/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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/cuckquean/ lives, again!

This is the successor board to anon.cafe's /cuckquean/. /cuckquean/ is a board all about the fetish of cuckqueaning - an arrangement where a woman enjoys her partner having sex with other women. In real life it is open, consensual and encouraged by the woman - distinguishing it from cheating - but may be secret and/or non-consensual in fantasy. It can be done for joy (compersion) or with a flavour of humiliation; both types are considered cuckqueaning. It was once also known as "female cuckold" or "reverse cuckold", until the cuckquean term entered general use.

All combinations of compersive, humiliation/degradation, and other cuckqueaning are relevant on /cuckquean/, as are related topics such as harems or polygyny. Porn (2D & 3DCG), discussion, information, questions, stories and so forth are all very welcome!

The rules of /cuckquean/ are:
>/cuckquean/ is not for male homosexual content. Do not post male homosexual content on /cuckquean/.
>/cuckquean/ is not for male cuckoldry content. Do not post male cuckoldry content on /cuckquean/.
>/cuckquean/ is not for extreme fetish material including scat, beastiality, grievous torture, snuff, etc. Do not post such content on /cuckquean/.
>Any guro must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post.

All global rules apply. As of our migration to Junkuchan, this includes a board-wide ban on any and all real life pornography. Junkuchan's admin has assured me that 3DCG and 3D-Animated Content will still be fine to post and will not violate Global Rule 3a, provided that it's not anything that could get us in trouble legally or kicked off a host (e.g. realistic computer-generated pedophilia). You can review the global rules here: https://junkuchan.org/rules.html

/cuckquean/'s bunker is at https://endchan.net/cuckquean/ - please record this address and fall back to it if Junkuchan.org becomes inaccessible for a long period of time.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
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Can we have a thread about general not necessarily sexual or directly cuckquean related girl issues? Since fullchan, end full/fem/ died I've kinda missed casually talking about our lives. 

Pic not necessarily related.
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me eternally on the right
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rate my meme
Replies: >>7997
Pretty gr8, I r8 8/8. No h8.
Maybe the girl on left wouldn't be that miserable if she was given a comfy seat like the other one.
Replies: >>7998
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Or a pair of comfy horns.

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Just because they don't really exist doesn't mean they shouldn't be cucked.
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Ending is indeed shit
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Poor Mine. I normally only go in for compersive stuff but I happened across this so I figured I'd post.
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Games about, with, during cuckqueaning - this thread's for 'em all! Cuckqueaning-related discussion about games? Also here!

Other dedicated threads:
  - The Last Sovereign, a very queany RPGmaker game, at >>905
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They're like "Dude, I'm literally right here.."
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Wait, aren't fumos pretty short? So are they getting literally skullfucked or do the guys to whom the hands belong all have smol pp?
Replies: >>7989
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It might depend on how she is built. I found this that says she is 40cm, so even if half her height is just her head, 20cm is a good length for an onahole. So she is only getting ribfucked at best.

Also this pic finally made me understand the origin of the meme. Look at these slutty embroidered eyes and tell me you wouldn't end up single if you let her have 5 minutes alone with your man.
Replies: >>7990
>Sitting there with legs spread.
>Teasing men with an exposed leg.
What a sex demon.
Replies: >>7992
A semen demon, even.

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A thread for cuckquean fan art (of cartoons, comics, video games, whatever). I'll dump what I have saved from 8chan. Feel free to contribute.
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Replies: >>7938
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The full thing:
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Marvel Rivals
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Post any non-pornographic movies, tv shows, commercials, books, comics, etc. involving cuckqueaning. 

I'll start with this Pewdiepie video which I found interesting. It's about ads for a mobile game, Lily's Garden. They feature the main character having her fiance cheat on her with her own mother. In a later ad she falls for a hot new guy, and then in yet another ad the new guy is making out with her friend. The actual game may have nothing to do with this, it just looks like a puzzle game. Interesting that cuckqueaning is popular enough that it's being used as clickbait though. I've noticed similar ads for other mobile games in the past too.
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It's always a good idea to post a screenshot too, in case it gets deleted.
Replies: >>7978
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It's a video, which normally I'd rip and post but at the time I was on mobile. Here it is. Halle Berry kissing Adrien Brody in front of his wife at the Oscar's.
Replies: >>7979
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>Adrien Brody entered Oscars infamy in 2003, when he pulled Halle Berry into an impromptu kiss onstage.
>On the Oscars red carpet on Sunday, Halle Berry had her revenge.
>In jest, of course. Berry, an Oscar winner for “Monster’s Ball,” stole a smooch from Brody before the ceremony began. The pair then hugged and laughed along with Brody’s date, Georgina Chapman.
>Brody first planted one on Berry while accepting the Oscar for best actor as a Holocaust survivor in “The Piano.” Berry, who won best actress the year in 2002, seemed taken aback as he held and dipped her into a kiss.
>But Berry doesn’t appear hold the incident against him.
>“I had to get some payback,” she captioned a video of their latest liplock, along with a winking emoji.
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Rune Factory 4
Replies: >>7986
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RF 4 is the best rune factory you cant change my mind I'm too busy trying to get Kiel to smash Forte.

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*hits pipe
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me on the right
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Covered the kids face to not be a creep, but I had to post this..
>his children are genetically more mine than yours
Madame I think it's the other way round...
Replies: >>7981
She says "his children" not "your children". Maybe he will only have children with other women.
Replies: >>7982
>he's only going to have children with women other than his wife
This sounds like a bad plan.

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We had a good thread about this on the old board, so let's start a new one here. Obviously there are a lot of harem anime, but it's usually of the 'competing for one guy' type rather than the 'sharing one guy type'. I've been watching this isekai, 'The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?'. In the 5th episode, the protagonist gets engaged to a girl and his 2 female party members start plotting to become his concubines. I just watched the 6th episode, and already the fiancée has said she is fine with the girls being his concubines and he's agreed to it! And they're all living in the same house together.
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Good girl.
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Getting the tenth girlfriend is so easy. I can't believe there are so many people who can't do that.
Replies: >>7959
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>tfw too much 'tism to capture vixens for him
>tfw he doesn't want more than two girlfriends because he thinks that would take away too much of our 1-on-1 time.
>tfw both cucked and cucked out of being morecucked
Replies: >>7972
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>Oh hello cute girls.
>You know this smell right? Yes it's his.
>You can masturbate with this.
>I just want information haha.
>Btw, make sure to scrub your pussies well for maximum pleasure. It's just a suggestion. I want good business relationships haha.
>because he thinks that would take away too much of our 1-on-1 time.
Would he say that about having a pet? What about children? Vixens are just family.
>tfw both cucked and cucked out of being morecucked
It must be hard to tell whether you are happy about it or not.

Let's talk tits! Breast envy is best envy. What is your preference for your man to fuck in an ideal world? Bigger than you or smaller? Completely flat chested?
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PoV: Your home is about to get wrecked.
Replies: >>7956 >>7962
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she can't keep getting away with it
Replies: >>7960
What are you doing to stop her?
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I see what you did there.
Replies: >>7966
It wasn't on purpose.

How much physical contact do you like to have with the vixen while they fuck? Direct sexual contact like touching her pussy, ass, or tits directly? Close but indirect sexual contact like spreading her? Close but nonsexual contact like hugging, having her rest on you like a bed, holding her arms/legs? Close to the action but no contact like being under them or behind them? A little way away like on a chair or couch? Distant but within eye/earshot? In a different place altogether?

Do you prefer a different level before or after they fuck?
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You shouldn't listen to >>7934 because there's absolutely, definitely no such thing.
I don´t touch the vixen because it´s my mother
Replies: >>7940 >>7941
Touching your mom would be pretty gay.
Replies: >>7941
It really depends. Is masturbation gay? Obviously it's not since you're just touching yourself. But then you remember that you are 50% your mom, so it's 50% less gay than touching other vixens.

How often does your man wins arguments by accurately saying "i fucked your mom"?
Replies: >>7942
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>saying "i fucked your mom"

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