/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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Welcome to the café. This thread is for general discussion.
Overall there should only ever be two café threads on the board, a locked old one for archival purposes, and one live thread. Once a café thread reaches 2000 replies it shall be locked and a new one created in it's place with this pasta.
Replies: >>3430 >>3520 >>3729
>>3429 (OP) 
I say we stick to the current place for the moment and only use this place is they decide we can't stay there. Leave this thread as a backup, but for actual use stay where we are until we can't.
Replies: >>3431
Sure, anon just reccommended /shelter/ so I made a thread. Ideally HM gets his act together or anons just move to a different Smug board like /cute/.
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Welp, now /a/, /support/, and /b/ are being spammed. /a/ got cleaned up but no such hope for /support/ and /b/, so those are unusable.
Still much better than having anon talking about crossdressing, don't you find?
Replies: >>3434
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Scratch that, it's still going on /a/ too.
HM is going to need the extra-strength super mighty ultra hyper fantastic delicious double-down for this one.
Replies: >>3434 >>3436
Have been waiting for people to show up here.
Replies: >>3435
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Start by making the place cozy.
This is exactly what HM wanted.
Based. Fuck /a/
I accidentally put salt into my coffee instead of sugar.
Replies: >>3439
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I'll pass, anon. I'm quite salty enough already.
All this bullshit because headnigger can't just say "k guys, I fucked up"
Why does image board administration always attract such absolute retards?
Replies: >>3483
But the cafe was just too darn difficult to moderate.
Now, a new /b/ board and kicking the hornet's nest until dolphin or whoever the fuck start spamming the board? That's much easier.
>>3429 (OP) 
I can't believe the Oppai vs Pettania Cafeni/a/n conflict became real. >>3429 (OP) 
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We should probably go... somewhere else.
Sorry about that, anon.cafe peeps.
This is Tenicu's fault as far as I'm concerned.
Is it over?
The solution is simple and easily manageable. Delete /b/, reestablish café, ban any content that is undesirable without also banning any content that would make café unique and a topic that deserves its own thread. If this is undesirable, then keep /b/, or perhaps delete /b/ and change it to /cafe/ or some other nonsensical name, recruit from the pool of café users and have them establish their own rules. All of this depends on the HM actually giving a fuck about any of us and not just acting whenever he thinks it's appropriate to act. 

Bad actors are sure to sneak in, so some level of attention, at least once a week for about thirty minutes, would be enough to establish the continuation of /b/ for probably a few years. The actions of HM tell me that he has not all passion for /a/ or any of her people, and although I do not like to be pessimistic, this is not a likely solution that will pop up.
Replies: >>3614 >>3615
That's what the choir has been preaching to itself for a while. He doesn't fucking care.
You already know what is going to happen. As someone else said we will get a "this is what happens when you don't have us. You need our moderation (protection). Now shut up and get back into /a/ and follow my rules." from HM or SM then /b/ and the other cafe threads will be deleted.
Replies: >>3616 >>3619
It's true that bullying alone can't deter low quality posters away, and the moderation is needed for a solid foundation of quality to be laid, which can be referred to by everyone although acted on only by the moderators. Bullying is the soft form of control, meidos are the hard form of control, both required for the community to thrive. If anon opinion and anon's will is neglected, the soft power of his control abandoned and mocked, then the community will die, or transform, either way the community that HM wants is not the community that currently exists. I will give it a week or two, anon should decide whether he wants to migrate or not. Migration should be a primary concern. Is café worth fracturing the anons of /a/ for?
Replies: >>3617 >>3618
Shut the fuck up retard.
>Is café worth fracturing the anons of /a/ for?
It's not just about the café itself. It's about the fact that people don't trust HM to moderate /a/ in general.
> we will get a "this is what happens when you don't have us. You need our moderation (protection). Now shut up and get back into /a/ and follow my rules." from HM or SM then /b/ and the other cafe threads will be deleted.
No shit. If they just weren't moderating it would be one thing. But they're directly ignoring any volunteers or requests to do it for them.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they had explicitly invited the spam. We know they invited it implicitly by proclaiming moderation-free zones that nobody except spammers wanted, and by making asses of themselves to show they were just the irrational, overemotional retards that spammers would love to go after, but that's not what I mean. I seriously wonder if they had posted about /b/'s existence in places they know spammers hang around.
Replies: >>3620 >>3646
Replies: >>3621
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I love how their posts read like goblins wrote them.

I think anyone making claims of these grand conspiracies and that the meidon'ts are playing 5D chess in the name of some epic scheme aren't really familiar with the people in question. They're idiots. They don't know what they're doing but they're damn sure it's the right thing and they shouldn't listen to anyone else. HM literally doesn't browse anything except the vtuber thread. SM barely hangs around the board. They're flying by the seats of their pants and they're out of touch with /a/ and imageboard users in general.
Replies: >>3622 >>3623
It's funny that a fucking anime board needs a vast conspiracy when there's a much easier explanation.
Replies: >>3624
The goblins are making the soy face, so it fits.
I notice that anon tends to blame the jews or the CIA whenever anything happens. He may be overestimating his importance.
Whatever you say, Mr. Glowenstein.
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Good morning.
Replies: >>3627
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Anoncafe native here. What's going on that Smugloli people are having a cafe thread in /shelter/? Some kind of moderation spat? I don't mind, I'm just curious as to the reason.
Replies: >>3630
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Since the spam seems to have stopped and can extend here if it wants to anyway, we might as well go back until the main cafe becomes actually unusable. That's on /support/, by the way. Go back to /support/. Or hell, /b/, if you really want to.
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It's a long and retarded story, but I'll try my best.
Chapter 1: Prologue
>8ch implodes
>8/a/ already had a bunker on smug, so a lot of people fall back there
>meta threads happen for a while and are tolerated given the circumstances
>from the general discussion taking place between meta happenings, anons discover they enjoy off-topic discussion with other anons
>BO of /a/ (Head Meido) creates the cafe, a permanent fixture for exactly that kind of discussion
>memes and OC start coming out of the cafe, things are fun, everything is fine for a while
>one known dramanigger/meido is a regular on the cafe
>due to existing mental problems he cracks and has a mild meltdown, the worst of which is dumping IRC logs of the meido cabal on the /support/ board of /a/
>HM assumes it was the cafe that caused this
>there are also occasional reports from endemic shitposters that all anons in the cafe are pinkpilling trannies
>cafe also does pose some genuine concerns for the board's future
>HM by this point only is interested in vtubers and has not kept up with the rest of the board at all
>grows a hateboner for the cafe

Chapter 2:
>one of the few remaining meidos and the only active euro timezone meido grows dissatisfied with the state of the board and the moderation
>said meido also had a hateboner for vtubers which has caused friction in the past
>said meido was also a regular of the cafe, and also defended the cafe's right to exist in the IRC cabal whenever it was questioned
>resigns on unfriendly terms
>this creates a big gap in moderation
>soon enough a spam wave hits /a/ with nobody to react to it in time, leading to anons having to bump threads themselves just to keep them from getting slid off the board
>anons are upset, call for new meidos
>HM is eventually yelled at enough to get off his ass and start a meido drive
>but he also announces a temporary closure of the cafe at the same time

Chapter 3:
>anons don't take the sudden news very well
>pretext is that the cafe is full of pinkpillers and blogposters and is stealing all the activity form the rest of the board
>anons don't take to being insulted like this very well either
>in a shocking display of self-awareness, HM does admit that the lack of activity on /a/ proper might also have something to do with how heavy-handed the meidos have been, and promises laxer enforcement to encourage more extra-cafe activity
>"Something something maybe take the topics you like out of the cafe and into boards. What? No, I don't care if some of those things only work in the cafe, whatever, shut up."
>radio silence for a while, more optimistic anons start a dedicated blogposting thread
>cafe is eventually shut down with a promise to return in two weeks and a "discussion" of how it was going to be handled going forward
>the blogposting thread also gets shut down, against what the optimistic anons were claiming would happen
>anons don't take this well either
>the discussion migrates to /support/

Chapter 4:
>/support/ is now the home of a meta and general discussion thread while the home board is questionable
>a lot of butthurt, a lot of shitposting, but eventually things slowly start to settle down
>some of the other experimental threads started basically out of obligation on /a/ are doing okayish
>PPH and UIDs have dropped by about half, board is a lot slower now
>anons are upset without the cafe, some already lost faith and don't expect it to come back, citing the "bad behavior" demonstrated by everyone who was upset
>but resignation sets in, voices to the tone of "don't even bring cafe back at this point" start gaining predominance
>but then HM brings cafe back
>new rules added that basically make everything that was a staple of the cafe threads illegal
>but all the things that would be legal and go in the cafe can now be their own threads so what's the point?
>regardless, a few curious anons peek in and remark that it's finally back
>they get banned for metaposting
>for something like 3 days, when 24 hours was as long as a typical ban got on /a/
>this happens multiple times
>pretty much anything that would get a report in the cafe thread would eventually be hit with a long ban
>/support/ refugees losing their shit at the sheer incompetence, also gaining numbers from the banned posters
>faith in moderation has been lost, vaguely threatening talks of an exodus start taking place
>the /shelter/ thread is made, among other options
>HM makes a mean-spirited post basically calling all cafe anons outsiders and scum who want no moderation
>says he doesn't give a shit if his nu-cafe fails
>and none-too-subtly tells everyone to fuck off to a /b/ or /animu/
>writing is on the wall

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Chapter 5:
>on /a/, activity is still piss-poor and the experimental threads have started losing steam fast
>on /support/, the cafe has gotten into the usual swing of funposting between taking the piss out of meidos and trying to look for somewhere else to go
>but suddenly, the site host (Smug Meido) shows up out of nowhere and announces the creation of a /b/
>apparently meant as an alternative to the cafe, with nebulous rules and basically no moderation
>this, despite one of the few universal agreed-upon points from the beginning of this cafe discussion was that a cafe board would not work and nobody wants one
>anons are wary, but this was the first gesture of anything resembling goodwill since the start of this so they wander in and shakily establish a cafe
>but soon enough, soy goblins and other undesirables fill the board as well
>some anons question SM's motives or just plain don't like sharing the board with subhumans, and retreat
>some are apparently fine with it and stay
>someone starts spamming /a/, /support/, /b/, /shelter/
>nobody knows what the fuck is going on or where to go
>you are here

>/a/'s moderation is unwittingly destroying the board through some very bad decisions, alienating their users and rousing the interest of destructive shitposters all in the name of shutting down a recurring thread they know nothing about but have an irrational hatred of

Some other /support/ threads that have been jumbled up because of the spam and I can't find anymore.
>>but all the things that would be legal and go in the cafe can now be their own threads so what's the point?
>>regardless, a few curious anons peek in and remark that it's finally back
>>they get banned for metaposting
>>for something like 3 days, when 24 hours was as long as a typical ban got on /a/
It should be noted that the rules were actually stricter in café than on the rest of /a/. The "meta" was the absolute broadest, most tenuous definition of meta. In the same way someone might say "last manga thread was past bump limit, so here's a new one", level of meta. The mere acknowledgement that the thread they were posting in was a thread that existed was bannable. Personally I got banned for counting the number of café threads that had been made, a count which I had been keeping most of the year without issue. Someone else got banned for saying "does anyone have plans for Christmas?" with the reason "/a/ is not your blog", even though there are multiple other threads in /a/'s catalogue right now where that same question was allowed.

>>apparently meant as an alternative to the cafe, with nebulous rules and basically no moderation 
>>this, despite one of the few universal agreed-upon points from the beginning of this cafe discussion was that a cafe board would not work and nobody wants one
Don't forget the fact that even those who, after this debacle started, said a separate board might be necessary to fix this mess, explicitly said that almost all of /a/'s rules should still apply. The "no moderation" was only ever their strawman.

All told, what really makes this whole thing retarded is that the correct solution to keep everyone was to not do anything. The anons who didn't like café could hide the thread, the anons who liked café were happy with the status quo of the past two years, and with the meido drive bringing more manpower they'd avoid a repeat of the spam issue. This entire issue was the moderation building up a problem where there had been none.
Replies: >>3636
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So what are our options?
>[A] continue to stir shit on /support/ until the cafe is completely reinstated 
>[B] take /b/ as the most we can get, and try to continue dialogue to get proper moderation, a more refined ruleset, and a possible renaming
>[C] exodus
I think B is the more reasonable course, but something tells me anon will choose both A and B. Is there an option D I'm overlooking?
Replies: >>3634
[D] is go to /support/ to ask this, [D]ork.
That's quite a little tale, friend. I hope you all manage to get a good outcome. It doesn't sound like splintering off into yet another board is something you want to do, so I won't suggest that you ask the site owner here to recreate /cafe/. Anons of all stripes are already spread thin enough as it is; although you could create a single-thread /britfeel/ style board, your cafe is tied up with /a/ culture so there'd be quite a few anons who'd not want to jump across.
Replies: >>3637
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>It's a long and retarded story, but I'll try my best.
You did a far better job with it than I could have, Anon. Anon >>3632 has covered most of what I wanted to say, but for a few smaller details/thoughts: 
>Chapter 2:
- Running the meido drive at the same time as asking the question about cafe massively increased the risk that the well is poisoned and HM has recruited a bunch of hard-line opinions here. (I think that's effectively been proven by this time.)
>Chapter 3:
- There are effectively zero cafes open for a moment at the end of this chapter, and then one appears on /support/.
>Chapter 4:
- When Anon managed to get comfy in /support/, things were mostly civil for the duration of the closure on /a/. Anon's OC from the /support/ bunker gets airtime on the R/a/dio at the weekend. This is a loss of face for the mods.
>they get banned for metaposting
- The important thing to note was that the 3-day bans were all handed down on the 23rd/24th, very likely by newer mods with a harsh opinion of cafe. Ensuring Anon wouldn't be able to partake in anything Christmas on his home board. 
- This had the utterly predictable effect of pissing petrol onto a bonfire. 
- /b/ was created by SM on the 24th after the 3-day bans and the shit over nu-cafe had hit the fan. Based on HM's incorrect idea of what cafe was, it was viewed in pretty mixed terms ranging from "Well, this is dumb but it's better than nothing. We can try it." to "That's not who we are/what we wanted."
- Some Anons called it out as a D&C trap shortly after. Trust is in short supply.
- Most (all?) bans were supposedly revoked at this point, but the damage from handing them out was already done. 
By the end of this chapter there are now 3 partially functional cafes, a bunker and a roaring nuclear bonfire with petrol on it. Everyone is warm, but nobody is comfy.

> All told, what really makes this whole thing retarded is that the correct solution to keep everyone was to not do anything.
This is the major tragedy of it all to me. HM was dicking around with something he A: didn't understand, B: didn't need to 'fix' at that level, but C: kami-sama be dammed if he was ever going to swallow his pride over it.
Replies: >>3649
>you could create a single-thread /britfeel/ style board
That was my thinking, yes. I definitely don't want a splintering but the choices right now are
>post in nu-cafe where there's a banhammer looming over you in case you try to have fun
>go hang out in the dumpsters
Of those, leaving is the most appealing to me.
Replies: >>3638
Smug is the source of those ban hammers.
They openly brag about being reddit/4chan/discord trannies and ban everyone else.
Replies: >>3639
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Any WR board mods using some super sekrit IRC instead of a public thread like the one /k/ should be viewed as possible heretics.
What good has IRC ever done to a board?
Replies: >>3640
Don't reply.
There are advantages to conducting politics behind closed doors. I'd argue that any level of chaos that can occur from tranny jannies' IRC circlejerk is far less than what can happen when conducted in public. Keeping some degree of secrecy is useful and I'd even say necessary in the modern imageboard environment where you absolutely have enemies whose sole purpose is to harm your board. It basically boils down to absolutism or democracy, and no imageboard is really a democracy even when you're not perpetually facing outside threats. But we all know a dictatorship is only as good as its dictator. Even in an absolutist, ivory-tower system like the meidos on /a/ have, a good leader is one who listens to his people. Doesn't necessarily have to obey them, but he does have to listen and at the very least justify himself to them. Either that, or build enough trust through a long and successful reign that everyone just goes along with the decisions, even if they're unpopular. The decision to allow non-Japanese vtubers to /a/ was an unpopular one, but nobody got out the pitchforks over it. What we have here is the king being told that some of the peasants are trying to sneak contraband through wine barrels, so he decides no more barrels are allowed in the kingdom. And when asked why in God's name that's not allowed anymore and told that it's a catastrophic decision, he calls all barrel-makers scum and throws them in the stocks. No amount of transparency or openness would help out here.
Replies: >>3641 >>3642
And there isn't actually any contraband, I should add.
Replies: >>3650
>"Don't reply."
>"I'd argue that any level of chaos that can occur from tranny jannies' IRC circlejerk is far less than-"

Fuck off discord tranny.
>"we're not furfags guyz we pwomise"

Why the hell is there a furfag board on the webring?
Replies: >>3644
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking kemono.
Replies: >>3645

Leave Furfag

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>If they just weren't moderating it would be one thing. But they're directly ignoring any volunteers or requests to do it for them.
Replies: >>3647
I'm not sure what you're implying.
Replies: >>3651
R/a/dio's on
Replies: >>3652
Pretty good. I would note that SM had gone through during r/a/dio and cleared the banlist. That was either the 24th or 25th.
It's more like there is but the contraband is at the level of party favors for the harvest festival and the next day.
The post in the screencap is either Nep or a random anon impersonating Nep for some reason. The second half of the quote is the implication.
Replies: >>3653
I'll be honest, thank you ratfag but I don't really feel like listening to r/a/dio the last couple days.
>The second half of the quote is the implication.
The only thing he cleaned up was the botspam. He's ignoring everything else that needs to be deleted.
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What an horrendously depressing and sad situation.
I honestly don't know what to say that hasn't been said already. I'll reiterate that I told you so. That staying on /support/ was a horrible idea, that moving to /b/ was a even worse idea. That the only real solution was to get out and make our own place somewhere else since we are plain and simply not welcome there anymore.
As I said on the /support/ cafe "Cafe or not, why in God's fucking name would I, why would you, want to post at and hang out at a place whose owner is calling me a reject, an outside, a "not true anon", etc, through passive-aggressive bitchiness and shameless lies? Someone who's telling you they want you out, that they are glad you will be gone."
And as another anon said...
>Because it's a containment board made in bad faith and they are going to use a lawless environment as a "we told you so" while ignoring how others are requesting at bare minimum Hoihoi enabled if not full-on moderation from within be added (of which I am not part of).
That there's still so many anons clinging to hope, that they still trust the lowlives who caused this needless situation, even if only a smidgen, is perhaps the most depressing part of this all.  How can you still believe that they will still fix up /b/? How are you so dense as to not understand they are leaving it like that on purpose? You are worse than battered wives.
And now we are, more fragmented, disorganized, and demoralized than ever. T
Even if a true cafe™ pops up now, on another board, an entire website of its own, it'll never be the same as it used to be. Too little, too late.
>That there's still so many anons clinging to hope, that they still trust the lowlives who caused this needless situation, even if only a smidgen, is perhaps the most depressing part of this all.
Lots of anons who came before who feel the same way.
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Why didn't you go and make that place of our own then, faggot? I did what I could and asked in /meta/ here and haven't gotten a response yet. Where did you try?
With no other options, which is where we're at right now, the best we can do is not splinter. I do resent the anons who stayed on /b/afe but here you are posting in the cafe shelter after there's no reason to be here right now.
Replies: >>3659 >>3674
>How can you still believe that they will still fix up /b/?
For me it's that the Swiss banker finds it amusing. Ultimately if they are willing to allow the cafe to be autonomous and have moderation, then I would still rather remain on Smug. If they are intent on giving everyone the boot in the way they seem to be, then I would rather maintain a line of contact at least short-term with the anons who are too conditioned to branch out.
Replies: >>3658 >>3659
>And now we are, more fragmented, disorganized, and demoralized than ever. T Even if a true cafe™ pops up now, on another board, an entire website of its own, it'll never be the same as it used to be. Too little, too late.
That's exactly why people are reluctant to look elsewhere. Any option has problems, and going elsewhere will always lose people in the process. Smug does have a better chance of keeping people than going elsewhere. 
For many people this site is a non-starter because of the loli ban. All smug/b/ would need is to get a few bona fide vols to mod it, and then have Nepfag and Tenicu ignore it; that's not going to happen, but at least it's less of a hurdle than considering normal content to be extremely illegal.
Trust me, if I had the knowledge, means and measures I would have already created a brand new imageboard for us. But I cannot host it as I currently have.
>after there's no reason to be here right now.
My reasons are explained on my very post. 
In my opinion, staying on Smug in any shape, way or form is a mistake. And the longer people stayed there the worse things have gotten.
>Ultimately if they are willing to allow the cafe to be autonomous and have moderation
And guess what they are not willing to allow? What they refuse to allow despite days of people begging them to let them?
Replies: >>3660 >>3661
>And guess what they are not willing to allow? What they refuse to allow despite days of people begging them to let them?
It's around the Holidays. The cafe was "gone" for two weeks without issues, if they can figure it out and at least show an effort to bring on mods (even if just reject mods from the /a/ drive, I don't care right now), I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they have decided to come to terms with the cafe even if they don't like the cafe. Getting smug anons off of Smug without a clear alternative is an effort in futility. protoculture.moe is one of many such clear alternatives, but none of those alternatives seem to hold much fruit right now.
Replies: >>3662 >>3664
You're being just as unreasonable as the donkeys who got us into this situation. Frankly, I don't want to stoop to that level. I trust HM now about as far as I can throw him but I will leave the door open for him to fix this and let bygones be bygones. If not, so be it. And if we're kicked out of smug, so be it. But to sever all ties at this point is the mutually-assured destruction option that I'd rather save for a last resort rather than a first.
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>I'm still willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they have decided to come to terms with the cafe even if they don't like the cafe.
Replies: >>3663 >>3665
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Because I would still rather exhaust every attempt at dialogue before forcefully separating a family and Smug is a family that expands much farther than just /a/ and cafe.
I'm watching and waiting for this site to become active. A few days ago someone said it will take time to get this one organized.
Replies: >>3667
Calm down, ma'am.
That site is just Niggers Astroturfing for their initial invasion of the webring.
Replies: >>3668
>its just astroturfing for an invasion
Explain please.
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Thanks for your feedback but this is a discussion among cafe-anons. Kindly fuck off.
Fuck off back to reddit faggot
Oh my anon, how easily you stick out. But I agree with what has already been said, Fuck off.
>I do resent the anons who stayed on /b/afe
Yesterday there were anons who still had a little hope but they all seem to be either here or on /support/ now, other than a couple stragglers who'll wise up before long.
Replies: >>3676
I'm trying to continue using /b/ to a limited extent to say that yes I am putting my feet in the sand and standing with my cock in the wind. I'm using /support/ and /shelter/ to say that Meidos are being niggers about this as always and if they aren't going to 'fess up they should either delete /b/ out of good faith or allow m/a/nifest destiny and let anons have their own mods and rules if they aren't just being massive fucking faggots.
Replies: >>3680 >>3723
If even the Jannies here won't do that then the answer is never
> if they aren't going to 'fess up they should either delete /b/ out of good faith or allow m/a/nifest destiny and let anons have their own mods and rules if they aren't just being massive fucking faggots.
Assuming you're the anon I was talking with on smug/b/ (my apologies if you aren't) I think that they're just being massive faggots. As I've said, I'll post wherever you guys end up and will probably be forced to abandon smug/a/ at some point, but I appreciate the fact that you're at least trying not to completely cut ties with our home. It is what it is. Head Meido doesn't care at all and is basically forcing the café thread out while laughing at them, fully believing that what he's doing is right and in the best interests of /a/. Just keep in mind the following: "If things go so pear-shaped that none of the above is effective, don't forget that /a/ is a community, not a website. Continue looking for places where anons seem to be congregating, and try to work out via discussion what the best place to set up permanently is. Don't give up on finding each other, and trust that other anons are also working to the same goal."
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If it makes a difference one way or another you are welcome to host a thread on /l/ if the worst comes to pass.
Replies: >>3682
>no lewd loli
The site owner clarified on /meta/ that 2D lewd loli is OK, but 3DCG loli isn't. >>>/meta/15370
Replies: >>3683 >>3684
Well fuck that changes everything.
Absolutely no one likes 3DCG lolishit.
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Replies: >>3687
Fuck off torpnigger.
>they should either delete /b/ out of good faith or allow m/a/nifest destiny and let anons have their own mods and rules
Both are happening, see https://smuglo.li/support/res/10069.html#10126
Replies: >>3724
Nigger those retards are still shitting up everything and have infiltrated the maidus.
>>3429 (OP) 
well with faggotcord trannies spamming their shit all over the webring and jannies doing nothing about it, one can only come to the conclusion that the webring is compromised. Boards like /kind/ and openly bragging about the other far more restrictive platforms they shill here and spread the faggot koolaid of, completely negating the whole point of the webring in the first place.

No one ever asked to be monitoring things 24/7 but its fucking ridiculous that there are actual months that go by where staff does not show up and are completely oblivious because they don't read reports. 5 minutes to clear the shit out is not the monolithic task these retards make it out to be.
Replies: >>3730
The fuck are you talking about, schizo?
Replies: >>3753

Kill yourself nigger
it seems smug is under heavy spam by bots
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