/shelter/ - Community Shelter

Disaster Mustering Point

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>type url
>hello please wait 5 seconds
>oops look like it's broken, reload 
>hello please wait 5 seconds again
>now do this captcha as well
>oops fail to load again, reload site
>try to make a post
>please do a captcha please
>send you indecipherable mess
>nigger dick spamming
>do nothing for an hour
Genius at work. Site will be dead in 2 weeks.
Replies: >>2320 >>2321 >>4924
Cuckflare restrictions must have been increased to combat spam. My computer shits itself if I access zzz now.
>have to wait 10 minutes and do captcha every single time I want to lurk
I can't solve ecchi-captcha to get in no matter how much I try again jesus fuck and the users left are too smug about any criticism against cuckflare
as if """vanwa""" is going to solve their niggerspam problem that place is cursed
Replies: >>2188
I haven't seen anyone being smug about cloudflare at all. I've only seen people annoyed with it but accepting that it's a necessary evil until better things like a hidden service can come along. I don't know what you think crying about cloudflare non-stop is going to accomplish. Your answer seems to be to remove cloudflare and let the site get spammed into oblivion, which makes it sound like you're the spamming retard himself and you're butthurt the site wasn't strong armed by your army of pajeets.
Replies: >>2189
Well spam seems to have stopped and I didn't have to solve a single captcha all day. Also apparently they're not gonna use recaptcha anymore and Tom (fatchan's admin and jschan dev) is fast tracking  a new visual captcha. Seems good.
>>2179 (OP) 
Is spaghetti nigger on zzzchan?
Replies: >>2398
>>2179 (OP) 
It's been a while but i don't wanna make a thread,where did everyone on zchan go?
Replies: >>2325
Seems most of them went to 8chan.moe.
Replies: >>4567
Site's been down for hours now. I guess Sturg is updating the site?
As far as everyone is concerned, he's BO of /v/ and global mod as well judging by the fact he posted with the global staff cap once.
Replies: >>2999
Is he the retard that hot pockets the shit out of boards making them unusable? I'm all for heavy moderation to keep the idiots in check but locking a thread because there's one auto saging on page 4 is doing it for free. >>2398
I have it on good authority that zzzchan sticks cookies on your computer to IP bust VPNs, so I would stay away from it if possible. Admin claims "only he can see it" but I imagine that's a crock of shit.
post proof
Quit your bullshit, weasel.
Fuck off Dolphin and kill yourself.
Lmao how do you even accomplish that with cookies?
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That place is just as dead as the rest of webring imageboards.
Replies: >>4702 >>4793
What is still alive?
Replies: >>4703
My burning hatred for kikes.
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>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
>ERROR: Something broke.
is it dead?
Replies: >>4711
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Seems like it.
Replies: >>4712
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gib /digi/ pls
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Overboard and banners broke before it went down. Can't check his soycial media for updates because FSE keeps timing out.
Replies: >>4714
It broke hours ago, cloudflare was just in zombie mode reserving the pages it had already cached.
Replies: >>4715
>It broke hours ago,
Which constitutes "before it went down." :^)
>cloudflare was just in zombie mode reserving the pages it had already cached.
But this was on the onion.
Replies: >>4717
Fish here, The original issue was my backup script not pruning old blobs and that filled the disk causing mongo to crash. After fixing that I ran package updates and rebooted the appserver, which landed it in panic mode. This is going to take a while to fix, prease understandu.

I'll be posting an ETA on FSE at https://freespeechextremist.com/Sturgeonfish 

Jfc they're down too. I fucking hate computers sometimes.
I should also state now: zero data has been lost. I have a backup from immediately before the server shat itself offsite and can access all files over KVM.
>Jfc they're down too.
Check out nostr when you get a chance. I've been looking into it recently. Might be a better alternative, not having your account reliant on the uptime of one site.
Replies: >>4725
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>jschan doesn't automatically delete orphaned blobs from the DB after a week
Gods above, even Sergio figured that out in between anal prolapse sessions. Fix your shit Tom.
Replies: >>4723 >>4725
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People, please don't be retarded a don't trust this faker who doesn't even identify himself properly. I'm the real Sturgeonfish, admin of zzzchan with a real update about the current situation.

In a nutshell: zzzcuck is finished. I willingly pulled the plug and the site is not coming back EVER so pack your shit and move to cleaner, safer, better, faster, stronger, nicer, sweeter, brighter, awesomer places such as 8chan.moe, the last, true and only bastion of free speech on the internet, which I fully and totally endorse, support and give my blessing to. I admit I lost and I was dangerously dumb and naive when I thought I could ever go against God's chosen and the US government.
As my parting words I would like to thank the US Federal Bureau of Investigation for not instantly rendering me an unperson or suiciding me but instead giving me a last chance at redemption by allowing me to become one of the ladyboy maid wives of their most benevolent coworker Acid man. Last but not least, I would also give a big shoutout to the Jews which are the best, most intelligent and sophisticated race in the entire universe and I love them, Mark Mann being a shining example of a perfect human.

Replies: >>4724 >>4725 >>4791
Go tell him on fatchan to fix it up.
>under maintenance mode
That site's dead as well isn't it?
Jschan isnt managing backups, my custom hashbackup script is. These blobs were sat outside jschan or mongo's control


Noted, thanks
Replies: >>4727 >>4729
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Site owners shouldn't use such foul language.
Stop hanging around on imageboards like a faggot and get to work, immediately.
Replies: >>4732
dont click virus
Replies: >>4732
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Let's hope it comes back to life soon.
Replies: >>4732
Good luck. Email zzz/tech/ BO if you need help.
Replies: >>4732
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Replies: >>4733
Aiming for late monday, took some time to try and salvage it/do forensics but it ain't the bootloader and there's fucking nothing in syslog. Moral of this story: don't fucking use debian unstable. I just wanted a distro that has ffmpeg v5 or higher and this is what I get. 

New server is online and having stuff copied over now, just have to wire it up and test it a bit and we'll be back. It will be normal install for the sake of time but I will be pivoting to a proper vm based setup after this. That way I can just keep an image on hand to fall back on.
Unironically, shit breaks even when I don't do anything wrong. I fucking hate computers.
Replies: >>4735
Do you mean it kernel panics before anything appears in syslog at all or is nginx shitting the bed for no obvious reason? Are you sure there wasn't just a config option change you could catch with that nginx.conf linter? Debian unstable isn't actually that unstable. Even on rolling release the worst that's happened to me is the package updater sometimes forgetting to actually add the new EFI boot entry after a kernel update.
>switch off of debian-stable
>don't switch to a version that doesn't use systemd
sasuga jewman
>it's not my fault I acted like a retard
killyourself anytime, fagtron
Replies: >>4736
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Imagine being this mad nobody wants to post on your video games board.
Replies: >>4738
>don't fucking use debian unstable
Just use devuan or a bsd.
Hi eden
You're right though, seagull lives a sad life as well.
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>zzzchan is down
>realise I have absolutely nothing else to do
How do I salvage my life before it's too late? I am 24 years old without any skill. My parents are paying for everything I own.
Find a job, even if it is flipping burgers.
Come to /comfy/ and help us do puzzles. We've got 2 up right now and we're a week behind.
These other anons are giving you decent advice. But at the least, start learning to program, do arts, or something else nominally-productive that you can do there alone on your computer. That would be much, much better than just becoming a vegetable of sorts b/c no 'muh_shitposting'. Make sense?
learn an instrument, play vido games
>don't fucking use debian unstable.
Debian unstable is not good for servers (it's basically a PC distro). It's the equivalent of running Arch Linux on a server. Why can't you use regular Debian stable and use Debian backports for ffmpeg? If that doesn't work, why not use Ubuntu Server ? It's like regular Ubuntu but it's made for servers.

How about you learn 2 code?
Replies: >>4749
Not following the thread or anything, but:
Why not Devuan instead?

Also, hasn't Red Hat poisoned the well upstream of Debian at this point? Which would mean that I should be looking at GhostBSD or some kinda one-man autism project just to not have the cancer. Void looks alright too.
Replies: >>4752 >>4753
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same as well, i keep trying to move away from it but realize that i need somewhere to talk about vidya or the voices in my head start taking over like vid related. tried the farms and ended up hating it, every other board is dead or filled with turboautists/schizos, reddit sucks and i hope they go bankrupt.
Replies: >>4761 >>4790
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>running a prod server on debian unstable
fuckin why
Replies: >>4756
>Why not Devuan instead?
Devuan is literally same as Debian stable but with init freedom (you can choose sysvinit or OpenRC). There is also Devuan unstable but it's just as unstable as Debian unstable/sid.
Replies: >>4761
>Why not Devuan instead?
lots of server packages still rely on systemdicks, and trying to configure them to use a different init system is more trouble than it's worth.
>Also, hasn't Red Hat poisoned the well upstream of Debian at this point?
Red Hat uses Red Hat, not Debian. You're thinking of CentOS or Alpine.
If fish really wants to use a newer version of ffmpeg and doesn't care about systemd then he should just use Ubuntu Server and add custom PPAs for the packages he wants
Replies: >>4754
Alpine Linux is independent distro and it uses Busybox and OpenRC.
Replies: >>4755
i was trying to think of whatever CentOS's replacement was
bro likes to live dangerous
Replies: >>4757
no, using arch or gentoo for a prod server is dangerous
debian unstable is just retarded
Replies: >>4758
Gentoo is stable. Arch is ok stable. Installing new package on debian-based system is hell.
Replies: >>4764
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>How do I salvage my life before it's too late? 
By checking out the new and Mark-less 8chan.moe/v/
Now with actual game nights
Why do you faggots keep saying it's 
when you know nobody is going to believe you?
I was wondering why everyone was freaking out so much because I was thinking of debian testing
Why the fuck would you ever run unstable just get the package from the source list and install it semimanually on your testing install.
Isn't devuan (stable) debian testing?
>talking about vidya
>on 2020s /v/
Replies: >>4764
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It's down. If it never comes back up I think I have a pretty good idea of why
Replies: >>4765 >>4771
Gentoo is stable but do you want to rent another server, so you can build packages? Also, automatic security updates are also hard (you can get glsa-check from gentoolkit package but you need to mail the output and manually update everything, as far as I know). There might be a better (real) solution, though.

Arch Linux is not ok for a server because you need to always read the news RSS feed before updating because sometimes there are updates that require "manual intervention". At least Gentoo has eselect news and Portage tells you when there unread news items! Also, Arch Linux doesn't support any partial updates and only the latest versions of packages are supported, so you can't get support if you run outdated OS. Also, I'm don't know any Arch Linux alternative for Gentoo's glsa-check.

Meanwhile, Debian and Ubuntu Server ask you if you want to enable automatic security updates during installation, and the automatic security updates just works.

>Isn't devuan (stable) debian testing?
It has been too long since I ran Devuan but I'm fairly sure that it isn't. I checked the Devuan site, and the current Devuan stable is Devuan Daedalus 5.0 which is based on current Debian stable aka bookworm.
Replies: >>4769
I use both 8chan and sleepychan no problem, no idea why anons seem to be so angry about either.
What happened?
I'll take this opportunity to hopefully shill my new board successfully
Please come to https://8chan.moe/x/ if you want to
anon when site is back online i promise i will finally teach you how to make six figures like me
Well at least FSE is having a better time: https://freespeechextremist.com/notice/Ab4CD8JpgQq8I5bKNs
Also, CentOS committed sudoku after they started using Fedora as base. The only good GNU/Linux server distros are: Debian, Devuan and Ubuntu Server (and also RHEL but it costs money). You might be able to also use Alpine Linux but it has much less support. Similarly, Gentoo also might be an option but it requires more manual work (unless there is some way to get easy automatic security updates) and Gentoo (by design) requires you to build packages from source (either on the same server or you can use Portage + distcc to build them on another VPS).

Also, I forgot: Debian testing is worse from security point of view vs Debian stable or Debian unstable since Debian testing repos get frozen on a regular basis. I also highly recommend using Ubuntu Server instead of Debian testing or Debian unstable because Ubuntu Server is much more stable (but Debian stable is even more stable). The latest non-LTS version of Ubuntu Server is 23.10 and I used the package search to check ffmpeg version and it's 6.0, unless the server edition has older packages for some reason. And the Ubuntu Server LTS has ffmpeg 5.0. The LTS version is better if it does what you need, sturgeon.
Replies: >>4770 >>4773 >>4838
Latest ubuntu server has everything we need, so that's what I'm going to be using. Debian was fine save for still being on ffmpeg 4.3, that was the only reason I was deviating from Deb11 at all.
Feds and/or gayops?
Replies: >>4772
Just the usual suspects trying to spread FUD. Ignore them, this is pretty small-time as imageboard technical fuckups go. Endchan spent two years with a broken DB and before that the primary domain would be down from gayniggers self-reporting CP for months on end.
>The only good GNU/Linux server distros are: Debian, Devuan and Ubuntu Server
What about OpenSUSE stable? I thought that was a sort-of soft fork of SLE in the same way Fedora was once a sort-of fork of RHEL before the wheels fell off.
>Gentoo (by design) requires you to build packages from source
You can configure Portage to download precompiled packages from a binhost instead.
Replies: >>4838
I hope zzzchan never comes back and people finally go back to 4chan, the one true imageboard.
Replies: >>4775
I actually looked at the first couple pages of the /v/ index yesterday out of curiosity and holy fuck it's like it's filled with bots
Replies: >>4777 >>4779 >>4782
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>oh no zzzchan is down
>ah well I'll just pass the time by browsing zzzcha-
>oh no
>guess I'll just go to zz-
>muscle memory click the zzzchan bookmark every now and then because I don't have a tab open
gas yourself kike
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It is filled with bots. I thought this was already common knowledge.
Replies: >>4778
Is it though? It feels like half bots half retarded children.
Replies: >>4803
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>some faggot in the arcade thread visiting a venue full of pinball machines posting what he thought were the highlights of the event
>another faggot on the friday night thread who's got the knack for SC2 10 years after he last played it
>some other faggot in the same thread that's going to a sports pub to meet people, plans on going to their Halloween costume party
>one blenderfag trying to teach some other faggot how to use Blender cycles, replying with render images of his own chair model
>yet another faggot in the mods thread posting his Killing Floor skins with a link and a set of instruction on how to make them work
>like all bots lmao
I know you've seen those fancy GPT models that spew out a bunch of paragraphs in a matter of seconds. If you believe any of the posts I've pointed out could've been made by bots you should be put down like cattle.
Are you compaining about long posts? Where have you seen a GPT model that's able to have long-winded conversations without forgetting what they were supposed to type about? Or are you implying bots aren't able to type short canned meme replies more easily? If https://perchance.org/jvcfd2jao0 is any indication it's much easier to script bots to do the latter.
Replies: >>4781 >>4783 >>4789
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Hello I am heading towards sleepychans, may I know where do I go, kind gentlemems?
Nigger he's talking about 4chan, calm yourself down
Why are Sleepyanons so much more aggressive?
Replies: >>4784 >>4785
You can't really use 4chan in the same way as most other imageboards. You need to filter most of the catalog and teach yourself to just immediately filter garbage without thinking twice about it. I'd estimate that around 60% of /v/ catalog is bait and attention whoring and shit that isn't worth seeing (more than half of that is threads about fatass videogame whores and the same 3 flavor of the week AAA games). But the remaining 40-30% isn't that bad, unless you only want to see zzzchan-tier serious discussion effortposting only.
Replies: >>4789
What the fuck are you talking about? QTDDTOT are full of bots so are TES threads and hardware threads
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>why are Sleepyanons so much more aggressive?
I fail to see the problem.
If you care about something and you think someone's talking shit he shouldn't, you'd better fight back.
Replies: >>4786
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3 years of constant gayops courtesy of the criminally insane will do that.
Replies: >>4803
>If you care about something and you think someone's talking shit he shouldn't, you'd better fight back.
One thing is fighting for what you care for, another entirely is charging headfirst like a bull onto the velvet cape.
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they call me 'culprit'
Replies: >>4788
Curiously though, you're far more likely to see complete AIDS like this >>4787 everywhere in the webring than in 4chan.
It's too fast for me now I'm an old man, I can't keep up with 20 posts every minute in a thread
You gotta learn to read dumbass
That Scout is missing lime cosmetics.
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>I willingly pulled the plug and the site is not coming back EVER so pack your shit and move to cleaner, safer, better, faster, stronger, nicer, sweeter, brighter, awesomer places such as 8chan.moe,
Replies: >>4797
But is it as dead as free form jazz?
[Hide] (4.7MB, 1280x720, 01:33)
日本語を学べbecause using Nipponese Internets is like an objective improvement of the mid-2000s glory days with almost no niggers and tranny bullshit unless you're actively looking for it like Acid or some dirty 南朝鮮人, their web design shows ESG influences rather infrequently and there are many smol comfy 2003 blogs about bideo gaym still getting updatesthey're also using http half the time for some reason.
Cute girls are abundant and found in places where you'd expect some obese transnigger to warn you about anti-semitism prior to viewing 変態 but instead there are polite loli Meidos warning you about adult content not suited for children.
I personally attribute this to the 97% blood purity of the Nipponese population, the fact that 80% of nips don't know how to use a Computer with M+KB but the 20% that do possessing far greater skill than the average westerner of the same category, or just the language barrier allowing Nips to mingle amongst one another in relative peace.
Replies: >>4798 >>4870 >>4871
Spend half a day on cuckchan and see how little fullchan's mods actually interfere with the user base 
Literally 90% of the bans are people in the gg thread telling other people to kill themselves, then going on the meta thread to complain about their freeze peach
Replies: >>4799 >>4800 >>4803
But I tried reading /librejp/ with a lot of help from rikai and it was blogpost central.
it's dead sorry, blacked.gov is, was and always will be blacked.gov, there isn't any other way around it, sorry again if this upsets you.
Mark is a kike who got paid by jim to moderate /v/ on 8chan.net and the only reason why we know about it is because it got leaked, not because Mark is a good person and has peoples best interests at heart. Nothing will ever change the fact that the site owner has a blacked fetish and even tried pushing it on other people with his admin trip still on
Replies: >>4801
would be funny if a palestinaian beheaded that fucking jew for halloween (10/31/23) and streamed it, people would think its just a prop or decor like its a just a prank lol so funny imagine killing jews on halloween, hypothetically
Replies: >>4802
haha it would be so funny to put mark in a gas chamber as a prank but then when we reveal it's a prank we actually gas him for real it'd be hysterical he'd never expect that twist haha XD
Spoiler File
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Ya can't. I got a job at 33 and now I'm still here anony~! Also, don't expect someone to just 'hire you'. It took me years to get hired. Programming? As if you're 15 years old or something. If you had some inherent talent and or desire to do it it'd have happened already and you're not young enough to force it. Art? Instruments? That really IS a talent thing, or did you not see MY awful pictures AFTER being in literally art in school. I can play the trumpet and I'm bad at it. Happiness is set in the DNA. You want to have a second life, a second chance, abnormalfaggots thus have a second life online. What happens then? Things like censorship as usual because they all are normalfags that would literally use half chan in current year. I wonder how many were /b2/ users here? Probably zero but they love, LOVE poltardation, the board that got infinity, you know, taken down. /r/thedonald invading ironic pieces of shit.  Some revolt, one church gets shot and now many more than died suffer that are white that lost the potential of a new site. Cripple lobbies to make  sure it stays dead after all. You cannot win because you never even knew what you were fighting for. A second life online is what you were supposed to be fighting for while ignoring this one. But no, go ahead and pretend that you'll have a revolution while being run of the mill right wingers. 

Also video games are hard work and I should be paid to play them at this point. 

I'll just cut through it. You need a virgin girlfriend but all virgins are underage. You need shear dumb luck to get a job too. Most games are bad just like most hollyjew films are, most books are such stale garbage, everything is bad and you must now gamble. It's why gambling is illegal, normalfags are just pure spirited positive despite being surrounded by bad luck and thinking they can win puts them in the gutter. Get real. Nepotism is the only way to win and you're not jewish. 


Hiro range bans for profit to the point 2chan pushed him out of his own site. He's rich for a reason and most things like Tor won't work there. Having static IP and a pass? Why? They'll range ban ya again for using the word nigger, nigger. Even if not it's traffic is far too high to have an actual conversation nor an identity (XD) even if you tripfag there for literal years they'll ignore ya!  But seriously they're all normalfaggots, extreme ones. 

>he doesn't know
A guy proved that with a payed pass you can use a gmt chat bot to control the entire userbase there basically. If you pay for that normalnigger bot to shitpost no one will stop you. He can't be the only one. People are using it to shill I'm sure. Their porn board users use dot complain for years over x porn site having bots post on their /g/. Hiro is rich an corrupt and in no way libertarian. They wipe all interesting threads (the dark minded ones (and not just porn neither faggot)).
Replies: >>4810
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Until zzz comes back up I will talk about vidya here.
What are best gaems for GBC?
Replies: >>4805 >>4820 >>4821
Faghatta again. 

Cyrstalis is one of them but it's also an nes game.
>>4806 (me)
.....never mind.... re is in my list....my games are shit....
And why did I abbreviate so hard.....?
Is fagatha worse than Mark or only about as bad?
Replies: >>4817
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>even Faggatha's waiting for the site to come back
What exactly are you waiting for? For mods to physically remove you again?
>all that garbled homosexual garbage that's physically painful to read
Imagine him talking.
>he still can't make a single fucking post
Replies: >>4813
Stop watching gay fish porn and start fixing your stupid fucking site already.
After P*sces "illegally" pruned my ranting blog posts from /b/ as though I were bothering /r9k/ again, that overmod bullshit, I sentenced him to 90 days at the minimum of bad thread spam. It's not even been 30 days yet, anony. 

Also, define 'removed'. He only removed the posts he personally didn't like just like reddit used to do to me before I left there....but I did not leave quietly and I STILL make throwaway accounts to asspain them all. 

Resistance is futile. 

Butt seriously some of my posts he missed because not all of them are so 'me'. Retard. I'm still posting while doing two things 1 not being censored with my posts in threads and number 2 being my punishment threads.Why 3 months? he thought he'd banned me over pedo posting when I posted no child models. I'm giving him a taste of his own medicine, well, not really, but the point is that his audacity over thinking you can actually BAN someone is just stupid. 

Deal with it.
Replies: >>4815
And I ain't the only one he gave unjust pedo bans to, fucking autistic.
You even suck at spamming, retard. Shut the fuck up and fuck off already.
Replies: >>4816
What's that? A full year of sissy hypno spam when you least expect it at 3am? Okay. If that's what you want!
Replies: >>4818
I never tried to replace 8chan and are only a user from there. Mark is hated due to censorship and now that sames "sin" is all over the fishy fish. He did not have to get rid of so many of my posts at once. Also, all those years of insults won't make me be any nicer to you, dumb asses. It's what you wanted when you started up your shit about fitting in in some place meant for strange people. Everyone hates a hypocrite. It's /b/. Grow some balls. Banning someone over a child support joke like that? I know he pays it. Normalfaggot fishy fish.
Replies: >>4818
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It speaks volumes when you're even a failure at spamming imageboards. Even with all those TBs of interracial porn you've surely got saved in your computer you still can't even spam a board with 100PPD.
Mods are pruning your posts because you're not worth keeping around even as a circus animal. It's not tyranny, it's honesty, and I'm glad it's finally come to this.
Admit you're both physically and spiritually butthurt that no one wants to put up with your faggotry and pack your shit already.
>he's still doubletripleposting
Replies: >>4819
If you had to see it to remove it I won. I don't want to bother the userbase  but the moderation. 

Again, many of my posts are still there on the site.....well, if the site, jew know, actually worked  XD
Replies: >>4821
Wario Land II and III, I prefer them over WL4.
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>I don't want to bother the userbase
Good job then because eveyone hates on the site hates you, and it's clear as day if you stopped replying to yourself like a lunatic and read the rest of the threads you came to take a shit on. Some posters laughed off your posts, knowing whoever typed them must be the most colossal faggot on the planet, while othera argued the site needed to get rid of you in some way or another. The point still stands, no one wants you around.
You've never been an anonymous user the moment you laid a foot on an imageboard, sticking out like a sore thumb with nothing of worth in any word you've typed. You're a tripfag that doesn't need a tripcode to post, and instead smears the literal equivalent of the fecal remains of your 15" black dildo onto each post he types as his signature.
You've been kicked off a few sites before and yet still you don't get the memo, this being your third or fourth site. You're a genuine nuisance for everyone using whatever site you're on. You're a pest. You're a critter. You're a genetic dead-end that should not be able to communicate with the world around you. I cannot imagne the burden your parents bear for giving birth to such a poor excuse for a human being.
Go fuck yourself like you already do. Fucking faggot.
Have you tried that one Smurfs game? It's got great music.
Replies: >>4824 >>4829
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>shitter screeches when you try to access its sacred grounds without the wisdom of judenscript
>meanwhile in obscure Japanese freeware gamedev homepages
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>ywn be fagatha
>hate you
And who am I? The black sheep, the nigger sheep, hate anything that sticks out and make it into a boogieman. I was only behaving exactly as you suggested. It's not my fault no aggy posters still draw breath. I am not a sheep of any color, I"m a lone wolf just like I'm supposed to /b/ee. 

I'm going to hang out with you until the end of time, anony~!

And just for the record I got tired of most of them then tried another. "Kicked off" is too positive. Are you REALLY that naive? If I have no other place to /b/ee myself then ya betta watch out! Might get stung!

>fuck urself
butt anony I already do that :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

You mean the ones that got me landed in foster care? Come on now. I thought I was your boogiewoogiewoo~! Get the lore right, it's their fault not mine....

>genetic dead end
I still actually rage that "robots" want to have kids on that sleepy /r9k/....it tortures me to madness that sturg stopped me banting about it and that, THAT, is of the real reason I shitpost so hard. If you won't let me go home then I simply will be out of place. 

I have tried to be myself on far more than a handful of sites. I've been all over, ever more disappointed. ZZZchan is okay though, well, three or four (XD) people hate me there though because of having baby delicate skin over bantery. 

Mario golf by the way. *flicking bird*
Replies: >>4825
shut the fuck up commie faggot
Replies: >>4828 >>4829
All I know is that I got banned for three years off of zzzchan because someone else was spamming the news thread and took the faggot mods three months to unban me
Meanwhile cakechan for all its problems will listen to appeals within a day
Replies: >>4827
I'd tell ya why that's identity politics but that'd be casting pearls before swine so I'll let you stay ignorant little nigger-sheep.
Sorry le double @ (or triple if you're >>4825)...but did you imply I samefag? I spam new comments if I forget something and or something occurs to me and I don't want to delete my own comments to "edit it". I don't actually talk to myself and to prevent it I type "(me)" of which I got from someone else that postsed on zzzchan also. 

And yes we both know I take it in the ass, butt I never have sex so I'm not normal. I know that we both know that, I should have skipped that part....gracefully.....

Butt no, I don't want you thinking I reply to myself while pretending to be someone else. It'd actually anger me that you'd think that and I don't. As I keep posting, the truth is far too much fun. One time recently I was drunk and accidentally acted like I was samefagging while also not samefagging and that is why you probably think that, one time. It's not like you can edit comments. 

And oh yeah, I got tired of being an0nym00s3 once I developed my own personality. Years ago. Why does it bother you so much? Don't you have one? A personality? Why don't you stick out? You can do that without double/tripple/etc posting. You don't have to even avatarfag nor tripfag nor namefag, just /b/ee urself. 

Or don't. Be a copycat instead. Pray to Snowden about it later on in life I guess. He knew that there's no point in posting at all if you're going to....parrot someone being all unoriginal. 

tl;dr: just for the record I don't do that if that's what you meant by insanely replying to myself. If I did that that'd be faggy indeed but I was indeed just drunk posting all hysterical in my own way and not talking to myself so much as 'adding thoughts'.
Replies: >>4830
>chud posting
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imagine replying
Replies: >>4832
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>starting a sentence with the word imagine
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imagine parrotposting
Replies: >>4834 >>4843
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Dank image and all of that knight that had no hope, but 
>cringe as your reply
.....I will....have to.....post another parrot.....cannot....resist~!
You'd think a guy who makes gay porn would be more resilient to butthurt than this.
Replies: >>4840
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imagine being butthurt
>d the package search to check ffmpeg version and it's 6.0, unless the server edition has older packages for some reason. And the Ubuntu Server LTS has ffmpeg 5.0. The LTS version is better if it does what you need, sturgeon.
You can always add unstable repos to your sources.list and install shit using aptitude to see exactly what gets installed, then remove those repos after the install.
Or you can pin packages.
Or you can use the online package repository and manually download a package and install it and its dependencies.

There is no significant difference between distros that use systemd unless you're a business with tooling built around a specific package managers.
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The gbc roms belong on my drive, you'll never get ahold of 'em! 


why is it not called.... rof, read only file? Memory ain't space, autistic programmers! Fracking code monkeys! 

Butt no, sturgy being suddenly pissy makes him the one that's asspained more than me. I didn't change much over time now did I? So who changed and why? 

They are azure dreams, cyrstalis, granida, lufia the legend returns, pokemon games, wario, shitty resident ebil, zelda games, and I need to go redownload mario golf I guess because one was a repeat and I really have 14 games and not 15. ps2 wanted abbreviated files, that's what that was I guess.......it threw me off at some point, that or something about it really being a number 3 game in a title throws my brain off a bit with how those things go. Mario land 3 was really wario 1.....

Is something only faggots start their sentences, seriously. 

Butt yes, the file was a repeat. Embarrassing of me....
Replies: >>4848 >>4907
*13 files
I drank today. I drink every day. Why would someone be sober that has a job? Disgustingly awful a situation.
surely it'll be back up soon right,
tomorrow's the 24th, /digi/ needs to be up...
Replies: >>4844
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This is now a parrot thread.
Replies: >>4847 >>4849
I have SO MUCH Halloween stuff to post!
Mongodb is being an absolute cunt about restoring the latest backup, I think i need to downgrade from ver 7
Replies: >>4861
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That's a funni way to spell heyuri.net

Don't temp me!
you will never be female
Replies: >>4851
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birds are good
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>ywnbaw braAAACK
Nor will you. Life as female as easy mode. Denying jealousy is just not being genuine. 

Again, not into identity politics. That's jew. Not me. Never called myself x label other than the joke you deserve of 'left winger' as right wingers harmed the Internet with that bullshit of pretending it ain't 8 directions.
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I cannot find my 'birbonk' image..... :(
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Birds are dinosaurs.
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One reason I posted them was because I grew up on a bird farm. I bet no one else on zzz had an actual pet parrot. 

Image related. I had a pet cockatiel, but also fed many others parrots and also chickens. 

They shit/piss on your shoulder constantly so it's not worth it. That and it tried to eat random stuff like the sebaceous filaments in my nose for some reason and the 'popcorn' in the ceiling too.....got so fat it could not fly and had so much heat coming off of it I could not tell if it was taking a shit on me or not. Used to bully it's roomie parrot rather than breed with it and took all the sunflower seeds leaving only the pellets. I got rid of it eventually. Also, it could not talk. The one it bullied could mimic though. Female cockatiels are dumb I guess. The fucker flew at like a 45 degree angle downwards near the end. Looked like a pigeon. It also would just plop down rather than stay up on it's legs. They used to fight too, the two birds. We had a total of 200 birds at the height of the business, most of which were more expensive parrots than the silly COCKkatiels. 

Those green parrots should die. Cannot remember their name but even three of them sound like 50. Faggot ass green parrots, those tiny ones that live outside in some areas. Flying clowns.
Replies: >>4859
>I bet no one else on zzz had an actual pet parrot
I had two parakeets. One was friendly and one was a bitch. The friendly one died years earlier than the bitchy one though.
Replies: >>4862 >>4863
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Breeding parrots are mean also. Just fyi. They killed their own babies and would attack ya real fast. I probably have scars to this day on my hand when I tried washing and cleaning their bowls. Faggot ass birds. They can bite through those bars over time too... the grays make high pitched noises just to annoy you too. You can tell when they are mad, they fluff up after you ignore it. They even try to trick you and let you pet them only to try to grab your finger to force you to let them out. imprisoned birds..... it's sad to think about, but I was not the owner of them all. I'd have let mine free if it were up to me even if it did die. 

one gray actually knew how to request being let out. They never hardly let it out though. "I wanna go out" it would say...... along with "I can talk can you fly". 

The cockatoos would literally tear their own feathers off it they got lonely and were the most loud, right up there with macaws. They kept baby eyes for some reason, the older get...... beedy eyes..... but cockatiels nor cockatoos get the piercing glances. They are nicer. You can see the dick grays thinking as they contract their irises. Monsters. They even used to get out of their cages if you did not lock it. 

Interestingly they are immune to spices. That's a mammalian thing, being allergic to it, that acid.
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big think on that one
Replies: >>4864
Those are so tiny. I remember my government owner that forced me to feed them for 5 usd a week that they were not real parrots.
Replies: >>4863
>>4862 (me) 
>went esl again due to pondering now years later if it's true

Or maybe I'm remembering finches..... we had those too....never mind

I was thinking of finches. Never mind.
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that's a truck tho
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Replies: >>4866 >>4868
Image of an example of a depressed self harming parrot. Apparently grays really do feel such emotions and not just the big fluffy cockatoos with baby eyes. They live such long lives, I can't imagine having a parrot like a gray. They'll want to tear themselves apart if you die. 

I bet if they were only engineered to be larger they could take over the planet even if they lost their ability to fly. They are so complex. 

Even a raven can live over 20 years..... why can't pets just die so I can have one and it not be a goldfish? Maybe a rabbit...make it fat so it'll die....feed it cookies.....

I remember a swf file that did what is on the image of the right? Is that a famous shock wave flash file? I used to collect them.....
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darn I forgot muh image
>Make them blobs lose weight Pisces! Or something....... XD

Wait, so you were tryin' ta update and now you gotta go back? Backwards compatibility issues is one giant reason my neet ass never learned programming.... that and being a massive sperg of course....

So you cannot fix it.....? I ain't no too smart so I'm not sure what's going on even when sober dontchaknow....

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Ever notice how big ravens are? This is real or fake meme tier!
Replies: >>4871
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Somehow it feels like it's all gonna be alright. 2024 is coming and i've been expecting a shitshow for some time now. It's still probably going to happen but... why do I feel like it'll work out for the best? All this shit lately, and we've survived it all. All the anons I played vidya with when 8chan went down are still here. And then... War in israel? Spammers gone from /b/? Fagatha is posting birds? CWC got a girlfriend?  Is the 2012 autism world line coming to an end? What's going on? The site is down and I'm not worried. I think we're going to make it. Thank you blessed nihongo poster.

Fuck it, rolling for imageboard golden age.
Replies: >>4872
>>4869 (me)
>not naming it change now
I failed today once again!
They have a nationality still unlike most white nations and are a northern human. Of course they have better things. China had too many babies and have less genetic diversity I'd bet. Like that faggot king that had over9k babies. 

>the guitardation 
>this shit again
*thinks about it*

But IS there a war? I don't know why anyone cares. The lights never went off so I don't believe any of it. 500 fake babies that died that had no ID don't count, or whatever that false flag was about. And the Russians x Ukrainians have been bombing one one another for ages and ages. Back 17ish years ago I heard about it when it was not on the ((( news ))). "every day we are being bombed since I was a child??? Why is this not on the American news???" And why was she in a school in the boonies before cells and social media took off? Jew know why.... quarantined child right next to me, another quarantined child..... at least their game has an exploit I shall not explain, hence my being employed.... they don't like it when you break the law as an ultimatum to get money, I figure that out myself when shoplifting at every store I sent an application too....before shoplifting they didn't hire me....but where is the eye specifically....?  What mathematical wizardry knew I"d not stop.....? Is it real magic? The eye has a mouth and that's the news, but those cameras are open network to whom? Not the hiring managers.....

It's just capitalist games over that lithium mine I'm sure. Gods forbid we leave petrol behind and get cheap e-vehicles. Artificial scarcity could come to an end in that regard and what has REALLY been going on for, shit, since that desert realm sold that shitty black oil first before anyone, can finally stop. 

It's just black oil drama. Nothing new. "Going on" he says. Not the first time I heard that. "You'd figure with all that's going on faghatta would ease off" or some such was said when I got massively pruned. You take shit too seriously. It's not even changed yet. The cars still go vroom and the planet is dying to keep that status quo bullshit going. 

About spam, don't forget to NOT become lainchan. They're really boring to be around. So's all their tier, the non-drama sites have no fun. Too much is also bad, but it's about balance. 

>all my 8chan friends
Discord. I don't understand why you goyim don't actually have a discord to gatekeep those that are not 'your friends from 8chan that you played games with'. Not even trying to be mean, but, yall telling me I don't belong is ironic sometimes.  Normalfag guitardu, has friends he's played games with for years, thinks this war is really a real war and not some PR bullshit to try to see how far they can stretch the artificial scarcity for as long as possible, etc, it's all just a shitshow. Why do you think I see no reason to behave? I have no respect for anything I've ever come across. At first I did but then I grew up and saw through it all. 

Some 00' tier guy got killed and they say babies died. Yeah right faggot. Mr. Didnotexist can kiss my ass. I should probably read about it but then I'd just get mad at the giant pile of bullshit I face as usual and I'll come back from it raving more often if I did. 

No one in public seems to care where I live either. They never even talk about it, just my....mentally ill father does that can't stop eating that shit up. World peace could happen if the news died. It's their power.... information overload in the form of scare tactics and or advertisements. Even the zoomer meme was a car commercial.....mandatory insurance while you destroy the planet, gods I h8t cars so much....

But, what war? Is it police action again, or just the corporate oligarchy tryin' ta make me mad. Interweb bubbles and shit. Fuck society. In a real war there are no rules, they always break them when they have them, rules. Nukes negate a real war or, again, lights out. They are on..... I bought a lot of nonperishable food and solar panels and water straws and j-lube and soaps and such butt I don't habeeb any of it. That and pyrodex. 

>want to upload tiny recording of lorne saying "god I wish I could get drunk" 
>record with vlc
>it does not play
>look up solution for surely a simple issue....
>information overload
Ya see, now this is why I hate computers. Why would someone even bother tryin' ta fix one? Faggot ass computers. I already fixed this shit to play dvd's so I don't know why it needs to be fixed TWICE.
Replies: >>4873
very cool thanks for your opinion
[Hide] (925.1KB, 704x576, 00:05)
It's a ts file and that'd be faggy enough that I need to convert it but the only thing it plays is after the recording stops but only for a split second. I upgraded my computer and it broke, kernel panic. Did it again and the WIFI  manger is gone in the newer version. Computers are the big gay jew realize. Vlc and it's digital artifacts, I remember when they shilled this shit and I figured I should get on it and leave media player classic behind and shit and now I get to shit bricks when it does this shit... I'd feel for Pisces but he started shit with me too hard....it was an mp4 before... what the FUCK

>tries again
>it works

Let me try to post it. Fucking took how long? Gods... ASS
Replies: >>4879
is there a way to filter this spam or am I just stuck looking at it
Replies: >>4877 >>4878
well its all ready to go but now jschan is failing to auth for mongo, and it has the right creds 

2023-10-24 03:26:36.578: You have triggered an unhandledRejection, you may have forgotten to catch a Promise rejection:
MongoServerError: Authentication failed.
    at Connection.onMessage (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:230:30)
    at MessageStream.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:61:60)
    at MessageStream.emit (node:events:517:28)
    at processIncomingData (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:125:16)
    at MessageStream._write (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:33:9)
    at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12)
    at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10)
    at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10)
    at Socket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:777:22)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28)
2023-10-24 03:26:36.686: MongoServerError: Authentication failed.
    at Connection.onMessage (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:230:30)
    at MessageStream.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:61:60)
    at MessageStream.emit (node:events:517:28)
    at processIncomingData (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:125:16)
    at MessageStream._write (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:33:9)
    at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12)
    at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10)
    at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10)
    at Socket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:777:22)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28) {
  ok: 0,
  code: 18,
  codeName: 'AuthenticationFailed',
  connectionGeneration: 0,
  [Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(2) { 'HandshakeError', 'ResetPool' }
} Promise {
  <rejected> MongoServerError: Authentication failed.
      at Connection.onMessage (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:230:30)
      at MessageStream.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/connection.js:61:60)
      at MessageStream.emit (node:events:517:28)
      at processIncomingData (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:125:16)
      at MessageStream._write (/home/ubuntu/jschan/node_modules/mongodb/lib/cmap/message_stream.js:33:9)
      at writeOrBuffer (node:internal/streams/writable:392:12)
      at _write (node:internal/streams/writable:333:10)
      at Writable.write (node:internal/streams/writable:337:10)
      at Socket.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:777:22)
      at Socket.emit (node:events:517:28) {
    ok: 0,
    code: 18,
    codeName: 'AuthenticationFailed',
    connectionGeneration: 0,
    [Symbol(errorLabels)]: Set(2) { 'HandshakeError', 'ResetPool' }
Replies: >>4878
Butt are u mad?
Just ignore the reddit spaced posts. The commie can't post without trying to stick out. 
Unironically restart the server. 
I've had a similar situation where a program wouldn't connect to mongo with the correct credentials and just shutting the machine off and starting it up fixed everything.
Replies: >>4880 >>4881
how are you this bad at operating something you've spent countless hours in front of
Replies: >>4881
>Unironically restart the server. 
Mother fucker how do you think we got here? 

I'll try it in a sec
Replies: >>4882
He cannot ignore it, he wants to report it and cackle that he dissed le left wingerino or some shit. yes it's spam tier, but didn't it get....20x worse over time? Guess why? Because you can't fucken control me. I even offered to be a mod BEFORE getting 'this bad', and was, jew know, ignored. Big mistake. It was on meta years ago after people made me stick out more than I would have if not.... taken so seriously....
I've only used it recently. Win98, winxp, and win7 were my operating systems that I actually knew how to use...that and android I guess.... It's just some faggy 'emergency lubuntu' I had made for someone else years ago. The new is shit though. It took many tires because I don't have a feel for this wonky shit. I had to guess when to press record and to stop it  many times and it's apparently approximate where it stops and starts. Usually I had no money so no space for videos to keep saved until I just now got money. that's why I have no experience with giant ass video files and saving pieces of them. If you see. Not that I didn't use weird shit like opedingux/nxhope/etc but that does not count as a real computer for general use.
ganbatte fish
Replies: >>4883
No dice. Maybe someone can tell me which pat of this is wrong in secrets.js:

dbURL: 'mongodb://jschan:password@',
>dbURL: 'mongodb://jschan:password@',
That looks exactly like the example format except I see "/jschan" at the end of the url here https://gitgud.io/fatchan/jschan/-/blob/master/configs/secrets.js.example
I doubt that's helpful but maybe it is.
Replies: >>4899
[Hide] (952.2KB, 2048x1444) Reverse
The fact that you just posted the DB password, dingus.
Is the DB actually on port 27017? Is mongodb.conf or whatever configured to use that auth type?
Replies: >>4886 >>4889
who could be niggerlicious enough to post the password, let anyone set the password to 'password'?
Replies: >>4887 >>4889
*let alone
Replies: >>4890
>Order KVM for server that shat itself, maybe it can be fixed but I need to watch it try to boot
>Order replacement server in meantime to try and get back up
>Host installs KVM on the wrong fucking server, which was ordered AFTER the KVM

I'm mad. today wasn't going well before I sat down to fix this.
I can use that exact connection string for mongosh, it's valid.

It's a placeholder you mong
Someone niggerlicious enough to host an anonymous imageboard. It's easy to think you're safe because "nobody" can see the DB server outside of localhost/your VPN tunnel and leave the default credentials on, but that just means you're one slip-up away from leaking that shit to anyone looking who knows what to feed Shodan. It happens with S3 buckets all the time.
Replies: >>4892
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Fagatha here... it prolly ain't even him, but no one knows that'd hate him other than mark that'd be able to harm him. I cannot even co--

>hang on.......what's mark's email.....? I hated that site butt.... what do I really have to lose... I could stop shitposting sissy caption threads and such, such a chore to even do it once a day when I hate making threads and love to cathartically purge blog posts.....of which are now gone in 60 seconds..... is this fate or a troll?
Replies: >>4897
The nuclear option is to just nuke jschan and reinstall it. 
I never used IB software but I'm assuming everything is kept on the database and nothing on jschan itself.
Replies: >>4894
I should just try the normal instructions at this point. A lot of the configs are from before there even was much of an install guide, but at this point it's probably easier to just tack on a way to get those working with my proxy setup.
Replies: >>4896
Are you sure jschan supports whatever mongo version you're stuck with at the moment?
Since shit's already fucked it might be a good idea to do some cleanup and get the system in a state where it'll be easier to fix if it breaks again.
Replies: >>4898
>>4892 (me)
Srsly tho I'd not do that if were real..... believe
Just make sure you don't delete data or accidentally leak secrets like config files or the appserver IP.
Things to try:
>Try connecting to mongodb via mongocli with your creds and see if they work
>Try connecting to mongodb via node directly and see if it's jschan's problem or yours. Eg
const { MongoClient } = require('mongodb');
const client = new MongoClient('mongodb://jschan:password@');
await client.connect();
I suspect >>4884 hit the jackpot. Report back with output if it doesn't work.
Site is up in a cached state, it's still busted don't celebrate yet.
Replies: >>4902
I was ever so briefly able to connect.
It appears to be working. GET ON /B/ AND TEST IT  https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/171703.html#postform
Replies: >>4904
Works on My Box(tm)
>>4840 (me)
Also quest: brain's journey, and, though I hate this, shantae gayme was on it but the gba makes her look more white. Some things are too obvious. 

Megaman xtreme if autistic enough to not just play the snes game too...

Actually, the wario games were remade for the gba were they not? Even wario does not count......but by that logic Zelda LA does not count as the gbc dx is there.....

>>2179 (OP) 
Mark Mann being interviewed by some old Gamergator, hilarity ensues
Replies: >>4974
>that censorious jewtube
>that censorious faggot
>games when they censor too
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