/shelter/ - Community Shelter

Disaster Mustering Point

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What the fuck is happening at /monster/? Why the fuck hasn't Aux done anything? Is there a posdibility to have an unlisted bunker like /kemono/?
Replies: >>3028
I don't know, what is happening there?
Replies: >>3023
People hating on a shitty meme with a nigger and a mg with love and ended with "muh nigger acceptance" and people shitting out incel and people requesting nigger x mg art despite the fact /monster/ was more on the BLEACHED side of things
Replies: >>3024
So it's a raid and the BO is being a lazy faggot.
>Shelter thread because of shitposting on ONE thread
OP why are you such a pussy?
Replies: >>3033
>>3021 (OP) 
>Is there a posdibility to have an unlisted bunker like /kemono/?
We'd happily host a /monster/ bunker, but we think it wise that it be under the control of smug/monster/'s owner. If they make a request at >>>/meta/3 and verify that it's them by posting with their capcode on smug/monster/ then we can proceed.
Three and two shatted by niggercucks.
But if something bad would have happened it would be nice to have somewhere to go when smug becomes unavebaible. I don't know hard words.
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