/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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I'm making this for the kemono thread on /animu/, which may be caught in the wreckage when/if PLW/animu/ goes down due to its change in management and totally absent BO.

>the fuck?
The /animu/ kemono thread is one of the larger and more stable threads on the board, and most of the material is generally cheesecake at most.  No porn here; I promise.  The thread regulars have discussed the potential option of making a new thread/board somewherein the webring, but the fact is that there isn't a kemono board anywhere, nor a board that is feasibly close enough in subject matter for us to relocate.

Thus, here we are.  This thread may not be used for a little while until PLW actually implodes (and believe me, I hope it doesn't), but I wanted to have it here just in case.
Replies: >>2601
>>2600 (OP) 
Why not go to >>>/meta/3 and ask for /kemono/ to be created with a known BO so that you have a bunker ready to activate, or so that you can migrate to it from the general in an orderly fashion? /kemono/ seems pretty comfy tbh.
Pretty sure that BO said they would be willing to host /kemono/.
Replies: >>2605
Yes we are, but someone has to first step up as the Board Owner, make an account, and then post in the /meta/ thread for board creation so we know who to give it to. They can manage their own board vols and so on from there.
>>>/kemono/ exists. Bunker status for now. Main thread still on /animu/.
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