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I'm afraid christ crashed endchan so I'll post toast

I don't feel too good about looking like the ONWO but these vaccine passports could be good, if and only if the policy was for all the smart countries to sand vaccine passports from all the countries citizens from countries that demand vaccine passports.

If we could separate cool danger world from hot police state world then this world cold war wouldn't be good for nothing.
Yes, East/West Berlin passports are good thing.
Welcome to Soviet Union comrade, enjoy your stay.
certificate of vaccination = certificate of retardation
you have failed the citizenship  test, you are evidently a danger to yourself and others around you
your right to vote, among other rights,  shall been rescinded as you are demonstrably without a sound state of mind, you and your genetic lineage shall be held as wards of the state, prohibited from making your own choices, your opinions, thoughts and desires are to be disregarded as the mumbling of an insane person

the future is near
thank god this injection leaves a permanent paper and genetic record, not one of you retards will worm your way out of due judgment
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