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Though pic related could be just shitposting, let's be honest here, something like this will likely be happening soon anyway. I doubt the webring is in any immediate danger because of it's obscurity and decentralized nature, but the menace of mass cuckchan rapefugee influx is a very real threat if it does go down. Everyone is advised to hold down to their butts, duck and cover and be prepared.
Oh god could you imagine an unstoppable tsunami of cuckchanners flooding not just image boards but the internet. Would fuck shit up but the happenings would be hilarious
Replies: >>3048 >>3049
Hopefully they'll discover 8coom sooner than the webring. I'm sure Jim will be glad to accommodate them.
Luckily they will all come to shitty sites like 8kun before they ever find their way here.
Replies: >>3050
>implying there aren't any ((( elements ))) on the webring who will direct them here
>wew, more people for /       
Replies: >>3060
Anyone else been struggling to connect to zzzchan over the last few days? Both the onion and the clearnet address struggle to load more often than not.
>my friend that works at Cloudflare
Seems legit
Replies: >>3053
>missing the point
Replies: >>3054
then what is the point? just rumors?
Replies: >>3055
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Illiterate or just retarded?
>Though pic related could be just shitposting, let's be honest here, something like this will likely be happening soon anyway
>Everyone is advised to hold down to their butts, duck and cover and be prepared.
It's like 8chan taught you nothing.
Replies: >>3056 >>3057
>>Everyone is advised to hold down to their butts, duck and cover and be prepared.
so what have we been doing for the past year?
That tweet doesn't exist and a gun license law has nothing to do with the webring. I'll believe it when it happens, not when people are trying to start a rumor.

-8kun admin message:

-# Please prepare your visitors for a tor only experience — by administrator at 01/11/21 (Mon)

-We may be deplatformed and TOR will be the only way to access 8kun at that time.
Replies: >>3059
> TOR will be the only way to access 8kun at that time.
ngl this is babababbabased
This. /fascist/ has been shilling on 4cuck /pol/ for ages now. Admin should never have given /fascist/ or /k/ a board here as it killed the comfy nature of the site.

Replies: >>3061 >>3062 >>3063
>they don't even know about the webring
not sure if bad or funny
I'm not particularly invested in which boards are accepted or rejected here. However, I do find it strange that staff chose not to restore /r9k/ only to later accept /fascist/ and /k/. Now I'm laughing, remembering /comfy/'s happiness upon becoming the most active board once /r9k/ was deleted only to later get activity-cucked by a /fascist/ and /k/ double-team.
Replies: >>3063 >>3068
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If you actually were from the comfiness division of the based department, you wouldn't try to stir up shit and start a petty fight at every opportunity you get.
Replies: >>3064 >>3065 >>3096
Please don't insult me, downvote-sama. I love /comfy/'s shit and piss coloured theme.
>the comfiness division of the based department
The what?
/fascist/ was originally accepted as a bunker and remained one for several months after its creation. I don’t think they’re that uncomfy though, just a lot more active than some boards
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>ugh, where on the webring we should move to??
You're missing the point of the webring you retards. If there's at least one thing Robi was right about it's that people need to make new sites on the webring, not fucking cluster on any one site, making 8chan 2.0 only for it to be taken down again. There's no "safe server" or anything of this sort anymore, they will literally make internet stop hosting you. Look at those retards at Cakechan - it's not gonna exist within 6 months. Decentralization is the only hope for existence, especially now when Dup shat the bed hard.
Replies: >>3095 >>3103
I'd create yet another new site for whatever boards but it would take a few months and I probably can't afford it for now anyways.
Ah, the cuckchanner emerges from his stagnant hole. Ye best be going back to where ye came from, lad.

8moe got smashed flat by the Russian government and bounced back in a couple of days. tbh they're the ones I worry about the least right now.
Replies: >>3104
Fuck off mark
Replies: >>3105
This kind of gaslighting has been here (and everywhere but blacked.mark) for about a year now, and obviously still going on even at this stage. Subversive little shit.
cant access 4chan. cloudflare is blocking. anyone else?
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Is this the reason why 4cucks have to verify their emails on /pol/ now?

8coom still exists and is still heap of useless junk.
Replies: >>11292 >>11802
I'll admit I used to post on some smallish hobby boards on 4cucks. And now I don't anymore, the email requirement has spread to every board I've used even /x/ now, not just /pol/
Truly the dark ages are upon us.
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I thought it was because the feds implemented it to control discourse during the elections.
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