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let it all out (now more than ever)
i’ve been frazzled
still constipated :(
me too we will get through this together ..
I want a vacation but if I leave work everything will fall to shit and it will all be my fault
three consecutive tough shifts so i want to rope also i still feel homeless even though it's nice here
I want to hope this place continues to exist in case we need it again but I also don't want to need it again

also praying for you get some easy shifts soon nona
a nona said something that made it seem like she was disappointed in me, and even though i didnt do anything wrong it still made me sad
nona is it your company? are you the owner? no? then go get a vacation. you should never, ever care about a company more than yourself. why? because the company does not care about you at all
*hugs you* this nona is not disappointed in you (unless you are a furfag)
> if I leave work everything will fall to shit and it will all be my fault
also if one person taking a few weeks of vacation actually makes everything fall appart it is not the fault of that person. it's the fault of the management not having enough people or enough skilled people
i have no idea what to write for my group project and it’s due on thursday. i have to write two parts of it and and my group members also haven’t done anything at all so i’m a little worried. im also being really dumb by procrastinating a bunch. pls pray that i stop being stupid and lazy
the schizo fearmongering is getting annoying as fuck
i feel embarrassed for being a newfag i dont know what’s happening half of the time T-T
thank you sis i needed to hear this even though we are anon, its just been a bad week
what's keeping me sane is that I'll be able to escape in a month, I've even given them a heads up and they've done nothing about it
oh and you guys are keeping me sane too
embrace it and enjoy the feeling of everything being new! tbh if you are up to date with EVERYTHING that goes on then its a sign you desperately need a job and a hobby kek
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i know how it is. next week will be better for you i hope. have a cute ham i saved
ive been in your situation and i feel so much better now that i dont give a fuck and realise any issue in the workplace is the fault of management. they are retarded for
>not having enough staff
>not having enough competent staff
>not taking a hint 
fuck em
aa i feel better :3 thank U
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:3 <3
qt shrimp
I’ve never been on dst I feel left out
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imo best time to be new friends ^3^ just join in and post your husbando or literally anything
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