/shelter/ - Community Shelter

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I was going to leave well enough alone with a simple meta post in the designated meta thread, but he's not even allowing that so if he wants to do this than let's do this. Here's a temporary shelter thread. Keep inter-imageboard dramafaggotry out of it and don't bring up the lolcow. Discuss /christian/ things here. Have a nice day.
Keep meta to the /meta/ thread: >>>/meta/15995
Replies: >>4439 >>4461
>>4438 (OP) 
in case the meta thread is deleted (global mods are gay) posting for posterity

chobitsu, the vol that was just fired was nororious for being a christ-chanhead. christianjanny was seething when he said the lolcow should be banned and fired him. ever since the lolcow thing happened he's been steaming, deleting posts left right and center, and he got rid of half my effortposts in an other thread just out of spite. it's worth discussing the fact that that guy encouraged users of the board to post cp, yet is given free reign to namefag it up after there is a gigantic thread here complaining about him
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Temporary and likely incomplete archive. If you spot a missing image, post it and I'll add it.

Additionally I was messing around with algorithmic AIs and these were some of the better results for turning images transparent.
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https://8chan.moe/christian/ is the bunker.
I think it's better without mods, the moment we started getting applications for mods i knew this would happen. Even though we need mods to clean up spam and bait, it's better without them, spam and bait is temporary but a bad mod or BO is harder to get rid of.
Replies: >>4446 >>4449
mods arent the problem, its just lazy/insecure mods who wont do their job or get bent up out of shape of criticism/insults who are the problem. In other words, /christian/ suffers from a non-christian mods problem.
Mods aren't the problem. /k/ has the most attention-whorish BO of the entire webring yet he's able to run the board perfectly fine without major controversy or incident. It's mods who think they should direct discussion without the deeper nuance of Common Law or Classical Liberal application of free speech and its limitations (and to a lesser extent imageboard culture) that are the problem. Mostly because they won't stay on social media and feel a need to infect social spheres outside of their own.

A /christian/ mod can delete threads promoting non-Christian religions or pornographic material without being a puritan who thinks he has to direct the culture according to his own personal interpretation of the bible.
Polite sage for metaposting.
Replies: >>4452
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I don't know why I'm bothering when he's just going to delete it anyways, but it'z better to have fought for anon's sake and lost than to have never fought at all.
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While I am Christian, I'm starting to believe the only long-term solution to the /christian/ mod abuse question that periodically pops up from one rendition to another would be to make a /faith/ or /theology/ board that allows all theological discussion period, from Buddhists to Muslims to Zoroastrians to Gnostics and everything inbetween. Barring atheists (lack of faith is not faith) and potentially locking Satanists to one thread for the sake of keeping edgelords out, of course. I don't want to be seen as making a reactionary board since the cafe site ownership doesn't like those, so I'm just going to mull on the topic for a few weeks and maybe come back to it after the new year, but what are anon's thoughts? A board like that would allow the discussion of Christianity in the greater sphere while having the backdrop of other religions to prevent any one mod from trying to use their own "super special" determination of morality or scripture to stifle speech and pursue a personal cult. Rulesets could look something like:
>0) Moderation reserves the right to ban troublemakers
>1) Don't shit up a different faith's thread; Arguing in good faith is fine
>2) Don't do anything illegal
>3) Atheists get the boot
>4) Users must have at least three (3) posts on the board before making a thread for a specific denomination
>5) NSFW must be relevant to discussion and spoilered; porn and gore are generally in bad taste and should be avoided (using European definition of NSFW as aroused genitals or overtly graphic imagery)
Replies: >>4452 >>4478 >>5608
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>>3) Atheists get the boot
Can already see that you're just interested in a shitty safe space, yet somehow are against actually having one.
Wouldn't post on your board
t. gnostic
Just have separate "dead" boards for the main overarching purposes since they have wildly different moderation requirements:
>Organized Christianity board for the rando anons asking 'which church should I go to' etc. Mendicant sola scripture fags expected to be civil. This your inevitable tranny safespace.
>Autism beam /theology/ board. If you cum to an international shitposting board and get baited that's on you. 
Mods are the problem, he's doing the absolute minimum he possibly can and that's what's working.
Replies: >>4453
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>You aren't allowed to discuss organizing proactively REEEEEEE
I mean atheists can have a thread if anons really want it, it's just my experience that atheists tend to get the biggest microphone and act holier-than-thou to anyone and everyone so it would be easier to just tell them they aren't welcome. The same way /liberty/ boards explain to NatSocs that HHH is not a National Socialist and they aren't welcome on a board that believes in Classical Liberal values.

>Can already see that you're just interested in a shitty safe space, yet somehow are against actually having one.
We're discussing this now fairly civilly as far as imageboards are concerned, are we not? As any true proponent of free speech can point out (free speech in the classical liberal sense is not absolute speech since speech has responsibility; not to be confused with equityfags who want to limit speech), one guy with a megaphone drowning out the crowd is not free speech. People have a right to tell others why their ideas are shit, but should expect to get kicked out of a bar if they go in and tell everyone they're alcoholics without even presenting an argument.
Replies: >>4454
t. wew
Bump for another dead Christian board, it was nice while it lasted.
Replies: >>4456
>Bumping a thread at the top of the page
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At this point it seems like /christian/ is a lost cause. Not solely because of moderation but also because of lack of quality in threads. The majority of threads that have been posted over the past few months have either been repetitive or one off posts that spur no real conversation.

Ive been using this board for a while now and i remember when i first found it. It was full of high quality threads discussing interesting and important theological questions. Most of those threads are now gone and the majority of discussion has left. The only ones left who still seem to be discussing with long quality posts are people arguing over interdenominational issues and calling those posts "quality" would have to be an insult unto the word since half of them devolve into mindless name calling and meme faggotry.

in other words, whether we have good mods or not /christian/ will die without a revamp of quality posts and discussion. So the only real way to keep the place alive is to jumpstart it with new discussion.
Replies: >>4459 >>4460 >>4478
The quality isn't there cos it was forced off the board by mods. Sure, fixing that won't instantly bring back the >serious discussion, but you can't jumpstart a shorted circuit retard. Why would anyone make a serious post on a board* where it's just going to be deleted while the guy you're talking to is in the middle of writing his reply?
*this includes /meta/, apparently
Replies: >>4462
Why would I bother with quality when the ownership has made it clear they don't want me there? Quality comes from stable and (relatively) clear rules that aren't in question and don't target people. Or so has been my experience moderating other boards in the past.
Replies: >>4462
>>4438 (OP) 
Just ask the people at https://8chan.moe/christian/ to give you the board and move over the threads worth archiving.
Replies: >>4464
So you would rather complain then? Because so far this is the only viable solution to our problems aside from turning tail and running away which won't solve anything.
Replies: >>4463
>Yeeees yeeeeeesssss you have no choice but to come crawling back!!!
Neck yourself, Christjanny. I'll take /christian/ off of webring infrastructure entirely before I'll use a board you're running.
Replies: >>4466
Don't take this the wrong way, but I've been making the religious arguments on meta, proposing a new board, and doing everything in my power to not use 8moe. While I personally don't have any major problems with it, I also understand that board is radioactive to other users. I've only been back for about two weeks when all this shit went down, so I'm not entirely sure I even want to commit to trying to solve the underlying problems since it's going to be taking on a headache that I don't particularly want long-term. I remember what has happened the last few times I've tried to get a board going strong while pulling out of moderation after I thought the gears were turning fine and it's not a project I'm willing to commit more than about six months to in the role of moderation.
Someone made https://christ-chan.xyz/ What do you think?
Replies: >>4467
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>Doesn't want to build up only wants to tear down and complain
How typical
Replies: >>4467 >>4469
Better than endchan, but the amount of spam on conception is questionable.

Tell you what, give the board to me and in three months I can show you what a /christian/ board should really look like.
Replies: >>4468
Christ-chan.xyz is having mod applications.
Replies: >>4469
Eat my ass. You would have me bed cult leaders in "compromise" to fulfill your whims of not having a dead board here on cafe. I would rather burn it all to the ground before kneeling to a power-tripping nigger that permabanned me for saying the board's heritage should be respected. I'm going to the freech offshoot /christian/ until it's shown to be a bad faith effort and I encourage you to do the same to increase quality there if you actually give a shit.

Well I will treat it as a good faith effort for the time being and post here, and I even put in a mod application, but I'm not moderating /b/ and I'm not investing much into it if I don't see improvements in quality.
Replies: >>4470
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Typical image board behavior, are you even Christian or do you just like the name?
Replies: >>4471
Christ teaches us to flip tables and get out the bull whip when money changers infect the temple, yes.
Replies: >>4472
except you arent doing that.
youre turning tail and running away then calling it heroic. 

Not to mention you literally the have the ability to make /christian/ better without leaving/doing whatever you plan. Jesus turning over the money changers tables was the most peaceful resolution He had. 

So far Christjanny has primarily deleted threads/posts criticizing him so as long as you dont go there with the intention of starting a shit flinging contest (i know that must be very hard) then theres no reason youd have to deal with his bullshit moderation. Case in point the newly created anti-porn thread. Its improved the quality of the board and is still up.

Quit making excuses to wallow in your own spite and pride, theres a chance to revive /christian/, take it.
Replies: >>4473 >>4474 >>4475
I am under no obligation to prop up your board while you are running it. Stop talking in the third person as if you aren't him (or an IRL friend of his) while acting as if you can do no wrong; no random user would go to these lengths to defend that sort of behavior. You dug your grave, now sleep in it. You have lost me as a user and should I judge that christ-chan.xyz is not a scam or ephemeral entity my efforts will be directed there in the future and I will be a fisher of men there. As I said in the post you banned me for, you dropped the ball in such a way that you are not trustworthy any more and can not restore that trust in a meaningful manner without an immediate reversal of decision and admittance of wrongdoing as the bare minimum towards a path of repentance. 

Regardless of whether you are him/an IRL friend of his or not, you are welcome to come to christ-chan.xyz as an EQUAL and BROTHER as ANONYMOUS, and I will accept you with open arms, but I am under no obligation to support your reign of terror on this website where you arbitrarily decide what is and is not Christian, regardless of my general approval of the site owner outside of his allowing you to be BO of /christian/.
>I'm not him
My points still stand and this decision to ban Christ-chan has clearly been done for personal reasons, whatever those may be.
This is about an image board. The entire point of ditching 4chan, and then 8chan, was that the culture, admin, moderators no longer matched that of the general anon. /christian/ here on anon.cafe has no right to my posts. And have made it very clear I am not welcome there because I might post a drawing of an anime girl who expresses my current thoughts, mood in a single image, thinking I worship her. So my options are:
>bugger off completely
>wait for current moderation to change their ways
>wait for current moderation to leave and be replaced
>help kickstart christ-chan.xyz
I agree that someone needs to swallow their pride, and reflect. I am choosing the path that might help grow a community.
Replies: >>4479
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Running away would be demoralization, not trial by combat.
>You have the ability to make things better
You have the ability to make christ-chan.xyz better. Why cling to a man who claims himself your king-priest?
>Just don't criticize the German catholics for allowing gay clergy
>Just don't criticize the trannies for raping your kids
>Stop criticizing the state
>then theres no reason youd have to deal with his bullshit moderation.
Who cast the first stone? Why am I required to submit to violence?
>Case in point the newly created anti-porn thread
Let's make one on christ-chan.xyz
I am rejoicing in Christ through christ-chan.xyz
That kind of board sounds really good! I like the idea of having a board for discussing different religious and theology. The rules sound pretty solid as well! HOWEVER, I think this will divide the community to 2 boards, which is bad. But as >>4457 said: "At this point it seems like /christian/ is a lost cause.". I think a new board may be necessary at some point.
whatever, just dont come back after me and the rest of anons fix the place. We dont want complainers
Replies: >>4480
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>Implying it was broken
That's the problem with you sorts.
Replies: >>4487
https://christ-chan.xyz/ has moderation now and a 32mb limit on webms/mp4.
Replies: >>4486
Why are people still posting on anon.cafe/christian/ ?
Replies: >>4483 >>4488
Well they can't post anywhere else since your honeypot uses the proxybanlist and has no onyo
congrats in the first day you've proven yourself to be a worse mod than ACH somehow
that's genuinely impressive
Replies: >>4484 >>4485
I can post on christ-chan.net with my VPN without problem.
I've posted to christ-chan via American VPNs, Swedish VPNs, Serbian VPNs, Slovakian VPNs, and South African VPNs.
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>mine has 3x that
heh casuals
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There's also:
>don't come back
>we don't want complainers
So I will listen to them when they tell me what type of character they have, and refuse to even reflect. I won't go back. Not worth my time.
nostalgia and i like the style of the site
Replies: >>4489
I hardly have any self discipline, but that is some weak self discipline, enjoy bad moderators deleting your posts, i guess the mods haven't offended you enough with their power tripping.
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Replies: >>4492
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I just got banned from tvch.moe for posting this webm the reason they gave for the ban was "/r/jesus spam".
The reason you guys have this problem in the first place is because your religion isn't giving you new things to do with it. Look what's active: anime discussion with new animes with new styles and stories to discuss. War discussion with new tactics and battles constantly appearing. 

Christianity didn't have this kind of problem in the day of Christ because everything was evolving and everyone clearly understood the mission and their part in it. When people aren't getting new ways to find success, they make their own entertainment by fighting over bullshit. Even your censorship problem isn't even fighting over the newist Christianity developments to develop more miricals. It's over what the god thinks is the best way of worship (something neither of you expect him to clear up.)

Here's what you need to do to get your board back on track:
Change up the lore so you have something to discuss, make sure you're united by actually making progress toward heaven
   Example: set a date for end of the world, and visibly have god show everyone's status after death so people stay on their toes.

Change up the practice to build feelings of progression, make sure everyone has something to work on
   Example: find ways to enhance your bodies to "cut off the arm that caused sin" a chip that deletes lust feelings unless triggered by the church to get you to reproduce, another that causes you to be unable to lie or steal. You can have badass underwater baptisms where you have to swim through an underwater tunnel to get back to the surface but there are such great temptations no one who still feels lust/greed could stop himself from straying and drowning. 

Do projects ON THE BOARD
   Example: invent new, more powerful prayers that get rid of more sins, watch live streams of the pope doing sacrefices, make threads to test out and implement the above.

Good luck! "Insanity is the process of doing the same thing and expecting different results"-Albert Einstein
anon.cafe/christian/ is heavily censored. christ-chan.net is dead, tvch.moe is now banning mentions of Jesus, where do Christians go?
Replies: >>4520
>where do Christians go?
I thought they went to heaven, isn't that the whole point?
Replies: >>4508
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Replies: >>4522 >>4523 >>4993
Replies: >>4523
Thank you but i was already going there.
It's better than Christianjanny's kingdom.
Does anyone know the url to an image board called "sleepy"?
Replies: >>4532
Since it's at least tangentially better than blacked.gov and all the glownigger kikery therein, sure thing fren.

>Protip: there's this thing called the 'webring'. See that pulsing, glowy word up in the corner? Yeah.
Replies: >>4533 >>4550
i guess i should have figured out that "zzz" was sleepychan but i was too busy looking for a "sleepy-chan" on the webring. Thank you.
>all the glownigger kikery therein

Sleepychan also hosts /digi/ the actual board that will ban you for using the word "fed" while they spam loli and act like they are not the same faggots from smug's /kohi/ board.
Replies: >>4552 >>4563 >>5270
This is a fed.
This is the guy who spams "how do I be a fed like you guys" and then responds to his own posts with "8chan isn't sending their best, get the fuck out" and stuff. He embarrassed himself and mods proved he was responding to his own posts.
Imma be frank mate, this board kinda sucks
zzz is more rulecucked than blacked or 8chan back in the day.
If you are zzz, then kys. You are a faggot.
Replies: >>5389
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Hey, as long as the Christians are fucking adults, I couldn't give a shit.

>cuck black kys faggot
imagine thinking anons arent just laughing at you constantly when you post this teenager word salad
Get out AntichristHater.
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In case he deletes my post:
What's going on with the mods?
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