/shelter/ - Community Shelter

Disaster Mustering Point

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I know I'm really late, but, 8chan used to have a MGTOW board way back.  Where is the latest MGTOW chan?
mgtow is a shitty incel ideology, grow the fuck up
Replies: >>5751 >>5756
>>5749 (OP) 
There isn't one as far as I can tell.
>Just man up and get divorce raped by the town bicycle!
Replies: >>5756
You can disagree with them, but do you want them censored beyond recognition?
>>5749 (OP) 
Just make a mgtow board on 8chan's dashboard.
Replies: >>5760
>>5749 (OP) 
Yeah fag, go to blacked.gov for this incel shit
Replies: >>5759
>muh incels
Mangina detected.
O.K., done.  At least /mgtow/ has some sort of muster point now.
Replies: >>5761
>muster point
lol, lmao even, you're missing the whole premise there.
Replies: >>5768
O.K..  Don't come.
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Apply yourself.
Replies: >>8516
Mgtows are moving on, mostly becoming traps or manginas.
Replies: >>5911 >>5916
they were always manginas tbqh
>turns out 'their own way' was towards the Big Gay all along
heh, typical
Reject MGTOW
Embrace Mens Liberation
>>5749 (OP) 
It went it's own way.
What do people even discuss in MGTOW threads?
Replies: >>5929
i dont like this pic
its supposed to rhyme, but the number of syllables makes it weird
i think itd sounds better like
>when around a trout // you better watch out
yea, its a mouthful, but its more evened out
Given how the old MiGTuhW forums were

> Modern women being whores
> Fringe politics
> Philosophy
> Some hobbies
> Why you shouldn't get married
> Other Manosphere crap like what that pidgin language the entire community was talking in LOLOLOLOL! Try find something decent nowadays.
> Everything else assburger
MGTOW it's a dead movement, the majority of the so mgtows are just incels in denial. Also, there is nothing to discuss about the mgtow topic since this topic was already discussed to dead
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