and keep falling for. 
>what is the tengu debriefing thread
Lads, lads. Can we calm down for just a second? I don't care about any of the internal drama or any of the accusations of whatever. Can anons as a collective stop acting like the Yakuza? At the end of the day we are about 200 autistic people trying to have fun shitposting about our hobbies, and acting autistically tribalistic and lashing out at anyone not on your "side" is incredibly stupid because our count is always dwindling. Please stop acting like ooga boogas for a bit. The past actions (jula/v/'s demise, z's shutdown, /geimu/ spam etc.) have been unfortunate, but anons should not eat each other over it. Shit happens all the time, what is important is not getting stuck in turf wars and moving on.
I'm not anybody's mother and I can't stop autistic shitflingers from continuing their shitflinging, however I can ask. Everyone had their moment to gloat about the other side, it's time for the Webring to stop acting hostile against one another and to figure out how to improve the system so shit doesn't go haywire again. Let us act like gentlemen a bit, instead of like niggers.
Replies: >>2062 >>2065
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>cope pedo
t. coping and projecting pedophile
First you /japan/ pedos lose pedoreich in less than a month, now you get kicked out of prokikewoah and have to go to cakechan, pedos keep losing!
Replies: >>2061
>no you
cow aint bringing their best
Don't get too mad, over half of the shitposting ITT is one low-tier troll talking to themself to stir the pot. As you can see, they are used to a faster and more volatile crowd.
Woah who brought cuckchan in here?
What's PLW's ethnicity? Is a jew pushing all the weeb shit?

>/a/s insufferable mods and automated bans
Moderating the post quality is a good thing. Shame it's run by retards. Applying a grammar bot to a full website would up the quality hugely.
Replies: >>2066 >>2071
loleron runs an anime stream on cytube. He seems like a dude who just wants to be a weeb and be left alone for the most part. Running the site was probably too much hassle for him and he's sick of all the drama. I imagine a lot of the sites closing are people not wanting to deal with the retards of the webring or underestimating how much work it is to moderate a full site.

The people on /cow/ these days are just the fuck up kids from gunt stream and IBS threads. Kiwi farms took over in catalogging cows and the only people who went to /cow/ were in the IBS general. They're not interested in anything but E celeb drama and causing as much trouble as possible. You're never going to calm them down because they have nothing else going on in their lives. They're just a bunch of faggots who's lives revolve around youtube streams and EPIC JULAY MILKING BRO.

The problem with the webring user base is it's from 8ch. 8ch's content got so poor it became the "At least I'm not on 4chan" userbase. Which you then put in the smaller pond of the webring and it turns into "At least I'm not on alt chan XYZ" and then leads them to attack each other. It's like putting two fighting animals in the same pen and wondering why they're fighting.
Replies: >>2067 >>2071 >>2118
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No, not everything is the jews, /fascist/.
Dox of the admin on /cow/ which is baseless and dubious at best when you read the IRC log claims admin is non-jewish.
>8ch's content got so poor it became the "At least I'm not on 4chan" userbase.
for me, it was literally the "cloudflare isn't as bad as google" and "at least i wont get banned for on-topic content" site. both sites are only good in a small amount of threads, the rest is noxious crap.
This message has been commanded by d_olphin. Here's a daily reminder: FUCK YOU, KOIPEDO!
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pic related integrated a spambot into their circlejerk, hence the above post
>What's PLW's ethnicity? Is a jew pushing all the weeb shit?
I don't recall their mods talking about something that might pin them as a certain ethnicity.
Because they are an /animu/ bunker i suppose their origins are a group of disgruntled /a/ posters who wanted to more mellow anime posting experience. That seems okay but many of their moves back in the 8ch were slimy to say it politely, the whole case of briefing Mark about Smuglo.li to get him move and give them the board is simply not cool.
Dolph claims the admin is a dude who looks like a islander pajeet. So who knows, Tengu looks like an eternal anglo if the doxx is right.
>Moderating the post quality is a good thing
Completely agree, but it should be a customized thing, not an automated one. Banning someone for saying "colour" instead of "color" is asking for your users to burn down your house. Also my personal main gripe with them is the whole seasonal thing, trying to discuss an "old" series gets your shit locked or banned, in the best of cases they redirected you to /rec/, which was an archives board with charts, and that's cool too until you realize discussion there was limited and you could get banned for "sliding" old threads. So effectively there was no way to discuss old stuff that wasn't popular.
/animu/ was cool but the staff treated it like a /b/.

>They're just a bunch of faggots who's lives revolve around youtube streams and EPIC JULAY MILKING BRO.
Nowadays this is completely true, some might be unaware of this but that's how it is. The fact that they don't even achieve things anymore, just screencap petty replies, is enough proof.
Replies: >>2072 >>2078
Pretty much all image boards have now devolved into being places people post Twitter screencaps and drama. Instead of social media ripping off image boards, now image boards just post twitter drama.
>Banning someone for saying "colour" instead of "color" is asking for your users to burn down your house
I can only think of one good justification for that, counter-forensic linguistics. Wouldn't be completely effective though and wouldn't work if you didn't explain why.
Maybe they're autistic about spelling.
Replies: >>2080 >>2081 >>2115
>I can only think of one good justification for that, counter-forensic linguistics.
That's a good argument for it, but I think it's pretty clear that isn't the argument /a/ is making. I also don't know if I agree that admins should be going out of their way to police writing styles to help anonymize their users more. Anonymity should primarily be the individuals responsibility. Of course tools to help are always welcome, but making people spell in american english seems a bit too heavy handed.
Replies: >>2082
>counter-forensic linguistics
I never thought of that, that's actually a nice justification for doing that kind of stunt.
But i highly doubt the /a/ staff wanted to do such a thing, also i didn't mention that /a/ didn't actually ban you on the spot for one bad word but for "reiterative" bad grammar. The Hoihoi machine used some kind of threshold that i never bothered to look into, but my guess is that 3 "badly written" words and you got canned. I think the ban was one week, which is also harsh, 3 days is enough for anybody to get the message.
Replies: >>2083
I completely agree, maybe site owners should recommend and allow things but definitely not enforce.
My guess it it's an attempt to increase post quality.
Replies: >>2091
>Hoihoi machine
more like R9Gay amirite
It doesn't even do half of what anons think it does. It basically just bans people for a short time that post things like
and other forms of nigger speak
Replies: >>2115
>>1984 (OP) 
fitting digits uncle Ted was right
great example to how /a/ being uptight "no fun allowed" faggots
Replies: >>2116
To be fair, if I wanted shit like dup btfo all the time I'd be on tvch
Why is this whole thing so retarded. I fucking hate ecelebs. I was a moderator for a board back in 8ch and have been a mod in various forums over the years. It's not glamorous nor is it hard. All you have to do is check and delete things that break the (simple) rules. If someone breaks something maliciously, ban. Done. What kind of retard tries to get internet famous from that?
>8ch's content got so poor because it became the "At least I'm not on 4chan" userbase
This is a perfect description of what became my issue with 8ch as it reached its later stages. I was already crossposting on alternate imageboards back then (RIP nntpchan). All I want is a few comfy boards so I can post about technology and weebshit.
Replies: >>2124
> mfw there's someone perfect for you but you just don't know how to find each other.
>8ch's content got so poor because it became the "At least I'm not on 4chan" userbase
I don't recall this ever being an especially prominent thing on 8chan. But it's also not a very descriptive trait. Obviously to an extent the culture on 8chan was counter-cuckchan in a lot of ways, but I don't see any reason that should be a problem. Being counter-cuckchan is just banning certain things and expecting higher post quality. It doesn't necessarily mean people are just sitting around complaining about how bad cuckchan is all day.

In fact it's the opposite. Every time someone brought up anything to do with cuckchan they were told no one cares and to fuck off. So I'm sure what the criticism is or what "the "At least I'm not on 4chan" userbase" actually means. Being counter-cuckchan culture is literally just being pro-good quality posts culture.
Replies: >>2145
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Reminder that this entire shitshow happened only because julay circlejerkers are a bunch of rulecucks and pedophiles, and they simply couldn't let go getting dunked on

this is what happens when you spend your entire life in an echochamber and normalfag social media and then get exposed to oldschool /b/ like trolling, you treat all internet draema like srz fucking business and end up looking like a retarded newfag tryhard, like this dolphin pedo

Take this as a lesson, if you will take every little troll on you personally, you will end up like the dolphin bitch or /cow/ cattle and write schizo walls of texts for months, like one of my pic related, being asshurt all the way. Remember Koi's advice and just take it easy
Replies: >>2129 >>2141
Can you stop using pedo as an insult?
Replies: >>2131
>Alt-Chan Federation
they tried to use false flag tactics to steal traffic and frame other chans-- but then it backfired heh
tengu did absolutely nothing wrong during the /v/ drama. The whole thing happened because Rabbi recruited an incompetent janny who became too butthurt and refused to remove CP after being told that loli is not CP heh
Replies: >>2132
post another supposed picture of keemu, while you're here
>they tried to use false flag tactics
Like what you are doing right now bending the facts about the /v/ crisis?
Replies: >>2133 >>2136
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everybody knew the facts for months now, only ones trying to dispute them are underage children on /cow/'s guntstream who watch pokemon all day, such as yourself, or a certain pedophile known as dolphin

/cow/ are the only lolcows here
Replies: >>2143
>/v/ crisis
Fuck /v/
Delete /v/
Replies: >>2143
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What's going on buddy? I'm not Jim, so why are you aping my words?
Don't you have a board to go, Tengu?
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this is the correct answer.
>Especially with the whole CP thing which arose again when Tengu became the BO and didn't want to delete it
... but it was Hanging_Flesh who refused to remove CP
Replies: >>2146
>being counter-cuckchan culture is literally just being pro-good quality posts culture
Except it isn't. The quality of posts on 8chan severely declined over time, especially on popular boards, not to mention the fact that it was basically /pol/chan and sometimes I just want to discuss technology or weebshit without some shizo talking about Jews every thread. The "at least I'm not on 4chan userbase" means that a lot of the quality issues were handwaved away by people saying "well, it could be worse." To say "it could be worse" or "it's not that bad" concedes that it is, in fact, bad, and that's not something that should be a point of pride.
Do you how to read, clown fucker?
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Ruh Roh
Replies: >>2148 >>2150 >>2152
>letting your bare IP get exposed as a BO
What a fucking retard
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>I'm back, missed my waifu, stupid feds didn't even find my back up HD, ;)
Which site does he admin?
Replies: >>2151
He just gave HangingFlesh aka the vol that killed julay admin access to tvch. Anons were saying HangingFlesh and Dolphin were the ones that called the cops on him and they tried to shut down all discussion on /cow/. Gahoole streams on the Guntstream server. If he barebacked it that's probably how they got his IP address.
Replies: >>2153 >>2154 >>2165
If that's not enough for the other webring members to block Julay I don't know what would be.
That's a mighty claim, you have sources for that?
>anons where saying
Tengoons stirring drama as usual.

Gahoole has said in 2 streams now that the report against him came from a foreign government and was too old to be done by anyone recently, including tengoons, ashera's garden or the guntstreamers.
Replies: >>2166
>the report against him came from a foreign government
So it's legit?
What's happened to prolikewoah? Can't access it.
Replies: >>2482
They let their security certificate expire.  I hope they get their shit together, because I need /hgg/.
Replies: >>2483 >>2484 >>2490
For fucks sake, this isn't the first time either. Not to mention the database has been hacked before and the mods seemed to have disappeared a week or two beforehand. Really worried that it might not come back
Replies: >>2484 >>2485
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Why we can't have nice things? I miss loleron
prokikewoah has always been a weak node, from retarded BO who nuked entire boards several times, to zero development of the engine, stuck at shitty vanilla lynxshit. It's probably not gonna survive this year.
But hey, that's the point of the webring, you can't take it down, only individual elements.
Replies: >>2486
<from retarded BO who nuked entire boards several times
Loleron was truly kind admin that unfortunately his kindness ended up being exploited. He gave cakejew temporarily shelter and let dramanigger tengu have a board which both were a mistake.
Replies: >>2487 >>2488
The mistakes came from cucking out. First to his userbase by deleting Mark. Then to a schizo through blackmail. You could also argue that he was being retarded for not enforcing his gay global rules when they were first broken. If you make a decision you should stick with it.
Replies: >>2489 >>2493
Any BO should know better than to deal with Cakejew or pedos.
Replies: >>2489
<cucking out
<First to his userbase
So what you saying is caring about your userbase is bad 
<Then to a schizo through blackmail
Like I said he should've avoided the drama cancer of julay
Hey cownigger
Replies: >>2491
Makes me worry about the scanlation projects on /animu/.
Replies: >>2491
Nah it's just that all this backpedaling faggotry is what's making admins kill their own sites. We're reaching levels of Twitter that should not even be possible.

It'll probably be back soon. If you know what you're doing renewing a cert only takes a few seconds.
Replies: >>2497
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>Another day
>/hgg/ still gone
Replies: >>2494
>by deleting Mark.
Mark, it's not OK to lie while you moved to fatboard, and deleted it again too.
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tfw cannot shit up /hgg/ by merely existing anymore tbh
Replies: >>2495
Kill yourself, nigger.
Replies: >>2496
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fite me
>Nah it's just that all this backpedaling faggotry 
For him the dolphin situation was just the straw that broke the camel's back. He's said before that he no longer enjoyed running/posting on the board and kept it only so he didn't give it to someone worse. It sucks but I can't blame him at that point.
Replies: >>2498
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it's a clear sign of a loser who gets defeated rather then learning 

very based dolphin did nothing wrong tbh
Replies: >>2499
shut the hell up faggot, everyone outside your clique hates dolphinfag
Replies: >>2500
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that's because you'd rather be autistic then open up a line of communication and when that happens take it in bad faith tbh
Replies: >>2501
No idea what you're talking about.
Replies: >>2502 >>2503
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talking generally anon
It's a troll.  Plain and simple.  He acts like a nigger and when people call him a nigger he acts like he's being wrongfully persecuted.
Replies: >>2504 >>2505 >>2533
anyone who legitimately uses the phrase troll nowerdays is reddit as fuck tbh also I'll say it again if you cannot understand me you're a midwit tbh no amount of nigger calling will change your massive amount of cope there tbh
I don't know how you fags can't seem to wrap your heads around this, you don't have to respond to every niggerbrain retard that pops up in a thread, if the vols don't know to slap them down on sight then chances are the site you're posting on is fucking /b/ or /tv/ tier trash to begin with.
Replies: >>2506 >>2533
slapping them down is also retarded thing to do tbh honestly people are retarded if they cannot into the heh pill
Replies: >>2508 >>2510
And now the boards are 404ing. Explains the shitposting I've seen on smug, it's a victory lap. Reminder that this will keep happening until the /cow/niggers get swatted.
Replies: >>2508 >>2535
it all depends on what kind of board culture you want. being degenerate retards is all part and parcel of /b/-tier faggotry. most other boards want to bring it up a bit though. basic censorship is needed for any sane society.

mark, pls. you just got to let it go man.
Replies: >>2509 >>2510
well you're not wrong at all tbh there is indeed a fine line
Replies: >>2510
Honestly to be tbh honest honestly these kinds of posts belong to people who shouldn't be posting on an image board in the first place.
Replies: >>2511
tbh tbh I was posting before you were sucking your dad' dick tbh my famalamor
You were fine with going back to 8kun of all places, just remake /animu/ in 8chan.moe.
Replies: >>2513
GL complying with the no loli ruling.
Replies: >>2514 >>2529
There is a loli thread on fucking /v/, quit being a nigger.
Replies: >>2528
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Renewing the cert should be a quick fix, but it's strange that it's been two days with no updates or communication. I'm hoping the site isn't abandoned.
On the off chance that the admin does not return, I have a recent backup of the site available for migration. If the community and mods of a given board are alright with it, I'd be happy to move the content. I'm wishing the site comes back up quickly, but in case it doesn't, everyone can pick up where they left off.
You guys, are starting to become pathetic. You always appear right after some site goes down offering to "help" to me it looks like a jackal feeding of the scraps of corpses, much like you did with 8chan, fucking kill yourself.
Replies: >>2518 >>2537
>I have a recent backup of the site
How recent may I ask?
I hope we eventually hear from them.
Replies: >>2521
that's an interesting perspective, spoken like a true goon.
Replies: >>2519
Ok you got me fagexx, now go suck some fed's dick.
Replies: >>2520
ironic. no one wants to migrate to your honeypot, friend.
Last one is from a few hours ago, just before I made the post.
I'm hoping some of the mods come forward in the next day or two.
Replies: >>2523 >>2525
>On the off chance that the admin does not return, I have a recent backup of the site available for migration. If the community and mods of a given board are alright with it, I'd be happy to move the content. I'm wishing the site comes back up quickly, but in case it doesn't, everyone can pick up where they left off.
I have nothing against you, unlike the moralist trite that usually comes telling off anyone that isn't on their site, but exactly just how many sites and boards have you backed up? I'm a bonafide opportunist so I don't care so long as I can keep my boards up (and I've already gotten one on your site, thank you very much), but you can't deny it's quite the coincidence.
Replies: >>2524 >>2535 >>2537
Great! Does it include /toy/?
Replies: >>2535
It's part of his job as an FBI informant, so I would assume the entire webring.
Replies: >>2525
The real question: how?
Give me the date on that backup as well.
Heh, assuming he has NSA level of backup, there's some things I want direct backups fpr he owes me, including several FOIA requests.
Replies: >>2526 >>2530 >>2535
Crawling an imageboard isn't difficult, anon. Everything is public as it is. Just gotta write a bot that takes the date, post ID, and text of a post and shoves it into a sqlite db. Then just go from post to post until you're done.  
Complications could ensue if new posts are added while it does its work, but all you have to do to safeguard against that is remember the time you started at, discarding any newer post, and save the entire catalog when you start so you have a thread list to crawl.
Replies: >>2527
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Ah, you crawled unsafely the server.
Yeah, suck on it Rodriguez.
Replies: >>2531
Apparently Russia Federation banning loli didn't happen, and your memory of /delicious/ and /tot/ mean nothing to you, go back to blacked.
Replies: >>2541
Read his post again.  He said use 8moe, not 8kunt.
Replies: >>2541
>The real question: how?
If he made it just before the post, that means he made that back up after the their certificate had been expired for two days.  Nothing "suspiciously convenient" about that, because he didn't predict the certificate expiring.  I believe if you find the right setting for your browser, you can still access the site by giving it permission, so he likely used that along with his crawler.  I can't fucking find the setting un UnGoogled Chromium anywhere.
that's helpful thank you tbh

cute goon meme tbh
Replies: >>2532 >>2535
kill yourself, you fucking nigger.
Replies: >>2533 >>2534
Replies: >>2534
tbh no u

imagine not scrolling up and also imagine being so booty blasted by structure you simply can't shake the feeling to save those dammed to suffer under so laughable if it weren't so cute tbh
I sometimes grab boards for a test. In this case, the site can still be accessed, even if it is difficult for users to do so. My last full backup of PLW was around the time /japan/ left.
Soon I'll automate the process and just scrape every webring board, including ones from my own site. Then I will have a recent backup no matter what happens.

It does include /toy/.

About 5 AM EST, October 9th.
The content is still available. >>2507 says pages are giving 404s; that wasn't my experience, but if it's true then the content may not be available for long.

No problem. I used the site, too, and I'd like to see these boards live on.
Replies: >>2536 >>2540
I'd mostly just like to see /rts/ thread not die like that tbh
Replies: >>2538
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>You always appear right after some site goes down offering to "help"
8chan was recreated on .moe because we were sick of the old 8chan communities being deplatformed, which also extends into going down or being taken down for other reasons.  We do things like this to keep more small communities from being lost or dying out.  Codexx is the technical guru who worked out the backup-and-migration system, but offering safe harbor to board communities is part of the whole site's purpose.
Replies: >>2540 >>2542
It's back at last.
Replies: >>2539
yes that's good
>Codexx is the technical guru who worked out the backup-and-migration system, but offering safe harbor to board communities is part of the whole site's purpose.
Great! So given that this is your mission, >>2535 will be open-sourcing the backup-and-migration code with instructions so that the communities can protect themselves and migrate whenever and wherever they judge wise, right? It would be pretty creepy if they just hung around regularly scraping all boards in the background then pouncing out to offer migration to your site whenever other sites have a little trouble, after all.
>but offering safe harbor to board communities is part of the whole site's purpose.
>safe harbor
t. largest target painted on back in the entire alt-chan community  and run by the people anons are trying to escape
Replies: >>2543 >>2545
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>the alt-chan community
>and run by the people anons are trying to escape
It is pretty effin bizarre that so many would jump straight from the frying pan into the fire. It's one thing to be on a site known to be under continuous glownigger investigation/manipulation (8chan/8ch), and quite another to be on a site run by literal glowniggers (8moe).

They swooped in after the false flag op they set up against Robi, and for this very outcome no doubt
Replies: >>2546 >>2577
I trust the 8moe administration way more than the Watkins family at this point.
What dirt do you have on the 8moe administration besides asuka blacked porn and twitter feeds? Just curious.
Replies: >>2548 >>2579
The Cuck who runs BLACKED.moe sells guns to the feds.  He quite literally has ties to the feds.
Replies: >>2549 >>2577
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Fuck, I misused the word literally.  I've become what I hate.
Replies: >>2558 >>2565
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Your mailman is a fed anon. if you send mail you have ties to the feds. :^)
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Maybe because everything he does is suspicious?
He was the board owner to /gamergatehq/ and a frequent poster in the gamergate /v/ threads, and there's a general belief that he's a hero in those places because he doxed a few /cow/ goons. And yet he seems to just have shat up whatever he touched.

Was the Board Owner there. When he noticed that there was suspicious activity on the board (Quite a few people were being called shills for disagreeing with others, and a few operations were being unusually propped up), he decided not only to not ban them, but rather let the board die to their shit while joining their IRCs and hoping they'd screw up and leak some personal information. It worked, and the board died.

>Mark/v/'s gamergate threads
This time Mark did most of the damage by transforming the thread into a hugbox and a meta thread, which this thread really isn't supposed to be. You can't trace it back to Acid so maybe it shouldn't be in this list, but it makes the way he gave 8moe's /v/ to a retarded BO immediately more disgusting. 

>Fatchan gamergate threads
Acid's first move on a thread he doesn't own.
The moment he started giving out hourly updates on how the website was going despite people telling him to fuck off the thread went to shit.

He owns this garbage now. Its a centralized website meant to replace 8chan.
Rather than hearing out the multiple people saying that putting all boards on 8moe is retarded, he threw a tantrum about them being unimportant, because centralization worked so well for us or something.
Originally, the /v/ BO was one of Mark's golems which was somehow more retarded than him, but now its just Mark. Acidman decided that rather than using his new position as the site Admin for something useful, he'd let the general he loved so much for years continue to rot.

>But why does gamergate matter so much
What the hell did we come to 8chan for?
But otherwise I'm not sure what you're expecting. This guy has the reverse Midas touch and anyone who trusts that is retarded.
appears to be down
A very deadly code 503 has befallen on this board, oh how unexpected and truly tragic turn of events for such an innocent little corner of the 'net. Truly this must be the action of some malefactor or ill-intentioned being!
or they just forgot to pay the bills for the damned box, again
Either way I want my comfy posting back.
>Originally, the /v/ BO was one of Mark's golems which was somehow more retarded than him, but now its just Mark.
It was always Mark.
>Site is down
>Bunker isn't activated
Time to panic? Time to panic.
Replies: >>3216
Where's my hgg REEEE
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where's the bunker?
Replies: >>3217
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Pic rel is the darknet bunker in case the entire clearnet goes tits up, which is active but empty for now.
fatchan/animu/ is the clearnet bunker which has been privated until it's needed... but not been unprivated as of now.
Replies: >>3219 >>3220
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is a faggot. always has been
gives me 404
shouldn't privated boards still be accessible or it depends on the site engine?
Replies: >>3220
The BO deleted the bunker themselves for some reason according to Tom.
Replies: >>3221
is there any BO that's not retarded ffs
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So any info at all whether its' getting fixed any time soon?
Replies: >>3223 >>3234
Maybe we need to threaten the admins to fix their shit.
There's a non-cucked /a/ in zzzchan: https://zzzchan.xyz/a/
Replies: >>3225 >>3226
Man i hope it gets fixed soon, i can't go back to normal anime imageboards
>/v/-made /a/
Replies: >>3230
worse than 404
Replies: >>3230
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I just emailed Stazi and Loleron but God knows neither of them check that very often. Maybe Loleron will still show up in that animu stream on cytu.be?
Replies: >>3228
Do those faggots not check any of the boards on their site? How do you not know it's down for 24 hours.
Replies: >>3229
Well Loleron has renewed the security certs but Stazi, as far as I know, does jack shit. Unless he's changed emails or something recently. He should give me his personal email if he doesn't check his PLW address ever.
zzz/a/ is not as rulecucked as /animu/ or Smug. The only problem with zzz/a/ is that it is dead (it has like 3 semi-active posters)
confirmed for never even using it
go shill somewhere else
Replies: >>3253
>rulecucked as /animu/
lol no, it's unmoderated to a point it might as well be /b/ with a slight focus on vtubers. how can a place with almost no rules be "rulecucked." I swear to god to you fucking idiots, literally any rule is rulecucking and you should literally be allowed to spam CP or it's a "shit board"
Replies: >>3233
>literally any rule is rulecucking
Yes. It's unfortunate that certain faggots insist that means you have to shit up a board because there are no rules. Those same faggots then claim that a board is shit without rules because they got away with shitting it up.
Replies: >>3238
Seems to be back.
Replies: >>3236 >>3237
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Replies: >>3237
It was
Now it's not
Replies: >>3237
its happening?
>make a board without rules
>people shit it up
>rules are still the problem, I swear
Replies: >>3240
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>it's down again
how about making a board with minimal set of rules. bonus points if none of rules are retarded and mods aren't faggots who enforce their own unwritten rules.
Replies: >>3241 >>3244 >>3254
it'd called /animu/ and /geimu/
Replies: >>3249
>open prolikewoah
>go away
wow okay rood
Replies: >>3251
Literally sounds perfect
>minimal rules
Yes I only like rules that address actual problems.
>none of the rules are retarded
Subjective, there are idiots who think all rules are retarded.
>unwritten rules
Yeah absolutely not. Ever.
its gone again
I checked the meta thread earlier and apparently it was down the first time because of an auto backup fucking up. So why the fuck is it down now?
nope. both /a/ and /animu/ are rulecucked to a degree.
Replies: >>3253
No rules is detrimental to any board unless the path to be taken is to be /b/ #7628 v4.88
Relying only on rules to moderate instead of case by case basis of individuals and failing to figure out who is acting stupid for the hilarity of it instead of those who are just acting stupid and/or disruptive for the detriment of the board in general, is what makes the average admin an irremediable janitor.
The best is a balance of low moderation and lax rules, unless the situation warrants for it with examples such as: raids spamming a board to the point nobody can feasibly use it for anything or being such a flaming fucking faggot that half the users on a board just outright report you to be deleted.

Then again, I personally adhere to hehpill standards and spam is free speech so fuck any rules in general, you never need them if you have cool dudes posting OC to hang around not faggots.

I can use PLW are the downtimes localized?
>he doesn't know how to get past it
Costanza Belittles
see >>3231
"minimal rules" invariably means rules that cater to (you) and only you.
It's lolbert cancer and it degenerats along the same trajectory.
We down?
Replies: >>3327
so it would seem
expect the site to be down until the 27th when loleron goes to post in the stream thread and realizes the site doesn't work anymore
fucking retards
if I didn't bother saving a link to this place I wouldn't even know what was happening
give me back my comfy /hgg/
or just move everything to fucking TOR so this doesn't happen again
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why does nobody has any contact with admins
Replies: >>3332 >>3333
>imageboard admins
Pick one
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>>3331 That would imply that the admins actually care about PLW which it is very clear that they do not.
Replies: >>3334 >>3336
It’s back already, proving that your hypothesis is wrong, Seagull.
Long live PLW
Replies: >>3335
Hi Eden
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>>1984 (OP) 
Site's 503, what now?
Replies: >>3357
I would recommend getting new site desu, this one isn't really bringing anything to the table
dead site francis lost!
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I spoke to one of the official ziggers, they say they hacked the servers
Replies: >>3361 >>3362 >>3363
official zigger HACKERMAN here, ama
I talked to Kim Jong-un and he said he hacked the server to disrupt the American devil's access to anime.
how did yhou do it?
>its never coming back
where the fukc do we go now
Replies: >>3365 >>3366 >>3367
back to cuckchan
Replies: >>3367
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It's waiting for u buddy, jump in.
Replies: >>3367
guys guys i have an idea! how about if we Literally & Unironically go back to gaia? it still exists but is basically abandoned so we could easily overrun it and establish our own culture there, and it and myspace are probably the only two places on the internet normalfags will never find us since there's nothing a normalfag hates more than places they've already been and moved on from
Replies: >>3368
uhhh no?
>still not fucking fixed
what, nobody has any line with admins? jesus fucking shit
Will they ever bring the old internet back? I wish I could just go to cuckchan and not migrate every few months because everything dies.
Replies: >>3371 >>3373 >>3374
Are you range banned or something so you can't go back?
Replies: >>3372
Got rangebanned once on nu cuckchan. But that is not a problem. Problem it is filled with redditors who think they are edgy,
go back and stay there, faggot
The solution lies partly on the darknet. 
Fact is, the darknet is where the old internet went. For some reason (probably fragmentation between TOR/I2P/Loki), Imageboards seem reluctant to transfer, though it's worked out for both pico and nanochan. 
It'll happen in time though, if only because anything free on the clearnet will end up censored.
Replies: >>3376
it's back
It has returned, and with it, my legacy

Have you seen the state of nanochan recently, dude? It has too much clearnet presence I think.
Replies: >>3686
where is /hgg/ right now? specifically the free cities thread. i remember finding it yesterday, but now i can't. should have saved
Replies: >>3387
They're on prolikewoah and have been there for a long while.
nanochan was a namefag centered IB from the start, it is no wonder they are shit now. Even their /g/ wasn't very good despite being on darknet because asukafag and some other namefags ruined threads. There were basically no tech related thread where asukafag didn't have a autistic chimpout about linux.

Also if you want to find the ones responsible for the destruction of IB's and drama, check the writing style of posts that suck in other boards and compare them to who defends who in this thread.
PLW isn't loading for me. Any anons that can confirm it?
Replies: >>3728
off and on for me anon.
(/mecha/ worked, but not /animu/)
Replies: >>4612
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Replies: >>4611
What happened this time?
Replies: >>4614
cannot access it either
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Has loleron finally decided to pull off the plug?
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That lazy man I swear
What's pepsi flesh?
Replies: >>5817
HangingFlesh, aka. weasel is one of the Alogs.Space main admins and runs the Guntstream on the cytube, he is coping in this image because he alowed child porn to be spammed on /v/ which is why the domain got taken down and he gets butthurt whenever people shit on him due to his spastic reactions to loli being posted at the time.
Anyone that wants people to archive threads isn't an anon. They're newfags that should be on websites like reddit. Imageboards are ethereal, which adds to the anonymity. Any board that attempts to preserve threads is cancer.
Replies: >>5823 >>5824 >>5827
Replies: >>5824
Nice argument retard
>They're newfags that should be on websites like reddit
Most of them are election tourists from twitter/reddit in the first place
Replies: >>5825
>Nice argument retard
I'm glad you agree.
Archiving specific posts or interactions can be useful for a variety of reasons whether it's memes, history, hot takes, etc. In general I would agree that archiving entire threads is cancer even if I think you're being facetious. The only people who I know on the webring who archive entire threads are the sorts who are deathly afraid of anything new.
don't see anything wrong with archiving threads you know will be purged by gay mods
Replies: >>5863
Should be making the threads on a better site in the first place
Not like reposing the thread will allow you to continue the conversation either, really.
It doesn't really serve a point, which is why no-one does it

go home seagull
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So uhh, PLW was removed from Smug's webring listings.
Problem corrected. I will continue to be a filthy crossboarder with callous disregard.
Thanks for the rundown. /a/ probably doesn't think about the Warosufags (This where they originally crawled out from) at all. This is like SpyXFamily, but everyone except Anya is retarded. 

He got yeeted immediately for Avatarfagging. That thread is as dead as shit at this point. 

Sounds like (you) problem. /a/  prefers quality over everything else for over 10 years now. Just let it go.
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