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a new site has launched, I hope to see you there!

this board will be pruned after a few weeks of inactivity, save anything you'd like to keep
Last edited by webmaster
there are a lot of board owners running around now! to keep things simple, you may refer to me as webmaster
this board may be used by anyone who knows about it as a shelter, in the unlikely event that they need one. pruning will be delayed by post activity
adm can the adress be saved and be reactivated in the future in case heolkek has the same problem as 3c
the board can stay as long as there is some activity. if there is no activity it will be eventually pruned. however, the board can be remade at any time after that with the same address by anyone with an account, not just me

if the community needs it, it can definitely happen again. I think heolcafe is in good hands and the site will be pretty stable as far as imageboards go, though!
>the board can be remade at any time after that with the same address 
thats what i though. i think we need extra precaution after what happened with c3 and remade this shelter if needed in the future. i'm gonna suggest this to hkc board owner
this place is gonna be haunted in a week
moids ruin everything
i feel sad
i feel a bit better when i imagine the sort of moid who spends hours of his free time doing this just to spite like 6 women on a niche kpop ib because it's complete misery, although it's still shitty we can't just have our own little space in peace. at least we're only a few days in and didn't lose a ton of content of board owner can't recover those threads
much love to the nona on hkc who suggested this place, it had completely skipped my mind
pretend I posted the gay chunk here :(
board owner nim please
f-faggot! u wanna fuk that bungyhole!
it's not for forever, they all join the moid suicide rate eventually anyway
is hkc down?
thank you to everyone who reported the spam, it helped a lot!
hkc has been masked, I think you all know where to go by now.
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