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Where did all the real Christians go? /christian/ is just full of faggots, atheists, jews, and roman catholics who are all destryoing the board with help of its board owner and jannies.
>>4665 (OP) 
8chan, but not on the actual Christian board
Replies: >>4689
No thanks, this place glows enough. 4cuck is unironically better than both here and there.

The moderation on /christian/ is literally worse than 4cuck, tumblr and old twitter combined.
Replies: >>4693
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4chan is unironically more welcoming to bible-believing Christians than this place at this point, my entire post history doesn't get wiped on 4chan because some Roman catholic got offended by Scripture.

p.s. I'm the one who made most of the banners /christian/ uses
Replies: >>5609
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>>4665 (OP) 
To heaven, all 3 of them. Sorry, you didn't make the cut.
Replies: >>5384 >>5609
How is using a service on a regular relay which doesn't even allow for VPNs constitute as better? And your whole point is about glowies. You get more glowies on 4chan because youre fucking a girl without a condom. STDs. 4chan is AIDs.

Youre more prone to be tracked there, especially if you use /pol/, they got ops all over.
>>4665 (OP) 
The thirsty need living water the most.
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There is still Based Eastern Orthodox on it like me
Replies: >>4708
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>>4665 (OP) 
Other than the atheists, that's how christianity has always been because christianity is a jewish psyop
Replies: >>4905
>Where did all the real Christians go?
They followed their leader.
Christianity is older by like 200-300 years.
Replies: >>4906 >>4909 >>5609
If you're talking Rabbinic Judaism.
Replies: >>4911 >>5609
Yeah which is all modern Judaism is. There are a few non-rabbinic sects left but barely. Christianity is the only one that has direct continuity with the 2nd temple left.
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>/christian/ is just full of faggots, atheists, jews, and roman catholics
Our board was always filled to the brim with the undesirables and social outcasts.
Replies: >>4916 >>4917
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Replies: >>4918
And whose testicles were like those of bull calf
And whose scrotum were like those of a camel
And whose prostate were like those of an elephant
And whose anus were like those of a hippo
And whose ass sweat were like those of a boar
We all get the bit. Fill your head with the illustrative if you want but it's to put across the gluttony and hedonism of Jerusalem the slut
>>4665 (OP) 
>Where did all the real Christians go?
The last one died on a cross a couple thousand years back.
Replies: >>4976
Everyone just wants an echo chamber
Replies: >>4977
Reminder that old uncle moe:
Had sexual intercourse with the jewesses
Struck his child bride
Had women beheaded for derogatory poetry
Ordered all the shepherd dogs killed until "his" god relented and said; "ok just the black ones then"
and many more stories (You) have to hold up by way of your mischosen religion as being "divinely inspired."

It isn't me needing to jerk in circles around my own safe space free from criticism like some certain other cults do.
Replies: >>5375
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Holy based, my fellow christloving abrahamist, upvote! Upvote! That will teach the satanists not to mess with us(Were so based and christpilled).

Based So Based.
Replies: >>5377 >>5380 >>5385
Get out AntichristHater.
Replies: >>5378 >>5385
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You get out, you mudslime anime hater, God loves anime. Only a brown swarthy mudslime would hate large white nuns with thighs dripping nigger seed.

You are brown achmed, you're not fooling anyone here.

Replies: >>5379 >>5383 >>5385
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Hallelujah, Brother in Christ! Keep up the battle against the satanic mudslime forces of Anti-Anime!
Replies: >>5385
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Fuck, love me a wife that can take BBC, why can't mainstream christians be more open to poly-relationships, nothing hotter than watching your faithful wife get shagged by the druggie nigger down the street.

The taste of nigger cum and sweat from a freshly bred white christian wife is second to none, lord knows my beloved needs some nigger breedin, she's a white christian prude so she's basically asking for it!
Replies: >>5385
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So I am sort of Bi although a devout Christian (Yes call me a fag IDK) and I am fucking annoyed with the LGBT community to no ends. I have a friend who is a Lesbian Atheist that agrees with a lot of morality that Christian ideology brings and even she notices that the LGBT community is self sabatoging. They like to present themselves as a community that wants to love their partners but in practice they are just constantly hooking up with one another. The LGBT community should have gatekept more in my opinion or needs to be shamed when they behave in a sort of manner.

Like I personally don't give a shit if 2 guys wanna slam the ass and you are free to disagree with me but I do think that the fucking pride parade types are fucking atrocious. Its like they revolve their entire lifestyle arround being gay as if it was their own religion.

I even have a theory that men who become women are the main vectors of disease because they believe that the more men wanna have sex with them then the more they pass and are validated.
IDK where the fuck this rant is going but I just wanted to talk about that shit.

Personally I have a lot of gay friends but they are almost always very much against the gay community and are Christian themselves, asside from that one girl.
Replies: >>5385
GTFO AntichristHater.
Replies: >>5385
Replies: >>5385
Christians are massive Faggots, Eat shit and die retard no one cares about your desert religion. shitskin.
Replies: >>5399 >>5401 >>5618
50-100 years ago doctors cured wounds
50-100 years ago policemen stopped crimes
50-100 years ago train drivers drove their railcars on-time

I can tell you what God has to do with it with examples. The healthcare system for example is a lumbering beast where money gets thrown at it, more and more money every year. The experienced white doctors, particularly at consultancy level, they worship secularism and science. But their job at this level is to watch innumerable beans coming in and to move those beans around. Without moral purpose and without specific shared aims, like preserving the sanctity of the human soul as an example, this is just going to look like Universe 24 of the rat utopia experiment. They are not made to work towards anything. We have the beautiful ones running our health system. They stand for nothing in particular; they lack anything purposeful to do with themselves or with things they look to commit towards.

Any shared moral goal would be an improvement. Hindus and Buddhists can get a fair few things done in their own way and their own time. But our traditions are Christian. Under Christianity we accomplished most of our pre-modern history, and those accomplishments leave many an other culture for dust. Trial by jury instead of trial by might. Paying a wage, however derisory, instead of open slave markets. These ideas had not accidentally sprung up at our feet; they were worked for.

So believing in God, or "a God" is what's holding you back not in terms of over-zealousness but rather your lack of belief in anything.

God is as defined post-Christ, that of the kindness in man. The same ability to order entrophy, the same creative means and elements; just applied to universes. Any such humble creature with a forth layer of the brain contains that of God. All good dolphins and whales go to heaven.

I'm not a prophet or even a very good preacher of the faith or anything, but because I understand these things I can't stoically be shifted as much as when I was a God-loathing atheist whose faith in evolution and fitness survival depended moralistically only on the golden rule™. No talking point of the moment can arrange what I find to be good or not any more either. Wokery hasn't much room left if pride is most certainly a sin.
Replies: >>5621
Sorry, I guess I'd stopped following the thread. Enjoy living in Afghanistan then but don't try to conveniently forget what uncle Moe did just because it makes your arguments look weaker. Make your arguments strong. A Jew would just do Kingly levels of obfuscation all day. You're not a Jew are you?
We came upon the answer in the early 2000s.
That the most important things are your personal happiness, and the greatest number of your genes among the greatest number of organisms.

Aside from genetic propagation and your own feelings, there is nothing, and there should be nothing. Let's begin at a familiar place; the postmodernism concept of moral relativism.

There's no objective good or evil, what makes one person happy might make another feel miserable, what one believes to he right may be wrong in the eyes of another, and there is no universal standard for conclusively settling this debate.

From that we arrive only at paralysis, while the dumbass liberal cucks are told that the resolution is to judge others by their own standards, that just means saying that your own feelings and opinions are worth less.

I'd say the opposite, to put your own feelings and opinions before all others, and embrace the conflict that inevitably emerges from this, where the strong and willful prevail while those who are comparatively lacking in merit suffer their defeat. We must all strive for our own desires and pursue our own happiness, only in that way can the world evolve properly. 

There is nothing more important than your own feels, the only thing you know to exist is the part of your mind that receives the experiences of thinking and feeling, the only thing you know to possess a mind at all is yourself. The feelings of others should not matter to you except insofar as the impact of the way you perceive them as feeling would affect your own feelings. (We care about the perceived feelings of others only because pur own feelings are affected by them).

This is by the virtue of them not being you, When someone else eats, you do not taste it nor do you feel your hunger satiated. It is only by yourself eating that you get to have the experience of eating.

The cucks of the right will want to posit some objective standard, they will simply assert some set of rules, typically their pet religious beleifs, but this will just circle us back to where our problems began: with the philosophers of the enlightenment period.

Normative morality is a fatal weakness to any civilization since it is inherently opposed to the things that I think of as being the strengths we need to prosper. We need the things we were taught to perceive as being "bad" since we were young - selfishness, myopia, hypocrisy, supremacy, etc.

Our values should be the inversion of the values of our society, we must call what they consider evil our good, and what they consider to be good we must call evil. We must become villains unironically. Embrace your inner edgelord, but temper it with your enhanced ability to reason. Strike against the boring madness of this world with your own more exciting brand of insanity.

I advocate for ethical egoism, where your only moral guidance comes from your own heart, it dates back to protagoras, so anyone crediting desade or stirner with the elaboration on these ideals is merely giving credit to those who came much later.

Organization among egoists emerges only from shared interests and common goals, which could be something as simple as doing it for the lulz, personal amusement is as good as any other motivation. The reality of human behavior is that we are all just monkeys on juice, our brains produce one set of drugs that make us feel good, and another set of drugs that make us feel bad. 

The motivation for anything people say or do exists in these drugs, the brief high of happiness, the brief low of misery, and the lasting conditions of desiring what we expect to bring us joy, and fearing what we expect would become our sadness.

Typically the things that make us happy are associated with our survival and procreation, the things that make us sad are associated with factors that could contribute to dying or being the last of your bloodline.

We as a society attach arbitrary values to the different proxies we use in pursuit of our highs or avoidance of our lows, or the means we use to pursue these proxies.love, wealth, glory, or the validation of ourselves as being the kinds of people most societies would feel positively towards ("that we are good people" = that we posses qualities or perform deeds that others would like us for).

We need to go back to that self serving mindset we had in our youths. We didn't give a fuck about anything except for how it impacted our personal experience of our lives. We were unpredictable, lacking any sense of restraint, guilt, or shame. We were freer then. The worst chains are the ones you are manipulated into placing yourself into.

Look to the most powerful, most successful people in the world, and learn from their examples, emulate their methods and mentalities to acheive similar results.
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>4chan is unironically more welcoming to bible-believing Christians than this place at this point, my entire post history doesn't get wiped on 4chan because some Roman catholic got offended by Scripture.
Sorry to hear that, fren. It's true, Catholics (the ones not born-again anyway) don't understand scripture.
>p.s. I'm the one who made most of the banners /christian/ uses
Based, respect anon.



Exactly his point. ((( Rabbinical Judaism ))) is cringe, faith in God is based
Replies: >>5622
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>desert religion
>hates Palestinianchads
How's the weather in Tel-Aviv, Schlomo?
Replies: >>5622
>50-100 years ago doctors cured wounds
>50-100 years ago policemen stopped crimes
>50-100 years ago train drivers drove their railcars on-time
What kind of ultra-capitalist hellhole do you exist in where doctors don't cure wounds and trains don't run on time? "They are not made to work towards anything", hah, you're close but the truth is even worse - they're made to look towards money. They and their family will starve and die without it, so money must dominate. Without that pressure, we're left with good Samaritans free to live out their morals and ethics and mores and desires, to give others the time they need.
Police never existed to stop crime, they exist to protect private property and maintain the state. That's why they're so abysmal at stopping crimes, it's secondary to their purpose.
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>Exactly his point. ((( Rabbinical Judaism ))) is cringe, faith in God is based
All forms of Judaism and their offshoots are cringeworthy. Abrahamic value systems have been a disaster for the human species.
>sucking the dicks of one group of obnoxious Semites because they're fighting another group of obnoxious Semites
why did the disbeliever bring up dick sucking out of nowhere? their arguments against God are always pee pee poo poo penis vagina. notice it.
Replies: >>5624
>clutching your pearls over someone using language that's direct and straight to the point
Replies: >>5625
you're language isn't "straight" in any way
Replies: >>5626
Says the guy who worships a rabbi who willingly got nailed to death by a bunch of men.
Replies: >>5627
not a christian, faggot.
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