/cuckquean/ - Women sharing their men.

"Please sleep with my boyfriend!"

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Hello again, Anon. Were you perhaps a little worried that you wouldn't have a new home to call your own? Were you relieved when you found your old friends from the cafe, sitting right here, all waiting for you? I know I was.

Welcome to /cuckquean/ Junku edition. I'll be updating the board sticky and scrubbing away 3DPD shortly after making this post. If you find any old content that violates the new 3DPD rule, feel free to report it.

This is also the general meta thread, any discussion regarding the board itself can be done here.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
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And if you are willing, please take the time to thank the old Board Owner and the anon.cafe administration for doing it for free caretaking for this board in the past, as well as Junku webmin for migrating and hosting this board.

We're a small board about a niche fetish nestled away in an obscure corner of the clearnet, and it'll likely stay that way. But thanks for finding and spending some time with us all the same.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>6429
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We're partial to a bit of honkage ourselves. Thank you for the welcome.
Replies: >>6420
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HUGE... how can anyone compete with Barghest?
Replies: >>6421
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Simple - they don't.
Phew, glad someone stepped up. Thank you for stepping up, JunkuJeff and new BO, and thank you for not being a power-grabbing spic like Aux who took the opportunity to add needless rules to the board. And thanks to their counterparts back on anon.cafe for the good times we had.

Now all that remains is for me to grab all the 3d lewds off anon.cafe before they are made ILLEGAL for being PIG DISGUSTING. Just another reminder that I deserve to be CUCKED for having PORES and a NOSE and not being LITERALLY FLAT.
Replies: >>6425 >>6426 >>6442
don't thank jeff, he'll get big-headed. he's just the resident shitposter.
Replies: >>6432
Must be why there’s significantly less pedophilia on the new board. Good riddance. Kill all pedos.
Replies: >>6427 >>6429
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...what? There wasn't any pedophilia on cafe/cuckquean/.
Replies: >>6430
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>She does it for free.
>She mods her comfy cartoon fetish board while her BF fucks other women. 
Thanks for getting us moved over new BO-chan. I like being on a smaller altchan, always felt like we were the redheaded stepchild that kept bumping unwanted porn on the overboard at the cafe.

I'm confused. What old board with pedophilia are you talking about? Are you talking about cafe/cuckquean/, one of Aux's boards, or something that was already here on junku? We've had some 2D loli on the cafe board and that's about it as far as I remember.
Replies: >>6430 >>6442
Feels like they're making a weird joke that the 3DPD ban prevents CP spam from happening as often.
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To be fair, leaving her was uncalled for. He's supposed to stay with her so he can cuck her with the young girl!

I repent of my errors. Instead of thanking Jeff, I will look at him with disgust and slap him with my panties. Nyeh! Take that!

So who is the Jarl of Junku, then?
Replies: >>6433
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That would be the Webmin, I think.
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Hey, quick note on the 3DPD. I'm having a bit of trouble with jschan mod tools when it comes to deleting files without deleting posts/threads (the option's there, but it says I need global permissions).

It's the nature of imageboards to lose content to time and be pruned, but I'll see if I can coordinate something with webmin to not butcher the text content of old threads. I might have to do some thread merging and repost some of the old content.

>and thank you for not being a power-grabbing spic like Aux who took the opportunity to add needless rules to the board.
I think I'll likely add "/cuckquean/ is first and foremost a place for cuckqueans. There is a male containment board at >>2371" provided that no one minds.

>Now all that remains is for me to grab all the 3d lewds off anon.cafe before they are made ILLEGAL
You're welcome to repost them on the endchan bunker if you like, Anon.

>tfw no smug vixen to sit on BF's lap while I janny my Indonesian Banjo Enthusiast Board.
Why do I even pay taxes...?

Not gonna lie, I've been away from big boards so long that I've forgotten what the standard is on how to handle shitposts. Do I just delete these?
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>6443 >>6454 >>6457
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For the 3DPD, do you see an option to unlink files instead of deleting them outright? The offending media should get pruned if no posts link to it and that should preserve the posts/threads themselves.

Delete them or move them to a containment thread if you want to keep them. jeffposting can stay in the jeffthread on /origin/.
Replies: >>6444
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>For the 3DPD, do you see an option to unlink files instead of deleting them outright?
I think I see it now! Just kinda forgot to read there for a second. I might still have to sage&repost some old images where 2D and 3D were mixed together, but that shouldn't take nearly as long as the idea I had in mind. 

Think I'll delete them.

If anyone would like to rabble-rabble or harumph their harumphs in the meta thread about my lack of janny experience, feel free. I'm still new at this.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
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Good morning, I hate women.

Back when the first jeffthread was active, I used to save all posts on /origin/ and the now defunct /robo/ (god rest its soul) so I could keep everything safely archived on my site on the event of junku going down. Today, with the newjeffthread up, I was gonna start archiving everything again and do the same to our new friends at /cuckquean/ because they are clearly at the mercy of other webmasters to keep their community alive. But then I come here only to find all my posts got deleted because, what, they don't meet your quality standards?
I was the first user (admin notwithstanding) to welcome you here and yet into the trash I go because I suppose the way I write is too ugly so it must be a shitpost, right? And it's not like anyone else was even complaining about them. Hell, the other user here was even humouring me.
Nevertheless rulecuckers are going to rulecuck. Story as old as forums themselves. I hope you succumb to bitrot.

It's honestly insane to think that fujoshis were so much more welcoming of me than you, and I was the newcomer stepping into their space, not the other way around. And yes, I was writing the exact same way in there; they found it endearing.

>I'm still new at this.
Indeed, it really shows. I can clearly see the "when in doubt, rulecuck" mentality that is so prevalent among new moderators these days. I miss the times when the standard policy was to leave it be until someone expresses displeasure.
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You're doing fine BO, don't worry about it.

Cock or GTFO
You are not a celebrity, you are an anon. Stop being so melodramatic. You got a couple of shitposts deleted, not banned or anything else. Why whine?
Rules are rules and are important to niche communities like this because they're what holds them together and stops them from becoming another /b/ or /d/. Remember shitposts got their name for a reason.
Plus, tbh I'm not sure saying that Fujoshi found your writing style endearing to be the best endorsement fren.

Ganbare BOnee-san. Good trips.
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Good fences make good neighbors.
>Why do I even pay taxes...?
Exactly. Don't pay taxes. Save up money to afford a big house with room for cowives and their children and a master bedroom with a beyond king size bed. Cuckqueans Going Their Own Way.

>You're welcome to repost them on the endchan bunker if you like, Anon.
Huh, yeah, thanks for the idea. Alright, done. My understanding of Junkuchan rules is that I can't link the thread directly but it should not be difficult to find.

Are you in charge of that bunker now, or is it still our old cuckqueanadmin? Maybe you are both staff on each board?

>I think I'll likely add "/cuckquean/ is first and foremost a place for cuckqueans. There is a male containment board at >>2371" provided that no one minds.
I guess it says "first and foremost" but I at least think vixens should get equal billing. I'd like to hear from that role more!

I do think the "no boys on /cuckquean/, cock or GTFO" practice is good in general but hesitate to elevate it to an actual rule; it is conceivable that a male might have something valid to say qua male outside the containment thread if he is actually in a cuckquean relationship. As opposed to the annoying recurring "how do I get into this kind of relationship" posters, which should be contained and their other threads locked - it is the male advice containment thread after all.

I'm generally in favor of a light touch in terms of rules and strictures so as not to strangle a niche community, with rules added as they prove prudent. Seen too many forums (I'm old) and later Discords that start with a hundred predefined boards and threads and too many rules and just lie fallow while potential posters perceive the place procrustean, perspicaciously or not. That said...

If we were really rulecucking we'd have hit you with the Cock Or GTFO the moment you introduced yourself as Jeff. I regret not doing so.

>>6444 (triple-checked)
I didn't see the shitposts, so I can't say whether you should have deleted them! While there's something to be said for a generally light touch on the deletion button, the Webmin having Views on the matter suggests it was probably a good call.
Replies: >>6457 >>6464 >>6993
It's the male advice thread, so perhaps simply pointing men who want advice to that thread is enough? I doubt that the kind of guys who barge in demanding to know our secret cuckquean handshake are likely to be deterred by guidelines they probably won't read in the first place.

We've had relevant input from men who're actively involved in cuckqueaning before. For example, I would consider it fine for such a man to post in the chastity thread about, say, how he and his quean do keyholding. For those who despite practical experience still develop im a guy btw syndrome or otherwise become obnoxious, COCK OR GTFO remains ever to hand.

>I'm generally in favor of a light touch in terms of rules and strictures so as not to strangle a niche community
Likewise. Premature codification chokes cultivation. The few rules we do have are not our laws so much as they are our walls, so let them be few, wise, and strong. I tried to find a relevant image but instead discovered the building_sex tag and had a good laff thereby.

Also, I see an option to global report, but no plain old report.
Replies: >>6464 >>6993
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I was going to bump the banner thread with the suggestion that we make some new ones to celebrate our new home, but then I noticed that we don't appear to have banners at all. Does this site not use them or are they just switched off for now?
Replies: >>6464
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If it is not too much a bother, please have another (you).

I hold no particular negative feelings towards you, anon, and I hope you continue to enjoy /origin/ as you had before we arrived. Please have a nice day.

>My understanding of Junkuchan rules is that I can't link the thread directly but it should not be difficult to find.

I, for one, have no deep understanding of these rules that you speak of, and am going to link it right now! https://endchan.net/cuckquean/res/224.html

Webmin can go ahead and bonk me on the head if I'm not supposed to do this.

>Are you in charge of that bunker now, or is it still our old cuckqueanadmin? Maybe you are both staff on each board?
Former BO-san's transferred over the Endchan bunker and presumably our alternate fallback at blacked dot gov, but I haven't checked that one yet. I offered them underjanny over here but they wanted to hang up their hat, which is perfectly understandable. The reason the OP and first reply have different hash aliases was just a board creation hiccup.

>I do think the "no boys on /cuckquean/, cock or GTFO" practice is good in general but hesitate to elevate it to an actual rule; it is conceivable that a male might have something valid to say qua male outside the containment thread if he is actually in a cuckquean relationship. As opposed to the annoying recurring "how do I get into this kind of relationship" posters, which should be contained and their other threads locked - it is the male advice containment thread after all.

>Likewise. Premature codification chokes cultivation. The few rules we do have are not our laws so much as they are our walls, so let them be few, wise, and strong.
Understood! I'll drop it then. We also had some very insightful OPs from maleanons on the fullchan board before the 2018 rule changes lumped everything together into a containment thread (which old BO-san may have had to do because of a different set of circumstances). I personally have no issues with non-queans of any kind making new threads if they are respectful/insightful. Unless it somehow becomes unmanageable.

I had a fairly similar conversation with Webmin that touched on this subject before we moved here. An alternative that they brought up was merging the 'as a male...' posts into the containment thread, but it might be a little disrespectful to lump them together with the men that have been considerate enough to make the well thought-out posts that are there. I'll just leave them where they are for the most part, if that's okay.

>Also, I see an option to global report, but no plain old report.
Local report...might not exist? I've seen it before on Trashchan's version of jschan, but you're right, I don't see it here. It might have something to do with Junkuchan's front-end.

>I was going to bump the banner thread with the suggestion that we make some new ones to celebrate our new home, but then I noticed that we don't appear to have banners at all. Does this site not use them or are they just switched off for now?
I've uploaded all of the ones that don't break Global Rule 3a. Either I haven't checked a box somewhere or it's Junkuchan. I'll go bother Webmin about it.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>6467 >>6482 >>6485
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>>My understanding of Junkuchan rules is that I can't link the thread directly but it should not be difficult to find.
I would like to encourage links to other, similar communities if it's topical. Linking to 3DPD hosted elsewhere is okay too, just be polite and tag it if you can (not a rule, just my preference). I doubt this will be an issue unless /cuckquean/ manages to piss off some litigious content creator enough to make them sling out takedown requests.

>>Also, I see an option to global report, but no plain old report.
Reports were disabled since we only really needed global reports. I've enabled the regular old reports.

Hide Banners was checked under the general settings, I went ahead and unchecked it.

Please feel free to nag me if anything else is wrong or needs tweaking. I'll probably make the sassy pink text more consistent and readable next.
Replies: >>6481
>I'll probably make the sassy pink text more consistent and readable next.
why? what's wrong with the pink text?
Replies: >>6475
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It's rendered inconsistently on different browsers/OSs.
Replies: >>6476
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>she has custom fonts enabled
Replies: >>6482
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>Hide Banners was checked under the general settings, I went ahead and unchecked it.

Thank you as per the usual.
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> I offered them underjanny over here but they wanted to hang up their hat, which is perfectly understandable.
Understandable, but a little worrying. The board is rarely that active to the point it should seem a burden, so I wonder if she's got the depression or some health issue eating her. I suppose it's not our business. Hopefully she is enjoying participating as a normal regular of the board.
>The reason the OP and first reply have different hash aliases was just a board creation hiccup.
I'm not sure these hash aliases are visible to us non-jannies?

What's wrong with custom fonts?
Replies: >>6491
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>I hold no particular negative feelings towards you, anon
do you still feel that way?
i wont hold it against you if you decide to create a containment thread for schizoposts after this. sometimes i go too hard
Replies: >>6491
wtf is this, where did we just move to?
Replies: >>6491
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Jeff calm the fuck down, perverts don't give a fuck about opsec.
Replies: >>6508
>Massive wall of text.

Anon as an autistic schizo myself, I can appreciate your half-legible rambling, but you should really just keep to /origin/. Board Owner is clearly just trying to do their best to not step on anyone's toes.
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All/Most of the offending 3DPD from our imported threads should be wiped. I'll give it all another look, but we should be compliant with Global Rule 3 now. Future 3DPD Cuckquean Porn can be posted on our Endchan bunker linked in the sticky.

I could speculate as to a number of reasons why she would want to do this, and I would be lying if I said I weren't interested myself. Perhaps it was for wonderful reasons, such as a new addition to the family, or new adventures in places that don't have consistent internet access? I can only guess, but I hope she's happy.

Also, I can go ahead and hand the board back to her at any time if she'd like (and anon janny myself if she doesn't want to check the board regularly). But I don't want to guilt her into anything, she's done plenty enough for us already and doesn't need to feel bad about it.

>I'm not sure these hash aliases are visible to us non-jannies?
Sorry, I think I accidentally used an actual computer term here. I meant the words it says to the right of the red hashes (the OP says 'Board Staff' while everything I've posted in the meta thread afterwards has the term 'Board Owner'). The two different role names might give people the false impression that we're both involved, but it's just me.

Those certainly are a lot of words you have posted, anon. You are free to post them in >>>/origin/ as you like, and it is not my place to tell you what to post offboard in your own personal thread. But /cuckquean/ is a board about women sharing their men. A schizo thread would not be relevant to the designated topic of the board. And neither is consistent noise that calls attention to yourself as a special type of anon.

We are the newcomers here, and I do not wish to stir shit up or antagonize any anons that were on this site before us. I also do not wish for this small board to get flooded with maleposts or silly things that are not related to women sharing their men. Well, maybe just some silly things.

That said, I do hope you continue to enjoy your time in /origin/ as you had before we came here. I don't hate the idea of us peacefully coexisting on different boards, and you might just see us visit from time to time.

(Have screencaps this time around in case anyone wants to review me--still new to this and still figuring out the subjective discretion on deletion, here)

An imageboard that contains other sorts of sorts, it seems. I'll get better at handling this type of thing as time goes on.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>6502
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Thanks for all your hard work in setting up our new home BO! Its very relieving to have a new home, and Im sure we'll all make it nice and cozy in the days to come.
What's the point of moving a porn board to a host that doesn't allow porn? Separating threads between two sites is not a solution, you should have moved it elsewhere.
Replies: >>6504 >>6505
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"elsewhere" isn't a solution either, dear anon; it is quite underspecified. If our board is to exist, it must have somewhere specific to exist, not just some nebulous airy abstract elsewhere. "not this" is not an answer so much as it is a shallow criticism masquerading as one.

Some scant few options presented themselves, and this seemed the best. If you knew a better one, why didn't you tell us last month? If you don't have any better solutions, there was no point in complaining, since we were already well aware of the issue you raised. 

And as you seem to be blind, let me point out there is porn in the post directly above yours. The only restrictions are on directly hosting 3d specifically, which I will miss but which we can get along without.
I honestly like it. It's a turnoff for me to see a real penis that I'm not married to.

And more than anything I'm just glad we have a board period. I was fully expecting /cuckquean/ to die when everyone was trying to avoid the responsibility of BOing. Myself included.
Replies: >>6508
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>everyone was trying to avoid the responsibility of BOing
It's true. Heavy is the chest that wears the boing-boing.

On the contrary, perverts have more reason than the average person to care about opsec - just one reason I hate the ubiquity of Discord - but I'm not convinced that deleted rant was accurate information, and this isn't really the place anyway.
Replies: >>6516
I had thought that /cuckquean/ was mostly comprised of smaller-chested girls.
Replies: >>6519
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>Youthful and pure smaller-chested girls actually being on /cuckquean/
>I thought we were all big dum-dum udder-havers that were being cucked by superior flatchests.
I have been lied to this entire time. Why didn't anyone tell me?
Replies: >>6520 >>6525
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<you've got fat chest and your man wants a modest handful
<you're a driven breadwinner and your man is "saving" a stinky NEET with his dick while he messages you at work
<you're of average height and your short man is climbing Mt Vixen for the thrill of it
<you're flesh and blood and your man wants to fuck feelings into a silicone and steel robot
Rejoice, cuckquean, there's enough suffering for all.
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There are a couple more in >>790 that are spoilered.
Replies: >>6528
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Taken care of! Thanks for spotting it.
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Hi /cuckquean/, it's been almost five months since our move from Anon Cafe to Junkuchan. Has it been fun for you? It's been fun for me.

I've mentioned this before--but it's been my experience on /cuckquean/ that I often feel stupid compared to the other anons here. When I had a knee-jerky reaction to reinstitute our 2018 quarantine of all maleanons to the containment thread, a couple replies at >>6454 and >>6457 articulately highlighted the dangers of rule creep and of strangling the conversation before it begins. Which was a complete blindspot of mine and something that I am happy was pointed out.

There have been a few posts since then which have contained fetishes that have historically been looked down on when posted on /cuckquean/. And in spite of the unpopular response they have elicited and my own personal biases against such content, I have refrained from deleting/modifying these posts out of fear of a similar sort of knee-jerky over-moderating of our small board. I shall now be changing my attitude on this in regards to the following:

>MMF and Futanari
All Guro posted on /cuckquean/ must be spoilered and accompanied by a warning in its post. 

Furthermore, if said guro is not relevant to cuckqueaning, then please consider not posting it at all.

/cuckquean/ is not for extreme fetish material, including bestiality. Do not post bestiality on /cuckquean/.

WMAF, WMBF, Fantasy Races, Local Catgirls and your favorite Eldritch Cats are all perfectly fine -- as well as any and all traditionally-accepted forms of interracial on /cuckquean/ that fall in between or around those categories.

Please note that there is no perfect or all-encompassing wording I can use for this; and if I were to say something such as 'C-on-X is bad, but X-on-C is perfectly fine', it could potentially raise a thousand questions about D-on-X, C-on-Q, 'no one cared about M-on-S and it was one of our most popular threads', 'surely there's nothing wrong about L-on-O--that's just artistic styling'. I would rather leave the minutes of this ban under the realm of 'lurk moar'. If you are unsure if a potential post you want to make may violate this rule, please consider spoilering and tagging.

>Autistic Fetish Board
>>For Free

I will be retroactively removing a few files associated with the above, but will tag and leave up the offsite links. Any content that was posted before our migration to Junkuchan will be exempt from this. No bans have been handed out as of the moment.

As always, if there are any complaints or concerns, please reply to this post and let me know. Thank you.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>6995 >>6997 >>7003
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Glad you're having fun, BO-sama.
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>and your favorite Eldritch Cats are all perfectly fine
Good. You don't wanna know what happened to the last place that banned Neko-Arc.
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>Do not post bestiality on /cuckquean/.
BO-tan confirmed to be FemGaston, trying to save us all from becoming furries.
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'Cuckquean' is such a special word, is it not? I remember when I first discovered it myself, after many nights of typing funny word combinations into the search engine. Imagine the shock when a funny word got spat back out at me. Imagine the shock when I tumbled down a blogpost with a link in it, and ended up on a Fullchan board that was all about funny word.

It is a very good feeling when you stumble across a post on a tech forum from the long long ago, detailing your exact same problem that no one else seems to have an answer for. And when you feel like you're the only one stupid enough to think that way, only to discover that a stranger somewhere has had those exact same thoughts that can't be said aloud--well, that is a very, very special feeling indeed.

And so, even though the passage of time is such a sad and wonderful thing, I am happy to say that /cuckquean/ is ten years old as of today! Unless there was some sort of old tech witchery that altered the mm/dd/yyyy in my Fullchan picrels, in which case I'm being exceedingly silly right now. Over the past ten years, /cuckquean/ has been hosted on 8chan, anon.cafe, and most recently on Junkuchan. There have been 21133 posts on our 8ch board and 7405 posts on our Cafe+Junku boards, leading to a grand total of 28538 posts between the three iterations--not a lot by imageboard standards. But quite a bit more than the 10 or 20 that Predecessor-Sama expected when she raised us from the Forofohr Ocean.

I have enjoyed every moment I've spent with my fellow online fetish enthusiasts. I hope you've enjoyed a bit of it too, Most Wondrous of Anons.

To all oldfags and newfriends alike, to all anons who have once stayed by our fire and left for adventures far away, and to any travelers anew who might see these etchings on the wall of this faraway corner--and be just brave enough to write something of their own--

Thank you for whispering your secrets with us. I hope you'll stay for a while longer.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>7414
Happy belated birthday, /cuckquean/! Truly it's a magical place. Here's to ten more years!
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A few deletions have been doled out today. >>7524 and >>7525 were deleted for reason of muhdicking 'NOT CUCKQUEANING'.

A duplicate thread on robot cuckqueaning was also deleted at >>7526. While enthusiasm on the subject is appreciated, please use the catalog and check if a thread on the subject already exists before making a new OP. This is a slow-moving board, so there is no issue with bumping old posts.

If anyone would like to see the screencaps of the deleted posts for review, please let me know.
Last edited by cuckqueanbo2
Replies: >>7535
>If anyone would like to see the screencaps of the deleted posts for review, please let me know.
I would!
Replies: >>7536
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Here you go!

7524 and 7525 were deleted for the usual reason. I didn't think anything of substance had been posted in the thread at >>7526, so I opted to remove the eyesore instead of locking and redirecting to the existing thread at >>1871.

If there are any questions or concerns, please let me know.
A few more deletions have taken place. This is all imperfect guesswork from me, so let me know if there are any concerns about over-moderation.
Replies: >>7569
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If they were the posts I think they were then that was the right call. Thank you for dealing with the muck.
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Thank you for dealing with that plague of a thread so quickly, BO-sama.
Replies: >>7888 >>7890
Agreed. Thank you BO-sama.
Replies: >>7890
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Was hoping none of you saw that, but it seems I was being naïve as usual.

Thank you all for being so very wonderful.
Replies: >>7891
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even i had to see that shit on the overboard
still far from the worst i have seen being spammed on imageboards
but i didn't think that sort of thing would find it's way in a quiet town like this
let's hope they don't come back
I missed it, dare I ask what it was?
Replies: >>7895
There was a bestiality thread that I believe they're talking about. Unless there was something even worse that I missed.
Replies: >>7896
Well thank God I missed that, then. Ew.
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